Seven people were brought together to help design a new academic building on your campus. Among the people were faculty, maintenance workers, students, audio-visual technicians, computer technicians, and even a representative from the union catering service. Because of the diversity in their backgrounds, the people were highly interdependent on one another. The objective of the people was to design a building that would meet several needs for the campus. This collection of people exhibits characteristics of a


Answer 1


This collection of people exhibits characteristics of a team.


A team is defined as two or more individuals who interact and are interdependent and who have adjusted to achieve particular goals. The members interact with certain frequency, in a personal way and based on certain established guidelines, in addition the individuals depend on each other to be able to achieve the team objectives and perform functions that complement each other. The team has a certain structure that results in the distribution of roles, configuring a system of interlocking roles that represent a certain level or status, as well as a series of shared operating rules, they carry out collective activities that contribute to the achievement of common objectives.

Related Questions

your roommate has the right to play her harmonica during the day. but you find the best time to study is during the day, and the harmonica playing makes it hard for you to concentrate. you tell your roommate that you will do her laundry every week if she does not play the harmonica during the day and she agrees to this. this is an example of .


The above persuasion of the roommate by me for not playing harmonium during the day is called the Coase theorem.

What is the Coase Theorem?

The Coase theorem in law and economics describes the economic effectiveness of a financial decision or results in the existence of externalities.

According to the Coase Theorem, when there is a conflict between property rights, the parties involved can bargain and negotiate terms that fully reflect the actual costs as well as underlying factors of the relevant property rights, leading to the most efficient conclusion.

The Coase theorem has been utilized by jurists including legal scholars to analyze and settle legal issues. It is regarded as a key foundation for the majority of contemporary economic studies of governmental regulation, particularly in the context of externalities.

Learn more about the Coase Theorem here:


How did yellow journalism contribute to the outbreak of the Spanish-American War?


The proponents of yellow journalism seized on the findings of a later U.S. navy inquiry and urged for war after they revealed that the explosion had originated from a mine in the harbor.

What is about Spanish-American War?An military battle between Spain and the United States took place during the Spanish-American War. After the USS Maine's internal explosion in Havana Harbor, hostilities broke out, prompting American involvement in the Cuban War of Independence. The Spanish-American War, which broke out between the United States and Spain in 1898, led to the end of Spanish colonial power in the Americas and the U.S. gaining control of territory in the western Pacific and Latin America. The United States' continued backing for the Cuban and Filipino peoples' resistance to Spanish authority, as well as the battleship U.S.S. Maine's inexplicable explosion in Havana Harbor, were the two direct causes of the war. There were numerous more factors as well. The Battleship Maine was sunk in Havana port on February 15, 1898, prompting the United States to declare war on Spain on April 25, 1898.

To learn more about Spanish-American War refer to:


this asian country begins christmas celebrations already in september. it is famous for creating large parasols and going to church for 9 days before christmas.____



The Asian country described in the question is The Philippines.


The Philippines is one of the few predominantly Christian Asian countries. About 80% of its population is Christian, which is reflected in the length of its Christmas season. The Christmas season in the country stretches from September to January.

One of the ways the locals celebrate Christmas is by making giant 'parols'. These are large bamboo frames covered with cellophane or Japanese papers in the shape of stars. They are supposed to represent the star that guided the Three Wise Men.  

For more information on the Philippines, please refer to the questions below:

This asian country begins christmas celebrations already in september. it is famous for creating large parasols and going to church for 9 days before christmas. The Philippines.

One of the few Asiatic nations with a significant Christian population is the Philippines. It has a Christian majority of about 80%, as seen by how long its Christmas season lasts. The nation's Christmas season lasts from September through January.

Making enormous "parols" is one of the ways the villagers celebrate Christmas. These are substantial bamboo frames that have been wrapped in star-shaped Japanese sheets or cellophane. They are meant to be a representation of the star that the Three Wise Men followed.

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What was Robert Frost purpose of writing?


Robert Frost, who was a master poet, resorted to poetry in his final years in order to deal with an unfathomable tragedy and, in his words, "grab life by the neck."

What subjects are frequently covered in Robert Frost's writings?

Robert Frost is recognised for his ability to write in informal English, his poetic pictures of normal people in commonplace circumstances, and his descriptions of rural New England life.

The motivation behind Robert Frost's writing :

He was inspired by the geography, people, and natural beauty of the northeastern United States. The natural beauty of New England served as the source of inspiration for the writings of this well-known poet.

To know more about poetry :


What is hyperinflation in one sentence?


Hyperinflation refers to a situation where the prices of goods and services rise uncontrollably over a defined period of time.

Hyperinflation exists in addition to inflation. Simply put, it is a very quick inflation. If you lived in a country that was experiencing hyperinflation, you would be aware of it.

It defines a situation in which prices for goods and services skyrocket over an extended period of time. When inflation is increasing at a rate of more than 50% per month, the expression is frequently used.

Hyperinflation typically happens when the money supply is suddenly increased. Demand-pull inflation or a government printing money to pay for its expenses could both cause this. The latter happens when supply is unable to keep up with demand, which raises prices.

To know more about hyperinflation:


cozy cup coffee moved into a new location in a residential area. many of the neighbors were not thrilled about the construction noise and increased traffic. cozy cup coffee decided to give out free cups of coffee to the neighbors every morning. this is an example of


According to the research, the correct answer is Option B. Cozy cup decided to give out free cups of coffee to the neighbors every morning. This is an example of how companies can target the community with public relations efforts.

What is Public relations?

It refers to the set of coordinated and sustained action strategies over time that is responsible for managing communication between a company to maintain its positive image and society.

In this sense, they are developed in a transcendental way and that appeals to effective communications, since it is addressed to a public (internal and external) attending to its needs.

Therefore, we can conclude that according to the research, public relations efforts seek to connect with the audience, being one of the key strategies within marketing.

Learn more about public relations here:


The full question is:

Cozy cup coffee moved into a new location in a residential area. many of the neighbors were not thrilled about the construction noise and increased traffic. Cozy cup coffee decided to give out free cups of coffee to the neighbors every morning. This is an example of


A. how company shareholders are the most important audience of public relations.

B. how companies can target the community with public relations efforts.

C. why company vendors get in the way of community relations.

D. why residential areas are not appropriate targets for public relations activities.

What happens if USCIS denied my citizenship application?


Ordinarily, denial of U.S. citizenship leaves the person with permanent residence, but there's a risk of green card cancellation and deportation.

By presenting the argument of the former head of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the author illustrates the significance of this cultural and ethnic diversity by demonstrating that the neighborhood stores are largely run by foreigners and are crucial to the local economy.

He says that the people who own and work in these stores have always been nice, helpful, and hard workers. Their only difference is their ethnicity and nationality.This is due to the fact that, in the past, these stores were typically run by Italian, Jewish, or Eastern European individuals. Currently, Asians and Latinos run the majority of these stores.

Learn about immigration:


what was one field of study that was founded by islamic scholars during the islamic golden age?



what was one field of study that was founded by islamic scholars during the islamic golden age?

What is Aristotle's view on slavery?


Aristotle had stated his views on slavery that the practice of slavery is both, natural and advantageous, to the slave and the master.

The slavery practices have been one of most debated social elements that have ever existed in the American society since the seventeenth century. Many philosophies and ideologies regarding the existence of these practices have been made by a number of people.

Aristotle had also expressed his views through philosophical understanding of slavery being an important part of the very existence of the society. He also mentioned that the practices, such as slavery, shall be justified.

Learn more about slavery here:


Give an example each of evocative and active genetic/environment forces and how they have shaped the person you are. Then give an example of either an optimum or poor person-environment fit that you have experienced this semester. Answers will vary. Evocative influences, however, will relate to how personality traits shyness, happiness, kindness, and so forth naturally affect how other people relate to that student. In describing active forces, students should talk about talents and interests that propelled them to actively select environments where they learned to improve at that skill, such as, I was good at sports, so I've been playing soccer since the age of 3. Person/environment fit: I'm terrible at math, so when I had to take statistics, I failed... I really 'get' psychology, so I'm getting all A's in my psych classes ... I'm not a morning person, so why did I take all 8 AM classes?


Someone who is excellent at sports and has been practicing and playing particular sports since a young age is an example of evocative and active genetic-environmental forces.

Meanwhile, the example of an optimum or poor-person environment is a person who is not a natural memory prodigy and who enrolls in a class that depends purely on memory and is certain to fail the course. 

The term "evocative" relates to the impact that our innate talents have on others and the ways in which they might be described as "naturally excellent at something". Meanwhile, being "active" entails actively seeking opportunities to develop our talents in our environments.

It's not possible to provide a universally correct answer to this question. However, evocative influences will focus on how the student's personality qualities, such as shyness, cheerfulness, compassion, and so on, naturally shape the interactions that student has with others. Students should describe active forces by discussing how their natural abilities and interests drove them to seek out situations where they might improve their talents.

Learn more active genotype-environment here:


What are the 10 basic human rights in US?


The rights to freedom of expression, religion, the right to keep and bear weapons, the freedom from torture, the prohibition against harsh and unusual punishment, and the right to a jury trial are some of the unalienable rights recognized by the US Constitution.

What are the basic rights in the US?

Human rights in the United States are a collection of rights that are formally safeguarded by the US Constitution, specifically the Bill of Rights. The rights to freedom of expression, freedom of religion, to keep and bear weapons, to assemble peacefully, and to petition the government are all guaranteed under the Bill of Rights. It also forbids coerced self-incrimination, harsh or unusual punishment, and arbitrary search or seizure.

Thus, everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the protection of his or her person. According to Article II of the US Constitution, all people enjoy the same rights and obligations outlined in this Declaration and are treated equally in front of the law, without distinction as to race, sex, language, creed, or any other factor.

To learn more about US Constitution, visit:


put in order. the supreme court strikes down the law, supreme court hears a case about the law, congress passes a law


In order, based on the law, we would have:

Congress passes a lawsupreme court hears a case about the law supreme court strikes down the law

Why does the Supreme court strike down a law?

The Court also established its ability to invalidate state legislation that were deemed to be in violation of the Constitution in following instances.

When a judge or court overturns a law or rule, they declare it to be unconstitutional and put an end to it. [US] The Supreme Court today overturned a rule that forbids offenders from making money from books or films depicting their crimes.

Judicial review does not have the authority to "suspend" or "knock down" legislation; rather, it imposes a non-enforcement policy that is only in effect as long as the courts uphold the constitutional arguments that led them to do so.

Read more on the supreme court here:


Currency held in the vault of First National Bank is:


Currency held in the vault of First National Bank is: not counted as part of the money supply.

As the nation's central bank, the Federal Reserve is in charge of managing the supply of dollars. By buying assets on the open market and adding the matching cash to the bank reserves of commercial banks, the Fed produces money. Despite the incredible variety of shapes it can take, there are truly only two types of money: money with inherent worth and money without. Money that has worth in addition to serving as currency is known as commodity money. In federal prisons, one type of commodities money is mackerel.

Learn more on nation


Can you get SSDI forever?


The United States government provides disability insurance through a payroll tax-funded federal program.

It is administered by the Social Security Administration and is intended to provide monthly benefits to people who have a disability that is medically determinable and prevents them from working. The acronyms SSI and SSDI stand for Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance, respectively.

These two establishments are taxpayer supported initiatives that give monetary help to individuals who have a physical or mental incapacity of some sort or another.The population's tax declarations are linked to this financial assistance.Consequently, SSI and SSDI payments are also delayed when tax declarations are delayed.In any case, the public authority specifies that the installment of these guides will be made until the seventh of April.

Learn about ssdi:


What is the term of office for a representative and how often are elections held?


The term of office for a representative is two years, whereas the term of office for a resident commissioner is four years.

How are Elections Held?

According to the U.S. Constitution, the House of Representatives is a part of the lower house of Congress in the United States, and the Senate is the upper house of Congress. Together, the two houses make up the legislature. These chambers were formed by Article I of the US Constitution, and each one is made up of representatives who sit in each congressional district that is distributed among the 50 states based on population as determined by the US Census.

Each district in the United States is entitled to one representative, and from the United States constitution's creation, representatives have been chosen directly by the people. The total number of voting representatives, as determined by United States legislation, is 435. The term of office for representatives is two years, with elections taking place in November before the term begins on January 3. Special elections must be called in accordance with the United States Constitution in order to fill these vacancies.

To learn more about Elections here:


What are the causes of westernization in India?


The causes of westernization in India is:

Globalization.Technological Advancement.Economic Reforms.

Causes of westernization in IndiaGlobalization: Globalization has enabled the spread of western culture and values to India. This has been facilitated by the increased flow of information, resources, and people between countries.

Technological Advancement: With the advancement of technology, it has become easier to access western culture in India. This has been made possible through the use of the internet, television, and other media outlets.

Economic Reforms: Economic reforms have encouraged foreign investment in Indian markets, which has led to increased access to western culture.

Learn more about westernization at:


When is congressional oversight exercised vigorously?


when members are intending to modify an agency program.

Hearings are a significant means of oversight by Congress. Both the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs and the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform are committed to monitoring and reforming how the government functions, and each committee carries out oversight in its own policy area.

The authority to look into and monitor the executive branch; often done by congressional committees.

Although the legislative branch's Senate confirms the President's nominations for judicial positions and Congress has the power to impeach any of those judges, the judicial branch interprets laws.

Learn more about " congressional " to visit here;


What is the main purpose of PACs?


The main  reason for a PAC is to raise and disseminate assets to advocate the political objectives of its individuals

A general term for political boards coordinated to collect and burn through cash to choose and overcome competitors. Most PACs address business, work, or philosophical interests. The PAC can give the Competitor's Board of trustees $ 5,000 for every political decision (essential, general, or unique political race).

You can likewise give up to $ 15,000 per year to the Public Ideological group Panel and $ 5,000 to different PACs. PACs can get up to $ 5,000 each scheduled year from people, PACs, or ideological group councils. The PAC should enlist with FEC somewhere around 10 days of foundation and give the name and address of the PAC.

Learn more about main purpose of PACs:


Select the correct answer. If 200 people have been working on developing a new community that will feature houses and small businesses, what will happen to the ppc of the community if 100 people withdraw from developing the community?.



the PPC will shift to the left


What is a savings account best used for?


The greatest savings account for Deposit or make withdrawals: The typical method of making withdrawals and deposits is to go to a bank & deposit or withdraw cash, or to utilize an ATM.

A savings account is indeed a bank balance at a retail bank. Common characteristics include a limited amount of withdrawals, the lack of check and connected debit card capabilities, limited transfer choices, and the inability to go overdrawn. Traditionally, savings account transactions were typically recorded in a passbook and were sometimes referred to as passbook savings accounts; however, similar transactions are now commonly kept electronically & accessible online. People put money in savings accounts for a wide range of reasons, along with a secure place to keep their money. Savings accounts typically pay interest as well: practically everyone of them accrue compounded interest over time. Several countries mandate deposit insurance on savings accounts, and others provide a guaranteed income.

Learn more about insurance here


What is a control system where a change stimulates mechanisms that amplify the change?.


A control system is one where a change activates mechanisms that enhance the change. By continuously comparing the desired state to the actual state and making modifications as needed, feedback control systems are used to maintain a desired state or output in a system.

In a feedback control system, a sensor detects a change in the system and sends a signal to a controller. The actuator modifies the system after receiving a control signal from the controller, which has processed the signal. The sensor then picks up the change in the system, and the process is repeated with the changes getting stronger over time.

The management of temperature, pressure, flow, and many other physical characteristics is one of the many uses for feedback control systems. They are employed in many different disciplines, such as engineering, production, and biology.

Learn more about control system Visit:


Compare European imperialism in Africa and China. What in your opinion are the three most striking similarities?


There was a parallel between colonialism and imperialism in East Asia and Africa. Second, any good benefits of European empire on East Asia and Africa almost often pale in comparison. In the end, several regions of Africa and East Asia did revolt against the European hegemony.

What is European imperialism?

The Industrial Revolution contributed to the modernization of Europe and the development of numerous cutting-edge technology. As a result, they were able to annex and rule a sizable region, encompassing China and Africa. Africa and China fell to European Imperialism so rapidly because neither of them had matured and because Europe had far superior technology and armaments. This made it relatively easy for Europe to attack and subjugate both China and Africa.

As a result, the Industrial Revolution ushered in imperialism. The colonization of China and Africa, as well as the consequences that followed, share many similarities and differences.

To know more about European Imperialism, visit:


How are the 3 sectors of economy interdependent explain with suitable examples?


economy interdependent covers the movement of goods as well as their storage, promotion, and sale. Banking and communication are among more services. In addition to being essential for supporting manufacturing, these sectors also provide for their own needs.

What is interdependence and how is it defined?

Mutual reliance among objects is interdependence. There is a lot of dependency between plants and animals, as you will find out if you study biology. The prefix inter- denotes "between," hence interdependence is the dependence of two or more objects. The degree to which team members collaborate, have an impact on one another, and are themselves influenced by one another is known as interdependence (Campion et al. 1993; Johnson and Johnson 1989; Stewart and Barrick 2000; Wageman 2001). Task interdependence, goal interdependence, and outcome interdependence are the three fundamental elements of team interdependence.

To know more about interdependence visit:


What is the procedure for the removal of the judges?


Impeachment is the process used to get rid of a judge from the court system.

What is Impeachment?

A legislative body or other legally recognized tribunal may begin the process of making accusations of misbehavior against a public figure through the impeachment process. Due to the peculiarities of their positions, which may put them outside the scope of legal prosecution or prevent the codification of their misconduct as a crime other than through the special requirements of their high office, ministerial officials in Europe and Latin America are typically the only ones subject to impeachment. Ten presidents from six different countries in Latin America, which accounts for 40% of the presidential systems in the globe, were ousted from office between 1978 and 2019 by impeachments or declarations of incapacity by the national legislatures of respective nations.

To learn more about Impeachment, visit:


Who is the better epic hero Achilles or Hector?



What is the difference between a primary and a conditioned reinforcer?


A primary reinforcer is a consequence that maintains behavior and does not require learning, whereas a conditioned reinforcer is a subsequent stimulus that gained reinforcing features during the organism's existence.

A primary reinforcer is an unconditioned stimulus that satisfies a basic biological need. Examples of primary reinforcers include food, water, and shelter. These are just basic needs of an individual.

A conditioned reinforcer is a learned response that has been associated with a primary reinforcer. For example, if a child is given a candy every time they brush their teeth, they will learn to associate brushing their teeth with the reward of a candy.

To know more about reinforcer, click here.


What are 3 limited resources?


Due to their finite availability, nonrenewable resources cannot be used responsibly. Natural gas, coal, nuclear energy, and oil are the four main categories of nonrenewable resources. Fossil fuels are the aggregate name for coal, natural gas, and oil.

What five finite resources are there?

You are undoubtedly accustomed to considering limited natural resources like titanium, oil, coal, gold, and diamonds. In order to highlight again how precious they are, they are frequently referred to as "scarce resources."

What two scarce resources are there?

The two most in-demand scarce resources are time and money. Most people are deficient in either, or both, of these.

To Know more about natural gas


What was the main goal of Thomas Jefferson when he wrote the Declaration of Independence quizlet?


The Declaration of Independence was written to explain to King George III and other countries why the colonies had decided to break away from Great Britain and become independent.

Its objectives were to mobilise the troops, win over allies abroad, and herald the birth of a new nation. The Declaration's fundamental goal, to justify the colonists' right to revolution, is stated in the opening phrase. The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson. He was picked because, among the committee members designated to create the Declaration, he was the youngest and finest writer. According to Thomas Jefferson, everyone is entitled to what three rights? the freedom to pursue pleasure, liberty, and other rights. The American settlers' shared objectives of unity, independence, and the defence of individual rights served as the foundation for the Declaration of Independence (1776).

To learn more about Declaration of Independence click the link below:


What are the 3 characteristics of public policy?


A set of rules, instructions, strategies, and financial priorities addressing a particular issue that have been formed by a governmental body or its representatives is known as public policy.

The 3 characteristics of public policy.

Policy is more than just decisions; it is a set of courses of action.Policy is what the government actually does, not what it promises to do or what it plans to do.Policy is authoritative [i.e., it must be developed by government] and is based on legislation.  

As a collaborative decision-making process is essential to resolving public concerns, the Constitution gives rise to the concept of public policy, which consists of numerous plans, programmes, and schemes. According to the constitution, one of the most notable ways that government maintains order and attends to the needs of its citizens is through the discipline of public policy, which got its start when people realised that operating a state requires a well-needed direction and a course of action.

To learn more about public policy please click on below link


According to writer Daniel Goleman, the emotional mind
O lacks the ability to be impulsive.
O is sometimes illogical.
O is aware of reality.
O allows one to ponder and reflect.


According to writer Daniel Goleman, the emotional mind is aware of reality.

The central thesis of Daniel Goleman's book Emotional Intelligence is that emotional intelligence may be more important than intelligence in determining a person's well-being and success in life, and thus the emotional mind is aware of reality. Emotional intelligence (EQ) has five components, according to Daniel Goleman's theory: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. Emotional intelligence can be used to achieve goals and objectives while also creating a happier and healthier workplace culture. Emotional intelligence (EI) or Emotional Quotient (EQ) is a type of social intelligence that entails the ability to manage and monitor one's own as well as other people's emotions, to distinguish between them, and to use the information to guide one's thinking and actions.

Learn more about emotional Intellegence


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