Question 1
1 Point
The period of time between 1920 and the U.S. entry into World War II has been called an age of isolationism.



Question 2
1 Point
FDR really wanted to help the Allies, especially the Brits, who after the French surrender in 1940 were the only ones actually fighting the Nazis until 1941, when there were a whole lot of Russians also fighting them.



Question 3
1 Point
D-day was the beginning of the end of the Nazis.



Question 4
1 Point
Russians did most of the fighting in Europe, losing at least 20 million people and in the end it was the Russians who captured Berlin, Germany.



Question 5
1 Point
The United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima on August 6th and on Nagasaki on August 9th.



Question 6
1 Point
Who is held responsible for the deaths of millions of Jews during this time period?

Adolf Hitler

Benito Mussolini

Hideki Tojo

Joseph Stalin

Question 7
1 Point
What was the legislation that authorized military aid (in the form of a loan) to countries after the war?

Lend Lease Act

Foreign Aid Act

Dollar Diplomacy

Containment of Communism

Question 8
1 Point
World War II brought about even more governmental intervention and control than we had seen in World War I.



Question 9
1 Point
The war kicked the American economy into overdrive. By 1944 American factories were producing an airplane every five minutes and a ship everyday.



Question 10
1 Point
Government expenditures during war were twice the amount they had been in the previous 150 years.



Question 11
1 Point
Los Angeles became the second largest manufacturing center in the country, meaning that it was not built by Hollywood, it was built by World War II.



Question 12
1 Point
Organized labor continued to grow as well, with union membership soaring from around 9 million in 1940 to almost 15 million in 1945



Question 13
1 Point
In 1944 FDR called for a new Economic Bill of Rights that would expand governmental power in order to create full employment, and guarantee an adequate income, medical care, education, and housing to all Americans.



Question 14
1 Point
FDR’s Economic Bill of Rights did not happen largely because Southern Democrats in the House and Senate didn’t want it to because it would have meant a larger role for unions and also extending greater equality to African Americans, and they weren’t about to let that happen.



Question 15
1 Point
Executive Order 9066 in February 1942 expelled all persons of Japanese descent from the west coast. 70% of Japanese Americans lived in California and as a result of this order more than 110,000 people were sent to internment camps where they lived in makeshift barracks under the eyes and searchlights of guards. (almost like Nazi concentration camps, but in America)




Answer 1


See below. Hope it helps


1 True

2 True

3 True

4 True

5 True

6 Hitler

7 Lend Lease Act

8 True

9 True

10 True

11 True

12 True

13 True

14 True

15 True

Related Questions

To what extent is the American Dream achievable?


The “American Dream” came to be in the 50s where families moved into suburbs where all the houses looked similar and the families consisted of a husband and wife and kids (preferably 2 or 3 kids) the mother would stay home with the kids, cook, and clean. While the father went to work and brought home the money. Society has come a long way from such expectations.


The American dream was a nice concept, but rarely achievable by most people. I'll use the cogs and clods example for this. If every person had a perfect life, lots of money, and a nice house, money wouldn't have any value anymore. So, for a community to thrive, there needs to be cogs (Rich/successful people), and clods (Less money, less successful). In short, it was and is achieveable, but only to the priveledged few.

Already endangered by our greatness, we cannot advance without imminent peril to our institutions,
union, prosperity, virtue, and peace.... the Indians have melted before the white man, and the
mixed, degraded race of Mexico must melt before the Anglo-Saxon. Away with this vile sophistry!
There is no necessity for crime. There is no fate to justify rapacious nations, any more than to justify
gamblers and robbers, in plunder. We boast of the progress of society, and this progress consists in
the substitution of reason and moral principle for the sway of brute force.... We talk of accomplishing
our destiny. So did the late conqueror of Europe (Napoleon); and destiny consigned him to a lonely
rock in the ocean, the prey of ambition which destroyed no peace but his own.


The statement that "the Indians have melted before the white man, and the mixed, degraded race of Mexico must melt before the Anglo-Saxon" reflects a perspective rooted in 19th-century American exceptionalism and Manifest Destiny.

It embodies a belief in the superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race and the inevitability of their dominance over indigenous peoples and other ethnic groups.

This perspective was prevalent during the expansion of the United States westward and the displacement of Native American populations.

Historically, this perspective perpetuated harmful ideologies that justified colonization, forced assimilation, and cultural erasure.

It disregarded the complex societies, rich cultures, and diverse histories of indigenous peoples, reducing them to inferior and disposable entities.

This viewpoint was often used to legitimize the dispossession of indigenous lands, the mistreatment of Native Americans, and the imposition of Western values and institutions.

Moreover, the statement reflects a biased and discriminatory outlook towards the mixed-race population of Mexico, portraying them as degraded and destined to be absorbed by the Anglo-Saxon culture.

This perspective disregards the contributions, resilience, and agency of the Mexican people and promotes a narrow view of race and ethnicity.

For more questions on American exceptionalism


The probable question may be:

What historical perspectives can be drawn from the statement that "the Indians have melted before the white man, and the mixed, degraded race of Mexico must melt before the Anglo-Saxon"?

Can someone help me?! Which of these things happened in the EXPOSITION/BEGINNING of our play?

Frederick becomes a trusted friend to President Lincoln.

Young Frederick lives with his grandmother in a small hut on a Maryland plantation.

Frederick escapes from Baltimore by train and boat disguised as a sailor.

Older Frederick returns to his former master and forgives him for what he did.


Answer: Frederick becomes a trusted friend to President Lincoln


Ravenous and savage
from its long
polar journey,

the North Wind

is searching
for food
What does this mean? i know its personification but what does this mean in real life the opposite of personification



narration maybe


What effect do you think that the incident described in the NY Times might have had
on American public opinion about involvement in the war



Answer. The incident described in the NY Times would have probably invoked the public to get angry about the war since another country sank one of the ships of the United States of America that were harmless and was just traveling by.


I've done it before! :3




The first one is A

The second one was B


Answer: First one is A, or the first answer.

• Enlist major reasons behind the annulment of partition of Bengal by the British Empire and how did this decision strengthen the goals of All India Muslim League?


The annulment of the partition of Bengal by the British Empire was due to political and administrative reasons.

The annulment of the partition of Bengal by the British Empire in 1911 was primarily driven by political and administrative considerations. The partition, implemented in 1905, sparked widespread protests and opposition from various sections of society, leading to a backlash against British rule.

The major reasons behind the annulment were the growing anti-colonial sentiment and the desire to consolidate British control over India. The British government feared that the partition was fueling nationalist sentiments and causing unrest, which threatened their authority. Additionally, administrative challenges and economic disruptions caused by the division of Bengal also played a role in the decision to annul the partition.The annulment of the partition of Bengal inadvertently strengthened the goals of the All India Muslim League. The Muslim League had opposed the partition, arguing that it undermined Muslim political and economic interests. The reversal of the partition furthered the League's objective of protecting Muslim rights and fostering a sense of unity among Muslims in the Subcontinent.

By challenging the British decision and successfully advocating for the annulment, the Muslim League gained credibility and support among Muslims who saw it as a defender of their interests. This contributed to the League's growing influence and set the stage for its future role in advocating for the creation of Pakistan. The annulment of the Bengal partition thus boosted the Muslim League's aspirations and efforts towards safeguarding Muslim rights and promoting their political aspirations.

For more questions on partition


"Roll Over Beethoven," "Jailhouse Rock," and "Johnny B. Goode" are all similar in that all three songs


"Roll Over Beethoven," "Jailhouse Rock," and "Johnny B. Goode" are all classic rock 'n' roll songs that were popularized in the 1950s and 1960s. While they share some similarities, they also have their unique characteristics.

Chuck Berry was the first to record "Roll Over Beethoven," "Jailhouse Rock," and "Johnny B. Goode," and Elvis Presley was the first to record either of those songs. These songs stand out within the realm of rock 'n' roll because each musician infused them with their individual style and interpretation. All three of the songs are meant to get people up and moving and have quick tempos. They encapsulate the spirit of the vivacious and contagious early rock 'n' roll.

Learn more about Jailhouse Rock here:


Understanding Vocabulary
Match each word or term with its correct definition.
Common market
money owed to a bank, company, or
Per capita income
total value of goods and services
produced in a country in a given year
Gross domestic product
average amount of annual income
earned per person in one year



Debt: money owed to a bank, company, or individual.

Per Capita Income: average amount of annual income earned per person in one year.

Gross Domestic Product: total value of goods and services produced in a country in a given year.



Debt - The money owed to a bank, business, or person.

Per capita income -  The typical yearly income received by each individual.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)  -  The sum of all the products and services generated in a nation during a specific year.

What is debt?

An obligation to pay money or another agreed-upon value to a third party, the creditor, is known as a debt. Payments for debt are delayed or made in installments, unlike those for an immediate purchase.

What is Per capita income?

The average income per person in a given location during a year is measured by per capita or total income. The amount is determined by dividing the region's overall income by population. The national income divided by the population equals per capita income.

What is Gross domestic product?

A country's or countries' gross domestic product is a monetary indicator of the market value of all the finished products and services produced and sold within a certain period.

Learn more about the per capita income here:


Use this passage to answer the following question:

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
Excerpt from Chapter II. The New Master And Mistress
Harriet Jacobs

On one of these sale days, I saw a mother lead seven children to the auction block. She knew that some of them would be taken from her, but they took all. The children were sold to a slave trader, and their mother was brought by a man in her town. Before night her children were all far away. She begged the trader to tell her where he intended to take them; this he refused to do. How could he, when he knew he would sell them, one by one, wherever he could command the highest price? I met that mother in the street, and her wild, haggard face lives today in my mind. She wrung her hands in anguish, and exclaimed, "Gone! All gone! Why don't God kill me?" I had no words wherewith to comfort her. Instances of this kind are of daily, yea, of hourly occurrence.

Based on the passage, which part of slave life most likely made its way into songs and stories of the slave communities?

The cost of a human life
The evil nature of men toward each other
The search for children who had been sold
The quick passage of time in the life of a child


The part of slave life that most likely made its way into songs and stories of the slave communities is " the search for children who had been sold."

The passage depicts the heart-wrenching experience of a mother being separated from her seven children, who are sold to a slave trader.

The mother's desperate plea to know where her children are going and her anguish at their loss highlight the deep emotional trauma inflicted upon enslaved families.

These stories of families torn apart and the quest to find lost loved ones were recurring themes in the oral traditions of enslaved communities. Songs and stories served as powerful mediums for expressing the pain, resilience, and yearning for reunion within the enslaved population.

They allowed individuals to share their experiences, convey their grief, and preserve a sense of hope and connection amidst the oppressive conditions of slavery.

Enslaved people often found solace and strength in communal storytelling, using narratives to affirm their shared humanity, resist dehumanization, and inspire collective action.

The search for lost children became a symbol of the devastating impact of slavery on family bonds and the enduring struggle for freedom and reunification.

Through these songs and stories, the enslaved community found a way to preserve their history, convey their struggles, and keep their hopes alive.

Correct option is " the search for children who had been sold".

For more such questions on slave


Use this passage to answer the following question:

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
Excerpt from Chapter II. The New Master And Mistress
Harriet Jacobs

On one of these sale days, I saw a mother lead seven children to the auction block. She knew that some of them would be taken from her, but they took all. The children were sold to a slave trader, and their mother was brought by a man in her town. Before night her children were all far away. She begged the trader to tell her where he intended to take them; this he refused to do. How could he, when he knew he would sell them, one by one, wherever he could command the highest price? I met that mother in the street, and her wild, haggard face lives today in my mind. She wrung her hands in anguish, and exclaimed, "Gone! All gone! Why don't God kill me?" I had no words wherewith to comfort her. Instances of this kind are of daily, yea, of hourly occurrence.

Based on the passage, which part of slave life most likely made its way into songs and stories of the slave communities?

The cost of a human life
The evil nature of men toward each other
The search for children who had been sold
The quick passage of time in the life of a child



The search for children who had been sold


If we didn't have the military, where would our country be and where would we be?



Won't prevent war


Kee in mind that the military is for preventing wars, if we didn't have it our country's economic will rise but out protection will suffer

After reconstruction, why were many African Americans trapped on the land they farmed


Answer: Newly freed African Americans had no money to purchase supplies needed to farm and no land to farm it on. They were forced to rent land from plantation owners and purchase supplies from local country merchants on credit through the crop-lien system.

Explanation: ↑

Write a 250 word essay, explaining and defending your stance on the following statement. Congress is most powerful check on the president is impeachment. Please include the following vocabulary words ;branch, government and Congress


The U.S. Govt. has 3 branches: legislative, executive, judicial, and works with checks and balances. Congress is a key check on presidential authority. Impeachment is the strongest limit on the president's power. Congress can impeach the president.

What is the impeachment?

Impeachment holds the president accountable for high crimes and misdemeanors. Impeachment curbs abuse of power and protects government integrity and the rule of law.

Impeachment checks president and deters abuse of power. Impeachment fear encourages responsible, lawful governance. Congress has the crucial power to keep the president accountable to Americans.

Learn more about impeachment from


In which ways did Georgians work to save cotton crops from the boll weevil? Check all that apply.

setting traps
using pesticides
flooding the fields
releasing birds to eat them
removing boll weevils by hand


Setting traps, using pesticides, and removing boll weevils by hand.

Hope it helps!

Why do many people still argue about the decision to drop atomic bombs on
Japan in 1945?



The Cold War resulted from: lack of trust between the United States and the Soviet Union.

The Attacks ended the war, but killed many civilians and alarmed the Soviet Union. The goal of the Truman Doctrine was to: ... It would prevent high casualties that would be caused by an invasion of Mainland Japan.

In a parliamentary system of government, the head of government, the Head of government legislation found,while the President has Executive function. Yes or No.​


Answer: No. In a parliamentary system of government, the head of government is typically the Prime Minister or the equivalent title, who is responsible for the day-to-day administration and legislation. The President, in a parliamentary system, usually holds a ceremonial or representative role and does not have executive functions. The executive power lies with the head of government, not the President.


According to the time line and your readings, how many U.S. presidents presided over Reconstruction?




What impact did the election of 1860 have on United States history?


The United States presidential election of 1860 set the stage for the American Civil War. The nation had been divided throughout most of the 1850s on questions of states' rights and slavery in the territories. In 1860, this issue finally came to a head, fracturing the formerly dominant Democratic Party into Southern and Northern factions and bringing Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party to power without the support of a single Southern state.

what have the axis powers done


They fought in World War ll against the Allies. I don’t know anything else other than the fact they were in WW2.
At their peak during World War II, the Axis Powers ruled much of Europe, Southeast Asia, and Africa. Some people in Italy called the Italian Empire the New Roman Empire. The Italians conquered Ethiopia and Albania prior the break out of World War II. They were the first major power to surrender to the Allies.

Use this passage to answer the following question:

The Cotton Gin
Andrea Brecheen

The cotton gin was one of the most amazing and tragic inventions of early America. The cotton gin is credited to the brilliant and creative American inventor Eli Whitney. Because Whitney's invention made cotton harvesting easier, it allowed farmers in the South to increase production. The cotton gin simplified the process of removing the cotton from the seeds, a process formerly done by hand.

As a result, Southern plantations increased their production of cotton from 750,000 bales in 1830 to 2.85 million bales just 20 years later. Because of the increase in production, the farmers in the South became even more dependent on cotton for revenue. This new reliance on cotton increased the need for slavery. More slaves were needed to farm the ever-expanding cotton plantations. If Whitney had known the effects his invention would have on slavery, he never would have created it.

Which of the following would best support the author's claim that more slaves were needed after the invention of the cotton gin?

A) Examples of other inventions that affected slaves' lives
B) Information related to the life and times of Eli Whitney
C) Stories of the first time people saw the cotton gin working in the field
D) Details about the number of slaves working cotton 20 years after the cotton gin


about the number of slaves working cotton 20 years after the cotton gin. The passage states that the cotton gin increased cotton production, which led to a greater dependency on cotton and subsequently an increased need for slavery. To support this claim, providing details about the number of slaves working in cotton production after the invention of the cotton gin would demonstrate the correlation between the increased production and the increased reliance on slavery.

Question 1 (2 points)
What was the central theme of Egyptian mythology?
O Apocalypse


I think the answer is death

What was the pen name of Samuel Clemens, author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?


1Ely Beach
2William Marcy Tweed
3Mark Twain
4Thomas Nast


Mark Twain was the pen name of Samuel Clemens, author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. This is because many of us recognize the author as and the author preferred to be called Mark Twain. The pen name of Samuel Clemens was not Ely Beach, William Marcy Tweed, or Thomas Nest.
4th one is the correct one

What challenges does South Africa face today as a democracy? Select two responses.

high poverty and high unemployment rates
rigid division between whites and non-whites
unequal access to transportation and technology
lack of representation for non-whites in government
need for the creation of a Bill of Rights for all citizens


The two challenges that South Africa faces today as a democracy are: High poverty and high unemployment rates

Rigid division between whites and non-whites

High poverty and high unemployment rates: Despite South Africa's transition to democracy in 1994, the country continues to grapple with significant economic challenges.

Poverty and unemployment rates remain high, particularly among historically disadvantaged communities. The legacy of apartheid, coupled with systemic inequalities and limited economic opportunities, has contributed to persistent socio-economic disparities.

Addressing poverty and unemployment is crucial for promoting inclusive growth, reducing inequality, and ensuring social stability.

Rigid division between whites and non-whites: While South Africa has made significant progress in dismantling apartheid, racial divisions and inequalities persist. There is still a deep-rooted separation between whites and non-whites in various aspects of society, including residential areas, education, and economic opportunities.

Overcoming these divisions and fostering social cohesion requires ongoing efforts to address systemic racism, promote inclusivity, and create equal opportunities for all racial and ethnic groups.

While unequal access to transportation and technology, lack of representation for non-whites in government, and the need for a Bill of Rights for all citizens are also important issues, high poverty and unemployment rates, along with the persistent racial divisions, stand out as significant challenges that South Africa faces in its journey towards a more inclusive and equitable democracy.

For more such questions democracy


How did the peasants retaliate?


The Peasants' Revolt started in Essex on 30 May 1381, when a tax collector tried, for the third time in four years, to levy a poll tax . ... Soon both Essex and Kent were in revolt . The rebels coordinated their tactics by letter. They marched in London, where they destroyed the houses of government ministers.

How did the immigration act of 1965 change U.S. immigration policy


The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, also known as the Hart-Celler Act, was a significant turning point in U.S. immigration policy. The act eliminated the quota system that had been in place since 1924 and established a new system of family-based and employment-based preferences.

This act did change US immigration policy.What is the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965?The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson on October 3, 1965. The act was primarily designed to eliminate racial and national discrimination in the U.S. immigration system. The previous immigration policy established in 1924 was based on the quota system, which placed strict limits on the number of immigrants allowed into the country based on their country of origin and national origin. This made it difficult for immigrants from non-European countries, such as Asia and Africa, to enter the United States.The 1965 Act eliminated the quota system that had been in place since 1924 and replaced it with a new system of family-based and employment-based preferences. The act allowed family members of U.S. citizens and permanent residents to immigrate to the United States, regardless of their country of origin or nationality. It also allowed skilled workers and professionals to immigrate to the United States.The impact of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 was significant. It opened the doors to millions of immigrants who had previously been excluded from the United States based on their race, national origin, or country of origin. The act has contributed to the diversity of the United States and has helped to shape the country's social, cultural, and economic landscape.

For more question  U.S. immigration policy


If Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan votes with the majority of Supreme Court justices
on a particular case, yet her reasoning differs from the others, she may choose to express
her reasons in a


Answer: Concurring opinion


A Concurring opinion is what a Supreme Court Judge issues when they agree with the majority decision but for different reasons. This is where the term gets it name, the Judge concurs with the majority opinion, but has other opinions as well.

A concurring opinion is simply an opinion by the judge and so it is not to form part of judicial precedent as it is not legally binding. Even though that is the case however, lawyers can still refer to them to argue a case which falls under an area of law with no binding precedent already existing.

cover letters are essential


Cover letters are essential because they allow job seekers to make a compelling case for their qualifications and demonstrate genuine interest in the position.

Cover letters are undeniably essential in the job application process. They serve as a valuable tool for job seekers to make a strong first impression on potential employers. A well-crafted cover letter allows candidates to introduce themselves, showcase their skills and qualifications, and demonstrate their enthusiasm for the position. It provides an opportunity to personalize the application, highlighting specific experiences and achievements that align with the job requirements. Moreover, cover letters allow candidates to address any potential gaps or unique aspects of their application, further enhancing their chances of securing an interview. By presenting a concise and compelling case for why they are the ideal candidate, cover letters significantly increase the likelihood of standing out among other applicants and advancing in the hiring process.

In conclusion, the importance of cover letters cannot be overstated, as they play a crucial role in presenting a candidate's qualifications, showcasing their enthusiasm, and standing out in the competitive job market.

For more such questions on cover letters:


How did the environment in which Kennedy was assassinated contribute to its tragic impact?
OIt happened outside in a public place, where many people had gathered to watch him drive by.
O It took place in an auditorium, where he was campaigning for fellow Democrats.
O It took place outside in the nation's capital, where many people had gathered to hear him spea
OIt happened in a northern state, where he and fellow Democrats were extremely popular.


The environment in which Kennedy was assassinated, as described in Option 1, contributed to its tragic impact. The correct answer is option 1.

The assassination occurred outside in a public place, where many people had gathered to watch him drive by. This setting heightened the shock and devastation felt by the witnesses and the nation as a whole. The assassination taking place in such a public setting meant that not only was Kennedy's life abruptly taken, but it happened in front of numerous individuals who had hoped to catch a glimpse of their beloved president. The sudden violence and loss of life in a location where people had gathered with anticipation and excitement amplified the sense of tragedy and shattered the collective optimism and hope of that moment. The public nature of the event also allowed the news to spread rapidly, impacting the nation on a larger scale and solidifying the assassination's profound and tragic impact on American history.Therefore, the correct answer is option 1.

For more questions on environment


Which of the three religions was founded most recently






I believe the answer is Islam have a nice day (: and god bless you
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