the author’s word choice suggests a feeling of certainty. connectedness. inferiority. incompleteness.


Answer 1

When the author’s word choice suggests a feeling of certainty, connectedness, inferiority, and incompleteness in their works, it is known as the author’s tone.

Authors' tone is the attitude they have toward the subject or character. It's expressed by the words they choose, the atmosphere they create, or the general feeling conveyed in their work. For instance, if an author uses optimistic and positive language, their tone would be positive and hopeful. Let us look at each of the terms one by one:Certainty: In literature, the author may use words that indicate certainty to create a tone of certainty. If an author uses language that is certain or confident, such as "I know" or "I'm sure," it creates a tone of certainty. Connectedness: To create a tone of connectedness, the author's word choices should be ones that bring people together. Words like "community," "together," and "family" create this sense of connectedness.Inferiority: To create a tone of inferiority, the author's word choices should be ones that make people feel small and unimportant. Words like "weak," "unworthy," and "insignificant" create this sense of inferiority.Incompleteness: To create a tone of incompleteness, the author's word choices should be ones that make people feel like something is missing. Words like "lacking," "missing," and "absent" create this sense of incompleteness.

To know more about tone , visit ;


Related Questions

For each policy action, indicate how the following will be impacted. For the budget, identify if the action moves the budget towards surplus' or 'towards deficiť. Aggregate Real Price National Policy Budget Demand GDP Level Debt Automatic stabilizers in a 1. recessionary gap Automatic stabilizers in an 2. inflationary gap Tax cuts and government 3. spending increases Government spending cuts and 4. tax increases


Here are the impacts of various policy actions on the budget and other economic indicators: 1. Automatic stabilizers in a recessionary gap: Automatic stabilizers refer to government programs that automatically adjust to help stabilize the economy during a downturn.

Examples include unemployment benefits and progressive taxation. In a recessionary gap, these stabilizers help boost aggregate demand and prevent the budget from moving toward a surplus.

2. Automatic stabilizers in an inflationary gap: In an inflationary gap, automatic stabilizers help to reduce inflationary pressures by decreasing aggregate demand. This causes the budget to move towards a surplus.

3. Tax cuts and government spending increases: Tax cuts and government spending increases can both stimulate aggregate demand. Tax cuts put more money in consumers' pockets, while government spending creates jobs and invests in infrastructure. However, these policies can also increase the budget deficit, as government revenues decrease and spending increases.

4. Government spending cuts and tax increases: Government spending cuts and tax increases can both reduce aggregate demand. However, these policies can also help reduce the budget deficit. When the government cuts spending and raises taxes, it decreases its own demand for goods and services, which can cause a recession. However, this can be helpful in the long run because it reduces the government's debt level and increases investor confidence.

To know more about recessionary gap refer to:


Which of the following scenarios best depicts how power operates at the micro level? Group of answer choices Large organizations, such as Disney, have complex power hierarchies. Interest groups attempt to influence the political process in a variety of ways. Husbands and wives often argue about the division of labor within the household. Counties pass laws that regulate how long one’s grass can be before imposing a fine.


The correct answer is the following.

The scenario that best depicts how power operates at the micro-level is "Husbands and wives often argue about the division of labor within the household."

Power and control are concepts that are always applicable to the corporate world and politics. Or so they say.

However, these concepts can be applied on every level of society, including the micro-level.

That is the case of personal relationships, marriage, and the family environment.

So it is true that power and control operate in the family environment when husbands and wives often argue about the division of labor within the household. The wife or the husband -according to their personalities- want t to be the ones who have the final saying in the decisions at home. And as we can understand, there are serious arguing and discussions to solve many daily issues that exemplify the way they try to maintain control of any determined situation.

_____ is a country in which national culture permits the government to exert high levels of unchecked authority.


Authoritarian regime is a country in which national culture permits the government to exert high levels of unchecked authority.

In such a system, the government holds significant power and control over all aspects of society, including political, economic, and social domains.

The national culture may value obedience, hierarchy, and the concentration of power in the hands of a few, allowing the government to exercise authority without significant checks and balances.

Citizens' rights and freedoms may be limited, dissent may be suppressed, and the government may employ coercion or repression to maintain its control.

Authoritarian regimes often prioritize stability and control over individual liberties and democratic processes.

To learn more about Authoritarian regime :


What is apartheid and what are two examples of it in South Africa's history.

Plz help will give brainliest


It’s a system of segregation in Africa that separates the blacks from the white. It ended in a series of negotiations.

imagine you are a doctor and have just diagnosed one of your patients with a terminal illness. how would you present the news to a german american, a mexican immigrant, and someone for china?


As a doctor, presenting the news of a terminal illness to a patient can be a challenging task. The approach can vary depending on the patient's cultural background.

Here are some considerations for presenting the news to a German-American, a Mexican immigrant, and someone from China: For a German-American, it is crucial to provide them with detailed information about the disease and treatment options. They might prefer a straightforward approach, where you provide them with all the facts, including the chances of survival. This is because Germans value honesty and directness.For a Mexican immigrant, they might prefer that you address their family or loved ones first before telling them the news. It is customary for Mexicans to rely on their families during difficult times.

They might also want you to explain the illness in simpler terms because some might not be fluent in English. For someone from China, it is crucial to approach the subject with empathy and sensitivity. Chinese culture values preserving one's dignity, so you should avoid using the word "death." Instead, use phrases like "passing away." It is also important to address their family first and speak in a calm and composed manner

To know more about terminal illness refer to:


African Americans were part of the militia that joined together to fight against the British at Lexington true or false





why did vygotsky believe the ""zone of proximal development provides a better indication of students’ potential than conventional achievement tests


Vygotsky believed that the "zone of proximal development" provides a better indication of students' potential than conventional achievement tests because it considers the students' learning potential.

The zone of proximal development is a concept that describes the gap between what a learner can do independently and what they can achieve with guidance or support from an adult or more experienced peer. This means that it takes into account what the student is capable of achieving with the help of a teacher, rather than just assessing what they can do on their own. Conventional achievement tests, on the other hand, only measure what a student has already learned, which may not necessarily reflect their true potential. These tests are often standardized and based on a predetermined set of knowledge or skills that all students are expected to know. This does not account for individual differences in learning styles, backgrounds, and experiences.

Vygotsky's theory emphasized the importance of social interaction in the learning process. According to him, students can reach their full potential when they are supported by more knowledgeable others who can provide guidance, feedback, and opportunities for scaffolding. This means that the zone of proximal development is not fixed and can be expanded through social interaction and instruction. Overall, Vygotsky believed that the zone of proximal development provides a better indication of students' potential because it takes into account their learning potential, rather than just assessing what they have already learned.

To know more about zone of proximal development refer to:


Which of the following terms refers to the degree to which a person adopts the gender-specific behaviors ascribed by his or her culture?
a) Gender stratification
b) Gender role
c) Gender identity
d) Gender stereotype


b) Gender role. The term that refers to the degree to which a person adopts the gender-specific behaviors ascribed by his or her culture is "gender role."

Gender stratification refers to the unequal distribution of resources, opportunities, and privileges based on gender. Gender identity pertains to an individual's personal sense of their own gender, which may or may not align with societal expectations. Gender stereotypes are generalized beliefs and assumptions about the characteristics and behaviors of individuals based on their gender.

Gender role is the term that encompasses the societal expectations and norms regarding the behaviors, roles, and responsibilities assigned to individuals based on their gender. It reflects the degree to which an individual conforms to or adopts the culturally prescribed gender-specific behaviors and roles. Correct answer is b) Gender role

To learn more about Gender role:


Hey guys please stay inside on April 24th theres people saying its national rāpe day and im concerned people might go around hurting people then. Please dont go outside unless necessary and carry pepper spray when you leave the house. Although (hopefully) most people aren't serious some people are and I just want everyone to be safe​



Which of the following words could replace the italicized word in the sentence below, while preserving its meaning? “Round this pit the slanting gallery ran without any parapet or protection for a turn and a half, and then plunged high above into the rock again.” hazard fortification armament entrance





i just took the quiz, sorry that its late

describe the path a drop of rain takes as it travels to the ocean



Water evaporates from the ocean, it turns into a cloud, the cloud rains, and it starts over again.

Fill in the blanks with the correct indirect object pronouns to complete Monica's description of her family gift giving
1 Juan y yo damos una blusa a nuestra mamá.
2 MI tía da a nosotros una mesa para lacasa.
3 A mi abuela yo un par de guantes negros.
4 mis compañeros regalan unas gafas de sol.


According to the information, the sentences would be: le, nos, le, le.

What are the indirect object pronuouns for each sentence?

According to the information, we can infer that the correct indirect object pronouns for each sentence are:

The indirect object pronoun "le" is used to indicate "to our mom" in the sentence.The indirect object pronoun "nos" is used to indicate "to us" in the sentence.The indirect object pronoun "le" is used to indicate "to my grandmother" in the sentence.The indirect object pronoun "le" is used to indicate "to someone" that is not especified in the sentence.

Learn more about Spanish in:

discuss two ways in which some cultural views that exist perfect relationship negatively​



It could affect the way we face certain problems. It can also affect the way we perceive different problems.


The most relevant source for politicians debating whether to reduce the size of the military is a _________.

a. textbook detailing the history of military sizes.

b. newspaper using paid information about the proposal.

c. report on a government website analyzing the idea.

d. defense-contractor blog promoting the military.



The answer is c


I looked up your question




because if your going to be a politician and you want to know whats going on then of course you would go to the government website

détente was a term that the _________________________ administration used to describe its version of america’s ""containment policy.""


The Nixon administration used the term "détente" to describe its version of America's "containment policy."

The term "détente" originated during the presidency of Richard Nixon, and his administration used it to describe their approach to foreign policy, particularly regarding relations with the Soviet Union and China. Détente referred to a period of relaxation or easing of tensions between nations, emphasizing diplomacy, negotiation, and cooperation.

In the context of America's "containment policy," which aimed to prevent the spread of communism and limit the influence of the Soviet Union, the Nixon administration sought to pursue a more pragmatic and cooperative approach. They believed that through dialogue and negotiations, it would be possible to mitigate conflicts and reduce the risk of direct military confrontation.

Nixon's détente policy involved initiatives such as the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) with the Soviet Union, which aimed to control the arms race and reduce the number of nuclear weapons. Additionally, Nixon's administration made efforts to establish diplomatic relations with China, marking a significant shift in U.S. foreign policy.

Overall, the term "détente" was used by the Nixon administration to describe their version of America's "containment policy," reflecting a shift towards a more cooperative and diplomatic approach in managing international relations, particularly with the Soviet Union and China.

Learn more about containment policy:


Each branch of the government has checks and balances over each other.




You respond to a home where a 25-year-old woman is lying in bed. She is semiconscious but opens her eyes when you speak to her, and is lethargic. How do you rate her on the AVPU scale?
a. Awake and alert
b. Responsive to verbal stimuli
c. Responsive to pain
d. Unresponsive


To be considered verbally responsive, the patient must open his or her eyes when spoken to, even if they are not awake. The right answer is option B, "Responsive to verbal stimuli."

The patient may not be alert but will open her eyes when we speak to her since the AVPU scale is a tool for measuring the level of consciousness if the patient is awake and alert. Given that AVPU represents its states

V denotes that the patient responds to verbal cues, while A denotes that they are awake.

P = The patient reacts to a painful stimuli; U = The patient does not react to the stimulus. Despite her partial awareness, the woman in this circumstance is aware enough to notice that her eyes.

To know more about verbal stimuli:


A personal narrative is a true story that cannot include any imaginary or creative writing techniques

True or false?



false because a personal narrative could be fiction too

Many people settled in the American colonies to make a profit. How did most people in the colonies make money?


Answer: Through agriculture


Most colonies in the early age set out to make money in the areas of agriculture. They were recorded to have had plantations after several years of working as servants. They saved up from their settlement to get their own investment. Some others were recorded to have gone into trading of cash crops due to how it was highly consumed by natives there. Some of the cash crops they invested in we're rice and tobacco

...... is a network linking over 9,000 banks with the federal reserve that is used to transfer deposits and make loan payments between participants


Fedwire is a network linking over 9,000 banks with the federal reserve that is used to transfer deposits and make loan payments between participants.

Federal Reserve (Fed) banks use Fedwire, a real-time gross settlement system of central bank funds, to electronically resolve final U.S. dollar payments between member institutions. The system handles trillions of dollars every day and has an overdraft scheme that protects users with active, authorised accounts.

Banks, companies, and government organisations use the Fedwire system, an electronic payments transfer system, for significant same-day transactions. The Fed maintains accounts for recipients as well as senders and quickly settles each transaction. All transactions are irrevocable and final after they have been paid, and the recipient bank is informed of the credit.

Know more about federal reserve here


Gender schema is a mental framework that organizes and guides a child’s understanding of information relevant to gender.

a. True
b. False


Due to gender schema that is indeed a mental framework that organizes and guides a child's understanding of information relevant to gender, the statement is true.

Gender schema theory suggests that from an early age, children develop cognitive frameworks or schemas that help them make sense of gender-related information in their environment. These schemas influence how children perceive and interpret gender roles, behaviors, and expectations.

Gender schemas are formed through socialization and cultural influences, and they play a significant role in shaping children's understanding of gender and their subsequent behaviors and attitudes.

As children acquire more information and experiences related to gender, their gender schema becomes more complex and influences their perceptions and interactions in various social contexts.

Learn more about Gender schema


in the chapter, "negative global flows…", terrorism is becoming more global. group of answer choices true false


The given statement "terrorism is becoming more global" is true as over the next ten years, the threat posed by terrorism is expected to increase.

More extremists than ever before are active in more places and come from more countries. Terrorism will fuel international security interventions and increase instability on a global scale. Terrorists can now remotely plan or carry out attacks, frequently using encrypted methods, thanks to communications technology, underscoring the complexity and volatility of the hazards we confront.

Terrorists may find it simpler to create sophisticated biological or chemical warfare agents as a result of new technologies. The economy may suffer as a result of terrorist activities' knock-on effects. The direct economic loss of lives and property is the most obvious. By fostering xenophobia, decreasing tourism, and increasing insurance claims, terrorism has an indirect impact on the economy.

Know more about terrorism here


an advantage of the participative leadership styles is that they substantially reduce the amount of time spent in committee meetings. True or False


The given statement "an advantage of the participative leadership styles is that they substantially reduce the amount of time spent in committee meetings" is False because participative leadership involves encouraging input from team members and making decisions based on group consensus.

While this approach can lead to better decision making and increased employee satisfaction, it typically requires more time spent in committee meetings. This is because participative leadership encourages open discussion, feedback, and collaboration, which can be as time consuming as various perspectives and ideas are considered before reaching a consensus. Hence, the state-ment given in the quest-ion is false.

To know more about participative leadership click below:


name the house of the federal legislature of nepal​



The House of Representatives (Nepali: प्रतिनिधि सभा; Pratinidhi sabhā) is the lower house of the Federal Parliament of Nepal, with the upper house being the National Assembly. Members of the House of Representatives are elected through a parallel voting system.



According to Henri Tajfel, what are in-groups and out-groups?



Henri Tajfel's greatest contribution to psychology was social identity theory. ... The central hypothesis of social identity theory is that group members of an in-group will seek to find negative aspects of an out-group, thus enhancing their self-image.


The greatest contribution that was made in psychology was social identity theory. It also said that people belonged to were an important source of pride and self-esteem.

What do you mean by groups?

Several individuals assembled forming a complete unit in a composition.

The major hypothesis of social identity theory is that in-group members will seek to find negative aspects of an out-group thereby enhancing the self-image.

Learn more about groups here:


Primary language, nationality by birth of individual or parents, dietary practices, clothing, health practices, religious practices, birth, marriage, and death rituals are indicators commonly used to measure socioeconomic status.
True or False


The statement, "Primary language, nationality by the birth of individual or parents, dietary practices, clothing, health practices, religious practices, birth, marriage, and death rituals are indicators commonly used to measure socioeconomic status," is False.

Measuring socioeconomic status is an activity that involves the use of several indicators. Socioeconomic status (SES) is the term used to describe an individual's social or economic position in society. Educational attainment, income, occupation, wealth, and social class are commonly used to measure socioeconomic status.

These indicators are more accurate measures of SES than those listed in the statement, which are more appropriate for measuring an individual's culture or tradition. Therefore, the correct answer is False.

To know more about socioeconomic status refer to:


Compare between the three empires in Islamic world (Ottoman,
Safavid and Mughal) and which one of them has more negative or
positive effect on Islam?


The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires were significant Islamic empires that emerged in different regions of the Islamic world. While each empire had its distinct characteristics and impacts, it is important to note that evaluating the overall positive or negative effects on Islam is subjective and can vary depending on different perspectives. However, we can provide a brief comparison of these empires and discuss some general aspects of their influence on Islam.

1. Ottoman Empire:

The Ottoman Empire, spanning from the 14th to the early 20th century, had a profound impact on the Islamic world. Some notable aspects include:

Positive Effects:

a. Preserved and expanded the territorial reach of Islam, including the holy cities of Mecca and Medina.

b. Acted as a defender of Sunni Islam, protecting it from external threats.

c. Promoted Islamic scholarship, arts, and architecture, contributing to the cultural development of the Muslim world.

d. Developed a system of governance that combined Islamic law (Sharia) with administrative practices.

Negative Effects:

a. Internal conflicts and power struggles within the empire led to political instability and division.

b. The decline of the empire and Western influence resulted in challenges to Islamic governance and authority.

c. The empire's later policies and reforms led to tensions with conservative religious elements, such as the Young Turks' secularization efforts.

2. Safavid Empire:

The Safavid Empire, ruling from the 16th to the 18th century, was a predominantly Shia Muslim empire that had a significant impact on the Shia sect of Islam. Key aspects include:

Positive Effects:

a. Established Twelver Shia Islam as the official religion of the empire and promoted its influence.

b. Encouraged the growth of Shia scholarship, resulting in the development of religious institutions and theological works.

c. Encouraged the spread of Shia Islam beyond the empire's borders.

Negative Effects:

a. Encountered conflicts with the Sunni Ottoman Empire, leading to tensions and sectarian divisions within the Islamic world.

b. Policies enforcing Shia Islam faced resistance from some Sunni Muslim communities.

3. Mughal Empire:

The Mughal Empire, ruling from the 16th to the 19th century, had a significant impact on the Indian subcontinent. Some key aspects include:

Positive Effects:

a. Promoted religious tolerance and cultural synthesis, with notable examples of Hindu-Muslim architectural achievements.

b. Supported the growth of Persian and Urdu literature, art, and architecture, blending Islamic and indigenous traditions.

c. Contributed to the spread of Islam in the Indian subcontinent, albeit peacefully in many cases.

Negative Effects:

a. Encountered tensions with some Hindu communities, especially during the reign of Emperor Aurangzeb.

b. Political and social conflicts within the empire led to a decline in religious tolerance and harmony.

Overall, it is essential to recognize that the empires' impacts on Islam were multifaceted and cannot be easily categorized as solely positive or negative. The assessment may vary depending on one's perspective and the specific historical contexts. Additionally, it is crucial to consider that the experiences of Muslims within these empires varied, and different regions or communities may have experienced different effects.

To know more about Islamic empires click here:


define the term public participation in sports and expand your answer by giving TWO examples​


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

We can understand the term public participation in sports as the series of activities in which the public actively engaged in or participate in order to have a direct influence on the result.

Here are the two examples​.

1.- When fans raise their voices and participate in social media and other public outlets expressing their concerns about the coach of the team and the bad season of the team. Fans, the public, are demanding changes in the head coach position, and more and more fans comment and increase public opinion to the degree that the management of the team had to take actions and publicly address the situation.

2.- When the team's marketing department sends a survey to know the opinion of fans regarding a new series of ticketing packages for the next season. Public participation decides what are the best prices for the different packages, what represents more value for them, under certain characteristics, and options of payment.

An ethical behavior with respect to public representations is
direct solicitation of an individual client. Describing unique abilities and comparative desirability. Citing professional affiliations as endorsements. Listing one’s highest degree earned within a practice area.


An ethical behavior with respect to public representations is described as Describing unique abilities and comparative desirability. Option B

An ethical behavior with respect to public representations includes ensuring that the information provided is accurate and truthful. It also entails respecting the legal and ethical norms that govern the advertising of professional services. While the American Bar Association offers guidelines on lawyer advertising, individual states have established regulations governing the practice.

Lawyers must ensure that any public statement made about their professional abilities and accomplishments is truthful and verifiable. Additionally, any representations made about the services they provide must be consistent with their abilities.

In this regard, describing unique abilities and comparative desirability would be an ethical behavior with respect to public representations. Answer: B) Describing unique abilities and comparative desirability.

For more such question on ethical behavior visit:


what is an innate behavior? explain why it is important for the suckling reflex of newborn mammals to be an innate behavior?


Innate behavior, often referred to as instinctive behavior, is the behaviour that occurs naturally in all animals, including humans, without being learned or acquired through the influence of experience. An example of innate behaviour is the suckling reflex of newborn mammals

.What is the importance of innate behavior for the suckling reflex of newborn mammals?

The innate suckling reflex of newborn mammals is important because it enables them to find and attach to their mother's nipple to obtain the milk that they need for growth and development

In addition, the suckling reflex of newborn mammals is an essential survival mechanism, allowing them to obtain the nutrition they require to grow and develop

Learn more about innate behavior at:


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