Need help with these two question I will give you Brainly if you answer both with a reasonable answer

1. How were the Nazis' beliefs about race and their quest for "living space" related?

2. How do the individual stories in this reading help you understand the consequences of the
Nazi policies in Poland that were based on these beliefs?


Answer 1

Hope this helps because i'm still in 5th grade but pretending like i'm in college.

1. Students will be able to explain the relationship between the Nazis’ beliefs about race and their quest for “living space,” and how these ideas played a central role in Germany’s aggression toward other nations, groups, and individuals in the first years of World War II.

After analyzing two firsthand accounts, students will be able to explain how the "race and space" ideology provided justification and motivation for many Germans to participate in the Nazi plans for expansion and conquest, just as it led to dire consequences for those of so-called inferior races who lived in the newly conquered lands.

2. Only a few months after the invasion of Poland, Germany was working quickly to claim its new “living space” by removing those people the Nazis considered to be of inferior races from the Warthegau, the territory of western Poland that had been annexed to the German Reich. The Nazis then sent in settlers who they believed were German enough to take possession of the land, homes, and businesses.

Please give me brainly. I hope this helps again.

Related Questions

The Albany Movement MOST LIKELY would never have started if...
A. the Ku Klux Klan had not burned down a church in Albany, Georgia.
B. the Ku Klux Klan had not attacked a bus traveling to Albany, Georgia.
C. the police had not arrested civil rights activists at a sit-in in Albany, Georgia.
D. the police had not been filmed beating civil rights protesters in Albany, Georgia.


C hope that helps have a god one

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When the indigenous people of the southern continent observed the first trains in Africa the lines of rolling stock passing on the distant horizons recalled the profile and sinuous movement of a creature, they called "Shongololo"

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it caused multiple nations, cultures, and civilizations to collapse.


Indentured servants

usually emigrated as married couples.

all acquired land and achieved economic independence at the end of their
terms of service.

c) made up only a small minority of seventeenth-century English emigrants.

d) were famously diligent, with stellar work ethics.

could be bought and sold, were subject to physical punishment, and often
died before they finished their terms of service.



could be bought and sold, were subject to physical punishment, and often

died before they finished their terms of service.

Explanation: Hope this helps you have an amazing day.

Indentured servitude is a form of labor in which a person is contracted to work without salary for a specific number of years. The contract, called an "indenture", may be entered voluntarily for eventual compensation or debt repayment, or it may be imposed as a judicial punishment.

Indentured servants e)could be bought and sold, were subject to physical punishment, and often died before they finished their terms of service.

What was bad about indentured servants?

Indentured servants could not marry without the permission of their master, were sometimes subject to physical punishment and did not receive legal favor from the courts. Female indentured servants in particular might be raped and/or sexually abused by their masters.

Which is better slaves or indentured servants?

Other masters treated their slaves more humanely than their servants because slaves were regarded as a lifetime investment, whereas servants would be gone in a few years. Indentured servants did have some rights, though, at least in theory. For example, they had access to the courts and were entitled to own land

To learn more about Indentured servants, refer


What level of school did American kids complete in the


They completed the grade level of 10th grade

Compliance is a decision making strategy in which a person
1. delay making a decision
2. let someone else make the decision
3. pick the option with the lowest level of risk
4. consider every possible option



Pick the option with the lowest level of risk.



the action or fact of complying with a wish or command.

"they must secure each other's cooperation or compliance"

I would pick choice 3 because of the definition of compliance. Hope you get it right!


pick the option with the lowest level of risk


What was unique about the type of warfare carried out during the Battle of Coral Sea?



What was unique about the type of warfare carried out during the Battle of Coral Sea? The fight was between aircraft carriers. ... How did the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor change the public's opinion about the war? The attack convinced Americans that force was necessary to stop Japan's aggression.

Explain how the Russian civil was of 1918-21 may have affected the Cold 3 points
War that followed WWII.


Answer: The Russian Revolution paved the way for the rise of communism as an influential political belief system around the world. It set the stage for the rise of the Soviet Union as a world power that would go head-to-head with the United States during the Cold War


Why did Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. consider the Albany Movement a failure?
A. He was tricked into believing officials had agreed to his demands.
B. He was unable to draw enough attention to the movement.
C. It did not empower the city's African American voters.
D. It did not result in the desegregation of the city.


Do not open that link it takes all your information have a good one

Which of the following describes a difference between OPEC and the WTO?


While the Cold war years followed most Western European countries erased barriers and increased trade with the US as the main partner. The American products were highly demanded and soon the need for foreign aid in the reconstruction of devastated countries occurred.


NAFTA covers only north america, while the WTO is a global organization.


i just took the test.....also to the other guy.....dont answer the question if u dont know the answer

Which of these is not a principle in which John Marshall established?

A. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land

B. The Constitution must be followed if there is conflict

C. The Legislative branch can declare laws unconstitutional

D. all of the above


The constitution must be followed and f there is conflict .
I think

Which letter labels the Tyrrhenian Sea?​





Hope this helps!!!

the answer is D! have a great rest of your day!

100% D

When did Georgia become a state



In 1946, Georgia became the first state to allow 18-year-olds to vote, and remained the only one to do so before passage of the 26th Amendment in 1971.



Georgia became a state one January 2, 1788


hope this helps

Please help with this.



The answer is B.


Daoists aren't explicitely expected to pray, so not A. The whole point of Daoism is balance, so not C. Daoists see government as "unnatural", so not D.

Answer is B I took thst test

In order to protect Fort Union, Canby ordered his men to ____________________ a. destroy everything if necessary, including other forts. b. protect and care for the sick and wounded. c. leave New Mexico and return to Confederate homes. d. strip “all public property of value” and leave people without food, valuables, and troops. Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D



c. leave New Mexico and return to Confederate homes

Please mark me as the brainliest not the link file exploiter scammer, don't report, Report as soon as u give me brainliest






The Battle of Gettysburg was a significant turning point in the war, because it‑

F. led to an immediate surrender by General Lee at Vicksburg

G. opened an invasion route to Philadelphia and New York City

H. inflicted a major setback to General Lee's plan to win the war which caused the South to never invade
the North again

J. cut off supplies for Union troops west of the Mississippi River



In a must-win clash, Union forces halted the northern invasion of Robert E. Lee's Confederate Army. ... The Union's eventual victory in the Battle of Gettysburg would give the North a major morale boost and put a definitive end to Confederate General Robert E. Lee's bold plan to invade the North

Which of the three religions was founded most recently






ur answer should be judaism

Based on the map, what are the approximate coordinates of Wellington? A) 41° S, 174° E B) 41° N, 174° E Eliminate C) 174° S, 41° E D) 174° N, 41° E


Answer:  A) 41° S, 174° E


How did advanced weaponry help Europe during new imperialism?

It became Europe’s most valuable trade export.
It gave imperialists even more power over non-Europeans.
It enabled Europeans to protect themselves from invaders.
It convinced colonies of Europe’s cultural superiority.



B)  It gave imperialists even more power over non-Europeans.


Europe gained dominance over the whole world with its advancement in industrialization in general and advancement in weaponry in particular.

What is Imperialism?

Imperialism can be defined as the strategy of gaining control over another country, either through direct occupation (militarily) or through political or economic means to exploit the occupied countries' resources for the benefit of the imperial power or powers.

Europe resorted to imperialist policies from the 18th century up to the 20th century. In this period, European colonizers occupied many parts of the world.

Out of many reasons that helped Europeans against those who opposed them was their military superiority. Their opponents often used medieval technology and techniques, while Europeans used modern weapons and strategies.

Hence, Option (B) is correct

Learn more about Imperialism here:


IDENTIFY Which basic characteristic of free
enterprise ensures that consumers can choose from
a variety of products at acceptable prices?


Answer: voluntary exchange encourages competition, which allows for a variety of goods at reasonable prices.


How did the passage of the Lend-Lease Act of 1941 change U.S. foreign policy as established under the Neutrality Act of 1935?



it is c i took the test and it is right



The answer is C) It committed the United States to a more interventionist foreign policy


I guessed from the answer on here and got it right

What does Gandhi think is necessary before independence can be achieved



Gandhi's purpose was to fight for the freedom of India from Great Britain using non-violence. He also wanted to advance the idea of satyagraha, or passive resistance, to help oppressed people


Why did many Americans find themselves in trouble after the Great
Depression started?
O A. They had gone into debt thinking they could easily repay it.
O B. They wanted to move to the country and take up farming.
O C. They spent their money instead of starting savings accounts.
O D. They were not able to benefit from higher stock prices.




Explanation: i think lol

please help me :)))(





Thousands of Indians were taken from their homes and put onto a journey to an unknown territory. This law triggered the mass genocide of Indians in the United States.

How did the decline of the Ottoman Empire become one of the reasons of the imperialism in Egypt?



Siding with Germany in World War I may have been the most significant reason for the Ottoman Empire's demise. Before the war, the Ottoman Empire had signed a secret treaty with Germany, which turned out to be a very bad choice. ... Instead, he argues, World War I triggered the empire's disintegration.

Who was the first president
A.Bark Obama
B.George Washington
C.Leni leovado​



B is your answer


In the Middle East who hoped to glean secrets of governing, medicine and also astronomy because they saw it as useful to maintaining power.



During the Middle Ages, many rulers and scholars in the Middle East hoped to glean secrets of governing, medicine, and astronomy because they saw them as useful for maintaining power and advancing their knowledge.

One prominent example is the Islamic Golden Age, which occurred from the 8th to the 14th centuries. During this period, Islamic scholars made significant advancements in various fields, including governance, medicine, and astronomy. The rulers and scholars of this era recognized the practical benefits of these disciplines for the stability and prosperity of their societies.

In the field of governance, scholars such as Al-Farabi and Ibn Khaldun explored political philosophy, administration, and the principles of good governance. Their works influenced rulers and leaders, providing insights into effective governance, political structures, and strategies for maintaining power.

In medicine, Muslim physicians and scholars like Ibn Sina (Avicenna) and Ibn Rushd (Averroes) made significant contributions to medical knowledge. Their writings on topics such as anatomy, pharmacology, and medical ethics were highly valued by rulers and practitioners. The study of medicine was seen as essential for the well-being of society and maintaining the health of the ruling elite.

Astronomy was another field of great interest and practical significance. Islamic astronomers such as Al-Battani and Al-Farghani made important astronomical observations and advancements. Their studies in astronomy helped in determining accurate calendars, navigation, and understanding celestial phenomena. Rulers relied on this knowledge for accurate timekeeping, navigation during travel and trade, and the prediction of astronomical events, which further solidified their power.

Overall, during the Middle Ages in the Middle East, rulers and scholars recognized the importance of governance, medicine, and astronomy for maintaining power and societal progress. They actively sought to acquire knowledge in these fields to enhance their ruling abilities and ensure the stability and advancement of their civilizations.

Rulers and leaders in the Middle East sought knowledge in governing, medicine, and astronomy to maintain power.

The Middle East and the pursuit of knowledge

In the Middle East, various rulers and leaders aimed to gain knowledge in areas such as governing, medicine, and astronomy to maintain their power. They believed that acquiring knowledge in these fields would assist them in effectively ruling their territories and understanding celestial events.

For example, Islamic scholars during the Golden Age of Islam in the Middle East made significant contributions to astronomy, mathematics, and medicine. Their pursuit of these knowledge areas was driven by a desire to advance society, but it also had practical applications in governance and the maintenance of power.

Learn more about the topic of knowledge acquisition in the Middle East here:


How do you think the Little Rock nine felt attending central high school?


On September 4, 1957, the first day of classes at Central High, Governor Orval Faubus called in the Arkansas National Guard to block the black students' entry into the high school. ... Eisenhower sent in federal troops to escort the Little Rock Nine into the school. It drew national attention to the civil rights movement.

1. What is the central idea of the text?
O A Women were often kept out of social and political movements by
the men leading them.
OB Women have made important contributions to a variety of social
and political movements.
OC Women have largely contributed to the social and political
movements that directly impact them.
D Women have made many important contributions to the United
States, but they have largely been kept quiet.



Men thought that women shouldnt be participating in things like that mainly


What indicated that the United States had been secretly involved in Vietnam before its official involvement?


Pentagon Papers indicated that the United States had been secretly involved in Vietnam before its official involvement.

hope this helps!


the Pentagon Papers


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