Please help me on this thank you very much!

Please Help Me On This Thank You Very Much!


Answer 1


1- aplicado

2- exigente







Can I have Brainliest?

Answer 2
Whst the person on the top said is correct

Related Questions

fill in blank with correct verb
_________ mexicano.



Eres Mexicano.


Estas is a state of being somewhere/doing something


Are you playing soccer? = Estas jugando futbol?

Eres is a state of being something


Are you intelligent? = Eres intelligente?

the answer to that question is eres

Please help me on this Spanish work please thank you!


Answer:1- aplicado

2- exigente






Explanation; brainliest would be appriciated :)

I think it’s aplicado, I’m very sorry if it’s wrong

Estados Unidos que Es el papel usado por dinero hecho con?



"El papel ordinario que los consumidores utilizan en su vida cotidiana, como los periódicos, los libros, las cajas de cereales, etc., está hecho principalmente de pulpa de madera; sin embargo, el papel moneda de Estados Unidos está compuesto por un 75% de algodón y un 25% de lino. Esto es lo que da a la moneda de los Estados Unidos su aspecto y tacto distintivos."

What the other person is correct trust I speak Spanish bro

Please help me in this Spanish assignment I don’t get it.



you have to compare the city from then to now



you have to compare the city from then to now


14.¿Existen palabras en español con las combinaciones [qua] y [quo]? a. sí b. no

15. Cierto o Falso, ¿La consonante [r] puede producir un sonido suave y fuerte?

16.¿Es posible tener combinaciones de doble consonantes en español? Ej. [ss], [pp], [ph] a. sí b. no

17. ¿Cuántas letras tiene el abecedario en español? a. 25 b. 30 c. 26

18. ¿Cómo se llama la línea (~) que va arriba de la consonante [ñ] para darle sonido? a. acento b. tilde c. diéresis

19.Cierto o Falso ¿La [y] se puede usar como consonante y como vocal? Ej. yate, soy II. Clasifica las siguientes combinaciones como diptongo o hiato
20. aí ___________________
21. oe ___________________
22. iu ____________________
23. ee ___________________
24. ie ____________________

III. Identifica la palabra como diptongo o hiato.
25. materialista d h
26. cartapacio (binder) d h
27. viaje d h
28. juego d h
29. aeropuerto d h
30. sobresaliente d h

El SINGULAR Y PLURAL DE LOS SUSTANTIVOS Escribe el plural de las siguientes palabras:
31. italiano ____intalianos___
32. inglés _________________
33. lápiz _________________
34. escritor _________________


14. No
15. Cierto
16. Si
17. In Spanish is 27 but put C.
18. C. Dieresis
19. Cierto
20. Hiato
21. Hiato
23. Hiato
24. Diptongo
25. D
26. D
28. D
29. H
30. D
31. Italianos
32. Ingleses
33. Lápices
34. Escritores
person on top is right

Spanish I Questions:

Fill in the blank with the reflexive of the verb in parentheses. Use the infinitive construction if necessary-
1. Tú vas a ________ (cortarse) el pelo el sábado.
2. Todos los sábados yo ___________ (levantarse) a las nueve.
3. Mis hermanos y yo ___________ (acostarse) a las diez y media.
4. Ellos____________ (sentirse) bien aquí.

Choose the sentence that is correctly written in the reflexive-
5- Yo despierto a las seis.
Yo me despierto a las seis.
Yo me despierta a las seis.
Yo despertarme a las seis.
None of the above.

6- Marcos y Pablo afeitan a las siete.
Marcos y Pablo les afeita a las siete.
Marcos y Pablo les afeitan a las siete.
Marcos y Pablo afeitarles a las siete.
None of the above.

7- Ricardo cepilla sus dientes después del desayuno.
Ricardo se cepilla los dientes después del desayuno.
Ricardo le cepilla los dientes después del desayuno.
Ricardo cepillarse los dientes después del desayuno.
None of the above.

8- Tú estás prepararte el desayuno.
Tú estás preparándose el desayuno.
Tú estás preparándote el desayuno.
Tú estás te preparas el desayuno.
None of the above.

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the demonstrative adjective given in parenthesis-
9- _____________ (este) perros son muy pequeños.
10- ___________ (aquel) flores son rojas y amarillas.
11- _________ (ese) libro es muy interesante.

Fill in the blank with the correct article to complete the sentence.
12- Me duele _________ pierna.
13- Todas las noches me lavo __________ cara.
14- La corbata azul es mejor que ___________ roja.
15-Tenemos que ayudar a __________ pobres.


1- cortarte
2-me levanto
3- nos acostamos
4-se sienten
6- none of the above
7- A/B
11- este
Las autoridades de la ciudad de santa catalina no se han dado like really really y no se ha dado el número más absoluto del

14.¿Existen palabras en español con las combinaciones [qua] y [quo]? a. sí b. no

15. Cierto o Falso, ¿La consonante [r] puede producir un sonido suave y fuerte?

16.¿Es posible tener combinaciones de doble consonantes en español? Ej. [ss], [pp], [ph] a. sí b. no

17. ¿Cuántas letras tiene el abecedario en español? a. 25 b. 30 c. 26

18. ¿Cómo se llama la línea (~) que va arriba de la consonante [ñ] para darle sonido? a. acento b. tilde c. diéresis

19.Cierto o Falso ¿La [y] se puede usar como consonante y como vocal? Ej. yate, soy II. Clasifica las siguientes combinaciones como diptongo o hiato
20. aí ___________________
21. oe ___________________
22. iu ____________________
23. ee ___________________
24. ie ____________________

III. Identifica la palabra como diptongo o hiato.
25. materialista d h
26. cartapacio (binder) d h
27. viaje d h
28. juego d h
29. aeropuerto d h
30. sobresaliente d h



15) verdadero



18) C

14. B) no
15. Cierto
16. A) si
17. C) 26
18. C) dieresis
19 cierto
20. Hiato
21. Hiato
22. Diptongo
23. Hiato
24. Diptongo
25. D
26. D
27. D
28. D
29. H
30. D

Please only people who know Spanish answer this question.
fill in the blank with the correct conjunction of estar.
Ellos _____ aburridos.



están is correct


ellos están aburridos.

you wouldn’t use “son” because it’s a form of ser and aburridos is a temporary state so you would conjugate with estar.

Would you consider studying in a Spanish speaking country?
Which country would you choose? Why?



Yes I would study in a spanish speaking country, I would choose Mexico. I know how to speak spanish but I just don't know how to read and write in spanish



I would like to study in a Spanish Soeaking country. Ill choose Mexico, Honduras or El Salvador, it will be so cool because, there a lot of universities to choose and also I can go to visit some attractive places like in Honduras, Copan, Copan is so beautiful, the climate is amazing and there’s so many places more!

Coloca V o F, según corresponda y luego fundamenta en TODOS los casos.

-El Imperio Romano de Occidente se desintegró sólo por la crisis del S. III.
-Con la caída del Imperio Romano de Occidente se quebró la unidad política imperial.
-Las invasiones germanas sólo buscaban las riquezas de Roma, pero no querían quedarse con el territorio y los dominios.


1) Verdad
2) Verdad
3) Falso

This is the answer
1. V
2. V
3. F

Please help me on this



Number 5


The rest of the answers say good things about Maria.

Answer: 5

Explanation: The answer needs to be something bad about Maria that will make Marta believe they are equal.

Please help me on this 10 points!! NO FILES OR LINKS





1 no, marta, tu eres tan simpática como Maria

1. ¿Cuántas vocales tiene el abecedario en español? a. 10 b. 5 c. 26

2.Cierto o Falso ¿La consonante [h] es considerada muda en el abecedario en inglés?

3. ¿Cuáles son las cuatro letras que no existen en el abecedario inglés? a. ch, ll, ñ, rr b. c, z, ph, w c. c, k,ll,ch

4. La vocal [u] pierde su sonido en cuatro combinaciones, nómbralas. a. que, qui b. gue, gui c. opción a y b

5. La combinación de dos vocales débiles se llama a. hitato b. diptongo c. tilde

6. ¿Qué consonante tiene el mismo sonido que la consonante [y]? a. i b. ll c. ch

7. ¿Cuántos sonidos tiene la vocal en español? a. 5 b. 1 c. 6

8. ¿Cuáles son las consonantes que tienen el mismo nombre y sonido? a. b,c b. ll, y c. s,z

9. Cierto o Falso La [ph] se usa en el español para producir el sonido de la [f]?

10. ¿Qué es lo que se usa para darle sonido a la [ü] dentro de ciertas palabras? a. acento b. tilde c. diéresis

11. ¿Cómo se forma un diptongo?
a. combinaciones de vocales debil con vocal fuerte
b. combinacion de dos vocales fuertes

12. ¿Es posible que una palabra empiece con la [r]? a. sí b. no

13. ¿Cuáles son las dos consonantes que tienen dos sonidos? a. b,c b. c,g c. ll, y


9. no
Ch, ll, rr, ñ

1. ¿Cuántas vocales tiene el abecedario en español?
a. 10 b. 5 c. 26

2.Cierto o Falso ¿La consonante [h] es considerada muda en el abecedario en inglés?

3. ¿Cuáles son las cuatro letras que no existen en el abecedario inglés? a. ch, ll, ñ, rr b. c, z, ph, w c. c, k,ll,ch

4. La vocal [u] pierde su sonido en cuatro combinaciones, nómbralas. a. que, qui b. gue, gui c. opción a y b

5. La combinación de dos vocales débiles se llama a. hitato b. diptongo c. tilde

6. ¿Qué consonante tiene el mismo sonido que la consonante [y]? a. i b. ll c. ch

7. ¿Cuántos sonidos tiene la vocal en español? a. 5 b. 1 c. 6

8. ¿Cuáles son las consonantes que tienen el mismo nombre y sonido? a. b,c b. ll, y c. s,z

9. Cierto o Falso La [ph] se usa en el español para producir el sonido de la [f]?

10. ¿Qué es lo que se usa para darle sonido a la [ü] dentro de ciertas palabras? a. acento b. tilde c. diéresis

11. ¿Cómo se forma un diptongo?
a. combinaciones de vocales debil con vocal fuerte
b. combinacion de dos vocales fuertes

12. ¿Es posible que una palabra empiece con la [r]?
a. sí b. no

13. ¿Cuáles son las dos consonantes que tienen dos sonidos? a. b,c b. c,g c. ll, y



1. 5

2. True (the H is silent)

3. A

4. C

5. B

6. A

7. A

8. A

9. False


11. B

12. A

13. B


1: 5 vocales
2: falso
3: ñ z
4: que qui
5: no se

¿Cuándo va usted a _________ (corregir) nuestras pruebas?

Help please I'll give brainlest



the answer is corregir and ik i'm right cause i'm mexican i can speak,write,and read in spanish so the answer is CORREGIR


It’s CORREGIR , you should believe us

¿Cuándo va usted a _________ (corregir) nuestras pruebas?


Does not change back already changed which is the first verb
Cuando va usted a CORREGIR nuestras pruebas?

please help me
76. Susana ________________________ estudiar en la biblioteca. (preferir)
a. prefiere b. prefere

77. Christie y yo _________________________ el helado de chocolate. (querer)
a. queremos b. quieremos

78. Tú ______________________ que el examen es fácil. (pensar)
a. pensas b. piensas

79. Gloria y Marta_______________________ la lección. (entender)
a. entienden b. entenden

80. Daniel Ricardo y yo ________________________ los tacos. (pedir)
a. pedimos b. pedemos


76.a, 77.a, 78.b, 79.a, 80. Is something
76. Prefiere
77. Queremos
78. Piensas
79. Entienden
80. Pedimos
Hope this helps
Please mark brainliest
Have a good day :) ;)

Please help me only this!!!


Antonio era más extrovertido que Miguel.
Berta era más atlética que sus hermanos.
Miguel era mas responsable que Antonio.
Antonio y Berta eran más flojos que Miguel.
Berta era más aventurera que Miguel.
Berta era más solitaria que sus hermanos.
Antonio y Miguel eran más conversadores que Berta.
Miguel era más distraído que Antonio.

Hope this helps good luck!


Antonio era más extrovertido que Miguel.

Berta era más atlética que sus hermanos.

Miguel era mas responsable que Antonio.

Antonio y Berta eran más flojos que Miguel.

Berta era más aventurera que Miguel.

Berta era más solitaria que sus hermanos.

Antonio y Miguel eran más conversadores que Berta.

Miguel era más distraído que Antonio.

Other Questions
what is the value of x in the equation -6 + x = -5 When was the last time you looked up to the sky and observed thoughtfully?If you did,what mostly were your observations? Find the missing length 3 9 c Which of the following decimals would be found between 5 and 5on a number line?5.505.40-16/3 -21/4B5.30D5.20 7. Would you expect the world population growth to be best modeled be a linear, quadratic, or exponential function? (4) |-5 + (-2)| _____ |5 + 2| = EscucharMultiple choice Activity Hide details InstructionsListen to each statement made by Jos Miguel Prez Santoro, then indicate whether it is cierto or falso based on the illustration of his family tree. October 06 11:59 PM 1 attempt remaining Grade settings External referencesVocabulary list Illustration 78-81 Questions 0:00 / 1:23 1. Cierto falso 2. Cierto falso 3. Cierto falso 4. Cierto falso 5. Cierto falso 6. Cierto falso 7. Cierto falso 8. Cierto falso 9. Cierto falso 10. Cierto falso During 2009-10 the salaries paid amounted to $ 21,200. Calculate the amount chargeable to Income and Expenditure Account for the year ending on 31st March, 2010 from the following additional information : $ Prepaid Salaries on 31st March, 2009 2,500 Prepaid Salaries on 31st March, 2010 800 Outstanding Salaries on 31st March, 2009 1,000 Outstanding Salaries on 31st March, 2010 950 Answer the following questions for 20pts!What are some ways that you can respond to feeling attracted to someone? 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Brady agrees to the procedure and Doctor Jones removes the appendix, leaving a vicious-looking scar.Why is Doctor Jones behavior not considered aggressive?A.Doctor Jones behavior is not intended to cause harm.B.Doctor Jones behavior was done with Bradys consent.C.Doctor Jones behavior was considered violent.D.Doctor Jones behavior did not actually cause harm. Neutering dogs is a common surgical practice. The mean time to recover from the general anesthetic used is 26 hours. A veterinarian believes that since changing to a new anesthetic, the mean recovery time is shorter than before. From a random sample of 40 surgeries with the new anesthetic, she finds the mean recovery time was 25 hours with a standard deviation of 2.5 hours. What is the p-value for her hypothesis test Choose all the values that are solutions to the inequality x > -4.A. 2B. 10C. -8D. -6E. -3 CASE STUDY ON BARRIERS TO COMMUNICATION.There are several challenges in communication that take place in daily life. If we identify the challenges we can eliminate and ensure better understanding among the individuals. We shall take a case study on communication that helps in averting any misunderstanding among the peopleKen worked in a research department for a year as a researcher and he was laid off as the entire department was closed due to recession. He decided to meet the CEO for a possible outplacement as the organization had several other departments to accommodate him. However the secretary of the CEO, Diana did not permit Ken to meet by saying that CEO was busy. Ken returned without meeting the CEO. He got better employment opportunity elsewhere and joined.Ken, being a researcher, wrote an article for an international journal while working in the research department. It was published after 9 months and received complimentary copies from the publisher. Therefore, Ken wanted to share the successful publication with his former CEO and went to meet him to gift the book as a complimentary copy. Below was the conversation Ken had with the secretary of the CEO.Ken: I would appreciate if you could arrange an appointment with CEO. I want..... (Secretary interrupted)Secretary: Why did you come? We had already handed over your resume to Jim for outplacement. You may go now.Ken: I did not come for employment opportunity. Dont assume that people would come here for employment only. I have come to gift a complimentary copy where my article featured in international journal. The CEO would be glad to share the success.Secretary: No, No, the CEO sees everything and knows everything as every article publication is known to him.Ken: It is not departmental journal. It is a prestigious journal globally and I want to inform him and gift the book.Secretary: You will not get appointment. The CEO is busy said firmly.Ken: I anticipated that CEO would be busy and I have already written the details of my name over the complimentary copy.Secretary: Okay, leave it and go. (She said impolitely and started looking here and there)Ken handed over the complimentary copy to Secretary.Ken: Fine, please hand over to CEO. I am leaving the place. However, I will send an email to CEO about my coming physically to gift the book. (Secretary probably worried as the Ken had already mentally prepared to send the email and keep the CEO informed. If Secretary had anyintention to skip handing over the complimentary copy, CEO will know as Ken would send mail.)Ken handed over the complimentary copy to Secretary and departed the office. He sent an email to his ex-CEO about his coming and he could not meet as the latter was busy with his schedules.After 5 hours, the Secretary telephoned Ken and said firmly, CEO told to return the book to you. You come and take the book back.Ken replied, It is the complimentary copy meant for the CEO only. Secretary insisted to take back the book immediately. Ken told Secretary to courier and he was about to give his address. Secretary interrupted Kens conversation and replied, No we dont send you through courier. You have to come and take. Ken responded politely, Right now, I am far away from that place. When I come to that area I would take back the book.The very next day, Ken received email from his ex-CEO congratulating Ken for the publication and thanked for coming all the way to gift the book. Ken felt excited that his ex-CEO was pleased with publication1. What were the communication challenges in the above case study? (10 marks)2. Was Secretary a good listener? (10 marks)3. Did Secretary empathize with Ken? (10 marks)4. What were the other challenges prevented smooth communication between Ken and Secretary? (10 marks) select the type of amnesia in which patients are aware of their memory loss with repeated questioning. HELP ME PLEASEClassify the triangle by its sides and angles.-acute, scalene-obtuse, scalene-obtuse, isosceles-acute, isosceles An inter vivos trust was created by Isaac Posney. Isaac owned a large department store in Juggins, Utah. Adjacent to the store, Isaac also owned a tract of land that was used as an extra parking lot when the store was having a sale or during the Christmas season. Isaac expected the land to appreciate in value and eventually be sold for an office complex or additional stores. Isaac placed the land into a charitable lead trust, which would hold the land for ten years until Isaac's son would turn 21. At that time, title would be transferred to the son. The store will pay rent to use the land during the interim. The income generated each year from this usage will be given to a local church. The land was currently valued at $416,000.During the first year of this arrangement, the trustee recorded the following cash transactions:Cash inflow:Rental income $78,000Cash outflows:Insurance $ 5,200Property taxes 7,800Paving (considered an extraordinary repair) 5,600Maintenance 10,400Distribution to income beneficiary 39,000InstructionsPrepare all required journal entries on the Trust Fund table for this trust fund including the entry to create the trust.LandTrust PrincipalCash IncomeTrust IncomeInsurance Expense IncomeCash IncomeProperty Taxes Expense IncomeCash IncomeLand ImprovementsCash IncomeDue from Trust PrincipalDue to Trust IncomeMaintenance Expense IncomeCash IncomeEquity in Income: BeneficiaryCash Income HELP ASAP RN (do not send links)_______________________________________________________Sophia has $6 to spend on lunch during a basketball tournament. The concession stands sell sodas for $0.75 and all of their food items for $1.50. What is the maximum number of food items Sophia can purchase if she buys one drink? From an argumentative standpoint, what is the authors claim? I have attached the article. I am trying to write a thesis for English I am having trouble. Thank you! PLEASE HELP, DUE TMRW Ninety percent of the 50 members of Clean and Green Movement voted for the newpresident. How many did not vote for the new president?