One of the items Progressives insisted on in the state Constitution was direct
democracy in the form of (Standard 4.8)
a. Bill of Rights and direct primaries
b. Initiatives and referendums
c. Petition and amendments


Answer 1




I believe that is correct

Related Questions

What are two of the reasons the US entered WWI Besides the sinking of the Lusitania?



Wilson cited Germany's violation of its pledge to suspend unrestricted submarine warfare in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean, as well as its attempts to entice Mexico into an alliance against the United States, as his reasons for declaring war.


Why did the US get involved in Afghanistan ?


In order to fight a necessary war of self-defense, the United States went to Afghanistan in 2001.

Terrorists from al-Qaeda assaulted our nation on September 11, 2001. Because their Taliban hosts had provided them with sanctuary in Afghanistan, they were able to organize and carry out such a terrible act.

Since 2001, no adversary has been able to carry out a similar assault on our nation, which is a testament to the efforts made by the whole American government to protect its citizens from terrorist threats that may come from Afghanistan or anyplace else in the world.

Al-commander Qaeda's and Osama bin Laden's deputy at the time of the 9/11 attacks, Ayman al-Zawahiri, received justice from the United States. Additionally, our military has effectively conducted operations against critical ISIS positions in recent months.

Learn more about the U.S. - Afghanistan war here:


How does religious conflicts affect society?


Religious conflicts affect society as it cause religious apathy or disintegration.

What do you mean by Conflict?

Conflict is a heated argument and disagreement about a significant issue. Conflict occurs when two individuals or organizations have a significant disagreement or argument and have not yet come to a resolution.

Such disagreement jeopardizes religion's general credibility and could lead to religious apathy or disintegration. It could result in ethnic breakdown and the loss of cultural legacy and could emerge from attempts to convert tribal society to a certain religion. Political strife can lead to religious conflict

The development of one's own moral standards and good moral judgment is significantly influenced by religious belief and practice. Regular religious observance typically protects people from a variety of social ills, such as drug misuse, divorce, crime, and out-of-wedlock births.

Therefore, Religious apathy or disintegration  affect society.

Learn more about Conflict, here;


What is ancient Chinese drama called? What traditional repertoire is included?



Ancient Chinese dramas are called "opera" because "drama" and "qu" are the main factors. Chinese opera mainly includes Song Yuan Southern Opera, Yuan and Ming Zaju, Legends and Ming and Qing Legends, as well as modern Beijing Opera and traditional repertoires of other local operas. It is a general term for Chinese national drama culture.


If I buy used car for $4,999 how much did I have to pay in taxes?



Car tax rates listed by state with county and local vehicle tax lookup tools. Free access to car tax


What impact did the Ottoman Empire have on Eastern Europe?


The Ottoman Empire, which was centered in what is now Turkey, had a significant impact on Eastern Europe during the time of its existence. The empire was one of the largest and most powerful in the world, and it controlled a vast territory that included much of Eastern Europe.

The Ottoman Empire had a complex relationship with the countries and peoples of Eastern Europe. At times, the empire exerted a great deal of control over the region, imposing its laws and customs on the local population. At other times, the empire was more lenient, allowing local rulers and communities to maintain a degree of autonomy.

The Ottoman Empire also had a major impact on the cultural, religious, and linguistic landscape of Eastern Europe. The empire was predominantly Muslim, and it spread the Islamic faith throughout the region. The Ottoman Empire also brought a number of new cultural practices and traditions to Eastern Europe, including the use of the Turkish language and the adoption of Turkish names and customs.

Overall, the impact of the Ottoman Empire on Eastern Europe was multifaceted and varied over time, but it left a lasting legacy on the region.

To learn more about the Ottoman Empire, check out

What are boxers values in Animal Farm?


Boxer in Animal Farm is a strong, devoted, loyal, and diligent worker. He also puts up a valiant struggle against others. Unfortunately, the pigs take advantage of his excessive loyalty and work him until he passes out.

Strong horses are prized all across the world, and Boxer is no exception: Boxer, a nearly six-foot-tall committed farm resident, is a wonderful asset to both the rebellion and the farm thanks to his enormous power. When Boxer learns about Animalism, he immediately commits himself to the cause of the uprising. Boxer proved to be a valuable soldier at the Battle of the Cowshed by using his powerful hoof to render a stable boy unconscious. (Note that Boxer, despite his seeming murder of the boy, is not bloodthirsty and has intense regret.) He shows his commitment to the cause of the animals by getting up early to work on the farm and by living by the motto "I shall work harder." He also establishes himself as the most useful worker on the windmill construction crew.

But despite Boxer's immense power in animal farm, he also exhibits a striking innocence and naiveté. Napoleon is always right is one of his simplistic slogans, which shows his naive dependency on an all-knowing leader. He is not a clever animal (recall his inability to learn any of the alphabet past the letter D). Even as he passes out while reassembling the windmill, he does not think first of himself but rather of the task at hand.

To learn more about Animal Farm here:


Fast please!! What was life like for enslaved people, and how did the abolitionists work to end slavery? 1800s. 4+ detailed sentences


Answer: Life on the fields meant working sunup to sundown six days a week and having food sometimes not suitable for an animal to eat. Plantation slaves lived in small shacks with a dirt floor and little or no furniture. Life on large plantations with a cruel overseer was oftentimes the worst.

The abolitionists saw slavery as an abomination and an affliction on the United States, making it their goal to eradicate slave ownership. They sent petitions to Congress, ran for political office and inundated people of the South with anti-slavery literature


which of these impacts on religion did the ottoman empire have on eastern europe?


The impact of ottoman Empire on Eastern Europe is:The Ottoman Empire established its government on moral values. The earliest sultans were ferocious warriors who grew the kingdom in the cause of Islam.

Sultans argued that they were Muhammad's legitimate successors as caliphs. Ulama, or religious intellectuals, played a significant role in helping the sultans rule the kingdom. It controlled a sizable portion of the trade routes, giving it a near monopoly on trade between Europe and Asia.

The Ottoman Empire was continuously devising new policies to counteract its religious issues. The idea of the clergy and the growth of religion it implied was known to the Ottomans.

Using the notion of "legally recognized" organizations, they imposed already-existing laws (regulations) on religious groups.

The arts, sciences, and field of medicine all benefited from the influence of the ottoman empire. The Ottoman Empire is also known as the Turkish Empire. This empire was greatly influenced by Islam.

The decline of the Byzantine military apparatus and the rise of political and religious turmoil provided advantages for the kings of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire was destroyed after losing the First World War.

to know more about ottoman empire at


Brown Vs. board of education 1954


The Supreme Court's decision on Brown vs Board of Education was that segregation is unconstitutional.

In this achievement choice of , the Supreme Court decided that separating  youngsters in government funded schools based on race was unlawful. It signaled the end of legalized racial segregation in the schools of the United States, overruling the "separate yet equivalent" rule set out in the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson case.

On May 17, 1954, U.S. Supreme Court Equity Warren conveyed the steady choice in the achievement social equality case Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. State-endorsed separation of government funded schools was an infringement of the fourteenth amendment and was consequently unconstitutional. This noteworthy choice signified the completion of the "separate anyway same" perspective set by the Supreme Court right around 60 years sooner in Plessy v. Ferguson and filled in as a stimulus for the expanding social liberties advancement during the decade of the 1950s.

Know more about Brown vs Board of Education -


What is the meaning behind Harlem?



(ˈhɑːləm ) noun. a district of New York City, in NE Manhattan: large African-American population.


both authors would most likely suggest that the historical situation described in the excerpts contributed to which of the following?


both authors would most likely suggest that the historical situation described in the excerpts contributed to the continued alteration of Native American culture and society.

About cultural history

The term cultural history refers to a discipline and subjects related to it.

Cultural history, as a scientific discipline, often combines anthropological and historical approaches to look at popular culture traditions and cultural interpretations of historical experience. This field of study examines records and descriptive narratives regarding past knowledge, customs, and art of a group of people. This field of science examines the events that occurred from the past to the present and the future that shape a culture.

Cultural history records and interprets events in the past related to humans through social, cultural, and political matters, or matters related to art and the things prioritized by a group. Jacob Burckhardt is the person who made cultural history a scientific discipline. Cultural history studies and interprets society's records with respect to the different ways in which humans have formed groups. Cultural history includes past cultural activities, such as ceremonies, training and interactions with local people

Your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was:

Both authors would most likely suggest that the historical situation described in the excerpts contributed to which of the following?

A. The continued alteration of Native American culture and society

B. The failure of Reconstruction policies to enforce constitutional amendments

C. The debate over the rights of states to nullify federal laws

D. The controversy over the Supreme Court decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford

Learn more about cultural history at


Are Federalists and Democrats the same?


Federalists believed in an exceedingly sturdy central government, whereas Democratic-Republicans opposed this concept. They believed states ought to have additional rights.

Eventually this organization became the fashionable Democratic Party. The name Republican was appropriated within the decade by a replacement party that espoused Federalist economic ideas which survives to the current day thereunder name. The Federalists ne'er control power once more once 1801.

In conclusion, the fashionable Democratic Party and therefore the Federalists bear alikeness in this they each believe a robust central government, while the fashionable political party and therefore the Anti-Federalists share their conviction as advocates for the rights of individual states.

To learn more about Federalists, visit here


What are the types of auditor's independence?


Programming independence, Investigative independence and Reporting independence are the types of auditor's independence.

By maintaining their independence, auditors can be sure that they have no financial stake in the companies they are auditing. In addition to acknowledging a commitment to fairness and management of the client and any individual who may rely on the auditor's independence report, an auditor is obligated to maintain objectivity in all elements of the audit. There are four main principles upon which independence requirements are based. One cannot examine one's own work. The role of management for a customer cannot be played by an auditor. An auditor is not permitted to represent their client. Relationships that give rise to common or conflicting interests between the client and the auditor are not permitted.

learn more about financial here


What 2 places did the Silk Road connect?



A network of mostly land but also sea trading routes, the Silk Road stretched from China to Korea and Japan in the east, and connected China through Central Asia to India in the south and to Turkey and Italy in the west.


What was the state of Georgia's economy at the end of the Civil War?
A. Jobs were easy to find.
B. The economy was devastated.
C. The economy sprang back almost immediately.
D. There was a resurgence of the textile industry.




Along with the hindu kush mountains, what range helped to isolate india from asia for much of its early history?.



Along with the Hindu Kush mountains, the Himalayas helped to isolate India from Asia for much of its early history.

What is the relationship of Buddhism with politics?



The Buddhist approach to political power is the moralization and the responsible use of public power. The Buddha preached non-violence and peace as a universal message. He did not approve of violence or the destruction of life, and declared that there is no such thing as a 'just' war.


Why are 22 doors of Mahal closed?


Because the Taj Mahal's underground rooms are not completely shut off but are instead just secured with locks, 22 of the building's doors are closed.

What makes the Taj Mahal so unique?

In all of Indo-Islamic architecture, the Taj Mahal is regarded as the pinnacle of architectural achievement. Concave and convex surfaces, light shadow, and solids are rhythmically combined to create the building's well-known architectural elegance.

Why is the Taj Mahal one of the Wonder of world?

Many people believe it to be the best demonstration of Mughal architecture or a representation of India's long history. Upwards of 6 million people visit the Taj Mahal each year, and it was named among the Modern 7 Wonders in 2007.

To know more about Taj Mahal visit:



Why might the framers of the Constitution have designed it to be updated?


Why might the framers have required a two-thirds majority of Congress to make amendments?

put 2 answers for this.



ANSWER 1: The framers of the Constitution recognized that the nation was ever-changing and that the document would need to be updated to reflect the current times. As stated in Article V of the Constitution, the framers "provided for the Amendment of the Constitution by the Method therein described," which allowed the document to remain a living document and remain relevant over time.

ANSWER 2: The framers of the Constitution wanted to ensure that any amendments to the document would be done so with careful consideration and a broad consensus. As stated in Article V of the Constitution, the framers "made it difficult to amend the Constitution by requiring a two-thirds majority of Congress to make amendments," thus creating a higher threshold for any changes to be made to the document.


Was germany in a position to block a british dream of building a railroad from the mediterranean sea to south africa (i. E. From cairo to capetown)? explain.


Answer: yes, it was

Explanation: the railroad was supposed to cross from Cape town to Cairo.

Who did the newspapers blame for the explosion of the USS Maine in the Havana harbor?


The newspapers blame the Spain for the explosion of the USS Maine in the Havana harbor.

In 1898, the United States Maine, a battleship anchored in Havana Harbor exploded, killing 266 people. The american authorities had despatched the vessel to patrol the waters between Cuba and the U.S. with a purpose to prevent the illegal delivery of palms and to guard individuals amid Cuba’s conflict for independence from Spain. The strained relationship among Cuba and Spain had extensively harmed change members of the family with the U.S. and calls for humanitarian aid had been becoming more and more pressing. Given those rising tensions and a proper expression of harmony with Cuba by means of america authorities, animosity toward Spain advanced hastily even earlier than the Maine disaster.

In response to the disaster and an inquiry suggesting that its purpose become an outside explosion, good sized speculation and accusations have been fast directed towards Spain, each publicly and amongst contributors of Congress. Newspapers, including William Randolph Hearst’s magazine, speedy assumed Spain’s guilt. The magazine’s headline declared the tragedy “The paintings of an enemy” even though no authentic assertion had confirmed the wrongdoer, the general public embraced this narrative. Upon the discharge of this information, call for for American intervention became overwhelming, encouraging the U.S.’s eventual assertion of battle just two months later.

To know more about American-Spain war click here:


Which part of the historian's argument references specific examples of
historical evidence?
OA. He refers to the execution of French royalty and the European
wars that revolutionaries launched following their victory to
support his argument.
B. He notes that, following the Revolution, a rash of violence swept
over France.
C. In his opinion, it is morally wrong for any political movement to
use violence to achieve its goals.
OD. Based on this information, he argues that the French Revolution
produced far more negative outcomes than positive ones.


Answer: The answer would be A He refers to the execution of French royalty and the European wars that revolutionaries launched following their victory to support his argument.

Explanation: The part of the historian's argument references specific examples of historical evidence is He refers to the execution of French royalty and the European wars that revolutionaries launched following their victory to support his argument.

Hope this was helpful

What was the role of the Yellow Press in pushing the US into war with Spain?


The Yellow Press, a term used to describe sensationalist newspapers and magazines, played a key role in pushing the US into war with Spain.

The Role of the Yellow Press in Pushing the US Towards War with Spain

The Yellow Press, a term used to describe sensationalist newspapers and magazines, played a key role in pushing the US into war with Spain.

These papers frequently published sensationalized stories, often with little regard for the truth, about Spain’s alleged misdeeds in Cuba, and their inflammatory rhetoric helped to stoke public outrage.

This outrage was a major factor in the decision to declare war on Spain in April 1898.

Learn more about Yellow Press at:


how did the crusades indirectly contribute to the european discovery of the new world?


Answer: They indirectly discovered America because their journeys created a sense of wonder and exploration

What animal was used to symbolize Russia?


The animal used to symbolize Russia is The Russian Bear.

What is the significance of animals in Russia?

In Russia, many animals are used as symbols, including horses and bears. The key element of the festivities surrounding the worshiping of bears for the Nivkh peoples of Eastern Russia is their commitment to magic.

Russian landscape, culture, and politics were frequently represented by the bear. Russia was regarded as a fascinating country because of its relative distance from Western Europe.

Bear symbolism has become popular in Russia. In order to present the bear as a friendly animal, the bear was selected as the mascot of the 1980 Moscow Olympics.

Learn more about the 1980 Moscow Olympics, here:


One purpose of the iroquois confederacy was to:__.
a. establish peace among its member tribes.
b. establish peace with southeastern indigenous bands.
c. establish peace with northeastern indigenous bands.
d. establish peace among all indigenous federations.


a. One purpose of the Iroquois confederacy was to establish peace among its member tribes.

The Iroquois Confederacy, also known as the Haudenosaunee, was a powerful alliance of several Native American nations located in the northeastern part of North America. The Iroquois were composed of five nations—the Mohawk, the Oneida, the Onondaga, the Cayuga, and the Seneca—which were unified through a series of treaties and agreements known as the Great Law of Peace.

The purpose of the Iroquois Confederacy was to establish peace among its member tribes and to create a unified political and military structure to protect the rights of its members. The Iroquois also acted as a mediator between different Native American nations, often negotiating treaties and agreements between warring tribes.

For more questions like Iroquois Confederacy click the link below:


When did the United States reject the League of Nations?



The United States rejected it in 1919


Was the the Furman v. Georgia case fair?


The Supreme Court concluded in Furman v. Georgia (1972) that the death sentence violates the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments because it is an unconstitutional harsh and unusual punishment.

The Court established the contemporary period of its death penalty jurisprudence with these cases, where certain concerns were resolved but many more remained unanswered.

Since then, the Court has examined the issue of whether crimes other than murder are punishable by death, tried to strike a balance between aggravating and mitigating factors, and thought about whether the death penalty can be imposed on juveniles and people with mental disabilities. Georgia v. Furman is a just case.

Learn more about Supreme Court  visit:


sorority signs hands


Sorority Hand signs are frequently used to go with or substitute for calls and are habitually shown while posturing for photos

The sororities on Wake Woods' grounds and the country over frequently separate themselves with hand signs, a training that has been promoted across the Public Panhellenic Gathering (NPC) part associations throughout recent years. Individuals are urged to "toss what they know," whether that be the Delta Delta triangle or the Alpha Delta Pi precious stone.

What numerous sorority individuals don't have any idea, nonetheless, is that the act of hand signs began with the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), which is made out of nine generally Dark cliques and sororities.

The NPHC was laid out in 1929, when People of color and ladies were banned from joining NPC and Interfraternity Council (IFC) associations, and established on the expectation of nondiscrimination based on race or religion. Hand signs and calls are a longstanding piece of NPHC custom; they can be followed back to the 1970s and became predominant during the 1980s. Sorority Hand signs are frequently used to go with or substitute for calls and are habitually shown while posturing for photos

Know more on Sorority Hand signs -


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