What are possible purposes of Stowe's use of dialect?


Answer 1

It is no longer necessary to employ that particular dialect; dialect was simply one of the tools Stowe used to effectively tell her story purposes.

In order to strengthen their narrative, authors today are inclined to emulate various regional dialects purposes.

to display a character's level of education. The way that Stowe uses speech enhances the story's environment in many ways. First of all, it gives the characters a more realistic feel and makes some of them more likeable. We feel like we know the characters better since their dialogue is depicted as it would have most likely sounded in real life. We become more concerned about them as a result. Stowe also used dialect to depict the characters' educational backgrounds because "normal" English is probably not their first language.

To learn more about dialect  please click on below link



Related Questions

How is telling a personal story powerful?
Remember...put your answer in complete sentences


Answer:Stories ignite our imagination and help us to make sense of the struggles we all face.Personal stories have the power to shape our lives and the lives of our listeners.


What do you think was the speakers attitude towards amanda?


The speaker's treatment of Amanda is quite snarky. One of Amanda's parents is speaking in the poem, instructing her on how to dress nicely and fit in.

Robin Mc Maugh Klein, an Australian author, is the author of the poem "Amanda." The poem is about the title character who is constantly bugged and reprimanded by one of her parents for everything.

The rearing of a child is the poem's main focus. While teaching their children right from wrong and instilling politeness in them is crucial, parents must also be responsive to the child's wishes. In the poem, Amanda is continually reprimanded and badgered by a parent over seemingly insignificant things like consuming candy. Amanda escapes into a fantasy world where she is free and alone to deal with this painful event. The poem conveys the idea that parents shouldn't offer their kids too much independence to the point where they feel stifled.

To know more about Amanda click here,



What are the important points to remember in writing argumentative essay?


Important points -sentence that succinctly and clearly explains why the reader should support your perspective should begin each body paragraph, which should cover a different idea or piece of evidence.

What should I keep in mind when crafting an argument?

In argumentative essays, authors achieve this by composing: An introductory paragraph with a strong, concise thesis statement. body paragraphs that back up their main points with examples and rationale. a section that, where necessary, discusses competing viewpoints on the subject.

So have that in mind: To write an argumentative essay, you must select a contentious subject, conduct in-depth research on it, select a side in the argument, and then defend that side by giving the supporting facts.

Your topic should be something about which you are knowledgeable, about which you are interested, and about which you have strong feelings. Also think about the themes that make you react, bewildered, dubious, or inspired.

To know more about argumentative essay visit:



What perspectives does Swift seem to be mocking through his exaggerations?


Swift adopts an overly cynical persona that mocks individuals who have disapproving views on the Irish poor, including the Irish wealthy, politicians, and British officials.

In what ways does Swift overdo things in A Modest Proposal?

By proposing such a ridiculous answer to the problem, Swift implores the populace to find a sensible method to reduce the levels of poverty in Ireland.

What issue in society is Swift mocking?

Jonathan Swift, a master of satire in the eighteenth century, wrote the article A Modest Proposal, which discusses the deprivation and tyranny experienced by the Irish people at the hands of their English landowners.

To know more about the swift visit :-



What is the purpose of the author's argument?


The purpose of the author's argument goal is to support Pluto's claim to the planet's name and designate 2003 UB313 as the solar system's tenth planet.

According to him, doing so would help children understand how science is constantly changing and how the cosmos is constantly expanding. We can determine this response because.To support Pluto's continued status as a planet in the solar system, Mike Brown authored his article.

He claims that while he is aware of the justifications for Pluto losing its classification as a planet, he does not believe it is necessary.He believed that excluding Pluto from consideration as a planet in the solar system would create the erroneous impression that the universe is contracting.This could appear to be a scientific setback, but that is not how science works.

To know more about Author's argument visit:



What caused Hamlet's madness?


Answer: His father's ghost tells him that he was murdered by Claudius, which drives Hamlet to want to seek revenge. This causes him to display erratic behavior, indicating that he has become mad with his desire to avenge his father's death.


What is theme in a paragraph?


Theme in a paragraph is Cheboygan Daily the topic made clear by sentence 53 is that "Gossip can help mischaracterize persons." In relation to the story, the themes of belonging, solitude, and social restrictions all resurface in paragraph.

We'll discuss how concepts like community, loneliness, isolation, and social expectations relate to the novel as we read it.Gannett also publishes the Mackinac Journal, known as the "magazine of the straits,. The penny-saver Shopper's Bazaar in addition to the daily newspaper.Everyone is therefore intrigued.

When Claude and Adele, two new students, relocate to town. As people discover more about them, they begin to be treated very differently. This story explores the impact of herd behaviour and how people are more likely to follow. The crowd Daily newspaper the Cheboygan Daily this story explores the impact of herd behaviour.

To know more about Theme in a Paragraphs visit:



How do you calculate deviation score?


The variance of a set of data is the difference between an observation or value (x) and the mean value (x - mean). Particular that roughly half of the values will be less than the mean and half will be greater than the mean, the sum of the deviation scores for a given data set will be equal to zero. likewise known as deviation value.


Given that n is the sample size and p is the number of variables, let A be a raw data matrix of order n p. If Q is I (1/n) 11′, then. The deviation score matrix from the mean for each of the p variables is then X = QA.  S = (1/n)X′X is a formula for the p-variable covariance matrix, which is represented by the letter S. The ith nondiagonal elements are the covariances between the ith and jth variables, whereas the ith diagonal elements are the variance of the ith variable.

Let Z be XD-1/2 and D be a diagonal matrix with diagonal members equal to S. The reciprocal values of standard deviations make up the diagonal parts of D-1/2.

Learn more about variance from here:



What's the setting as the story begins?


The time, place, and duration an author chooses to write about are referred to as the setting of the novel. A setting's location could be actual.

A setting might be a true time and place, or it can be a fictional universe and an unknown time. Along with the physical surroundings that provide a backdrop for the action, setting also refers to the climatic conditions, the weather, and the social and cultural context. Setting is revealed throughout a story's exposition. A story's setting specifies where and when its plot takes place through the use of literary devices. A story setting, also referred to as a background, can be imagined, based on real-world locales (such as a place), historical events, or both.

To learn more about  novel please click on below link



What arguments does Munna give to God for providing him?


He was a good student, according to Munna, and a good student of the holy texts as well. So God ought to deliver him from his unfortunate circumstances.

Munna said the full namaz in an effort to please God with his petitions. Munna claimed to know the final ten verses of the Quran off-by-heart. He deeply regretted buying jalebis with the money intended for school expenses.

He admitted that he had made a serious error. Additionally, he claimed that if he had known about the scholarship delay that month, he wouldn't have bought jalebis with the money used for fees. He added that he was aware that God has an endless supply of everything. Every month, even the chaprasi in his place of abode sent a sizable sum of money home. Additionally, he claimed to be a prominent official's nephew and begged God for merely four rupees. After saying all of this, he prayed earnestly to Allah, pleading with Him to grant him just four rupees.

To learn more about Munna please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/30089532


How can an algorithm be biased? Explain


The programmer can influence an algorithm.

Depending on the programmer, they could have bias on the algorithm due to algothrims being programed by people. For example racism, discrimination, etc. To ensure that an algorithm is unbaised, make sure the algorithm doesn't have any precedence based on the programmer.

READING LESSON: "COOKING TIME" common lit answer key


Note that the character of Mandy contributes to the theme of the story such that "Mandy’s love of cooking illustrates that people should follow their dreams in spite of any obstacles." (Option D)

What is a theme?

A theme is the main focus, subject, or message within a story in current literary studies. Themes are classified into two types: thematic concepts and thematic statements.

Thematic concepts are what readers "believe the work is about," while thematic statements are "what the work says about the topic."

A story's topic is frequently a broad lesson about life. A narrative's topic is vital since it is part of the reason why the writer authored the story.

Learn more about Cooking time:

Full Question:

How does the character of Mandy contribute to the theme of the story?

A. Mandy’s decision to travel back in time shows the dangers of technology.

B. Mandy’s longing for real food shows that scientific advancement comes at a price.

C. Mandy’s escape from MasterChef shows that scientific advancements are useful to most people.

D. Mandy’s love of cooking illustrates that people should follow their dreams in spite of any obstacles.

Who gets the good side of the fence?


Your neighbor should see the finished side. Not only is this more polite, but it is also the standard. The "good" side of your estate ought to be the one that faces the outside. If not, your fence will appear to be keep putting up incorrectly.

You may not be obligated to discuss your fence with your neighbors as long as it is inside your property limits and abides by local ordinances. Even so, it's polite to inquire because it can spare you later legal problems if it turns out that your neighbor wants to contest your fence. Additionally, if it will serve as a fence between your yards, your neighbor may also be thinking about it.

Some fence types feature a finished side, often known as a "good" side, that seems smoother and more polished than the side that displays the rails and posts. Particularly, this is how solid panel fences, which are frequently used for privacy, are typically built.

To learn more about good side of the fence link is here



Answer in paragraph form:
How does the motif of power being essential to achieving personal freedom apply to women in the novel? Consider the changes Ekwefi, Chiclo, and
Nneka undergo as a result of changes in their community in a brief essay that uses examples from the arch


The fear motif in Things Fall Apart demonstrates how fear, like xenophobia, makes people wish to change other people or specific cultures because they do not understand them or are not used to their way of life. This has a significant impact on Things Fall Apart.

What is culture?

The term culture is defined the as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs, and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation as we see there are different forms of culture that can be there in it and the people follow them also in it.

The terrible demise of Okonkwo, whose fate and a temperamental flaw combined to ruin, is connected in Things Fall Apart to the annihilation of his culture and community as the Igbo way of life is attacked by forces they do not comprehend and are unprepared to face.

Therefore, People want to transform some cultures or other people.

Learn more about the culture here:



10) Choose the correct answers from the brackets to complete the following text. Rewriting is not compulsory. [10x0.5=5] Once upon a time, a lion lived in a forest. One day while he was having a rest a mouse ran........... (up /after /over) it. The lion caught it in its paws. The mouse was very badly.....2...... (Frightening /frightened /frighten). It ....3..... (Said to / asked / ordered) the lion, "You are......4... (a/an/the) king of the forest. I am too small for your appetite....5.... (if / unless / whether) you set me free now, I will help you one day. The lion smiled at it and said, "You will help me....6..... (don't /won't/will) you?" Then the lion let it go. After some days the lion......... (catches/caught/was caught) in a net by hunters. The lion.....8.... (loss/lost/has lost) his hope for being alive, ..9....(but/and/because) the mouse came for his rescue. It cut the net and freed the lion. The lion said to himself, "Even this tiny mouse....10....(makes/had/got) me to think about the importance of friendship. They became good friends ever since.​


The correct words that completes the sentences are given below:

OverFrightenedSaid toTheIfWon'tWas caughtLostButGot

What is a Word Bank?

This refers to the term that is used to show the collection of words or phrases that are used to complete a passage or series of sentences that a user can select from.

Hence, it can be seen that the correct words from the word bank given are used to complete the sentence and they can be seen above.

Read more about word banks here:



What is the difference between Athenian education and Spartan education?



Another difference is social classes as women were treated fairer in Sparta. Finally, A similarity is religion because religion was the exact same throughout all of Greece. One major difference between Sparta and Athens is education. Spartan education is more militaristic while Athenian education is more general


According to the passage which may change how much space people need


Based on the passage that we have here the size of an area may change how much space that people may need. Option A

Why do people need to create space and distance with others?

Giving each other some distance enables them to: Connect with and keep up their connections with the other individuals who are significant to them. Focusing on one's own hobbies and interests might help one feel genuinely fulfilled. Allowing space for misunderstandings, conflicts, and arguments to be processed

Giving someone their space and asking for some yourself are both perfectly acceptable. As it allows you to reflect and discover new things about yourself, time spent alone with oneself is some of the most significant time in life. Each person is entitled to a break. Be considerate of others and treat them with respect.

Read more on space and distance in relationships here:https://brainly.com/question/14472144


How did the Sherman Antitrust Act affect monopolies?


The Sherman Anti-Trust Act gave the govt the proper to file lawsuits against trusts and dissolve them. Any arrangement "in the character of trust or otherwise that was in hindrance of trade or commerce between the various states, or with foreign powers," was deemed unlawful. Large businesses like customary Oil and also the yankee Railway Union were changing into targets of skyrocketing public anger at the time as a result of they were thought to be below the belt-monopolizing specific industries.

Customers felt like they were being stricken with outrageous priceson wants, whereas rival businesses found themselves squeezed out of the market as a results ofBrobdingnagian firms' aware efforts to try to to thus.This indicated a major amendment within the yankee restrictive approach to markets and business. yankee legislators more established the expansion of enormous business within the nineteenthcentury by pushing for stricter regulation of economic operations. a lot of specialised statutes, just like the Clayton Act, were created attainable by the Sherman fair Act.

Legislators extremely meantto take care of the yankee market economy's overall fight within the face of evolving business practices, despite the significant public support for measures like these. It is taboo for rival corporations or folks to separate markets, manipulate costs, or build bid rigging tries. in addition, it spells out precise fines and punishments targeted at corporations that disregard these rules. corporations that violate the law might face each civil and criminal sanctions.

To learn more about how Sherman Antitrust Act affected monopolies -



PLS Help will be greatly appreciated and marked the brainiest for the correct and best explained answer.


Answer: (B)

Explanation: Im not 100% sure if its the correct answer but according to what I read it was talking about A man to man justice

i Hope this is the correct answer. and sorry if it isnt




The reason I say B is because, when answering these types of questions I usually read the question and look at the answer choices for about 3-4 minutes. After reading the question I looked at the paragraph and started reading. I used elimination to mark out the answer choice that is obvious, that it isn't the answer. I eliminated A.. , because if you read a it really doesn't make sense that, that would be an explanation for any type of quote, statement or piece of data. I was left with B. and C. I eliminated c because I think that might not be the answer to the question, mostly based on what I can understand from it. I was then left with B. marking that as the answer, and when I looked over the answer choices to me this answer choices make the most sense to me..(if wrong, i'm sorry, ...this is usually how I answer these types of questions..)

What is the main purpose of the Defense Army ?


The main purpose of the Defense Army is to protect the nation and its citizens against external aggression.

• It is responsible for the defense of the country's airspace, land and sea borders, and the protection of its citizens.

• It is also responsible for maintaining the military presence and responding to any threats of war or other forms of aggression.

• The Defense Army works in collaboration with other security forces to monitor the security situation in the country and to ensure that the country is safe and secure.

• The Defense Army is also responsible for providing training and equipment to its personnel to ensure that they are prepared to respond to any threats.

• The Defense Army is also responsible for engaging in military operations such as peacekeeping missions and humanitarian relief efforts.

• Lastly, the Defense Army is responsible for providing intelligence and reconnaissance on potential adversaries.

Learn more about Defense Army here:



What favor does Hamlet ask of horatio?


Hamlet asks Horatio to watch Claudius the King and take note of his reaction to a certain play, “Murder of Gonzago.”

Hamlet admitted that Cladidus was more than a family relation but did not like either his actions or him. He did not like that Claudius married his mum a few weeks after his father’s death. Claudius also tells Hamlet not to grieve his dad a lot. Thus, Hamlet felt that Claudius had a hand in his father;’s death. He then asks Horatio to watch Claudius through a play presentation to find out if he is guilty of murdering old Hamlet. He hoped the king would react out of guilt after what he saw.

Read more about the favor Hamlet requested from Horatio from https://brainly.com/question/30089295


What is one argument point that Zinn makes?


The Bill of Rights' definition of the law and the law as it is applied in daily life are fundamentally different, according to Zinn.

What is Zinn's main point for his argument?

According to Zinn, Colombus was not a genuine hero as many history texts portray him to be. Instead, he was dishonest, making false promises to those who helped finance his travels, and he was brutal to the locals in the places he visited.

A national history, in Zinn's opinion, simply serves to legitimize the survival of the nation, which entails, among other things, that it lies and, if it ever does reveal the truth, does so too quickly, rushing through atrocities to dwell on glory. Zinn therefore sought to write a people's history.

To know more about Zinn's thesis visit:



When including direct quotes in your research paper you need to include which of the following?


These include two essential pieces of information, the Author's name and the year the original work was released.

Direct Quote: How to Use It in Research Papers

A direct quotation is a passage of text that is taken verbatim from another source. You are free to quote a word, a phrase, a sentence, or the complete paragraph.

You must always provide the source's year of publication, the author's last name, and the page number when referencing a quote. Before the page number, the letter "p" (for a single page) or "pp" appears (for a page range).

Citations are an excellent approach to support an assertion or argument in research papers. Each quotation can be used to support a claim and the author's statements, whether it is from a subject-matter expert or research participants who were interviewed.

For more such question on research paper.



Because of president clinton's actions in kosovo, wiesel. Believes that the american people are of unique spirit. Hopes it will encourage other nations to adopt democracy. Believes that this will be the last occurrence of ethnic cleansing. Hopes that people will continue to intervene when others are suffering.


The answer is (d). He hopes that people will keep intervene forward to help those who are in need.

The United States experienced the longest period of peace and economic prosperity during the presidency of William Jefferson Clinton. Since Franklin D. Roosevelt, he was the first Democratic president to win a second term. He could cite the nation's highest home ownership rate in history, the lowest inflation in 30 years, the lowest unemployment rate in modern times, declining crime rates across the board, and a decline in the number of people on welfare. He generated a budget surplus and put up the first balanced budget in decades.

Clinton called for a massive national effort to abolish racial discrimination as part of a plan to mark the millennium in 2000. Clinton shifted focus and said that "the age of big government is finished" following the failure of a substantial health care reform initiative in his second year in office. He pushed for legislation to increase environmental regulations, improve education, preserve the work of parents who have to care for sick children, and limit the sale of handguns.

Learn more about President Clinton’s visit: brainly.com/question/27451929


Correct Question:

Why do President Clinton’s actions give Wiesel hope?

A. He hopes that this will be the last occurrence of ethnic cleansing.

B. He believes it proves that the American people are of unique spirit.

C. He hopes that this will encourage other nations to adopt democracy.

D. He hopes that people will continue to intervene when others are suffering.

What is the z-score for 2 standard deviations?


An element that is equal to the mean is represented by a z-score of 0. An element with a z-score of 1 is 1 standard deviation above the mean; an element with a z-score of 2 is 2 standard deviations above the mean.

What is the value of 2 standard deviations?

roughly 95%

The majority of values—about 68%—fall within the range of the mean. The average value is within two standard deviations for about 95% of the data.

How far off the mean are 2 standard deviations?

95.4% of the entire probability is contained in the equation 2 is about the mean.

When a data point is "greater than 2 from the mean," it means that it falls beyond the 2 range of values, where is the mean value.

Think about a uniform distribution, for instance, where all values between a lower limit and a higher limit are equally likely. The standard deviation is equal to 29% of the range, or (b-a)/120.288675(b-a). In actuality, 29% of the population would fit within any ring that was 1 wide.

Given that a uniform distribution is more evenly distributed than In actuality, 29% of the population would fit within any ring that was 1 wide.

Any range 4 wide would contain more than 100% because a uniform distribution is far more dispersed than a Gaussian distribution, hence "more than 2 from the mean" would indicate that the data point was beyond the range (which would be a good indication that the variable being measured does not have a uniform distribution).

Learn more about uniform distribution from here:



What are the 3 ways that people communicate with each other?


The letter to instruct pupils of your age on three actions they should do to maintain the health of themselves, their families, and their communities is provided below.

It must be 100 years ago if you are reading this letter. In 2022, everything was easy and enjoyable. When a pandemic hit and many people died, my family and I were living our finest lives. I'm writing you because I don't want you folks to experience the same thing. One strategy to live a long life is to maintain good health. Therefore, I would advise everyone reading this letter—as well as your families and communities—to drink lots of water and cut back on their consumption of products containing caffeine. Finally, I'll urge everyone to consume a healthy, well-balanced diet since it will assist their bodies fight against disease and foreign invaders. I'm hoping you'll stay health and remain fit.

Learn more about Good health here:



why is the advancement of historically underrepresented groups in stem fields important?


Providing get right of entry to to STEM training and STEM careers allows alleviate disparities and advances social equality.

Achieving equality and inclusion additionally guarantees that structures of the destiny adhere to an moral standard. Scientific development relies upon on human beings mastering approximately new matters and reading current matters in new ways — and having racially and ethnically various human beings covered way bringing exclusive lenses, exclusive experiences, exclusive questions, exclusive passions – and getting higher results. Greater illustration to counter technological know-how stereotypes is one step, however so is converting inherent biases and limitations inside clinical institutions. Students and scientists do not simply require an area of their subject of study, however attempt toward same opportunities, same pay, and different tangible way of support.

To learn more about scientific development check the link below:



What are the 4 pillars of education according to Unesco?


This same four pillars of educational for the twenty-first centuries, as identified by Jacques Delors (2001), are starting to learn to knowing, learning to do, learning how to deal, and having to learn to be.

What benefits does learning have?

To acquire information or skills through education, experiences, instruction, etc. [transitive, intransitive]. He had the chance to study English there, in Australian. I learned a great deal from my father, so learn about somebody or something."

What method of learning works the best?

The best method is to dedicate a brief amount of time to each lesson each day. Even while your overall learning experience will be comparable (or less) above one or two all-nighters in the library, you should learn the material more thoroughly and remember it for a longer amount of time, which would also help you score the A grade on the final.

To know more about learn visit:



What is the importance of ethics as a student essay?


According to Wikipedia, the study of ethics, sometimes referred to as moral philosophy, "involves systematising, defending, and approving ideas of good and wrong behaviour." Axiology is a discipline of philosophy that includes the subjects of ethics, aesthetics, and value-related topics.

People who seek to take advantage of one another in the areas of politics, commerce, and education are all over the world, spreading false ideals. Therefore, it is crucial to establish some guiding principles for how we should behave in society and inside our institutions in addition to the rule of law.

Since the time of the Greek philosophers like Aristotle, humanity has really pondered the subject of ethics and attempted to glean general moral rules guiding conduct. By becoming better and more compassionate citizens, our contemporary understanding of ethics may aid us in improving the world.

For such more question on Ethics.



What is Orwell's message at the end of Animal Farm?


Orwell's message at the end of Animal Farm was that a person shouldn't abuse the power given to them.

Animal Farm is a novel by George Orwell that was published in 1945. The novel is about the rise of the Soviet Union and the rebellion against it. The novel has been banned in many countries and is still controversial today.

The animals eventually succeed in toppling Napoleon and resuming their own way of life, though. A narrative about the human condition, Animal Farm shows how people can be manipulated by those in positions of authority.

To know more about animal, click here.



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