Select the correct anwer. Dyani ha been working on contructing a reearch quetion to guide her tudy on the problem of loneline among enior citizen in her community. She ha drafted four verion. Which verion i the mot effective reearch quetion baed on Dyani' goal?

A. What can we do to alleviate loneline among enior citizen in Acre Home?
B. How can neighborhood enior center alleviate loneline among enior citizen in Acre Home?
C. How can enior citizen benefit from program that give them recreational and ocial opportunitie?
D. Why have effort to connect enior citizen with recreational and ocial opportunitie o often failed?


Answer 1

Dyani’s most effective research question is option B: “How can neighborhood senior centers alleviate loneliness among senior citizens in Acre Home?” This research question is specific, focused on the goal of alleviating loneliness, and specifies the research area to be local senior centers.

Having a well-crafted research question is essential to any study, as it helps guide the direction of the research and allows the researcher to focus their efforts on obtaining meaningful results. In this case, Dyani is looking to discover ways to alleviate loneliness among senior citizens in her community. The most effective research question for her is option B: “How can neighborhood senior centers alleviate loneliness among senior citizens in Acre Home?”

This research question is specific and focused on the topic of alleviating loneliness among senior citizens. It also specifies the research area to be local senior centers, which will allow Dyani to focus her efforts on discovering what measures local senior centers can take to help alleviate loneliness.

The other research questions do not focus on the same goal as Dyani’s and, therefore, are not as effective for her purpose. Option A does not specify a particular solution, while option C is too broad and does not address loneliness specifically. Option D is also too broad, as it does not provide a specific focus or goal.

Learn more about loneliness at :


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What happens to the left handed twin the world on the turtle's back?


He selected a deer antler, then killed his sibling with a single touch. The left-handed twin also passed away, but he also wasn't dead.

What happens to the left handed twin?

"And the left-handed twin passed away, but he passed away and he wasn't dead." 2. "And the twin with the right hand's deep mind told his sibling a lie, while the twin with the left hand's deep mind spoke the truth.

The result of the conflict between the two twins is that the right-hand sibling uses deer antlers to kill the left-hand twin. After killing his brother, the right hand twin throws his brother's "dead" body over the edge of the world.

Because it is difficult to totally eradicate evil, the myth claims that he "died and he didn't die." What does the right-handed twin assume total control of? The world of daylight is completely taken over by the right-handed twin.

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A soliloquy is a speech in which a character thinks out loud while alone onstage. Hamlet's three sollloquies in the excerpt offer the reader a
window into his feelings concerning his father, mother, uncle, and especially himself. In 300 words, describe Hamlet's conflicted feelings. How
does each sollloquy express those feelings in a unique way? Be sure to use specific evidence from the text to support your analysis,


The conflicted emotions that Hamlet has regarding his father's murder, his mother's hurried marriage to his uncle, and his own identity and life's purpose are all revealed in his soliloquies.

Is Hamlet a monologue or soliloquy?

The monologue is nearly usually considered as a soliloquy despite the fact that Hamlet appears to think of himself as being by himself and there is no proof that the others hear him before he addresses Ophelia.

Which soliloquy is the most well-known?

Shakespeare's play received the most stage productions worldwide and is one of the most often assigned literary works in college and high school courses. Actually, Hamlet's "Whether to be or not to be" monologue is the most well-known soliloquy ever.

To know more about Soliloquy visit:


Which two of the following themes are present in the fable?

Take care of the little things and the big things will take care of themselves.
The only way to predict the future is by asking for advice.
We often disregard good things because we are looking for something greater.
If you want something done right, you need to do it yourself.
A and B
A and C
B and C
C and D


Answer: The answer is A and C



A - C



Taylor's method was to:



I don't know what you mean, sorry

Final answer:

Taylor's method, developed by Fredrick W. Taylor, was a technique intended to improve employee productivity by scientifically studying and standardizing work procedures. His method involves observation and analysis, standardization, and control of work processes.


Fredrick W. Taylor developed what is known as the Taylor's method or Scientific Management in the early 20th century. The main goal of Taylor's method was to improve employee productivity and operational efficiency in businesses. He believed that labor productivity could be improved by scientifically analyzing and standardizing work processes.

Here's a three-step description of how Taylor's Method works:

Observe and analyze: Taylor proposed that managers must observe workers performing their tasks, record the time taken to complete each part, and identify the most efficient ways to perform each task. Standardize: Once the most efficient way to perform each task is identified, it must be standardized across the organization. Control: Once standard methods are applied, managers must regularly control and inspect workers to ensure compliance with the standard methods.

In essence, Taylor's method intended to replace old 'rule-of-thumb' work practices with methods based on a scientific study of tasks.

Learn more about Taylor's method here:


What are the types of connotation?





What is the importance of discussion forum?


The nature of discussion forums is reflective. They require pupils to study opposing viewpoints and carefully evaluate their reaction.

Many students find the social parts of the face-to-face classroom difficult, particularly ESL speakers, new students, and those who are plain shy or quiet.

Discussion and Q&A forums become safe areas for study, information gathering, and issue solving. Posting in a discussion forum is a quick, easy, and convenient method to ask questions, get replies, and retrieve information.

A discussion board is a "place" where students may explore further into instructional material. It can encourage cooperation and provide participants with space to explore themes, challenges, and/or questions.

Learn more about to discussion forum visit here;


How do you find the degree and name of a polynomial?


The degree of a term in the polynomial expression is given as a+b if a and b are the exponents of the many variables in a term. For instance, the polynomial contains the equation x²y⁵, whose degree is 2+5 and hence equals 7.

Describe a polynomial.

A polynomial is an equation that exclusively makes use of the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and powers of positive-integer variables and is made up of coefficients and indeterminates.

How can you tell if something is a polynomial or not?

In particular, an expression must not contain any square roots of variables, any fractional or negative powers on the variables, and any variables in any fractions' denominators in order to qualify as a polynomial term.

To know more about the Polynomial visit :-


What are the elements of realism?


In realism, characters are prioritised than complicated narratives. Realism is characterised by a concentration on social issues, everyday struggles, life's realities, and a preponderance of characters from the middle and lower classes.

Realistically, one had to approach daily life honestly. Realists place a strong emphasis on the present, on the exact actions taken and their observable results. The aim of realism is a one-to-one correlation between the subject and the representation. Another word for this fashion is mimesis.

The seven elements of realistic speaking and writing. Elements of Literary Realism Realistic settings and characters thorough data on common occurrences. A story with a plausible plot—one that might occur in your community authentic regional dialects It's essential for character growth depicting social standing is important.

To know more about Realism visit:


What is the importance of following a step by step procedure?


It important to have a step by step procedure an explanation of the distinctions between approach, method, procedure, and technique is attempted in this essay.

It is crucial for us teachers to understand exactly what each of these phrases signifies.Jeremy Harmer (2001) describes ‘procedures’ as “an ordered set of techniques.” They are the step-by-step measures to execute a method. A common procedure.

The grammar-translation method, for example, is to start by explaining the grammar rules and exemplifying these rules through sentences that the students then had to translate into their mother tongue. Four parts of

To know more about Procedure visit:


Which refers to words used by writers to create vivid mental pictures?


The use of words or rhetorical devices by a writer or speaker to evoke a strong physical or mental image is known as imagery.

What language is used to create mental images?

Descriptive language is used in sensory imagery to evoke images in the mind. The difference between sensory imagery and other types of imagery in literature is that the former appeals to the reader's five senses. A literary technique known as imagery is employed in poetry, fiction, and other forms of writing to evoke an image or idea in the reader's mind.

Language-based imagery seeks to convey the sensual and emotional experience of reading through language, rather than just painting a picture. Imagery is the process of utilizing language to evoke specific mental images in the reader. The purpose of using descriptive language in writing is to make the reader feel as though they are, well, wherever the writer wants them to be.

To learn more about imagery refer to :


How can you help our country and the Filipino people to improve the quality of their lives and to make them self sufficient?


Aid in constructing schools, libraries, and other crucial structures in rural areas. Invest in a child's education. Find business and employment options for the people of the Filipino.

What can you provide as a person and a Filipino citizen to our nation?

Your ability to make a good contribution to society depends on how quickly you obtain your professional credentials. Pay your taxes, take care of your family and personal duties, and respect the law and other people. When you observe wrong, speak up. Elect and support the political candidates you feel best represent you. The sooner you obtain your professional credentials, the sooner you can make a positive contribution to society. Pay your taxes, take care of your family and personal obligations, and respect the law and other people. When you notice something is incorrect, speak out. Vote and run for the politicians you feel best represent you.

To know more about Filipino citizen visit:


What is the meaning of fever in the poem Sea Fever?


Meaning It's fascinating to observe that the poem "Sea Fever" has the title that it does. The word "Fever" in the title relates to the nervous excitement that the speaker feels in his heart as he considers life at sea.

        The poem "Sea Fever" by John Masefield, which expresses the poet's desire to travel to the sea, is maybe his best-known piece. Despite using a first-person poetic voice, Wanderlust's main theme transcends the speaker and can be related to by many people. John Masefield can easily convey his affection and affinity for this way of life in sea fever because he previously served as a sailor aboard various ship. The pursuit of a sailor's life and his request for a ship to sail are examples of how the desire to be connected to the sea is displayed. He does not use the most traditional adjectives to describe the sea; instead, he uses words like "grey" and "lonely," which have more ominous and melancholy overtones yet are nonetheless charming.

To know more about sea fever:


Frederic Henry's perspective and attitude about war changes drastically in this story
by Hemingway. How and why does Henry's change happen? Write a reflective essay
in which you explain Henry's change in thinking about war and connect this to
personal experience where you underwent a significant change of perspective, how
and why this change happened, and how this benefited your life. The essay's thesis
statement and body contents5hould refer to A Farewell to Arms and clearly state
the connection. The conclusion should refer back to A Farewell to Arms too.
in Note: Henry's change in perspective about war has nothing to do with Catherine or
Thesis statement: Your introduction's thesis statement must include story title and
author (A Farewell to Arms by Hemingway), the controlling ideas of Henry's change
and your change, and why this is important. Do not use announcements such as "In
this essay..."
The essay should be typed page in length and include essay structure with an
introduction, body and conclusion paragraphs. Proofread and
grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
edit carefully for correct


After Frederic departs from the Italian army, he realizes that the actual war is still going on, and he continues to think about the conflict. Even though he is aware that a return is now impossible, a man of his character needs action and things to do, so he thinks about the war as though he will be returning.

Why did Henry's perspective on war change?

Henry's perspective is altered by this experience, which makes him realize that trying to help others put his life in danger. Because the army only offers suspicion and death in exchange for his assistance, he deserts to avoid the conflict and the army.

Throughout the book, Frederic Henry underwent significant changes. His views on Catherine, the war, and his friends had all significantly changed. One could argue that he initially paid little attention to the war he got himself involved in, but once he did, he gradually became less enthusiastic about it as he learned more about it.

Learn more about Frederic Henry here:


What are the resources you use when conducting research for an essay or class project?


Your research data can come from your own experiences; publications such as books, brochures, pamphlets, newspapers, and magazines; and electronic devices found on the Internet.

Use reference materials (also called reference or background materials, or resources) to obtain specific facts or information or details about a subject. Some examples of reference materials are: dictionaries, dictionaries, anthologies, directories, guides, atlases, and guidebooks. These can be done online or in print.

When creating your research papers, it is important to include reliable sources in your research. Without credibility, readers will question the validity of your argument and your paper will not achieve its purpose. Academic research papers are mostly based on academic papers and primary sources.

For more such question on Research:


which animal lives in the grasslands



Grasslands are found in many different parts of the world, and the animals that live there vary depending on the specific location. Some common animals that live in grasslands include:

1. Bison

2. Zebra

3. Antelope

4. Gazelle

5. Wolf

6. Cheetah

7. Mongoose

8. Meerkat

9. Przewalski's horse

10. American bison

Grasslands also support a wide variety of birds, such as grasshopper sparrows, meadowlarks, and prairie chickens. Some grasslands are home to reptiles, such as snakes and lizards, and insects like grasshoppers and beetles.


Long-billed Curlew (Numenius americanus)African Elephant (Loxodonta africana) ...Black-Footed Ferret (Mustela nigripes) ...Plains Zebra (Equus quagga) ...Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) ...Przewalski's horse (Equus ferus przewalskii) ...Swift Fox (Vulpes velox)


What is the example of 1 sentence?


A sentence can communicate an outburst, an order, an inquiry, or a declaration. There are four distinct sentence types. Concluding Sentence A period marks the end of a declarative phrase, which declares a fact (full stop).

A complete combination of words is referred to as a sentence. A capital letter starts each phrase, and it is followed by a full stop, a question mark, or an exclamation point. A period marks the end of a declarative phrase, which declares a fact (full stop). A order or a respectful request is what an imperative sentence is. It concludes with a period or an exclamation point (full stop). A question mark follows an interrogative statement that asks a question. A question mark follows an interrogative statement that asks a question.

To learn more about declarative:


What does a 4 surface filling mean?


A four-surface filling is a filling that covers four of the five tooth surfaces on one tooth. A four-surface filling may contain a mixture of metals including silver, copper, tin, and liquid mercury.

A filling that covers four of the five tooth surfaces of a single tooth is referred to as a "four-surface filling." A mixture of metals, including silver, copper, tin, and liquid mercury, may be present in a four-surface filling. A filling is a type of direct dental restoration used to fix teeth that are broken, chipped, or decaying. Because of the material utilized to restore the tooth, it is known as a direct restoration. As opposed to a three surface filling, which would be mesial, occlusal, and distal, a four surface filling requires the four surfaces of your tooth to be filled.

To know more about utilized refer :


Whats the definition of reflexive?




a pronoun that refers back to the subject of the clause in which it is used, e.g. myself, themselves.(of a relation) always holding between a term and itself.

Hope this helped and have a good day

What effect does the tone of this excerpt have on the reader The Masque of the Red Death?


The effect of the ebony clock on the guests is one of fear the tone of this excerpt have on the reader The Masque of the Red Death.

A tone of dread permeates Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death." Even though the story is set at a party and most of the guests are having a good time, there is a sinister undertone that the story's characters occasionally pick up on. The clock in the eerie room made a foreboding noise. They were made aware of their impending doom by the hour chime. The so-called "Red Death" is a made-up illness. According to Poe, it causes "sharp aches, and abrupt dizziness, and then copious bleeding at the pores," which results in death in less than 30 minutes.

To know more about impending refer :


Blanche and stella hail from a background that would best be described as (a) nouveau-riche (b) middle class (c) impoverished aristocracy (d) blue collar


Option (c) is Correct. Stella and Blanche come from a background that is best characterized as impoverished aristocracy.

Stella is a link between the two poles, just as Blanche and Stanley are two completely different worlds. Stella demonstrates that Blanche and Stanley's two distinct worlds may collide and coexist. Stella still possesses many of Belle Reve's traits.

Stella and Blanche are sisters who appear to get along well. Whenever she has the opportunity, Blanche frequently speaks for Stella. Stella is rarely given the chance to talk with Blanche when she first arrives in New Orleans because Blanche is continually speaking for or over her. Additionally, she has a significant drinking problem, which she does a terrible job of hiding.

Learn more about Blanche visit:


What is conflict management in communication?


The process of identifying and resolving problems in an equitable and effective manner is referred to as conflict management. The objective is to raise the likelihood of a successful conclusion while minimizing any potential negative effects that may result from conflicts.

The employment of tactics to settle disputes or reduce tension is known as conflict management. In order to identify the issue, explore solutions, and develop overarching goals that call for cooperation from the disputing parties, conflict resolution approaches involve hosting meetings for the disputing parties.

A excellent illustration of conflict management is when a manager inquires about the satisfaction of his or her staff with the workplace. On the job, there are several opportunities for (interpersonal) conflict, and contented workers are more likely to do better work.

Learn more about  conflict management to visit this link


What are the motives of Animal Farm?


The primary motive of Animal Farm is to warn readers of the dangers posed by totalitarianism and to serve as a cautionary tale against the rampant abuse of power.

George Orwell wrote the novel in 1945 as a response to the growing threat of Stalin's Soviet Union, which he believed was a dictatorship designed to keep the people in submission. He wrote the story in the form of an allegory, using animals instead of humans to represent the different factions in the Soviet Union.

The novel follows the animals of Manor Farm, a smallholding in England, as they overthrow their human owners and attempt to create a utopian society based on the principles of Animalism. This system of thought is based on the ideas of equality and justice, and the animals hope that they can create a society where everyone is free and equal.

However, the animals soon discover that the pigs, the most intelligent of the animals, have begun to take advantage of their position of power. They enact laws that favor them, and they force the other animals to do the majority of the work. The pigs also use propaganda to manipulate the other animals into believing that their actions are for the benefit of the farm.

Learn more about Animal Farm at :


Which type of figurative language is present in the following line of poetry?

Oh fair and sweet, for all your heart of stone.





Which type of figurative language is present in the following line of poetry?

Her soul, a bud, that never bloomed.






Metaphor is the of figurative language is present in the following line of poetry "O fair and sweet, for all your heart of stone."

Metaphor is the of figurative language is present in the following line of poetry. "Her soul, a bud, that never bloomed."

What is Figurative language?

Figurative language is characterised as a kind of self-expression that does not make use of a word's literal meaning. It makes use of thetorical devices like sines, metaphors, and other figures of speech to elicit strong emotions from the reader while referring to something without actually stating it.

Therefore, the type of figurative language that is present in the first line of poetry is Metaphor, and the type of figurative language that is present in the second line of poetry is also Metaphor.

To learn more about Figurative language refer to the link:


Approximately what proportion of texans speak a language other than english at home?


One-third of Texans live in homes where they speak a language other than English.

The number of languages spoken in Texas households is rising, reaching 164 according to the most recent U.S. Census count, as the state's demographics change. The difficulties posed by offering educational services to a populace in the state that is becoming more varied are also present.

More than a third of Texas' 23.7 million residents who are five years old or older speak a language other than English at home. Nearly 85% of them speak Spanish, a sizable majority. However, as immigration trends change, more people from other countries are moving to Texas, speaking languages like Tagalog, which is spoken in the Philippines, as well as Vietnamese and Chinese.

To learn more about English, refer:-


What are the types of clues that you can note when determining the meaning of unfamiliar words write keywords that will describe define each type of clues?


Context cues are the types of clues that you can note when determining the meaning of unfamiliar words. For example: Include, Commas, dashes etc. are different type of clues,

Context cues are hints that can be used by a reader to decipher the meanings of new or obscure words that are found in a sentence, paragraph, or passage. When an obvious hint to meaning is given or when only a broad understanding of the meaning is required for the reader's aims, the reader should rely on context clues. Contextual cues come in a variety of forms. When a specific definition is necessary, when context cues point to many definitions, when new words are present nearby, or when the unknown word is one that is frequently used and will come up again, a dictionary should be examined.

The phrase "that is," commas, dashes, and parentheses all serve as definitional clues. Words that provide example clues include, such as, and for example. However, but, however, and similar words may serve as contrast cues.

Know more about the Context cues at:


What does Swift list as the main problem in Ireland?


According to Swift, the country's biggest issue is its poor, impoverished, and small generation.

What exactly qualifies as being poor?

Lack of resources to meet needs for food, clothe, and habitat constitutes poverty. But poverty goes far beyond simply having having enough cash. According to the World Bank Association, hunger is a defining characteristic of poverty. Absence of shelter is poverty.

What causes someone to be poor?

Depression is fundamentally defined as a lack of essential services or an inadequate source of income from one's assets. Unfortunately, these safety nets are useless for those who are really poor. Poverty is fundamentally defined as a lack of essential resources or a lack of income from one's assets.

To know more about poor visit:


What is the process of crystallization Class 7?


The solvent molecules begin to evaporate as the solution is first heated. The pure ingredient starts to form crystals as the solution cools, which congregate near the solution's surface. After that, the crystals are gathered and dried.

Crystallization is the process through which a heated concentrated liquid cools and forms a crystal. All of the soluble contaminants are eliminated during this procedure. Crystallization is the process by which any liquid transforms into organized solids, or crystals.

Crystallization is the process by which the atoms and molecules of a material organize themselves into a well defined three-dimensional lattice, therefore reducing the system's total energy.

Learn more about to crystals visit here;


What is a reflexive pronoun easy definition?


A reflexive pronoun is an object pronoun that refers to the same person or thing as the subject.

What is a basic definition of a reflexive pronoun?

Words like myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, and themselves are examples of reflexive pronouns. They are referring to a person or object. When the subject and object of a verb are the same, we frequently employ reflexive pronouns.

A reflexive pronoun is an object pronoun that refers to the same person or thing as the subject. When the subject and object of a sentence are the same, reflexive pronouns are employed. The term’reflexive’ is derived from the word’reflective,’ which is crucial to remember since a reflexive pronoun reflects back on the subject of a sentence.

To Learn More about Reflexive Pronoun To refer:


In the book "I am not your perfect Mexican daughter" By Erika L....
In the book "I am not your perfect Mexican daughter" By Erika L. Sanchez, (chapters 11-15) explain how in chapter 13, after being scolded by her parents for her outburst towards Tia Milagros, what does Julia's mother say to her that she has thought all along? Use 3 examples from the text to show how this affects Julias self-esteem and behavior in chapters 14-15.


In chapter 13 of "I am not your perfect Mexican daughter," Julia's mother scolds her for her outburst towards Tia Milagros and tells her that she has always thought that Julia was "not good enough." She cites three specific examples to illustrate this belief:

1. Julia's mother tells her that she has always thought that Julia was "too fat," and that this is why she has always pressured Julia to diet and exercise. This affects Julia's self-esteem and causes her to feel self-conscious about her body.

2. Julia's mother tells her that she has always thought that Julia was "not smart enough," and that this is why she has always pushed Julia to study and get good grades. This affects Julia's self-esteem and causes her to feel insecure about her intelligence and abilities.

3. Julia's mother tells her that she has always thought that Julia was "not pretty enough," and that this is why she has always encouraged Julia to wear makeup and dress nicely. This affects Julia's self-esteem and causes her to feel self-conscious about her appearance.

In chapters 14 and 15, Julia's low self-esteem and self-doubt caused by her mother's belief that she is "not good enough" in these areas affects her behavior. Julia becomes more self-conscious about her appearance and begins to obsess over her weight and diet, trying to conform to her mother's standards of beauty. Julia also becomes more anxious and stressed about her studies, feeling pressure to perform well academically in order to prove her intelligence and worth to her mother.

To read more on "I am not your perfect Mexican daughter" click


What words are dependent clauses?


Dependent Clauses, also known as subordinate or embedded clauses, are groups of words that are put next to one another but do not fully express the same idea. They therefore require additional clause to convey a significant idea. The usage of dependent clauses alone is not permitted.

Subordinating clauses rely on independent clauses to describe a complete notion because they cannot represent a complete thought on their own. Because, since, as, due to, as if, before, after, once, when, while, although, though, whether, while, even though, where, everywhere, everywhere, anyplace are examples of subordinating clauses. dependent clauses often change nouns or noun phrases and provide more information about the nouns they modify. Who, which, that, and whom are examples of dependent clauses. Nominal relative pronouns are used to introduce nominal relative clauses. They are minimal.

To learn more about dependent clauses:


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Why or why not (5 sentences) How were Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus different from many other Roman government officials? Drag the tiles to the boxes to form correct pairs. Not all tiles will be used.Match each verbal description to its equivalent function rule as applied to the given function below.f(x) = 7x + 5 Explain why most Roman emperors did not actively persecute Christians. Give an example of an emperor who did persecute Christians. people i have 3528 last time i asked a summary of a scary movie now do a summary of godzilla 2 king of the monsters Read the play.The Beggar and the Kingby Winthrop Parkhurst[A chamber in the palace overlooks a courtyard. The season is midsummer. The windows of the palace are open, and from a distance there comes the sound of a man's voice crying for bread.][THE KING sits in a golden chair. A golden crown is on his head, and he holds in his hand a sceptre which is also of gold. A SERVANT stands by his side, fanning him with an enormous fan of peacock feathers.]THE BEGGAR: (outside) Bread. Bread. Bread. Give me some bread.THE KING: (languidly) Who is that crying in the street for bread?THE SERVANT: (fanning) O king, it is a beggar.THE KING: Why does he cry for bread?THE SERVANT: O king, he cries for bread in order that he may fill his belly.THE KING: I do not like the sound of his voice. It annoys me very much. Send him away.THE SERVANT: (bowing) O king, he has been sent away.THE KING: If that is so, then why do I hear his voice?THE SERVANT: O king, he has been sent away many times, yet each time that he is sent away he returns again, crying louder than he did before.THE KING: He is very unwise to annoy me on such a warm day. He must be punished for his impudence. Use the lash on him.THE SERVANT: O king, it has been done.THE KING: Then bring out the spears.THE SERVANT: O king, the guards have already bloodied their swords many times driving him away from the palace gates. But it is of no avail.THE KING: Then bind him and gag him if necessary. If need be cut out his tongue. I do not like the sound of the fellow's voice. It annoys me very much.THE SERVANT: O king, thy orders were obeyed even yesterday.THE KING: (frowning) No. That cannot be. A beggar cannot cry for bread who has no tongue.THE SERVANT: Behold he canif he has grown another.THE KING: What! Why, men are not given more than one tongue in a lifetime. To have more than one tongue is treason.THE SERVANT: If it is treason to have more than one tongue, O king, then is this beggar surely guilty of treason?THE KING: (pompously) The punishment for treason is death. See to it that the fellow is slain. And do not fan me so languidly. I am very warm.THE SERVANT: (fanning more rapidly) Behold, O great and illustrious king, all thy commands were obeyed even yesterday.THE KING: How! Do not jest with thy king.THE SERVANT: If I jest, then there is truth in a jest. Even yesterday, O king, as I have told thee, the beggar which thou now hearest crying aloud in the street was slain by thy soldiers with a sword.THE KING: Do ghosts eat bread? Forsooth, men who have been slain with a sword do not go about in the streets crying for a piece of bread.THE SERVANT: Forsooth, they do if they are fashioned as this beggar.THE KING: Why, he is but a man. Surely he cannot have more than one life in a lifetime.THE SERVANT: Listen to a tale, O king, which happened yesterday.THE KING: I am listening.THE SERVANT: Thy soldiers smote this beggar for crying aloud in the streets for bread, but his wounds are already healed. They cut out his tongue, but he immediately grew another. They slew him, yet he is now alive.THE KING: Ah! That is a tale which I cannot understand at all.In The Beggar and the King, what do the servant's responses to the king reveal about the servant?He believes that the king is unfit to rule. He is baffled by the beggar's return.He is protective of the king's feelings. He feels badly for the beggar's fate. Qu instrumento musical intent el indigena Justo Rodriguez? guitarraC. la vihuelad. el guitarrnb. el arpaPlease select the best answer from the choices provided How does the narrator help the reader understand Ruth's personality? There are four white socks and six black socks in a drawer. What is the probability of selecting a white sock, not replacing it, and then selecting another white sock?A) 1/3B)2/15C)3/25D)7/90 Which equation describes the table shown:Plzzzzzz i need help Find the area of the composite figure below: Why do people on the Indian subcontinent often celebrate the coming of monsoonrains?Without the monsoon rains, farmers would not be able to produce as much foodO in Hinduism, the monsoon rains represents the tears of the godsMany people believe the rain washes away the sins of mankindAncient Buddhist beliefs originating in India 1. In a four-hour TV program, the commercials show 10% of the time.How many minutes of commercials are shown during the four-hourduration of the program?Round to the nearest tenth of a minute Given P(A) = 0.44, P(B) 0.6 and P(An B) = 0.394, find the value ofP(AUB), rounding to the nearest thousandth, if necessary. help! how do i do this? please helpppppppppppppppp