provided for schools on the frontier.


Answer 1


what exactly do you mean??

Related Questions

Who kills piggy in the book?


Roger, the character least able to grasp the civilizing urge, kills Piggy when he releases the boulder and crushes the conch shell. Piggy was the character least able to understand the savage impulse.

Who is piggy in the files?

Jack and his hunters decide to sacrifice the sow after slaughtering it. Jack tells Roger to "sharpen a stick at both ends" once the pig's head has been removed. As he places the head on a pole, Jack exclaims, "This head is for the beast." It's a gift. Simon has dubbed the pig's head the "Lord of the Flies," and it's still perched atop the mountain. Simon is certain that the pig's head is addressing him as a simpleton and calling him such. The Lord of the Flies advises Simon to escape and play with the other kids because they believe he is crazy.

To know more about piggy, visit:


Why did many americans lose faith in president ford's leadership during his first months in office?



he pardoned Nixon for the crimes he might have committed


issues with segregation in restaurants, hotels and gas stations led a group of students in which southern town to stage a sit-in at the woolworth department store lunch counter?


At a "whites only" Woolworth's food court in Greensboro, North Carolina, on Feb. 1, 1960, four Black university freshmen—Joseph McNeil, Frank McCain, Ezell Blair Jr., and David Richmond—sat down and respectfully requested service.

How does gas matter work?

A condition of substance known as gas lacks both a set shape and a fixed volume. Compared to other states of material, such as liquids and solids gasses have a lower density. Particles have such a large amount of kinetic energy but aren't very attracted to one another, thus there is a lot of unoccupied space between them.

Is gas air or a liquid?

Normal circumstances result in matter existing as a solid, a fluid, or a gas. A gas is air. We have a huge number of them in any gas.

To know more about gas visit:


What is one role of Congress in determining the federal budget evaluating?


When Congress passes appropriations laws, tax laws, and authorizations, it does so after reviewing the President's proposal and adopting a budget resolution that outlines its own spending and revenue priorities.

The statutes establishing entitlement programs and the appropriations laws provide the federal government and its agencies the legal right to commit and spend money.

Every appropriations bill imposes legally obligatory spending caps for the Federal programs it funds, and every law establishing an entitlement program, like Medicare, lays out and requires the justifications for and scope of governmental expenditure.

The four stages of the federal budgeting process include budget development, legislative budgeting, budget implementation and control, and audit and assessment.

Learn more about the federal budget here:


To what extent were the religious causes significant in the outbreak of the Iraq-Iran War?
Please don't write vague answers, it should be a 200-300 word evaluative essay style answer.




Religion was a significant factor in the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War, but it was not the only cause of the conflict. The war, which lasted from 1980 to 1988, was primarily a territorial and ideological dispute between the two countries, fueled by a long history of tensions and rivalries.

One of the main religious causes of the war was the difference in the interpretation and practice of Islam between the two countries. Iran is predominantly Shia Muslim, while Iraq is predominantly Sunni Muslim. These two branches of Islam have a long history of sectarian conflict, and the leaders of both countries used this religious divide to mobilize support for their respective causes.

In addition to religious differences, the war was also driven by a number of other factors, including territorial disputes, economic competition, and the desire for regional dominance. Iraq's Saddam Hussein saw Iran as a threat to his own power, and sought to annex Iranian territory along the Shatt al-Arab waterway. Iran, under the leadership of Ayatollah Khomeini, saw Iraq's aggressive actions as a threat to its own security and national interests, and sought to defend its territory and ideology.

Overall, while religion played a significant role in the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War, it was not the only cause of the conflict. A complex mix of political, economic, and ideological factors contributed to the tensions between the two countries, and ultimately led to the outbreak of war.

How does joe Biden influence our community?


Joe Biden has demonstrated leadership throughout his political career since he had to guide a number of individuals toward achieving American political goals.

Give a brief account on influence of Joe Biden on community.

As president, Joe Biden had a direct impact on our community because he dealt with a variety of problems that affected people in the United States. Due to the aforementioned, he needs to have a leadership personality trait so that those in charge of him will cooperate with him to accomplish the suggested goals.

In his role as president of the United States, he must demonstrate even greater leadership because he is in charge of one of the most powerful countries in the world, and millions of people depend on his administration for their well-being. Due to the aforementioned, in order to have a united country, his attitude must be one of leadership and inspire confidence in both the voters who supported him and those who did not.

To know more about, Presidents, visit :


What is the 8 fold path known as?


The 8 fold path is the summary of all practices of the Buddhists in order to achieve salvation or Nirvana.

The eight practices of the 8 fold path are: right view, right resolve, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right samadhi.

Buddhist values revolve around the need to maintain body-mind balance where the bodily desires are kept in control. These early practices also include the

An Indologist named Tilmann Vetter says that this type of the Buddhist path can be used to draw an analogy with the Christian Middle way.

However, the absence of complete submission to some external deity makes Buddhism more about oneself..

The object of "right view" or "right understanding" is to remove any confusion, misunderstanding, and deluded thinking from one's path. This results in an accurate understanding of reality.

To know more about the 8 fold path, click here:


Who described the flow of blood through the heart?


William Harvey was the one that described the flow of blood through the heart

What was William Harvey's description?

Harvey asserted that thinking about the venous valves helped him arrive at his understanding of the circulation. It was known that there were tiny flaps inside the veins that allowed blood to flow freely in one direction but severely restricted the opposite.

The body's blood circulation was first accurately described by William Harvey. He demonstrated how the heart's arteries and veins connect in a seamless circuit that returns to the heart.

Read more on the heart here:


What was the religion before Christianity?



Zoroastrianism this should be the answer

What beliefs did the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans have in common?


Even though these 2 parties had major variations, they each favored yankee freedom and independence and contributed to the formation of the new nation.

In conclusion, the fashionable political party and therefore the Federalists bear alikeness in this they each believe a powerful central government, while the fashionable GOP and therefore the Anti-Federalists share their article of faith as advocates for the rights of individual states.

When it came to national politics, they favored sturdy state governments, a weak central government, the direct election of presidency officers, short term limits for officeholders, responsibleness by officeholders to well-liked majorities, and therefore the strengthening of individual liberties for independence.

To learn more about independence, visit here


What i one common outcome of the indutrrial revolution and the commerccial revolution


The outcome of the industrial revolution and the commercial revolution Consumer goods became more important to European economies than agricultural products.

Explain Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution was the shift to new industrial techniques that took place in Great Britain, continental Europe, and the United States between roughly 1760 and 1820–1840. This transition encompassed the switch from manual to mechanical production methods, the invention of new ways of producing chemicals and iron, the expansion of steam and water power, the creation of machine tools, and the growth of the mechanised factory system. Production significantly rose, which led to an exceptional rise in population and population growth rate.

Many of the technological and architectural improvements that characterised the Industrial Revolution were developed in Britain, where the movement got its start. By the middle of the 18th century, Britain was the most prosperous country in the world, in charge of a vast trading empire that included colonies in the Americas and the Caribbean.

To learn more about  the Industrial Revolution here:


Complete Question

What is one common outcome of the Industrial Revolution and the Commercial Revolution?

A. The system of joint stock companies was weakened by the European middle class.

B. The free enterprise system became the most important economic philosophy in Europe.

C. Consumer goods became more important to European economies than agricultural products.

D. Job opportunities decreased as more people moved to large European urban centres.

Which of the following late-nineteenth-century federal actions most directly supported the ideas expressed in the excerpt?


Given the excerpt "So many people ask me what they shall do; so few tell me what they can do. Yet this is the pivot wherein all must turn...." "The sale of land to settlers at low cost"  most directly supported the ideas expressed in the excerpt Option B

What are late-nineteenth-century federal actions?

Generally, An act that put a stop to the "free-silver" movement, which was already on its way out of relevance, by guaranteeing that paper money would be freely redeemable in gold.

Events taking place on a global scale, such as the Irish Potato Famine, which began in 1845, and the political upheavals that took place in Europe in 1848, had a role in driving immigration to the United States. In all, the number of immigrants rose from 599,125 during the decade of 1830s to 1,713,251 during the decade of the 1840s as a result of both local and international situations.

The Populist Party emerged in the latter half of the 19th century out of agricultural economic and political protest; nevertheless, the party did not last long and is now part of history.

However, over time, it was able to accomplish most of its goals. At the national level, the presidency of Woodrow Wilson (1913–1921) and the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933–1945) were two of the most influential periods in American history.

Read more about late-nineteenth-century federal actions



"So many people ask me what they shall do; so few tell me what they can do.Yet this is the pivot wherein all must turn.

"I believe that each of us who has his place to make should go where men are wanted, and where employment is not bestowed as alms. Of course, I say to all who are in want of work, GoWest! . . .

"On the whole I say, stay where you are; do as well as you can; and devote every spare hour to making yourself familiar with the conditions and dexterity required for the efficient conservation of out-door industry in a new country. Having mastered these, gather up your family and GoWest!"

Horace Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune, letter to R. L. Sanderson, 1871

Which of the following late-nineteenth-century federal actions most directly supported the ideas expressed in the excerpt?


The passage of antitrust legislation


The sale of land to settlers at low cost


The exclusion of immigrants from Asia


The purchase of silver by the United States Treasury

What is the tone of this excerpt from Truth's Ain't IA woman?


Accusatory is the tone of this excerpt from truth's "ain't I a woman".

Why did Sojourner Truth write Ain’t I a woman?

Sojourner Truth delivered her most well-known address at the Women's Convention in Akron, Ohio, on May 29, 1851. Truth was an abolitionist and an advocate for women's rights since she was born a slave and managed to escape to freedom.

Truth aimed to raise consciousness of the discrimination faced by African Americans and women at the time in a mostly male-dominated culture. She asserts a number of times that women and people of color are not less than those of European descent. By focusing on those men, Truth makes them out to be the bad guys, giving African Americans and women something to fight for. Sojourner Truth makes an effort to encourage her audience to back the campaign for women's rights and, in more subdued tones, to back the demand for African.

to learn more about Sojourner click:


What are 3 interesting facts about the Taj Mahal?


The Taj Mahal was constructed to honor Shah Jahan's favorite bride, it is one of the new 7 wonders of the ancient, and it has calligraphy inscriptions all around.

Describe Shah Jahan briefly.

The Mughal emperor Shah Jahan is best known for the magnificent structures erected during his rule, particularly the Taj Mahal, the Mot Masjid, the Jami Masjid, and the Red Fort at Delhi.

What was Shah Jahan known for most?

The Taj Mahal in Agra is the most well-known of the magnificent structures that Shah Jahan built. The Great Mosque and Palace in Delhi, as well as the Pearl Mosque in Agra. The renowned Peacock Throne, whose estimated value is in the millions of dollars.

To know more about Shah Jahan visit:


Who attacked Animal Farm in Chapter 8?


The Windmill, Napoleon subsequently discovers that the money being used to purchase the lumber is fake, and everyone on Animal Farm once more despises Frederick. Even worse, when Frederick and twenty of his men attack Animal Farm, they are repelled by the windmill's use of dynamite.

Who was Mr. Jones' attacker in Animal Farm?

When Mr. Jones finally wakes up and realizes what has been done, he and four of his men whip the animals. The animals then assault Mr. Jones and his men, driving them from the land.

Assaulting Animal Farm for what reason?

Additionally, he represents Hitler. Frederick starts off by circulating tales that the animals there "practiced cannibalism, tortured each other with red-hot horseshoes, and had their females in public" because he is first concerned that the Rebellion may spread to neighboring farms (4.3).

To know more about Animal Farm visit:


1. How did Ghana develop and decline?

2. How did Mali develop and decline?



the Ghana empire crumbled for the 12th century following drought, civil war and the opening up of trade routes the Mali empire collapsed in the 1460s following civil wars

Which words from the excerpt most convey the mood in The Masque of the Red Death?


Blood-tinted wording has been employed in the paragraph above to convey the mood in  The Masque of the Red Death.

With the use of mood and word choice, the author establishes the story's overall tone. To establish the atmosphere and storyline, the circumstance and environment are developed. Poe accelerated the story's grim theme in the extract provided through his word choice. It establishes the story's gloomy tone. Poe uses a dark, ominous tone throughout this story to create an atmosphere of unease and dread.

Complete question-

Read the excerpt from Poe’s "The Masque of the Red Death." But in the western or black chamber the effect of the fire-light that streamed upon the dark hangings through the blood-tinted panes, was ghastly in the extreme, and produced so wild a look upon the countenances of those who entered, that there were few of the company bold enough to set foot within its precincts at all. Which words from the excerpt most convey the mood?

A. black chamber

B. fire-light

C. blood-tinted

D. bold enough

Learn more on The Masque of the Red Death


What are the 4 main points of the Declaration of Independence?


The  4 main points of the Declaration of Independence are:

a preamble,

a list of grievances,

a formal declaration of independence,


What was Declaration of Independence?

The Second Continental Congress, which met in Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on July 4, 1776, adopted a proclamation and foundational text known as The United States Declaration of Independence, officially The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America.

There are three main concepts in the Declaration of Independence: God created all people equal and granted them the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Government's primary responsibility is to uphold these rights. If a government attempts to restrict these rights, the populace is free to rebel and establish a new government.

Learn more about Declaration of Independence at:


What is the meaning of fever in the poem Sea Fever?


Through the poem, the author hopes to express the idea that the water might provide him with some solace and a place to unwind from his hectic schedule. Additionally, he has a number of comforts that he can use while sailing.

The poem Sea Fever has what kind of a tone?

The poem's tone appears to be both frantic and tender. The speaker is reflecting on their former experiences while thinking back on all their adventures at sea. It emphasizes how desperate the narrator sounds by saying "I must go down to the waves again."

Poets are inspired to write poetry by a particular message. Knowing the meaning of poetry will help you find the message.

To know more about author hopes visit:


What happens after Laertes dies?


Before he dies, Laertes begs Hamlet's forgiveness, to which he grants it. Hamlet, who is also dying, instructs Horatio to tell this story so that everyone is aware of what happened.

Hamlet would have made a good king, so Fortinbras, who is about to take the throne, arrives just in time and instructs the court to give him a proper funeral.

Laertes is not just Ophelia's sibling, but also Polonius' child. In the last scene, he fatally stabs Hamlet with a sword that has a poison tip to seek revenge for the deaths of his father and sister, which he believed Hamlet was responsible for. He attacks King Claudius before passing out from the poison.

Learn more about Laertes visit:


Someone living in which region would likely use more resources in order to heat their


Alaska, as it is covered with snow as compared to other options where sun and heat is always present.
Alaska is covered by snow so it is more likely that they would need to warm their home

How did the distribution of wealth in the united states change due to industrialization in the late 19th century?



Industrialization at the end of the 19th century led to an increase in the standard of living for some people, but it also led to an increase in economic inequality and a greater concentration of wealth in the hands of a small group of people.

What was the main conflict between the two groups of the provisional government of Texas?


Answer:  The answer is that The Peace Party,represented by the general counsel,wanted to build strength within Texas before fighting Mexico for independence.The Independence Party,represented by Smith and Robinson,wanted to continue and fight for independence from Mexico. The two groups could not reach a compromise and their quarreling resulted in the collapse of The Provisional Government.


What is the most direct method of
political participation?



What was the most important cause of ww1 essay?


The assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand (June 28, 1914) was the main catalyst for the start of the Great War (World War I). After the assassination, the following series of events took place: July 28 - Austria declared war on Serbia.

what is assassination?

An assassination may be ordered by a military, security, insurgent, or secret police group to be carried out, or it may be motivated by political or military goals, or it may be carried out for financial gain, to exact revenge for a wrong, in order to gain fame or notoriety, or it may be motivated by one of the aforementioned reasons.Since ancient times, murderous acts have been committed.Assassins or hitmen are individuals who commit assassinations.Although it is widely accepted that hashish use occurred during assassinations and brainwashing, many Eastern writers and an increasing number of Western academics now disagree, arguing that drug use was not the primary characteristic of the group that went by the name.

To learn more about assassination refer to


What was a vindication of the rights of woman a response to?



Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman was a ground-breaking work of literature which still resonates in feminism and human rights movements of today. Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) wrote the book in part as a reaction to Edmund Burke's Reflections on the French Revolution, published in late 1790


What part of the plot does this excerpt reveal the scarlet letter chapter 1?


Part of the rising action of the plot does this excerpt reveal the scarlet letter in chapter 1. It is a component of the rising action that reveals how the general public feels about Hester.

What is the mood of The Scarlet Letter in chapter 1?

The first chapter of The Scarlet Letter has a depressing, gloomy tone. The Puritans' "sad-colored" clothing and the prison's hefty, spiked door are specifically mentioned by Hawthorne.

The audience looks on, A young woman carrying a child named Hester Prynne leaves the prison and walks to a scaffold (a raised platform) where she will be condemned in front of the public.

Learn more about The Scarlet Letter here:


What is Congress role in the federal budget?


After reviewing the President's proposal, Congress passes a budget resolution that lays out its own rules for spending and income that it intends to abide by when adopting appropriations laws, tax laws, and authorizations.

The appropriations laws and the statutes creating entitlement programs provide the federal government and its agencies the legal right to commit and spend money. Each legislation establishing an entitlement program, such as Medicare, specifies and imposes the justifications for and scope of government spending.

Additionally, each appropriations bill establishes legally enforceable spending caps for the Federal programs it covers. Budget planning, the congressional budget process, budget implementation and control, and audit and assessment are the four stages that make up the federal budget process.

Learn more about the federal budget here:


What did attorneys for the state of TN argue in Baker v Carr?


As the U.S. Supreme Court had ruled in Colegrove v. Green, the state of Tennessee maintained that the makeup of legislative districts was a nonjusticiable political subject (1946). Associate Justice William J. Brennan Jr., who was joined in the majority decision by five other justices.

What was the constitutional issue being addressed in the case of Baker Vs Carr?

In the landmark 1962 decision Baker v. Carr, the U.S. Supreme Court established that federal courts could review claims that redistricting, or the drafting of electoral boundaries by a state, violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Several urban voters, including Charles Baker of Memphis, sued Tennessee Secretary of State Joseph Carr to demand more equitable representation.

A reapportionment case might be filed under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, according to Justice William Brennan's majority opinion in the 6-2 decision. However, the court determined in the Baker case that every vote should be considered equally, regardless of the voter's residence. Therefore, Tennessee's legislature has disregarded the right to equal protection that is granted by the constitution (q.v.).

To learn more about Baker v Carr refer to :


Can someone PLEASE help me?
I would really appreciate it
World History A
Will mark brainliest + 50 points
Please only answer if you know the answers



Neolithic revolution        --------------->             Mesopotamia

Bubonic plague              --------------->              Late middle ages

Dowry                              --------------->              Ancient India

Census                            --------------->              Rome

Tribute                             --------------->             Mongol empire?*

Bushido                           --------------->             Japan

Feudalism                       --------------->             Early medieval Europe

Calligraphy                     --------------->             Han dynasty

Hieroglyphics                 --------------->             Egypt

Democracy                     --------------->            Greece

*not sure about this one, did tons of research but nothing.

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