Please give me the correct answer.Only answer if you're very good at English.Please don't put a link to a website.

Choose the answer that BEST explains how the last paragraph helps develop the central idea.

A: It supports the opinion that the revolution could never possibly have occurred without the help of social media.

B: It explains the title of the article and introduces one of the revolutionaries who used social media.

C: It suggests that social media may actually have contributed nothing of importance to the revolution.

D: It describes contrasting opinions about how much social media influenced the revolution.​

Please Give Me The Correct Answer.Only Answer If You're Very Good At English.Please Don't Put A Link


Answer 1

Answer:D: It describes contrasting opinions about how much social media influenced the revolution.​


Related Questions

how I spent my December holidays 180 words​




PRACTICE Choose a word from the box to complete each sentence . Use a dictionary to check your answers came to this land looking for freedom 1 . Our Jack before he walked right 2 . Diandra tried to into the trap 3 . In the of the painting was a large house ; behind the house was a barn 4 . Casual comments early in a story often coming events 5 . The tennis stars strong made her a formidable opponent . a quick vote on the issue , the committee voted to study it further 7 . In what way was the horse and buggy the of the automobile ?



1. Our forefathers came to this land looking for freedom.

2. Diandra tried to forewarn Jack before he walked right into the trap.

3. In the foreground of the painting was a large house ; behind the house was a barn.

4. Casual comments early in a story often foreshadow coming events.

5. The tennis star's strong forehand made her a formidable opponent.

6. To forestall a quick vote on the issue, the committee voted to study it further.

7. In what way was the horse and buggy the forerunner of the automobile?


1. Our forefathers came to this land looking for freedom.

Forefathers refer to the past generations, the previous generations, our ancestors.

2. Diandra tried to forewarn Jack before he walked right into the trap.

Forewarn means to give a warning before anything bad happens.

3. In the foreground of the painting was a large house; behind the house was a barn.

Foreground refers to the area nearest to the viewer when looking at a picture or a painting.

4. Casual comments early in a story often foreshadow coming events.

To foreshadow means to give some hints about what might or could happen in the near future.

5. The tennis star's strong forehand made her a formidable opponent.

The forehand of a tennis player refers to the position of the palm of the layer while hitting back the ball with his/her racket.

6. To forestall a quick vote on the issue, the committee voted to study it further.

To forestall means to act in such a way as to try to prevent someone from doing something.

7. In what way was the horse and buggy the forerunner of the automobile?

A forerunner is used to refer to anything that precedes or develops first before another thing.




submitting to others

submissive employees




to obey or yield to

To be submissive is to obey or yield to someone else. When you are submissive, you submit to someone else's will, which literally, you put your own desires lower than theirs. You can see this in the Latin root of submit, submittere, which is formed by sub- "under" + mittere "send, put." Definitions of submissive.

Submission in marriage means selflessness, service, accountability, and respect for your partner, which should be mutual; it is not slavery or a woman's call to lose her voice. The fundamental rubric on which The Christian marriage is built is love, and love is anything but the desire to control.

Submission to God's authority brings freedom. It sets order and direction in our everyday lives for those found in Christ. And what is to follow is unimaginable blessing for those who are obedient.

"The doors to the castle swung open, inviting me in" is an example of...





a door cant can't greet you, so you're giving the object person characteristics

Determine which word is the object of the preposition in each of the following sentences Then choose that correct answer

some foods with sugar have few nutrients.








What is a good character trait for Parvana at the end of the movie? Why? HELP PLEASE HURRY



Shes respectuful and careful about her family because she respects and loves her family dearly we can tell.


Parvana's character is seen as: courageous, strong, independent and caring. She is very loyal to her family and friends, and she respects and loves her family dearly. There is a bit of childhood innocence evident by Parvana, as she is oblivious at times to the things going on around her.

Which general idea best covers the specific ideas? Specific ideas : horror, shame, disgust, fear The general idea emotions. calm emotions. unpleasant emotions.



The general idea that best covers the specific ideas is: unpleasant emotions.


Unpleasant is an adjective that defines anything that causes discomfort or revulsion. When we think of emotions, feelings, or sensations such as horror, shame, disgust, and fear, we are thinking of unpleasant emotions. There is nothing good about feeling ashamed, for instance. It means you are feeling the pain caused by a humiliation. Disgust, for example, is something you feel when you see something sickening, revolting.

What question requires you to determine the presence of evidence from a reliable source to support its claim?

Does the website have pleasing graphics?
Who's behind the information?
What do other sources say?
What's the evidence?



what's di other sources have to say about it.

1 You should open the wine about three hours before you use it.
in passive voice?​



The wine should be opened by you about three hours before you use it.


First, identify the direct subject of this sentence, which is you. Remember to always change things in the independent clause. Then place the indirect object of the sentence at the beginning, which is wine in this case. Switch things around until they make the same meaning (except wordier), and voila - you are done.

Note: most of the time, passive voice is wordy, unclear, and hard to read, so stick with active voice for other writing.

Hope this helps! :)

Business Letter #2. Type an order letter. This letter will be in full block form and will have all six parts that you have studied. Use the following information:
1. Address: Mr. Albert Simpson
Shipping Department
Fix-It Hardware Store
328 Commercial St.
La Jolla, CA 92396

2. Merchandise: One racing seat
Two inner tubes, size 135
One can of blue touch-up paint
Five packages of replacement spokes

3. Invent your own catalog numbers and prices.
4. Give good descriptions of the merchandise.


Answer: 2 is correct



3 one is correct dear


Hope it helps u


What does the quote 'All is fair in love and war'' mean? Do you believe it is true?​


used to describe a situation in which people do not follow the usual rules of behavior and do things that are normally considered unfair Sure, it was underhanded to steal his customers, but all's fair in love and war.

To admire something means to like it a lot. Jimmy likes The Wright Brothers. He has
for them.





It is the correct form to use in this context.

what makes more sense "when will you do your homework?" or "when are you going to do your homework?" if the answer is "In a minute, let me finish playing the videogame"?



when are you going to do your homework


2.1 Define the concept of continuous assessment.(3 x 1 = 3)

2.2 Mention five forms of assessment you will apply in your subject as part of continuous assessment. Indicate your phase, grade and subject.(5 x 1 = 5)

2.3 Outline reasons for choosing the five forms of assessment in 2.2, in relation to your phase, grade and subject. (5 x 1 = 5)

2.4You should always take into consideration diversity when teaching and assessing learners in the class. Mention and explain three different assessment and learning styles. (3 x 3 = 9)

2.5 In your own words, elaborate on the following theories that underpin assessment planning and implementation. In your response, provide a practical example of how you would implement the theories in your classroom.

2.5.1 Social justice (4 x 1 = 4)

2.5.2 Social constructivism (4 x 1 = 4) ​


Continuous assessment refers to an ongoing process of evaluating and gathering information about a student's learning progress and performance throughout a specific period of time, rather than relying solely on one-time examinations or tests.

How to explain the information

It involves the systematic and regular assessment of a student's knowledge, skills, and understanding of the subject matter, providing feedback and opportunities for improvement on an ongoing basis.

Continuous assessment takes into account various assessment methods, such as assignments, projects, presentations, quizzes, and class participation, to gather a comprehensive understanding of a student's overall performance.

The specific forms of assessment employed in a subject may vary depending on the educational context, subject area, and grade level.

Learn more about Continuous assessment on


How does the use of actual names and dialogue in A Night to Remember to serve the author’s purpose?

by presenting the characters as people in a real-life situation
by indicating which conversations occurred and which did not
by suggesting why the event described is so well known
by showing how many passengers were on the ship



A- by presenting the characters as people in a real-life situation


A. By presenting the characters as people in a real-life situation


I got it right on the test that I took.

“I think I know a cure for you.” Who is ‘I’ in the story ‘A triumph of Surgery”?



In the chapter "Triumph of Surgery" the cure was cutting off the food and diets.

The care taker i.e. the doctor had not done any treatment but he had given him

plenty of water to drink and less food to consume. so by these, the Dog was

Cured. No treatment or oppression was done.

The old man in a boat





Okay ...............thanks

The above text is an example of what type of text?


Sorry but what text above is the question asking about. Does this come with a text or did you forget to include it?
Need the text above to answers

match te sentences 1-5 with the offers a-e. Say the answers aloud.
1I can't afford this book.
2My hands are really cold.
3I don't know how to play this computer game.
4I can't find my dog
5My sister is really angry with me.
a. I'll buy some gloves for you.
b.I'll talk to her.
c. I'll lend you some money.
d. I'll help you to look
e. I'll show you.









Hope this helps

Which of the following is the best central idea for the paragraph below?

​Do you wear glasses? Make sure your glasses fit well. The earpieces should be at eye level. Don’t try to adjust the earpieces yourself. Take your glasses for adjustments to the place you bought them. Keep your glasses in a case when you’re not wearing them. This will prevent scratches. Keep the lenses clean. A soft cloth is best for cleaning.
There are many steps to take care of your glasses
Wearing glasses is fun
It is very easy to care for your glasses
Wearing glasses is nerdy





The passage focuses mainly on taking care of eyeglasses

Science is often defined inadequately as “an organized body of knowledge.” This would make cookbooks, Sears, Roebuck catalogues, and telephone books science, which they are not. Sometimes science is defined simply as rationality, but that would make much of theology and metaphysics science, which they are not. Rationality is logical consistency, lack of contradiction. It is to be distinguished from reasonableness, the quality of a mind open to arguments and evidence opposed to its beliefs: a willingness to reconsider. Rationalists can be quite unreasonable or dogmatic. Rationalist metaphysicians and theologians are often certain about premises which come from intuition or revelation. Even paranoiacs may be thought of as rationalists, for they are commonly most rigorous in reasoning. But their premises, which they cling to in spite of all evidence, are absurd.


Science is empirical, rational, general, and cumulative; and it is all four at once. Science is empirical in that all its conclusions are subject to test by sense experience. Observation is the base on which science rests, but scientific observation is more than keeping one’s eyes open. It is observation made by qualified observers under controlled conditions of those things which confirm or disconfirm, verify or refute a theory. Sherlock Holmes* could tell by the stains on a vest what a man had eaten for breakfast. From a number of such observations he arrived at a theory about why and how a particular crime was committed. This procedure is excellent for detection but insufficient for science, because it yields only knowledge of particular events. Science would go on to ask why and how crime, not a particular crime, is committed. Science uses facts to test general theories and general theories to make predictions about particular facts.

Scientific observations may be made of things as they exist, like the color of an apple or the temperature of the air, or it may be made of what results from an experiment. An experiment is the deliberate manipulation of conditions in order to bring about what we want to observe. If we want to test the hypothesis that a new plastic can withstand two hundred pounds of pressure without crumbling, we may have to create a situation in which such pressure is applied to a piece of the plastic, because it is unlikely that the situation already exists anywhere in the world, or if it does, that all other factors are kept constant. In some sciences, like astronomy, we do not sufficiently control the subject matter to experiment on it—although we do control the conditions of observation—and we distinguish those sciences from others, like chemistry, in which experiment is possible, by calling the latter “experimental sciences.”

Although all scientific thought ultimately rests on observation, there are vast portions of it which are entirely rational: analysis of the meaning of terms, deductions from existent theories, explorations of the logical relations among concepts and among theories. Logic is applied to science constantly because logic contains the rules of valid thinking. The application of mathematics is often thought, erroneously, to be an index of the status of any science. Of course, the more it can be applied usefully within a science, the more advanced the science. For mathematics functions both as a language in which scientific laws are stated, giving them the utmost precision, elegance, and economy, and as the basis of measurement. Many of the most significant advances in physics, astronomy, and chemistry have depended on advances in and application of mathematics. Without calculus the work of Isaac Newton would have been impossible. Yet great scientific work in other fields, performed by men like Pasteur, Darwin, and Pavlov (with whose names pasteurization, evolution, and conditioned response in psychology are associated), has used little or no mathematics.

In the final sentence of the first paragraph, the authors choose to use the word “absurd” in order to

A- demonstrate that even sound premises can lead to irrational conclusions

B- argue that evidence that seems illogical should not be considered by scientists

C-emphasize a previous distinction between rationality and reasonableness

D- imply that too much rigor can lead to nonsensical inferences

E- convey disdain for those who display uncertainty about their premises



I think the answer is D-imply that too much rigor can lead to nonsensical inferences


"Hold your horses and let me explain first" is an example of...








a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words (e.g., rain cats and dogs, see the light).


expression · idiomatic expression · turn of phrase · set phrase · fixed expression · phrase · locution

a form of expression natural to a language, person, or group of people.

"he had a feeling for phrase and idiom"


language · mode of expression · style of speech · speech · talk · -speak · [more]

the dialect of a people or part of a country.


regional language · local language · local tongue · local speech · [more]

a characteristic mode of expression in music or art.

"they were both working in a neo-impressionist idiom"

If you have ever been treated unfairly, you may have been told, “Who ever said life has to be fair?” Describe a time you were treated unfairly and how you handled the situation.


there’s been several situations, i usually try to think positive. Also i try to understand it from the point of view.

Combine these two sentences to form a logical complex sentence.
Anna served chicken for dinner. Ray is a vegetarian. (IS NOT A)

Anna served chicken for dinner as if Ray is a vegetarian.
Anna served chicken for dinner provided that Ray is a vegetarian.
Anna served chicken for dinner even though Ray is a vegetarian.
Anna served chicken for dinner as though Ray is a vegetarian.



C. Anna served chicken even thought Ray is a vegetarian


Because all the other answers don't make sense, as though would mean she served it to him as a punishment, or something like that, and as if doesn't even sound right. I hope this helps!

Below is a list of facts
about exotic pets. Write one
paragraph of an argument describing
why exotic pets such as chimpanzees
and tigers should not be allowed in
homes. Select the details that would
best support your claim from the list
of fast facts.



Both chimpanzees and tigers are considerably larger and stronger than the average human, with an adult chimpanzee being 3x stronger than a human. These animals would need careful handling as they have been known to kill people, not to mention that exotic pets kill at least 4 people yearly.  The large size of these animals would mean that they would require large enclosures to accomidate them both as a sleeping habitat and an open area to stimulate them. The avarage American house size is 2, 287 square feet, tigeresses need 20 square kilometers of space while male tigers need 60 - 100 square meters of territory. Chimpanzees need 23 square meters per individual. This substantial amount of land required to house these exotic animals would not be typically accomidable. However, if you are able to procure the land to house such animals, then that also raises other issues regarding medical care and food for the animals.

- apologies for having the measurments

in different units, too lazy to convert them. Also, main points are not having enough space and them being dangerous, added a quick last point on needing special food for them and vets but didn't really expand on it since feel like it's a given. Hope this helps some!

What happens when we ate ice cream on a hot day?



we get cooled down


The ice creams becomes warm and melts under the heat. Going from solid to liquid

How does Santiago’s father feel about his son becoming a shepherd? What does his father give him? What does Santiago detect in his father’s gaze?






1. In context, the question in line 5 ("Why write... ever the same") conveys the speaker's


Question Completion:

(A) apparent self-reproach for using poetic diction he has used before

(B) ambition to earn fame by being in the vanguard of poetic movements (C) yearning for a wider range of themes in order to develop his poetic skill

(D) reluctant acknowledgement that he is no longer as prolific as he once was

(E) disgust with his inability to write in a more polished, conventional poetic form


1. In context, the question in line 5 ("Why write... ever the same") conveys the speaker's

(E) disgust with his inability to write in a more polished, conventional poetic form.


Line 5 of Sonnet 76 was authored by William Shakespeare and published in 1609.  The line conveys the speaker's frustration that he was always speaking on the same subject of love and too often with words that are easily recognizable as his because of their literary features.  Sonnet 76 is titled "Why is my verse so barren of new pride," depicting a fruitless womb.  But we know that the words of the acclaimed wordsmith have remained prolific ever since.  Instead, like the poet, we realize that the description of love remains the same since time immemorial because love has no duplicates or counterfeits.

The correct statement is :

Option E

Disgust with his inability to write in a more polished, conventional poetic form.

Line 5 of Sonnet 76 was created by William Shakespeare and distributed in 1609. The line passes on the speaker's disappointment that he was continually talking on a similar subject of adoration and time and again with words that are effectively unmistakable as his in light of their scholarly elements.

Piece 76 is named For what reason is my stanza so desolate of new pride, portraying an unbeneficial belly. In any case, we realize that the expressions of the acclaimed scribe have stayed productive from that point onward.

All things being equal, similar to the artist, we understand that the portrayal of adoration continues as before since days of yore since affection has no copies or fakes.

For more information, refer the following link:

Please please help me



d im  pretty sure but ya


what word or words in the poem indicate that it is addressed to someone?


Answer: What is the poem, and be more specific of what you want us to answer


Then I will help.

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