Pls help if you can, Thx! What was the Battle of Ravenna(1512)?


Answer 1

The Battle of Ravenna, fought on 11 April 1512, was a major battle of the War of the League of Cambrai. It pitted forces of the Holy League against France and their Ferrarese allies. Ravenna was henceforth the capital of the Western Roman Empire until its dissolution in 476. As such, Ravenna was embellished with magnificent monuments. The city was also raised to the status of an archbishopric in 438.

hope this helped <3

Related Questions

Which of the following best defines federalism? A. all power is held by the states B. a king governs according to a constitution C. power is shared between the National government and the states Dall powers are held by the central government antitet​


c. power is shared between national government and smaller political subdivisions which i guess is equivalent to the states in this scenario

What significant event happened in the year of 1807?



the embargo act of 1807


The Embargo Act of 1807 was a general trade embargo on all foreign nations that was enacted by the United States Congress. During the Napoleonic Wars, rival nations Britain and France targeted neutral American shipping as a means to disrupt the trade of the other nation. President Thomas Jefferson hoped that the Embargo Act of 1807 would help the United States by demonstrating to Britain and France their dependence on American goods, convincing them to respect American neutrality and stop impressing American seamen. Instead, the act had a devastating effect on American trade.

Explanation: American president Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-‐Republican party) led Congress to pass the Embargo Act of 1807. Effects on American shipping and markets: Agricultural prices and earnings fell. Shipping-related industries were devastated. He believed that economic coercion would convince Britain and France to respect America's neutral rights. The embargo was an unpopular and costly failure. It hurt the American economy far more than the British or French, and resulted in widespread smuggling. Instead, smuggling flourished, particularly through Canada. In the last sixteen days of President Thomas Jefferson's presidency, the Congress replaced the Embargo Act of 1807 with the almost unenforceable Non-Intercourse Act of March 1809. This Act lifted all embargoes on American shipping except for those bound for British or French ports.

please help 20 points links will be deleted and will give crown to right answers



ok so the tribe in Africa definitely goes in the traditional economy box, the restaurant start up goes in the mixed economy, and the computer one goes in the command economy.

the largest items in todays federal budget is?



Social Security will be the biggest expense, budgeted at $1.151 trillion. It's followed by Medicare at $722 billion and Medicaid at $448 billion.


Social Security will be the biggest expense, budgeted at $1.151 trillion. It's followed by Medicare at $722 billion and Medicaid at $448 billion.







It was nothing

What is one strategy the United States is using in an attempt to keep terrorists from entering the country?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although you forgot to attach de options for this question we can comment on the following.

One strategy that the United States is using in an attempt to keep terrorists from entering the country is the following: "It has significantly increased the number of checkpoints along the Mexican and Canadian borders."

Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, to New York City and other parts of the United States, President George W. Bush ordered the creation of some legislation to protect the United States from the terrorist threat and created the Home Land Security Department.

Furthermore, US Customs significantly increased the number of checkpoints along the Mexican and Canadian borders to better control the people who enter the United States territory.

D. It has significantly increased the number of checkpoints along the Mexican and Canadian borders.


Has anyone done the Joan of Arc movie questions? PLZ HELP





International economic organizations try to help the global economy by

A. making it easier to communicate quickly.
B. managing competition between nations.
C. keeping peace between nations.
D. regulating consumer prices.



B. managing competition between nations.


International economic organizations like the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization are important because they help manage competition between nations, and ensure a more or less stable global economic climate in which nations can engage in trade relations more easily.

The World Trade Organization is the best example of this because it sets the minimum standars for nations to engage in trade, helping like this a further integration of the world economy.

Answer:B. managing competition between nations.


Violence has declined in Northern Ireland because terrorist organizations ;

agreed to negotiate.
misspent most of their funding.
lost the support of the citizens.
were suppressed by the military presence.



It's A, agreed to negotiate


I hope that helps!!!!!!!

The war and fighing has reduced in the region of the northern ireland because of the terrorist organizations have agreed to negotiate. Hence option A is correct.

What are terror organization in ireland ?

The republican terrorist group poses a significant threat to the national security of northern Ireland the groups are the new IRA, Continuity IRA, and Arm na Poblacht.

As they have reached an agreement with the government of the country regarding the funding there has been a decline of the terror.

Find out more information about the terrorist organizations.

Two reasons on why the Embargo Act of 1807 was important :)



The Embargo Act of 1807 was an attempt by President Thomas Jefferson and the U.S. Congress to prohibit American ships from trading in foreign ports. It was intended to punish Britain and France for interfering with American trade while the two major European powers were at war with each other.Effects on American shipping and markets: Agricultural prices and earnings fell. Shipping-related industries were devastated. Existing markets were wrecked.The Embargo Act, passed by Congress on 22 December 1807.The Embargo Act hurt American merchants because when the act was passed, they lost a lot of their money which was in trade with Britain.


What are two things that European countries left behind in the countries they colonized??


The colonial policies such as the type of rule implemented became a state-building process and the nature of investments that lead to economic development

Before Christianity who was the ultimate authority in the Roman Empire



if were talking about religion... then..

Religio Romana

The Religio Romana (literally, the "Roman Religion") constituted the major religion of the city in antiquity. The first gods held sacred by the Romans were Jupiter, the highest, and Mars, the god of war, and father of Rome's twin founders, Romulus and Remus, according to tradition.

 Over time, the Christian church and faith grew more organized. In 313 AD, the Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which accepted Christianity: 10 years later, it had become the official religion of the Roman Empire.


Religio Romana


before Christianity had been introduced to the romans and Constantine made it the official religion of Rome, The head of roman religion would have been the god Jupiter.

Cite 3 quotations from Jackson's speech where he identifies unfairness of the monopoly power of the US Bank.



1.  "It appears that more than a fourth part of the stock is held by foreigners and the residue is held by a few hundred of our citizens, chiefly of the richest class"

2. "The president of the bank has told us that most of the State banks exist by its forbearance. Should its influence become concentered, as it may under . . . such an act as this, in the hands of a self-elected directory whose interest are identified with foreign stockholders, will there not be cause to tremble for the purity of our elections in peace and for the independence of our country in war?"

3. " In the full enjoyment of the gifts of Heaven and the fruits of superior industry, economy, and virtue, every man is equally entitled to protection by law; but when the laws undertake to add to these natural and just advantages artificial distinctions, to grant titles, gratuities, and exclusive privileges, to make the rich richer and the potent more powerful, the humble members of society–the farmers, mechanics, and laborers–who have neither the time nor the means of securing like favors to themselves, have a right to complain of the injustice of their Government."


President Andrew Jackson was strongly against the renewal of the charter of the Bank of the United States in the year 1836 because he was not in support of the structure and modes of operation of this entity at that time. That was why when Congress wanted to renew their charter, he vetoed the bill in 1832.

He believed that the directors in this bank should be mostly composed of Americans who will serve its interest. The infiltration of foreigners as a major part of this bank made America vulnerable before other nations. Also, President Jackson believed that the bank mostly served the interest of the rich by making them richer and making the poor poorer. It did not also help the State Banks as the State Banks that directly served the American nation was under the mercy of the Bank of the United States. This was unfair.

What was the land South of Egypt referred to by the Ancient Greeks & Romans?

A. Ethiopia

B. Persia

C. Arabia

D. Libya


D. Libya

The Latin name Libya referred to the region west of the Nile generally corresponding to the Atlantic Mountains according to Diodorus. Its people were ancestors of the modern Libyans. They occupied the area for thousands of years before the beginning of human records in ancient Egypt.

i give brainliest Now that apartheid has ended in South Africa, how is the country progressing economically and socially?


Answer: it is going smoother than ever! stocks in there peers have been accedingly great and the people have been thriving!



plz help me with my question i'll give brainliest


im answering so you can give the other person brainliest

Annexation of Texas was controversial in the United States?





The annexation question became one of the most controversial issues in American politics in the late 1830s and early 1840s. The issue was not Texas but slavery.  

Hope this helped!!!

What were the two problems that Ford had to deal with as POTUS?


Ford was confronted with almost insuperable tasks. There were the challenges of mastering inflation, reviving a depressed economy, solving chronic energy shortages, and trying to ensure world peace.

Calling all animals "doggie" is an example of what common developmental process of language acquisition?



fast mapping






Toddlers make categorical overextensions when they extend a word they know to other words in the same category. For example, if a child learns the word dog and then calls all four-legged animals "dog," he or she is making a categorical overextension.




Overextension basically means the overly broad use of a word to the fact that its meaning is overgeneralized. "Doggie" is used in a broader context than is appropriate because all animals cannot apply to the criteria.

The (blank) will rise and take the power from the bourgeoisie according to the
Communist Manifesto.
-Laissez faire


Answer:ll kaiser faire


What percentage of the world's manufactured goods did the US produce in the 1920 (the roaring 20s)?



In the 1920s, assembly line production and easy credit made it possible for ordinary Americans to purchase many new consumer goods.


According to Frederick Douglass’s speech “What to the Slave is the 4th of July,” how do enslaved people view July 4th celebrations of American independence?



What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer; a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim.

Why was the discovery of a route to Oregon considered an "even greater discovery"
than Lewis and Clark reaching the Pacific.



it cut the time to get to the otherside of the mountans by allowing people to cross through instead of having to sail around south america


· headquartered in Brussels, Belgium · multinational military alliance · Treaty of Belgium united the members · created to combat the spread of Communism These terms are describing what international organization?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

These terms are describing what international organization?

These terms are describing The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, better known as NATO.

NATO was created to combat the spread of Communism, is a multinational military alliance that was created as part of the Treaty of Belgium, and has its headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is a key strategic agreement, a military agreement indeed, signed by 30 European and North American countries to protect each other in case of military aggression or intervention. Among the countries that are part of NATO are the United States, Great Britain, Canada, France, Belgium, and Spain.

How was the event depicted in this image significant to the Civil War?
A The Confederate defense of the besieged fort lengthened the war.
B The Union victory divided the Confederacy along the Mississippi River.
C The invasion of the Confederate capital resulted in the surrender of the Confederacy.
D The Confederate attack upon the Union fort initiated the war.



it is the alphabet B


because the invansion of the confederate capital resulted in the surrender of confederacy

Along the Mississippi River, the Confederacy was split by the Union victory. As a result, choice (B) is appropriate.

What are the causes of American civil war?

Slavery had been a point of contention between the North and the South for many years prior to the conflict. Compromises like the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850 had not been able to resolve the problem.A considerable portion of the Southern economy was focused on plantation agriculture, with African Americans serving as the majority of the slave labour force. Contrarily, manufacturing played a bigger role in the economy of the North. As abolitionism grew in the North by the 1850s, Southern states began to worry that the federal government would try to abolish slavery.According to the Southern states, the federal government should not have the authority to determine whether slavery is appropriate in a given state.The 1860 presidential election was won by Abraham Lincoln, a Republican candidate who was blatantly anti-slavery.Lincoln's promise was broken when, on April 12, 1861, Confederate forces started firing on Fort Sumter. The American Civil War officially started as a result.

Learn more about American civil war, from:


Can some one help me on this??



1. It caused diseases to spread


How do historians help us learn about the past ​



Historians help us learn about the past by studying the past. They do extensive research on past events and then relate their discoveries to the public via museums or books.


Anybody good with political cartoon in history and wanna help me? Free Brainliest and points!



1. The artist believed that the Apollo program was centuries in the making. It began with the pilgrim's and the founding fathers. Everyone who helped to shape America helped shape the Apollo program.

2. The artist believes that the American government is wasting it's money on the Apollo program and other space explorations, when there are so many people in need around the earth.

3.I agree with the second artist in that there are many people who need help around the world and we should focus on assisting them instead of exploring space.



you said free point there is not any free point.


3. Which of the following statements is not true regarding North Korea under Kim Il Sung?
A.The women of North Korea were given equality under the law.
B.Kim Il Sung was replaced by Syngman Rhee.
C.North Korea became economically successful.
D.Two million acres of land were redistributed to the people.





North Korea became economically successful, is a false statement under Kim ii sung.

Kim Il Sung's regime never achieved economic success in North Korea. In actuality, the economy of the nation deteriorated during most of his administration.

The infrastructure of the nation was severely damaged during the Korean War (1950–1953), and the government's emphasis on heavy industries and military spending left little money for agricultural or consumer products. As a result, South Korea's economy consistently outperformed North Korea's.

Therefore, The claim that Kim Il Sung led North Korea to economic prosperity is untrue. In actuality, the economy of the nation deteriorated during most of his administration.

Learn more about Kim ii sung, here:


Which religion spread from North Africa to West Africa through trans-Saharan trade routes?



The answer should be c. Islam


C Islam


Based on the maps, which coast in southern India has more rain all year long?

A. eastern coast

B. northern coast

C. western coast

D. tip of southern coast



C. - Western Coast


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Rotated through 90counterclockwise about the origin HELP WHAT IS THE MISTAKE THE STUDENT MADE!? On the balance sheet of firm XYZ, the market value of the firm's asset is Vo = 100 million. The liability of XYZ consists of debt and equity; the debt is issued in the form of zero-coupon bonds, and the equity holders have the claim to the remaining of the firm's value after the debt holders are fully paid. The debt has face value F = 90 million. At maturity, the debt holders get paid before the equity holders. The debt has 1 year maturity. The continuously compounded expected growth rate of XYZ's asset is = 10%, with volatility o = 10%. The continuously compounded log risk-free rate is r = 5%. All terms are annualized. Suppose that the firm is liquidated after 1 year, i.e., the firm will not issue other products for financing. Compute the market prices of the debt and equity. (ii) Define the leverage ratio of the firm as the ratio of market values of debt and equity. What's the leverage ratio of firm XYZ?