true or false, The route the Spanish (Columbus) tried to find to trade with Asia was across the Atlantic Ocean.


Answer 1




They wanted to try and go around Africa but accidentally ended up in the Americas

Related Questions

How was life similar for colonists across the middle colonies? A. Households were largely self-sufficient B. Housing structures across the colonies were similar C. They all practiced the same religion D. They all settled solely for economic reasons




The correct option is A. The life of similar colonists across the middle colonies' Households was largely self-sufficient.

The early English settlers in America constructed modest one-room residences. Many of these houses were constructed using wattle and daub. They had frames made of wood that was filled with sticks. Then a sticky "daub" consisting of clay, dirt, and grass was used to fill the holes.

What is a fact about the Middle Colonies?

The midway region between the southern and northern colonies was known as the Middle Colonies. Due to their central location, the Middle Colonies served as the ideal foundation for English America. They were allowed to practice any religion they chose, and others embraced them.

Due to the abundance of clay along the riverbanks, the Middle Colonies had a large number of brick buildings. The Dutch constructed homes with steep roofs that were two and a half to three stories high. Many people shared the same structure with their houses and businesses. Country homes were constructed of logs and chinked with moss or mud.

The answer that best describes how comparable colonists lived in the middle colonies' households was A. These households were essentially self-sufficient.

Learn more about The Middle Colonies here:


Most workers for the Central Pacific Railroad were ____

A- Irish
B- French
C- German
D- Chinese


Most workers for the Central Pacific Railroad were Chinese.


The answer to this question is A: Irish


Picture a map of the United States. The Union Pacific Railroad started in the Midwest. Rather than recruiting from across the Pacific Ocean, it was closer to recruit from the Atlantic Ocean. As a result, most Union Pacific Railroad workers were Irish.

Why do countries lower tariffs and regulations in international trade



Free trade benefits consumers through increased choice and reduced prices, but because the global economy brings with it uncertainty, many governments impose tariffs and other trade barriers to protect the industry


Is this statement true or false?

The Lascaux Cave is one of several places around the world where people made paintings on cave walls.





On 12 September 1940 CE four boys examined the fox hole down which their dog had fallen on the hill of Lascaux. After widening the entrance, Marcel Ravidat was the first one to slide all the way to the bottom, his three friends following after him. After constructing a makeshift lamp to light their way, they found a wider variety of animals than expected; in the Axial Gallery they first encountered the depictions on the walls.


Happy to help please make me brainllest


how government promotes economic growth in capitalist countries and in those transitioning to capitalism.


In capitalist countries (and those transitioning to capitalism), overt or direct government control of the economy is avoided. Instead, the government seeks to provide the infrastructure and security/stability needed in order for business interests to flourish and the economy to grow.

Socrates was often in trouble because of his beliefs and teaching methods that encouraged students to ______ all things.


way of teaching developed by Socrates that used a question-and-answer format to force students to use their reason to see things for themselves

Socrates was often in trouble because of his beliefs and teaching methods that encouraged students to question all things.

Who was Socrates?

Greek philosopher Socrates, who lived in Athens from 470 to 399 BC, is recognized as the father of Western philosophy and one of the first moral thinkers in the ethical tradition of thinking. Unknown as a text author, Socrates is most known through the narratives of classical authors who lived after his death, especially his followers Plato and Xenophon.

What is Socrates teaching method?

After Socrates, the practice of Socratic inquiry (or Socratic maieutic) was termed. He employed a teaching strategy that put the emphasis on getting questions from his students to find the answers. Socrates believed that "the disciplined practice of critical inquiry permits the scholar/student to investigate ideas and be able to assess the veracity of those ideas," as per Plato, who was one of his students.

Its methodical approach involves asking and responding to questions about a text in order to analyze it. These questions and answers are based on the ideas that all new knowledge is connected to prior knowledge, that all thinking is the result of asking questions, and that asking one question should prompt additional questions.

Supportive answer

To learn more about Socrates here


How did environmental changes affect peoples and civilizations



humam impact the physical environment in many ways : overpopulation,pollution,burning fossile fuel, and deforestatio.change like these have triggered climate change,soil erosion,poor air quality and undrinkable water

earth climate has been stable for the past 12,000 year. this stability has been crucial for the development of modern civilization .A stable climate enabled human to pursue agrculture ,domesticate animal,settle dowm and develop cultural

What was the most common act of terrorism in the 1800s?





In the United States, the most common act of terrorism in the 1800s was called "lynching, which was a vile and harsh process to a person of colour would be heavily abused without any reason. They were racist and harmful to the black community and nation. There were many violent acts against people of colour

Select the correct answer. What was the major purpose of the Truman Doctrine? A. to contain Soviet expansion B. to rescue Greece and Turkey from communist takeovers C. to end the Korean police action D. to provide economic stability in Europe E. to provide reasons for US nationalism





a seasonal prevailing wind in the region of South and Southeast Asia, blowing from the southwest between May and September and bringing rain (the wet monsoon ), or from the northeast between October and April (the dry monsoon ). the rainy season accompanying the wet monsoon.



what is the question

Explanation: ?

What is a secondary source? A. a source used by two people B. a source that is lesser known C. a source based on primary sources D. a source created by an eyewitness to an event



C a source based on primary sources


Secondary Sources are from primary sources, think about colors


C. A source based on primary sources


I took the quiz and got it right.

Hope this Helps!

Part A
Visit this US history exam resources page and choose one of the sample responses from the free-response questions. Read one of the sample
essays and complete the following evaluation. Think about the scoring guidelines and Information about what makes a strong response. Then
select specific sections of the essay to rate and comment on Comment on at least four areas of strength and/or weakness.




Essay Segment or Quote Rubric Rating Comments

 Briefly describe ONE major difference between Nash’s and Maier’s historical interpretations of the origins of the American Revolution.

Briefly explain how ONE specific historical event or development from the period 1754–1800 that is not explicitly mentioned in the excerpts could be used to support Nash’s argument.

Briefly explain how ONE specific historical event or development from the period 1754–1800 that is not explicitly mentioned in the excerpts could be used to support Maier’s argument.




The response to (a) did not earn a point because it is does not adequately describe the arguments of Nash and Maier. It merely lists the idea that Maier believed the Revolution emerged from old ideas, and Nash believed the Revolution was based on new ideas.

The response to (b) earned 1 point by providing evidence that the Boston Tea Party was a specific event that demonstrated the colonists’ rebellion against Great Britain’s taxation, which supports Nash’s argument. The response to

(c) did not earn a point because the Boston Massacre does not support Maier’s argument that the Revolution originated from earlier revolutionary thought.

Why did Martin Luther's teachings become popular and gain followers?



Fundamentally Luther succeeded because his ideas appealed to people of all classes. In its maturity his theology was seen as revolutionary in economic, social, and political—as well as intellectual and doctrinal ways. ... Yet another reason for Luther's success was the relative weakness of the forces opposing him.

Which one of these tribes is NOT a Nomadic Hunter-Gatherer tribe? (The kind to wander and not make a permanent home.)
O Kiowa
O Coahuiltecans
O Comanche
O Caddo


The answer is Caddo because they were sedentary !!

Why was the first draft of the Articles of Confederation revised?

Question 10 options:

It assured the independence of the states.

It proposed a strong central government.

It stated that the central government wouldn't control western lands.

It proposed a limited function of the central government.




The first draft of the Articles of Confederation was revised because It proposed a strong central government.

the goverment of sparta was an oligarchy, which mean’s that it was.?

A) ruled by a small number of people
B) ruled by tyrant
C) controlled by a popular vote
D) ruled by a king



The answer is A


a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution.

A. oligos (which means “few”) and arkhein (which means “rule”). ...a stable oligarchy ruled only one city-state: Sparta, which was ruled by two kings who shared power.

How did the USA change since 2007?​



The last recession was deemed after the fact to have begun in December 2007. It's more accurate to say that the previous economic recovery ended in December 2007, since the Business Cycle Dating Committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research "determined that a peak in economic activity occurred in the U.S. economy" that month. But the general custom is to date the start of a recession to the previous business cycle's peak, so December 2007 it is, meaning that this business cycle has just wrapped up its 10th year.

Most of the economic data from the end of 2017 isn't available yet, so one cannot do a full 10-year retrospective. The Bureau of Labor Statistics did release its December jobs report last Friday, though, so that's a good place to start. Yes, this last recession was especially awful. That's why they call it the Great Recession! The subsequent jobs recovery has been long and steady, and by this point has far outdistanced the recovery of the 2000s. But it's been weaker than the jobs recoveries of the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s.

Part of that weakness can be explained by slowing population growth, which exerts a drag on job growth.The unemployment rate has fallen more over the past 10 years than during any other post-1970 business cycle, and is now almost as low as in the boom times of the turn of the millennium. Then again, the unemployment rate, as President Donald Trump complained repeatedly during his campaign but has for some strange reason gone silent about since, is a flawed measure. It counts only people who are actively looking for jobs, meaning that those who have given up are ignored.

"Prithvi Narayan Shah was an expert and far sighted politician and successful administrator." Explain.​



PNS personally commanded many battles. The battles taught him how to handle complex situations and how he could come out victorious.

PNS focused on his goal and used all means (Saam, Daam, Danda, Bhed) for his campaign. As he fought battles, he understood why integrating the nearby kingdoms could be beneficial against the rising British hegemony in the region. He also realized that the diversity of Nepal could be exploited by British to divide the kingdom.


Prithvi Narayan Shah was not a strategist in the beginning. As soon as he became the king of Gorkha, he wanted to capture Nuwakot. In 1800 B.S., the first troop he sent under Biraj Thapa could not cross the Trishuli River. PNS, however, was not satisfied with the delay and sent another troop under Maheshwar Panta. The Gorkhali troop lost to the nature (Trishuli) as well the soldiers of Nuwakot.

After the loss, PNS became a military strategist. He went Benaras, brought some weapons and trained his soldiers so that they obey all commands without fear. He also developed the Marwat system for helping the soldier’s family if he died in a battle. He also used Yogis, the devotees of Gorakhnath, as spies.

He did not know how to use geography to strategical advantage before he himself led the Second Battle of Nuwakot in 1801 B.S. Had Kalu Pandey not found a way to divert huge number of Nuwakote soldiers, PNS could have died in the battle.

He had already understood politics, though. Before the Second Battle of Nuwakot, PNS had realized that the Chaubise Rajyas could be threat to his campaign and he might have to kill his kins in Kaski, Lamjung and Tanahun. To avoid the “sins”, he changed his gotra from Bhardwaj to Kasyap.

He also understood that Nepal (the then Kathmandu Valley—Kantipur, Patan, and Bhaktapur) would be against him as soon as he captured Nuwakot. So he kept a cordial relation with Ranjit Malla of Bhaktapur, who was also his Meet Baa (best friend’s father/father’s best friend)

PNS used the anarchy established by the Pradhans to make his brother Dal Mardan Shah the king of Patan from 1820–1822. When PNS attacked Kirtipur in 1822, Dal Mardan Shah did not oppose even though the Pradhans had urged him to do so. On Poush 3, 1822, PNS won the third battle of Kirtipur. Less than four years later, PNS was the king of Nepal.

PNS also understood how the people of Nepal Mandal lived. When he won the surrounding areas, he imposed a complete economic blockade which was one of the biggest reasons behind his victory over Kantipur, Patan and Bhaktapur.

Through treaties and diplomatic understandings, he was able to solve a lot of problems with the Chaubises and Baises, the British, the Tibetan and the Newas.

Describe new laws and ideas that rulers during the Enlightenment put in place in their empires that reflect Enlightenment ideas. pls



An eighteenth century intellectual movement whose three central concepts were the use of reason, the scientific method, and progress. Enlightenment thinkers believed they could help create better societies and better people.

Do by these presents solemnly and mutually in the presence of God and one of another, covenant, and combine our selves together into a civil body politic (based on majority rules), for our better ordering and preservation..."



This excerpt is from the Mayflower Compact


The Mayflower Compact was the first political agreement made by the Pilgrims before they settle in America. It was a kind of agreement of democratic principle to be applied in the new colony, in which it was declared fidelity to the king of England and the commitment of all to obey the fair and equal laws that were approved by the majority.

1. In reviewing the study, describe three to four of the key findings identified by the





Which of the following best describes the executive branch of government under the Articles of Confederation?
It consisted of a president alone.
It consisted of Congress alone.
O It consisted of Congress and a president.
O It consisted of a two-house Congress.


Are those the answers




Even though the three different types of colonies were very different and only the southern colonies held slaves, how were all of the colonies and England interdependent on one another?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options provided, we can say the following.

Even though the three different types of colonies were very different and only the southern colonies held slaves, all of the colonies and England were interdependent on one another due to the trade they had of different goods and crops.

The middle colonies were known as the "breadbasket of America" due to the many crops they grew and their quality. Southern colonies grew indigo, rice, and cotton, while New England colonies did not have the fertile soil of other regions, that is why they raised livestock and were very good fishermen.

All of the 13 American colonies also had to pay heavy taxation imposed by the British crown, such as the Navigation Acts, the Stamp Act, or the Te Act. The worst part was that they were forced to pay but had no voice or representation in the British Parliament. These issues represented a major cause for the beginning of the American Revolutionary War of Independence.

An early system of developed during the First Industrial Revolution.






Answer mass production


what factors led up to and fueled the Triangular Trade?



Triangular trade to contains the influence the Atlantic ocean to people of Europeans,Africans, South and North America, they part of this trade.  


Triangular trade is the term historical trade of the ports of regions, this trade used to the region of the export commodities required not in region and import to come this trade.

Triangular trade is to  contain the particular routes the powerful winds and current age of sail.Triangular trade to thus provides the method for the trade imbalances the above regions.Triangular trade to perform the triangular outwards to the route the main way for the to reach and return the America.Triangular trade is to the transatlantic trade they operated to the carrying slaves and crops west Africa and European power.Triangular trade to perform that supply for the sale and trade as copper, cloth, beads and ammunition.Triangular trade to contain the trade model and not an exact description of the ship route, in that many fields trade ways of transport earning and benefits.Triangular trade is to have taken place to the among East Greece and Egypt, a trade pattern evolved before the revolutionary America and Britain.Triangular trade a system of exchange in which the Europe supplied Africa and America with goods enslaved laborers.

The Triangular Trade was fueled by several factors. First, the demand for labor in the New World colonies, particularly in the Americas, led to the need for large numbers of workers.

What other factors fueled it?

Second, the availability of abundant natural resources in the Americas, such as sugar, tobacco, and cotton, created lucrative trade opportunities.

Lastly, the Atlantic slave trade emerged as a result of the European demand for labor in the colonies, leading to the forced migration of millions of African slaves across the Atlantic Ocean.

These factors combined to establish the framework of the Triangular Trade system.

Learn more about Triangular Trade at:


Compare the tatics used by french troops in the french and indian war with those of the american patriots during revolution



Both the French and American Patriots had familiarity with the terrain.


France in the French and Indian War had the military advantage because they fought for their land and had knowledge of the terrain (landscape) better than the British. France also tied alliances with the Indians, which helped them in staying in the war for seven years. French had better relationships with the Indians compare to the British. They regularly hide in forests and attach when the British were feeble.

The Patriots were successful in the revolutionary war because they were fighting for their purpose. They knew the terrain well than Britishers. Americans used guerrilla fare tactics to win the war. Patriots were fighting for their freedom rather than for the British King.

Who was the 15th president of the United states (quick question)!​



James Buchanan

Look at the map of the British colonies on the following page where are the most colonial cities list three cities on the map that are major cities today



Answer: b) Domesticated plants were used to attract animals that could be domesticated. Explanation: Domestication is the process of getting wild animals or plants to become tame and adaptable for human use.


Answer: b) Domesticated plants were used to attract animals that could be domesticated. Explanation: Domestication is the process of getting wild animals or plants to become tame and adaptable for human use.

Answer: b) Domesticated plants were used to attract animals that could be domesticated. Explanation: Domestication is the process of getting wild animals or plants to become tame and adaptable for human use.

Early in its history, the Tombigbee Hills region mostly supported
O cotton plantations.
O manufacturing
O small farms.
the timber industry.


The answer should be All of the above because I don’t know what the question actually is

Answer:cotton plantations


Who are the presidents that lost the popular vote, but won the presidency?



John Quincy Adams (1824)

Rutherford B. Hayes (1876)

Benjamin Harrison (1888)

George W. Bush (2000)

Donald Trump (2016)


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