The Soviet Union gains global
power through acts of aggression.
Communist ideology spreads
through parts of Europe and Asia.
Which of the following best completes this diagram?


Answer 1

Hello there!

Could you please send me a picture of the diagram so I can answer the question? It would be much appreciated

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Essay on Black Power Movement?


Answer:Black Power is a political slogan and a name which is given to various associated ideologies which aim to achieve self-determination for people of African descent. It is primarily, but not exclusively, used by African American activists and proponents of what the slogan entails in the United States. The Black Power movement was prominent in the late 1960s and early 1970s, emphasizing racial pride and the creation of black political and cultural institutions to nurture, promote and advance what was seen by proponents of the movement as being the collective interests and values of Black Americans.The basis of Black Power is various ideologies, that aim at achieving self-determination for black people in the U.S. Black power dictates that blacks create their own identities despite being subjected to pre-existing societal factors."Black Power" in its original political sense expresses a range of political goals, from militant self-defense against perceived racial oppression to the establishment of social institutions and a self-sufficient economy, including black-owned bookstores, cooperatives, farms, and media. However, the movement has been criticized for alienating itself from the mainstream civil rights movement, for its apparent support of racial segregation, and for constituting black superiority over other races.Etymology  The earliest known usage of the term "Black Power" is found in Richard Wright's 1954 book Black Power. New York politician Adam Clayton Powell Jr. used the term on May 29, 1966, during an address at Howard University: "To demand these God-given rights is to seek black power."This is the twenty-seventh time I have been arrested and I ain't going to jail no more! The only way we gonna stop them white men from whuppin' us is to take over. What we gonna start sayin' now is Black Power!Stokely Carmichael saw the concept of "Black Power" as a means of solidarity between individuals within the movement. It was a replacement of the "Freedom Now!" slogan of Carmichael's contemporary, the non-violence leader Martin Luther King Jr.. With his use of the term, Carmichael felt this movement was not just a movement for racial desegregation, but rather a movement to help end how American racism had weakened Blacks. He said, Black Power' means black people coming together to form a political force and either electing representatives or forcing their representatives to speak their needs." Carmichael explained the term "Black Power" in his 1968 book "Black Power: The Politics of Liberation": "It is a call for black people in this country to unite, to recognize their heritage, to build a sense of community. It is a call for black people to define their own goals, to lead their own organizations."Variants  Black Power adherents believed in black autonomy, with a variety of tendencies such as black nationalism, black self-determination, and black separatism. Such positions caused friction with leaders of the mainstream Civil Rights Movement, and thus the two movements have sometimes been viewed as inherently antagonistic. Civil Rights leaders often proposed passive, non-violent tactics while the Black Power movement felt that, in the words of Stokely Carmichael and Charles V. Hamilton, "a 'non-violent' approach to civil rights is an approach black people cannot afford and a luxury white people do not deserve." "However, many groups and individuals—including Rosa Parks, Robert F. Williams, Maya Angelou, Gloria Richardson, and Fay Bellamy Powell—participated in both civil rights and black power activism. A growing number of scholars conceive of the civil rights and black power movements as one interconnected Black Freedom Movement.Numerous Black Power advocates were in favor of black self determination due to the belief that black people must lead and run their own organizations. Stokely Carmichael is such an advocate and


Below is information from paragraph 2 of the passage. Organize the information by writing each phrase from the passage into the proper section of the table: central idea and supporting detail. Include only those details that support the central idea, and note that not all sentences will be used.

One witness said the crowd was stunned into silence by the brief speech.

In it, Everett described the battles that had taken place at Gettysburg.

Edward Everett’s speech was two hours long and contained details and references.

Edward Everett wrote that Lincoln said more in two minutes than he did in two hours.

The Gettysburg Address drew attention for being shorter than other speeches of the time.
He praises its complex ideas and its use of memorable triplets.



The Gettysburg Address drew attention for being shorter than other speeches of the time.


Clearly written, complete sentences require key information: a subject, a verb, and a complete idea. A sentence needs to make sense on its own. Sometimes, complete sentences are also called independent clauses. A clause is a group of words that may make up a sentence. An independent clause is a group of words that may stand alone as a complete, grammatically correct thought.  

All complete sentences have at least one independent clause. You can identify an independent clause by reading it on its own and looking for the subject and the verb.

please help ill mark brainlist (No links or bots)

The main purpose of the 14th Amendment was to....

A ) Limit the power of the federal government.
B ) Expand the rights of women.
C ) Maintain peace in the world.
D ) Provide the right if citizenship to African Americans.


Provide the right of citizenship to African Americans

theory,, the family is a definition people construct to explain
According to
social bonds.



The family has traditionally been understood an association of persons who are united first by marriage or descent. Family members share a home, values, goals, resources, and responsibilities for each other. In recent decades, the traditional understanding of the family has become blurred and diversified for a variety of reasons, such as gender and age emancipation, unprecedented multiplicity of values ​​and goals, growing prosperity and individualism, information age opportunities, and so on.

We can never insure one hundred percent of the population against one hundred percent of the hazards and vicissitudes of life, but we have tried to frame a law which will give some measure of protection to the average citizen and to his family against the loss of a job and against poverty-ridden old age.
This law, too, represents a cornerstone in a structure which is being built but is by no means complete. It is a structure intended to lessen the force of possible future depressions. It will act as a protection to future Administrations against the necessity of going deeply into debt to furnish relief to the needy. The law will flatten out the peaks and valleys of deflation and of inflation. It is, in short, a law that will take care of human needs and at the same time provide for the United States an economic structure of vastly greater soundness.
Opponents of the plan described in this excerpt claimed that the program _____________.
A) expanded the powers of the legislative branch
B) increased the size of the federal debt
C) decreased the number of Supreme Court justices
D) diminished the authority of the president’s cabinet






What does this mean and what are some examples of him not using his head?
in the Outsiders


Answer:i dont know


i dont know

Match the civilizations with their appropriate characteristics.





How do you think Congress responded to Liliuokalani's letter?​


When Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii assumed the throne in 1891 and tried to reassert her sovereignty in the face of increasing foreign interference, she was deposed by a small group of American businessmen, with the support of the American diplomats and the U.S. Navy. On July 7, 1898, the Hawaiian Islands were annexed to the United States by a joint resolution of Congress. Shown here is her letter of protest to the U.S. House of Representatives, dated December 19, 1898.

What was the organization of people into large communes known as?


Answer: APCs were amalgamated to form larger administrative organizations called communes. Ownership of land transferred to the commune level.


How does industrialization lead to colonialism?



The industrial revolution was the force behind this New Imperialism, as it created not only the need for Europe to expand, but the power to successfully take and profitably maintain so many colonies overseas. The industrial revolution created the need for Europe to take over colonies around the world.

What was one cause of the causes Kumeyaay revolt at San Diego
de Alcalá?



Father Jose Bernardo Sanchez designed and planned the new church, which is on the site today. The building is of adobe and white washed brick in a simple, long, rectangular plan. Unlike its predecessors, its roof is of timber shipped over 60 miles from the interior mountains.

Only the city-state of athens resisted the persian invasion of the greece during the persian wars



The second Persian invasion of Greece (480–479 BC) occurred during the Greco-Persian Wars, as King Xerxes I of Persia sought to conquer all of Greece. The invasion was a direct, if delayed, response to the defeat of the first Persian invasion of Greece (492–490 BC) at the Battle of Marathon, which ended Darius I's attempts to subjugate Greece. After Darius's death, his son Xerxes spent several years planning for the second invasion, mustering an enormous army and navy. The Athenians and Spartans led the Greek resistance. About a tenth of the Greek city-states joined the 'Allied' effort; most remained neutral or submitted to Xerxes.

What where the benefits under Communism in Russia?



Communism has a centrally planned economy; it can quickly mobilize economic resources on a large scale, execute massive projects, and create industrial power.


Advantages. Communism has a centrally planned economy; it can quickly mobilize economic resources on a large scale, execute massive projects, and create industrial power

What actions marked the changed in the relationship between the Soviet Union with Western countries?



The Soviet Union and the United States stayed far apart during the next three decades of superpower conflict and the nuclear and missile arms race. Beginning in the early 1970s, the Soviet regime proclaimed a policy of détente and sought increased economic cooperation and disarmament negotiations with the West.


Hope this helps. :3

How have the rights of citizens in Indiana changed throughout the 20th century?​



The hate group was working hard to change that in the lead-up to the 1924 election using ... Many of those people were later murdered in the Holocaust. ... knowing they would be denied, in order to sue for their rights through the court system.


Please tell me if the commas and the periods are in the right place and if not where do they go thanks


hai luv, I learned that the coma is behind the starting thing. Sorry, that's not the best explanation but this is what I found is correct. "Back in those days, white people and colored people were separated for everything they did in life and were treated differently because of the color of their skin."

Why did many tribes give up being farmers to hunt deer and buffalo? PLZ HELP!!!!!!


Horses let people travel long distances to hunt.


There were so few buffalo that they had to follow them constantly.


There were so many buffalo that it was easy.


They decided they did not like the vegetarian way of life.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided






It is actually B. The buffalo were dying out and being replaced

What new scientific beliefs emerged after WWI?



The machine gun, which was invented by an American, Hiram Maxim, was perhaps the most notable technical advancement during World War I. They also developed air-cooled machine guns for planes and upgraded ground-based machine guns, making them lighter and easier to maneuver.


Hope this helps!

Please mark me as Brainlineast.

What was the Alien and Sedition Act? What did it do?


In 1798 the United States stood on the brink of war with France. The Federalists believed that Democratic-Republican criticism of Federalist policies was disloyal and feared that aliens living in the United States would sympathize with the French during a war. As a result, a Federalist-controlled Congress passed four laws, known collectively as the Alien and Sedition Acts. These laws raised the residency requirements for citizenship from 5 to 14 years, authorized the President to deport aliens and permitted their arrest, imprisonment, and deportation during wartime. The Sedition Act made it a crime for American citizens to print, utter, or publish any false, scandalous, or malicious writing about the Government.


As a result, a Federalist-controlled Congress passed four laws, known collectively as the Alien and Sedition Acts. These laws raised the residency requirements for citizenship from 5 to 14 years, authorized the President to deport aliens and permitted their arrest, imprisonment, and deportation during wartime.

Which Supreme Court ruling led to widespread segregation and laws that
restricted the lives and freedoms of African Americans?

A. Tinker v. Des Moines

B. Brown v. Board of Education

C. Browder v. Gayle

D. Plessy v. Ferguson


Plessy v Ferguson.

Browder v Gayle ended segregation in Alabama public transportation, Brown v BOE ended segregation in public schools, tinker v Des Moines allowed students to have freedom of speech. So it must be Plessy v Ferguson. Because it did not end segregation, but rather involved the phrase ‘separate but equal’. Plessy v Ferguson is the closest answer. Sorry if I got it wrong. God bless you

This is question is select all that apply and you will chose more than one.
I don’t know if the answers I chose are correct and if there is any more



its correct and the other 2 answers are wrong. (that you didn´t click)


hope you do good on the rest of your assignment :)

Select all the correct answers.
Which two of these statements explains how can international trade agreements lead to economic growth?
-By creating jobs in the export industries
-By opening up new markets for domestic goods.
-By reducing competition between domestic industries.
-By reducing expenditures on domestic production.



I think the answers are the first two :)


As British and American forces moved through Italy in 1943, General Eisenhower
was in England, planning and preparing the Normandy invasion.
was in the United States, aiding development of antisubmarine weapons.
was in Australia, developing a Pacific strategy with General MacArthur.
was in the Soviet Union, meeting with Allied leaders to plan attacks.


In 1943, General Eisenhower was in England planning and organizing the Normandy assault while American and British forces advanced through Italy.

Why did the Allied forces pass through Italy in 1943?

In Casablanca, Morocco, in January 1943, the decision was made by the Allies to invade Italy, which British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (1874-1965) referred to as the “soft underbelly of Europe,” using their vast military resources in the Mediterranean.

The goals were to end Italy's participation in World War II. General Eisenhower organized and planned the Normandy invasion in England in 1943 while American and British forces pushed through Italy.

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about the General Eisenhower, refer to:



its A


edge 2022

During the late 19th century, what type of building structure became popular?
Underground Structures
None of the aboveg



B. Skyscraper


I think this is correct, but sorry if I'm wrong.

Examine the following list of factors. Then, select those that either caused or were an immediate result of the stock market crash and the ensuing
depression. Check all that apply.
Increased buying of stocks on credit
Fallout from the "court-packing" scheme
Income-tax cuts pumping money into the market
Marked decline in construction industry
Roosevelt's implementation of the principles of Keynesian economics



Caused Stock Market Crash

Increased buying of stocks on credit  Income-tax cuts pumping money into the market Marked decline in construction industry

In the 1920s U.S. stock prices were rising at an unsustainable rate so much so that a lot of people wanted to benefit from the stock market. They pumped everything they had inside including the income tax cuts by the government. They even used credit/ loans to buy stocks.

In 1928, the Fed was worried about how overheated the economy was and raised interest rates which hurt the construction industry which relied heavily on loans.

These factors led people to become desperate such that when the market declined even a little bit, people began to sell in large quantities so as to make back their investments and so the stock market crashed.

Result of the Crash.

Fallout from the "court-packing" schemeRoosevelt's implementation of the principles of Keynesian economics

After the Crash, Roosevelt came to power and began to implement Keynesian economic principles which called for government intervention to save a failing economy as opposed to waiting for it to correct itself. When the Supreme Court kept threatening to impede his programs, Roosevelt tried to engage in Court-Packing which would involve increasing the number of Supreme Court Justices.

How does Roosevelt attempt to persuade the reader of the
importance of his ideas? Cite evidence from the text in your response.



By emotional appeal


Roosevelt was an American President and also a Nobel Price winner for Peace. He proposed the Four freedom Speech which was filled with lots of emotional appeal and was missing that substantial evidence.

All of the following aided the spread of Christianity EXCEPT

C - Efforts of the Jewish rabbis
D. Work of the apostles, such as Paul
A - Popularity of the message
B - Early martyrs


C - Efforts of the Jewish Rabbis

Judaism is not related to the spread of Christianity.

Why is the Cuban Missile Crisis the best example of Brinkmanship?


The Cuban Missile Crisis, as it is known, is an example of brinksmanship because both sides of the conflict allowed the situation to go right to the edge of nuclear war before negotiating a deal, where the United States agreed to never invade Cuba.

Why is the event depicted in the image considered a turning point in World War II?





Which of the following statements describe the consequences of the British takeover of India in the nineteenth century? Check all that apply. They demolished the local textile industry. They governed by a combination of direct and indirect rule. They quickly allowed native Indians to join the highest levels of the colonial administration. They built highways and railways. They brought democracy to the subcontinent by 1892. They established a new school system to educate the children of the elite.


Answer: • They demolished the local textile industry.

• They governed by a combination of direct and indirect rule.

• They built highways and railways

• They established a new school system to educate the children of the elite.


The consequences of the British takeover of India in the nineteenth century include the following:

• They demolished the local textile industry.

• They governed by a combination of direct and indirect rule.

• They built highways and railways

• They established a new school system to educate the children of the elite.

Some other positive effects of the takeover of India include the improvement in transportation, farming methods, and education.

Some of the negative impact of the takeover include exploitation, deforestation, and the destruction of the local industry in India, and there was also famine.

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