We will be talking a lot about power while reading Lord of the Flies. Who has power? How does a person get power?


Answer 1


In Lord of the Flies, the characters who have power are often those who are able to exert their will over others and command their obedience. This can be through physical strength, charisma, or the ability to persuade others to follow their lead. A person can gain power by demonstrating these qualities and gaining the respect and loyalty of others. However, the power dynamics on the island are constantly shifting, and different characters may find themselves in positions of power at different times. For example, Ralph is initially seen as a leader and has some degree of power, but as the story progresses, Jack and his tribe become more powerful and eventually overthrow Ralph. Ultimately, power in Lord of the Flies is often a matter of who is able to assert themselves and gain the support of others.


Related Questions

Write a paragraph comparing and contrasting Citra Terranova with another character from the book Scythe. Be sure to write at least 5 sentences, reference the text with appropriate MLA citations, explain each character's morals/beliefs, and include both similarities and differences.


In the book Scythe, Citra Terranova is a young scythe apprentice who is paired with the experienced scythe Faraday. Citra is independent and resourceful, and she is determined to do whatever it takes to become a successful scythe. In contrast, another character in the book, Rowan Damisch, is also a scythe apprentice, but he is much more hesitant and unsure of himself. Whereas Citra is confident and willing to take risks, Rowan is more hesitant and cautious. However, both Citra and Rowan share a strong sense of justice and morality, and they both struggle with the difficult choices that come with being a scythe.

I'm sorry, I don't think I met all of the requirements (don't MLA citations for example) but I tried my best

I ___ to the gym last night.
a. gone
b. was
c go
d went



d) went


In this sentence, the subject is "I," which is in the first person singular. The verb "went" is in the past tense and is correctly conjugated to match the subject. "Gone" is the past participle of the verb "go," and is used in conjunction with an auxiliary verb (such as "have" or "had") to form verb tenses such as the present perfect or past perfect. "Was" is the past tense of the verb "be," and is not appropriate for this sentence. "Go" is the present tense of the verb "go," and is not appropriate for this sentence as it is written in the past tense.


Explanation:it is d because all the other answer don't make sense int the sentence

Can you help me with English homework


Sure I don’t see a picture but you can make one so that I can help you out

Match the question with the appropriate thinking skill. Pay close attention to the first word in each question. "Discuss how social situations are related to a teen's diet."



The statement "Discuss how social situations are related to a teen's diet" is evaluation. The correct option is E.

What is evaluation?

When you evaluate something or someone, you take them into account in order to form an opinion on them, such as whether or not they are good or terrible.

Evaluation is the methodical review of an initiative's conception, execution, or outcomes for the benefit of knowledge or decision-making.

A program, practice, intervention, or initiative can be studied scientifically through evaluation to see how well it fulfils its objectives. Evaluations assist in identifying the aspects of a program or effort that are effective and could be improved.

Thus, the correct option is E.

For more details regarding evaluation, visit:



write the summary of the poem all the worlds a stage​


Explanation:   Summary

In the poem, Shakespeare conveys the notion that human life is not truly real. The things we see and hear are not true. Human life is a stage production. The infant in arms, the schoolboy, the lover, the soldier, the just, the retired man, and the worn-out senior, sliding back into dissolution are just a few of the ages Shakespeare depicts in this play as he tracks the progression of human life through the renowned seven ages. The entire planet is a stage. We are only pretenders. We get onto the stage and exit it once more. In his lifetime, a guy takes on numerous roles. He initially assumes the role of the baby, wailing and spitting milk into the nurse's arms.

Then he assumes the role of a schoolboy who is reluctant to attend class. He trudges along at the snail's pace while wearing his morning smile. The lover then appears. He writes pathetic verses to his mistress while sighing like a fire. He portrays him as a soldier. It is filled with all of the harsh swear words. He has a gorgeous beard on. He is overly quick, sensitive, and hasty when arguing. He is prepared to give his life in exchange for hollow glory. He will then assume the position of judge. He has a manly tummy and stern eyes. He has great wisdom.

Shakespeare then elaborates on his advanced age. It's quite humorous. The elderly man is wearing glasses and slippers. His once-manly voice now has the shrill tone of a young child. The second child plays the final role. There is so much forgetfulness there. It lacks everything—teeth, eyes, taste, and everything else.

The poem "All the World Is a Stage" is appreciated.

William Shakespeare, a well-known English poet and playwright, wrote the poem "All the World is a Stage." This poem doesn't follow any particular rhyme system, but it maintains a constant rhythm with five beats between each line. The poem is a blank verse because the rhythm is constant.

Alliteration, consonance, hyperbole, inversion, metaphor, metonymy, onomatopoeia, repetition, simile, and transferred epithet are some of the figures of speech utilized in the poem. The poem uses similes throughout, such as "Then a soldier full of weird oaths and bearded like a part," which compares a soldier's beard to a leopard. Essentially, the poem is a metaphor for life. Each man must play a variety of roles.

Each man has a unique set of responsibilities in his life. It proves that life is structured in a certain order, with each person going through different stages as they spend their lives. It exemplifies the idea of life's continual transformation.

Select the thesis statements that are most unified.

Teen magazines are an inexpensive source of well-written fiction and nonfiction.
Teen magazines are an inexpensive source of well-written fiction.
Teen magazines are an inexpensive source of well-written nonfiction.
Teen magazines are an inexpensive source of reading materials.


Teen magazines are an inexpensive source of well-written fiction. that the thesis statements that are most unified.

The thesis statement unites what?

Specific: Each thesis statement in a given topic is narrowly focused on a single issue. A question can be used to express a problem. Unified: The entire thesis phrase must center around a single main point.

The primary idea in a piece of writing, or the thesis sentence, reflects the writer's viewpoint on the subject, as well as their intent and attitude. The sentences that follow are all related to this main idea. A thesis statement could describe how the writing is structured.

To know more about thesis statement visit:



Please read the excerpts from"Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau. What is his central idea? Identify his central idea. Please support your answer with THREE pieces of textual evidence and analysis.

Its a portfolio and if you completed it can you please help!!!


To gain the right to levy taxes on its inhabitants, according to Thoreau, the government must put an end to its unfair practices. He went on to say that as so long as the government did wrong things, moral people had to decide to either pay their taxes or not and rebel against it.

Civil disobedience is the peaceful rejection of a rule of law, regulation, or authority that is deemed unfair. Therefore, civil disobedience is a nonviolent form of opposition.

The main takeaway from Thoreau's book Walden is to live simply, on your own, and sensibly. He advises people to attempt to live a free and uncommitted life, free from the exchange economy and modern labor, and other things that make life too complicated. He also stresses the value of having as close of a direct relationship with Nature as possible.

Thoreau observes that physicians frequently advise patients to change their surroundings when they are ill, but he subtly mocks this notion by asserting that "the cosmos is bigger than our conceptions of it." He contends that rather than a change in the environment, perhaps a change in the soul is required.

To know more about "Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau, click on the link below:



25. According to the article, how could smart cities
worsen existing problems?
OA. Smart cities are more likely to attract large
companies and investors, indirectly harming
the economies of traditional cities.
OB. Certain areas of smart cities could be made
more advanced than others, creating greater
inequality between citizens.
O C. Large cities are more likely to become smart
cities, creating greater inequality between
cities of varying sizes.
O D. Citizens who live centrally in smart cities are
more likely to benefit than those who live on
the outskirts.



OB. Certain areas of smart cities could be made

more advanced than others, creating greater

inequality between citizens.


Final answer:

Smart cities could worsen existing problems by attracting large companies and investors away from traditional cities, creating intra-city inequalities due to uneven distribution of advanced technologies, exacerbating inequalities between cities of different sizes, and benefiting centrally-located residents at the cost of those living on the outskirts.


The article seems to imply that the development of smart cities could potentially exacerbate existing problems in a variety of ways. One possible downside is that these highly-advanced cities could attract large companies and investors, which could disadvantage traditional cities by draining their economic opportunities (Option A).

Smart cities could also breed inequality within their own boundaries since certain areas could be more technologically advanced than others, leading to an unbalanced distribution of resources and services (Option B). Additionally, larger cities are more likely to be transformed into smart cities, which can compound inequalities between cities of different sizes (Option C). Lastly, those who live centrally in smart cities could reap more benefits than those on the outskirts, adding another layer of inequality (Option D).

Learn more about Smart Cities here:



the purpose of this passage is to A:tell the reeaders about the type of animals that spread disease


The purpose of this passage is option C) persuade readers to purchase an all-natural pest prevention product.

What are author's purposes?

The goal or objective of a writer is their motivation for writing. An author may want to mock a condition, inform the reader, persuade the reader, or amuse the reader.

This passage's primary goal is to accomplish C), persuade readers to buy an organic pest control product. That objective receives the most of its paragraphs.

Therefore, This passage begins by educating readers about the kinds of animals that spread sickness, but it merely serves as the prelude to its campaign to get readers to purchase the goods. Educates readers on the risks associated with commercial chemicals, but solely in order to highlight its all-natural cures. Hence option C: is correct.

Learn more about purpose  from


See full question below

As the weather becomes warmer and people travel outside more often, daring pests creep indoors to explore kitchens and pantries. It is important to know that insects and mice can contribute to the spread of germs and diseases. At the very least, these pests can damage food supplies or cause itchy bug bites. From the largest mice to the tiniest fleas, these creatures can turn a peaceful home into a crawling nightmare!

2Many people, however, hesitate to use commercial sprays near children and pets or in places where they store food. The harsh chemicals in these sprays can cause serious injuries if they aren’t used properly. Luckily, there is now another choice for people who want to avoid these dangerous chemicals. The experts at Growing Garden Supply are happy to help you discover all-natural ways of keeping these creatures outdoors, where they belong.

3This week, pots of peppermint and lavender plants are on sale. These herbs not only let off fragrant scents, but they also can be used to keep pests out of your home. Place a pot of lavender in the kitchen to ward off mice and use mint as an all-purpose pest remover. The scent of crushed mint leaves is unpleasant for mice, ants, and fleas. Sprinkle a few along the edge of your home to discourage pests from entering. Happily, mint leaves are completely safe for humans to eat. Try some in a cup of tea, or use them to add flavor to baked goods.

4After seeing the great results from the mint and lavender plants, why not start an entire garden of plants that are unappealing to pests? Growing Garden Supply has an excellent selection of bitter cucumber seeds and garlic bulbs. Slices of cucumbers and garlic can help chase away ugly roaches and mosquitoes, and the leftovers taste wonderful in summer salads and pasta dishes.

5People who are eager for an immediate fix to their pest problems might prefer a liquid spray. Fortunately, we have many plant oils and spray bottles in stock! Some of these essential oils can be combined for an even greater effect. Remember, essential oils cannot be stored in plastic or metal for long periods—the oils will eat away at the container. Instead, check out Growing Garden Supply’s impressive collection of beautiful glass jars, available in a variety of shapes and sizes. This will solve all of your oil storage problems.

6Once the house is free of pests, consider natural ways of keeping wildlife from attacking your garden and yard. Choosing the right plants to grow together can be a natural way of keeping hungry caterpillars and rabbits away. Ask our specially trained employees for more helpful suggestions on pest prevention both in and outside the home.

The purpose of this passage is to

A) inform readers of the dangers of commercial chemicals.

B) tell readers about the types of animals that spread disease.

C) persuade readers to purchase an all-natural pest prevention product.

D) show readers why it is important to follow directions when using sprays.

Identify if each of the given sentences is a simple, compound, or complex sentence.

1. l enjoyed the play, but I didn't like the end.

2. Jean was excited because her poem was greatly appreciated by all.

3. How fabulous our Christmas tree looks with all the decorations!

4. Even if our team wins this match, we may not make it to the final.

5. Dr. Mark prescribed some pills, and he told the patient to have a week's rest



A simple phrase just has one clause. A complex sentence consists of one independent clause one and or more dependent (subordinate) clauses. A compound sentence is made up of a number of linked but independent clauses.

1. Complex Sentence

2. Simple Sentence

3. Simple Sentence

4. Complex Sentence

5. Compound Sentence

Three things make up a basic sentence: the subject, the verb, and the finished idea.

A complex sentence consists of one independent clause as well as at least one clause. When you wish to develop or modify the main idea of your statement, it works best.

Two separate clauses are joined together in a compound sentence with a conjunction, most typically and or but. When two or more separate, connected sentences are blended into one, they work best.

To know more about simple, compound, or complex sentence, click on the link below:



pls answer the below things






2 ate

3 she is agood person

4 is

5 she is going

6 i eat my


(MC) _______ involves identifying what is important and what is not from all the information you receive every day
A. defensiveness
b. selective listening
c. information overload
d. critical listening


Option c , Critical listening involves using active and intentional listening skills to identify what is important and what is not from all the information you receive every day. Unlike passive listening, critical listening requires the listener to be actively engaged in the conversation and to actively evaluate the information they are receiving.

Critical listening requires attentive and careful listening. The listener must be prepared to think deeply about what is being said and to identify any underlying motivations, meanings, and implications. It is important to remember that the listener should not be so focused on what the speaker is saying that they miss the point of the conversation.

Critical listening also requires the listener to be aware of their own biases and preconceived notions. It is important to be open to new ideas and to not be too quick to dismiss someone else’s opinions or ideas. The listener should also be aware of their own emotions and how they might be influencing their understanding of the conversation.

Critical listening also involves being able to identify any kind of manipulation or deception. This includes being able to identify when someone is trying to use persuasive tactics to get the listener to accept their argument. It is important to be able to recognize these tactics and to be able to assess the validity of the information.

Learn more about Critical listening at :https://brainly.com/question/3259291


Have you ever misplaced your purse or wallet? This may be a thing of the past since some companies are developing personal identification purchasing capability using ___ software.


This may be a thing of the past since some companies are developing personal identification purchasing capability using preventative measures software.

Never provide personal information to a stranger as a protective step against ID fraud or theft.Currently, identity theft happens when a person or hacker with nefarious motives seeks to access another person's private or secret information. And the best method to stop this hacking is to make sure.

That all of your personal data is maintained in a secure location with the required security measures in place, as well as being extremely cautious about who you share your personal information with.Identity theft happens when an individual with malicious intent obtains your personal information. With this information they can open accounts in your name, steal your money, ask for loans etc.

To know more about preventative measures visit:



Question 11 (2.5 points)
HIV medications can be used to prevent HIV infection.
1) True
2) False


The answer is true. Have a nice day

hmh american history module the english colonies 3 assessment answers 'b. draw conclusions why was maryland's toleration act of 1649 important?'


hmh american historic Communities On December 6, 1606, three ships departed from England in search of a new home in Virginia. illness and disease The germs, bacteria, and ailments that existed on this new continent.

Were unknown to the explorer the largest problem colonists in Virginia faced when they first arrived was a lack of food because the soil was hard to cultivate and the Native Americans might be hostile. However, once they had enough tobacco growing, they were able to trade efficiently.

In an effort to find gold, the London-based Virginia Company dispatched ships to sea in 1606. The English settlers who founded Jamestown did not find gold; rather, they endured starvation, disease, and severe misery. Only 38 of the 144 colonists that arrived in Jamestown survived the first year.

To know more about American history visit:



Select the correct answer.
What is the most important reason for citing a source when quoting it directly?
A. to give credit to the source
B to make your work seem complete
C. to add more information to your work
D. to pick ideas from different sources


Answer: A.


A - to give credit to your source - is the best answer and makes the most sense.

When you cite a source, you give credit to it. For example, if you said a quote and didn't cite your source, you would be stealing their words. You must always cite to avoid plagiarism

Although portraiture later became the main source of Gainsborough’s fame and income, he was also one of the earliest British painters to produce important landscapes, admired for their freshness and fluency of .............


Although portraiture later became the main source of Gainsborough’s fame and income, he was also one of the earliest British painters to produce important landscapes, admired for their freshness and fluency of handling.

What do you mean by Income?

The amount of money, property, and other transfers of value obtained over a predetermined period of time in return for services or goods are often referred to as "income." Income is defined in accordance with the context in which the word is employed; there is no single, universal definition.

English painter, draughtsman, and printmaker Thomas Gainsborough specialized in painting portraits and landscapes. He is regarded as one of the most significant British artists of the second half of the 18th century, along with his competitor Sir Joshua Reynolds. He worked swiftly, and his mature works are distinguished by a soft palette and loose strokes. Gainsborough painted numerous portraits, but his landscapes gave him more delight. He and Richard Wilson are recognized as the founders of the British landscape school of the eighteenth century. Gainsborough was one of the Royal Academy's first members.

Therefore, Correct answer for the blank is handling.

Learn more about Income, here;



What does a good leader act



Good leaders possess self-awareness, garner credibility, focus on relationship-building, have a bias for action, exhibit humility, empower others, stay authentic, present themselves as constant

and consistent, become role models and are fully present.

A good leader should have integrity, self-awareness, courage, respect, empathy, and gratitude. T


i hope i helped

What is a good conclusion on why teachers are important??( i need 1 paragraph with 5 sentences in it)


In conclusion, we need teachers because they help us in many different ways. They show us the right way when we do something wrong, they try to make us the best versions of our selves, they care about our education and how important having an education is, they try to help us when we’re struggling in both school and life, in general, they’re important because we as students need someone to help us through hard times, and that’s what teachers do.

Respond to the following question using PEELS. You must use evidence from the book to support your claim.

What revelation does Horatio have about Gilbert and Roscoe and what they are really doing with Hamilton?


The revelation that Horatio has about Gilbert and Roscoe is to swear secrecy pertaining to the ghost and Hamlet's "antic disposition."

What is Horatio's purpose at the end of the play?

At the end of the play, when Hamlet is killed in his fight with Laertes, Horatio, in his grief, offers to kill himself with his own sword. It is Hamlet's dying request that Horatio tell Hamlet's story, and let the truth of it be known, that keeps him from doing so.

According to the context of this question, Hamlet explains to Horatio how the play will help prove the Ghost's honesty and reveal Claudius' perfidy. He asks Horatio to watch the King and note his reaction to a specific speech in Murder of Gonzago.

Hamilton's view on slavery greatly affects their ideology in the context of the ghost story by Horatio.

To learn more about Horatio, refer to the link:



2. It has been a tiring day ____
a. . (full stop)
b. ! (exclamation)
c. ? (interrogation / question mark



a. Full stop


the reason why we put full stop is to end his sentence

Problem: What type of sensory word
would you not use in a narrative?
a. Loud
b. Smelly
c. Hopeful
d. Beautiful


In a narrative, you would not use a sensory word like "hopeful" because it does not describe a physical sensation that can be sensed by one of the five senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell). Sensory words are words that describe a physical sensation, so "hopeful" is not a sensory word. Instead, you could use words like "loud," "smelly," or "beautiful" to describe a physical sensation in a narrative.

Which phrase describes the mood of a literary text?
A.the surface-level events or ideas in a text
B. the attitude of a text toward its subject
C. the emotions a text may create for a reader
D. the time, place, and environment of a text


In my thinking, c is the correct answer.

The emotions a text may create for a reader

I think the answer is C

critique the theories explaining division of household labor. Do you think these theories are true and accurate or false. Explain your answer. What advice would you give men regarding division of labor at home and childcare? What advice would you give women on the same issue? At what age would the children help with household chores, if any? What would children do?


The division of domestic labour is the distribution of responsibilities involved in maintaining a family functioning efficiently in the home, including chores like cleaning, cooking, laundry, and childcare.

What is division of household labor?Division of domestic labor refers to the distribution of responsibilities involved in maintaining a family functioning normally in the home, including chores like cleaning, cooking, laundry, and childcare. In the past, males have typically provided for their families financially while women have historically specialized in household chores, performing between three-quarters and two-thirds of the regular household work. Housework is unpaid, devalued, and disempowering while earning a living is compensated, valued, and empowering. Women who perform the majority of the housework are also negatively impacted by this when it comes to their ability to participate in the paid labor force.While women's participation in the labour force increased during the course of the 20th century, the amount of housework they contributed decreased, and males contributed more to home duties even while women remained the majority of the workforce. Popular theoretical explanations for the gender gap in household contributions at the family level include time availability, relative resources, and gender ideology, while more recent theoretical perspectives look at work-family and gender policy at the national level as contexts in which the family distribution of household labour is embedded.

To Learn more About division of domestic labour refer To:



What seems to be the poet's attitude about war? In your opinion, is war usually a worthy
endeavor for humankind? Use examples from the text as well as your own life experiences. Don't
forget to use the S-Summarizing sentence at the end. Please help asap


In the poem 'There Will Come Soft Rains', the poet's attitude about war is that -War is a necessary evil that will eventually bring peace.

The poem  'There Will Come Soft Rains' is stunning and full of vivid imagery. Teasdale discusses the effect or lack there of—that humanity actually has on the natural world in this passage. Despite the fact that we are undoubtedly very destructive, our interactions with other living things are so one-sided that they would not even notice if we suddenly vanished from the planet. Teasdale makes references to war while talking about the natural world. The 1918 German Spring Offensive in the First World War inspired the song "There Will Come Soft Rains." It's likely that Teasdale also drew inspiration from the concurrent 1918 flu pandemic.

How do you summarize the poem 'There Will Come Soft Rains'?

The speaker of the poem begins by listing several peaceful scenes. There are frogs croaking in water at night and birds circling, serenading out their "shimmering sounds." The world's creatures, trees, and wind are all in harmony and are satisfied with one another.

The poem's second half explains how nature and "Spring" wouldn't notice if all people were at war. They wouldn't be at all affected by it. Additionally, considering how little humans work perfectly into their world, they would not care if everyone on the planet vanished.

Learn more about war from



Read the passage from act 2, scene 3 of The Tragedy of Macbeth.

[Porter.] Lechery, sir, it provokes, and unprovokes; it provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance. Therefore much drink may be said to be an equivocator with lechery; it makes him, and it mars him; it sets him on, and it takes him off; it persuades him, and disheartens him; makes him stand to, and not stand to; in conclusion, equivocates him in a sleep, and, giving him the lie, leaves him.

What is the effect of the antithesis in the porter’s speech?

It explains why some people use alcohol.
It contrasts the porter’s demeanor to that of other servants.
It describes the results of becoming intoxicated.
It compares the porter to the other revelers in Macbeth’s household.


The effect of the antithesis in porter’s speech It compares porter to the other revelers in Macbeth’s household.

What is the antithesis?

When two opposites are put together for contrasting effects, an antithesis is employed in writing or speech as a proposition that contrasts with or reverses some previously mentioned concept. This is based on the term or phrase that makes sense.

There are two reasons why Porter is significant in Macbeth. Porter's primary purpose is to provide humorous relief by releasing the tension that has built up in the audience as a result of King Duncan's murder. By implying that the gates to Macbeth's house are analogous to the gates of hell, Porter also serves a thematic purpose.

Therefore, Thus option (D) is correct.

Learn more about the antithesis here:



What literary device is most prominent in this excerpt from Sandburg's poem, "Grass"?
"Pile the bodies high at Austerlitz and Waterloo."



The literary device that is most prominent in this excerpt from Sandburg's poem "Grass" is option A:  alliteration.

What is the alliteration about?

Alliteration is the repetition of the same sound or group of sounds at the beginning of two or more words in a phrase or line of poetry.

In this case, the repetition of the sound "P" at the beginning of the words "Pile" and "bodies" is an example of alliteration.

Therefore, one can say that alliteration is often used in poetry as a way to create a sense of unity and flow within a poem, and to draw the reader's attention to certain words or sounds.

Learn more about literary device from



how does Twain show awareness of his audience?
He uses a quotation to establish his credibility
He narrates the scene to introduce the tops
He uses imagery to rpovide context
He interprets the quotation


Mark Twain aimed for a large audience. Through membership sales and the monthly press, he was able to connect with readers both domestically and overseas, and this widespread popularity was ideal for him.

Except for The Prince and the Pauper and Joan of Arc, every book Mark Twain ever published was written with the intention of being sold, according to Kenneth Andrews. Mark Twain frequently informs his contacts in his letters how many editions of his books have indeed been sold and the amount of money he has made. This implies that he wrote with audience appeal in mind. The letters written by Twain further demonstrate his constant concern for the attendance at his lectures. They demonstrate how frequently he was aware of the audience.

To know more about Twain showing awareness of his audience, click on the link below:



Match analysis French vs England World Cup


France is heading back to the World Cup semifinals in back-to-back tournaments after a thrilling and nerve-wracking 2-1 quarterfinal victory over England.

What is Match analysis?

It was a battle of the titans. Both teams made the semifinals of the last World Cup in Russia four years ago. France is the defending champion and had sparkled in Qatar behind a bevy of stars including Kylian Mbappé who leads the tournament with five goals (he was mostly silenced in this contest).

It was France which scored first. In the 17th minute, Antoine Griezmann (playing in his 72nd straight game) passed to Aurélien Tchouaméni who delivered a blistering strike from far outside the box to silence England 1-0.

England's super striker and team captain Harry Kane leveled the game at 1-1 in the 54th minute with a penalty kick strike. It was his 53rd goal for England - tying him with Wayne Rooney as the top all-time scorers for their country.

Therefore, France is heading back to the World Cup semifinals in back-to-back tournaments after a thrilling and nerve-wracking 2-1 quarterfinal victory over England.

To learn more about match, refer to the link:



Which sentence has the correct comma placement


where is the sentence? What’s the question? I think you forget to actually input the question.
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