PLEASEEE HURRY!! Write an agrumentive essay talking about whether or not former president Andrew Jackson deserves to be in the 20 dollar bill. Use the document for evidence

PLEASEEE HURRY!! Write An Agrumentive Essay Talking About Whether Or Not Former President Andrew Jackson


Answer 1


I say that Andrew Jackson shouldn't be on the 20th dollar bill because of the way that he treated this contry instead of hime being a leader he turned into one of amarica's greatest fears he became a king or so acted like one. It is very wrong of him to go break the rules and treat us this way he also forced Nativeds out of their land because he wanted it for such a not so good accuse he didn't even cared that they died he made them walk all the way to the "New Place" that he was going to give them. My last reansoning is that it would be wrong of us to put a non leader on a place or thing that they shouldn't have earned.

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what was the monroe doctorine?



"The Monroe Doctrine is the best known U.S. policy toward the Western Hemisphere. Buried in a routine annual message delivered to Congress by President James Monroe in December 1823, the doctrine warns European nations that the United States would not tolerate further colonization or puppet monarchs."

I just looked it up online so here ya go

Water and Ice.





sorry for the subject fyi.

will give brainlist


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Answer: The author is using a technique called a hook, to capture the reader’s attention and to create an interest in learning about the not-so-common fruit.


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Which amendment protects Americans "against unreasonable searches and seizures," which means that the police can't search your property
without a search warrant?

A. eighth

B. sixth

C. fifth

D. fourth



D. fourth


It’s D hope this helped

why dont you believe on god/jesus in fyo dont believe in him



I LOVE MY GOD♡ Praise the lord!

How did Jackson approach the office of President?



Jackson made it known at the outset of his administration that he intended to take no aggressive action against any foreign country. He approached foreign affairs with a simple principle, “to ask nothing that is not clearly right, and to submit to nothing that is wrong.”


industrial revolution!!

What allowed goods to be produced cheaper and faster for the increasing population?

(i’ll mark brainliest)



Machines and factories/bigger and more populated factories. More people started working factory jobs.

Factories and the machines that they housed began to produce items faster and cheaper than could be made by hand.

Important inventions of the Industrial Revolution included the steam engine, used to power steam locomotives, steamboats, steamships, and machines in factories; electric generators and electric motors; the incandescent lamp (light bulb); the telegraph and telephone; and the internal-combustion engine and automobile

. Who succeeds the president in case he cannot serve?
4th ​



1) The Vice President,

2) Speaker of the House of Representatives,

3) President pro tempore of the Senate

4) Secretary of State.


What order of events took place within days of the attack on Pearl Harbor ?


The events that took place within days of the attack on Pearl Harbor was the war the took place between between Japan and the United States.

Who did the U.S. attack 3 days after Pearl Harbor?

After President Franklin D. Roosevelt spoke to the nation, the American Congress formally declared war on Japan. Germany and Italy both declared war on the United States three days later.

The following are the events that are discussed:

At the harbor's entrance, a Japanese submarine is sunk by firethe destroyer USS Helm and an explosion from the battleship USS Arizona.Nearly 170 Japanese aircraft launch their second wave of attacks.

Therefore, it can be concluded that The conflict between Japan and the United States was one of the events that occurred shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Learn more about Pearl Harbor here:


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Getting attacked by the soviet union, hope this helped !!!!!



Under the justian code of law Rob Burr would have to pay 3 times the value of what he stole

Under California Law he would be punished in first or second degrees

The law should consider the amount of robbery or the way it has been done depending on circumstances

Which peace treaty did the U.S. government sign with some Native American
tribes in 18672
a. Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
b. Treaty of Velasco
c Treaty of Medicine Lodge Creek
d. Treaty of Versailles





Treaty of medicine lodge creek

What was the outcome of the battle of Cantigny?



the result was an Allied victory


hope this helps :)

What two ways can nation states be formed?
Through the forced reciting of a state doctrine. .
Through a shared culture developed over time.
By eliminating state requirements to make it easier to unity.
Through governments enlisting soldiers and creating statues



Through a shared culture developed over time

By eliminating state requirements to make it easier to unity.




President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation.

On January 1, 1863.

The proclamation reason was that all persons held as slaves within the rebellious states are henceforward shall be free.

Jefferson Davis called Lincoln's action “the most execrable measure recorded in the history of guilty man.” And Other Confederates reacted with greater defiance

It proclaimed the freedom of slaves in the ten Confederate states still in rebellion. It also decreed that freed slaves could be enlisted in the Union Army, thereby increasing the Union's available manpower.


-if you answer correctly ill give you brainliest which will give you 23pts-


Germany and the soviet union!
Answer: Germany and Soviet Union

What were two reasons for the War of 1812?

Americans wanted Spanish territory, and Britain declared war on Spain.
Americans wanted Indian held lands in the west, and France and Britain declared war on the U.S.
The English remained in western forts, and American sailors were being pressed into service aboard British ships.
French ships were attacking American ports, and Indians were attacking western settlements.



I'm pretty sure its :

Americans wanted Indian held lands in the west, and France and Britain declared war on the U.S.


The immediate causes of the War of 1812 were a series of economic sanctions taken by the British and French against the US as part of the Napoleonic Wars

Which of the following best explains the reason for the rise in the standard of living in the United States after World War II?
A. the investment in fighting communism worldwide
B. greater productivity at lower costs
C. the creation of Levittown
D. the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment





I just want you to read this and tell me what you think

I wanted to share this with you. Is Jesus the only way to get to God? We did not invent the claim of Jesus being the only way. This is not our claim; it is His. Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me” (John 14:6, NASB) and, “For unless you believe that I am He, you shall die in your sins” (John 8:24, NASB). The apostle Peter echoed these words, “Neither is their salvation in any other: for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12, KJV). Paul said, “There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus”(I Timothy 2:5, KJV). It is therefore the united testimony of the New Testament that no one can know God the Father except through Jesus Christ.
The bond between man and nature was broken, with the ground producing thorns and thistles and the animal world no longer being benevolent (Genesis 3:17, 18). Man also became separated from himself, with a feeling of emptiness and incompleteness, something he had not experienced before the fall. However, God promised to make all these things right and gave His word that He would send a Saviour, or Messiah, who would deliver the entire creation from the bondage of sin (Genesis 3:15). The Old Testament kept repeating the theme that someday this person would come into the world and set mankind free.
God’s Word did come true. God became a man in the person of Jesus Christ (John 1:14, 29). Jesus eventually died in our place in order that we could enjoy again a right relationship with God. The Bible says, “God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself” and “he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him” (II Corinthians 5:19, 21, KJV).
Jesus has paved the way for you! God has done it all, and our responsibility is to accept that fact. We can do nothing to add to the work of Jesus; it has all been done for us. How do you become a Christian? Believe that you are loved and accepted by God. Admit that you are a sinner. Acknowledge your sins. It’s not enough to admit that you have sinned. You must regret those sins and then turn away from them. Repenting is asking God to forgive your sins and turning away from them. Commit your life to Christ.
When I was six years old my dad died so, I accepted God as my savior because my mom said that it's better to do life with God. You could say I loved praying and talking to God when I was six, but I didn't really know what it meant. When I was nine years old I started to realize who God was and that I needed Him. A couple of days before my brother died in the hospital, I remember that my siblings and I were over at a friend's house because we needed someone to watch us while our parents were at the hospital, and we had school the next day. I was so tired of crying and worrying about my brother, so I asked God to give me rest and help clear my mind. That next day I slept in, and the daughter of my parent's friend woke me up and said, "It's a snow day", (it was dry the day before) (December). I knew that God was giving me rest and all my school worries went away. When my brother died on December 20th a week before Christmas, I did not get mad at God instead, I thanked Him for the time I had with my brother and knowing that I'll see him soon. I knew that God was a morning with me. Even though God gets to have my brother, He knows that I still have to go through the pain.
People blame God for the things that happen to them because they can and because it's someone to blame. God lets things happen for a reason. That reason is to grow other people. I learned that at the age of nine. I would not be the person I am today if that didn't happen. Many people say they don't believe in God, then they say "it's God's fault, why did God do this? I hate him". Why are you blaming Him when you don't believe in him? It's not fair. When someone dies in a person's life we get mad instead of realizing it's a part of life, we live in a fallen world. I remember this story where there was a pastor that was going to die because of cancer and he kept saying that he was going to be healed. Soon he died. His kids were confused and frustrated. They became mad at God. They didn't realize that God did heal him, he is now in heaven and has no pain. Today his kids don't want anything to do with God. I met one of his kids and we are good friends today but, I can never talk about the thing that is most important to me, which is God.
God wants you to be a part of His movement, whether you accept Him or not just remember He is in your DNA. If you are an atheist you are saying that life has no creator, that is like saying that a book can create its self there is not an author and there is no planning or thought behind the words or how many pages there are.


wonderful. great job.




how do you think native Americans have been affected by the United States


There land was taken from them, so as there source of food, they must have been mad, since they lack there sources of living

Previo al Frente Nacional, existió en Colombia un modelo de gobierno auspiciado por el general Rojas Pinilla, este gobierno se caracterizo por ser autoritario en la cual, en mayor o menor grado, las instituciones ejecutivas, legislativas y judiciales son controladas por las fuerzas armadas que impiden cualquier forma de control democrático. A este tipo de gobiernos seles conoce como:


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no anexaste opciones o incisos para responder a la pregunta, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

Previo al Frente Nacional, existió en Colombia un modelo de gobierno auspiciado por el general Rojas Pinilla. Este gobierno se caracterizó por ser autoritario en el cual, en mayor o menor grado, las instituciones ejecutivas, legislativas y judiciales son controladas por las fuerzas armadas que impiden cualquier forma de control democrático. A este tipo de gobiernos se les conoce como dictaduras militares y totalitarias.

En el caso concreto del General Gustavo Rojas Pinilla, instauró un gobierno militar después de conseguir con éxito un golpe militar que depuso al Presidente en turno, Laureano Gómez. Rojas y su autoritario gobierno militar comenzó en 1953 y duró hasta 1957.

Este tipo de gobierno, comúnmente se caracterizan por suprimir las libertades individuales y limitar la libre expresión de los ciudadanos.

19 How did the Supreme Court decision in Worcester v. Georgia affect American Indians?
A The ruling gave the state authority over relations with American Indians.
B The state ignored the ruling and distributed Cherokee lands to white settlers.
C More American Indian tribes decided to grant licenses to missionaries to live on tribal
D Reservation policies were overturned and replaced with land grants to individuals.


The answer would be A

Plz help me with this ASAP



Europeans and Native Americans react to new things differently. The possibilities all vary. To most people, if there was a new food, they could think of it negativily. They are unsure what it is, what it would taste, and smell like. Lastly they would wonder where it came from.



How did war communism affect Russia's economy ?


War Communism was a disaster. In all areas, the economic strength of Russia fell below the 1914 level. Peasant farmers only grew for themselves, as they knew that any extra would be taken by the state. Therefore, the industrial cities were starved of food despite the introduction of the 4:3:2:1 ratio.

i hope this answer will help.

which of the following best describes the general situation in postwar America?



I don't see anything attached, but if something goes along the lines of, 'After the Second World War, the United States took more strength as the engine of the Western world' or 'The United States in the postwar period became a world military and economic power'.

I would go with those.



low unemployment

List the one reason why Blues music is a significant American Society.



The blues music resides in the element of African-Americans creating their own aesthetic. Blues music represents the opposing voice that refused to be silenced by oppression and segregation.

Hope this helped!


Because of slaves


Slaves made this kind of music to get through hard days of work and it really is significant to American society because most black slaves didn't know how to write so they only had to make music with what they feel and how their day went and had to memorize it. They also had to make their own instruments.

You can copy it ;)

Which completely transformed scientific study? the Scientific Revolution the Enlightenment the Renaissance the Which completely transformed scientific study?

the Scientific Revolution
the Enlightenment
the Renaissance
the Reformation



The Scientific Revolution of The Enlightenment



The Answer is A: Scientific Revolution


I just took the test :) (Also its literally the title of the unit)

What was the original purpose of the alamo?


US Symbols
The Alamo is an 18th-century mission church in San Antonio, Texas. It was originally built to be the church for the Mission San Antonio de Valero, which was founded in 1718. The church was built by Spanish Franciscan friars in order to convert the local Indians to Christianity.

was brutus 1 against judicial activism


Don’t get the file that’s a virus

FDR is regarded as one of our greatest presidents but he made some real errors, what were they? Why? Is it fair to blame him for these considering the magnitude of what he faced?

Answers this should help
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