Read the text of a public service announcement that aired on the radio. Every animal in the shelter deserves a second chance to have a good home and someone to love them. Saturday is the citywide "Save an Animal Day.” Your donation can help the shelter save a pet’s life. The shelter has saved 40 animals this year alone. Please consider donating to help this cause. Even a few cents can make an impact! You can be an animal’s hero! Which statement best describes how people are informed about this event? The public service announcement uses a visual modality to present a claim, reasons, and evidence to support a cause. The public service announcement uses a written format to share information about donating to the animal shelter. The public service announcement uses a tactile modality to help the audience process the information. The public service announcement uses a spoken format to present a claim, reasons, and evidence explaining why people should donate to the shelter.


Answer 1


Hey there!

The correct answer is, "The public service announcement uses a spoken format to present a claim, reasons, and evidence explaining why people should donate to the shelter. "

Because this aired on radio, it used spoken formate to present a claim,  reasons, and evidence explaining why people should donate to the shelter.

Let me know if this helps :)


Answer 2


The public service announcement uses a spoken format to present a claim, reasons, and evidence explaining why people should donate to the shelter. "


Related Questions

Five paragraph essay format- cats



Cats are a pets such as dogs they are tricky to be taken care of but it will work out as long as you know how to treat your pet if you treat it badly it will not like you but if you treat it nicely it will take a liking to you.

Cats are a mystery such as other pets but fun facts about cats is that If you see a cat or your cat blink at you two times it's giving you a kiss, If a cat is hire than the others it means it's in charge.

Cats make postures (signs) to let you know what they want if you don't have any bond with your cat then you won't understand them but if you do have a bond with them or close to a bond then you will understand some or all of what they want to do.

Cats have different species some you don't see often and some you do every cat is different just because their the same breed as another cat doesn't mean their the same they will act and play a part of their own live not be a clone.

Hope this helps I'm a cat owner so I new this and why not tell someone else some of these "secrets"

Select the correct answer.
In Lincoln's First Inaugural Address, he tells Southerners who have seceded the following:
I hold that in contemplation of universal law and of the Constitution the Union of these states is perpetual. Perpetulty is implied, if not
expressed, in the fundamental law of all national governments. It is safe to assert that no government proper ever had a provision in its
organic law for its own termination.
Which type of appeal does President Lincoln use in these lines to try to persuade Southerners?
emotional appeal
B. ethical appeal
C. logical appeal
scientific appeal
E.moral appeal


C logical appeal for sure

Answer: logical appeal


How does the author of Passage 1 introduce the explanation of how baby boomers will be changing communities such as
those in Charlotte County, Florida?
o The author explains the benefits of Betty Mische leaving her home in Minnesota.
o The author quotes experts regarding how a retired population will affect the community.
The author uses the story of a specific retired resident to stand in for the experiences of many others.
The author cites statistics in order to illustrate how retired residents will affect the average age of citizens in
Charlotte County


The author cited statistics in order to illustrate how retired residents....

Read the passage from chapter 5 of Animal Farm. After surveying the ground, Snowball declared that this was just the place for a windmill, which could be made to operate a dynamo and supply the farm with electrical power. This would light the stalls and warm them in winter, and would also run a circular saw, a chaff-cutter, a mangel-slicer, and an electric milking machine. What does the windmill symbolize in the story? Marxism technology revolution capitalism



B). Technology


Symbolism always plays a vital role in attaching a deeper meaning to the text using an object, idea, or people as the symbol. In the given excerpt, the 'windmill' is used as a symbol of 'technology' which suggests the 'need and significance of industrialization in the economy' as it would help 'operate a dynamo', 'light the stalls and warm them in winter', 'run a circular saw, a chaff-cutter, a mangel-slicer, and an electric milking machine' by supplying electricity to the farm. Thus, option B is the correct answer.




Holly is on the internet researching elephants, and a pop-up ad comes up. It tells her she has just won a new pair of headphones and to click on the link to claim her prize! What should Holly do? A. Click on the link to claim the headphones. B. Click on the link because it says to. C. Ignore the pop-up ad because it might be a virus. D. Ignore the pop-up ad because she already has headphones.





We'll there's not much info on if your lesson is about Internet safety but if it is about it the Answer should be C.


last answer


Ignore the pop-up ad because she already has headphones.

How do paragraphs 26-28 contribute to the development of ideas in the text 9/11/2001



The text "9/11/2001"

This article discussed the reactions of Americans and the world in the aftermath of the deadly islam-inspired terrorist attacks on the US critical infrastructure with the attendant human carnage.

After chronicing the events and the reactions over the years to the attacks in 25 paragraphs, the author in concluding tried to assuage American feelings.

In paragraph 26, he praised Americans for their uncommon qualities for calling for religious tolerance of non-terrorist Muslims.   Paragraph 26 recognized the contributions by Muslims as US citizens in various fields of life.  And paragraph emphasized that there should not be discrimination and ban on refugees and immigrants because they profess Islam.

These three paragraphs were an attempt to conclude that what had happened on 9/11/2001 was a thing of the past and should be forgotten since the lessons have been learned and appropriate security measures put in place.  They represent a call to move forward in life without allowing past events becloud one's sense of living.


"9/11/2001" was an article written by Mike Kubic in 2017 to remember the event, American response, and the way to make progress, going forward.

Why does the author use the word
"exploded on page 5?
to emphasize the impressive amount of new
ideas that were generated in a short amount
of time
to show how dangerous the work conditions
for people in industrial factory jobs could be
to highlight the fast pace of the migration of
African Americans to the North after
to illustrate the negative conditions African
Americans experienced in the South



I'm 95% sure that it is the option that states " To emphasize the impressive amount of new ideas that were generated in a short amount of time".


The author uses the word explode to emphasize the impressive amount of new ideas that were generated in a short amount of time.

What do you understand about the word author?

An author is the writer of a book, article, play, or other written work. A broader definition of the word author states that an author is a person who originated or gave existence to anything and whose authorship determines responsibility for what was created.

Typically, the first owner of a copyright is the person who created the work, i.e. the author. If more than one person created the work then a case of joint authorship takes place. Copyright laws differ around the world. The United States Copyright Office, for example, defines copyright as a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States to authors of 'original works of authorship.

The copyrights on intellectual work expire after a certain time and it enters the public domain, where it can be used without limit.

Learn more about author, here:


Pretend for a few minutes that you are 30 years older. With that in mind write a letter to yourself detailing who you have becoming and all the accomplishments you have made. Include details about your life in high school and how you have changed as you've grown. What is your job? Are you married? Do you have children? Are they different from the way you were when you were in high school. Be detailed, use this to introduce yourself to myself and the class. Minimum half a page.




On Halloween, my best friend’s older brother sold us each one Poland Spring water bottle filled with watered-down vodka. There are now 15 dollars less to my name. We drank this vodka with a great deal of teenage bravado — trying not wince at the clear liquid’s resemblance to rubbing alcohol. My friend’s father made a crudité platter for us. The night ended with me throwing up baby carrots and mini peppers in my dad’s Honda, at the first hard left out of my friend’s driveway. Never have I felt more like a 16-year-old.

Future self, I hope you are more sophisticated now. Not a “blousy” adult who wears long necklaces — but the kind of adult who seems like they drink salads, wear camel coats and know the definition to words like “palaver.”

My dad didn’t say anything. I knew he understood what had happened, and why. Maybe the same thing had happened to him when he was 16. Silence hung between us like fog; I felt embarrassed to be alive.

He turned on NPR. Nina Feldman was reporting on memories. She said that our natural tendency is to misremember our experiences; we don’t understand what makes us happy, so we’re likelier to put ourselves into situations that actually make us unhappy. Her voice rolled on: For example, she said, there was a study in which people on vacation would write down how happy they were, on the hour. When they returned, they were asked to recall the happiest moments of their vacation. Almost no one’s memory of their happiest times lined up with what they actually experienced. It gets worse, she said. When people go to plan their next vacation, they unknowingly dedicate their time to things they thought they enjoyed, but actually hated.

This is not the kind of person I want to be. Future self: I hope you are not lying on a beach right now, surrounded by sand, shielding your lunch from a seagull. Beaches make you famously agitated. You hate them. Don’t forget it.

What is the sequence of events in the story a fresh idea



The sequence is the order in which the plot events happen in a story. The sequence of events includes the most important events at the beginning, middle, and end. Sequence also includes when characters and settings are introduced. List three examples that show that “A Fresh Idea” is realistic fiction.


How is students grades during this pandemic


It’s okay , not that great . it’s a struggle but we going to get thru it

Is At school now a fragment?





A fragment is when the sentence isn't complete. It is the dependent clause and is missing the independent clause. It has missing information that is needed for the sentence to make sense, so it is a fragment.

You don't know who is at school now or what they are doing. That is why it is a dependent clause and is a fragment.


Yes, it is doesn't make a complete sentence.


Explain the difference between an asteroid, a comet, and a meteoroid. This is a writing assignment so use complete sentences. Also, capital letters and punctuation are required (33 points)




Ummm....  Using complete sentences, capital letters, and punctuation is ALWAYS necessary -- even when not completing a writing assignment.  


Asteroids are small rocky objects (smaller than a planet) that orbit the sun.

Meteoroids are the small pieces of an asteroid that broke off when one asteroid smashed into another asteroid.

*  [ By the way, if a meteoroid enters the Earth's atmosphere, it vaporizes and turns into a meteor,  and we call it a "shooting star."]

*  [ By the way, when that meteor doesn't completely vaporize in the atmosphere and it lands as a rock on Earth, we call it a meteorite. ]

Comets are like dirty snowballs. They are made of frozen gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, and ammonia, as well as water ice, in which dust particles and rocky material are embedded.


I've explained as simply as I can. I hope I've helped you.

how can you further enrich your asset and strengths?


To further enrich your asset and strengths you need to

Study and relate with experienced people

For an individual to improve on his assets and strength, he needs to study. Knowledge is a vital aspect of life and the professions therein.

To improve, one needs to acquaint himself regularly with new knowledge in his field. Take courses that will sharpen your mind and keep you abreast with the latest trends.

Also important is relating with experienced people in your field. These people have acquired knowledge over the years and may know things that we do not know.

Getting close to them and asking them questions will also give us ideas and skills that will improve our strengths and assets.

Learn more here:

Comprehension Passage II
m The Wednesday Wars
Gary D. Schmidt




The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt is a coming of age story about a young man, Holling Hoodhood, who learns over the course of his seventh grade year that there is more to life than what he sees in his own world. With the help of a strict but caring teacher, Mrs. Baker, his flower child sister, Heather, a host of friends and heroes, and even Shakespeare, Hoodhood learns lessons about discrimination, becoming an adult, war, and determining one's own destiny.

Holling Hoodhood is a young man beginning seventh grade in a small suburb on Long Island in New York. His life is filled with worries about the family architectural business, friends, and immediate threats from older classmates. He doesn't realize the other dangers in the world in 1967, including the Vietnam war, discrimination, and the pain and suffering of those around him.

Answer:Comprehension Passage II page 2 b+t+e=best thing ever


write a little about your past and how you became a student college​



I had a 'll as and b.s. and then I worked harder and got avid


success is where you want be at and t ats how i became collage

4. Do you believe there are circumstances in which Armand would behave

in the same way today?

Desirees baby



I believe that Armand would behave the same way today.


Armand was compelled to reject his own roots and to demonize everything that belonged to the black race, as being cursed, dirty and filthy. Racism is very ingrained in Armand and as we live in a society where racism is extremely ingrained and solidified, we can confirm that Armand would act in the same way today, under different circumstances.

In other words, we can say that while racism reigns, Armand's attitudes would be the same, even if it meant that he harmed himself.

Pharmacist Jerry and Pharmacist Lee think a ______ will clean up the mess. A. Vacuum B. Cleaners C. Wipes





The other two options are plural, there is no way that can go in the blanks.

Why and how do the siblings leave stamps and where do they go in the story i know why a caged bird sings?



In "I Know Why The Birds Caged Sing" Maya and her brother left Stamps because their father came visiting Momma at Stamps during Christmas and decided to take them to California to see their mom. So, they were taken from Stamp to California to see their mother.


When the parents of Maya divorced, Maya and her brother, Bailey were sent to Stamps to stay with their father's mother (their grandmother). They stayed in Stamp until one Christmas their father visited to take them to California to see their mother.

"I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings" is an autobiography of Maya Angelou.

complete the kahani story



it seems you are indian.... aren't u?

The Petrified Forest, visited by me four years ago, is now my favorite national park.

1. Which best describes the underlined phrase?

A nonessential past participial phrase
B essential present participial phrase
C essential past participial phrase
D nonessential perfect participial phrase


Answer: non essential past participle phrase



A. nonessential past participal phrase


Past because it says four years ago and stated "visited", also nonessential because if you removed it from the sentence it changes nothing of substance, it's enclosed between two commas.

Would you fight for someone you love or would you let them go? Is the “love” you have worth putting more effort? Perhaps the situation might be too much or too little. Explain your choice and/or why would make it.
make sure its complete sentences and grammatically correct.



I would fight for someone I loved.


Because if you aren't fighting for someone you love then do you not love that individual enough to lay down your life for them?

Look at the "Introduction: 'Step out of the car!'" (pp. 1-13) of the Gladwell book. How is he using one of the rhetorical appeals in this introduction? Write a couple of sentences about how he uses either ethos, pathos, or logos, giving an example or two in a partial direct quote. Remember that you can apply one or more of the ways that the appeal is used from the Thonney book.​



shall we make love???????????...

Select the sentence that shows correct parallel structure. a. To do well on final exams, students should not only study every day but also be getting enough sleep. b. To do well on final exams, students should not only study every day but also get enough sleep. c. To do well on final exams, students should not only have studied every day but also sleep enough.





because i have had this question before and i got it right. hope this helps.

write a short narrative describing a difficult communication with someone due to a cultural difference or stereotype




It was Christmas time and dad had told us months back we'd be going for the holidays at mum's, in Guadalajara. The only skepticism I had was because of the fact that my Spanish was poor. Very poor, almost non existent. I didn't grow up among Latinos and mum hardly speak it to us either.

The time came, we took dad's Range Rover and off we went down south, through the border, and into Mexico city. We got to Guadalajara and reality kicked in. Of course there were going to be English speaking people there, but sadly, we were to be going to a very remote party of Guadalajara, a place where English speakers wasn't a guarantee.

We got to the house, dropped our bags and I headed off to take a shower. After I was done, I left the house to go sight seeing, and there, my worst fears happen. The most I could say in Spanish was, "Buenos Días" and "Como estás?" I didn't know anymore. I had to be asking everyone if they spoke English, but somehow, they all seemed not to, or intentional lied that they didn't, at least that's what I believe.

I went back home in annoyance, I'd spent 2 hours and I couldn't get someone to talk to me. This really is a very remote village


When I was travelling in Mexico, on my own, recently graduated from university, on my way to Central and South America, and I was in Mexico City, I wanted to see the ruins of Teotihuacan but didn't know how to get there and my Spanish was rather limited as I was just learning to speak it. So in the streets behind the Zocalo cathedral, I asked some small kids how to get there, but I pronounced it something like Tee oh tee wa can and they both giggled and after I explained I wanted to see the pyramids they said that is Tay oh tee wacan is the correct pronounciation so that is an example of how I learned my Spanish and Indian names on my trip. The told me where to get the bus.


Perhaps you wanted pizza for dinner, but were out voted by the rest of the family who wanted chili. This is similar to what happens in a community. One person has to give up a right for the good of the group. Sometimes citizens' duties and rights conflict with each other. A good example is a public protest. People have the right to meet in groups and share ideas. However, a protest can disrupt traffic or other normal activities. A city must provide extra police protection to keep people safe. Therefore, the city has the right to require permission in advance for a protest. Government must make laws to balance the rights of individuals and different groups of people.

What type of connection is used in the paragraph?

(A) Simile
(B) Contrast
(C) Category
(D) Analogy



(A) simile


Which method of communication did President Lincoln use most to inform
the public about the Civil War?
A. Documents
B. Interviews
C. Poetry
D. Storytelling






what idea in the decleration of independence reflects the influence of john locke



That Power comes from the consent of the governed.


John Locke was a very influential philosopher when it came to the "Social Contract". He believed that the people could give up certain rights to be ensured protection by the Government. If the leader of the Government failed to keep this contract, then the people could have the authority to make them leave and ultimately change the ways of Government. This idea relates to the idea of "Popular Sovereignty"-the idea that the people (typically the majority) have the power.

Create a myth that explains why the sun rises and sets each day .



the sun rises each day so the fairy Realm can start there process of creating pixie dust and they used to pixie does to continue to make the sun rise and set each day?

Suppose you gave up social media for two weeks. Name two effects mentioned by the authors that you would have to overcome and explain how you would avoid them.


we need the story...

Read the sentence. The campfire looked nice in the dark. Which is the best way to revise this sentence using descriptive detail and sensory words? The campfire was lit in the fire pit when the sky became dark. The big campfire was a welcome sight to the increasingly dark night. The orange campfire flames stretched high into the evening sky. The glowing embers from the crackling campfire lit up the nighttime sky.



The glowing embers from the crackling campfire lit up the nighttime sky.


i think thats the awnser




The glowing embers from the crackling campfire lit up the nighttime sky.

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