Sheila, 32 years old, has been referred to a registered dietitian following her 6-week postpartum check-up following her third pregnancy, as she has concerns about her goals of weight loss and still being able to meet her daughter’s nutritional needs through breastfeeding. This pregnancy was complicated by gestational diabetes, as was her second pregnancy. She gained 37 lbs and states she understands the need to lose her pregnancy weight to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes; she wasn't successful with losing the weight from her second pregnancy. Her daughter was 9 pounds 11 ounces at birth and has been gaining weight appropriately. Sheila breastfed her first two children until they were approximately 5 months old. Her current weight is 223 lbs and her height is 5'5". She reports she hasn't started exercising yet, but she was medically cleared to do so by her physician. Sheila's 24-hour recall shows an estimated calorie intake of 2700 kcal with limited fruits and vegetables, one cup of milk, and portions of high-fat and sugary foods. She has been maintaining her weight with her current calorie intake.
1. What is an estimated daily calorie intake that would allow Sheila to lose weight? (Explain/show how you came up with your number.
2. What daily calorie intake would be considered too low to support breast milk production? (Explain/show how you came up with your number.
3. a) Are there any vitamins and minerals Sheila might have inadequate intakes of based on her 24-hour recall? (Explain why the nutrients you listed are likely to be short in her diet.
b) How would you recommend she adjust her food intake to meet her needs for these nutrients? (Give specific examples of foods that will increase her intake of the nutrients you listed in the first part of the question.
4. What other recommendations do you have for Sheila to assist with her weight loss goals?
5. How will Sheila know whether her daughter is receiving adequate nutrition while she focuses on her goal of weight loss while breastfeeding?


Answer 1


uhhh what im i supposed to do?


Related Questions

DRAW IT : The graph here shows the pH difference across the inner mitochondrial membrane over time in an active respiring cell. At the time indicated by the vertical arrow, a metabolic poison is added that specifically and completely inhibits all function of mitochondrial ATP synthase. Draw what you would expect to see for the rest of the graphed line, and explain graph.


When an ATP synthase is inhibited by a metabolic poison, the H+ concentration in the mitochondrial membrane rises, lowering the pH. As a result, the graphed line decreases gradually, indicating that pH decreases over time.

H+ would be pumped across the membrane into the intermembranous space, increasing the pH difference between the matrix and the intermembranous space. Because H+ cannot flow back through ATP synthase because the enzyme is constricted by the poison, the difference across the membrane will continue to increase rather than remain constant. Eventually, the concentration of H+ in the intermembranous space would become so high that no more H+ could be pumped against the gradient.

For more information on ATP synthase , visit:


the spinal cord extends from the foramen magnum of the to the first or second lumbar vertebra, where it terminates in the ______


The spinal cord extends from the foramen magnum of the skull to the first or second lumbar vertebra where it terminates in the fibrous extension called the filum terminale.

The spinal cord of a human being originates from the brainstem from which it passes through the cavity in the skull, also known as the foramen magnum and continues through the conus medullaris, which is near the second lumbar vertebra, and finally ends a fibrous extension. This fibrous extension is known as filum terminale. The parts of the brain stem consist of the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata, which is responsible for major body functions like body balance, sleep, heart rhythms, breathing, etc. Therefore, any physical damage to this part of the spinal cord can cause heartbeat fluctuations, heavy breathing, or loss of balance.

Learn more about the spinal cord:


11. In 1996 the moose population dropped, what then happened to the wolf population in the following
year? Explain why.



Due to the unfortunate loss of the moose population, the wolf population will also drop because primary prey is lost.


When a species becomes extinct or endangered, the life cycle is disarrayed. The butterfly affect is a great example; one factor makes a difference. Without chocolate, there are many recipies one can not make. Without moose, many wolves will starve.

What is the speed of a wave if it has a wavelength of 12 m and a frequency of 3 hertz?



The speed of a wave is 36 m/s


Given;Wavelength (λ) = 12 mFrequency (f) = 3 Hz or s⁻¹To Find;Speed (v)


v = λ × f

v = 12 × 3

v = 36 m/s

Thus, The speed of a wave is 36 m/s

Briefly discuss the THREE points of view concerning the anthropologist's role in the practical affairs of other cultures.
Which one do you support and why?



There are three main points of view concerning the role of anthropologists in the practical affairs of other cultures:

The "detached observer" perspective argues that anthropologists should remain neutral and objective in their studies of other cultures, and should not get involved in the practical affairs of those cultures. This view emphasizes the importance of maintaining a professional distance and avoiding potential conflicts of interest.

The "applied anthropologist" perspective argues that anthropologists should use their knowledge and expertise to help solve problems and address challenges faced by other cultures. This view emphasizes the potential value of anthropologists as consultants and advisors to government agencies, NGOs, and other organizations working in the field.

The "activist anthropologist" perspective argues that anthropologists have a moral obligation to take a stand and actively support the rights and interests of the communities they study. This view emphasizes the importance of anthropologists using their research to advocate for social justice and challenge oppressive power structures.

I personally support the "applied anthropologist" perspective. I believe that anthropologists have a unique and valuable perspective to offer on the practical affairs of other cultures, and that their expertise can be used to help address important issues and challenges faced by those communities. At the same time, I believe that it is important for anthropologists to maintain professional standards and avoid conflicts of interest, in order to ensure the integrity of their research and the trust of the communities they study.

T/ F
The all-or-none phenomenon as applied to nerve conduction states that the whole nerve cell must be stimulated for conduction to take place.


The all-or-none phenomenon as applied to nerve conduction states that the whole nerve cell must be stimulated for conduction to take place. Reflexes are rapid, automatic responses to stimuli. Efferent nerve fibers may be described as motor nerve fibers.

Happy Holidays!!

shown below are several molecules found in animal cells, along with their mass in daltons. based on the data gathered by loewenstein, et al. which molecule(s) would be excluded from moving through gap-junction channels? molecule approximate mass (daltons) histidine (an amino acid) 100 carnosine (a dipeptide) 226 thyroid-releasing hormone (trh, a peptide hormone) 360 atp 551 insulin (a peptide hormone) 5808 hexokinase (an enzyme) 50,000


Molecules that would be excluded from moving through gap-junction channels are insulin and hexokinase.

Connexins, a family of proteins articulated for most tissues of an organism, form gap junction channels.

Gap junction channels allow ions and other small molecules to pass between contacting cells, synchronizing them both electrically and metabolically. Gap junction channels are highly specialised intercellular connections that connect a wide variety of animal cell types. They connect the cytoplasm of two cells directly, allowing molecules, ions, and electrical impulses to transfer through a governed gate between cells.

Hexokinase is the first glycolytic enzyme, potentiating the phosphorylation of glucose by ATP to glucose-6-P. It is one of the glycolysis rate-limiting enzymes. As regular red cells age, their activity decreases rapidly.

Insulin is a peptide hormone created by pancreatic islet beta cells and encoded by the INS gene in humans. It is thought to be the body's primary anabolic hormone. Hexokinase is a potential insulin regulatory site that is irregular in insulin resistance. The modified regulation of hexokinase may play a significant role in the diminished insulin-mediated glucose flow rates in insulin-resistant skeletal muscle.

For more information on Gap junction channels, visit :


Things like your eye color and height are not under your control. This is because they are determined by your genes.
So, eye color is a good example of an inherited
C carbohydrate


A trait that is inherited is the color of the eyes. Both height and eye color are qualities that are influenced by multiple genes.

Which gene affects eye color?

ASIP, IRF4, SLC24A4, SLC24A5, SLC45A2, TPCN2, TYR, and TYRP1 are among the genes with known effects on eye color. There is probably a continuum of eye hues in different persons due to the interactions between these genes, OCA2, and HERC2.

Exactly one gene determines eye color?

Brown eyes are more prevalent than blue eyes, and eye color has historically been thought of as a single gene feature. At least eight genes have been found to affect the ultimate color of eyes, according to current research. Melanin levels in the specialized iris cells are regulated by genes.

To know more about inherited trait visit :-


a type of bacteria doubles every (t) hours, and we will begin a culture with 10 bacteria. give the function that expresses the amount of bacteria b there will be after t hours


A type of bacteria doubles every (n) hours, and we will begin a culture with 10 bacteria. The amount of bacteria there will be after n hours will be: Y = 10* e²ᵇ

We must simulate the behavior of a function for use in practical applications. In mathematical modeling, we pick a well-known general function with characteristics that imply that it will model the actual phenomenon we want to study. When growth is brisk, we can pick the exponential growth function:

    Y=  A₀* eᵇⁿ

      Y = 10* e²ᵇ

where,  A₀ denotes the value at time zero that is initial number of bacteria, (e) denotes the Euler constant, and b is a positive constant that establishes the growth rate (%). Applications involving doubling time, or the time it takes for a number to double (n) , can be solved using the exponential growth function. Wildlife populations, investments, biological samples, and natural resources are examples of phenomena that can grow based on a doubling time.

To learn more about exponential growth function visit;


Assuming no gene linkage, in a dihybrid cross of AABB x aabb with AaBb F1 heterozygotes, what is the ratio of the F1 gametes (AB, aB, Ab, ab) that will give rise to the F2 offspring?a.1:1:1:1b.1:3:3:1c.1:2:2:1d.4:3:2:1


Assuming no gene linkage, in a dihybrid cross of AABB x aabb with AaBb F1 heterozygotes, the ratio of the F1 gametes (AB, aB, Ab, ab) that will give rise to the F2 offspring is 1:1:1:1.

Gene linkage is the proclivity of genes or segments of DNA closely located somewhere along chromosomes to segregate together during meiosis and thus be inherited together.

Gene linkage evaluation is an effective method for determining the chromosomal position of disease genes. It is based on the discovery that genes that are physically close to one another on a chromosome stay connected during meiosis.

Genes that are close enough together on a chromosome will often seem to "stick together," and the variants (alleles) of those genes that are close together on a chromosome will more often than not be inherited as a pair. This is known as genetic linkage or gene linkage.

For more information on Gene linkage, visit ;


The adrenal medullae are modified autonomic ganglia that secrete hormones that trigger effects similar to those of the ___________.


The adrenal medullae are modified autonomic ganglia that secrete hormones that trigger effects similar to the sympathetic division of the ANS.

The interior of your adrenal gland is called the medulla. hormones that control your autonomic nervous system are released. This system regulates automatic processes like heart rate that you ordinarily wouldn't think about. The hormones that start the flight or fight response are under the control of the adrenal medulla. Both epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline), which have comparable roles, are the primary hormones released by the adrenal medulla.

The sympathetic division of autonomic nervous system sympathetic division extends glandular into the adrenal medulla. The medulla releases adrenaline and norepinephrine hormones into the blood stream when the sympathetic division is activated in response to stress or a threat.

Hence, both adrenal medulla and sympathetic division work in similar manner.

To know more about Hormones.


Dstinguish between passive and active transport. identify the following as either passive or active transport mechanisms and describe the process of each with examples: diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion, the sodium-potassium pump, and vesicle mediated transport (exocytosis and endocytosis).


In active transport, molecules are pumped through the cell membrane in opposition to a concentration gradient (energy). Without the use of ATP, molecules are transported via concentration gradients by moving within and across the cell membrane in passive transport (energy).

What distinguishes active transport from passive forms of movement like osmosis and diffusion?

There are two main strategies for moving molecules across a membrane, and the difference is based on whether or not cell energy is utilised. Diffusion is an example of a passive mechanism that doesn't require any energy, whereas active transport does.

To know more about passive and active transport visit:-


Smooth ER makes ___________ and performs other ________________. It also ______________ poisons. It does not have __________ so it does not make _____________.


The generation of lipids and steroids is one of the many cellular processes carried out by the smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

What does the fluid ER produce? The generation of lipids and steroids is one of the many cellular processes carried out by the smooth endoplasmic reticulum.Additionally, it is essential to the detoxification of toxins, drugs, and alcohol.Blood detoxification is largely accomplished by liver cells.The Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum's functions.The creation of lipids like cholesterol and phospholipids, which make up all of the membranes of the organism, depends on the smooth ER.Additionally, it plays a crucial role in the production and secretion of steroid hormones from lipid precursors like cholesterol.Animal liver cells also have a large number of smooth ER units.The organelle has a unique role in these cells.Enzymes are used in this instance by smooth ER to aid the liver's detoxification process.These enzymes disintegrate harmful substances, notably alcohol's ethanol.

To learn more about endoplasmic reticulum refer


the structure on this list which facilitates the rare occurrence of the exchange of genetic information between two bacterial cells is:


The structure on this list which facilitates the rare occurrence of the exchange of genetic information between two bacterial cells is Bacterial conjugation.

What is bacterial conjugation?

Conjugation is the process by which one bacteria directly transmits genetic material to another. During conjugation, one bacteria functions as the donor and the other as the recipient of the genetic material. The donor bacteria has a DNA sequence known as the F-factor, or fertility factor.

The F-factor enables the donor to create a thin, tube-like structure known as a pilus, which the donor utilizes to communicate with the recipient. When the pilus brings the two bacteria close, the donor bacterium transmits genetic material to the receiving bacterium. The genetic material is often in the form of a plasmid, or a tiny, circular bit of DNA. The genetic material exchanged during conjugation frequently gives the receiving bacteria with genetic information.

Therefore, it is bacterial conjugation through which DNA is transferred among prokaryotes.

To learn more about conjugation click,


One of the following organs is located on the Inferior surface of the liver in the right hypochondriac regions of the nine region plan:
Gall bladder
Left lobe of the liver
Right Lung


The gall bladder is located on the inferior surface of the liver in the right hypochondriac regions of the nine region plan

In order for something to be considered a 16. Living things are based on a u living thing, it must display. of the eight Characteristics of life




Artificial selection (chosen by person) and natural selection (best changed in the environment) differ in one major way- the forces that select which organisms are able to survive and reproduce. How are these processes different?

a. In natural selection, the organisms best adapted to survive in the environment are more likely to reproduce and pass on their traits, while in artificial selection, humans choose which organisms survive and reproduce.
b. In natural selection, humans choose which organisms survive and reproduce, while in artificial selection, the organisms best adapted to survive in the environment are more likely to reproduce and pass on their traits.
c. In natural selection, both the humans and the environment choose which organisms survive and reproduce, while in artificial selection technology chooses which organisms survive and reproduce.
d. In natural selection, technology chooses which organisms survive and reproduce, while in artificial selection, humans and the environment choose which organisms survive and reproduce.

I think it is A, but I believe two heads are better than one. So, check my answer pelase


The way that the processes of artificial and natural selection are different are:  a. In natural selection, the organisms best adapted to survive in the environment are more likely to reproduce and pass on their traits, while in artificial selection, humans choose which organisms survive and reproduce. Option A

What is meant by artificial selection?

Individual organisms with certain phenotypic characteristic values are chosen for breeding through a method called artificial selection. If the chosen characteristic exhibits additive genetic variation, it will respond to selection and change over time.

Because humans (rather than nature) choose which creatures get to reproduce, this process is referred to as artificial selection. The image below demonstrates how farmers have artificially selected for certain traits to develop several crops from wild mustard.

Artificial selection is directed by human preferences and differs from natural selection in that it is not random.

Read more on artificial selection here:


part a which of these dna molecules is the shortest? a gel with the negative electrode at the top and the positive electrode at the bottom. the loading well is located at the top. dna fragments are labeled a, b, c, d, and e. fragment a is located at the top near the loading well. fragment b is located just below fragment a. fragment c is about halfway down the gel, and fragment d is just below it. fragment e is furthest down the gel, closest to the positive electrode. which of these dna molecules is the shortest? a gel with the negative electrode at the top and the positive electrode at the bottom. the loading well is located at the top. dna fragments are labeled a, b, c, d, and e. fragment a is located at the top near the loading well. fragment b is located just below fragment a. fragment c is about halfway down the gel, and fragment d is just below it. fragment e is furthest down the gel, closest to the positive electrode. a b c d e


The shortest DNA molecule is Fragment A. This is because it is located at the top near the loading well.

Fragment B is just below Fragment A, and Fragment C is about halfway down the gel. Fragment D is just below Fragment C, and Fragment E is the furthest down the gel, closest to the positive electrode.

The way gels work is that DNA molecules are loaded into the well at the top of the gel and then an electrical current is applied. The smaller molecules move faster and end up further down the gel. As Fragment A is the closest to the loading well, it is the smallest molecule, and hence the shortest. Therefore, Fragment A is the shortest DNA molecule.

Learn more about DNA molecule at :


Imagine you are a paleontologist trying to find the “missing link” between different species. In three to five sentences, create a fictional narrative about your discoveries, describing: 1) what two species, mythical or real, you are studying, 2) what evidence you have linking these species, and 3) what evidence you have to define different correlations and causations that support your hypothesis.


As a paleontologist, I am studying the mythical griffin and the real-life tyrannosaurus rex. I have found fossil evidence that suggests that the griffin and the T-rex are closely related, such as their similar bone structure and tooth patterns. I also have evidence of their common ancestors, such as the presence of feathers on both species. My hypothesis is that the griffin evolved from the T-rex through a process of natural selection and adaptation to their environment. Further research is needed to confirm the exact nature of their relationship and the specific causations that led to the evolution of the griffin.

The processes illustrated in the models depicted above all result in which of the following?
A) Transcription
B) An increase in genetic variation
C) horizontal gene transfer
D) an increase in the chromosome number


The process illustrated in the figure shows an increase in genetic variation.

The true choice is B

Genetic variation is a variation that occurs in the genome of an organism either in nucleotide bases, genes, or chromosomes. Genetic variation at the basic level is shown by differences in the base sequences of the nucleotides (adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine) that make up DNA in cells.

Genetic variation can be caused by several events, namely crossing over, conjugation, mutation, and fertilization. Genetic variation can be one of the factors that influence evolution.

Genetic variation is very influential in evolution because the greater the genetic variation in a population, the greater the chance for that population to adapt to environmental changes and disease.

Learn more about genetic variation at


As you have observed, the enzymes amylase and taq polymerase function best at different temperatures. all enzymes have an optimum temperature at which they function best. in environments where the temperature is above or below the optimum value, enzymes will not function efficiently.


Thermus aquaticus, a kind of creature that thrives in hot springs and other scalding settings, has the enzyme taq polymerase. The term "thermophilic bacteria" refers to this organism's exceptional thermostability.

Taq polymerase can withstand high temperatures, so why?

While maintaining its enzymatic activity, it can resist the high temperatures employed in PCR. In a thermophilic bacteria called Thermus aquaticus, taq polymerase may be found naturally. Living conditions for the bacteria include hot springs and hydrothermal vents. It has a high thermostability as a result.

A reaction typically accelerates with an increase in temperature and decelerates with a decrease in temperature. A denatured enzyme, on the other hand, is one that has lost its form and is no longer active due to extremely high temperatures. Optimal pH ranges for each enzyme exist.

learn more about thermostability refer


Why might a scientist use a physical model of a bacterial cell instead of
studying the cell directly?


Practicality: It may not always be practical or feasible to study a live bacterial cell directly, especially if the cell is difficult to culture or requires special equipment or facilities. In such cases, a physical model can provide a convenient alternative for studying the cell's properties and behavior.Safety: Some bacterial cells can be dangerous or harmful to humans, making it necessary to study them using a physical model that can be handled safely.Control: Physical models allow the scientist to have more control over the conditions under which the cell is studied, such as temperature, humidity, and nutrient availability. This can be useful for understanding how the cell responds to different conditions and for comparing the results of different experiments.Simplicity: A physical model can be simpler and more straightforward to use than a live cell, which can be more complex and variable. This can make it easier for the scientist to focus on specific aspects of the cell's behavior and to interpret the results of the experiment.Cost: Studying live cells can be expensive, especially if specialized equipment or facilities are required. A physical model may be a more cost-effective alternative, especially for research projects with limited budgets.

g proteins are a family of receptor proteins that are involved in transmitting signals from outside a cell to inside a cell. when a signaling molecule binds to a g protein, the g protein is activated. the g protein then activates an enzyme that produces a second messenger called camp. which of the following describes a critical role of camp during the transduction stage o


A signal-amplifying enzyme is activated as a result of cAMP by acting on many substrate molecules.

What purpose does cAMP serve?

The effects of hormones like glucagon and adrenaline, which cannot cross the plasma membrane, are transferred into cells through cAMP, a second messenger, which is employed for intracellular signal transduction. Additionally, it plays a role in the activation of protein kinases.

When specific kinds of external events are sensed at the cell surface, internal signals like cAMP are produced. The levels of cAMP, which mediate a variety of biological activities including but not limited to metabolism, immunological response, and many other biological processes, can indicate the state of function in a disease or healthy condition.

To know more about cAMP use link below:


Could the biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors behind psychological disorders all be correct, or is there only one factor that dominates


In psychological disorders, the biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors are all correct.

What are psychological disorders?

Psychological disorders are disorders that affect the thought process of an individual.

Psychological disorders are all a combination of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors.

The biological factors that are involved include the structure of the body organs especially the brain and other related organs and tissues. For example, when lesions occur in the brain, it could lead to psychological disorders.

Psychological factors are those factors that are not physical factors but affect the mind and emotions.

Sociocultural factors are the environmental factors that affect an individual.

Learn more about psychological disorders at:


which of the following crosses will not produce offspring with the recessive phenotype? select all that apply. x tt x tt x tt tt x tt x tt


The answer is (C). TTxTt, the other crosses will produce at least one offspring of recessive phenotype.

Punnett squares must be drawn in order to determine the probability and what happens to all the children.

The dominant trait is denoted by T, and the recessive by t.

TT x tt = Tt Tt Tt Tt = 100% Tt

The dominant allele will be present in every single offspring.

Tt x Tt = TT Tt tT tt =25% TT 50% Tt 25% tt

In this case, there is a 25% chance that the progeny will carry the recessive allele.

TT x TT = TT TT TT TT= 100% TT

The dominant allele will be present in every single offspring.

Tt x tt = Tt tt tt tt = 25% Tt 75% tt

In this case, there is a 75% likelihood that the progeny will carry the recessive allele. Thus TT x Tt will have the recessive phenotype in the offspring.

To learn more about recessive phenotype please click on the given link:

The correct question is:

Which of the following will not produce offspring with the recessive phenotype?

Select one:

a. tt x tt

b. Tt x tt

c. TT x Tt

d. Tt x Tt


the ability to wiggle your ears is an autosomal recessive trait that does not appear to benefit or harm the people who possess the trait. What is the genotypic ratio


The ability to wiggle the ears is an autosomal recessive trait that does not appear to benefit or harm the people who possess the trait, and the genotype is ee. E is taken for the ear.

What is the recessive trait?

A recessive trait is expressed when two recessive alleles are present together, and in the case of an autosomal recessive trait, there are equal chances of inheritance and character expression in both males and females. In a recessive trait for the wiggle ear, the "E" is taken to represent, so the genotype is "ee," and this trait does not harm the person who inherits it.

Hence, this autosomal recessive trait is expressed as ee.

Learn more about the recessive trait here.


What was one weakness of Darwin's theory?
a. It lacked an explanation for adaptations.
b. It lacked an explanation for competition.
c. It lacked an explanation for how evolution occurs.
d. It lacked an explanation for the genetic inheritance of traits.


One weakness of Darwin's theory was that it lacked an explanation for how evolution occurs and is therefore denoted as option C.

What is Evolution?

This is referred to as the change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations and makes organisms better suited for their ever changing envrironment.

Darwin's theory of evolution on the other hand describes how organisms evolve over generations through the inheritance of physical or behavioral traits but lacked an explanation for how it occurs and it was termed the theory of evolution by natural selection.

It had an explanation about adaptations, competition and genetic inheritance of traits which is the treason why option C was chosen as the correct choice.

Read more about Evolution here


All of the following tools should be used to remove a hair sample from an object except
Osticky tape


Brush are not used , Hair samples are primarily collected using tools tweezers, trace tapes, and vacuuming. Other methods of hair sample collection include combing and clipping methods.

What methods are employed in the forensic examination of hair?

Three main types of hair analysis are conducted by forensic scientists: (1) testing the hair shaft for drugs or nutritional deficiencies in an individual's system; (2) analyzing DNA extracted from the root of the hair; and (3) examining hair under a microscope to determine whether it is from an individual or an animal.

How are hair samples collected?

A hair drug test, commonly referred to as a hair follicle drug test, looks for both illicit drug use and prescription drug abuse, a little section of hair cut off of your head for this test. After that, the sample is examined for evidence of drug usage in the 90 days prior to the test.

Learn more about DNA here:


is marfan syndrome caused by a substitution, insertion, or deletion mutationin the fbn1 gene


Marfan syndrome has been linked to deletions or errors in the fibrillin-1 (FBN1) gene (pathogenic variations).

What is Marfan syndrome?

One defective copy of the Marfan gene inherited from one parent is all that is required to have Marfan syndrome, which is inherited as an autosomal dominant characteristic.

The remaining mutations in the FBN1 gene lead to an aberrant fibrillin-1 protein that is dysfunctional.

Therefore, the fibrillin-1 protein undergoes most of the mutations that result in Marfan syndrome by a single amino acid change.

Learn more about the FBN1 gene, here:


Help help help please help help me 50 points for right answer

Identify the components of protein synthesis in this image. (One of these will not be used .)


In protein synthesis, 1. Ribosomes, 2. tRNA, 3. Amino acids and 4. mRNA.

What do you mean by protein synthesis?

Protein synthesis is the creation of proteins by cells that uses DNA, RNA, and various enzymes. It generally includes transcription, translation, and post-translational events, such as protein folding, modifications, and proteolysis.

Moreover, protein synthesis represents the major route of disposal of amino acids. Amino acids are activated by binding to specific molecules of transfer RNA and assembled by ribosomes into a sequence.

Protein synthesis is a vital process because we need our bodies to be able to build the proteins that we need to perform important functions.

Learn more about protein synthesis:


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