One characteristic of living things is that they all


Answer 1
One characteristic of living things is that they all need oxygen.

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What are 3 three benefits of peer review ?


the 1st second and last one

is climate change man-made or natural


it’s natural LOL , it can’t be man - made . It depends where you live it though .
It’s natural it’s hardly man made but I guess it can.but really just natural

Why must an experiment have a control group?



The control group provides a baseline in the experiment. The variable that is being studied in the experiment is not changed or is limited to zero in the control group.

Which two factors affect the strength of gravitational force? Distance and mass Distance and speed Speed and velocity Mass and weight



mass and distance the force of gravity


The mass of the the distance, the weight and force of gravity


Which of the following would not be facilitated diffusion? A. A chloride ion (Cl-) unlocks a protein channel, and passes through. B. A water molecule passes through a semi-permeable membrane. C. An amino acid exits the cell through an integral protein. D. A large glucose molecule enters the cell through a pore protein.


Answer: It should be D.


Facilitated- requires energy- large molecules require energy to go cross the phospholipid bilayer.


the answer is not D it is B



Why can water pass through the semipermeable membrane, but not salt or sugar?

There’s no answers it’s just space to write but I don’t know what to write can someone please help?





because water doesn't need to flow through salt and water because it will mix with water


due to large size of salt and sugar


Some molecules, such as hydrocarbons and oxygen can cross the membrane. Many large molecules (such as glucose and other sugars) cannot. First, imagine a semipermeable membrane, one that will allow water to pass through but keeps in dissolved molecules

While performing a venipuncture, the blood collector notices bright red blood spurting into the tube. The blood collector should:


Answer: The options are not given.

Here are the options.

collector should:

A) immediately withdraw the needle.

B) immediately remove the tourniquet.

C) lower the patient's head.

D) apply pressure for 5 minutes after withdrawing the needle

The correct answer is Option D.

The blood collector should apply pressure for 5 minutes after withdrawing the needle


Venipuncture is a process in medicine where needle is use to draw blood from veins for laboratory tests.

While performing a venipuncture, the blood collector notices bright red blood spurting into the tube, The blood collector should apply pressure for 5 minutes after withdrawing the needle so as to avoid complications in the patients , to ease pains and discomforts and it is done so that the veins will be positioned properly in its own position.

Question 1 (1 point)
What is the benefit of using the metric system and Si Units?
A. to measure accurately on equipment
B. there is no need to use the same system of measurements around the world convey information accurately so scientists can refer to the same quantity no
matter the location or language
D. so that all measurement systems can be used together



The correct answer is - option c. .to convey information accurately so scientists can refer to the same quantity no  matter the location or language.


S. I. system is stands for the international system of unit of measurement, it is standardized internationally which is used in most of the nations around the globe so use of SI system be same between different scientists and stream of science.

It is helpful in communicating scientific data accurately so scientists and researchers can refer same quantity no matter region or location and language.

Thus, the correct answer is - option C.

PLEASE HELP ME IF YOU CAN!! 9. Do you think it is possible for a biome to change due to human activities? Explain
a situation in which this might happen.


Yes the biome can change due to human activities for example If we look at any of the forest biomes, humans alter these biomes by deforestation, accidentally introducing invasive species, hunting animals, polluting rivers, spraying pesticides, allowing livestock to graze in forests, and so forth

Compare and contrast two of the plazas principales listed above. Consider their location, size, how old they are, the buildings around them, and the events that take place there.


Hello. You have not shown the plazas to be compared, which makes it impossible to answer that question.

However, I can help you by giving you general guidelines on how to make this comparison.

First of all, you should look at the region around the plazas and assess whether the region has luxurious buildings and high purchasing power, or if it has simple and modest houses, common in middle and lower class communities. This analysis says a lot about the public that frequents these plazas, their location and the events that take place there.

If the plaza is located in a region of more luxurious, unusual buildings and close to tourist spots, it is worth mentioning that this is a plaza frequented by people from higher social classes and that frequents more elitist and restricted events. In addition, these plazas tend to be larger than the others.

If the region, however, has more common and less luxurious buildings, it means that this plaza is in a more accessible place, its audience is middle class people and presents more accessible events, but of general interest to the population and less elitist. In addition, these plazas are usually smaller.

what is meant by the statement, "living things do not exist in isolation"?



They cannot reproduce. People study biology only if they are planning to become biologists.


During photosynthesis, ___________ energy is converted into ____________ energy.

solar; usable chemical

light; kinetic

usable chemical; potential



solar ;usable chemical


The correct answer is "A" solar; usable chemical


got it on Usatestprep :)

solid water is less dense than liquid waterdiscuss one way this property is important for living organisms:



When water freezes, water molecules form a crystalline structure maintained by hydrogen bonding. Solid water, or ice, is less dense than liquid water. Ice is less dense than water because the orientation of hydrogen bonds causes molecules to push farther apart, which lowers the density

Solid water, or ice, is less dense than liquid water. Ice is less dense than water because the orientation of hydrogen bonds causes molecules to push farther apart, which lowers the density.

What do you mean by density?

Density is the measure of how much “stuff” is in a given amount of space. For example, a block of the heavier element lead (Pb) will be denser than the softer, lighter element gold (Au). A block of Styrofoam is less dense than a brick. It is defined as mass per unit volume.

Density is an important concept because it allows us to determine what substances will float and what substances will sink when placed in a liquid. Generally, substances float so long as their density is less than the density of the liquid they are placed in.

Density is a measure of how much mass there is in a given volume or amount of space. The density of any substance is calculated by dividing the mass of the matter by the volume of the matter.

Learn more about density:


Is a virus a living organism? Why?



viruses are not living things


Viruses are complicated assembles of molecules, including proteins, nucleic, acids, lipids, and carbohydrates, but viruses on there own cant do nothing until the enter a living cell to infect. without cell viruses would not be a able to multiply thats why viruses are not liveing things

Paul Snelgrove: A census of the ocean Both in Unit 1 and in Snelgrove’s talk, emphasis is placed on the importance and massiveness of the world’s oceans. Identify some of the facts from both the unit and the video that support this claim. During his talk, Snelgrove comments that we know more about the Moon or Mars than we do about the deep-sea floor and marine habitat as a whole. Why is this surprising and even ironic? Snelgrove describes a fishing disaster that occurred where he grew up in Canada in an effort to explain how we are now experiencing “shifting baselines.” Explain what he means by this term. According to Snelgrove, if you were to suck all of the water out of the ocean, what would you be left with? Describe what Snelgrove discusses in terms of how the oceans play a part in global collaboration. Discuss the concerns Snelgrove has regarding the health and safety of our oceans and ocean life. As he concludes his talk, Snelgrove says, “And as the oceans go, so shall we.” Explain what he means by this statement.



Snelgrove showed the value of the ocean and its wellbeing to humans. We rely on the sea, and as it fights and declines, we all start to work as well.


As carbon dioxide concentration soar over 400 ppm, what do you expect to see as far as how the earth is responding?



The correct answer would be - increase in green house effect, increase in temperature and rise in sea level are some major response.


Carbon dioxide concentration soar over 400 ppm which means there are 400 particles of carbon dioxide in a million particles of air. It is on the highest level of all time from the beginning. Carbon dioxide is a green house gas which means it is able to absorb heat and trap it in air which leads to increase in temperature of the earth.

Increase in earth temperature will lead to melting of ice lands which result in rise of sea level and cities will drown in sea. Other effect will be pollution in atmosphere and warmer climate and change in pattern of climate. There are many other direct and indirect response in accumulation of carbon dioxide concentration.

All of the variables that are kept the same between the experimental
group and control group in an experiment are called
A. independent variables
B. dependent variables
C. experimental variables
D. controlled variables



controlled :variables

An experimental design includes the independent, dependent, and controlled variables. The variables that are kept constant are called controlled variables. Thus, option D is correct.

What are controlled variables?

Controlled variables are part of scientific experimentation that are kept constant and remain unchanged through the research and experiment. It is important to control some variables as they might limit and influence the other variables.

They are the same in the experimental group and control group to establish the relationship between the dependent and the independent variables. They are kept at the same rate throughout the groups. For example humidity, temperature, light, etc.

Therefore, in option D. the controlled variables are kept the same in the test and control groups.

Learn more about controlled variables, here:


Which types of biomolecules do you predict that you will find in a potato, orange juice, almonds, eggs, salmon and milk? Explain your prediction


In a potato you will find complex carbohydrates, in orange juice you will find simple sugars, in almonds you will find proteins and lipids, and eggs you will find protein and lipids, and salmon you will find proteins, and in milk youwill find protein and lipids.

EMERGENCY Homework: On page xii, Claims, evidence and reasoning; Describe/define a claim, evidence and reasoning. Read the example of C-E-R, then using your model, construct your own argument by recording your claim, evidence and reasoning. You can use your etextbook too. Copy/Make the table of Claim-Evidence- Reasoning found on page xiii, in your digital notebook; Homework section. Then write down your answers.



What exactly is CER, and how does it work?

CER all starts with a question asked by the teacher. This question is based on a phenomena or lab experience. The student’s explanation or answer, as you may have guessed, will consist of three parts: a claim, the evidence, and the student’s reasoning.


A claim is a statement that answers the question. It will usually only be one sentence in length. The claim does not include any explanation, reasoning, or evidence so it should not include any transition words such as “because.”


The evidence is the data used to support the claim. It can be either quantitative or qualitive depending on the question and/or lab. The evidence could even be a data table the student creates. Students should only use data within their evidence that directly supports the claim.


The reasoning is the explanation of “why and how” the evidence supports the claim. It should include an explanation of the underlying science concept that produced the evidence or data.


Please Answer!! picture above


First, you need to do the multiplacation that's inside the perenthises.

Second, you will need to divide the two answers which will give you that first box.

Which of the following is the best definition of dehydration?
O A. Gain in water during a chemical reaction
O B. Loss of water during a chemical reaction
O C. The sharing of electrons between two atoms
O D. The transfer of electrons from one atom to another



loss of water


cause 100





What are some political thing in Europe



There are three types of government systems in European politics: in a presidential system, the president is the head of state and the head of government; in a semi-presidential system, the president and the prime minister share a number of competences


can u mark me brainiest?

Without suffering of.....

what is a logical interpretation based on what scientists already know




Explanation: It is

Assume that you found an object that looks like a dead twig. You wonder if it might be a stick insect. How could you determine if it is a living thing?



I determine if the object is a living thing by checking to see if it responds to the environment

Could determine if it is a living being by checking if it responds to stimuli

Living beings or organisms are all complex structures that are characterized by carrying out activities such as:

feeding.development.reproduction.interaction with other organisms.respond to the environment.

Some of the most common classifications of living organisms are:


According to the above, to know if that object is a living organism the best option would be to activate stimuli in it such as vision, touch, smell, hearing, or taste to see if it has any reaction to these stimuli.

For example, you can touch the object and if it moves it shows a response and therefore it is alive.

According to the above, the correct answer is checking if it responds to stimuli

Which of the following is an example of motion?

Jumping up and down
Sitting in a chair
Lying on a couch
Standing on a table


Jumping up and down because if it’s a motion your moving and jumping up and down is a motion .

plz help I will mark you brainlist plz ​




The nucleus is the small region in the center of the atom containing protons and neutrons. The nucleus has positive charge.

A Proton is positively charged and is found inside the nucleus. The number of protons in each atom is unique to each element. Protons are made of quarks.

Neutrons have no charge and are also inside the nucleus. Neutrons are also made of quarks. The mass of a nuetron is slightly larger than a proton's

I'm not sure if this is enough information but I hope this helps :)

Nucleus: a central part about which other parts are grouped or gathered

Proton: a positively charged elementary particle that is a fundamental constitution of all atomic nuclei

Neutron: an elementary particle having no charge.

some types of aquatic frogs
bury themselves in the mud and spend the winter hibernating at the bottom of the lakes and ponds which characteristic of life does this represents



this represents response to the environment

Many fishes that inhabit the sub-freezing Arctic and Antarctic waters posses antifreeze proteins; we now know that there are at least five different kinds of antifreeze protein genes that have evolved independently in different species to perform the same function. This is an example of:



convergent evolution


This is an example of the term known as convergent evolution. This term refers to the process in which organisms that are not related to one another are still able to independently evolve similar traits. This is all due to both of the species having to adapt to very similar environments thus needing to develop these certain traits in order to survive and pass them on to the next generation in that species line.

Why is the fossil record biased



We don't have every organism that existed identified in the fossil record.


The fossil record is biased because we don't have a complete record of every organism that lived on Earth. It also favors organisms that had structures capable of being preserved.

From Penn Foster

Due to the fact that many early forms of life had soft bodies, the fossil record has gaps, soft creature components do not make good fossils.

What is the fossil record?

This indicates that little is known about how these creatures appeared, any fossil remains that may have existed have likely been obliterated by geological processes.

One analysis of the fossil record, which revealed that a staggering 97% of palaeontological data originate from experts in high- and upper-middle-income nations, cautions that our knowledge of the history of life on Earth is biased towards the opinions of wealthier countries.

Therefore, due to geological, physical, chemical, and biological considerations, the fossil record is not only inaccurate, but it also has intrinsic biases.

Learn more about fossils, here:





It is the third bubble, sorry I answered this super late :(


the answer is the third bubble:)


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