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Answer 1


First effect

Second cause

Third cause

Last effect

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What is the narrative structure of the Huckleberry Finn?


The narrative structure of the Huckleberry Finn is First-person narration.

First- person narration is a scholarly method where perusers are made to see things according to the perspective of the storyteller, who is, normally, one of the characters in the story. It is his voice that we are familiar with and that adds tone to our perspective. He presents himself as the "I" and is perceptive of the way that he is recounting a story to make sense of a significant involvement with his life. His selection of episodes reflects is what had a significant bearing on him and transformed him in a huge manner.

In Imprint Twain's The Undertakings of Huckleberry Finn, Huck, a drifter vagrant, offers us this First individual story. He educates us concerning a period in his life that beginnings from his days with Widow Douglas and her sister, Miss Watson. He relates his involvement in the impact that society applies over him

To know more about Huckleberry Finn, visit here:


In the book "I am not your perfect Mexican daughter" By Erika L....
In the book "I am not your perfect Mexican daughter" By Erika L. Sanchez, (chapters 11-15) explain how in chapter 13, after being scolded by her parents for her outburst towards Tia Milagros, what does Julia's mother say to her that she has thought all along? Use 3 examples from the text to show how this affects Julias self-esteem and behavior in chapters 14-15.


In chapter 13 of "I am not your perfect Mexican daughter," Julia's mother scolds her for her outburst towards Tia Milagros and tells her that she has always thought that Julia was "not good enough." She cites three specific examples to illustrate this belief:

1. Julia's mother tells her that she has always thought that Julia was "too fat," and that this is why she has always pressured Julia to diet and exercise. This affects Julia's self-esteem and causes her to feel self-conscious about her body.

2. Julia's mother tells her that she has always thought that Julia was "not smart enough," and that this is why she has always pushed Julia to study and get good grades. This affects Julia's self-esteem and causes her to feel insecure about her intelligence and abilities.

3. Julia's mother tells her that she has always thought that Julia was "not pretty enough," and that this is why she has always encouraged Julia to wear makeup and dress nicely. This affects Julia's self-esteem and causes her to feel self-conscious about her appearance.

In chapters 14 and 15, Julia's low self-esteem and self-doubt caused by her mother's belief that she is "not good enough" in these areas affects her behavior. Julia becomes more self-conscious about her appearance and begins to obsess over her weight and diet, trying to conform to her mother's standards of beauty. Julia also becomes more anxious and stressed about her studies, feeling pressure to perform well academically in order to prove her intelligence and worth to her mother.

To read more on "I am not your perfect Mexican daughter" click


What gender is Snowball Animal Farm?


Male and female, Snowball (Philippines dub). A character named Snowball appears in George Orwell's 1945 book Animal Farm. He is heavily modelled after Leon Trotsky.

George Orwell's anti-utopian satire Animal Farm was first published in 1945. Animal Farm (1945), an allegory about early Soviet Russia, features the fictional character Snowball, a pig who is one of the revolt's leaders. The majority of detractors concur that Snowball represents Leon Trotsky.

On the Animal Farm movie poster from 1999 and in the 1954 film, Snowball is depicted as a white pig. In the 1954 and 1999 movies, respectively, Maurice Den-ham and Kelsey Grammar provide Snowball's voices.

To know more about Animal Farm, refer to this link:


Which of the following is a major component of a thesis statement?

A: Making a claim
B:providing an amusing story
C:being at least three sentences long



A: Making a claim


It is A because the thesis statement is where you tell the reader your opinion on some, so you have to make a claim!

It can't be B because it uses a hook; it is mainly used for writing an essay!

It can't be C because a thesis statement maximum should be only 2 sentences long, not 3 sentences long!

What does Swift list as the main problem in Ireland?


According to Swift, the country's biggest issue is its poor, impoverished, and small generation.

What exactly qualifies as being poor?

Lack of resources to meet needs for food, clothe, and habitat constitutes poverty. But poverty goes far beyond simply having having enough cash. According to the World Bank Association, hunger is a defining characteristic of poverty. Absence of shelter is poverty.

What causes someone to be poor?

Depression is fundamentally defined as a lack of essential services or an inadequate source of income from one's assets. Unfortunately, these safety nets are useless for those who are really poor. Poverty is fundamentally defined as a lack of essential resources or a lack of income from one's assets.

To know more about poor visit:


Why is lobbying an issue?


Lobbying is an issue because it can create a major imbalance of power between those with money and influence, and those without.

It can allow those with money to influence decision-makers, which can lead to policies that are not in the best interest of the public. It can also lead to corruption, as powerful individuals and companies may offer incentives to decision-makers in exchange for favors. Lobbying can also create an environment where wealthy individuals and companies have an unfair advantage over the general public, as they are able to access resources that are not available to the public. Ultimately, lobbying can lead to an unequal playing field, which is why it is an important issue.

Learn more about Lobbying here:


How can you help our country and the Filipino people to improve the quality of their lives and to make them self sufficient?


Aid in constructing schools, libraries, and other crucial structures in rural areas. Invest in a child's education. Find business and employment options for the people of the Filipino.

What can you provide as a person and a Filipino citizen to our nation?

Your ability to make a good contribution to society depends on how quickly you obtain your professional credentials. Pay your taxes, take care of your family and personal duties, and respect the law and other people. When you observe wrong, speak up. Elect and support the political candidates you feel best represent you. The sooner you obtain your professional credentials, the sooner you can make a positive contribution to society. Pay your taxes, take care of your family and personal obligations, and respect the law and other people. When you notice something is incorrect, speak out. Vote and run for the politicians you feel best represent you.

To know more about Filipino citizen visit:


Which is the best example of
paraphrasing for the following
Arrived there I found the long
white-pine box which had
been described to me; I
fastened the card to it with
some tacks...
A. When I arrived, I saw the coffin
containing my friend and placed an
identification tag on it.
B. When I arrived, someone had left a name
card on a box to show where I should sit.
C. When I arrived, someone had left me al
box with my name carved into it.


C. When I arrived, someone had left me a box with my name carved into it.

To be able to tell just look at the answer that still makes sense and tells you what happened in a little amount of detail

What did the pigs do that shocked the animals?


The pigs startle the other animals by mastering two-legged walking.

What all things did the pigs do which shocked the other animals ?When the pigs started acting in increasingly corrupt and despotic ways, the other animals were startled.They disregarded the animal society's laws, which included those prohibiting lying in beds and requiring that all animals perform their jobs equally, which had been created at the start of the book.Additionally, the pigs started to do things that were highly banned to the other animals, including trade with people and consume alcohol. The pigs' abuse and oppression of the other animals increased as their power and influence increased; they eventually resembled the humans they had initially resisted in behavior.

The pigs startle the other animals by mastering two-legged walking.

To know more about the pigs ,check out :


What are the five techniques in storing?


Vegetables and fruit can be store in five different ways: Drying, curing, canning and salting, freezing, and general storage.

Drying is one of the oldest methods of food preservation. The fundamental step entails drying up the food to the degree where deterioration is unlikely. The warm heat of the sun, a dehydrator, or an oven can all be used for this. Canning: Canning is experiencing a comeback in popularity as it has grown simpler with more reliable techniques and quality equipment such standard jars, lids, and more dependable and safer pressure cookers.

Curing and Salting: When particular garden fruit is left to spontaneously ferment, it is referred described as being "cured." This indicates that microbes begin the fermentation process and alter the quality of the food without imparting unpleasant tastes or producing toxins. Freezing: Freezing is a popular and highly desirable method of preserving some sorts of garden produce. If one has access to a freezer and takes the time to correctly package the food so that moisture is kept, this approach is rather simple to use but does not increase quality. Common Storage is the process by which the majority of the produce produced by our ancestors was preserved. This entails placing the gathered food in a chilly, dark location.

To learn more about storing Visit :


Helvetica, arial, and times new roman are all examples of what? fonts sans serif typefaces serif.


The two most common fonts for writing essays and papers are arial and times new roman since they are the most readable and add elegance to your writing. The correct response is A. a sans serif font.

However, keep in mind that some colleges and universities may need you to use a particular font while making your font selection. In conclusion, the "sans" in their name refers to the lack of such decorative lines or tapers, sometimes known as "tails" or "feet," in sans serif fonts.

Do serif fonts. Sans-serif typefaces, in Downey's opinion, have consistently wide, straightforward lines without tails. In situations where there isn't much place for copy, sans serif fonts are also helpful. Sans serif typefaces are frequently used in sign text, app content, and place names. There are certainly exceptions; for example.

Complete question:

Helvetica, arial, and times new roman are all examples of what? fonts sans serif typefaces serif.

a. a sans serif font

b. times new roman only

c. a font that expresses your individuality

d. arial, times new roman, or a similar font that is easy to read

To know more about a sans serif font visit:


How was the Elizabethan drama created?


Answer:  They were modelled after the comedies of the Roman playwrights Plautus and Terence and the tragedies of Seneca

What did William Samuel Johnson contribute in the Constitution?


William Samuel Johnson contributed to the Constitutional Convention, served as Connecticut's delegate, and participated in the discussion, drafting, and signing of the document.

Who is Samuel Johnson?

American founding father and politician William Samuel Johnson lived from October 7, 1727, to November 14, 1819. He was a militia lieutenant prior to the Revolutionary War until he was relieved when his election to the First Continental Congress was rejected. He is remembered for having ratified the US Constitution, serving as Connecticut's senator, and becoming the third president of King's College, which is now Columbia University. William Samuel Johnson was born in Stratford, Connecticut, on October 7, 1727, to Samuel Johnson and Charity Floyd Nicoll, who would go on to create King's (Columbia) College and be a prominent Anglican preacher. Johnson attended school at home for his primary education. In 1744, he earned his Yale College diploma.

To know more about Samuel Johnson, visit:


Why does Farquhar destroy the Owl Creek Bridge?


In "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge," Part II, Farquhar makes the decision to destroy the Owl Creek Bridge in order to retaliate against the Union forces encroaching on his area. Farquhar has a strong affinity for the Confederate Army.

Why did Farquhar burn the bridge?

He believes the Union soldiers are thugs who, if given the chance, will kill his family and ruin his land. He may slow their advance by destroying the bridge. Farquhar is still optimistic that the Confederate Army can win the war despite being forced back. Farquhar was an innocent man who was executed by the military because they thought he was planning to burn the bridge down.

Because Farquhar was never able to destroy the bridge, he was treated as an innocent man in his punishment. Slave owner Farquhar is committed to the Confederate cause and is willing to jeopardize his own safety to further it. He is so tricked into trying to destroy a Union stockade at Owl Creek Bridge and as a result, is given a death-by-hanging sentence.

To learn more about An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge refer to :


Please continue this. Make it 600 words. please

Aidan´s is a Runner, he's a track star.

Aidan Christafer, Smith was a weird man and did not have any friends. He was a world class runner and has been divorced 6 times. He had an atistic kid who died at the age of 2. He goes to therapy daily and has never had a true relationship with any woman. He has been running his whole life and has not had anyone that appreciates him. He is trying to earn some money to impress his grandma. He would be trying to impress his mother but he killed her when he was 2 with a gun. As a kid he was never really accepted as a son but more as another person to feed. Growing up he was always a good kid with good grades and a low amount of feed. He would win Cross country meets week after week for years, but this never made his family proud of him. On his 16th birthday he had his only friend Tate at his party because no one else showed up. Not even his family showed up. He said to Tate “Well we were going to play a game but no one else is here, but even my mom.” Tate replied, “it is ok we can just go to Top golf.” Aidan says “ok sounds great.” They were diving up to top golf when the car in front of them suddenly breaks. “Tate stop.” Screamed Aidan.


The paraphrasing of the essay "Aidan´s is a Runner" to be 600 words is given below.

Aidan´s the Runner and track star

Tate slammed on the brakes just in time to avoid hitting the car in front of them. Aidan and Tate quickly got out of the car to see if the driver of the other car was okay. When they approached the car, they saw that it was an older woman who appeared to be in distress.

"Are you okay?" Aidan asked as he approached the driver's side window.

The woman, who appeared to be in her mid-60s, looked up at Aidan with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened. My car just stopped working," she said, her voice shaking with fear and frustration.

Aidan quickly assessed the situation and realized that the woman's car had run out of gas. "Don't worry, ma'am," he said reassuringly. "We can help you. My friend and I will go and get some gas and bring it back to you."

Tate nodded in agreement and the two young men quickly set off to find a gas station. When they returned with a can of gas, they were able to get the woman's car started and she was on her way again, thanking Aidan and Tate profusely for their help.

As Aidan and Tate continued on their way to Top Golf, Aidan couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. He had always been a runner, but this was the first time he had truly felt like he was making a difference in the world.

From that day on, Aidan made it his mission to use his running skills to help others whenever he could. He began volunteering at local charities, running marathons to raise money for various causes, and even started a running group for at-risk youth in his community.

Despite the many challenges and setbacks he faced in his personal life, Aidan found solace and purpose in his running and his efforts to give back to others. And though he may never have the love and acceptance of a traditional family, he found a different kind of fulfillment in the sense of community and purpose he found through his running and charitable work.

Learn more about paraphrasing from


How do you find the degree and name of a polynomial?


The degree of a term in the polynomial expression is given as a+b if a and b are the exponents of the many variables in a term. For instance, the polynomial contains the equation x²y⁵, whose degree is 2+5 and hence equals 7.

Describe a polynomial.

A polynomial is an equation that exclusively makes use of the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and powers of positive-integer variables and is made up of coefficients and indeterminates.

How can you tell if something is a polynomial or not?

In particular, an expression must not contain any square roots of variables, any fractional or negative powers on the variables, and any variables in any fractions' denominators in order to qualify as a polynomial term.

To know more about the Polynomial visit :-


What is the significance of all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others?


The significance is,the statement makes fun of governments' hypocrisy in claiming that all of their citizens are created equal but then giving privileges and power to a select elite.

What is Major's thesis on animal equality?In Major's speech, the idea that an ideal society is one in which everyone is treated equally is established: "Among us animals let there be perfect oneness, perfect comradeship in the struggle."A declaration made by the pigs in George Orwell's novel Animal Farm, who run the government. The statement makes fun of governments' hypocrisy in claiming that all of their citizens are created equal but then giving privileges and power to a select elite.The significance is,the statement makes fun of governments' hypocrisy in claiming that all of their citizens are created equal but then giving privileges and power to a select elite.        

To learn more about Animal equality refer to:


Was Ignatius Sancho an abolitionist?


Yes. Ignatius Sancho (1729-1780) was an important abolitionist and author of the 18th century. Sancho was born on a slave ship, the December, in 1729 as a result of a slave-trading voyage.

This meant that Sancho was born into a life of slavery, which he fought against with every ounce of his being. Sancho was emancipated when he was about 28 years old and went on to become an outspoken abolitionist and an advocate for the rights of African-Americans.Sancho wrote several letters and pamphlets throughout his life that spoke out against the injustices of slavery and the slave trade. In one of his most famous works, “Letters on the Slave Trade,” Sancho wrote about the inhumane conditions that African-Americans were subject to on slave ships. He also wrote about how the slave trade was a violation of human rights.

Learn more about abolitionist at :


What is conflict management in communication?


The process of identifying and resolving problems in an equitable and effective manner is referred to as conflict management. The objective is to raise the likelihood of a successful conclusion while minimizing any potential negative effects that may result from conflicts.

The employment of tactics to settle disputes or reduce tension is known as conflict management. In order to identify the issue, explore solutions, and develop overarching goals that call for cooperation from the disputing parties, conflict resolution approaches involve hosting meetings for the disputing parties.

A excellent illustration of conflict management is when a manager inquires about the satisfaction of his or her staff with the workplace. On the job, there are several opportunities for (interpersonal) conflict, and contented workers are more likely to do better work.

Learn more about  conflict management to visit this link


What are the elements of realism?


In realism, characters are prioritised than complicated narratives. Realism is characterised by a concentration on social issues, everyday struggles, life's realities, and a preponderance of characters from the middle and lower classes.

Realistically, one had to approach daily life honestly. Realists place a strong emphasis on the present, on the exact actions taken and their observable results. The aim of realism is a one-to-one correlation between the subject and the representation. Another word for this fashion is mimesis.

The seven elements of realistic speaking and writing. Elements of Literary Realism Realistic settings and characters thorough data on common occurrences. A story with a plausible plot—one that might occur in your community authentic regional dialects It's essential for character growth depicting social standing is important.

To know more about Realism visit:


What effect does the tone of this excerpt have on the reader The Masque of the Red Death?


The effect of the ebony clock on the guests is one of fear the tone of this excerpt have on the reader The Masque of the Red Death.

A tone of dread permeates Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death." Even though the story is set at a party and most of the guests are having a good time, there is a sinister undertone that the story's characters occasionally pick up on. The clock in the eerie room made a foreboding noise. They were made aware of their impending doom by the hour chime. The so-called "Red Death" is a made-up illness. According to Poe, it causes "sharp aches, and abrupt dizziness, and then copious bleeding at the pores," which results in death in less than 30 minutes.

To know more about impending refer :


What is the traditional style of writing poetry?


Traditional poetry frequently rhyme, but rhyme is only one of many possible structural components. The poem can also have to address a particular kind of subject matter, have a given number of lines or syllables, or use a particular rhythm or meter depending on the kind.

Traditional literature is a subgenre of literature that consists of tales that have been handed down orally and in writing for generations within a particular community. Types of traditional poetry:

1. Ballads: A ballad is a piece of music that tells a story through lyrics. They follow a specific rhyming scheme and vary from culture to culture. The ABCB structure is widely used in ballad rhyming sequences. Here, the quatrain's second and last lines rhyme. Barbara Allan is one of the well-known English folk melodies.

2. Blank verse: Not even rhyme is required in some poetry styles. They place more emphasis on rhyme and metre. The iambic parameter is used in the widely used style of blank poetry.

3. Haikus: The seventeen-syllable haiku is a form of Japanese poetry. It is written in English in three lines. The first and last lines both include five syllables. However, the second line has seven

For such more question on Poetry:


Please help I need to do this asap



To show her personal experiences as an american


please mark me as brainliest

What is the conclusion of the passage?


What passage is it? I’m not able to see anything

What was the niece's motivation in her conversations with Framton in Saki's "The Open Window"? A. The niece had a vivid imagination and was lying about her aunt to scare Framton. B. The niece was worried about her uncle and wanted to get Framton's help. C. The niece was worried about her aunt and wanted to get Framton's help.​


Answer: the answer is A, The niece (Vera) had a vivid imagination and was lying about her aunt to scare Framton.

Explanation: I read the story, it's exactly what she does.

What are some ways Elena shows her maturity




What are the types of clues that you can note when determining the meaning of unfamiliar words write keywords that will describe define each type of clues?


Context cues are the types of clues that you can note when determining the meaning of unfamiliar words. For example: Include, Commas, dashes etc. are different type of clues,

Context cues are hints that can be used by a reader to decipher the meanings of new or obscure words that are found in a sentence, paragraph, or passage. When an obvious hint to meaning is given or when only a broad understanding of the meaning is required for the reader's aims, the reader should rely on context clues. Contextual cues come in a variety of forms. When a specific definition is necessary, when context cues point to many definitions, when new words are present nearby, or when the unknown word is one that is frequently used and will come up again, a dictionary should be examined.

The phrase "that is," commas, dashes, and parentheses all serve as definitional clues. Words that provide example clues include, such as, and for example. However, but, however, and similar words may serve as contrast cues.

Know more about the Context cues at:


What words are dependent clauses?


Dependent Clauses, also known as subordinate or embedded clauses, are groups of words that are put next to one another but do not fully express the same idea. They therefore require additional clause to convey a significant idea. The usage of dependent clauses alone is not permitted.

Subordinating clauses rely on independent clauses to describe a complete notion because they cannot represent a complete thought on their own. Because, since, as, due to, as if, before, after, once, when, while, although, though, whether, while, even though, where, everywhere, everywhere, anyplace are examples of subordinating clauses. dependent clauses often change nouns or noun phrases and provide more information about the nouns they modify. Who, which, that, and whom are examples of dependent clauses. Nominal relative pronouns are used to introduce nominal relative clauses. They are minimal.

To learn more about dependent clauses:


What does a 4 surface filling mean?


A four-surface filling is a filling that covers four of the five tooth surfaces on one tooth. A four-surface filling may contain a mixture of metals including silver, copper, tin, and liquid mercury.

A filling that covers four of the five tooth surfaces of a single tooth is referred to as a "four-surface filling." A mixture of metals, including silver, copper, tin, and liquid mercury, may be present in a four-surface filling. A filling is a type of direct dental restoration used to fix teeth that are broken, chipped, or decaying. Because of the material utilized to restore the tooth, it is known as a direct restoration. As opposed to a three surface filling, which would be mesial, occlusal, and distal, a four surface filling requires the four surfaces of your tooth to be filled.

To know more about utilized refer :


Select a passage from Chapters 21-25 that uses connotative meanings of words. Discuss what the connotative meanings are and what effect they have on the themes of the text. Answers should be at least 150 words. Heres a passage: Life passes, with us all, a day at a time; so it passed with our friend
Tom, till two years were gone. Though parted from all his soul held
dear, and though often yearning for what lay beyond, still was he never
positively and consciously miserable; for, so well is the harp of human
feeling strung, that nothing but a crash that breaks every string canwholly mar its harmony; and, on looking back to seasons which in review
appear to us as those of deprivation and trial, we can remember that
each hour, as it glided, brought its diversions and alleviations, so
that, though not happy wholly, we were not, either, wholly miserable.


Given a passage from Chapters 21-25 that uses connotative meanings of words.

Life passes, with us all, a day at a time - The author is attempting to convey the idea that time passes almost imperceptibly. While it is true that time moves forward "a day at a time," days add up without our awareness. The year will therefore end when it seems like it has just started. The author's use of a time jump is the ideal way to demonstrate this idea.Though parted from all his soul held dear - This phrase depicts that although the author is away from his friend, Tom, his memories are still with the author.harp of human feeling strung, that nothing but a crash that breaks every string can wholly mar its harmony; and, on looking back to seasons which in review appear to us as those of deprivation and trial, we can remember that each hour - The author makes the point that when we reflect back on difficult times, we frequently remember that there were happy moments that kept us from being wholly miserable. There is a use for the time jump. The author can quickly advance in time without explaining all the minor and insignificant events that took place over the span of two years thanks to this abrupt flashforward of two years. (Knowing that Tom experienced both happy and miserable moments is sufficient.) Second, by jumping in time, the author is able to illustrate the topic of time passing that he is addressing in this excerpt.What do you mean by connotative meanings?

Words with subjective, as opposed to literal, meanings that differ from those found in dictionaries are used to identify connotative meanings. A modified meaning referring to figurative language is referred to as a connotative meaning.

This is due to the fact that words with connotative meanings differ from their actual meanings, which are displayed in dictionaries.

Words with connotative meaning are used to emphasize and deepen certain points in the text, as well as to highlight the theme, tone, and other elements.

Learn more about connotative meaning from


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