one of the three main priorities advanced in the national drug control strategy recognizes that drug addiction is a public health issue and its prevention requires the use of treatment resources. such a strategy is best representative of which of the following perspectives?


Answer 1

Such a strategy is best representative of a perspective of Social problem.

It’s common to think of addiction as a personal illness. It is seen as a potential illness that mainly causes damage to the user and also their immediate family.

However, drug addiction is not confined to a family but has far reaching affects on the society. This incudes some aspects like healthcare, employment to prisons and jails.

Americans with undiagnosed or untreated substance use disorders too often end up interacting with the justice system, creating severe consequences for individuals, their families and communities, society, and taxpayers.

Further, attaching criminal penalties to substance abuse alone  has contributed to lost lives, hope and opportunity.

To know more about drug issue, click here:


Related Questions

students are investigating charge separation in conductors. they have two initially neutral conducting spheres and two different kinds of cloths. the students want to determine if the cloths add the same kind of charge or opposite kinds of charge when rubbed on the spheres. which of the following procedures will provide enough information to determine whether the cloths add the same or opposite charges?


Rub one sphere with one cloth and the other with a different fabric before bringing them together but keeping them apart. Check to see if they draw or repel. It will be possible to tell from this procedure if the fabric contributes like or opposite charges. Here, choice B is the right response.

Objects with opposing electric charges will attract one another. Two items with the same charge repel one another, as opposed to two objects with opposing charges being attracted to one another.

Like charges repel one another whereas opposite charges attract one another. As a result, two negative charges repel one another whereas a positive charge draws a negative charge toward it.

The line where the two charges meet is the point of attraction or repulsion. The amount of the force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two charges.

Complete question:

Students are investigating charge separation in conductors. They have two initially neutral conducting spheres and two different kinds of clothes. The students want to determine if the clothes add the same kind of charge or opposite kinds of charge when rubbed on the spheres. Which of the following procedures will provide enough information to determine whether the clothes add the same or opposite charges?

A - Rub one sphere with one cloth and the other sphere with the other cloth, and touch them together. Pull them slightly apart and see if they attract or repel.

B - Rub one sphere with one cloth and the other sphere with the other cloth, and bring them close together without touching. See if they attract or repel.

C - Rub each sphere once with one cloth then once with the other cloth, and touch them together. Pull them slightly apart and see if they attract or repel.

D - Rub each sphere once with one cloth then once with the other cloth, and bring them close together without touching. See if they attract or repel.

To learn more about opposing charges


classify each of the following factors that can affect aging as being either an environmental, genetic, or lifestyle factor.


In addition to genetic variables, lifestyle, nutritional preferences, mental makeup, and even environmental factors influence how quickly we age.

What elements have an impact on aging?

Age, sleep, dietary practices, nutrition, physical activity, general health status, emotional well-being, physical impairment, cultural variables, life events, social support, familial well-being, financial resources, cognitive functioning, and diseases are some of the elements that contribute to aging.

What are the four aging-related causes?

They discovered that people typically belong to one of four ageotypes, or biological aging pathways: immunological, kidney, liver, or metabolic. For instance, metabolic agers, according to Snyder, may have a higher chance of developing type 2 diabetes as they age.

To know more about environmental factors  visit :-


Lakshmi wants to know whether a new TV show helps children learn their ABCs. She discovers there is an interaction with whether or not parents watched the show alongside the child. Which of the following statements best describes this finding? (c is not the correct answer)a. The show improved ABC skills only for kids whose parents watched along with them.b. Learning ABCs depends on watching a TV show.c. The show did not improve ABC skills because parents had to be there.d. Only parents can teach children their ABCs.


The statement that best describes this finding is option A , The show improved ABC skills only for kids whose parents watched along with them.

Lakshmi's findings indicate that the new TV show helped to improve children's ABC skills, but only when their parents watched the show with them. This finding suggests that parent participation is important in helping children learn their ABCs. It does not mean that parents are the only ones who can teach children their ABCs, as other forms of instruction can also be effective. However, Lakshmi's findings suggest that having a parent watch the show alongside their child can help to improve ABC skills.

Learn more about TV show at :


which of the following considerations was relevant to the irb's determination that this activity does not constitute research with human subjects?


There are no IDs in the data, and the researcher won't communicate or meddle with the subjects. These factors were in line with the IRB's conclusion that this activity did not qualify as research involving human participants. Here option B is the correct answer.

A human subject is defined under federal rules as a living person about whom a researcher doing a study obtains: Information obtained through intervention or conversation with the person.

Projects that meet the criteria for research must undergo IRB evaluation and approval. Use human beings as well. Include any contact or intervention involving the use of identifiable private information involving human people.

In general, the requirements demand that the investigator get individuals' informed permission. A subject's lawfully appointed representative can also provide investigators with informed consent.

Complete question:

Which of the following considerations was relevant to the IRB's determination that this activity does not constitute research with human subjects?

A - A researcher wants to conduct a secondary analysis using a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) database that was collected by the agency solely for surveillance purposes from 1996-2006.

B - The researcher did not participate in the initial collection of the data.

C - The database is publicly available. The database does not include any identifiers.

D - The IRB makes a determination that the individuals whose records will be reviewed do not meet the federal definition of human subjects.

To learn more about IRB


if the united states government increases deficit spending, which of the following will occur as a result of the change in the interest rate?


The US dollar will appreciate in overseas forex will take place as a result of the trade in the activity rate.

If the dollar appreciates (the trade charge increases), the relative charge of home goods and offerings increases whilst the relative rate of overseas goods and offerings falls.

What forex will substitute the U.S. greenback in the future?

The forex wars are getting hot and it's searching an increasing number of likely that the world is going to begin transferring away from the US dollar as a reserve foreign money – gold or bitcoin are the front runners to replace it.

Why is the U.S. dollar so sturdy in 2022?

The U.S. dollar is strengthening because the Fed adopted a hawkish monetary policy stance in response to skyrocketing inflation. It has lifted the federal dollars rate from close to zero at the opening of 2022 to a range of 3.75% to 4% at the November FOMC meeting.

Learn more about U.S. dollar here:

the major benefit of for treating attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children is .


An electroconvulsive therapy can be regarded as the major benefit of for treating attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children.

An electroconvulsive therapy can be referred to or considered as a form of therapy, which is a part of treatment for hyperactivity disorders in children. Such therapies are advantageous for the betterment of the children through an appropriate treatment of the disorders or deficiencies that they usually face. Thus, the significance of this therapy has been aforementioned.

Learn more about an electroconvulsive therapy here:


"We're trying to break yokes. You're trying to make one for yourself what does this mean



It could mean that one person or group is trying to break free from the constraints or limitations that are imposed on them, while another person or group is trying to create their own set of constraints or limitations for themselves. In this context, a "yoke" could refer to a figurative burden or restriction that is imposed on someone. Alternatively, the statement could also be interpreted more literally, with "yokes" referring to the wooden beam that is placed across the necks of two animals to harness their power and make them work together. In this case, the statement could mean that one person or group is trying to break free from being forced to work together with another person or group, while the other person or group is trying to create a situation where they can force others to work with them.


Which of the following sleep theories emphasizes sleep's role in restoring and repairing brain tissue?a. Memoryb. Protectionc. Growthd. Recuperatione. Creativity


Recuperatione sleep theories emphasizes sleep's role in restoring and repairing brain tissue.

The two forms of sleep are slow-wave sleep (SWS), also known as deep sleep, and rapid eye movement (REM), commonly known as dreaming sleep.

The adaptive theory of sleep is one of the first sleep theories that suggested sleep as an adaptive behavior to protect against natural hazards and predators.

Proponents of energy conservation theory believe that sleep's primary job is to minimize an individual's energy requirements and expenditure during certain times of the day or night, particularly when searching for food is inefficient.

In the restorative theory, it is stated that sleep promotes tissue repair and restoration.

Brain plasticity theory suggests an existing link between sleep and brain plasticity, wherein sleep enhances brain plasticity contributing to cognitive abilities and performance of tasks.

Learn more about sleep's to visit this link


When a magazine reader is able to experience a fragrance by tearing a sealed insert open that has been placed within the magazine, they are benefiting from the innovation of .


A Magazine Reader is a workshop in which an existing fashion magazine is captiously read and translated into a new zine. Both the workshop and the zine aim to provide insight into the cultural power and forms of value production that are at the main of fashion media.

In the workshop, we, as a group, captiously read and dissect one specific existing mainstream fashion magazine. Reading a magazine with a focus on for example the body, emotions, or text, surfaces dynamics in fashion media that are often missing when casually browsing through it.

Determining the words and images, the materiality, the items shown on the pages, and the strategies of the specific magazine, changes the way we read fashion. With these insights in mind, the existing magazine is translated into new visuals and text together forming a new zine.

In A Magazine Reader, the reader is proven to be an active actor in the construct of fashion.

To Know more about Magazine:


specific standardized questions are used primarily in which of the following types of interviews? patterned or structured nondirective group or board stress


Specific standardized questions are used mainly in the structured interview.

A structured interview is an interview type in which the interviewer uses the same method of an interview to assess candidates that are applying for the same job. It can be predictive of candidate performance.

In structured interviews, the interviewer read a specific set of questions exactly how they appear on the questionnaire or prints (rather than through a self-administered questionnaire). The answer choices are also often fixed and close-ended in advance, though some open-ended questions also can be included.

Because almost everything within it is fixed and standardized, a structured interview will make sure that the questions are answered within the same context.

Learn more about interviews at


glen and margie are emotionally close, are committed to making their relationship work, and still maintain a passion not often found in long-lived marriages. according to robert sternberg, glen and margie's love is


Margie and Glen have a complete love.

What does love actually mean?

Love is a strong, abiding affection for someone. Love can also be defined as having this strong affection for someone. A strong liking for something or a lot of liking can also be referred to as love. Both as a verb and a noun, love has numerous other meanings.

How does being in love feel?

When your relationship experiences even the slightest setback, you alternate between emotions of happiness, euphoria, increased energy, restlessness, loss of appetite, shaking, a racing heart, and faster breathing, as well as anxiety, panic, and feelings of despair.

To know more about love visit:


The intensive labor that expanded Jamestown’s economy was carried out largely by ________.


The intensive labor that expanded Jamestown’s economy was carried out largely by European indentured servants and enslaved Africans.

What is Labor intensive ?

Labor intensive can be dedcribed as the process or industry that requires a large amount of labor to produce its goods or services however the  Labor costs do encompass all of the costs necessary to secure the human capital .

It should be noted that intensive labor  which broughtr about the expansion of Jamestown’s economy was carried out largely by European indentured servants as well as enslaved Africans.

Learn more about intensive labor at:


Social movements are an important mediating mechanism in democracy because they
A.are the only counterbalance to the power of the pluralist elite
B.combat news media and political party corruption C.provide power to the powerless, are a source for social change, and can focus on one issue
D.are the main mechanism for sharing information between government and citizens


Due to their ability to concentrate on a single topic, empower the marginalized, and be a catalyst for social change, social movements are a crucial mediating mechanism in democracies.

A social movement is a loosely organized yet tenacious campaign in support of a social cause, typically the implementation of or opposition to a change in the social order or values. Despite their disparities in size, social movements are all fundamentally collaborative in nature. This suggests that they emerge as a result of the more or less accidental meeting of individuals whose connections are not established by laws and processes but who just share a similar perspective on society.

Visit here to learn more about Social movement:


participatory action research involves researchers independently studying participants to understand a specific problem and develop action plans.


The answer is True, a community-driven strategy for social change that deliberately involves the individuals who will be most impacted by an inquiry in the process' design and execution

What is participatory action research?

participatory action research framework for doing research and producing knowledge based on the idea that people who would be most affected by the results of the research should be in charge of formulating the questions, the design, the techniques, and the modes of analysis of such research initiatives.

  While participatory approaches to research and evaluation can take on a wide range of shapes and employ a wide range of methodologies (both quantitative and qualitative) to achieve a variety of goals, they can be grouped into three general categories:

1 .participatory research:The people and groups that would ordinarily be deemed the "subjects" of a study are typically involved in or work with academics and other professional researchers who do participatory research.

2. Participatory action research :A particular community, neighbourhood, school, organisation, group, or team is the focus of participatory action research(PAR) for short. Participatory action research can be used to improve understanding of a regional topic or problem or to help create a new project, organise a campaign, or provide support for a certain political position. Initiatives for participatory action research are often created and directed by local practitioners.

3 .Participatory evaluation (PE)

A programme, method, or strategy may be evaluated for efficacy or impact during or after implementation using participatory evaluation (PE). Professional evaluators who use a participatory approach either conduct participatory evaluations, or local practitioners and community members who may or may not work with professional evaluators develop and lead them.

Action research, assessment, and participatory research methodologies all share common philosophies, theories, and methodologies. They begin with many of the same fundamental assumptions, for instance:Advanced degrees or professional credentials are not necessary for individuals to carry out worthwhile study.Even seasoned researchers and assessors who make an effort to maintain their "neutrality" or "objectivity" as observers have biases of their own.Everyone can make a significant contribution to a study or assessment process with their skills, knowledge, and ideas.An issue, challenge, or programme is typically best understood by those who are closest to it.Researchers, evaluators, practitioners, and community members can develop insights that are less biassed and more accurate by involving diverse individuals with different viewpoints.

To know more about participatory action research refer to :


one common form of hiring interview is the sequential interview. which of the following statements most accurately describes a sequential interview?


Answer:As sequential interviews progress, interviews become more in-depth, which means that you need to know even more about the company.


cause of the world war 1


Big mean mean people go bang bang world go big mad mad

The cause and the final straw of ww1 was the assassination of franz ferdinand the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary.

6. After forgetting the combination to several other locks, Nejat was trying to find a way to
remember the combination to the new lock he bought last week. The combination is 19,
80, and 9. To remember the combination, he thinks of the year 1989. His method to
remember this is an example of
A. Elaborative rehearsal
B. Maintenance rehearsal
C. Chunking
D. Decoding


The combination, he thinks of the year 1989. His method to remember this is an example of Chunking.

What is Chunking?

In a "chunking" project, students rewrite the "portions" of challenging material in their own words after breaking it down into more digestible chunks. You can apply this technique too difficult texts of any length.

The definition of chunking is putting similar things in one group so that they are easier to recall. Grouping the necessities that everyone has to have in their pockets before leaving the house is an illustration of chunking. This may consist of a wallet or pocketbook, a cell phone, house keys, and car keys.

Therefore, Thus option (C) is correct.

Learn more about Chunking here:


in many cases it is a good idea to ask when it would be a good time to get together and how long you need to talk. true or false


Asking about a decent time to meet and how much time you need to discuss is frequently a good idea. true

Time is the seeming unbreakable order of events that occur in the past, now, and on into the future. It is the continual movement of existence. It is a quantity that is a part of several metrics used to rate events, compare how long they last, compare the length of occurrences or the intervals between them, and measure how quickly things change in the real world or in our conscious experience. In addition to the three spatial dimensions, time is frequently referred to as a fourth dimension. But no definition of time that is applicable to all of philosophy, theology, and science has ever been discovered. The study of time has historically been crucial.

Learn more about time from


Asking about a decent time to meet and how much time you need to discuss is frequently a good idea. true

Time is the seeming unbreakable order of events that occur in the past, now, and on into the future. It is the continual movement of existence. It is a quantity that is a part of several metrics used to rate events, compare how long they last, compare the length of occurrences or the intervals between them, and measure how quickly things change in the real world or in our conscious experience. In addition to the three spatial dimensions, time is frequently referred to as a fourth dimension. But no definition of time that is applicable to all of philosophy, theology, and science has ever been discovered. The study of time has historically been crucial.

Learn more about time from


Of the possible statements below, which is accurate about social media? the consumption in the case of social media is active and not passive. it is not labor- and resource-intensive. it consists of 20 percent planning and 80 percent execution. social media has eliminated the human element from advertising and marketing. the consumption is inherently passive in the case of social media.


Social media advertising is a tactic used by marketers to strengthen consumer interactions.

This manual represents the fact that people are at the center of all we do. It all revolves around UNHCR's dedication to Accountability to Affected People (AAP). This entails giving Refugees and other People of Concern a voice in choices that affect their lives and listening to them in all of their diversity. The humanitarian sector has developed a greater appreciation for the fact that those who are impacted are their own best defense. The purpose of this guide is to assist UNHCR country offices in using social media to safeguard People of Concern (PoCs) and make sure they are able to exercise their rights. We'll demonstrate how UNHCR personnel and collaborators can create a community-based protection (CBP) strategy while adhering to the organization's data protection policies using social media.

Learn more about social media here :


According to the elementary school stage of Erikson's stages of development, a sense of ____ refers to children feeling that they can work to achieve what they want.
A. identity
B. initiative
C. industry
D. autonomy




According to the elementary school stage of Erikson's stages of development, a sense of initiative vs. guilt. Hence, option B is correct.

What is elementary education?

Elementary education, often referred to as primary schooling, is the first phase of formal education that typically runs from ages 5 to 7 to 11 to 13 years old. Primary is sometimes used in instead of elementary in the UK and other nations.

In America, the term "primary" often exclusively refers to the first three months of elementary school, or grades 1 through 3. Secondary education frequently comes after elementary education and is frequently preceded by some type of preschool for kids ages 3 to 5 or 6.

The adolescent stage is given particular weight in Erikson's theory because it marks the transition among childhood and adulthood and is when important events that shape adult personality take place.

To know more about Elementary education:


in contrast to the us constitution the articles of confederation closed off any possibility for the natural government to


The Articles created a loose confederation of sovereign states and a weak central government, leaving most of the power with the kingdom governments. The want for a superior Federal authorities quickly grew to be apparent and finally led to the Constitutional Convention in 1787.

How did the Articles of Confederation range from the Constitution?

Ultimately, the largest difference between America's two governing files is in that the Articles sovereignty resided in the states, and the Constitution was once declared the law of the land when it used to be ratified which substantially expanded the strength of the federal government.

What are 3 motives why the Articles of Confederation failed?

The Articles of Confederation failed due to the fact they left too a great deal energy with the states. The federal government had no electricity to levy or gather taxes, no strength to alter trade, and no power to implement laws. There was once also no government branch below the Articles of Confederation, and no country wide court docket system.

in contrast to the us constitution the articles of confederation closed off any possibility for the natural government so Why did the government get rid of the Articles of Confederation?

Learn more about Articles of Confederation here:

j. m. berger, an author and researcher who focuses on extremism, says there have been many reasons for people to feel uncertain over the past decade or so.


[TRUE] J. M. Berger, an author and researcher who focuses on extremism, says there have been many reasons for people to feel uncertain over the past decade or so.

Rapid changes in technology, major shifts in the labor market and the economy, the Covid-19 pandemic, and more have caused many Americans to feel unanchored. This creates a situation where extremism can flourish.

Definition of extremism

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, extremism literally means "the quality or state of being extreme" or "the advocacy of extreme measures or views". Currently, the term is mostly used in a political or religious sense, which refers to an ideology that is considered (by those who use this term or some people who adhere to social consensus) to be far beyond the attitudes of society in general. However, extremism is also used in economic discourse.

According to Dr. Alex P. Schmid (2014), extremist groups are groups that adhere to extreme violence or extremism. Compared to radicals, extremists tend to be closed-minded, intolerant, anti-democratic and can use any means, including deception, to achieve their goals. Extremist groups are also closed-minded. This group is different from radical groups, groups that adhere to radical or radicalism.

Learn more about extremism at


Professor Morooka works 60 hours a week for 9 months of the year. During this time he longs for a break. When he finally gets a break, he misses the sense of accomplishment he feels when he is working. What does the arousal theory suggest?


According to arousal theory, this is because everyone tries to stay at a certain degree of arousal which is also the case of Professor Morooka.

The arousal hypothesis of motivation states that each individual has a certain arousal level that is appropriate for them. We look for some kind of action to bring our arousal levels back into the ideal ranges when they depart from these customized optimum levels.

The three components of arousal theory, or the three categories of arousal, are mental (cognitive), emotional (affective), and physical arousal, respectively. The drive-reduction hypothesis and arousal theory have certain things in common. But arousal theory contends that humans are driven to maintain an optimal degree of arousal, not to reduce stress.

Learn more about the arousal theory here:


if a national culture is individualist, all of the microcultures found within it would also be individualist. T/F


It is completely appropriate to mention that the microcultures found within the national culture would also be individualist, if the national culture is individualist. Therefore, the statement given above holds true.

A national culture can be referred to or considered as a culture wherein the scope of independence is highly evident throughout the scope of the society that inherits the culture, as such. The microcultures will also be a part of the same individualist nature as a representative of the national culture.

Learn more about a national culture here:


the vause and effect relationship between type a personality and heart disease only appears to be valid in the case of those people who are


Only those with hostile personalities seem to be affected by the correlation between type A personality and heart disease.

What role does antagonism play in the health and behavior of Type A people?

Numerous research have focused on antagonism, arguing that it is a key risk factor for coronary heart disease and that the Type A behavior pattern is characterized by it. One such study is Johnston (1993), which makes this claim.

The Type A behavioral pattern was discovered to be a risk factor for coronary heart disease in the late 1950s (CHD). This pattern, which includes impatience, achievement-seeking, rivalry, and antagonism, does foretell the development of CHD.

Why are Type A personalities more prone to heart disease?

Allegedly because of their ambition and competitiveness. They thought that this made them more sensitive to stress than "Type B" personalities. However, studies conducted in the 1990s showed that "it's actually the stress that's connected with the coronary artery disease, not necessarily the "Type A" personality," as stated by Dr.

Learn more about Type A behavioral pattern:


Good communicators can flourish in the workplace. Social scientists have labeled this skill __________, the capacity to effectively negotiate complex social relationships and environments.
A. Upward communication
B. Management
C. Social intelligence
D. Effective leadership


Good communicators can flourish in the workplace, to which the social scientists have labelled as a skill of social intelligence, which expresses the capacity to effectively negotiate complex social relationships and environments. Therefore, the option C holds true.

A social intelligence can be referred to or considered as a skill that helps in improving the ability to tackle the situations involving complexities of building social relationships in highly constrained environments. This skill is highly effective in good communication.

Learn more about social intelligence here:


A first-grade teacher is having students march to the sound of a drumbeat.
Which of the following instructions is most appropriate for teaching the
movement concepts of spatial awareness and relationship awareness?
A. Follow the person in front of you but keep a comfortable distance between
B. Stomp your foot on the fourth beat of each measure, and turn to your right.
C. March faster as the drumbeat gets faster but freeze when the drumbeat
D. Time your steps so your foot touches the ground at the same time as the


D so the kjds can go on beat and have better space

John spots a snake in the forest. He immediately runs away from it and then notes that he is scared as he is running. Which of the following theories would suggest that his feeling of fear is due entirely to the fact that John notices his physiological response? group of answer choices
A) James-Lange theory
B) Cannon-Bard theory
C) Le-Doux's high road and low road theory
D) cognitive interpretation theory


Option A is the correct answer that is James–Lange theory.

The James-Lange principle of emotion suggests that bodily changes in the physique appear first, which then leads to the trip of emotion. Essentially, emotions stem from your interpretation of your physical sensations. For example, your coronary heart beating wildly would lead you to realize that you are afraid.

What is the James-Lange concept in psychology?

The James–Lange principle proposes that emotional stimuli first set off peripheral physiological variations, which appear without cognizance of affect. These bodily responses are similarly interpreted via the brain to produce the feeling nation of an emotion (Critchley, 2009).

For example, if you run into a snake, your coronary heart price increases. James-Lange idea suggests that the expand in coronary heart charge is what makes us realize we're afraid.

Learn more about James–Lange theory here:

TRUE/FALSE. the fourteenth amendment established the principle of citizenship for all persons born in the united states and empowered the federal government to protect the rights of all americans.


It is completely appropriate to mention that the fourteenth amendment of the constitution established the principle of citizenship, which protected the rights of all the American citizens. Therefore, the statement given above holds true.

The fourteenth amendment can be referred to or considered as an inclusion in the American constitution wherein it has been expressed that all the American citizens shall be eligible for equal protection of their rights provided in the laws and regulations made thereunder.

Learn more about the fourteenth amendment here:


which of the following architectural features is present in this image? a. flying buttress b. rose window c. pointed arch d. archivolts


Therefore, of the following architectural traits in this image, (a) flying buttress and (d) archivolts are present.

What is a feature in architecture?

Architectural features refer to a building's recognizable or distinguishing aspects. Architectural characteristics include things like windows, columns, awnings, marquees, and fascia. A noticeable or important component of a building, structure, or location is referred to as an architectural feature. Special lines, massing, projections, recessed areas, and textures are examples of architectural elements.

What was an important feature of architecture?

These ideas include: Durability (Firmatis): It should be able to withstand pressure and continue to be in good shape. Utility (Utilitas) - It should be functional and useful to the users. Beauty (Venustatis) is meant to delight and uplift people.

A work of architecture can be identified from other built structures by its suitability for human use in general and its adaptability to specific human activities communication of experience stability and permanence of the work's construction.

To know more about Architectural Features visit:


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Solve this system of equations by graphing. First graph the equations, and then type the solution. Which of the following is most likely to be true of persuasion in the post-trust era? A. In the post-trust era, persuasion is rarely employed as a means to make others understand your views B. In the post-trust era, the importance of credibility during a persuasive communication has diminished significantly C. In the post-trust era, persuasion involves threatening others to comply with your ideas. D. In the post-trust era, persuasion is becoming increasingly difficult E in the post trustera, persuading your audience successfully requires less time due to the use of social media. Is the process of studying large amounts of data? If sodium (na) has 4 neutrons, 3 protons, and 2 electrons, which would be the correct ion symbol? responses. What did the Supreme Court case Baker v Carr rule? What does IT mean to integrate with another company? Calculate the standard deviation of the following set of numbers. Use the formula for the standard deviation (s) shown, where x represents the values, n is the number of values, and is the summation symbol, which indicates that you should add the values. S = mon-1) (* {x? - (Ex)}) values: X = 13,X2 = 16, x3 = 10 Do not round your answers. Step 1. Calculate the square of each data value. Step 2. Determine n times the sum of squares of the three values. 1 Step 3. Calculate the sum of the three values. Step 4. Calculate the square of the sum of the three values. x2 = Step 3. Calculate the sum of the three values. x= Step 4. Calculate the square of the sum of the three values. Step 5. Calculate the variance. (n-1) ( - (Ex)")= Step 6. Calculate the standard deviation. 1 nin 1) (Ex2 - (2 x)") = What is 2 examples of a function? rder the steps in secondary enrichment. tems (4 items) Drag and drop into the appropriate area) Items in order First activity ceases after ore-bearing 1 flows through deposit and leaches out New ore minerals are tated in a new location. 2 ore-bearing deposit cools 3 4 Last an object is experiencing a centripetal acceleration of 36m/s2 while traveling in a circle of radius 15m. what is it's velocity? Preguntas En parejas, turnense para hacerse estas preguntas. After the republic of texas formed:_____.a. it borrowed large sums to get the funds it needed. b. it created a force to protect its border against raids. c. it managed to pay off its large debts very quickly. d. it relocated most indigenous peoples living in texas. When studying vocal music, it is important to look at the text first. Composers often use the text to determine the musical form of a piece and to make decisions about how to convey its meaning.The text for this music is in Latin, the official language of the Roman Catholic Church during Josquin's time.What Latin word appears most often as the first word of a line? Some cells like cardiac (heart) muscle cells and neurons cannot divide what are the implications of this on human health and wellness What is the most significant contribution between moses and hebrews to republican-democratic government? 4/5% of 30: Estimate What is the common ratio of the geometric sequence? Number graph ranging from zero to ten on the x axis and zero to twenty-eight on the y axis. Points are plotted on the graph at (one, eight), (two, twelve), (three, eighteen) and (four, twenty-six point five). The points form a general positive trend. PLEASE HELP I NEED IT ASAP A rental car agency charges $15 per day plus 11 cents per mile to rent a certain car. Another agency charges $18 per day plus 8 cents per mile to rent the same car. How many miles will have to be driven for the cost of the car from the first agency to equal the cost of a car from the second agency? Why is current i in Ohm's law?