our responsibility towards community or society.​


Answer 1


As members of a community or society, we have a responsibility to contribute to the well-being of others and to work towards the common good. This can involve participating in community activities and volunteering our time and resources to help others.

Some specific ways we can fulfill our responsibility towards our community or society include:

Respecting the rights and property of others

Following laws and rules that help to maintain order and protect the well-being of the community

Helping to create a safe and healthy environment for all members of the community

Providing assistance and support to those in need, such as the elderly, the disabled, or those experiencing financial hardship

Participating in community service or volunteering at organizations that provide important services or resources to the community

Protecting and preserving the natural environment and supporting efforts to conserve resources

By fulfilling our responsibilities towards our community or society, we can work together to create a more positive and harmonious environment for all.


Related Questions

How do you identify verbal irony?


A figure of speech is verbal irony. The speaker wants his or her words to be taken in a way that differs from their literal or normal interpretation.

What kind of irony in speech are there?

In verbal irony, the intended meaning is subverted from the literal interpretation of what is being said. Saying "Just what I needed," for instance, after spilling coffee on their shirt while driving to a crucial meeting.

Exaggeration, overstatement, and hyperbole are all examples of verbal irony that highlight the significance of the information being delivered. The amplification of emotions or to produce a comic effect are two of the most frequent examples of overstatement.

To know more about Verbal irony: brainly.com/question/1551288


How will you describe Latin American music what makes their music unique?


Music from the majority of Central and South America, the Caribbean islands, and Mexico, which speak Spanish or Portuguese, is referred to as Latin American music.

What distinguishes Latin pop?

Maracas, congas, and bongos are common percussion instruments used in Latin pop music. The particular Latino taste of Latin pop music is aided by other traditional instruments, such as a Mariachi band or Spanish guitar.

What distinguishes Latin America as a region?

Some of the elements that make up Latin America and help to define it as a diverse cultural region include the common cultural traditions, political experiences, and social expectations. About 26 countries are collectively regarded as belonging to Latin America.

To know more about Latin America, visit:


What is an example of a context clue in a sentence?


Context clues are hints you can find about a word's meaning by looking carefully at the other words in a sentence. Example: Gerard was so hungry that for lunch he consumed three sandwiches and a quart of milk. The sentence gives context clues (hints) that Gerard was hungry.

What do you mean by ethics in one sentence?


The foundation of ethics is a set of rational norms of right and wrong that outline what people should do, typically in terms of their rights, duties, benefits to society, fairness, or other particular qualities.

Ethics"Ethics has to do with whatever my gut tells me is good or wrong.""My religious convictions are related to ethics.""Following the law's requirements is being ethical."Ethics are the standards of behavior that our society considers.

Speaking morally isn't the same as accomplishing "whatever society permits." The majority of individuals in any community support morally upright ideals. However, morality and societal informal rules can not always coincide. A society as a whole can lose its moral integrity. A morally depraved society can be compared to Nazi Germany.

For more such question on Ethics.



What is passive voice and give 5 examples?


When a verb performs an action for the subject of a phrase rather than the other way around, this is known as the passive voice.

Voice in grammar denotes the connection between a sentence's subject and verb. The two voices of English. As in Toni prepare cakes, the subject fulfills the verb in the active voice. Toni is doing the verb's action in this instance (baking cakes). A subject is the object of a verb in passive voice. It is given the action, as in Toni bakes cakes. Toni is still performing the activity in this scene, but the object is a cake. They are being affected by Toni's action.

Examples for ACTIVE and PASSIVE Voices:

          ACTIVE                                                   PASSIVE

At dinner, Harry consumed six shrimp.          Harry consumed six shrimp at dinner.

The savannah is home to stunning giraffes.  The stunning giraffes graze on the grassland.

Changing the flat tire was Sue.                        Sue repaired the flat tire.

Birds consume bugs.                                        Birds consume insects as food.

The cat meowing.                                              The cat was doing the meowing.

To learn more about passive voice Visit : brainly.com/question/95277


Can you change this sentence to passive voice?


Champagne is consumed on New Year's Eve, So drinking champagne on New Year's Eve is now changed into passive voice.

To convert a sentence from the active voice to the passive voice:

Transform the passive sentence's subject into the active sentence's object.In the same tense as the primary verb in the active sentence, use the verb "to be."Use the active sentence's main verb's past participle.

To convert a sentence from the active voice to the passive voice: Transform the passive sentence's subject into the active sentence's object. In the same tense as the primary verb in the active sentence, use the verb "to be." Use the active sentence's main verb's past participle.

To learn more about passive voice Visit : brainly.com/question/95277


Correct Question:

Can you change this sentence to passive voice : People drink champagne on New Year’s Eve.

What is the most suspenseful moment in The Masque of the Red Death?


The climaxis the most intense moment of the story, and it lets us know how the main conflict of the story will be resolved.

What part of The Masque of the Red Death is the most tense, The story's climax, which is also its most dramatic point, reveals how the primary conflict will be resolved. The story's anticipation builds to this dramatic moment. The fundamental goal of "The Masque of the Red Death" as a short fiction is to instill terror and dread in readers. The story opens with a description of the terrible illness before moving right into its gloomy climax. Nothing in the story's fantastical setting gives readers a sense of familiarity.

To know more about dramatic refer :



CAN SOMEONE PLS HELP ME WITH THESE QUESTIONS ASAP!!!!!!!!!!! (Photo has the questions)



1. anger

2. bitter

3. bitterness

4. anger

5. Hamlet is expressing his anger and bitterness

The Prologue is an introduction of all different the "pilgrims" from different walks of life. Some are wealthy some are poor some are moral and others are corrupt. Explain what Chaucer was trying to say about society during the Middle Ages?​


In the Prologue to "The Canterbury Tales," Chaucer introduces a diverse group of pilgrims who come from different social classes and have different moral character. These pilgrims include a knight, a squire, a monk, a friar, a merchant, a clerk, a man of law, a franklin, a doctor, a cook, a shipman, a skipper, a carpenter, a weaver, a dyer, a tapiser, a haberdasher, a cook, a shipman, a clerk, a man of law, a franklin, a doctor, a wife of Bath, a monk, a friar, a merchant, a squire, and a knight.

Through this depiction of a wide range of characters, Chaucer is commenting on the diversity and complexity of society during the Middle Ages. He is showing that society is not homogenous, but rather is made up of people from different backgrounds, with different occupations, and with different moral values.

Additionally, Chaucer is also highlighting the corrupt and immoral behavior of some of the pilgrims, such as the Friar and the Monk, who are more interested in gaining wealth and power rather than living according to their religious vows. This suggests that Chaucer is critical of the corruption and moral decay that he saw in some parts of society during the Middle Ages.

Overall, Chaucer's portrayal of the diverse group of pilgrims in the Prologue to "The Canterbury Tales" reflects his observations about the complexity and diversity of society during the Middle Ages, as well as his criticisms of certain aspects of that society.

Help please. Janmir Parker - Achieve3000 The Lowdown on Lowriders.pdf Thought Question Suppose you are building a one-of-a-kind lowrider bicycle that reflects your own creative style. Write a story about the bike, including its artwork and features, as well as your experience building it. Include details from the Article to support your ideas


Here is the example of article about one-of-a-kind lowrider bicycle

I had always been fascinated by lowrider culture, and I was determined to build my own one-of-a-kind lowrider bike. I spent months gathering inspiration and planning out my design, which I wanted to be a reflection of my own creative style.

As I read the article "The Lowdown on Lowriders," I learned about the rich history of lowrider culture, which dates back to the 1940s and 1950s in the Chicano communities of California. I was especially inspired by the custom artwork that adorned many lowrider vehicles, which often featured intricate designs and bright colors.

I decided to incorporate this same style of artwork into my lowrider bike, working with a local artist to create a unique design that incorporated symbols and imagery that were meaningful to me. The final result was a beautiful and intricate work of art, with swirling patterns and bold colors that really popped.

In addition to the artwork, I also wanted to make sure that my lowrider bike had all of the features that I wanted. I installed a comfortable saddle, a sturdy kickstand, and a set of smooth-rolling wheels. I even added a few special touches, like a set of custom handlebars and a sleek chain guard.

As I worked on my lowrider bike, I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. Building it was a challenging but rewarding process, and I loved seeing my vision come to life. When the bike was finally finished, I couldn't wait to take it out for a spin.

As I rode through the streets, I felt a sense of pride and joy. The custom artwork on my lowrider bike really stood out, and people turned to stare as I passed by. I even had a few people stop to ask me about my bike, which made me feel like I was part of something special.

In the end, building my one-of-a-kind lowrider bike was an amazing experience. It was a chance to express my creativity, to learn new skills, and to be a part of a vibrant and unique culture. I was proud of what I had created, and I knew that my bike would always be a special part of my life.

An article is a written piece of content that is published in a magazine, newspaper, online, or other type of publication. Articles can be informational, persuasive, or entertaining, and are typically written by experts or journalists on a specific topic or issue. The purpose of an article is to provide information or share an opinion with the reader.

Learn more about article, here https://brainly.com/question/14172780


What are Napoleon's ideas in Animal Farm?


Napoleon is a character in George Orwell's "Animal Farm" who becomes one of the leaders of the animal community on the farm. Napoleon is a pig, and he is portrayed as intelligent and cunning. He is ambitious and power-hungry, and he is willing to use any means necessary to achieve his goals.

Throughout the novel, Napoleon has a number of ideas and policies that he implements on the farm. Some of these ideas include:

Establishing the pigs as the leaders of the animal community: Napoleon is one of the main architects of this policy, and he becomes the leader of the farm after the overthrow of Mr. Jones. He sees the pigs as the most intelligent and capable animals on the farm, and he believes that they are best suited to lead the others.

Changing the Seven Commandments: Napoleon rewrites the Seven Commandments to suit his own needs and to give the pigs more power. For example, he changes the commandment "All animals are equal" to "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." This allows the pigs to justify their own privileges and to claim that they are more deserving of certain rights and privileges than the other animals.

Establishing a propaganda campaign: Napoleon uses propaganda and manipulation to control the other animals and maintain his own power. He uses slogans, songs, and other forms of propaganda to promote his own ideas and to distract the other animals from the problems on the farm.

Overall, Napoleon's ideas in "Animal Farm" are centered around his own ambition and desire for power, and he is willing to use any means necessary to achieve his goals.

Find out more  Napoleon'sideas



Zeke is attempting to learn more about his world. When he encounters a new object, he picks it up and puts it in his mouth. Zeke is most likely in which of Jean Piaget’s stages of cognitive development?
a. Sensorimotor
b. Concrete operational
c. Postconventional
d. Preoperational
e. Formal operational


Zeke is most likely in which of Jean Piaget’s stages of cognitive development is a. Sensorimotor

Cognitive development way the boom of a kid's capacity to suppose and reason. This boom takes place in another way from a while 6 to 12, and from a while 12 to 18. Children a while 6 to twelve years vintage increase the capacity to suppose in concrete ways. These are known as concrete operations. There are 4 ranges to cognitive facts improvement. They are, reasoning, intelligence, language, and memory. These ranges begin while the infant is ready 18 months vintage, they play with toys, pay attention to their mother and father speak, they watch tv, something that catches their interest allows construct their cognitive development.

Thus, option a is the correct choice.

To learn more about language check the link below:



Who is protagonist of the chapter?


The word protagonist is derived from the Greek for the lead character in a play. In contemporary writing, the protagonist moves the plot along by pursuing an objective. A story's main character is sometimes referred to as the protagonist.

How should I tell the story?

It should be noted that R.J. Palacio is the creator of the literary piece Wonder. August Matthew Pullman acts as the main character in the narrative. The main figure in the story is referred to as the protagonist.

How to eliminate the antagonist and subsequently accomplish the story's objective was the choice the protagonist had to make at the story's finale.

When Auggie was dressed up and headed to his graduation, the story's falling action was demonstrated. The greatness award was then presented to him as he entered the theatre with Summer. The peak is followed by the falling activity.

The protagonist in the story has changed since, when he first started school, other kids thought he was weird. However, by the time the story was over, they had come to accept him for who he was and thought he was a fine young man.

Find out more about Wonder here.



Where is blank verse used?


Mostly blank verse appears in epic poetry and plays. It has no rhyme or reason. It has one stressed and one unstressed syllable and is written in iambic pentameter.

Literature refers to unrhymed yet metric poetry with often always iambic pentameter as "blank verse."

A poetry form known as "blank verse" lacks a rhyme scheme. However, it is written in iambic pentameter, which consists of stressed and unstressed syllables and is intended to mimic the intonation of speech.

Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, who translated the Aeneid, is reported to have used blank poetry for the first time in English (composed c. 1540; published posthumously, 1554–1557).

To learn more about iambic pentameter here:



What element in the room does the narrator of "The Yellow Wallpaper" focus
on through much of the story?
OA. The locks on the door
B. The bars on the windows
C. The pattern of the wallpaper
D. The damage to the bed





It will be c your welcom r

How are emotions or feelings and attitude displayed in a cartoon?


Cartoon characters can convey emotion not just via their faces but also through their body language. The emotional experience of our character can be expressed through motions made with the hands, arms.

What makes it a cartoon, exactly?

While the term "cartoon" typically refers to a cartoon or a humorous drawing, it may refer to a massive preliminary sketch for a painting, oil painting, or tapestry in an artistic historical era. The phrase we use today, cartone, is derived from Italian and simply refers to a huge paper piece or card.

What is the name of a cartoon image?

A painting or, more frequently, a drawing of an individual or object with distorted features and form is called a caricature.

To know more about cartoon visit:



Why was the Harlem Renaissance significant quizlet?


The Civil Rights Movement's post-World War II protest movement had its beginnings in the Harlem Renaissance. It provided African Americans a lot of freedom that they previously lacked.

Why did the Harlem Renaissance occur?

African Americans were urged to embrace their culture and become "The New Negro" by celebrating their ancestry. The movement of African Americans to northern places like New York City, Chicago, and Washington D.C. between 1919 and 1926 was one of the elements that helped the Harlem Renaissance flourish.

Who made the greatest contribution to the Harlem Renaissance, and why?

Langston Hughes (1901–1967). Hughes, the most well-known and important writer of the Harlem Renaissance, also created plays, essays, novels, short stories, and dramas that all highlighted and honored Black life and pride in African American history.

To know more about Harlem Renaissance, visit:



What are parenthetical phrases or clauses?


Basically, a parenthetical citation is only a word or phrase that doesn't belong in the main body of the text. However, something's importance might still be felt even if it isn't required. When used properly, a parenthetical insertion can enhance a sentence's meaning without detracting from its natural flow.

A word or phrase that conveys important but unimportant information is known as a parenthetical expression. Words and phrases like in fact, typically, likewise, but, without a question, evidently, indeed, and numerous others can be used as parenthetical statements.

Direct address, conjunctive adverbs, contrasting expressions, and common expressions are the four main groups of parenthetical expressions.

Parenthetical examples

In the text, parenthetical citations are used to identify other quotations from this source.After the term "list" in the text file, the data values are added parenthetically in a comma-delimited list.Interestingly, this has nothing to do with the problem of hepatic cancer.

To know more about parenthetical phrases, click on the link below:



What is the situational irony in the story and what is its effect?


Once Tessie/Mrs. Settler is a situational irony in the story. Tessie is chosen to be the victim of the stoneing or execution. This is a great example of situational irony since it's when we find out what the lottery is and it's also the most visually striking part of the narrative because it shows the villagers killing Tessie.

Civilization and violence are not mutually incompatible, according to "The Lottery." The terrible assassination of Tessie Settler stands out as a particularly violent incident against the backdrop of a city that appears to be serene. It's a quite annual tradition, with the exception of the characters in the novel. The villagers' callous response to Tessie's murder emphasises the fallacy of believing that civilised life forbids violence. The author suggests that public violence be committed intermittently throughout civilization by drawing a boundary between the killing and the tranquil hamlet.

For more such question on situational irony.



Are words and phrases that appeal to the five senses sight hearing touch taste and smell?


Sensory language simply refers to words or phrases that create a connection to one or more of the five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch.

What is Sensory language?Sensory Language is a word(s) used to invoke mental images and visualize the story or poem. While Imagery is a literary device that appeals to the reader’s senses, Sensory Language is a writing style and how the writers use the words to create images for the readers. The writers present their emotions, thoughts, and ideas in a way that they tempt the reader’s imagination.  Although it is often inserted to uplift the reader’s imagination, it and plays a vital role in advancing the story or enhancing a poem.Literally, sensory language is a phrase of two words; sensory and language. It means using language to create mental pictures that appeal to the sense of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

To learn more about phrase refer to:



what does spf stand for, and what is the difference between a spf 15 and a spf 30 sunscreen?


SPF stand for, difference between a spf 15 and a spf 30 sunscreen spf or "sun protection factor," is an acronym. The correct response is B. The bag covered in SPF 30 sunscreen.

It is a gauge of how well a sunscreen cream will shield your skin against ultraviolet (U) rays, which are hazardous to skin. The level of protection increases with the SPF number. About 93% of UVB rays will be blocked by an SPF 15 sunscreen.

While 97% of UVB rays will be blocked by an SPF 30 sunscreen. It's crucial to remember that there isn't much of a difference between the two, and both offer effective UVB protection. A sunscreen with an SPF 30 will, however, offer a little bit more protection than one with an SPF 15.

complete question:

What does spf stand for, and what is the difference between a spf 15 and a spf 30 sunscreen.

A. The bag with no sunscreen

B. The bag covered in SPF 30 sunscreen

C. The bag covered in SPF 70 sunscreen

To know more about SPF visit:



What word is clever?


Mentally Bright Or high intelligence

Which answer choice is the best definition of the word available as used in the sentence.


The best definition of the word mortality as that is used in this sentence is C. Number of deaths

The best definition of the word mortality as it is used in this sentence of the doctor was concerned about high mortality among those with the disease is the number of deaths.

The word "mortality" refers to the state of death or the rate of death or the state of being mortal. They provide a snapshot of current health problems, suggest persistent patterns of risk in specific communities, and show trends in specific causes of death over time.

Thus, the correct answer is C.

To learn more about mortality check the link below:



Complete question:

Which answer choice is the best definition of the word mortality as it is used in this sentence?

The doctor was concerned about high mortality among those with the disease.

A. degree of contagion

B. amount of pain

C. number of deaths

D. loss of vision

Is homework necessary for students argumentative essay?



claim 1: In my opinion students to do homework does not need to be necessary. On average students spend 7 hours in school and are expected to get good rest for the next day. They also have extra curriculum activities sometimes such as sports, clubs etc.  

claim 2: In my opinion students should have to do homework. It helps retain knowledge and make sure you are confident on the subject. It helps understand concepts better and see if you need to study the criteria.


Your welcome~


What are examples of natural selection on Galapagos Islands?


The examples of natural selection on Galapagos Islands were that finches with larger beaks were able to eat tough seeds.

Over time, Darwin began to wonder if species from South America had reached the Galapagos and also changed as they acclimated to new surroundings. This idea — that species could change over time — ultimately led to Darwin's proposition of elaboration by natural selection.

A failure on the Galápagos islet of Daphne Major in 1977 reduced the number of small seeds available to finches, causing numerous of the small- beaked finches to die. There are 13 species of Darwin's finches set up in the Galapagos islets, which are notorious for their evolutionary history.

To learn more about Galapagos here



Who first used the blank verse?


The term “blank verse” refers to poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter. The concept of blank verse as a form of poetry has its roots in classical Greek and Latin literature.

For example, Virgil wrote The Aeneid in dactylic hexameter. This type of meter was later used in some of the works of the Italian poet Dante Alighieri, such as The Divine Comedy. The first known use of blank verse in the English language can be attributed to Geoffrey Chaucer, who wrote The Canterbury Tales in the late 1300s. Chaucer wrote in a form of English that was very similar to the Middle English spoken at the time, but he also experimented with various poetic forms. He used blank verse to great effect in his “Tale of Melibee,” which was written in iambic pentameter.

The use of blank verse as a poetic form has been adopted by many poets in the centuries since Shakespeare’s time. John Milton famously wrote the epic poem Paradise Lost in blank verse, as did Percy Bysshe Shelley in his poem “Ode to the West Wind.” In the 20th century, blank verse was adopted by modernist poets such as T.S. Eliot and W.H. Auden.

Learn more about blank verse at :https://brainly.com/question/3841005


How was Samuel Johnson's dictionary different?


One of the things that made Johnson's dictionary different from earlier dictionaries was its scope.

What was in Johnson’s dictionary ?Prior to Johnson's dictionary, the majority of dictionaries had either been restricted to a particular set of words, such as those employed in a certain trade or profession, or had been focused on a particular subject, such as science or law.On the other hand, Johnson's dictionary attempted to include every term in the English language as well as definitions and usage examples for each word.Johnson's dictionary differed significantly from preceding dictionaries in terms of how it was put together. Early dictionaries frequently obtained their definitions and examples from secondary sources like other dictionaries.Johnson, however, made a conscious effort to offer explanations and illustrations that were based on his personal, first-hand experience with the terms and their use. To further clarify the meanings of the phrases, he also used several examples from literature and other sources.

One of the things that made Johnson's dictionary different from earlier dictionaries was its scope.

To know more about Johnson’s dictionary, check out https://brainly.com/question/874798


What is the meaning of repetitive task?


Repetitive task refers to work that involves performing the same simple operation over and over.

repetitious work is made up of operations that are analogous in length, the quantum of strength needed or the physical action involved. Repetitive work is generally defined as any task in which each operation takes lower than 30 seconds to perform or involves repeating the same conduct more than half of the time, anyhow of the length of the operation. Repetitive work occurs most frequently in the artificial sector, construction, husbandry and the service sector.

Repetitive work can beget various kinds of upper limb pain and strain injuries. Strain injuries usually affect either the wrist or the elbow.

For more information on Repetitive task, visit :



What techniques are used in A Modest Proposal?


In "A Modest Proposal," satire is used to further the plot. Satire is the sarcastic, humorous, or exaggerated criticism of others' worldviews.

Although it is clear that Swift has no real desire for the Irish to sell their children as food, he utilizes the absurd idea to make a point. In the article, Swift offers a lighthearted solution to the problem of Irish tyranny and poverty.

He suggests that Irish parents raise their children until they turn one (because the first year doesn't cost much), at which point they should sell them to their English landlords for food.

To learn more about satire here:



How does iambic pentameter contribute to a poem?


The iambic pentameter contribute to a poem as alternates short syllables and long syllables to create a rhythm.

Iambic pentameter is a kind of metric line employed in ancient English poetry and verse drama. The term describes the rhythm, or meter, established by the words therein line; rhythm is measured in tiny teams of syllables known as "foot".

In English writing, rhythm is measured by teams of syllables referred to as “feet.” Iambic pentameter uses a kind of foot referred to as an “iamb,” that may be a short, weak linguistic unit followed by a extended, stressed linguistic unit. A line written in iambic verse contains 5 iambic feet—hence, pentameter.

To learn more about iambic pentameter here



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