Read the excerpt below and answer the question.

Of their married felicity but little is known, perhaps for the reason that Tennessee, then living with his partner, one day took occasion to say something to the bride on his own account, at which, it is said, she smiled not unkindly and chastely retreated—this time as far as Marysville, where Tennessee followed her, and where they went to housekeeping without the aid of a Justice of the Peace. Tennessee’s Partner took the loss of his wife simply and seriously, as was his fashion. But to everybody’s surprise, when Tennessee one day returned from Marysville, without his partner’s wife—she having smiled and retreated with somebody else—Tennessee’s Partner was the first man to shake his hand and greet him with affection…

One night, when the pines beside the cabin were swaying in the storm, and trailing their slender fingers over the roof, and the roar and rush of the swollen river were heard below, Tennessee’s Partner lifted his head from the pillow, saying, “It is time to go for Tennessee; I must put ‘Jinny’ in the cart,” and would have risen from his bed but for the restraint of his attendant. Struggling, he still pursued his singular fancy: “There, now, steady, ‘Jinny’—steady, old girl. How dark it is! Look out for the ruts—and look out for him, too, old gal! Sometimes, you know, when he’s blind drunk, he drops down right in the trail. Keep on straight up to the pine on the top of the hill. Thar—I told you so!—thar he is—coming this way, too—all by himself, sober, and his face a-shining. Tennessee! Pardner!”

And so they met.

In at least one hundred words, describe how the theme of friendship and loyalty is developed in these excerpts.


Answer 1

Answer and Explanation:

The text presented above, develops the theme of friendship and loyalty by showing how the company of true friendships is able to strengthen a person, allowing difficult and confusing moments to be taken with more tranquility and comfort. True friendships promote care and concern for each other and this is evident at the end of the text, when friends are afraid that one of them will fall from the hill, because he is drunk and so they will seek him out to prevent this accident from happening, even if that friend didn't drink anything.

Answer 2

"Tennessee’s Partner took the loss of his wife simply and seriously, as was his fashion. But to everybody’s surprise, when Tennessee one day returned from Marysville, without his partner’s wife—she having smiled and retreated with somebody else—Tennessee’s Partner was the first man to shake his hand and greet him with affection" This shows that they respect and care for one another. "..when he’s blind drunk, he drops down right in the trail. Keep on straight up to the pine on the top of the hill. Thar—I told you so!—thar he is—coming this way, too—all by himself, sober, and his face a-shining. Tennessee! Pardner!” These actions show care and respect for one another, and thus their friendship blooms from these kind actions of genuine empathy. And so it develops the theme of friendship and loyalty by showing how the companionship of true friendships can strengthen a person, allowing difficult and confusing moments to be taken with more ease and comfort. True friendships as such promote care and concern for each other and this is evident at the end of the text when friends are afraid that one of them will fall from the hill because he is drunk and so they seek him out to prevent this accident from happening, even if that friend didn't drink anything.

Related Questions

Why is parallel structure used?


Parallel structure, or parallelism, means using the same pattern of words to show that two or more words or ideas are of equal importance. Words and phrases within a sentence should not only match in structure, but also in tense.

Writers use parallel structure to add clarity to their writing, make it easier to understand and show that their writing is structurally and grammatically correct. Explore parallel structure examples to better understand the concept.In medias res is the plot device.

That enables authors to "come late" to their own story. It is a Latin expression that essentially means "in the thick of things." Sometimes writers prefer to start their novels in the middle rather than bothering to give their characters a past. An illustration would be Neil Gaiman's "American Gods," as we don't learn about each god's history right away.

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What means chronological order?


In chronological order, events are listed, described, or discussed in relation to their timing. To see what happened first and what followed, it is like looking at a timeline.

Events are arranged in chronological sequence according to the time at which they occurred. There are numerous examples from actual life that have been chronologically arranged, including: autobiographies. Biographies. The same is true for dates when arranging items in chronological order; they are listed from the most recent and recent to the oldest. Consider it like descending (or walking down) a flight of steps; when you do so, you begin at a high point and arrive at a lower one.

Although the concepts of sequences and chronological order are similar, they are very different. Chronological order is the order of things according to time, while a sequence is defined as a certain order of events or steps in a process. Newspapers often provide examples of chronological reporting by describing events as they happen and listing each one in the order that it occurred. Sports reports are a perfect example of this because they frequently give a game or match's timeline from beginning to end.

To learn more about chronological order Visit :


Is Huck Finn realism or Naturalism?


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is an illustration of the regionalist style of realism.

Because it was written in the vernacular style, rather than employing literary language, it attempted to mimic peoples' speech patterns. In his novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, one of the most well-known American authors of the nineteenth century, Mark Twain, uses realism to depict the late nineteenth-century themes of race, identity, and social standing. As a result, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is regarded as a work of realism, a literary genre that aimed to present life without the frills and dreams shown in romanticism. The story's setting right before the American Civil War is a crucial component as well.

To learn more about language click here


How do you write a compare and contrast essay examples?


Selecting two or more themes that are tangibly related is the key to creating an effective comparison and contrast essay. Instead of stating the obvious, comparison and contrast are used to draw attention to subtle differences or unexpected similarities.

The topic sentence that comes first should include one aspect of the comparison between your first and second subjects. You might start by giving a general summary of the political institutions in each country if your paragraph's theme is state apparatus and your topics are two different countries.

A compare and contrast essay could

start with an introduction that gives background information and a thesis that states what you're comparing and why.a section in the body comparing and contrasting the two subjectsa section in the body comparing and contrasting the two topics

To know more about compare and contrast essay, click on the link below:


What are the 4 characteristics of a sonnet?


The characteristics of a sonnet are structure, rhyme, theme, and tone.

A sonnet is typically composed of one 14-line stanza. The lines are written in iambic pentameter, which has a rhythm of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable in each of the ten syllables of each line. Themes like love, nature, time, and mortality are frequently explored in sonnets.

The majority of sonnets use one of two common rhyme schemes. The Italian sonnet has an octave, the first eight lines that pose a problem or question, and a sestet, the final six lines that provide a resolution or answer, or the English or the Shakespearean sonnet, which uses the rhyme scheme abab cdcd efef gg. A sonnet's tone might vary, but it is frequently intimate and contemplative, expressing the speaker's sentiments about the poem's content.

Read more about sonnet on:


How might Rikki's character and actions help the reader determine the theme? (USE THE R.A.C.E METHOD FOR YOUR ANSWER)


"Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" is a short story set in India during the colonial era. The story is told in the third person through a narrator. In this story, a family with a small child named Teddy adopts a mongoose and names him Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. Rikki loves the family for saving his life after a monsoon washed him from his family burrow. He protects the family and garden animals from the cobras, Nag and Nagaina, who threaten the garden animals and want to kill Teddy and his family so they can take over the bungalow. Rikki battles the cobras and wins, saving the family and the garden.

Rikki and Nag

The story was written by Rudyard Kipling. Although a renowned writer, Kipling had very colonialist and racist viewpoints, which occasionally made their way into his stories. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi is unfortunately one of those tales.

"Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" Characters

The main characters of "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" are:

Rikki-Tikki-Tavi: The protagonist of the story. A protagonist is usually the main character or hero of a story and is responsible for driving the plot forward. Rikki is a small, brave mongoose who lives with Teddy's family and protects the garden wildlife, Teddy, and Teddy's family. As the protagonist, Rikki personifies bravery, confidence, and loyalty. He is brave and full of confidence when he battles the cobra's Nag and Nagaina. He is loyal to Darzee, Darzee's wife, and his human family, and he stands up to Nag and Nagaina.

Nag and Nagaina: The male and female cobras who rule the garden of the family's home are the antagonists of this hero's journey-styled plot. Antagonists are often the villains of a story and usually represent an obstacle that the protagonist must overcome and defeat to reach a goal. Nag and Nagaina have different reactions when the story reaches the climax and Nagaina faces losing her eggs. She pleads with Rikki to spare her children, which shows her softer side. Ultimately, Rikki outwits and defeats the villains.

Teddy: The young British boy who saves Rikki-Tikki-Tavi and befriends him. When Teddy is attacked by the cobras, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi saves him, just as Teddy once saved Rikki. The young boy is innocent and appeals to the reader's memory of the purity and safety of childhood.

Teddy's mother: Alice is a sweet, kind, empathetic woman.

Teddy's father: He is a British soldier and a protective father. He acknowledges Rikki's bravery in saving Teddy, Alice, and him from the cobra Nag. Nagaina believes Teddy's father killed Nag and seeks vengeance by attacking Teddy.

Chuchundra: The muskrat in the garden who is afraid of the cobras and wants to avoid confrontation.

Karait: A snake in the garden (and antagonist) who tries to bite Teddy early in the story. Rikki kills Karait to protect Teddy.

Darzee: A tailorbird who lives in the garden with his wife and family. He is afraid of Nag and Nagaina, so he rarely leaves his nest. He is a silly character who sings and provides commentary but offers little help against the threat of the cobras.

Darzee's wife: She is an active character who is angry at Nag for eating one of her babies. She helps Rikki win the battle against the cobras by pretending to be wounded and providing a distraction.

What is Mark Twain's message in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novel by American author Mark Twain set in the pre-Civil War South that exposes institutionalized racism and tackles themes of freedom, civilization, and prejudice.

Huckleberry Finn explores the notion of liberty and the price, if any, at which a person is genuinely free in two basic views of freedom. Huck and Jim both want independence, but they have quite different notions about what that entails. This disparity is due, in part, to what each character believes he is gaining freedom from. Huck, for example, longs to be free of "civilized" society. Heavy clothing, formal schooling, and, of course, home life suffocate him: "Living in a house, and sleeping on a bed, tugged on me quite tight, basically."

To know more about Mark Twain:


What is frost describing that doesn't love a wall o sunlight o Neighbors o ice boulders?


When Frost makes the statement shown above he is describing how much he believes fences are not good for neighbors.

Why does Frost think that?Because fences keep people apart.Because fences harm the establishment of friendship.Because the fence encourages individualism and that's not good for people.

Frost proves to be a being that encourages socialization and contact between neighbors. This is because he does not approve of individualism, but collaboration, coexistence, and friendship between people who live very close to each other and can keep company and be a friend with everyone.

For this reason, Frost does not believe that fences are beneficial and points out that the existence of a fence creates bad neighbors, as it causes people to isolate their property, decreases human contact, and is not a cozy company to promote comfort to each other, which would lessen loneliness, selfishness, and tyranny among people.

This question is about the poem "Mending Wall" and you can learn more about it at the link:


What is Adam Smith's main idea quizlet?


Adam Smith's main idea was regarding  the importance of free markets

Who was Adam Smith?

Adam Smith was born in 1723 and died in 1790. He was a moral philosopher and economist, usually regarded as the father of modern economics. Smith's work is both a pillar of contemporary philosophy and a key source of political and economic transformation throughout the last two centuries.

Adam Smith was one of the first thinkers of his day to assert that money is generated via productive effort and that self-interest encourages individuals to maximize the use of their resources. He said that profits derived from capital investments, and that money is directed to where it can make the most profit.

Therefore, Smith's ideas are the necessity of free markets, assembly-line manufacturing processes, and GDP which is formed the foundation for classical economic theory.

Learn more about Adam Smith here:


What is your perception about reflexive and intensive pronoun?


A reflexive pronoun relates back to the sentence's subject, whereas an intensive pronoun emphasizes or amplifies a noun.

I, you, him, her, it, ourselves, yourself, and themselves are examples of the intensive/reflexive pronouns. An intense pronoun is one that emphasizes its antecedent and ends in "self" or "selves." Reflexive pronouns can be used to emphasize that someone performs it personally and not on behalf of anyone else. Reflexive pronouns are used when the same person is the subject and object. To stress the subject that person or thing and nobody else intensive pronouns are utilized. Similar to intense is intense. Something powerful is intense. A pronoun's reflexive/emphatic/intensive case is used to denote an activity that has an effect on the performer.

To learn more about intensive pronouns click here


What are the 5 ASL parameters?



handshape, palm orientation, movement, location, and expression/non-manual signals.


In American Sign Language (ASL), we use the 5 Parameters of ASL to describe how a sign behaves within the signer's space. The parameters are handshape, palm orientation, movement, location, and expression/non-manual signals.

How was Grendel's mother finally killed?


Following a difficult battle between the two of them, Beowulf kills Grendel's mother in a cave with the magical sword.

In a cave, Beowulf encounters Grendel's mother. Unferth's Hrunting, his sword, is used to strike her, but it is unable to pierce her skin. He then discards the sword and begins to assault the mother with just his fists. He places his faith "in his might, his powerful hand-grip." Beowulf succeeds in knocking Grendel's mother to the ground, but she immediately strikes back and is soon seated on top of him. She uses a knife to try to murder him, but Beowulf's armor saves him this time. After successfully knocking her off of himself, Beowulf spots a huge sword and seizes it.

Beowulf eventually kills Grendel's mother.

To know more about Beowulf poem, visit,


I want your help!
Can you do 3-5 min essay about The importance of Technology and its effects on the present and Future


Yes, a sample essay on the Importance of Technology and Its Effects on the future is given below. Note that this is an explanatory essay.

What is the sample essay given above?

Technology has become increasingly important in our daily lives, shaping the way we work, communicate, and access information. It has revolutionized many industries and has had a significant impact on the present and future.

One of the most significant implications of technology in the present is how it has changed the way we do business. Companies may now employ technology to improve efficiency and production by streamlining their processes. Furthermore, technological advancements have made it simpler for people to work remotely, providing for more flexible work arrangements.

Thinking forwards, technology is expected to continue to play a significant role in influencing civilization. It has the ability to disrupt sectors and open up new avenues for growth and development.

Learn more about explanatory essays:

A 3. What does lyric poem
lack or not have that is useful for finding the theme?
a title
complete sentences
a setting


A Setting.

Modern lyric poetry is a formal genre of poetry that speaks of one's own sentiments or emotions, usually in the first person.

Modern lyric poetry is a formal kind of poetry that often uses the first person to communicate personal emotions or feelings. The misconception comes from the fact that it is not the same as song lyrics, despite the fact that song lyrics are frequently in the lyric form, nor is it the same as Ancient Greek lyric poetry, which was primarily limited to song lyrics or chanted verse.

The term "lyric" is derived from a type of Ancient Greek literature called the "Greek lyric," which was characterized by its accompanying music, typically on a stringed instrument called a kithara[a]. Both modern lyric poetry and current song lyrics use this term. The distinction between the three major categories of poetry—lyrical, dramatic, and epic—developed by Aristotle is what gives the term its significance in literary theory. One of earliest genres of writing is lyric poetry.

To know more about lyric poem, click on the link below:


What is the ratio of homozygous yellow with wrinkled seeds and homozygous round with green seeds in f2 of classical dihybrid cross is?


A dihybrid cross consists of two individuals with two distinct traits controlled by two distinct genes. The idea of a dihybrid cross was developed as a result of Gregor Mendel's study of pea plants that were either round or wrinkled, yellow or green.

What classical dihybrid cross is?

A dihybrid cross consists of two individuals who are heterozygous for two different traits. The individuals who display this feature are homozygous for it.

Therefore, 3:1:9:3. Is the ratio of homozygous yellow with wrinkled seeds and homozygous round with green seeds in f2.

Learn more about dihybrid cross here:


What are some other words for storage?


Answer: Depository

Explanation: Depository is a synonym for storage.

How can I improve my daily decision making?


I can improve my daily decision making by collecting the information about the particular situation.

Some of the ways which can helps me to improve my decision making are:

1. Make an arrangement

In the event that you realize you have a forthcoming choice to make, it can assist with making an arrangement.

2. Be decisive

Have a go at assuming control over the dynamic interaction. You could have a go at prompting a gathering on every decision's upsides and downsides and drawing courses of events for guarantee a speedy and useful choice.

3. Ask a specialist

Hearing one more point of view can assist with approving your choices and give you additional trust in your critical thinking skills. You could take a stab at asking a neighborhood master, or you can continuously ask a confided in companion.

4. Keep it in context

Take a stab at passing judgment on the worth of every choice. Rather than investing broad energy discussing more modest choices, for example, the textual style type for your organization writing, center around bigger choices.

5. Set cutoff times

Set time impediments for yourself on every choice you make. This can assist with limiting how long you need to alter your perspective or ponder choosing. You initially could have to find the significance of your choice.

To know more about decision making, visit here:


Ralph Waldo Emerson was influenced by European writers, including:



Ralph Waldo Emerson was influenced by a number of European writers, including the English poets William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, as well as the German philosopher Immanuel Kant. Emerson's ideas about individualism and self-reliance were also influenced by the French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Additionally, Emerson was influenced by the works of the Scottish philosopher and economist Adam Smith, particularly his book "The Wealth of Nations." These writers and philosophers had a significant impact on Emerson's thought and writing, and their ideas can be seen throughout his works.

Why does Katniss think Peeta Wouldnʼt understand about owing someone or paying back your debt )?


Katniss believes that since he is not from the Seam and has never had to battle to survive, only those who have experienced such challenges are aware of "paybacks."

How is Katniss in Peeta's debt again?

Because Katniss attempts to speak to the Avox at dinner, when doing so is prohibited, she has once again incurred Peeta's wrath.

What does Katniss realize about Peeta?

Katniss understands that Peeta actually likes her and isn't simply being fl*rtatious. Peeta first developed feelings for Katniss when she was five years old after her mother was mentioned by Peeta's father.

What are three reasons Katniss is suspicious of Peeta?

She believes that he may be behaving out of kindness at times, which is more perilous for her because she is aware that she won't be able to kill a kind Peeta Mellark. She is occasionally persuaded that he is plotting, misleading her and others. The dandelion picture reappears.

To know more about Katniss and Peeta visit:


What are common perils?


Typically, it includes a list of every precise occurrence that your insurance provider will cover in the case of a loss.

Common dangers listed in your house insurance policy to assist cover your personal items if these occurrences harm them include fire, lightning, windstorms, and hail.

A "peril" is an occurrence or scenario in the insurance industry that causes property harm. There is a list of covered risks in your homeowners, condo, or renters insurance, including vandalism, lightning, and fire.

After conducting an investigation, the surveyor concluded that one of the 12 basic hazards listed in the policy was the reason for the fire.

The insurer paid for all damages incurred by the textile manufacturing firm because the fire was caused by an insured danger.

Learn more about to perils visit here;


both gingerbread houses and candy canes were almost certainly introduced to the u.s. by immigrants from what country?a. Franceb. Germanyc. Italyd. Brazil


There are 15 more candy canes than gingerbread men, or six times as many candy canes as gingerbread sum men. There were 27 snacks available. The correct response is B. Germany's.

There are twice as many Hortbread cookies than gingerbread men. Hortbread cookie (H) then equals 2. Gingerbread (G). Additionally, three times as many sugar canes as gingerbread men are distributed. Consequently, 3 Gingerbread (G) = Candies There are 27 treats total, or the total of all the treats.Gingerbread men (G) + Hortbread cookie (H) + Candy cane are the total of all the sweets (C).

The total number of treats is equal to G+ 2G +3x 2G, or 27 G+ 2G+ 6G, or 27 G+ 9G, or 27 gingerbread men (G). Three gingerbread men make up the total. The result of multiplying this value by others is Hortbread cookie (H) = 2G=2 x 3=6.Candies (C) = 3 x 2G = 3 x 6 = 18 as a result, we can observe that candy cane is 15 more than gingerbread or 6 times as much.

To know more about sum visit:


What are the 10 kitchen Rules?


We can see here that the the 10 kitchen Rules that you should know are:

Avoid using the same cutting board for raw meat, fruits and vegetablesLearn how to use knives. Wash your hands before and after handling food items in the kitchen.Avoid going barefooted to the kitchen.Learn how to put out a fire.Avoid wearing fluffy dress in the kitchenAvoid putting a hot glass dish on a surface that is wet or cold.Wash plates and dishes in the kitchen.Mop and/or sweep your kitchen regularly.

What is a kitchen?

A kitchen is actually known to be a place within the house where food is prepared for the family. The kitchen is a very important part of the house. Mothers and cooks are usually in charge of the kitchen. They prepare the food that the family eat.

We see here that the above rules are necessary in the kitchen.

Learn more about kitchen on


Based on the author's word choices in paragraph 1, which word best describes the author’s tone?

(A) critical
(B) optimistic
(C) annoyed
(D) neutral

Read the passage.

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

There’s been talk that there is a giant pile of trash floating out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. According to some reports, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is supposedly twice the size of the state of Texas. This has led many people to envision a humongous pile, both in height and breadth. However, this is a gross exaggeration. True, there is trash floating around in the Pacific, but it’s quite different from what has been portrayed in the media. Nonetheless, there is still cause for concern.

In an area of the northern Pacific Ocean where the northern jet stream and the southern trade winds create a high-pressure zone, the winds circulate in opposite directions. These winds create an area of 7.7 million square miles of circling water called the North Pacific Gyre, which covers most of the northern Pacific Ocean. In the middle of the gyre are pieces of plastic garbage. This garbage isn’t a huge pile of floating pieces of trash, peoples tossed-away coolers, broken pieces of furniture, or boat seat cushions. It’s more insidious than that.


Answer: (D) neutral


The author's tone in paragraph 1 is neutral because they are simply presenting information about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch without expressing any personal opinion or emotion. The author is not critical, optimistic, or annoyed, but simply stating facts and providing information.


D.) Neutral


I say neutral because in the 1st paragraph the author was stating a fact and was saying that the garbage was really big and that it was twice the size of the state of Texas but when you keep reading he/she says that this is just an exaggeration. He wasn't being critical, optimistic or annoyed he/she was neutral, she/he wasn't really bothered by it.

7. If a writer looks back at their text and hates everything they wrote, their hatred is MOST likely stemming from what root cause?


Answer:An number of things


Insercurity, self loathing and self doubt.

What was the conflict problem in the story?


Conflicts determines how the storyline develops, making it the driving force behind every story. There is no plot arc and no character development without conflict.

What is conflict in a story?Conflict is a fight between competing forces in a narrative. Conflict begins when characters take action to oppose those forces. There is no story if there is nothing to overcome. The storyline of a novel is created and advanced by conflict.The challenges a character encounters in the outside world are referred to as external conflict. The psychological or emotional struggles of a character are referred to as internal conflict. The worldview or belief system of a character clashes morally or philosophically with the outside reality.It's important to keep in mind that dividing conflict into external and internal components is overly simplistic. The proper definition of conflict in a story also considers how it relates to moral or philosophical conflict.Why is conflicts important in stories?It instigates and propels the story.It entertains by providing realistic circumstances in emotional, risky, or thrilling ways. It shows contrasting opinions and realities about life.

Conflict definition.

Mental conflict brought on by conflicting or incompatible wants, desires, wishes, or demands from within or without His duty and conscience were at odds. The conflict between individuals or forces that results in the dramatic action in a play or a work of fiction

Conflict situation definition. A conflict situation is one in which a director has, or is potentially in a position to have, a direct or indirect interest that is at odds with the interests of the firm (including a conflict of interest)

To know more about conflict in a story refer to :


What are irregular lines?


A phrase used to describe works of art that highlight the use of primarily straight lines and forms yet are created without the use of a straightedge. These lines frequently show the hand motion of the artist who drew them, and as a result, they may look blurry, uneven, or flawed, as in the works of Paul Klee or Mark Rothko.

Who are artists?

A person involved in the creation, practise, or demonstration of an art is said to be an artist. The typical use in academic discourse and daily speech solely refers to a visual arts practitioner. Although it is also frequently used in the entertainment industry, particularly in a professional setting, for musicians and other performers (although less often for actors). The English equivalent of the French word for artist, "artiste," is occasionally used in this context. Although it is acceptable, the term "artist" is rarely used to describe authors and is often only applied in critical circumstances.

Technical expertise is implied by the Greek term "techn," which is sometimes translated as "art." The Latin adjectival term "technicus" served as the basis for the English words technique, technology, and technical.

To learn more about artists from the given link


What are irregular lines?

Who is Swift attacking in A Modest Proposal?


In "A Modest Proposal," Swift criticizes a variety of targets, including the powerless Englishmen (landlords, legislators) who are unconcerned with the Irish problem, the uninterested and unmoved readers.

In A Modest Proposal, who is Swift making fun of?

Swift suggests that the starving Irish people sell their extra children to the wealthy as food in this explosive, satirical article. Swift adopts an exaggeratedly callous tone that mocks individuals who have Unfavourable views about the Irish poor, including the Irish rich, politicians, and British officials.

The essay, which is disguised as an economic dissertation, suggests that Ireland's underprivileged children should be butchered and sold to affluent English landowners as food in order to reduce poverty there. Swift's plan is a scathing critique of England's exploitation of Ireland on a legal and economic level.

To know more about Swift criticizes visit:


What are the main conflicts in the story and how are they resolved Of Mice and Men?


The main conflicts in the story Of Mice and Men is George and Lennie's desire to one day possess their own farm serves as the primary source of conflict. Their main objective is to make enough money to become financially independent guys who are not dependent on others for job.

The battle for survival that George and Lennie engage in is the primary conflict in Of Mice and Men. They move throughout places searching for employment as migrant laborers to sustain themselves, but this is made challenging since Lennie keeps getting them into problems. Through their own concerns about their own social and financial standings, the other characters mirror this battle to achieve stability.

After repeating their common goal of owning a farm one more time, George shoots Lennie in the back of the head to protect him from Carley's anger at the conclusion of Of Mice and Men.

For more such question on Mice and Men.


What is Elizabethan style of writing?


The Elizabethan style of writing is  new forms like the sonnet, Spenserian stanza, and dramatic blank verse, as well as prose.

what is Elizabethan style of writing?

It was distinguished by a strong sense of patriotism, national pride, religious tolerance, social content, academic advancement, and boundless excitement. The drama gives voice to such a time of intense emotion, thought, and action, and its amazing progression culminates inThe fluidity, sweetness, melody, and exuberant joy in life all of which are direct, spontaneous, and exquisite are the characteristics that particularly set Elizabethan poetry, especially lyrics apart.Dramatic literature flourished during the Elizabethan era. Blank verse was one of the most widely used forms for dramatic plays during this time. Unrhymed blank poetry is typically composed in iambic pentameter. Its metrical structure most closely approaches that of human speech.

To learn more about Elizabethan style of writing refers to;


What happens at the end of the story Owl Creek Bridge?


Bierce explains that Peyton Farquhar had dreamed the entirety of his escape and that, in reality, he was "dead; his body, with a broken neck, swung gently from side to side beneath the timbers of the Owl Creek bridge."

What happened at Owl Creek Bridge?

The true Owl Creek Bridge is in Tennessee; Bierce, who personally participated in three military executions during his time in the military, probably altered the setting to northern Alabama because the real bridge did not have a railroad close by at the time the narrative is set.

Farquhar arrives at his front gate by dusk. He recognizes his wife, but as he prepares to embrace her, he feels a strong blow on the back of his neck. Bright white light fades to total darkness. Farquhar's body hangs below Owl Creek Bridge with a broken neck and he is dead.

Bierce reveals in the conclusion of "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" that Peyton Farquhar had dreamt the entirety of his escape and that, in reality, he was "dead; his body, with a broken neck, swung gently from side to side beneath the timbers of the Owl Creek bridge."

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English alphabets ....letters ? PLEASE HELP Fill in the blank with the correct form of "Estar" (1 point):Ellos en el laboratorio. A basket contains 5 purple pencils and 9 brown pencils. If two pencils are picked at random one after the other without replacement, then what is the probability that both the pencils are purple? 5/182 10/91 2/91 9/182 please state reasoning as to why it is what ever answer you provide.. Fill in the blank. The author MAINLY explains the importance of Earth Day ____________.Aby describing the context and consequences of the first Earth Day and how it spread worldwideBby focusing the article on the destruction of the Earth that was happening prior to Earth DayCby highlighting the success of the Environmental Protection Agency at stopping pollutionDby explaining how hard Senator Gaylord Nelson and Dennis Hayes had to work to put on the first Earth Dayno link or i will report Which of the following are part of film grammar? Choose all that apply.the lines an actor or actress speaksthe way a scene is litthe angle the camera is directedthe way the camera moves What is the volume of the composite figure? Two intersecting segments form the diagonals of a quadrilateral. What additional information do you need toknow about the diagonals to prove that the quadrilateral is a parallelogram?a.they must be perpendicularb.they must bisect each other c.they must intersect in the center of the quadrilateral d.they must be congruent -Evaluate the expression for m=7 and n = 10.m + n = What season is it in Buenos Aires when it is winter in Boston, Massachusetts? Winter Summer Spring Autumn Derive the three-dimensional transformation matrix for scaling an object by a scaling factor s in a direction defined by the direction cosines alpha , beta , gamma In the early universe and now, stars most likely formed from which of the following?Group of answer choicesNebulasPlanetsCometsAsteroids What does 1 hanggang 2 talatang talumpati mean?Give an example. Short Company purchased land by paying $11,000 cash on the purchase date and agreed to pay $11,000 for each of the next six years beginning one-year from the purchase date. Short's incremental borrowing rate is 7%. On the balance sheet as of the purchase date, after the initial $11,000 payment was made, the liability reported is closest to: (FV of $1, PV of $1, FVA of $1, and PVA of $1) (Use appropriate factor(s) from the tables provided.) what is?[tex] \frac{x}{y} + x[/tex] Underline the adverbs in the following sentences and circle the verbs :1. The proud father shook his son's hand wildly after he was called to the stageas 'Soccer Player of the Year'.2. The appreciative child accepted the trophy gracefully.3. The difficult exam paper confused me completely.4. The mother shook the dying baby desperately.5. The strong WWF-wrestler defeated the slender competitor viciously.6. She writes impeccably and calculates faultlessly.7. The grateful parent thanked the police officer gratefully and scolded the childmercilessly Why does Mollys mother tell the children to hide when she sees the policemen? in the movie Rabbit-Proof Fence solve for each variable. PLEASE ANSWER SENSIBLY Relacione cada descripcin con el concepto que corresponde Setting plays a very important role in the hobbit. Setting influences much about the story and it's characters. Think about the different settings in the story. How does setting relate to character in the hobbit? How does setting influence theme? Explain your answer using specific examples from the novel. PLZ I need help fast worth 50 POINTS! 2a^2 + 7 + 5b^3when a = 2 and b= 3