Your rats are to be fed a special diet in which each 70 g portion of chow will contain 45 g of protein.
How much protein will be present in 500 g of rat chow?
What is the ratio of protein to non-protein in the diet?


Answer 1




Related Questions

If you have a volume of 10 ml and a mass of 100kg what is the density​



1x10^7 kg/m^3



= 100kg/10ml


=1x10^7 kg/m^3

The science and tools used to advance agriculture are known as?


plough is one of them its been a basic instrument for most of history and is one of the major advances in agriculture




In agriculture, biotechnology is using technology to make new discoveries and innovations in crop farming and farm animals

Is the Earth an open, closed, or isolated system? Explain.



Closed Systems. The earth system as a whole is a closed system. ... Virtually no mass is exchanged between the Earth system and the rest of the universe (except for an occasional meteorite). However, energy in the form of solar radiation passes from the Sun, through the atmosphere to the surface.



The earth is a closed system because only energy is naturally transferred outside the atmosphere.


A closed system is a system in which only energy is transferred with its surroundings. An open system, however, is a system in which both energy and matter can transfer.

Simplify the following expression. (2x - 5)(6x2 - 6x - 11) A. 12x3 + 18x2 - 52x - 55 B. 12x3 - 42x2 + 8x + 55 C. 12x3 - 18x2 - 52x + 55 D. 12x3 - 42x2 + 8x - 55



none of the following are correct.


the correct answer is 12x^3 - 42x^2 + 18x + 55


None of the given answers are correct


Why would another parasitic organism, such as a disease-causing bacteria, be
considered a living organism?




Hey there!!

The reason is as per the characteristics of living organism, they multiply their number (replicate) and feeds on various host body.

Hope it helps...

Oil and fats are types of


Oils and fats are types of lipids.


they are a type of lipid fats.

hope this helps!

Which statement best describes the relationship of photosynthesis and energy?
The process of photosynthesis is energy-storing because the process converts light energy into chemical energy,
which is stored in the bonds of glucose.
The process of photosynthesis is energy-releasing because the process converts light energy into free energy that
can be used for cell functions.
The process of photosynthesis is energy-conserving because no energy is used throughout the process of forming
glucose and oxygen molecules.
The process of photosynthesis is energy-wasting because photosynthesis is an inefficient process that depletes the
cell of energy stored in the bonds of glucose.





process of photosynthesis is energy releasing because the process concerts light energy into free energy that can be used for ceel function

The characteristics of life help scientist study all organisms both living and extinct suck as the horse and horse ancestors shown earlier.
2. The skeletons and fossils shown in the previous illustration provide evidence for what process?
3. If you compared the skeleton of an adult horse to that of a newborn foal, what would you be studying?
4. A scientist compares the DNA sequence of Equus and Merychippus and draws conclusions about their genes and proteins. This would be an example of what characteristic of life? ​



The correct answer is ;

1. evolution.

2. growth and development

3. every living organism grows or develop


Fossils and traces and body remain provide information about the evolution of organisms and earth was found and how much it is change from then to modern organism and modern earth.

Comparing the skeleton of an adult horse to that of newborn foal provides the information of growth and development of the bones of foal to the adult horse.

Developing or growing is the property of life which is found in every living organism and comparison of the DNA sequence of Equus and Merychippus and draws conclusions about their genes and proteins isan example of this property.


1 evolution

2. growth and development

3. universal genetic code


A biochemical Lugol test involved dropping iodine on a cracker and observing
whether the reagent changes color or not. If this test indicated that starches are
present, which monomer would be associated with this test?





Starch is composed of glucose monomers linked by glycosidic bonds.

What is the Chemical formula for the molecule shown?





Ammonia is a chemical compound formed by the chemical combination of Nitrogen and Hydrogen atoms. One Nitrogen and three hydrogen atoms are joined together by a covalent bond to form the ammonia compound. Hence, ammonia has a chemical formula of NH3.

Therefore, the molecule shown in the image, which is identified as ammonia has a chemical formula: NH3. Ammonia is a gaseous substance at room temperature and gives a pungent odor when inhaled.

Predict why is blood sugar important to understanding the type of food you eat.



Blood sugar, also known as blood glucose, comes from the food you eat. Your body creates blood sugar by digesting some food into a sugar that circulates in your bloodstream. Blood sugar is used for energy. The sugar that isn't needed to fuel your body right away gets stored in cells for later use.



that isn't needed to fuel your body right away gets stored in cells for later use.


Which of the following can be categorized as prokaryotic



1. Animals,

2. plants,

3 fungi,

4 protists are all eukaryotes


hope it's help u

what is excretion,list the ecretory product for mammals and indicate where each product is formed,make labelled of the nephron of a mammal​



The mammalian kidney is a compact organ with two distinct regions: cortex and medulla. The functional unit of the kidney is the nephron. Each nephron is a tubular structure consisting of four regions. It arises in the cortex as a small vesicle about one-fifth of a millimetre (0.008 inch) in diameter, known as Bowman’s capsule, into which projects a tuft of capillary blood vessels, the glomerulus. Bowman’s capsule is continuous with the proximal convoluted tubule, which also lies in the cortex. Following the proximal convoluted tubule is the loop of Henle, which descends into the medulla and then runs straight up again to the cortex where it continues as the distal convoluted tubule. A collecting tubule, into which several nephrons open, courses through the medulla to open a wide cavity, the pelvis of the kidney. From the pelvis the ureter leads to the bladder, and from the bladder the urethra leads out of the body.

for an experiment to produce useful data what must happen



Im not very sure how to answer that question, if you had a list of answers it would be a tad easier


Four basic components that affect the validity of an experiment are the control, independent and dependent variables, and constants. These basic requirements need to be present and identified to consider an experiment valid.

Maybe this will help ^^

What is a unique characteristic of stem cells that makes them important


D. stem cells develop into various other types of cells

We did not use a control group in this experiment. What is the purpose of the control group and how could we have set up with one for this experiment? 



The experiment will be faulty


To set up a control group, you pick individuals at random( so you don't just get a group to be of the same character, or opinion).

The control group is vital in every experiment because, sometimes our hypothesis could be mere coincidence or assumptions. So the control group will be compared to the test group to see if the results are correct. Plus look at it this way, without a control group, your hypothesis wouldn't be a theory.

In a honeybee colony the queen stores sperm from male bees, or drones. She then lays thousands of eggs and uses the stored sperm to fertilize them and create offspring. Even when the stored sperm runs out, offspring drones are born in the hive. How is this possible? A) The unfertilized eggs became drones through regeneration. B) The unfertilized eggs became drones through fragmentation. C) The unfertilized eggs became drones through binary fission. D) The unfertilized eggs became drones through parthenogenesis




Explanation:  Parthenogenesis is a natural form of asexual reproduction in which growth and development of embryos occur without fertilization by sperm. In animals, parthenogenesis means development of an embryo from an unfertilized egg cell. In plants parthenogenesis is a component process of apomixis.

what is a weather font?


A weather front is a boundary separating bands of thunderstorms and severe weather, and may on occasion be preceded by squall lines or dry lines. Warm fronts are usually preceded by stratiform precipitation and fog. The weather usually clears quickly after a front's passage

True or false? A testable question has two parts, an independent variable and a dependent variable


Answer; true


Starting with a protein that has been inserted into the Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane with the Amino (N) terminal in the ER lumen and the carboxy (C) terminal in the cytoplasm, describe the journey the protein will take until it is placed in the plasma membrane. Include any modifications that occur during the journey and where they occur. Also, always indicate where the N and C terminal are located.


Answer and Explanation:

Ribosomes are the primary structure for protein synthesis. They can be found in the rough endoplasmic reticulum or floating in the cytosol.  

Free ribosomes are not attached to any cytoplasmic structure or organelle. They synthesize proteins only for internal cell use. Other ribosomes are attached to the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum and they are in charge of synthesizing membrane proteins or exportation proteins. Free and attached ribosomes are identical and they can alternate their location. This means that although free ribosomes are floating in the cytosol, eventually, they can get attached to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane.  

Synthesis of proteins that are destined to membrane or exportation starts in the cytoplasm with the production of a molecule portion known as a signal aminoacidic sequence. This signal sequence varies between 13 and 36 amino acids, is located in the amino extreme of the synthesizing protein, and when it reaches a certain length, it meets the signal recognizing particle. This particle joins the signal sequence of the protein and leads the synthesizing protein and associated ribosome to a specific region in the Rough endoplasmic reticulum where it continues the protein building. When they reach the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum, the signal recognizing particle links to a receptor associated with a pore. Meanwhile, the ribosome keeps synthesizing the protein, and the enlarged polypeptidic chain goes forward the reticulum lumen through the pore. While this is happening, another enzyme cuts the signal sequence, an action that requires energy from the ATP hydrolysis. When the new protein synthesis is complete, the polypeptide is released into the reticulum lumen. Here it also happens the protein folding (which is possible by the formation of disulfide bridges of proteins are formed) and the initial stages of glycosylation (the oligosaccharide addition).  

Once membrane proteins are folded in the interior of the endoplasmic reticulum, they are packaged into vesicles and sent to the Golgi complex, where it occurs the final association of carbohydrates with proteins. The Golgi complex sends proteins to their different destinies. Proteins destined to a certain place are packaged all together in the same vesicle and sent to the target organelle. In the case of membrane proteins, they are packaged in vesicles and sent to the cell membrane where they get incrusted.  

There are certain signal sequences in the carboxy-terminal extreme of the protein that plays an important role during the transport of membrane proteins. A signal as simple as one amino acid in the c-terminal extreme is responsible for the correct transport of the molecule through the whole traject until it reaches the membrane.  

How do you define professionalism


Here's your answer. Read through it. Hope it helps!

Model organisms are used to test hypothesis because:____.



A model organism is a species that has been widely studied, usually because it is easy to maintain and breed in a laboratory setting and has particular experimental advantages. Model organisms are non-human species that are used in the laboratory to help scientists understand biological processes


why does kids have mothers


Answer: Because, as of now, there is no way to "create" a human without the "use" of a womb


Students created a Venn diagram in class, comparing plant and animal cells. What is incorrect in the Venn diagram?

A) Both animal and plant cells have centrioles. That term should be in the center.
B) Only plant cells have vacuoles. That term should only appear on the plant side.
C) Plant and animal cells have a cell membrane. That term should be in the center.
D) There is nothing wrong with the information represented in the Venn diagram.





Plant and animal cells have a cell membrane. That term should be in the center is incorrect in the Venn diagram.

What are the features of Venn diagram?

A Venn diagram is a widely used diagram style that shows the logical relation between sets, popularized by John Venn in the 1880s. The diagrams are used to teach elementary set theory, and to illustrate simple set relationships in probability.

Moreover, a Venn diagram is an illustration that uses circles to show the relationships among things or finite groups of things. Circles that overlap have a commonality while circles that do not overlap do not share those traits.

A Venn diagram uses overlapping circles or other shapes to illustrate the logical relationships between two or more sets of items. Often, they serve to graphically organize things, highlighting how the items are similar and different.

Learn more about Venn diagram:


what is the term for a membrane-enclosed structure within a cell that performs a specific function?





Which describes the composition of carbohydrates



are hydrates consist of carbon hydrogen and oxygen the general structure of carbohydrates is (CH2O)n. they are ganic compounds organized in the form of aldehydes or ketones with multiple hydroxyl groups coming up the carbon chain.

How is a carrot an amoeba and bacterium alike



All made of cells, All have the DNA-->RNA-->Protein method of information transfer(can't think of exact word)



They are all made of cells


Choose all the answers that apply.
Ethical scientists ______

keep detailed records
make biased conclusions
follow the scientific method
communicate experimental results
report inaccurate date



keep detailed records


Keep detailed records. Follow the scientific method. Report inaccurate data. Communicate experimental results.

1. Has it been tested and observed numerous times by more than

one group of scientists?



Yes, it has.


Replicability of an experiment holds great importance in the scientific world. Different groups of scientists ought to be able to replicate a certain experiment to achieve the same results/conclusions as the first team of scientists did. This is essential to prove that the findings are credible and did not just occur by chance, which is the case here too.

What is the definition of control



Control is the power or authority  to influence or to exercise restraining or directing influence over people's behaviour or the course of events.


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