The site identifies five different reasons why
European immigrants came to the United States
during this 100-year period. What are these five
reasons? Write at least one paragraph for each
of the reasons, describing how each reason
influenced individuals to immigrate to the United


Answer 1


After long constituting the bulk of migration to the United States, European immigration has largely declined since 1960. Following the end of communism in the 1990s, European arrivals slightly increased, but the population has more recently begun to shrink again. In 2016, about 4.8 million Europeans lived in the United States, accounting for 11 percent of the roughly 44 million U.S. immigrants—down from 75 percent in 1960.

The first significant European immigration wave, spanning the 16th to 18th centuries, consisted mostly of settlers from the British Isles attracted by economic opportunity and religious freedom. These early immigrants were a mix of well-to-do individuals and indentured servants. Irish, German, and Scandinavian immigrants arriving during the 1840s and 1850s made up the second wave of European immigration, fleeing famine, religious persecution, and political conflicts. Unlike the first Europeans, who were mostly Protestants, the new arrivals were overwhelmingly Catholic. They came from much poorer backgrounds and were younger and less skilled.

After a pause in European immigration during the U.S. Civil War, more than 20 million immigrants arrived—primarily from Southern and Eastern Europe—between 1880 and 1920. Most Southern European immigrants were motivated by economic opportunity in the United States, while Eastern Europeans (primarily Jews) fled religious persecution. World War I slowed European immigration, and the national-origin quotas established in 1921 and 1924—which gave priority to Western and Northern Europeans—coupled with the Great Depression and the onset of World War II brought immigration from Europe to a near halt.


Answer 2


Read Explantion


After long constituting the bulk of migration to the United States, European immigration has largely declined since 1960. Following the end of communism in the 1990s, European arrivals slightly increased, but the population has more recently begun to shrink again. In 2016, about 4.8 million Europeans lived in the United States, accounting for 11 percent of the roughly 44 million U.S. immigrants—down from 75 percent in 1960.

The first significant European immigration wave, spanning the 16th to 18th centuries, consisted mostly of settlers from the British Isles attracted by economic opportunity and religious freedom. These early immigrants were a mix of well-to-do individuals and indentured servants. Irish, German, and Scandinavian immigrants arriving during the 1840s and 1850s made up the second wave of European immigration, fleeing famine, religious persecution, and political conflicts. Unlike the first Europeans, who were mostly Protestants, the new arrivals were overwhelmingly Catholic. They came from much poorer backgrounds and were younger and less skilled.

After a pause in European immigration during the U.S. Civil War, more than 20 million immigrants arrived—primarily from Southern and Eastern Europe—between 1880 and 1920. Most Southern European immigrants were motivated by economic opportunity in the United States, while Eastern Europeans (primarily Jews) fled religious persecution. World War I slowed European immigration, and the national-origin quotas established in 1921 and 1924—which gave priority to Western and Northern Europeans—coupled with the Great Depression and the onset of World War II brought immigration from Europe to a near halt.

Even though the 1965 Immigration Act did away with country quotas, by then fewer Europeans were seeking to cross the Atlantic either because their economic fortunes had improved during postwar reconstruction or because their communist governments restricted emigration. The fall of the Iron Curtain in the early 1990s ushered in the most recent wave of European immigration, dominated by people from Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The number of European immigrants in the United States has declined slightly since 2000

In 2016, most Europeans who obtained lawful permanent residence in the United States (also known as getting a green card) did so as immediate relatives of U.S. citizens or through employment channels. Compared to the overall foreign- and native-born populations, European immigrants on average are significantly older and more educated and have higher household incomes, though they are less likely to participate in the labor force. Sociodemographic and economic characteristics vary considerably by European country of birth, however.

Using data from the U.S. Census Bureau (the most recent 2016 American Community Survey [ACS] as well as pooled 2012–16 ACS data), the Department of Homeland Security’s Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, and the World Bank’s annual remittance data, this Spotlight provides information on the European population in the United States, focusing on its size, geographic distribution, and socioeconomic characteristics.


The U.S. Census Bureau defines the foreign born as individuals who had no U.S. citizenship at birth. The foreign-born population includes naturalized citizens, lawful permanent residents, refugees and asylees, legal nonimmigrants (including those on student, work, or other temporary visas), and persons residing in the country without authorization.

The terms foreign born and immigrant are used interchangeably and refer to those who were born in another country and later emigrated to the United States.

Data collection constraints do not permit inclusion of those who gained European citizenship via naturalization and later moved to the United States.

The U.S. Census Bureau defines European regions as:

Northern Europe includes Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.

Western Europe includes Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.

Southern Europe includes Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, and Spain.

Eastern Europe includes Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, and Yugoslavia.

Russia may include other republics of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics not elsewhere classified. In this Spotlight, Czechoslovakia is reported separately from the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

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People moved to the new world for glory, gold, spices, spread of cristanity


The period of time beginning in the
1300s during which advances in art,
science, history, and literature were
made, is known as the
A Reformation.
B Columbian Exchange.
C Age of Exploration.
D Renaissance.





Which of the following organizations works to uphold Second Amendment rights?

Anyone know


I believe this would be the NRA- or the National Rifle Association

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The workers accepted the conditions at the factories because if they didn't..... they would be fired and without work. These people were desperate for money, thus, very few of them made waves.

Which is the earliest document to which the United States can trace its democratic heritage? A. Magna Carta B. English Bill of Rights C. Mayflower Compact D. Declaration of Independence



Magna Carta


Magna Carta is the earliest document to which the United States can trace its democratic heritage. The correct option is A. The Magna Carta introduced the concept of consultative government, which is fundamental to modern democracy. Many of the Magna Carta stipulations restricted the King's ability to raise funds.

Why is Magna Carta so important in the history of democracy?

Magna Carta, which was published in June 1215, was the first document to codify the notion that the king and his government were not above the law. It attempted to prevent the king from abusing his power and imposed boundaries on royal authority by establishing law as a power in and of itself.

The charter, signed by England's King John in 1215, does not embody any nation's democratic or legal rights. Magna Carta is not a charter presenting a blueprint for democratic government; concepts of democracy would have been incomprehensible to feudal lords.

Thus, the ideal selection is option A.

Learn more about Magna Carta here:


implies that leaders are appointed by God to rule a land. A. Rule of law B. Rule of man C. Divine right of kings D. Aristocracy​



I guess the answer is in the question.  Answer is  C : Divine right of kings


Explanation:the correct answer is c because in the lesson it said god shose them to rule the land and people

What has The Epic of Gilgamesh revealed to archaeologists about
ancient Sumer?
a) Sumer was located in the Fertile Crescent.
b) There was regular flooding in Sumer,
c) Enemies of Sumer came from ancient Greece.
d) Uruk was the only city-state in Sumer.





because its right

What insights can the Terracotta Warriors provide us about Chinese history?


That is the answerrrrrrrr

PLEASE HELP Write a 100- to 175-word description of the impact ancient Greece and Rome had on technology and architecture. Be sure to include relevant details and examples in your response.



Ancient Greece and Rome have affected modern technology and architecture in various ways. Many modern government buildings draw inspiration from ancient Greek and Roman structures. Several architectural designs, such as domes and columns, were first developed in Rome. The Romans also introduced us to concrete, which is a strong and durable building material.

The ancient Greek scientist Archimedes invented the lever. We still use this technological invention in construction to lift heavy weights. Archimedes also invented the odometer, which tracks traveling distance. The odometer is used in almost all modern vehicles today.


Greece and Rome had on technology and architecture. For example, architecture designs the building structure, and technology help complete construction work.

What is technology?

The term "technology" refers to the development of new things that make life easier for humans. Technology advances with the help of scientific solutions and industrial methods based on science. Technology is based on the invention of new objects and the innovation of new technologies and advanced methods.

In numerous ways, Ancient Greece and Rome influenced modern technology and architecture. The term architecture refers to a specific profession that involves design and construction work. The design and construction of a building or place to produce something new.

The technology was developed in this period and launched the machines to easily tackle the heavyweight, for the benefit of the time of construction.

Learn more about technology, here:


What are the benefits and disadvantages to communism





1. It embodies equality.

2.It makes health care, education and employment accessible to citizens.

3.It does not allow business monopolies.


1. It hampers personal growth.

2. It dictates on the people.

3.It does not give financial freedom.

what impact did the northern victory in the civil war have on the plantation system in the south?​


Hi I would help but I don’t pay attention in class

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The answer is b okkkk

Why is Representative Democracy the preferred government system among many nations of the world?



Many people are doing poorly to be satisfied with the political system


that may not be the answer your teachers are looking for, but it's the truth.

The region between Eurasia and North America, thought to have been up to 600 miles wide, that opened up due to the drop in sea levels, during the different ice ages is called...? A. Beringia B. Trans Siberian region C. The Intercontinental Region



A. Beringa


It was a gap, and the Beringa Gap became known as the Atlantic ocean

Why are historical documents important today?



Historical documents are original documents that contain important historical information about a person, place, or event and can thus serve as primary sources as important ingredients of the historical methodology.

What was one of the most important effects of the War of 1812





It gained international respect. Furthermore, it instilled a greater sense of nationalism among its citizens.




Drawing congressional district boundaries to the advantage of the party in power in the legislature is called which of the following ?





None of the others make any sense so A

Drawing congressional district boundaries to the advantage of the party in power in the legislature is called gerrymandering.

What is gerrymandering?

Gerrymandering, which occurs in representative democracies, is the political manipulation of election district lines with the aim of giving a party, organization, or socioeconomic class an unfair advantage inside the constituency.

There may be "cracking" or "packing" involved in the manipulation. Additionally, incumbents can be safeguarded through gerrymandering. According to Wayne Dawkins, this results in politicians choosing their supporters rather than supporters choosing their supporters.

The main objectives of gerrymandering are to increase the impact of supporters' votes and decrease the impact of opponents' votes. The basic goal of a party gerrymander is to sway not only the districting law but also the entire body of legislation that gets in its way.

To lessen their power in other districts, "packing" refers to the concentration of numerous voters of a particular type into a single electoral district.

Learn more about gerrymandering, here


what decisions or choices did America’s elected leaders make that contributed to the Industrial Revolution?



Formation of new banking institutions and transport network


America’s elected leaders contributed to the Industrial Revolution by giving facilities which encourage the Industrial Revolution such as formation of new banking institutions and transport network. The government also allowed the use of new technologies so by using new technologies more money will be earned by exporting of materials and goods to other countries and make better the economy of the country.

Who founded the colony of Pennsylvania?

William Penn

Peter Stuyvesant

Nathanial Bacon

John Rolfe



William Penn


Founder of one of the 13 colonies

Three ancient temples of Nepal​



pashupatinath temple

chagunarayan temple

boudhanath stupa


mark as me brainlist

How does Mbemba's life illustrate the complex relationships between African coastal kingdoms and Europeans in search of power, cultural hegemony, and wealth?



The dynamics that played out in the lifetime of Nzinga Mbemba, King Afonso I of the Kingdom of Kongo typified the ambiguous nature of the socio-economic and international relations that still takes place even in the 21st century.


King Afonso, a Christian convert successfully established trade with the Europeans. The Europeans, however, wanted more than Wine and agri-produce. It was a dispensation when Slave Trade was still legal and a norm with the Europeans, perhaps even more lucrative than the agri-produce they came to  Kongolese for.

Against the wishes of the King, the Kings subjects sold out their own free people to the Europeans in exchange for Portuguese merchandise. He threatened to stop trading with the Europeans altogether if this didn't stop.

These dynamics are very similar across the coastal kingdoms of the African continent where the colonianism became hegemonic and has translated to neo-colonianism to date.

A good example is Nigeria where history records that the British left power to the North who to date believe it is their birth to rule not just the Northern states/region but to also dominate the other regions such as the south-south, south-west and the south-east.


The Earth's orbit around the sun is elliptical. What does this word mean?
A. The orbit is very slow
B. The orbit is perfectly circular
C. The orbit takes one year
D. The orbit is oval-shaped



the correct answer is D, in science Elliptical means oval shaped

The word means the orbit is oval-shaped.

What does Earth's elliptical orbit mean?

Earth's orbit is not a perfect circle. It is elliptical, or slightly oval-shaped. This means there is one point in the orbit where Earth is closest to the Sun and another where Earth is farthest from the Sun. The closest point occurs in early January, and the far point happens in early July (July 7, 2007).

What is the elliptical orbit of the Earth around the Sun?

Rather than being a perfect circle, the Earth moves around the Sun in an extended circular or oval pattern. This is what is known as an "elliptical" orbit. This orbital pattern was first described by Johannes Kepler, a German mathematician, and astronomer, in his seminal work Astronomia nova (New Astronomy).

Learn more about elliptical orbit here


Southern states resisted the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment by A. drafting and passing the Voting Rights Act. B. denying all female citizens the right to vote. C. appointing new officials to monitor elections. E. establishing poll taxes and literacy tests.


E. Establishing poll taxes and literacy tests.


The Southern states did not want the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment, as they did not want African Americans to vote. They believed that if blacks were able to vote, they would vote for people in power that would better the lives of African Americans, which many white Southerners did not want.

When African American males finally got the right to vote, it angered a lot of the Southern colonists. They did not want them to vote for certain people in power and felt as if blacks were inferior to them, so they should not be able to vote. When the Fifteenth Amendment got ratified, the Southerners had to come up with other ideas to prevent blacks from voting.

One of these ideas was poll taxes. This meant that African Americans had to pay a tax if they were going to vote. This made it so many blacks could not vote, as they often didn't have jobs, and even if they did, they were not being paid as much as whites. Another way that Southerners tried to prevent African Americans from voting was literacy tests. Most of the time, African Americans could not receive a proper education, so when literacy tests were put onto the polls, many could not pass.


D, or what u put, E


i took the test :))

Which physical feature provided ancient
Chinese people with a source of food, fertile
soil, and transportation?
O the deserts
o the mountains
O the rivers
O the red cliffs


Answer: The third choice, the rivers, provided the ancient Chinese with all of these criteria.


The rivers provided the ancient Chinese food (rice from the fertile wetlands and other plants), fertile soil (yellow soil called loess that was very good for farming), and transportation (on boats for trading across cities).

What would happen if all the aquifers in Texas dried up? How can we prevent that from happening? PLS ANWSER ASAP



it will not provide protection to the surface water contamination


Due to agricultural pumping and resulting depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer, the White River no longer maintains a spring-fed base flow and, today, Silver Falls is often dry and overgrown with vegetation

How did the homestead act affect farmers?



The Homestead Act of 1862 stated that any current or future citizen, with a mere ten dollars, could claim a homestead of up to 160 acres of government land, and “improve” the land by putting it to use as a family plot. This meant erecting a dwelling and farming the soil for a period of five years.

Really hope this helps you :D


How by how my a second born son hope to achieve success under the system of primogeniture


How might a second-born son hope to achieve success under the system of primogeniture? He could seek training to become a knight in the military. He could seek training to become a knight in the military. Manorialism offered peasants land and military protection in exchange for loyalty to a lord.

Which strategy would be most helpful when preparing to deliver an effective presentation?

dress appropriately
use multimedia
cite sources

Got 4 mins!!!



I think it's multimedia

The strategy which would be most helpful when preparing to deliver an effective presentation is:

C. Practice

According to the given question, we are asked to state the strategy which would be most helpful when preparing to deliver an effective presentation.

As a result of this, we can see that the most effective strategy to make use of from the list of available options when preparing to make an effective presentation is to make constant practices.

Therefore, the correct answer is option C

Read more about presentations here:

When businesses converted to wartime production, how did citizens benefit?

Companies paid better salaries.

Profits increased for store owners.

Many new jobs were created.

Workers got unemployment benefits.



C. Many New Jobs Were Created.


I took the test, but if you want a real explanation here it is. When they converted, they needed to produce more products to keep up with the high demand from being in war. Since they needed more products, they needed more workers, hence many new jobs were created.

Many new jobs were created when businesses converted to wartime production.

What do you mean by conversion of business?

Conversions allow businesses to distinguish between visitors who are interested in their product and those who are not. The visitor who performs the desired action becomes the lead. Conversions also help companies find problems with their websites and marketing funnels.

High conversion rate campaigns are generally more efficient than low conversion rate campaigns. The higher your conversion rate, the more you can reach without increasing your advertising budget, or you can reduce your advertising budget and earn money to test new marketing tactics.

The conversion rate is calculated by dividing the number of conversions by the total number of ad interactions that can be tracked to conversions over the same period.

Learn more about Business  here:


All of the following statements about the map above are FALSE except: A. There is no population decline shown on the map. B. Ten states had a population increase of 200,000 or more in the time period shown. C. This map represents population change for the United States and Puerto Rico from July 1, 2008 to July 1, 2009. D. Only states in the western US had a population increase between July 2008 and July 2009.



C. This map represents population change for the United States and Puerto Rico from July 1, 2008 to July 1, 2009.

"States" as used in the map is referring to United States.


From the options given, option C is the correct answer. This is because it is clearly stated on the heading of the map.

Option A is false because in the map, there is population decrease.

Option B is false because California and Texas had a +200,000 population increase.

Option D is false because every state on the map either have an increase or decrease in population.

Therefore, Option C is the correct answer from the available options.




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