The general in charge of UN forces in Korea was
A; George Patton
B;Dwight Eisenhower
C;Bernard Montgomery
D; douglas MacArthur


Answer 1

Answer: The correct answer would be D. Douglas MacArthur.

Is hope that this helps you !

Related Questions

who is the 42th vice president of United States?​



The 42th vice president of United States was Walter Mondale from January 20, 1977 to January 20, 1981.


Walter Mondale was the 42th vice president of United States.

Hope I helped!

One of the major problems with the 1849 Constitution was that:__________.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options provided, we can say the following,

One of the major problems with the 1849 Constitution was that it did not include many powers to the citizens.

We are talking about the Constitution of California (1849), that resulted from the first constitutional convention celebrated in Monterey, California, from September the first to October 13, During those days, the delegates argued and debate about the kind of legislation needed for the state and decided that the first legislation would meet on December 15, the same year. At that time, due to the number of Spanish inhabitants in California, the Constitution was written in Spanish and English.

what was so special about the year 1905 for Einstein



that was the year albert einstein wrote his famous equation e=mc^2

In what ways did Chute-pa-lu laws differ from white laws? Did the two groups share some beliefs about laws? What was the significance of spirit law," and how did it differ from other laws, if at all?


Answer: The answer is given below


The chute-pa-lu laws was different from the white laws because they believed that land belonged to everyone, taking another man's land wasn't encouraged and that all men should be treated equally and fairly and that lying is disgraceful. The Chute-pa-lu Laws was typically more peaceful than the white laws.

Chute-pa-lu and white laws shared some beliefs about laws. For example, they both believed that there's a god or a great spirit that sees and hears everything that people do and what we do presently has an effect on our afterlife.

The significance of spirit laws was simply to bring together the people from both groups, and it should be noted that it wasn't really different really at all from the laws of the white men except that they didn’t really speak about everything that they had already planned for the people of Chute-pa-lu.

how did the majority of african slaves help the colonial america colony



The slaves were put to work and forced into hard labor. Different people had different jobs, depending on how strong and built they were, and men and women also had different jobs. Most men and young boys worked outdoors such as cotton picking, crop picking, and building things. Women and young girls would tend to indoor work, acting as maids cleaning and maintaining around the home. Some would even take care of children.

During the Revolutionary War, many ex-slaves fought alongside as Patriots against the British (also called Confederates).

which best explains why floodplains encouraged settlement in the fertile crescent



The floodplains provided fertile soil for growing crops.


The Fertile Crescent is a region in the Middle East, south of the mountains of Turkey and Iran. It mainly covers the fertile regions of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel and Jordan, as well as parts of south-eastern Turkey and south-western Iran.  

The Fertile Crescent is named after its crescent-like shape and good cultivation conditions, which led to the development of agriculture in the region between 11,000 and 8,000 years BC. Very soon after, irrigation also began, which is a prerequisite for productive agriculture in much of the area. The area is home to most of today’s most important crops and livestock.


The floodplains provided fertile soil for growing crops.


Why was the estates general meeting held?


The political and financial situation in France had grown rather bleak, forcing Louis XVI to summon the Estates General. This assembly was composed of three estates – the clergy, nobility and commoners – who had the power to decide on the levying of new taxes and to undertake reforms in the country.

most of the land that central pacific crossed was flat.

• true
• false





The land that the Central Pacific cross is not flat. The Central Pacific Railroad was a rail company approved by the U.S. government in 1862 that connected America from West to East. The Central Pacific started building rail tracks in Sacramento that proceed to the Sierra Nevada. The Central Pacific had made it through the mountains and the flat land of western Utah. The railroad has played a vital role in the area by encouraging trade, promoting the growth of the agriculture industry.

What was one reason the 14th and 15th amendments failed to prevent future racial segregation



They could not be punished. (What I was told and researched.)


The supreme court ruled that Congress was not able to punish a state or states that violated the civil rights of African Americans, even though these amendments were made to correct the injustice from slavery.



In your opinion, which of the following models of government is the
closest to a democracy: a monarchy, an autocracy, or an oligarchy? (pg. 16)



An oligarchy.


Oligarchy is a political concept that refers to minority rule, in which few people rule by having access to capital or inherited title. Informally, the term oligarchy can generally refer to a limited group with great power, often in a political system with or without formal democratic elements.

Oligarchs sometimes rule in formal democratic systems where dominant politicians constitute a small elite that recreates its parliamentary influence by controlling key economic resources and extensive personal networks. New democratic states are often used as examples of this, but there are also examples of oligarchy tendencies in established democratic political systems.

Explain the two ways a plains tribe member could gain social status



Individuals acquired social status in two ways. Family membership

and achievements through military prowess.


Family membership

- wealthy families enjoyed a higher social rank.

-could pay for apprenticeships, bridewealth , and feast.

Achievements through military prowess

- battle and raided.


Im pretty sure the other guy got thin in the bag


Look at the map of the Empire of Charlemagne. Notice the areas he conquered before 814. How does the size of this area compare with the extent of the kingdom of the Franks in 768? What parts of present-day Italy did Charlemagne conquer? How might this affect the pope?



How does the size of this area compare with the extent of the kingdom of the Franks in 768?

The kingdom of the Franks in 768 included what is now France (except for Britanny), the Low-Countries, South-Central Germany, and what is now Switzerland.

Charlemange added Eastern Germanic territories, Northern Italy and Central Italy, and the Hispanic March.

What parts of present-day Italy did Charlemagne conquer?

He conquered Northern and Central Italy, from the Alpine Regions to Rome.

How might this affect the pope?

Rome became part of the Carolingian Empire, which subjugated the pope the Charlemagne's power. However, he and Charlemange struck a deal: the pope crowned Charlemagne as Holy Roman Empire, and Charlemagne gave the pope direct control over a few areas in central Italy: in what became the Papal States.

The excerpt shows which of the causes of Bacon’s Rebellion? A) favoritism and corruption among colonial elites B) dissatisfaction with royal rule in the colonies C) colonial rivalries between Virginia and New England D) the persecution of Native Americans by British troops



Bacon's Rebellion was caused by:

A) favoritism and corruption among colonial elites


According to history, "Governor William Berkeley used new trade rules to increase his wealthy friends’ fortunes" while refusing to officially back the usurpation of the land of the friendly natives on the borders of Virginia.  These moves angered "Nathaniel Bacon, who had recently arrived in Virginia and was Berkeley’s cousin by marriage."  He termed the situation as "the governor’s disloyalty and unfairness."

Then, in 1676, Nathaniel Bacon led Virginia settlers to challenge the authority of Governor William Berkeley as he continued to protect the interests of the native Americans in the western frontier.  The Virginia settlers had believed that the western frontier belonged to them and not to the original native Americans whom they regarded as "barbarous heathen."  But, Governor William did not want to legitimize their demand with political authority.  His stand further infuriated Nathaniel Bacon, who decided to lead an armed rebellion to sack the natives from their land and later against the Governor, following his proscription of the rebellious group.

why do sesonal conditions vary in part of the world



Para empezar, la Tierra no es una esfera perfecta. Y cuando gira sobre su eje (una línea imaginaria que atraviesa el mundo desde el Polo Norte al Polo Sur), su rotación se parece más a la de una peonza que a la de una esfera, bamboleándose y desviándose continuamente. Es lo que se conoce como "movimiento polar".

Las mediciones realizadas durante décadas demuestran que, solo durante el siglo XX, el eje de giro se desplazó alrededor de 10 cm por año. Lo que, durante todo el siglo, supone un desplazamiento de más de 10 metros. Ahora bien, ¿a qué se debe exactamente esta deriva?

Un equipo de investigadores de la NASA ha utilizado datos observacionales que abarcan todo el siglo XX y ha conseguido, por primera vez, identificar las causas del desplazamiento. Son tres: la pérdida de masa, principalmente en Groenlandia; el llamado "rebote glacial" y, por último, la convección del manto. El estudio se acaba de publicar en Earth and Planetary Science Letters, y cualquier persona que esté interesada puede acceder a una simulación interactiva de cómo los varios procesos contribuyen al "bamboleo" del eje de rotación terrestre.

'La explicación tradicional - afirma Surendra Adhikari, investigador del Jet Propulsion Laboratory de la NASA y autor principal del trabajo- es que un solo proceso, el rebote glacial, es responsable de este desplazamiento del eje de rotación terrestre. Pero recientemente, muchos investigadores han especulado que otros procesos podrían tener también grandes efectos sobre él. Elaboramos modelos para un conjunto de causas que se consideran importantes para impulsar el movimiento del eje de rotación. Al final no identificamos uno, sino tres conjuntos de procesos que son cruciales. Y la fusión de la criosfera global (especialmente Groenlandia) a lo largo del siglo 20 es uno de ellos".


During the journey across the Atlantic what terrible act does equiano witness two “wearied countrymen” do?


Answer: Drowned themselves to avoid slavery


Olaudah Equiano was 10 years old when he was kidnapped from his people and sold into slavery. After being bounced around from slaver to slaver he eventually ended up in Virginia where he earned his freedom and went on to become a missionary.

Mr. Equiano in recounting how his journey mentioned how in crossing the Atlantic to the Caribbean, the slaves on the ship were badly mistreated. In one instance, the traders did some fishing and after eating and filling themselves, they tossed the remaining fish back in the seas rather than feed their captives.

Two of Equiano's “wearied countrymen” who were chained together could no longer stand the situation and with probable knowledge of situations being worse where they were headed to, jumped overboard into the ocean because they preferred death to the slavery that awaited.


They jump into the sea to drown.


Equiano says he envies the "inhabitants of the deep."

What is double jeopardy?


Answer: C


the putting of a person on trial for an offense for which he or she has previously been put on trial under a valid charge : two adjudications for one offense


Double Jeopardy is where you're tried twice for the same crime.


The other person that answered had some advanced wording and might be hard to read. Search up 5th amendement (or 6th amendment) and it'll give more info on it. " 5th amendment double jeopardy ".

Double jeopardy is when you are tried twice for the same crime, you cannot go to two trials of the same crime you committed. Here's an example:

John was framed, he had to go to trial. He was found not guilty. But then the other side decided to appeal the case and John was going again and was found guilty. This is not fair to John. This is why its against the law to be tried twice for the same crime.

What were the British doing when they settled in Jamestown?


Answer:In 1607, 104 English men and boys arrived in North America to start a settlement. On May 13 they picked Jamestown, Virginia for their settlement, which was named after their King, James I. The settlement became the first permanent English settlement in North America.

Explanation:Jamestown, founded in 1607, was the first successful permanent English settlement in what would become the United States. The settlement thrived for nearly 100 years as the capital of the Virginia colony; it was abandoned after the capital moved to Williamsburg in 1699.

Answer:Jamestown was intended to become the core of a long-term settlement effort, creating new wealth for the London investors and recreating English society in North America. The colonists arrived at Jamestown after a 4-month journey from London

Explanation:One of the main reasons that Jamestown settlers struggled to survive was that they a were not used to physical labor. b spent too much time looking for the Roanoke colonists. c befriended the Powhatan people.


In 1607, 104 English men and boys arrived in North America to start a settlement. On May 13 they picked Jamestown, Virginia for their settlement, which was named after their King, James I. The settlement became the first permanent English settlement in North America.What were some problems that the colonists in Jamestown faced? Hostile Indians, starvation, poor leadership, lack of government, cannibalism, lack of skills among colonists. Jamestown colonists were spoiled, and not prepared to work... they devoted their time and effort to looking for gold.

What was the resolution for how to count slaves in terms of representation in the new Congress?


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Though the word "slavery" does not appear in the Constitution, the issue was central to the debates over commerce and representation. The "Three-Fifths Compromise" provided that three-fifths (60%) of enslaved people in each state would count toward congressional representation, increasing the number of Southern seats.

Which term defines the average number of people living within a square mile? population distribution population density birth rate doubling time





I took the test on k12 and got it right

which civilization did most of rome’s knowledge in math, science, and technology come from



China Egypt Russia Greece



Greece because Rome was influenced by it's neighbors

In the late 1800s, the Ghost Dance was a religious movement among
O the Sioux.
O the Apache.
O all American Indians.
tribal leaders only.



C. all American Indians


Answer: In the late 1800s, the Ghost Dance was a religious movement among

the Sioux. **

the Apache.

all American Indians.

tribal leaders only.


took test

How did the residents of South Beach likely feel about this “solution”?


Answer satisfied with the apology. reassured that the government was doing all they could. ... One effect of the loud whistling noise was that South Beach residents could not sleep.

Why did people domesticate animals during the Neolithic era? Animals were used as pets and companions. Animals were used to show a person’s wealth. Animals were used during religious ceremonies. Animals were used for labor and farming tasks. PLEASE HURRY!!!



Animals were used for labor and farming tasks, bud.



D- Animals were used for labor and farming tasks.

Explanation: I just did the quiz. Anyways chile

Study the following quote. Then answer the question that follows.

"We ... enact, constitute, and frame such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony, unto which we promise all due submission and obedience."

This quote from the Mayflower Compact helped American colonists understand the idea of



The answer is soacil contract


Because when you look in the notes in read the passage it show how that socail contract applys.


equal laws for the greater good of the colony


What royal collection is housed in St. James Palace?


The offices of the Royal Collection Department, the Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps, the Central Chancery of the Orders of Knighthood, the Chapel Royal, the Gentlemen at Arms, the Yeomen of the Guard and the Queen's Watermen are all housed at St James's Palace.
Built: 1531–1536
Location: London, SW1; United Kingdom

The Royal Philatelic Collection has resided at St. James's Palace since the beginning of the 2000s after spending the entirety of the 20th century there. St. James's Palace is completely accessible, and we gladly accept visitors with various access needs.

What is St James Palace used for now?

During incoming state visits and other formal events, the State Apartments are occasionally used for entertaining. They host around 100 charity receptions a year for organizations that involve members of the Royal Family.

Although no monarch currently resides in St. James's Palace, it is the sovereign's official residence. Although it no longer serves as the Accession Council's official meeting location, it still serves as the home of a number of young royals, including Princesses Beatrice, Eugene, and Alexandra of York.

Learn more about St James Palace here:


The first slaves used in the colonies were
A. Native Americans
B. from Africa
C. from Europe





The principle of divides powers between state and national governments.




Federalism is the system of government in which power is divided between a central government and regional governments; in the United States, both the national government and the state governments possess a large measure of sovereignty.

The small states of Phoenicia and Israel developed due to the decline of the______
and the________



The small states of Phenicia and Israel developed due to the decline of the Persian Empire and the Turkish-Ottoman Empire.


Phenicia was a group of city-states located in what is now Lebanon. They had commercial relations with many peoples, mainly the Hebrews and the Persians. However, even in the face of trade relations, the Persian empire oppressed the realization of the state of Phenicia with the violent Persian expansion, and Phenicia could only stabilize with the fall of the Persian Empire.

The state of Israel, on the other hand, took years to be declared and this was only possible after the fall of the Turkish-Ottoman empire, after the Second World War. Britain has seized the lands of the Turkish-Ottoman empire by handing them over to Israel through political agreements.

The necessary and proper clause _____. A) allows Congress to regulate commerce B) allows Congress to control the money supply C) gives Congress a great deal of creative leeway D) has defined boundaries


The answer is D has a defined boundaries

The necessary and proper clause gives Congress a great deal of creative leeway. The right answer is c.

The United States Constitution's Article I, Section 8, language 18 contains the language that gives Congress the ability to enact laws that are appropriate and necessary to carry out the aforementioned authorities.

As long as they are deemed essential and appropriate for the operation of the federal government, this phrase, which has been extensively interpreted by the courts, permits Congress to exercise powers beyond those that are specifically stated in the Constitution. As a result, it gives Congress the freedom to respond to new situations and problems while still acting within the bounds of its constitutional authority.

The correct answer is option c.

Know more about necessary and proper clause here


How did the population of Africans grow in the colonies during the 17th century?



These populations continued to grow at a rapid rate throughout the 18th century  made up as much as 80% of the population in Virginia in the 17th century.

hope this helped

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