Question: Describe how Percy feels as he lays in bed after his first night at camp. Use textual evidence to support your answer


Answer 1


In Rick Riordan's novel "Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief," after Percy's first night at Camp Half-Blood, he experiences a mixture of emotions. The specific textual evidence supporting this can be found in Chapter 5 of the book.

As Percy lies in bed, he reflects on the events of the previous day, including the battle against the Minotaur and the revelation of his true identity as a demigod. He is overwhelmed by the realization that the Greek gods and monsters are real, and that he himself is a part of that world. This is evident when Percy thinks to himself, "I'd had a pretty strange day myself. I had a lot to think about" (Riordan, 2005, p. 81).

Additionally, Percy feels a sense of isolation and loneliness. He misses his mother, whom he had to leave behind for his own safety, and he longs for a sense of normalcy. This is shown through his inner thoughts: "I had so many questions, and no one to talk to" (Riordan, 2005, p. 81).

Furthermore, Percy experiences a mix of excitement and apprehension about his new life at camp. He wonders what challenges and dangers lie ahead for him. This is evident when he contemplates, "I wondered what would happen to me next summer, whether I'd come back to camp and get claimed by my godly parent or get fried trying to fly back home" (Riordan, 2005, p. 82).

In summary, after his first night at camp, Percy feels overwhelmed, lonely, and uncertain about his future. These emotions are supported by the textual evidence provided from Chapter 5 of "Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief."

Answer 2

Percy feels disoriented and confused as he lays in bed after his first night at camp. This is evident in the text when Percy says, "I couldn't stop thinking about the day's events. Everything seemed so unreal. Was I really a half-blood now? Did I really have a father who was a god?" (Chapter 5).Percy's thoughts demonstrate that he is struggling to process everything that has happened to him. He is also questioning his own reality and whether or not what he experienced was actually true.Additionally, Percy is physically uncomfortable due to the unfamiliar environment and his injuries from the previous day's activities. He mentions, "My whole body ached. My arm was in a cast. My head was bandaged. My left eye was swollen shut. The air smelled like feet and bad food" (Chapter 5). This shows that Percy is not only mentally but also physically exhausted and in pain.Overall, Percy is feeling overwhelmed, confused, and uncomfortable after his first night at camp.

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Read the following prompt and type your response in the space provided.

Read "Evening" by Paul Laurence Dunbar.


The moon begins her stately ride

Across the summer sky;

The happy wavelets lash the shore,—

The tide is rising high.

Beneath some friendly blade of grass

The lazy beetle cowers;

The coffers of the air are filled

With offerings from the flowers.

And slowly buzzing o'er my head

A swallow wings her flight;

I hear the weary plowman sing

As falls the restful night.

You will write a short essay composed of two well-developed paragraphs.

Using Paul Dunbar's poem "Evening," identify examples of personification in the poem. Then clearly analyze and explain how personification

a. Creates meaning in the poem.

b. Develops mood and tone.

Make sure you cite specific moments and lines from the poem itself to help explain your ideas.


The answer is A as we see here in this sentence /
“As falls the restful night.” This is setting a mood showing that it is an evening. Or that it is getting late in the day. We can also use the tone of the story to match this as well.

Hello everyone! How are you?
Read this information below if you were interested in answering questions:

Due to the ‘yes’ votes on my last question, I will now be doing QOTD! Starting tomorrow. Giving lots of points to 2 people per question, too! I will be doing 4 questions. Have a good day, and good luck answering other’s questions, too! <3

I’ll do one today as a warm-up:

I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?

(P.S: These won’t be test-like questions, but they will be more of riddle questions.)



Are you...

an echo?


Really nice of you to give away points like this. Also, since I'm grinding for Expert, could I get Brainliest? Thanks and have a good day.

Based on the text, how have sailors contributed to the mystery of deep-sea monsters?
A By bringing back specimens from their travels
B By creating myths to scare small children
C By exaggerating and lying to impress their friends
D By telling stories of what they see at sea





Based on the text, sailors have contributed to the mystery of deep-sea monsters by telling stories of what they see at sea.

What is a sailor?

A sailor is "a person who works on a ship or a person who sails a boat".

what is mystery?

Mystery is "a thing that you cannot understand or explain".

Based on the text, sailors have contributed to the mystery of deep-sea monsters by telling stories of what they see at sea as they had formulated stories around the things they see encountered during their sea adventures and exaggerated them.

To learn more about Sea Monsters here


What message about bullying do you want your PSA to communicate?

Write your message in a complete sentence.


Answer: Do not bully others. forgive and forget if someone bullies you. be mature and understand the person's situation before you bully them

Read the passage.
The First "Newspaper" War
The Crimean War was fought in the 1850s between Russia on one side and Britain, France, and Turkey on the other. Although it was a major conflict, it is perhaps best remembered as the first war in which journalists were present on the battlefield. News dispatches from William Howard Russell, a reporter for the Times of London, exposed military blunders and revealed the filthy conditions that existed in military hospitals and camps. Photographers such as James Robertson and Roger Fenton made hundreds of photographs of soldiers on the battlefield. These news reports and photographs provided an uncensored look at life on the frontlines. The Crimean War marked the first time in history that people back home were exposed to the horrors of war.

What is the main idea of the passage?

The Crimean War was the first to be the war to be documented for civilians,

The Crimean War was fought between the Russians and the British, French, and Turkish.


It's about a war happened in 1850s between the Russia on the other side and the OTHER COUNTRIES was on the other side

|                                          |

| RUSSIA   <|>  Other Cs. |

|                                          |

I don't know if this helps....

But I'm heck sure sure.. It does not.


The crimean war was the first war to be documented for civilians.


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The phrase from the selection that suggests that traders were concerned for their safety on the Silk Road is —
A. long lines of camels and horses
B. protect people and their goods from thieves
C. inns and guesthouses appeared along the roads
D. Markets for buying, selling, and trading goods





it just is B

The answer is B. the word “protect” shows they have concern for “people and their goods.”

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Dear fellow schools,

             Whenever you tell us we have test, we all groan, well here's the thing you give out to much. Sorry just a fact. We have BOG's, Check-Ins [like 15]. We have to many especially with all the homework and other things we have to do. Some of us can't even focus because of things going on at home. Like we have other stuff to do. We don't have enough time to do homework, study for tests, and still do things required to do at home. It is not right for all of this to be put on our shoulders at such young ages. We'll have to work as adults so why do we have to learn now. Sure, as we progress throughout our school education we should learn how to task and plan ahead, but we all cant be like you expect us to be. Next time before you give tests think about it. Find out how much we know some other way.


                                                                       Your fellow students


So sorry for it being short you can alter it but just had to hurry. :)  Hope you like it. ( p.S. srry for not hitting all of your points)

Which one plz explain
When you are trying to identify a story's theme, you look mainly at the story's: plot setting character all of the above


Mainly plot but all of the above also works the theme come from the lessons that are within the story what the characters go threw and what they learn can be or can influence the plot the best choice is all of the above

The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe
#6 What kind of healing is the speaker longing for?
“Prophet!” said I, “thing of evil!—prophet still, if bird or devil!—
Whether Tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore,
Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted—
On this home by Horror haunted—tell me truly, I implore—
Is there—is there balm in Gilead?—tell me—tell me, I implore!”
Quoth the Raven, “Nevermore.”

The speaker’s question, “Is there—is there balm in Gilead?” is a biblical reference meaning, “Will I be healed?”

What kind of healing is the speaker longing for?

A. healing from his fear of the Raven

B. healing from his grief over Lenore’s death

C. healing from being startled

D. healing from a physical injury


The answer I believe is option B
B is the answer to this problem.

Read the claim below.
Nursing is a highly rewarding career.
Select the piece of evidence that best supports this claim.


im pretty sure its the bottom, because it explains how it can be helpful to others! hope this helped! :)


Last one- Nurses routinely save lives in the course of their work.


What would you NOT expect to find in a technical article?
A. definitions
B. illustrations
C. charts



I would go with B.

b. technical articles are technical. not pictures

How does Jonas’s view of his community change after he receives his first few memories?



He has decided that the Sameness he grew up with is completely unacceptable. He is willing to go Elsewhere and release all his "memories" back into the community even though this will surely destroy it.


He decided that things needed to change, so after all he could do was remember the bad, he went back to his community and released the bad memories.


Hope this helps, have a VERY nice day!!!




My answer:

If I were captured by a alien and this happened I would be jumping up and down as I said with a large grin on my face, earth is a amazing planet, trees, bushes, lush greenery. However, there are also cities, as people sadly decide to ruin the greenery by polluting. The natural world is amazing, flowers of all different colors they are so beautiful. Society, on the other hand, I could say it is near the point of corruption. People are so judgmental. There are also animals all around, it is just an amazing place but can be, well.. People can make it less amazing. There are good people, though, that make it amazing like it was meant to be.


This is my answer, I had fun writing this.

If I were captured by an alien, I’d talk random stuff like random words after each other so they would think that earth hadn’t advanced enough yet so they would leave earth waiting for another time in the future and would leave us alone for the next couple hundred to a thousand years later.

Each moment a part takes a year till we reunite my dear


it is a hyperbole..

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Interviewer: Good afternoon! Thank you for joining us today. Can you please introduce yourself to our audience?

Character: Hello, my name is Hermione Granger.

Interviewer: It's great to have you, Hermione! You are known for your intelligence and wit. How do you stay so knowledgeable about so many subjects?

Hermione: Well, I've always had a passion for learning. I read as much as I can, and I take meticulous notes. I also have a photographic memory, which helps me retain information.

Interviewer: That's impressive! I understand you are a skilled witch. What is your favorite spell?

Hermione: My favorite spell would have to be "Expecto Patronum." It's a spell that conjures a Patronus, a guardian that protects against dark creatures. It's a difficult spell to master, but it's very powerful.

Interviewer: That's fascinating! You've been on many adventures with Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. What has been your most challenging experience?

Hermione: I would say our trip to the Ministry of Magic was the most challenging. We were trying to retrieve a prophecy that could potentially save our world. We had to battle Death Eaters and outsmart Ministry officials, all while trying to stay alive. It was a harrowing experience.

Interviewer: It sounds like it! Lastly, what advice would you give to young witches and wizards who are just starting to learn magic?

Hermione: My advice would be to work hard and practice, practice, practice! Magic can be unpredictable, so it's important to be prepared for anything. And don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

Interviewer: Thank you so much for your time, Hermione! It's been a pleasure speaking with you.

Hermione: Thank you for having me. It's been lovely.

Read the claim below.
A college education has become too expensive.
Select the piece of evidence that best supports this claim.


The average of student carries about thirty thousand dollars in debt by the time he or she graduates
Second choice is the correct answer

Please help I will mark brainliest
All u got to do is write a story related to the picture



farmer ben finished his long day of work and started driving off the field in his tractor.

On the weekend, we made a visit to the farm. It was a sunny day with no clouds in the sky. My sister and brother were running through the corn fields while i was helping my grandmother cook dinner. The smell of the fresh air filled me with joy because i remembered the fun i had when i was younger. As the day went on, the night breeze came in. My siblings and i went down to the lake and swam for a few hours while our parents talked. Unfortunately, the cloudless day turned into a raging storm and we had to run home to escape the violent winds. We made it back safely and my grandmother baked us a warm apple pie. I cant wait to visit her again and make more memories......

you can add more but i hope that helps!

What is the connection between chromosomes and the heavily muscled phenotype??
Uses these vocab terms or phases in the short answer response: allele, chromosomes , heavily muscled, myostatin protein
No Links Pls


Genes are segments of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that contain the code for a specific protein that functions in one or more types of cells in the body. Chromosomes are structures within cells that contain a person's genes. Genes are contained in chromosomes, which are in the cell nucleus.
What is the connection between chromosomes and the heavily muscled phenotype??
Uses these vocab terms or phases in the short answer response: allele, chromosomes , heavily muscled, myostatin protein
No Links Pls

Ill give the brainiest please help!!!





It is C to help your...

Please helppppp ASAP I will mark you Brainliest (the choose one is “responsible or obligation” I can only do it one time when you are doing it be careful please.


1. objection

2. responsible











Who is the automobile advertisement intended for? the middle class wealthier individuals the working class independent women





it is b my guy


A poem with meter includes:
1. a repeating pattern of accents within each line
2. a pattern of rhyming words at the ends of lines
3. at least thirty lines, organized into groups of four
4. an imaginative comparison between two unlike things


A) A repeating pattern of accents within each line

Meter is used to help a poem maintain a steady and predictable flow. It was created by consistent patterns of individual parts of words: syllables and their accents. With meter,  its natural rhythms are usually from one accent to the next, not just one syllable to the next.

Hope this helps :)


a repeating pattern of accents within each line


please answer the question below


Simply drag the provided icons of the things you know. I.E I assume you know what a phone and computer are, So you would put the icons in the boxes.

Answer: Anything you want


Look at an icon from whatever you posted this on find an image that is close to the ones you picked and name it as it is.

Read the claim below.
All high school students should have summer jobs.
Select the piece of evidence that best supports this claim.



B: work experience early on can help people find employment later in life.



It gives an explanation on why they need summer jobs

Take a moment to think about the story of "Proserpine." Given your level of understanding of the text, why do you think this story was an important part of both Greek and Roman mythology? Do you think this story could be adapted for our current culture? Using what you have learned of schema and inferring, develop an overview of how you would create a contemporary version of "Proserpine."

Compose a paragraph describing how you would modernize "Proserpine." Where would the story take place? Would the characters change or remain the same? Would the myth still be used to explain the changing of the seasons? Or would you use the story to explain some other concept or explore a different theme?



How most people know the story is that she was abducted and forced to live in the underworld. I would change the fact that she didnt willingly go. I think this story could be beautiful if she chose to leave him. The story would stay the same.


Where in an argumentative essay would this excerpt most likely belong? With so many people feeing that their lives



Is there more to this or just that?


If not, judging by the start of the sentence, it could be the lead (introducing the idea) or the conclusion (restating the idea)

it could be a lead or middle of an argument statement i believe

Read the passage.

A Flag with 50 Stars

The first American flag to have red and white stripes and white stars on a blue field was flown in 1776, shortly after the United States declared its independence from Great Britain. Legend has it that a Philadelphia seamstress named Betsy Ross was hired by George Washington himself to create this flag. There is no evidence that this legend is true, and no one knows for certain who made the first flag, which had 13 stars and 13 stripes. However, we know for a fact that the first flag to have 50 stars—the one we have today—was designed by a high school student.

In 1958, Bob Heft was a 17-year-old student at Lancaster High School in Ohio. At that time, the United States had only 48 states but was on the verge of accepting two more: Alaska and Hawaii. The U.S. flag at the time had six neat rows of eight stars each. What would be the best way to add two more stars while keeping the arrangement neat and orderly? This was the question that Bob’s history teacher posed to the class.

The teacher gave the students an assignment: design a flag with 50 stars. Bob spent hours in the attic of his house, cutting up a 48-star flag and rearranging the stars until they fit just right. He was pleased with his solution to the problem, but his teacher found it less than perfect and gave him a B minus. Outraged, Bob told his teacher that he was going to send his design to his member of Congress, Walter Moeller. His teacher replied that if Bob’s design was accepted as the new flag, he would be more than happy to change his grade to an A.

A year later, Bob had graduated and was working as a draftsman when he received a call at work. He never would have imagined a call from President Eisenhower—but that's who it was! Now that Alaska and Hawaii had been admitted as states, Congressman Moeller had succeeded in having Bob's design chosen as the new U.S. flag. Bob Heft was invited to Washington, D.C., for a ceremony during which his design was officially adopted as the new flag of the United States.

Question 1
Part A

What inference can be made about Bob Heft in “A Flag with 50 Stars”?

He has important connections to government officials.

He works hard and does not give up easily.

He is accustomed to success and does not take criticism well.

He is more knowledgeable about American history than most students.

Question 2
Part B

Which evidence from the text best supports the answer in Part A?

“Bob spent hours in the attic of his house, cutting up a 48-star flag and rearranging the stars until they fit just right.”

“He was pleased with his solution to the problem, but his teacher found it less than perfect and gave him a B minus.”

“Now that Alaska and Hawaii had been admitted as states, Congressman Moeller had succeeded in having Bob's design chosen as the new U.S. flag.”

“His teacher replied that if his design was accepted as the new flag, he would be more than happy to change the grade to an A.”



He works hard and does not give up easily.  and “Bob spent hours in the attic of his house, cutting up a 48-star flag and rearranging the stars until they fit just right.”


Which one plz explain
What do themes look like in novels?
a main idea with supporting details throughout the book
a conflict that the main character has to face and resolve
several different themes sometimes falling under one main theme
all of the above



Letter A


the main idea is the theme of a novel for the reason that the main idea is the most important part in a story because it's the very meaning of the book (hope I could help sorry if it's wrong I'm only 11 lol-)

All of the above
These are all correct

What is one way that people can harm the environment?
Trees provide shade from the sun for humans and animals.

Trees provide oxygen for humans and animals to breathe.

Trees provide furniture like tables and chairs to use.

Trees are beautiful to look at in parks and forests.



Trees provide oxygen for humans and animals to breathe.

Answer:Trees provide oxygen for humans and animals to breathe.


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