the cytoplasmic extensions that, together with the cell body, provide the main receptive surfaces for neurons are the:

a: axons
b: soma
c: dendrites
d: synapses


Answer 1
I’m pretty sure it’s dendrites

Related Questions

You are tasked with characterizing responses to Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) treatment of HeLa Cells. You grow HeLa cells then replace the culture media with media containing EGF at various concentrations, then harvest samples for Western blot analysis using an anti-phospho-MAPK antibody as a readout of receptor tyrosine kinase activity. As expected, your control (EGF treated cells) show a strong phopho-MAPK signal on your Western blot. What do you hypothesize will happen if you pre-treat HeLa cells with siRNAs (RNAi) against Ras prior to adding EGF and performing Western blot analysis with anti-phospho-MAPK



The answer is "The EGF receptor will be activated but the signal will not be appropriate transduced"


It induces the replication of cell types, especially fibroblasts or epithelial cells. It enhances neuron variety's telling the difference, ripening, and survival. The proinflammatory cytokines of the EGF family are described by four disulfide bonds that confer adhesive properties. The EGF sensor is switched on and the signal is not transmitted correctly.

The amount of air pressure on your body is equivalent to the weight of:
Your body
4 loaves of bread
Two elephants
17 cats

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




Two elephants Is the correct answer!

Hope it helps

List the types of vascular tissue you see in this stem cross-section and describe what they do:

Please dont give me a link, they don't work for me​


Hii this isn’t about answering your question, don’t press the links ppl give you in the comments they’re old men selling people into sex traffic by you pressing their link and them getting access to your IP address, anyways have a good day!!!:)

what is urbanization​



the process of expanding residential areas or establishing cities or towns by constructing large buildings in search of modern facilities is called urbanization.

hope it helps

explain in detail how do carnivores get their food?



a carnivore gets their food by killing other animals, they eat meat. a carnivore can eat an animal who is a herbivore and sometimes a omnivore.

Choose one of the following scenarios and answer the questions provided. Support your answers using scientific reasoning and discussing possible impacts to individuals, society, and the environment. Be sure to also discuss any medical or ethical issues that may apply. (10 points)
Scenario 1:

Genetic engineering can be used to create more productive strains of farm animals. By adding genes to an animal's DNA, the animal can be made to produce milk or meat containing vital nutrients that would not be found naturally in those products. This provides a greater amount of nutrients per serving of milk or meat.

Do you think that this type of genetic engineering should be pursued? Explain your answer. (5 points)

What are some possible impacts (positive and negative) of this type of genetic engineering on individuals, society, and the environment? (5 points)

Scenario 2:

In the future, doctors may be able to evaluate your DNA to check for genetic markers related to specific medical conditions or harmful reactions to medications. Your personalized genetic profile could be kept on record and referred to in order to develop personal medical treatment based on your unique DNA sequencing. Scientists have found that just small variations in a specific section of your DNA can help determine how well some medications can work for you or if they would be beneficial at all.

Would you want to have your DNA profile kept in your medical record as a reference for your doctors? Explain your answer. (2 points)

What are potential pros and cons of having such tests done and referring to DNA sequences when determining a patient's medical treatment? (5 points)

Describe how the availability of this technology might affect the frequency of genetic diseases in individuals and populations. (3 points)


This kind of genetic engineering can be pursued, but with caution. Making an animal more resistant to common infections can reduce the need to administer antibiotics, which often ends up in the milk and meat, and can also save money for the farmer. It can result in healthier farm animals that produce more milk and meat. However, in some cases genetic engineering can produce sicklier and weaker offspring than wild type, sometimes as an unforeseen effect of the phenotype, but sometimes as an effect of a weaker DNA molecule that breaks easier. Some consequences of this include reduced fertility and offspring viability. For society, it could be seen as a benefit if it ups the production of milk and meat because it could drive down the cost, since more goods are being produced per farm animal than before. In terms of the environment, it might be beneficial because the antibiotics that would have otherwise been passed through the animal and ended up in animal waste, where it could effect the local ecosystem in a negative way, do not end up doing that since the animal itself is no longer in need of large doses of antibiotics.



Answer: The genes that can give you red-green color blindness are passed down on the X chromosome. Since it's passed down on the X chromosome, red-green color blindness is more common in men. This is because: Males have only 1 X chromosome, from their mother.


The moon's relative motion causes
ocean tides.
wind currents.
the phases of the Moon.
the rotation of the Moon.


Answer: the phases of the moon

Explanation: i did it




The answer should be can leak or spill during transport.


All other answers would be considered good reasons to use petroleum.

All organisms must regulate by turning genes on and off in different cells at different times.

a. True
b. False



a. True


The genome can be defined as the complete set of genetic information of an organism which is responsible to produce all the biological components required to carry out its metabolic functions (i.e., development, growth, reproduction, etc). These genes are transcriptionally expressed to produce mRNAs which are subsequently used to synthesize specific proteins (i.e., enzymes and structural proteins) by the process of translation. All organisms (i.e., either unicellular or multicellular organisms) exhibit specific gene expression programs by which such genes are regulated over time. Within the cell, gene regulation is essential to carry out biological processes ranging from development and differentiation to cell cycle arrest. These gene expression programs are acutely regulated via genetic (e.g., transcription factor binding) and epigenetic (e.g., DNA methylation) mechanisms, which work together in order to turn on/off genes during development.

help I will mark as brainliest ​



z and y only

hope it helps ☺ ☺

How does the Coriolis effect make ocean currents appear to move?
a. back and forth
b. in a curved path
c. clockwise
d. against the Earth’s rotation


How does the Coriolis effect make ocean currents appear to move? ... The Gulf Stream Current is deflected by North America, causing the current to change direction.

How does the Coriolis effect affect ocean currents?

The Coriolis effect bends the direction of surface currents to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and left in the Southern Hemisphere. The Coriolis effect causes winds and currents to form circular patterns. The direction that they spin depends on the hemisphere that they are in.

How does the Coriolis effect change the motion of wind and ocean currents?

As wind or an ocean current moves, the Earth spins underneath it. ... The Coriolis effect bends the direction of surface currents to the right in the Northern Hemisphere. The currents curve left in the Southern Hemisphere (Figure below). The Coriolis effect causes winds and currents to form circular patterns.

Where is the Coriolis effect the strongest?


11. Earth's rotational effects on horizontally and freely moving objects are greatest at the poles; therefore, the Coriolis effect is greatest at the poles.



i think either a or c


What might happen to the Earth if human increase the amount of greenhouse gasses?

Explain your answer.''



Greenhouse gas refers to any gaseous compound in the atmosphere that can absorb infrared radiation, thereby trapping heat and keeping it in the atmosphere. By increasing the heat in the atmosphere, greenhouse gases are responsible for the greenhouse effect, which ultimately leads to global warming.

Examples why greenhouse gases in the atmosphere:

farming cattle releases methane farming rice in paddy fields releases methane burning fossil fuels in vehicles and power stations releases carbon dioxide deforestation releases carbon dioxide and reduces the absorption of carbon dioxide through photosynthesis


the ozone layer will be destroyed and the dangerous sun ray will cause alot of disaster

A 66-year-old man has difficulty controlling voluntary movements. He can clearly state what he intends to do, describe how he would do it, and initiate or stop the movement. However, he has poor coordination and often misses his target. If his difficulty arises from a defect in one particular area of the central nervous system, which area is most likely to be involved





Cerebrum is the part of central nervous system that is responsible for the voluntary movement. If there is poor coordination between cerebrum and the muscles so the person has difficulty in controlling his voluntary actions or movement. Somatic nervous system is a part of the peripheral nervous system responsible for the voluntary movements of body parts through the use of skeletal muscles so we can say that both cerebrum and somatic nervous system is responsible for voluntary actions.

Please match each description to the correct group of microorganisms.
1. Single-celled prokaryotes (Click to select)
2. Single or multi-cellular eukaryotes that photosynthesize to obtain energy (Click to select)
3. Multicellular eukaryotic organisms like parasitic worms (Click to select)
4. Minute acellular particles that parasitize cells (Click to select)
5. Molds and yeasts (Click to select)
6. Unicellular eukaryotes often described as animal-like





1) Single-celled prokaryotes are grouped as Bacteria because they do not have the neck ear envelope

2) Single or multi-cellular eukaryotes that photosynthesize to obtain energy are grouped as Algae example : Diatoms and kelps

3) multicellular eukaryotic organisms like parasitic worms are grouped as Helminths because they both infect and depend on their host for food

4) Minute acellular particles that parasitize cells are grouped as Virus and they depend on their host for reproduction

5) Molds and yeasts can be referred to as  Fungi . they breakdown organic matters found in dead particles

6) Unicellular eukaryotes often described as animal like  are grouped as Protozoa and they connect animals and protists

What belongs there in the box





believe me my friend

How many objects must be present in a system to demonstrate gravity as a force of attraction?




Knowing the value of G allows us to calculate the force of gravitational attraction between any two objects of known mass and known separation distance. As a first example, consider the following problem.

What are some functions of the Thalamus.​


Answer:The thalamus is a small structure within the brain located just above the brain stem between the cerebral cortex and the midbrain and has extensive nerve connections to both. The primary function of the thalamus is to relay motor and sensory signals to the cerebral cortex


Geologists believe that the Earth's layers vary in depth, pressure and temperature. Since pressure and
temperature affect density , each layer has a different density as well. The density of Each layer determines its
position inside Earth.
From the table which layer is the least dense? What is the density of this layer?



The least dense layer of the Earth is the crust. The crust density is 2.5 g/cm3

How does a visking tubing differ from a cell membrane?​



Visking tubing is very similar to the cell membrane. It is also a selectively permeable membrane. It has tiny holes (pores), which allow small molecules through, but stop molecules that are too large to fit through them.


(hope this helps)

The reactions of glycolysis that are shared with those in gluconeogenesis (ie use the same enzymes) are those that: Are substrate level phosphorylations Are irreversible. Are regulated steps. Operate close to equilibrium. g



The reactions of glycolysis that are shared with those in gluconeogenesis (ie use the same enzymes) are those that Are regulated steps.


Glycolisis and gluconeogenesis are two mechanisms related to the carbohydrates metabolism.  Sometimes they are considered reverse processes. However, they are different because of the control points they have where reactions are irreversible.

Glycolisis and gluconeogenesis share 7 common reactions, that are reversible. Thses reactions are coordinated and regulated by F-2 and 6-BP as the answer to the hormonal action.

Glycolisis happens in the muscle, while Gluconeogenesis happens in the liver. Together they form the "Cori Cycle".

PSYCH Having a family history involving anxiety disorder, experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event, or having a history of abuse are all __________ of anxiety disorders.
A. common symptoms
B. risk factors
C. causes
D. thinking styles


The answer is B. RISK FACTORS

Having a family history involving anxiety disorder, experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event, or having a record of abuse are all risk factors of anxiety disorders.

Which type of anxiety disorder could be connected to traumatic past events?

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a cognitive health disorder that's begun by a scary event either sharing it or witnessing it.

Signs may include flashbacks, demons and severe anxiety, as well as unruly thoughts about the affair.

Thus, option "B"  risk factors is correct.

To learn more about anxiety disorder click here:


Farmers need to make many decisions about how they grow their crops. One of these decisions is whether to use synthetic fertilizer or organic fertilizer, such as manure.
An advantage of using synthetic fertilizer instead of organic fertilizer is that
A synthetic fertilizer can provide more targeted macronutrients to the crops
B) synthetic fertilizer remains in the soil longer than organic fertilizer does, reducing the volume needed and, therefore, the cost to the farmer
c) synthetic fertilizer adds to soil texture and increases the soil's water-holding capacity
organic fertilizer runs off more readily into waterways, leading to nutrient overload


C that is what I put and I got it right

An advantage of using synthetic fertilizer instead of organic fertilizer is that

synthetic fertilizer can provide more targeted macro nutrients to the crops.

Synthetic fertilizers are used by farmers to increase crop yield. The fertilizer

are specially formulated to ensure all the macro-nutrients are present in the

right proportions for optimal yield of the crops.

This is the advantage synthetic fertilizers have as organic fertilizer don't

contain all the targeted macro nutrients in the right amounts.


Which of the following metabolic pathways does NOT directly produce lots of ATP (also called anaerobic cycle)?

A. Glycolysis
B. Krebs cycle
C. Citric acid cycle
D. Electron transport chain



A. Glycolysis


Glycolysis is the first stage of cellular respiration, which occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell. Glycolysis does not require oxygen to occur, hence, it is carried out by both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organism.

Glycolysis, among the other stages of cellular respiration, produces the least ATP (2). Hence, Glycolysis is the metabolic pathway that does NOT directly produce lots of ATP.

A random mutation occurs and the GGA codon is changed to CGA, what effect does the substation have on amino acid



The replacement of a base at a codon, as occurs when the GGA codon is changed to CGA, causes a change in the amino acid glycine to arginine.


Nitrogen base changes in a codon usually result from base changes in the DNA before transcription into mRNA,called point gene mutations.

In the case presented, the substitution of the guanine base by cytosine in the GGA codon--resulting in a CGA codon--generates a change in the coding amino acid resulting in arginine instead of glycine.

The change of an amino acid in a peptide or protein can mean an alteration in the structure or function of these molecules.

Because an amino acid can be encoded by several codons, changes of a nitrogen base at a codon sometimes do not involve changes in the amino acid sequence of a protein.

What are some causes of CO2 levels being higher in some areas than others?



human activities for example the burning of fossil fuels in cars or the clearing of forests for agriculture or development

In some areas, human activity is high for burning fossil fuels so these areas create more carbon dioxide.

What are the causes of CO₂ levels?

Growing concentrations as a result of human activities including burning fossil fuels in vehicles and power plants, and industrial operations.

Destroying forests for development or cultivation may increase carbon dioxide levels because plants consume CO₂ in photosynthesis and during respiration CO₂ released into the atmosphere.

Plants absorb more carbon dioxide via photosynthesis than they emit through respiration throughout the day or in the spring and summer, the amount of carbon dioxide in the air decreases.

Therefore human activities produce more CO₂  by burning fossil fuels some area level is high than others.

Learn more about CO₂,here:


Can you answer what’s on this worksheet?


What question do you want answered.

Which of the following is the reason in how the anterior pituitary differs from the
posterior pituitary?
O A) the hypothalamus controls the release of posterior pituitary hormones but not the anterior
B) the anterior pituitary makes its own hormones; the posterior pituitary releases hypothalamic
C) the posterior pituitary works independently of the hypothalamus
D) the anterior stores hormones produced by the posterior pituitary



B) the anterior pituitary makes its own hormones; the posterior pituitary releases hypothalamic hormones


The pituitary gland is referred to as "master gland" because it coordinates the activities of other endocrine glands. The pituitary gland is composed of two lobes namely: anterior pituitary and posterior pituitary. These two lobes are individually controlled to release several hormones by the HYPOTHALAMUS.

However, one major difference between the anterior and posterior pituitary lobe is that; the posterior pituitary DOES NOT MAKE ITS OWN hormone, hence, releases the hormones (oxytocin and ADH) it stores but produced by the HYPOTHALAMUS. On the other hand, the anterior pituitary PRODUCES ITS OWN hormones but waits for hypothalamic signal to release them.

is the long-term average weather over a large area


Climate is the long-term average weather conditions that occur in a particular region. Climate depends on how average weather conditions change throughout the year.

Two parents have three kids. Each kid looks very different physically. What is responsible for this outcome?


Answer: This may mean that the mother has been seeing people and the kids don't have the same dad or They don't really have a lot of their parent's genes.


really the only options I can think of.

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Which of the following systems of inequalities has point D as a solution?Two linear functions f of x equals 3 times x plus 4 and g of x equals negative one half times x minus 5 intersecting at one point, forming an X on the page. A point above the intersection is labeled A. A point to the left of the intersection is labeled B. A point below the intersection is labeled C. A point to the right of the intersections is labeled D.A. f(x) 3x + 4g of x is less than or equal to negative one half times x minus 5B. f(x) 3x + 4g of x is less than or equal to negative one half times x minus 5C. f(x) 3x + 4g of x is greater than or equal to negative one half times x minus 5 D. f(x) 3x + 4g of x is greater than or equal to negative one half times x minus 5 40 POINTS !! 40 POINTS !!PLEASE HELP , DONT SKIP !NO LINKS OR FILES. quick question , how does teenage years prepare you for adulthood ?? TJ is investing his birthday money in a savings account that pays 3% interest. 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