Read this assignment.

Plan a speech in which you encourage your school’s faculty to be environmentally responsible.

What would be an effective claim for this assignment?

More frequent use of class blogs and on-line calendars would greatly decrease paper cost and waste.
Teachers currently use paper handouts for all quizzes, tests, course syllabi, and newsletters.
Copy machines are busy every morning, making paper copies for the 1,200 members of our student body.
Our school has implemented a recycling program that ensures that no paper, glass, or aluminum is taken to the dump.


Answer 1

An effective claim for this assignment could be:

"Our school's faculty should embrace environmental responsibility by adopting sustainable practices such as reducing paper waste, utilizing digital resources, and actively participating in the recycling program."

Related Questions

The information that leads us to the climax is considered the:
falling action
rising action


Answer: rising action


rising action


Climax is an ascension.

Question 5(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)
(03.02 MC)

Read an excerpt from "Television and the Public Interest" and answer the question. The speech was delivered by Newton N. Minow, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, to the nation’s television executives in 1961.

[1] … But when television is bad, nothing is worse. I invite each of you to sit down in front of your television set when your station goes on the air and stay there, for a day, without a book, without a magazine, without a newspaper, without a profit and loss sheet or a rating book to distract you. Keep your eyes glued to that set until the station signs off. I can assure you that what you will observe is a vast wasteland.

[2] You will see a procession of game shows, formula comedies about totally unbelievable families, blood and thunder, mayhem, violence, sadism, murder, western bad men, western good men, private eyes, gangsters, more violence, and cartoons. And endlessly, commercials—many screaming, cajoling, and offending. And most of all, boredom. True, you'll see a few things you will enjoy. But they will be very, very few. And if you think I exaggerate, I only ask you to try it.

[3] Is there one person in this room who claims that broadcasting can't do better? Well a glance at next season's proposed programming can give us little heart. Of 73 and 1/2 hours of prime evening time, the networks have tentatively scheduled 59 hours of categories of action-adventure, situation comedy, variety, quiz, and movies. Is there one network president in this room who claims he can't do better?

[4] The best estimates indicate that during the hours of 5 to 6 P.M. sixty percent of your audience is composed of children under twelve. And most young children today, believe it or not, spend as much time watching television as they do in the schoolroom. I repeat—let that sink in, ladies and gentlemen—most young children today spend as much time watching television as they do in the schoolroom. It used to be said that there were three great influences on a child: home, school, and church. Today, there is a fourth great influence, and you ladies and gentlemen in this room control it.

[5] If parents, teachers, and ministers conducted their responsibilities by following the ratings, children would have a steady diet of ice cream, school holidays, and no Sunday school. What about your responsibilities? Is there no room on television to teach, to inform, to uplift, to stretch, to enlarge the capacities of our children? Is there no room for programs deepening their understanding of children in other lands? There are some fine children's shows, but they are drowned out in the massive doses of cartoons, violence, and more violence. Must these be your trademarks? Search your consciences and see if you cannot offer more to your young beneficiaries whose future you guide so many hours each and every day …

[6] You must provide a wider range of choices, more diversity, more alternatives. It is not enough to cater to the nation's whims; you must also serve the nation's needs. And I would add this: that if some of you persist in a relentless search for the highest rating and the lowest common denominator, you may very well lose your audience. Because … the people are wise, wiser than some of the broadcasters—and politicians—think.

Which argument is supported with factual evidence about how much television children watch?

Children should not be exposed to so many offensive and loud commercials.
Children's education suffers because they watch too much television.
Parents should reduce the amount of television children watch at night.
The goal of television programming should go beyond entertainment.


The argument that is supported with factual evidence about how much television children watch is that children's education suffers because they watch too much television.

This is supported in paragraph 4 of the excerpt from "Television and the Public Interest" where it is stated that during the hours of 5 to 6 P.M., sixty percent of the audience is composed of children under twelve, and most young children today spend as much time watching television as they do in the schoolroom.

The author emphasizes the responsibility of television networks to provide more diverse programming, deepening children's understanding of the world and uplifting them rather than focusing solely on entertainment. Therefore, the correct answer is: Children's education suffers because they watch too much television.

For more questions on: evidence


3. PART A: How does his conversation with Cassius most affect Brutus?
A. He considers the idea that Caesar may not be the best leader.
B. He decides that Caesar must be removed from power immediately.
C. He realizes that Cassius is trying to manipulate him to remove Caesar.
D. He realizes how dangerous it is for Caesar to be in power.

4. Part B: Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Part A?
A. "Another general shout!/ I do believe that these applauses are/For some new honours that are heap'd on Caesar."(lines 139-141)
B. "That you do love me, I am nothing jealous;/What you would look work me to, I have some aim"(Lines 169-170)
C. "Brutus had rather be a villager/Than to repute himself a son of Rome/Under these hard conditions as this time/Is like to lay upon us."(Lines 179-182)
D. "I am glad that my weak words/Have stuck but thus much show of fire from Brutus."(Lines 183-184)​


Answer:c and b


The conversation with Cassius that most affect Brutus is that He considers the idea that Caesar may not be the best leader.

What was the conversation about?

In Part A of the story,  the conversation with Cassius most affect Brutus as he sees  the idea that Caesar may not be the best leader.

Conclusively, Caesar was the ruler of room but before his death, is friends taught that he was gradually becoming a dictator and thus they plan to kill him.

Learn more about Brutus from

Please help I will give you 50 points!!!! PLEASE!! Help!!
Write a personal narrative about a hero in your life. The story should tell about an experience that shows why this person is a hero to
you and what effect this person has had on your life.



A hero in my life is my bestfriend , my bestfriend is a hero in my life because he always helps me with stuff for example when am felling sad he does everything he cans to make me happy he does all of my favorite things with me and all of our favorite things . he is also my hero because if I didn't have him in my life I don't what I would do without him because he gives me solution , he gives me advice when I need it and he also gives me pep talks when I need it to keep my confidence up and running . This person is a hero to me because like I said without him I don't know what I would do because he is my bestfriend, my advice person , my goofy person to laugh with nd many other things .




A hero in my life is my bestfriend , my bestfriend is a hero in my life because he always helps me with stuff for example when am felling sad he does everything he cans to make me happy he does all of my favorite things with me and all of our favorite things . he is also my hero because if I didn't have him in my life I don't what I would do without him because he gives me solution , he gives me advice when I need it and he also gives me pep talks when I need it to keep my confidence up and running . This person is a hero to me because like I said without him I don't know what I would do because he is my bestfriend, my advice person , my goofy person to laugh with nd many other things .

Three ways to use study plan effectively ​



By timing yourself.

By disciplining your yourself to go by it.

By goal setting.


1 Setting alarms.

2 By attending to any activity at the right time.

3 By setting goals and doing best to obtain it.

1. Dual coding (using words and pictures)

effective study strategies mind maps

Dual coding is when you use both words and pictures to learn information. This gives you two ways to learn the information (via the words and the pictures).

2. Retrieval practice

effective study strategies

Without looking at your books and notes, try to recall the information. Ask yourself, What did I study in human biology yesterday? Force yourself to get the information out of your brain.

The simple act of bringing information to mind helps to reinforce it in your brain.

You see, it takes effort to transfer information into your long-term memory. You don’t just hear information once in class and … BOOM! That information stays in your brain forever. Sorry, it doesn’t work like that.

3. Spaced practice

highly effective study strategies

Rather than doing 5 hours of study right before your exam (i.e. cramming), it’s much more effective to space out those 5 hours of study over 2 weeks. You learn more by spacing out your study.

Now if you’re used to the cramming approach, spreading out your study over 2 weeks will probably feel strange at first. It will require a little planning. But the more you do this, the easier it gets. Before you know it, it will become a habit.

When you sit down to do spaced practice, keep in mind you only need to do 15-20 minutes of study before taking a break (not hours and hours of study).

The spaced practice approach usually means you’ll:

Be less stressed

Get more sleep

You’ll remember the information for a lot longer

Why? Because you won’t need to stay up late or pull an all-nighter to study for your test or exam.

We are incredibly forgetful so we need to revisit the information to help cement it in our brains. Retrieval practice is the best way to do this.

A 4-column table with 1 row titled Avian Influenza, commonly called bird flu. Column 1 is labeled symptoms with entry In its early stages, bird flu acts just like an ordinary flu. Patients might have a fever, headache, or aches and pains. But within days, bird flu sufferers get a lot worse. They have difficulty breathing. They may also have vomiting and diarrhea. They can become delirious and may die. Column 2 is labeled how you get it with entry Birds like chickens, turkeys, and ducks pass it to each other. They catch it from the blood, saliva, or urine of a sick bird. Humans are most at risk if they handle chickens or live in a place where chickens are kept as pets. Catching bird flu from another person is rare. Column 3 is labeled treatment with entry Antiviral drugs like Tamiflu and Relenza are the only treatments that seem to fight bird flu. But they have to be taken within 72 hours after a person is infected. Column 4 is labeled prognosis with entry It's not good. Untreated, bird flu is often fatal. It kills about half of all people who are infected with it. What is the purpose of this chart?
to break up the amount of text on the page
to give the reader easy-to-read, quick facts about bird flu
to show the reader what four different diseases look like
to scare the reader away from eating infected meats



to give the reader easy-to-read, quick facts about bird flu


there i am doing the assiment rn on edge 2021

We can actually deduce here that the purpose of the chart is: To give the reader easy-to-read, quick facts about bird flu.

What is purpose?

Purpose actually refers to the reason behind an action. In other words, purpose is known as the reason for carrying out a particular thing.

We see here that the purpose of the chart is to give the reader easy-to-read, quick facts about bird flu.

Learn more about purpose on


Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.
6. Multimedia is a broad term for combining multiple media formats.
7. Multimedia comes only in a single format making its use exclusive and practical.
8. Even without the aid of multimedia, an explanation about a certain subject can be still lively and
9. Video presents moving pictures and typically combines images and sound for a compelling multimedia
10. Text is still a primary way to transmit information, although nowadays, it is also used to augment other
forms of communication, such as a text description of a photograph.​



6. True

7. False

8. True

9. True

10. True


Multimedia is indeed the broad term that incorporates all forms of media formats ranging from videos to pictures to animation and the like. It is not a single format.

Even though using multimedia makes presentations more lively and animated, it is not the only way to accomplish this as there are other ways as well.

Video really is a combination of moving pictures and sound to create a compelling experience and text is still a primary method of information transmission.

please help
i really need it


Answer: C

Explanation: it is shown as you read the text

The books are on the table. The statement above can be transformed to read, "Were the books on the table?" True False​


Answer: true

Explanation: that is a trick one but i mostly feel like it is false

I’d say true but it pretty tricky

Either of the classic cars is for sale.
Either of the classic cars are for sale.



the second one is correct


Good Vegan, Bad Vegan
By Jane E. Brody

What is the author’s purpose?

What is the main idea?

What is the context?

Who is the audience?

Why did the author decide to write it?

How does the author use information from sources to support their opinion and convince readers?



Why did the author decide to write it?

Which one of the following is correct ?
A fly was buzzing against the window .
A fly was buzzing on the window .​



It is the first one because it has a clear subject and predicate. :)



one is correct sentence

An allusion is a reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or work of art.

Marquez’s Love in the Time of Cholera is laden with allusions. It is important that you recognize these allusions and understand their importance to the story. For the first section of the novel, we will provide a list of allusions. You will research and identify. Later, we will attach meaning and make connections. You need only a brief bit information about each, no lengthy paragraphs.

1. Juvenal

2. St. Jeremiah

3. William Saint Amour

4. Pasteur

5. Pentecost Communion

6. Farina Gegenuber

7. All Quiet on the Western Front

8. Jeronimo

9. Woodrow Wilson

10. Granada

11. Potosi

12. Quito

13. Veracruz

14. Cadiz

15. Sevres

16. Yvette Guilbert

17. Aristide Bruant


see attachment. hopefully the identification of these words and people will assist you with your research

D 1. In this sentence, what clue words show that the Information is from another source? The graph in the article "Social Grouples' shows that parks are used most often for swimming and picnicking.
the graph in the article
in the article "Social Grouples" shows
Social Grouples"
swimming and picnicking​


Answer: "in the article 'Social Grouples' shows"

Explanation: I'd say "In the article Social Grouples"

since they are referencing a different article rather than saying "the graph pictured below" or something

Good luck :)


in this article "social groupies" shows


It's referencing in quotes and just took the test got it correct.

1) Why would King Arthur not be accepted by other knights and lords and nobles
surrounding the regions of Britain?

2) What does the damsel have with her as she startles the court of Arthur? Why does Arthur and his court think this is an odd thing for her to carry?
3) Who sent the damsel--and what does she seek? Who fulfills her plea?
4) What does the lady say will happen to the man who draws the sword?
5) How does this man react when he finally acquires the sword-does he gives it back?
What does he do that later he will spend the rest of the tale trying to redeem himself for?
6) What does Launceour seek to do and what is his fate or what becomes of him? Is he successful in his task?
7) Who is Garlon and what becomes of him?
8) What does Balyn do that causes such a sorrowful chain of events at the feast of King Pelles?



1) ¿Por qué el Rey Arturo no sería aceptado por otros caballeros, señores y nobles?

rodeando las regiones de Gran Bretaña?

2) ¿Qué tiene la damisela con ella mientras asusta a la corte de Arthur? ¿Por qué Arthur y su corte piensan que esto es algo extraño para ella?

3) ¿Quién envió a la doncella y qué busca? ¿Quién cumple su súplica?

4) ¿Qué dice la dama que le pasará al hombre que desenvaina la espada?

5) ¿Cómo reacciona este hombre cuando finalmente adquiere la espada? ¿Se la devuelve?

¿Qué hace para que luego se pase el resto del cuento tratando de redimirse?

6) ¿Qué busca hacer Launceour y cuál es su destino o qué será de él? ¿Tiene éxito en su tarea?

7) ¿Quién es Garlon y qué será de él?

8) ¿Qué hace Balyn que causa una cadena de eventos tan dolorosa en la fiesta del Rey Pelles?


que les mondes quelmoondas

I WILL GIVE 100 POINTS TO THOSE WHO ANSWER THE QUESTION RIGHT. Identify which parts of the sentence belong in the "noun" column and which belong in the "not a noun"column.

Justin carved a chair.


Answer: noun , not noun , not noun , noun





Justin: noun

Carved:not a noun

a: not a noun

chair: noun

Hoped I helped!

what figure of speech is Gadgets isolate us from the rest of the world





Metaphor is a figurative language that is used to compare two unlike things. Unlike similie, which uses words 'as' and 'like' to compare, metaphor compares implicitly.

The given sentence, "gadgets isolate us from the rest of the world" is an example of metaphor. The two things compared in this sentence is gadgets and isolate. Gadgets are compared to isolation. When someone is addicted to using gadgets, he/she separates herself/himself from the rest of the world.

Therefore, metaphor is the correct answer.

Which of the following are fuels that can be burned to create heat?
all of the above
natural gas



All of the above. Wood, Natural gas, and charcoal can all be burned go make heat.


All of the above!


Within the context of the entire poem, the use of “I stood” in line 1 and again in line 33 serves which function?



A ) It reinforces the poem’s focus on an experience that captivates the speaker.


Hope this helps


A ) It reinforces the poem’s focus on an experience that captivates the speaker.


I took it and I pass

"The moment I slide into my chair, I was served a huge plate of food. Eggs, ham, piles of chips. A tureen of fruit stays on the ice to keep it chilled. The basket of rolls they set before me I would keep my family for a week. There’s an elegant glass of orange juice. (verb sense)
1 count


3 taste I think yep.

What cultural value does the motherly fairy most likely represent?



In this story, each character symbolizes some cultural value that stands between a person and the fulfillment of his goals.


LAST QUESTION PLZZ I CANT FIND IT ANYWHERE The federal government offers subsidized loans to students with ________.
financial need

good grades

low credit scores

unusual interests



A). Financial Need


'Subsidized loans' are defined as the federal loans that are provided to financially weaker students for their undergraduate courses. Such loans do not accrue any kind of interest during or throughout the course as it is paid by the government and the student is liable to pay only the exact amount of the loan without any interest if they've remained enrolled in the school even for half the duration of the course. Thus, the students applying for such loans need to show their financial need to get the loan granted.

Read the excerpt from Act IV of Julius Caesar.

Announcer 1: Now they must decide where to fight Antony and Octavius - at Philippi, four hundred miles away, or here at Sardis.

Brutus: (To them all) What do you think of marching to Philippi presently?

Cassius: (Sharply) I do not think it good.

Brutus: Your reason?

Announcer 2: Cassius wants the enemy to make the long march here to Sardis, so they will become tired.

Cassius: (Sensibly) Tis better that the enemy seek us. So shall he weary his soldiers, whilst we are of rest, defense , and nimbleness.

Announcer 1: But Brutus wants to make the long march to Philippi. He feels the time is right for them to move, like ships which sail on a high tide to success, not staying trapped in shallow water.

What does this discussion about where to fight Antony and Octavious reveal about Brutus and Cassius?

Cassius is more cautious and practical than Brutus.

Brutus is a more strategic thinker than Cassius.

Brutus is willing to take the advice of others, but Cassius is inflexible.

Cassius acts without thinking, but Brutus takes the time to consider all options.


Answer: A is the corecct one.



Give the person above me brainliest!


mood means:
your overall circumstances or condition in life
a highly developed state of perfection
a public disturbance
the prevailing psychological state


the prevailing psychological state

The pen is in my bag


The subject in the given sentence "The pen is in my bag" is the pen.

The subject is the part of a sentence that typically indicates who or what performs the action or is the focus of the sentence. It is one of the main components of a sentence along with the predicate. The subject is usually a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase that agrees with the verb in number (singular or plural).

The subject is important for determining the agreement of the verb and often sets the overall tone and focus of the sentence. It can be simple or compound, and it can also include modifiers.

Learn more about subjects, here:


Your question is incomplete, most probably the full question is this:

What is the subject in the given sentence: The pen is in my bag.

Could anyone be nice and help me :)))



Your answer would be C :)

Please give me the correct answer.Only answer if you're very good at English.Please don't put a link to a website.​



On the other hand, some experts point out that people have successfully rebelled throughout history without the benefit of social media.


The above sentence actually contrasts with the ideas in the sentence that is highlighted in red.

The sentence highlighted in red states that "This is an internet revolution," Ghonim said. "I'll call it Revolution 2.0". This statement actually reveals that Ghonim supports the fact that the revolution that took place in Egypt was actually a reality due to the availability of the internet.

But the above selected sentence contrasts that as some experts believed that the issue of people rebelling has been taking place in the past without the use of the internet or social media.

So, the selected sentence above is the correct answer.  

Select the correct description for the following sentence.
Some sounds are pleasant, and others, which we call noise, are not
O A. compound-complex
O C. simple




Answer: complex


i got it right

Need help please. It's urgent about make inference. Thank you.



a bumped head is the answer

Why do writers uses statistics in the introductory paragraph?




Writers use statistics in the intro paragraph b/c;

1. It highlights the logical importance of the issue and provide evidence for the writer's contention.

2 It  provides a type of evidence that is difficult to refute.

3 the use of statistics can aid a writer's credibility by demonstrating that they have researched an issue.

Hope this helped!!!

Firstly, they highlight the logical importance of the issue and provide evidence for the writer's contention. Statistics provide a type of evidence that is difficult to refute. Secondly, the use of statistics can aid a writer's credibility by demonstrating that they have researched an issue.
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