What are the 10 examples of emphatic pronoun?


Answer 1
definition: places emphasis on one subject by using the suffix self/selves on the end of the pronoun.
examples: myself, himself, herself, itself, yourself, themselves, ourselves, yourselves
there are only 8 that i know of!

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Please help meeeeeeeeeee


The correct variants are:

My and my brother'sherMine and Angela'sHis and Hersmy and My brother'stheir and Ourshers and herhisheryourheruncle'syourtheir

What are possessive pronouns and adjectives?

Possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns, as their names suggest, indicate ownership. Mine, ours, yours, his, hers, its, and theirs are the independent possessive pronouns. My, our, your, his, her, it, and their are possessive adjectives, also known as possessive determiners.

Possessive pronouns, unlike adjectives, are used after the noun and cannot be used before it. Some examples include; This is his shirt. This shirt is his. This is her bracelet. This bracelet is hers. (NOT This bracelet is her.). This is their house. This house is theirs.

Learn more on possessives here: https://brainly.com/question/367086


All of the following are sources of threats except ________


All of the following are sources of threats except firewalls

What are threat?

An expression of intent to cause harm or loss to another person is known as a threat. A strategy used by opposing parties in conflict to make the other timid or uneasy psychologically allows for coercion or control. Threats include any intimidation used to compel compliance.

Threats are things that could do something bad to an organization. A company that produces wheat, for instance, is at risk from a drought because it could ruin or reduce crop yield. Other frequent threats include things like rising material costs, heightened competition, and a shortage of labor.

It should be noted that the sources of threats are employees/insiders, malicious hackers, natural disasters, foreign adversaries, and hostile attacks

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All of the following are sources of threats except ________

malicious hackers,

natural disasters,


goreign adversaries

Why is it important to refer the source you use?


To provide more knowledge.

What do you mean by source?

noun. any source, origin, or location where anything originates,the start or starting point, a source of information, such as a book, statement, person, etc.

Hence, it important to refer the source used, To provide more knowledge.

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Is 7x and 7xy are like terms?


yes they are


How did Athens and Sparta view education?



Spartan education was state-run and concentrate more on military skills and life for boys and for girls how to be good wives and give birth to many Spartan soldiers. Education in Athens was private and concentrated mainly on philosophy, the arts, and the sciences.


they don't like to work hard.(into affirmative sentence)
she could tell the details.(into simple present tense)
"please don't tell anybody what happened,"ann said to me.(into indirect speech)
sumina has been invited for dinner.(into active voice)​



They like do work hard.

She tells the details.

Ann request that don't tell anybody what happened.

Sumina invite for dinner.


If any thing is mistake.sry

I hope this answers help you

Why using a dictionary is very important in this time of distance learning?


A dictionary is one of the main devices during your time learning at a college. A decent word reference can assist you with figuring out your subject better, working on your correspondence, and working on your grades by ensuring you are utilizing words accurately.

The main data about a word that a word reference contains is its importance. A single word can have various implications, some of which might be the same as one another, while some may be very unique.

The word reference can help the students in three significant ways: 1) They can assist students with understanding words that they meet in perusing and tuning in. 2) They can assist students with finding words that they need for talking and composing. 3) They can assist students with recalling words.

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What is the meaning of perils in the Bible?


In the Bible, the word "peril" refers to a potential source of danger or loss or disaster.

Peril, which means danger in Latin, is derived from peric(u)lum. These days, it's frequently used with the word mortal, which has to do with passing away. For instance,

if you're riding a mountain bike down a route that leads to a cliff and you strike some loose gravel, you may die. Although it's less frequent, peril can also refer to threats that aren't always physical.

Your retirement may be in jeopardy if your company invests your 401(k) in a Ponzi scam.

Learn more about to Bible visit here;



What are the 3 sanitizing methods?


Heat, radiation, and chemicals are the three main categories of sanitizers. For food manufacturing facilities, chemicals are more feasible than heat and radiation. Chemical substances that are capable of eradicating disease-causing microorganisms are also used to sanitise. Chlorine (bleach), iodine, and quaternary ammonium are common sanitizers.

There are two methods for applying chemical sanitizers: complete submersion or rinsing, swabbing, or spraying. For bleach, things can either be wiped off with double the immersion concentration or submerged for 7 seconds in the three compartment sink's sanitizer. The shorter amount of time the surface is in touch with the sanitizer is to blame for this.

Know more about the  sanitizers at: brainly.com/question/9635668


Which Robinson Crusoe line is best for support?


Robinson Crusoe's never man had a more faithful, loving, true servant, than Friday was to me; without passions, sullenness, totally obliged and engaged" is the line that best exemplifies the concept of thankfulness.

Which line from Robinson Crusoe best supports?

Which passage from Robinson Crusoe best illustrates the religious theme? Sometimes, I would question Providence and ask why it would abandon its victims so helplessly and in such utter misery, rendering them so entirely miserable (55). "Robinson Crusoe's" main point, or subject, is survival. Crusoe must not only physically live on the island by finding food, water, and a place to stay, but he must also build his self-confidence in order to keep holding out for a rescue.

Robinson Crusoe, although having a straightforward narrative style, was highly accepted by critics and is frequently cited as being the first work of realistic fiction. It is frequently considered a contender for the title of first English novel.

To know more about Robinson Crusoe's  visit:



What are some solutions that can prevent addiction?


Early drug usage, as previously said, increases a person's risk of developing an addiction. Drugs alter the brain, which can result in addiction and other severe issues. prevent addiction

Therefore, lowering these risks may be significantly aided by avoiding drug and alcohol use in adolescence.

Drug usage is significantly more risky when moments of transition are present. A divorce or job loss may make an adult more likely to take drugs. Risky situations for teenagers include relocation, divorce in the family, or switching schools.

35 Children who go on to middle school encounter novel and difficult social, familial, and scholastic circumstances. Children frequently experience things like cigarettes and alcohol for the first time around this time.

Learn more about to prevent addiction visit here;



What is one major accomplishment of the Department of Defense?


According to Michael D. Griffin, the undersecretary of defense for research and engineering, among the many outstanding achievements of DoD engineers include the creation of the Global Positioning System and the mass manufacture of penicillin.

The Department of Defense is in charge of providing the armed forces required to prevent conflict and safeguard national security.

With over 1.3 million men and women on active duty, the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force make up the bulk of these forces.

In an amendment to the original 1947 statute, the National Military Establishment was renamed the "Department of Defense" on August 10, 1949, and it incorporated the three cabinet-level military departments.

Learn more about to Department of Defense visit here;



Is silent a frameshift mutation?


When a mutation does not affect the amino acid that codon codes for, it is known as a quiet mutation. A frameshift mutation is an insertion or deletion that modifies the protein's complete reading frame and has the potential to be extremely harmful.

A stop codon is the outcome of a nonsense mutation. The DNA sequence changes from a typical amino acid codon to one of the three possible stop codon sequences as a result of an insertion or deletion, which can happen in either direction.

A missense mutation alters the main structure of a protein by switching the identity of a codon from one amino acid to another. When a mutation does not affect the amino acid that codon codes for, it is known as a quiet mutation. A frameshift mutation is an insertion or deletion that modifies the protein's complete reading frame and has the potential to be extremely harmful. Not all mutations fall within the category of radioactive mutations. Usually, a mutational mistake during DNA replication or repair results in frameshift mutations. Acridine dyes, which have the ability to cause frameshift mutations, can also cause them. The non-functional polypeptide may occur from the frameshift mutation if the protein structure and functioning are completely lost. However, the ensuing codons, post-mutation, and mutation position will all affect the mutation's phenotypic effects.

To learn more about amino acid please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/28409615


Which best explains the symbolism of the urban setting in "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"?

A. Life is fast paced and energetic, and over before long.

B. Nature is the best environment in which to grow.

C. The world is a crowded, noisy place with no room for


D. Modern life is lonely, gloomy, and unnatural.


The option that explains the urban setting is "Modern life is lonely, gloomy, and unnatural," option D, as we see the speaker describing city life in the poem.

What is setting?

Setting indicates the when and the where of a story, that is, the time and the place where it happens. Although  "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" is a poem, it too has an urban setting. The author uses symbolism to portray that urban setting as lonely, unnatural and gloomy.

The purpose is to reflect on the outside the way Prufrock feels on the inside. He is a lonely man, shy and timid. He wants to have company, especially of a woman, but he does not have the courage to approach them. As he lives life and walks around town, Prufrock feels even lonelier seeing how each person is closed up in their own homes.

With that in mind, option D is the right choice for this question.

Learn more about setting here:



Why do they make good neighbors in this question they refer to?


Make great Neighbors is made completely of pine and an apple plantation. In his sonnet "The Repairing Wall," Robert Ice depicts two neighbors who are partitioned by a wall.

The speaker of the poem accepts there is no requirement for a wall because neither one of the sides has any animals that could get over and cause issues for the other. He does, in any case, notice certain.

Inconsistencies between the two properties, cause him to accept that the two individuals lead separate lives. Nevertheless, the wall is kept up yearly by the two neighbors, who concur that "Great walls make great neighbors."

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"They" refers to neighbors of the poet in this line, "Why do they make good neighbors?"

This line is taken from the poem ‘Mending wall’ by Robert Frost. The poet Robert Frost is in a mischievous mind because of the season that is spring time. He always asked his neighbors  a good question why they needed a wall between their houses and there had been answer ‘Good fences make good neighbors’.

But the poet has a different opinion. As they are good neighbors they should need a wall. He thinks if this notion could be put in his neighbors' mind. 'Why do they make good neighbors?'  They are not friendly as is clear from their intention to raise a wall. They build a wall only to keep away their neighbors.

To know more about mending wall here



What is the moral The lesson it was trying to teach of the story of Gilgamesh?


The moral the lesson it was trying to teach of the story of gilgamesh and enkidu the epic of gilgamesh is a work of literature about gilgamesh, a hero-king of prehistoric mesopotamia.

Gilgamesh interacts with creatures, monarchs, and and gods in addition to narrating a story of human relationships, emotions, loneliness, companionship, loss, love, retaliation, and the fear of dying. By defying death in the course of his search for a meaning in life.

Gilgamesh rose to become the first epic hero in all of human literature. Everyone who has thought about the meaning of life in the presence of death can identify with gilgamesh's sorrow and the issues his friend's passing brings up. The starring role gilgamesh takes in the story illustrates how society viewed authority at the time. We find it impossible to understand their awe of an all-powerful king today our society views those in positions of authority as hated despots, tyrants, and enemies learn more about the gilgamesh epic.

To know more about epic of gilgamesh visit:



What is teaming employment assessment Walmart?


The teaming employment assessment in Walmart is a crucial employment assessment that is used to ascertain the suitability of applicants for leadership positions.

What is the teaming employment assessment?

The teaming employment assessment test is a very important test that is used to ascertain the employability of the persons who are applying for leadership and management positions in the company. There are different sections of the test that can be used to access applicants and it is very vital that they perform very well on all sessions as failure to have good scores might lead to failure.

For applicants to perform very well in the employment assessment test, they have to understand the kinds of tests that will be administered and prepare in that same line. Unlike many other tests that allow people to go back to correct a mistake, such features are not available in tests administered by Walmart.

Learn more about assessments here:



What is the conclusion of Mendel experiment?


Upon compiling his results for many thousands of plants, Mendel concluded that the characteristics could be divided into expressed and latent traits. He called these dominant and recessive traits, respectively.

Who was Mendel?

Mendel, Gregor Johann, was a biologist, meteorologist, and mathematician. Though farmers had known for millennia that crossbreeding of animals and plants could favor certain desirable traits, Mendel's pea plant experiments between 1856 and 1863 established many of the rules of heredity, now known as Mendelian inheritance laws.

Mendel's most important conclusion from his experiments was that traits are inherited in discrete units, one from each parent, and are not the result of blending. He referred to these discrete units that occur in pairs as factors.

Therefore, traits are inherited in discrete unit is the  conclusion of Mendel experiment.

To learn more about Mendel, click here:



What is Orwells ridiculing in this passage he is making fun?


Orwells ridiculing in this passage ''he is making fun'' is, he is making fun of the idea of pigs building something.

What message is Orwell trying to convey?In order to usurp power, take advantage of the weak, and manipulate the masses, malicious groups of people, like the pigs, will continue to utilise propaganda, according to Orwell's message, unless brave people communicate the truth and defend those who are unable to defend themselves.Orwell aims to demonstrate how a leader will begin to get corrupted if he is constantly given the freedom to act whenever he pleases or if he is not held in check. Orwell's message is that any society with absolute power leaders will eventually collapse because leaders will inevitably operate powers in their favour.This is a vicious cycle since the leaders grow more corrupt the more power they gain. They assemble more power the more corrupt they get.

Learn more about Orwell's message refer to ;



Research shows that as people grow older they become ______ conscientious, ______ agreeable, and ______ neurotic.

more; less; less
less; less; more
less; more; less
more; more; less


According to research, people become more conscientious, amiable, and less neurotic as they age.

The “Big 5” personality qualities are the five basic dimensions of personality, according to many modern personality psychologists. Extraversion (sometimes known as extroversion), agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism are the five main personality qualities. Conscientiousness is thinking, openness is intrigue and creativity, extraversion is sociability, agreeableness is friendliness, openness is creativity, and neuroticism is frequently associated with melancholy or emotional instability. Without taking a personality traits exam, you can gain insight into your own personality by understanding each personality trait and what it means to score well or poorly on that trait. Based on where they are on the continuum for each of the personality qualities described, it can also help people understand others better.

Option D is the right response as a result.

To learn more about personality, refer:-



What does Dukes dialect reveal about his character?


That he’s a stubborn and selfish man who thinks he can do anything that he wants no matter who he hurts…

What is a degree of 4 called?


Out of all the variables, the degree of the polynomial has the highest exponent value. The highest exponent in this case is x4, giving 4 the degree is called degree of 4.

What sets a polynomial apart?

The polynomials can be found by observing which formulas only contain operations like adding, removing, manipulating, and non-negative integer exponents. Non-polynomial expressions are those that include additional operations. Specify the grounds for the equations' non-polynomial nature.

What are the rules of the polynomial?

No element of an algebraic shouldn't be. roots squares of variables. fractional powers that are changeable. variable powers with negative powers. variables in the denominator of any fraction. The zeros of a polynomial are the locations where the polynomial's overall value is zero.

To know more about polynomial visit:



Do you have to give your neighbors the good side of the fence?


On the off chance that you're the affable kind and appreciate coexisting with your neighbors, it would be liberal to show the smooth side of the wall towards them, yet this is a long way from being a laid-out show and there's no commitment to do so if you would rather not.

your neighbor faces the completed side of the wall toward your neighbor the completed side ought to point toward your neighbor. In addition to the fact that this is more amenable, all the same, it's the norm. Your property will look significantly more pleasant with the "upside" side confronting the rest of the world.

A decent neighbor wall is a wall that is divided between two houses. Rather than having a wall where one neighbor gets the "terrible" side and the other neighbor gets the "pretty" side.

Learn more about good side of the fence:



What is the importance of conducting research and how does it benefits our life and the society?


Research improves services and treatments not only for you but also for future generations. Research is used to create or develop new theories to understand the mechanisms behind certain events or behaviors, or to examine the validity of existing theories.

It helps develop new tests for diagnosis, treatment and procedures that will help your children, or even your grandchildren. You can access treatments that are not yet available to the general public. In addition, research is also done to inform decisions or actions to solve daily problems such as evaluating the effectiveness of policies.

Research is important to understand, increase knowledge, and obtain information for living. Social research is done to extend the knowledge of some aspects of society such as humanities, economics or other social sciences. Research is used to create or develop new theories to understand the mechanisms behind certain events or behaviors, or to examine the validity of existing theories.

For more such question on Research:



What is the main problem of the story Animal Farm?


The main problem of the story Animal Farm is that the escalation of political power corrupts the yearning for liberty and equality.

What is the main problem of the story Animal Farm?In Animal Farm, the consolidation of political power among the pigs corrupts the animals' yearning for freedom and equality, leading to the main conflict. The first chapter of Animal Farm, Old Major's lessons, and especially 'Beasts of England,' the song that becomes the theme song for the film, all illustrate the animals' initial intent. Mr. Jones, the farmer who indulges himself while the animals go hungry in the beginning of the novella, is a symbol of political power. The mistake the animals make is believing they have defeated political power itself since they readily triumph when they mutiny against Mr. Jones. Truth be told, they have only successfully resisted one of the many manifestations of political power.

To learn more about 'Animal Farm', refer:



What are the three main distractions?



eating,playing, talking


How do import quotas affect consumers?


Import quotas are restrictions placed on the amount of a certain good that can be imported into a country. These restrictions can have a direct effect on consumers.

When a quota is placed on imports, it can lead to a decrease in the overall availability of the product. This can lead to higher prices for consumers, as the demand for the product is greater than the supply. Furthermore, the quality of the product may decrease as the country may be unable to purchase the same quality of the product as it could before the quota was placed. In addition, a quota may reduce competition in the market, as foreign suppliers may be unable to compete in the market due to the restrictions placed on them. Ultimately, import quotas can have a negative effect on consumers as they can lead to higher prices, lower quality, and less competition in the market.

Learn more about Import quotas here:



What do Friar Lawrence's first words in Act 3.3 suggest about Romeo?


Friar Lawrence's first words, "affliction is enamoured of parts" in Act 3.3 of Romeo and Juliet suggest that Romeo is in misery and in pain.

Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by the bard early in his career concerning the romance between 2 Italian youths from feuding families. it absolutely was among Shakespeare's most well-liked plays throughout his period of time and, along side Hamlet, is one among his most often performed plays.

Friar Laurence feels pity for Romeo, who appears “wedded to disaster.” lover asks what penalisation patrician Escalus has handed down, and therefore the religious tells lover he's to be banished. lover states that death would be additional merciful, however religious Laurence assures lover that currently he has the possibility to envision the globe.

To learn more about Friar Lawrence here



Whereas the successful prosecution of the war requires every possible protection against espionage and against sabotage to national-defense material, national-defense premises, and national-defense utilities as defined in Section 4, Act of April 20, 1918, 40 Stat. 533, as amended by the Act of November 30, 1940, 54 Stat. 1220, and the Act of August 21, 1941, 55 Stat. 655 (U.S.C., Title 50, Sec. 104).

–Executive Order 9066

According to this paragraph, what is President Roosevelt’s stated purpose for issuing this executive order?

To protect and train American soldiers

To house Japanese prisoners of war

To protect national-defense material, premises, and utilities

To store food, supplies, and equipment for the military


The purpose is to protect national-defense material, premises, and utilities. The correct option is C.

What is Executive Order 9066?

Franklin D. Roosevelt, the president of the United States, signed and published Executive Order 9066 on February 19, 1942, during World War II.

Many Americans feared that individuals with Japanese heritage would spy on or sabotage American interests on behalf of the Japanese government. Its goal is to establish relocation centres or camps for Italian, German, and Japanese Americans.

An sentence states that President Roosevelt issued this executive order to protect national-defense property, facilities, and utilities.

Thus, the correct option is C.

For more details regarding Executive Order 9066, visit:



What did Mark Twain say about the English language?


You seem to speak in a clear, concise manner, using short words and language concise sentences. That is the most effective and current way to write.

Keep to your plan and avoid letting verbosity, flowery language, or fluff in. A doubtful conscience is a bad taste in one's mouth.

"Tell the truth when in doubt. You don't have to recall anything if you say the truth "It's a rare accomplishment to use the proper term in the appropriate context. Spend some time locating those terms. This frequently boils down to the distinction between the almost right word and the right word, as Twain also observed. In order for your writing to be noticed, aim for

To learn more about language  please click on below link



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