
Answer 1

It is true that the author of the above passage was bitterly opposed to slavery. The response she was hoping that her readers will have with regard to Mr. Shelby's logic is; "They would find Mr. Shelby's decision cruel in spite of the reason he gives for the decision" (Option C).

What is the central idea of the above text?

The central idea of the above text is one that speaks to the cruelty of slavery.

The primary concept is the main idea or message that the author is attempting to communicate. The primary concept expresses the essential point of a piece in one broad statement. Identifying the key idea will assist you in comprehending and analyzing what you are reading.

It gives the reader a framework for comprehending and remembering the text's key themes. Learning to recognize the key concept can assist readers in remembering what they read and improving their comprehension.

Learn more about slavery:

Related Questions

Select the correct answer.
Read the excerpt from paragraphs 15 and 16.

(15) My last class in French!

(16) And I barely knew how to write! So I should never learn! I must stop short where I was! How angry I was with myself because of the time I had wasted, the lessons I had missed, running about after nests, or sliding on the Saar! My books, which only a moment before I thought so tiresome, so heavy to carry—my grammar, my sacred history—seemed to me now like old friends, from whom I should be terribly grieved to part.

How does the use of personification in the underlined words affect the meaning of the passage?

It emphasizes that not being able to learn French will have a major impact on Frantz.
It suggests that Frantz always secretly loved reading but did not want his teacher to know.
It shows that learning history and mastering grammar are important life skills for Frantz.
It demonstrates Frantz's realization that books are more important than anything else.


The passage's significance is affected by how personification is used in the extract since it demonstrates how crucial grammar and historical knowledge are to Frantz's well-being.

Explain about the personification?

Keep an eye out for personification if the author describes something that isn't human as having human characteristics. As an illustration of personification, a writer can liken the warmth of the sun to the embrace of a caring mother.

Personifying anything involves using a verb that people regularly use. You can personify anything by using an adjective to describe a human characteristic or emotion. Another method to personify something is to have something non-human possess that only a human would.

Personification pushes the boundaries of reality to give art and poetry greater life. Personification is a literary device that writers use to make concepts more clear, create compelling characters, and describe scenes.

To learn more about personification refer to:


What is the summary of Chapter 7 in Animal Farm?


In Chapter 7 of Animal Farm, the animals prioritize rebuilding their windmill even though they are challenged by fierce winter storms and the threat of starvation.

What is the summary of chapter 7 in Animal Farm?

The animals prioritize rebuilding their windmill even though they are challenged by fierce winter storms and the threat of starvation in Chapter 7 of Animal Farm. They are keenly focused on concealing their struggles from humans who are hoping for Animal Farm's demise. In particular, Napoleon is concerned about not disclosing Animal Farm's limited food production to outsiders. He orders that the nearly empty food bins be filled with sand and covered with the few remaining rations so that Animal Farm will appear prosperous. When Mr Whymper, whom Animal Farm has hired to act as its spokesman, visits the farm, he sees what appears to be overflowing food bins.

He also overhears animals saying that their rations have been increased.

Learn more about chapter, here:


What is swallowing stones chapter 6 about




Need a source

How do you practice reflexive pronouns?


Words like myself, you, him, her, it, ourselves, ourselves, and yourselves are examples of reflexive pronouns.

Remind pupils that a reflexive pronoun is one that makes a reference to the sentence's subject again. Explain that when the subject and the object of the sentences are the same, reflexive pronouns are employed. In the statement you typed on the board, underline the word himself. Reflexive pronouns are used to indicate that a person is acting independently. These pronouns consistently allude to the sentence's subject. When playing with dolls, action figures, or Little People, pronouns can be used to great effect. Useful expressions include "He is rushing away!" Also, don't be afraid to use the pronoun excessively.

To learn more about subject click here


What are 9 general safety guidelines?


General safety guidelines the likelihood of laboratory accidents is reduced by adhering to safety regulations.A chemical lab may turn into a location where potential chemical risks may manifest.

Chemicals have the potential to ignite, burn people, and harm lab equipment.Therefore, it is important to follow safety guidelines to reduce incidents of this nature.Keeping combustibles away from the heated.

work area for a distance of at least 35 feet is one of the main general safety rules.Work that involves heat or is combustible, such as welding, heating, or cutting, should be done far from any combustible materials.

To know more about Safety guidelines visit:


What is the point of a good neighbor fence?


A wall dispenses with any opportunity of somebody intruding into a zone that has a place with you. This is additionally valid for connections, adjoining nations, associates, or all the other things throughout everyday life. One shouldn't construct a stone wall making it difficult to impart yet rather fabricate a low wall to keep a separation.

Robert Ice instituted the expression "great walls make great neighbors" in his 1914 sonnet "Retouching Wall." While the importance of the sonnet might have been somewhat more about 'turf security," it can likewise be applied to enhancing home and property. Great walls can offer magnificence, security, and well-being.

The completed side ought to point toward your neighbor. In addition to the fact that this is more well-mannered, yet all the same, it's the norm.

Learn more about good neighbor fence:


What type of sonnet is ABAB CDCD Efef GG?


The concept mentioned here is Sonnet, which is a fourteen-line poem. The answer is a Shakespearean sonnet.

Traditionally, it has fourteen lines of iambic backbeat linked by an intricate minstrelsy scheme. Iambic backbeat refers to its meter; principally, each line of the lyric has ten syllables, and every other syllable is stressed.

Although utmost sonnets are love runes, they do not have to be romantic. Shakespeare's sonnets are composed of 14 lines, and the utmost is divided into three quatrains and a final, concluding brace.

This sonnet form and minstrelsy scheme is known as the English sonnet. They've 14 lines divided into 4 groups 3 quatrains and a brace. Each line is generally ten syllables, stated in iambic backbeat.

To know more about Sonnet,


Why do you think Dr. Jekyll is changing into Mr. Hyde
without the potion? Remember to cite evidence from the
text to support your answer.


While asleep one night, he involuntarily transformed into Hyde—without the help of the potion—and awoke in the body of his darker half. This incident convinced him that he must cease with his transformations or risk being trapped in Hyde’s form forever. But after two months as Jekyll, he caved in and took the potion again.

In what ways does Boxer become the most admired worker of Animal Farm?


Boxer is a strong, devoted, loyal, and diligent worker. He also puts up a valiant struggle against others. Unfortunately, the pigs take advantage of his excessive loyalty and work him until he passes out.

How is Boxer admired in Animal Farm?The strongest animal on the farm is a boxer, described as "an gigantic beast, about eighteen hands high, and as strong as any two ordinary horses put together. He was not of first-rate brain, but he was much admired for his firmness of character and immense capabilities of labour." These are excellent characteristics for a horse, but as it turns out, not so excellent characteristics for a revolutionary living under Stalin's rule. The same day that those powerful muscles of yours lose their strength, Jones will send you to the knacker, who will boil you down and cut you open for the fox-hounds, Old Major tells Boxer at the beginning of the book. Boxer is aware of that, but after Jones is ejected from the farm, Boxer believes the danger has passed. He simply lacks the intelligence to recognise that he must be concerned about a whole different species.

To learn more about Boxer refer :


biography of robert browning​



Robert Browning was an English poet and playwright who is best known for his dramatic monologues and poems about love, faith, and personal relationships. He was born on May 7, 1812, in Camberwell, England, and was the son of a wealthy London merchant.

Browning was educated at home and showed an early interest in literature and poetry. He published his first book of poetry, "Pauline: A Fragment of a Confession," in 1833, and gained recognition as a poet with the publication of "Paracelsus" in 1835. In 1846, he married the poet Elizabeth Barrett, and the couple had a son, Robert Barrett Browning Jr.

Throughout his career, Browning wrote a wide range of poetry, including love poems, religious poems, and poems about social and political issues. He is known for his use of complex language and imagery, and his poems often explore themes of love, faith, and personal relationships.

Browning died on December 12, 1889, in Venice, Italy, at the age of 77. His works continue to be widely read and studied today.

What is the internal conflict of Mary?


When it comes to exposing Abigail Williams as a fraud, Mary Warren is racked with intense internal struggle. She advises Abigail that they must come clean or they will receive a flogging. Abigail disagrees, though. Mary Warren is unsure whether or not she should confess.

"The Crucible" and Mary warren Conflicts

Arthur Miller, an American playwright, wrote The Crucible in 1953. It tells the account of the Salem witch trials, which occurred in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1692–1693 and were dramatised and somewhat fictionalized. Miller created the play as a parable for the McCarthy era, during which the American government punished those who were thought to be communists.

The Salem witch trials and the events of the play "The Crucible "take place in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692. The play, which follows the tale of a group of young Salem women who unjustly accuse other people of witchcraft, is a fictionalised account of the trials.In the Salem Witch Trials, Mary Warren, the oldest of the affected girls, testified against a number of alleged witches before facing her own charges of witchcraft. Due in part to Mary Warren's own ambiguous and evasive claims made during the witchcraft frenzy, there is a lot of misunderstanding surrounding her case.The play, which follows the tale of a group of young Salem women who unjustly accuse other people of witchcraft, is a fictionalised account of the trials. 200 villagers are arrested and 19 people are killed as a result of the charges and subsequent trials, which cause the town to become hysterical.One of the key takeaways from "The Crucible" is that mob mentality always results in rash (and, thus, unethical and illogical) decisions, whether they be religious or political. These behaviours in this drama result in the persecution of innocent individuals.

Internal Conflict: Mary Warren is a good illustration of an internal conflict. She is an excellent illustration of an internal conflict because she is unsure of which side to support during the trials. John Procter or Abigail Williams.

To know more about The Crucible refer to :


Which of the following is not a question you should ask to evaluate the
credibility of a source?
• A. Who is the author of the source?
• B. Has the source been fact-checked?
• C. When and where was the source published?

D. Does the author of the source share my views on the topic?


Answer: It should be B

Explanation: Process of elimination.

Among the following questions one should cannot ask to evaluate the credibility of a source is has the source been fact-checked. The correct option is B.

What is credibility of a source?

Credibility of a source refers to the extent to which consumers trust and believe what other people and organizations say about a specific offering or service.

According to the source credibility idea, when a source promotes itself as credible, people are more likely to be convinced.

Determination the credibility of a source by following manner:

The facts should be recent and accurate.The source need to be pertinent to your investigation.The source you use for your research should have a reputable author and a reputable reputation.The author should have used clear, neutral sources that are simple to locate.

Thus option B is correct.

Learn more about credibility of a source refer:


How does the narrative technique of characterization support the author's purpose in this excerpt it shows?


Characterization serves the author's objective in this extract by aiding in the creation of unease. ( Option A )

- A youngster from Honduras who goes to the United States in search of his mother is the subject of Sonia Nazario's book Enrique's Journey: The Story of a Boy's Dangerous Odyssey to Reunite with His Mother.

- It demonstrates how challenging Enrique's travels have been. It serves as an example of the one thing Enrique is terrified of. This justifies Enrique's opposition to joining a gang.

- By expressing how easily awful things could happen to the character in the sample, the speaker establishes a very stressful scenario. Additionally, the individuals portrayed in the excerpt can be interpreted as belonging to or being a gang. These factors collectively contribute to unease.

To know more about Enrique's journey, kindly click on the link below :


- The complete question is :

Read the excerpt from Enrique’s Journey. Before the train leaves, the gangsters roam the Tapachula depot, eyeing which migrants are buying food and where they stash their cash afterward. They try to get friendly with the migrants, telling them they have already done the train ride. Maybe they can offer tips? Many of the gangsters wear white plastic rosaries around their necks so the migrants will be less suspicious. They ask, "Where are you from? Where are you going? Do you have any money?"

How does the narrative technique of characterization support the author’s purpose in this excerpt?

A- It helps create uneasiness.

B-  It helps create trust.

C- It helps create hope.

D- It helps create calmness.

What are some of the methods that lobbyists use to influence or help lawmakers?


Some of the methods that lobbyists use to influence or help lawmakers are Conferences, Seminars, Public Meetings.

What is Lobbying?

Lobbying is an aspect of life in every country. It has the ability to increase democratic involvement by providing useful insights and information to decision makers, as well as facilitating stakeholder access to public policy creation and execution.

Lobbying may take several forms, including attempting to influence policymakers from inside (collaborating with them on your topic), consultations, conferences, public gatherings, lobbying in face-to-face meetings, and written or telephone interactions. Therefore. Lawmakers are influenced by lobbyist in various ways.

Learn more about Lobbyists here:


What is another name for conclusion?


To sum up, in summary is one of the most straightforward synonyms for in conclusion.

In summary is one of the most straightforward synonyms for in conclusion. The primary idea or conclusion of your research will be quickly stated after this transitional phrase. Similar to the conclusion, it is formal enough to be used when presenting or writing an academic work.

A conclusion frequently goes beyond summarising the presentation's major point or point of contention. Sometimes a conclusion includes a more thorough evaluation of the evidence that was provided. For instance, in some circumstances, you might decide to briefly go over an argument's line of reasoning to show how you arrived at your conclusion. The phrases let's review or to review are useful guideposts in these situations.

Know more about summary here:


Reading To Do, i-Ready
What is the purpose of Kelley's rhetorical
questions, underlined on pages 3 and 4?
They clarify the distinctions between child labor
laws in Georgia and New Jersey.
They accuse the legislature of not doing their job.
They make a connection between women's
suffrage and child labor.
They emphasize the influence of teachers in


The rhetorical techniques were used in Florence Kelley's speech. She makes use of them to support her arguments with logical statements, to establish the morality of her claims, and to emote the reader.

What is meant by logical statement?A logical statement is anything that allows us to derive a brand-new mathematical truth from previously known data. As an illustration, the logical statement "The diagonals of a rectangle have the same length" An assertion, such as "Pizza is tasty," is a statement that claims something to be true. In the legal, financial, and political spheres, there are more types of assertions. All claims or arguments are made in statements. In the event that you see an accident, you must report what you witnessed to the police. One independent clause, or the main clause, makes up a simple sentence instead of any dependent or subordinate clauses. The full meaning of a notion should be conveyed in a single sentence. The Greek term "logos," which can mean everything from reason to discourse to language, is whence the word "logic" gets its name. Traditionally, the term "logic" has been used to refer to the study of the principles of sound reasoning or the laws of thought.

To learn more about logical statement refer to:


What is the degree and the leading?


The biggest power of the parameter that comes in the polynomial is its degree. That term with both the highest degree—i.e., the term with the largest power of the variable—is the leading term.

What is meant by a leading coefficient?

In a polynomial function, the term with the highest x factor is the leading term. The leading phrase's factor is the leading coefficient.

What does a function's leading coefficient represent?

The term with both the highest degree—i.e., the term with the largest power of the variable—is the leading term. The main coefficient is the leading term's coefficient. Find the product of two linear binomials to factor quadratic expressions.

To know more about  leading coefficient visit:


What was the symbol on the flag in Animal Farm?


The Animal Farm flag is a green field with a hoof and a horn. The green represents the fields of England, while the hoof and horn signify the Republic of the Animals, according to the text.

What is the theme of Animal farm?

The central topic of Animal Farm is the ability of regular people to maintain their faith in a revolution that has been completely betrayed. Orwell tries to show how those in power—Napoleon and his fellow pig, the revolution's democratic ideal.

A green field with a hoof and a horn serves as the Animal Farm flag. According to the inscription, the green indicates the pastures of England, while the hooves and horns symbolize the Republic of the Animals. Therefore, The Animal Farm flag represents its residents.

Learn more about Animal Farm here:


Right to body paragraphs that separate clean accompanied by a piece of supporting evidence each use either Legos pathos or ethos to convince readers to your argument


If you want to write two persuasive paragraphs, you must know that logos, ethos and pathos are rhetorical appeals used to persuade the audience.

What are rhetorical appeals?

Rhetorical appeals are techniques employed to persuade one's audience. The most famous are the following three:

Logos: The speaker uses logic and reasoning to reach a persuasive conclusion.Ethos: The speaker appeals to his own credibility or authority or to that of others, such as experts in the field.Pathos: The speaker appeals to the audience's emotions. This is the most common appeal in advertisement.

Suppose you wish to write your two paragraphs in order to persuade your audience to donate money. In this case, the best appeal to use would be pathos. For example, if the cause chosen by you refers to helping children in a poor country, you could describe a specific child's life, focusing on how she has to skip meals every day, or how she wishes she could go to school. That way, you would evoke pity from your audience.

Learn more about rhetorical appeals here:


Is Enrique's journey a true story?


Yes, Enrique's journey is a true story

The nonfiction novel "Enrique's Journey" by Sonia Nazario is based on the true account of a young kid named Enrique who travels perilously from Honduras to the United States in order to reconnect with his mother. The narrative of the novel centres on Enrique's journey through Central America and Mexico, where he encounters several difficulties and perils.  

It concentrates on the challenges faced by immigrants, which is the primary issue of the story. The author uses a combination of research, interviews, and storytelling techniques to bring Enrique's story to life in this narrative-style book. The novel uses sensory elements and detailed language to give readers the impression that they are travelling on Enrique's adventure with him.

Read more about Enrique's journey on:


What is the purpose of Chapter 5 in Animal Farm?


The purpose of chapter five of Animal farm was to expose Napoleon's corrupt and power-hungry motivations.

The animal farm theme is that of revolution and change. The novel is set in a time when the animals are trying to overthrow the humans and take over the farm.

The main character, Napoleon, is a pig who leads the animals in their quest for freedom. The other animals include the cows, horses, dogs, and chickens. The animals are all very different, but they are all united in their desire to be free from the humans.

To know more about Animal, click here.


What Sancho means in English?


The term "sancho" is used in Mexican (Spanish) slang to refer to the other man in a relationship, or, more specifically, the man who a husband or boy-friend knows his wife is having an extra-marital affair with when the husband or boy-friend isn't around.

Sancho is an Iberian name with Basque ancestry (Santxo, Santzo, Santso, Antzo, Sans). The name Sancho derives from the Latin Sanctius. Sancha is the feminine form, whereas Sánchez is the typical patronymic.

The name has a strong literary ties to Sancho Panza outside of the Spanish-speaking world. Sancho, which translates to "holy, saint," is largely a masculine name of Spanish origin. Most likely originated from the name or term Santo.

To learn more about Sancho here:


When did lobbying become a problem?


Lobbying may result in undue influence, unfair competition and policy capture, to the detriment of effective policymaking.

In politics, lobbying, persuasion, or interest representation refers to the practise of legally seeking to influence the decisions, actions, or policies of public servants, most frequently politicians or regulators.

Many different sorts of persons, associations, and organised organisations, including those in the private sector, companies, other lawmakers or government officials, or advocacy groups, engage in lobbying, which often entails direct, face-to-face interaction. A legislator's constituents can include lobbyists, which refers to a voter or group of voters in their electoral district. Lobbyists can also work as lobbyists for a living.

To know more about Lobbying here-


What makes good neighbors?


Good neighbors respect each other. This integrates enduring each other's calling, security, religion, and individual choices with close to no tendency. Even more essentially, a good neighbor will respect your requirements and act in a like way.

Being a good neighbor suggests being reasonable and receptive toward different people's viewpoints and lifestyles, and considering how your lead affects others around you.

As a fair neighbor, it's basic to keep your property looking great and to follow any close-by rules concerning grass care, trash evacuation, halting, and yard bargains. Great neighbors are cordial. They present themselves, keep up with connections, and are congenial. They likewise appreciate being social locally and urge others to do as such also.

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Write two to three sentences describing how the speaker is affected by his relationship with annabel lee. Cite evidence from the text to support your answer.


The news of Annabel Lee's passing devastated the poem's speaker. He began going to her graveyard to sit beside her tomb because he was feeling so lonely. That is how much he missed and loved Annabel Lee, the love of his life.

The speaker of the poem had a romantic involvement with Annabel Lee. The poem's Stanza 2, Lines 1 & 2, implies that they had been in love since they were little. Since they were so emotionally intertwined, the speaker of the poem refers to their love as being "deeper than love." As we read the poem, it is clear that the speaker and Annabel Lee were in love and content with one another.

This was a happy and comfortable relationship for both of them, but as the speaker claims, the angels were envious that mortals could feel such intense love for one another. Out of this envogue, they killed Annabel Lee, turning all the pain into love, as the speaker now lives alone in grief. During their relationship, Annabel became unwell and eventually passed away. The poem's speaker was touched by her passing, which fundamentally altered their relationship.

Learn more about Annabel visit:


What are the 3 main substances in pewter?


The three main substances in pewter are tin, antimony and copper.

Pewter is a malleable metal alloy, consisting substances such as 85–99% tin, mixed with copper, antimony, and sometimes bismuth. Pewter has a low melting point, around 170–230 °C, depending on the exact composition of the alloy. Owing to the low melting point, it is easy to cast and shape.

Pewter is a malleable metal alloy, typically composed of 85-99% tin, with the remainder consisting of copper, antimony, bismuth and sometimes silver. Historically, pewter was used to make a variety of household items, including dishes, drinking vessels and ornamental items.

To know more about pewter, click here.


mars planet is save to live life for human beings





The air on mars is thinner than that on Earth. On Earth, 21 per cent of the air is oxygen, which is what makes it the ideal place for human life. But on Mars, oxygen makes up 0.13 per cent of the air. The majority is carbon dioxide, which is harmful to humans.

How do you write a story ending with I wish I had listened to my father?


To write a story ending with I wish I had listened to my father, you should start by having the father give important advice that would have saved their family from something and then because they were to stubborn to listen, they ignored their father and when they are left with nothing, they admit that they wish they had listened to their father.

4. Reread the following quotation from paragraph 104: "… [Scrooge's] offences carry their own punishment…." Explain this quote in context of the passage. What does Scrooge's nephew mean, and how does it contribute to the text's theme(s)?


We can see here that the quote, "… [Scrooge's] offences carry their own punishment…." is actually known to be Scrooge tends to punish himself as he refuses to embrace his family. It reveals that Scrooge is hurting himself by committing the offence of not embracing his family.

What is quote?

A quote is actually known to be a restatement of what someone had earlier said in order to make reference to the person or to make use of the person's statement for learning purpose. Quotes are usually known to be enclosed with quotation marks. The use of quotation marks makes readers understand that the statement is a quote.

We see here that the above quote was actually enclosed with quotation marks.

We see here that Scrooge's nephew, Fred actually makes the statement that  "… [Scrooge's] offences carry their own punishment…."because he has understanding that Scrooge hurts himself when he rejects his family.

Learn more about quote on


What happens in Section 1 of An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge?


Peyton Farquhar is positioned in section I twenty feet above the water on a railroad bridge. His hands are fastened behind his back, and a noose that is attached to an overhead beam is wrapped around his neck.

What did the incidence mean?

The terms "occurrence," "event," "incident," "episode," and "circumstance" refer to something that occurs. A occurring that occurs without intention, choice, or plan is referred to as an occurrence. a fortuitous meeting that happened to occur.

What does occurrence number mean?

Counting instances: a two-character number that is included in each of the related fields and is only given to one group of related fields inside a single record. The occurrence number's purpose is to enable matching of related fields, not to order the fields.

To know more about occurrence visit:


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