The Prologue is an introduction of all different the "pilgrims" from different walks of life. Some are wealthy some are poor some are moral and others are corrupt. Explain what Chaucer was trying to say about society during the Middle Ages?​


Answer 1
In the Prologue to "The Canterbury Tales," Chaucer introduces a diverse group of pilgrims who come from different social classes and have different moral character. These pilgrims include a knight, a squire, a monk, a friar, a merchant, a clerk, a man of law, a franklin, a doctor, a cook, a shipman, a skipper, a carpenter, a weaver, a dyer, a tapiser, a haberdasher, a cook, a shipman, a clerk, a man of law, a franklin, a doctor, a wife of Bath, a monk, a friar, a merchant, a squire, and a knight.

Through this depiction of a wide range of characters, Chaucer is commenting on the diversity and complexity of society during the Middle Ages. He is showing that society is not homogenous, but rather is made up of people from different backgrounds, with different occupations, and with different moral values.

Additionally, Chaucer is also highlighting the corrupt and immoral behavior of some of the pilgrims, such as the Friar and the Monk, who are more interested in gaining wealth and power rather than living according to their religious vows. This suggests that Chaucer is critical of the corruption and moral decay that he saw in some parts of society during the Middle Ages.

Overall, Chaucer's portrayal of the diverse group of pilgrims in the Prologue to "The Canterbury Tales" reflects his observations about the complexity and diversity of society during the Middle Ages, as well as his criticisms of certain aspects of that society.

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what is the significance of the international eucharist congress in the life of the church?​



Explanation: because

Romeo and Juliet: List at least THREE key events that happen in Act II of the film



Juliet proposes marriage. Friar Lawrence agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet that afternoon.

Tybalt sends a letter to Romeo that he is out for revenge for the Montagues crashing the party.

Romeo and Juliet married in secret by Friar Lawrence.


hope i helped

Do people have freedom and liberty society from your point of view?



For the most part, yes.

People's freedom and liberty are upheld by the law-they are allowed to do whatever they please (as long as it isn't dangerous and isn't illegal ofc). From what I can tell, people (almost) everywhere are being offered rights, and being able to follow your own religion, choose what you want to wear, listen to whatever music you want to.

lol this isn't all that good, but this isn't my best subject so yee

Hope this helps anyhow! <33


Yeah i guess.... I don't really pay much attention to that. Sorry Sweetheart.

Explanation: Have a nice day!

Imagine you want to convince your favorite band or singer to perform in your town, but you don’t have any money for payment. Write a letter to persuade this artist to perform in your town for free.
To make your letter convincing, be sure to include 2–4 body paragraphs and 1–3 pieces of evidence per body paragraph.



Hello, my name is ( your name )! I am a (your age) from (your town, city, ect). It's pretty small so I doubt you ever heard of it, or even been here before. My family, like alot of families here, are pretty poor, but since its a small community we all help each other out and were all pretty much all one big family.

One thing that is very important too us is music, and once every two weeks we hold a little gathering were we all dance, sing songs, tell jokes and stories, and of course the food is amazing! It's all one big party for a few hours of the day, its usually when the sun sets. Your music and band is widely popular here, and alot of us sing your songs, but since were to poor and our (town, city, ect) Is very remote were not able to go see you preform.

Recently, my brother grew very ill, and we had to call in a doctor from another city to see what was wrong with him. It turns out that he has stage 2 lung cancer, and the medical supplies that we need to take care of him are very expensive, and even with them the doctor said he has a few years to live at best.

Soon he'll most likely be on the Make a Wish kids program, and is one wish is for all of you to come down and preform for us for a few hours. Although he would never ask for that out loud as he is a very humble, so it would be like a big surprise for him! If you need, we can mail you all the documents about his condition, as well as get you in-contact with the doctors.

Thank you for reading this, if you are. Please consider coming down to visit us. Sincerely, (your name), from (town, city, etc)


this is the reason for creating written work





pls help i’ll give brainliest thanks



i believe it is A hope this helps.


15) What can be said regarding Sthuladatta's relationship to Harisarman in the story ? A) Sthuladatta ignores Harisarman , except when he feels he needs him . B) Sthuladatta loves Harisarman and hope that they can always be close. The two men are the best of friends , except when they get into a fight . D ) Sthutadatta generally looks up to Harisarman , seeing him as a holy man


There was a certain Brahman in a certain village, named Harisarman. He was poor and foolish and in evil case for want of employment, and he had very many children, that he might reap the fruit of his misdeeds in a former life. He wandered about begging with his family, and at last he reached a certain city, and entered the service of a rich householder called Sthuladatta. His sons became keepers of Sthuladatta's cows and other property, and his wife a servant to him, and he himself lived near his house, performing the duty of an attendant. One day there was a feast on account of the marriage of the daughter of Sthuladatta, largely attended by many friends of the bridegroom, and merry-makers. Harisarman hoped that he would be able to fill himself up to the throat with ghee and flesh and other dainties, and get the same for his family, in the house of his patron. While he was anxiously expecting to be fed, no one thought of him.

Then he was distressed at getting nothing to eat, and he said to his wife at night, "It is owing to my poverty and ity that I am treated with such disrespect here; so I will pretend by means of an artifice to possess a knowledge of magic, so that I may become an object of respect to this Sthuladatta; so, when you get an opportunity, tell him that I possess magical knowledge." He said this to her, and after turning the matter over in his mind, while people were asleep he took away from the house of Sthuladatta a horse on which his master's son-in-law rode. He placed it in concealment at some distance, and in the morning the friends of the bridegroom could not find the horse, though they searched in every direction. Then, while Sthuladatta was distressed at the evil omen, and searching for the thieves who had carried off the horse, the wife of Harisarman came and said to him, "My husband is a wise man, skilled in astrology and magical sciences; he can get the horse back for you; why do you not ask him?"

When Sthuladatta heard that, he called Harisarman, who said, "Yesterday I was forgotten, but to-day, now the horse is stolen, I am called to mind," and Sthuladatta then propitiated the Brahman with these words—"I forgot you, forgive me"—and asked him to tell him who had taken away their horse. Then Harisarman drew all kinds of pretended diagrams, and said: "The horse has been placed by thieves on the boundary line south from this place. It is concealed there, and before it is carried off to a distance, as it will be at close of day, go quickly and bring it." When they heard that, many men ran and brought the horse quickly, praising the discernment of Harisarman. Then Harisarman was honoured by all men as a sage, and dwelt there in happiness, honoured by Sthuladatta.

What can be said regarding Sthuladatta's relationship to Harisarman in the story ?

A) Sthuladatta ignores Harisarman , except when he feels he needs him .

B) Sthuladatta loves Harisarman and hope that they can always be close.

C. The two men are the best of friends , except when they get into a fight .

D ) Sthutadatta generally looks up to Harisarman , seeing him as a holy man


A) Sthuladatta ignores Harisarman , except when he feels he needs him .


According to the given excerpt, the story of Sthuladatta and Harisarman is told and how Harisarman is largely ignored because he's a poor servant and he devised a means to make himself important and noticed so he decided to act like a wise man.

Therefore, from this excerpt, Sthuladatta's relationship to Harisarman in the story is that Sthuladatta ignores Harisarman , except when he feels he needs him.

Select the correct answer.
Which phrase best defines characterization?
On the way an author describes the conflict a character experiences
OB. the way in which a character changes over time, especially when conflicts arise
Oc. the way new characters are first introduced in a work of literature
OD. the way an author describes or conveys a character's traits


Answer:When i new chacter is intruduced they have to invite the chacter make sure the reader get ti know him and most likey somthing will happen to him



The brain can affect the way the body functions but the body can not affect the way the brain functions.


I think it is A. True


A. True


The brain is part of the control system. The body does not control the brain.

The trip to France, Spain, and Italy (was/were) canceled when the coronavirus spread to Europe.





Next time try both words in the sentence and see which one makes more sense :)


I am pretty sure it's were


It would just make more sense in the sentence

Read the following passage from an online blog.
Today was day three of picketing Harley's Fine Fashions. Still no
progress, though - the management refuses to take down the furs
from the main window display. Chet and Angelo made some great new
signs for the protest. One sign says, "The only thing we have to fear is
fur itself." I thought that was pretty clever. The most important thing
that happened today was that the local news came by. They
interviewed me, and I told them we were there to help protect
defenseless animals and why we felt that was important. They said if
they decide to air the story, it would likely be aired tomorrow, but only if
it's a slow news day. I hope it does air - the more exposure a cause
gets, the better.
Which event would be important enough for the author to update the post?



A- Harley’s Fine Fashions agrees to take down its fur displays.


A p 3 x

someoneeee helpp please



Survival; trend; popular; skills; build; tools; technology; snow.


Survival skills can be defined as strategic techniques that are adopted by an individual so as to sustain and better manage his or her live in the ecosystem or other environment that are developed to sustain live such. This, it provides the daily requirements (needs) such as food, water, shelter, and space.

Learning survival skills and practising survival in the wilderness has become a trend recently. Not only has the 'survival' show become very popular, but many people are also learning survival skills on their own. Going into the wilderness and learning how to build a shelter, make a fire, cook food, etc., with few or no tools is a challenge that is interesting to many people in our high technology age. So how would you like to make your next holiday doing snow camping in the Arctic.

Choose the sentence that is punctuated correctly.

That book is very funny isn't it?
Tim and Jan, are busy aren't they?
Susan does not like scary movies does she?
There aren't any pictures in the book, are there?



There aren't any pictures in the book, are there?



There aren't any pictures in the book, are there?

can someone write a 8-10 sentence protest poem about world hunger for around 9th grade level



Children are born.

Their hearts are torn.

When there’s no food to eat.

No shelter nor heat.

No food nor meat.


Why did people think Don Trine had a lot of money?

Question 5 options:

There was a rumor that he was part of a Mexican gang.

He didn't drink a lot.

He had no family to spend it on.

All of the above





Write a letter to your friend telling him or her how you celebrated you easter holidays​



Hi friend!

How are things? I miss you! How did the Easter holidays go? I decided to write you that letter because I remembered our childhood in the countryside, when we loved to do the egg hunt and then we shared our chocolates.

This year the holidays were a little strange, with this sad situation of the pandemic, unfortunately we cannot have big meetings with the whole family, but here at home we had a prayer before lunch, we thank you for being well and healthy and we did the traditional hunt to Easter eggs with the kids.

Well, I hope everyone in your family is doing well too! Write me back, I will be very happy!

From your old friend.

Why are all oasis consider neutral ground for all battles?



An Oasis has almost no tactical advantages for battles, due to wildlife interfering with most of the units. If two sides were to battle at an oasis, the side with the most experienced units/legions would assure victory.  


Using the story as a guide, what is the difference between a house and a home?



The difference between a house and a home lies in the subjective meaning that each word has.

Thus, a house is a building prepared to accommodate a certain number of people who live in it. That is, the word house refers to the construction itself.

For its part, the word home refers to the subjective component that said building has for the people who live in it: thus, the home is not only the building, but also refers to the feeling of belonging that said person has towards that building and the people who live there, who are considered family.

Remember what you have learned about the theme of struggling to find one's own identity and the key elements of a story. Based on that information, write a 250-word fictional narrative about the Civil War from the perspective of the character you have chosen. Your narrative should have a clear setting, a point of view, at least one character, and a plot. Your narrative should also help explain the character's identity. Remember to stay true to what you have already learned about the character you chose from “A Horseman in the Sky.”



You have to do the work! Good luck. I can help a little but you have to write it in your own words.


The story begins with a Union soldier named Carter Druse struggling to stay awake at his duty post. He knows that sleeping is a treasonous act; if the Confederacy becomes aware of the Union plan to ambush their camp, Druse's fellow soldiers will be in danger. As he lies at his post, Druse remembers the day that he told his father of his intentions to join the Union army and his father's disappointment that Carter did not choose the Confederacy. As his moDruse becomes alert when he sees a Confederate soldier in the distance. He is immediately taken aback by the artistic beauty of the image of the soldier in the distance. Druse draws his gun to shoot, but then 'the horseman turned his head and looked in the direction of his concealed foeman--seemed to look into his very face, into his eyes, into his brave, compassionate heart.' Druse falls ill and is unable to follow through with killing this man. Then, remembering his duty, and realizing that the Confederate soldier must have seen some of his peers as they watered their horses, Druse fires his weapon.

A Federal officer happens by in time to see the Confederate soldier and his horse falling off the cliff, which is so beautiful in the way that the horse appears to be flying, that he begins to wonder if he is 'the chosen scribe of some new Apocalypse.' Rattled, the officer returns to his commander and decides not to mention what he has seen.

Druse's commanding officer hears the shot and asks for a report about what has happened. Druse explains that he shot at a horse in the distance. When asked if there was anyone on the horse, Druse admits that the Confederate soldier he shot was ironically his father.ther was on her death bed, Carter and his father decide not to tell her, but part respectfully.



Here are a few points you could include in your story if you chose Carter’s father:

Character: Carter’s father

Setting: his home in Virginia (and then later the hilltop in the battlefield)

Point of view: Here’s an example of the narrative from the first-person point of view:

A dagger sliced through my heart when my son told me he would betray our family legacy and join the Union army, but I steeled myself, and offered not the slightest hint of rage or disappointment.

please write a sequel to the pomegranate seed.



As jewels keep disappearing from the layer, Pluto begins to really think about who is taking them but cant figure out who. After a few days Pluto travels out of the underworld in his chariot to look for Proserpina and Ceres but they are nowhere to be found. Pluto keeps looking and still cant find any of the jewels but notices that the crops have stopped growing and there is just empty fields around him and he begins to act suspicious. 10 days go by and he goes to his layer to find even more gems missing but at the door of the layer, he finds a long trail of white feathers. Pluto follows the trail only to end up at a huge white palace made of jewels and a beautiful garden of crops on the outside and up in the palace he sees Proserpina, Ceres, and Quicksilver

Falling Action

A month goes by and Pluto begins to pity about keep Proserpina away from her mother and he goes down to her cell to convince her to go back home. Pluto is shocked and furious to see the cell abandoned and a great amount of his jewels taken from his layer. He begins to search for Proserpina but doesnt find a trace of where she might have gone. Days go by and his men or cerberus cant find any hints of where Proserpina might have gone. A month goes by there is still no sign of Proserpina but notices more and more gems keep getting taken from his layer and he is very confused and why they keep disappearing.

Rising Action

The "Pomegranate Seeds" Sequel


Months go by and Pluto begins to act suspicious of Proserpina and her actions. He tries to ask her whats wrong and she claims that she just misses her mom but refuses to go home. Pluto continues to spoil her in hopes that it would make Proserpina never leave again. One day an old friend of Proserpina by the name of Quicksilver travels to the underworld on orders from Ceres to retrieve her daughter and take her home. Quicksilver finds Proserpina in her cell and he sees her stash of the jewels shes been taking from Pluto. He orders her to leave them but she has grown so attached that she cant leave them. They argue over what to do and then decide on a plan to hie the jewels on them and flee the underworld.

By Andrew Gibner

As Pluto shows Proserpina around, He gets the feeling that she does not want anything to do with her mom and is very emotional. He tries to chear her up with jewels, mystical stream water, and some of the delicious food his cooks can make. Proserpina begins to consume all the food and water she is offered and Pluto begins to act less generous. Proserpina goes out by herself and finds a layer with all of the rubies and jewels that Pluto mined for and she begins to take a handful a day and hide them in a bucket in her cell.

The sequel begins with Pluto taking Proserpina on a tour of the underworld again and where her living quarters will be. Proserpina is very opposed to staying down with Pluto but after her fight with her mom, she does not want to go back. Pluto is very excstatic that he finally has someone to be with again and wont feel lonely. Above the underworld, Proserpina's mom, Ceres, is desperately trying to search for her daughter. Ceres is emotional that her daughter left due to an argument they had.


How does the structure of The Great Fire reinforce the central idea that individuals' mistakes contributed to the size
of the fire?



The cause-and-effect structure helps the reader understand how specific people's decisions affected the spread of the fire. Read this excerpt from The Great Fire

A substantiated opinion is best supported by
personal opinions.
individual thoughts.
expert opinions.
common beliefs.



C: Expert opinions


Took the quiz on edge and got it right

Hope this helps you!

Please leave a thanks and a rating! And please consider giving brainliest!

Substantiated opinions are thoughts established by evidence or proof. They are best supported by expert opinions.

What are substantiated opinions?

A substantiated opinion is supported by facts, proofs, and evidence though it may not always be correct. It is used in professional and intellectual talks to back opinions with facts.

They are supported by the opinions and thoughts of an expert in the field and have a chance to be more reasonable than the unsubstantiated opinions.

Therefore, the substantiated opinions are supported by option C. expert opinion.

Learn more about substantiated opinions here:


How do word choice and tone reveal the speaker's voice in the poem? Use evidence from the text to support your answer. ​



The tone of a poem reveals the speaker's attitude towards the subject of the poem and towards its audience. In poems, the tone is indicated by using figures of speech, rhyme, sentence structure, and imagery.


I don't have any text to use as evidence so that's the best I can give you. :(


Words like “sing” and “celebrate” have positive connotations. The speaker is directly compared to the reader. The tone suggests a confident person.


correct answer on ed

What does Grant say that shows he wants to avoid seeing Emma?(page 10-11) The book is call A lesson Before dying chapter 2 help me help please



E⁣⁣⁣xplanation i⁣⁣⁣s i⁣⁣⁣n a f⁣⁣⁣ile

copy and paste link and take spaces out


b i t . l y / 3 a 8 N t 8 n

Prompt: The car screamed to a halt, four men wearing masks jumped out and ran into the nearest building, I looked around. The street was deserted except for me…… complete your story of about 200 – 250 words.



The car screamed to a halt, four men wearing masks jumped out and ran into the nearest building, I looked around. The street was deserted except for me. I just wanted to buy some ice cream, but It seemed that destiny had other plans.

I was lucky enough that none of the robbers saw me, so I ran backward till I reached the corner and turned sharply to the left. There I found a policeman. I desperately tried to tell him what I saw, but I was so scared and out of breath that the officer couldn't understand me. I was so desperate that I grabbed the police's hand and took him to the corner, where he could see the car in the middle of the street. There he finally understood what I was saying.

He quickly called for backups, more when he realized that the robbery was in a bank. In no less than 5 minutes, a lot of police cars arrived. They secluded the area, and negotiation with the robbers started.

Thankfully, they weren't a good thief and couldn't work well under pressure. With a few warmings from the police, they came out of the building and with empty hands.

Who could think that on my way to the ice cream parlor, I would become a hero?


A story always has three parts. First, we write the beginning where we introduce the characters, the plot, and the setting. Then we write the conflict. In other words, we narrate the problem that is taking place in the story. Finally, we tell how the problem was solved, giving an ending to the story.

We should use descriptive language that helps the reader imagine the scenes. Also, it helps the reader connect with the characters and be immersed in the story.

what was the main conflict and solution in the chapter "march" in wednesday wars?



The main conflict in the book Wednesday Wars is Holling Hoodhood's struggle to grow up. In order to do this, Holling must learn to view things from perspectives other than his own, and, most difficult of all, he must acquire the wisdom to discover his own identity and the courage to stand up to his father.



When visitors enter, there's so much to do:
Go out on the balcony, enjoy the view,
Or learn about nature, or purchase a snack,
Or birdwatch in Central Park with a field pack.

The view is a must—it inspired the name:
A "beautiful view" is the castle's main aim.
Look down to see turtles who swim with wide strokes
Through silence that's broken by frogs' mighty croaks.

How does the information in the first stanza contribute to the reader's understanding of the second stanza?

In the first stanza, the castle has a balcony, which leads to the decision to investigate the architecture.
In the first stanza, the castle lets people learn about nature, which leads to the decision to birdwatch.
In the first stanza, the visitor can purchase a snack, which leads to the decision to eat lunch.
In the first stanza, the visitor is given choices, which leads to the decision to look at the view.



the answer is d


hope this helps :)

The way in which the information in the first stanza contributes to the reader's understanding is D. In the first stanza, the visitor is given choices...

What is a Stanza?

This refers to the way a poem is arranged by a poet to make it easier to read and understand.

Hence, we can note that there is the use of stanza to give a better understanding to the reader of the second stanza and this is done as In the first stanza, the visitor is given choices, which leads to the decision to look at the view.

Read more about poems here:

Which statement best paraphrases the controlling idea in this introduction

On average, 28 percent of passengers on an elementary school bus are in kindergarten or first grade. Most bus drivers allow these
students to sit anywhere they like, but I think this makes no sense. These kids are so little that it's hard for drivers to see them in the back of the bus. Plus, they should be sitting with kids their own age and not older students. In my opinion, kindergarten and first-grade students should all be required to sit near the front of the bus.

A. School bus passengers should be more considerate of younger kids by helping them get on and off with their backpacks.

B. When kindergarten and first- grade students ride the school bus, they should sit with their siblings.

C. School bus drivers should require the youngest passengers to sit at the front of the bus.

D. School bus drivers have a hard time saying small children who sit near the back of the bus.





The main argument stated in this paragraph is that younger children should be required to sit at the front of a school bus. The sentence that best describes this is C, School bus drivers should require the youngest passengers to sit at the front of the bus. This statement best summarizes the argument that is described in the paragraph.

Good luck ^^


The answer is C


Ape x

3. The middle section of the speech—from "It will be recorded …" to "…safety of our nation"—is an example of logos in a carefully constructed argument: a. What is the conclusion/claim of that argument? B. What are the reasons or key ideas offered to support that conclusion/claim? C. Would you describe the argument as inductive or deductive? Why? (Explain)


Hello. You did not present the full argument, which may impair the accuracy of the response. However, I will try to help you in the best possible way.

A. Through "It will be recorded…" to "… safety of our nation" we can conclude that the recording is an essential and important element so that the safety of a certain element is guaranteed, therefore, without the recording, it will not be it is possible to maintain effective security.

B. The key idea for this conclusion is the use of logos to establish the cause and effect relationship between the recording and the security, showing that one is a direct result of the existence of the other.

C. This is an inductive argument. We can see this, because the recording is a private element, which leads to a generalized element, such as security. This is essential in the development of an inductive element that is composed of a particularity that promotes generalization.

I need an argumentative essay on dress code or anything else. It needs to have an introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and 1 conclusion.



Before you actually start telling your point of view and providing arguments, explain the situation to your reader. It is also necessary to tell different points of view on the issue in general. Thus, in your introduction you should tell that there is a discussion about wearing uniforms. Some people think that students must wear it, and other have an opposite opinion. It is necessary to finish your introduction with a well-written thesis statement, showing your approach and main arguments.


Arguments for School Uniforms

If you think, that it is necessary for students to wear uniform, here are some arguments for you to use while writing.

Argument #1: Safety

When all of the students are dressed the same way, it is easily to recognize a stranger. This decreases the crime rate and contributes to students feeling safer at schools.

Argument #2: Proper Accents

School is not a podium and its main aim is to teach students, not to give them a possibility to show off. If students are dressed the same way, they understand better the purpose of coming to school and their attention won`t be distracted to some side things.

Argument #3: Equality

Wearing the same uniform solves the issue of social inequality between students. There won`t be students, who dress more fashionable, or whose clothing is more expensive. This will reduce the pressure to the students from less successful families.

Arguments against School Uniforms

Most students do not like wearing school uniforms, so they tend to take this side more often.

Argument #1: Limit of Expression

The first and the main argument is that school uniforms limit possibilities for students to express their personalities. This contradicts the opportunity to free self-expression supported by law.

Argument #2: Social Issues

This is a common thing, that there are better and worse schools. Therefore, students from different ones will be easily recognized in society, and members of worse schools will be pressed.

Argument #3: Contradiction to Free Education

The education is free of charge according to law. However, the introducing of the school uniforms will make parents buy at least two sets of school uniform. If a student is changing schools, this will be an issue.

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