What central idea in Citizenship does this example support?​


Answer 1


Where is the example? But if you are wondering what Citizenship is then .......

The position or status of being a citizen of a particular country.

I don't know if that is what you are talking about but I hope this helped.


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Why do we write in chronological order?


Writing in chronological order helps to organize information in a logical and straightforward way.

It allows readers to better understand the sequence of events that have taken place, or that are about to take place. It also helps to create a sense of flow and continuity throughout a piece of writing, allowing readers to easily follow along and understand the story or ideas being presented.

Chronological order is often used in history, literature, and other types of writing as it helps to create a timeline and show the cause and effect of events. By writing in chronological order, readers can more easily understand the context, relevance, and importance of the events that are being described.

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What is satire According to Swift?


Satire highlights social injustices, vices, and bad behavior, although it sarcastically or hilariously focuses on politics most of the time. The satire's primary goal is to embarrass the administration.

What is satirized in Gulliver's Travels by Swift?

In Gulliver's Travels, Swift uses satire to highlight the political circumstances in England. He accomplishes this by employing sarcasm to illustrate England's weaknesses and flaws. Through satire, Swift exposes human foolishness in Gulliver's Travels.

How is satire used by Swift?

Swift utilizes satire to highlight the problem before outlining workable answers. He was a master of the Horatian and Juvenalian satirical genres. His writing was deadpan and sardonic, especially in A Modest Proposal.

To know more about satire visit :-



What is the best inference about Napoleon's motivation for blaming Snowball?


The most reasonable conclusion regarding Napoleon's motivation for accusing Snowball of destroying the windmill is that Napoleon is trying to discredit Snowball and keep control of the farm.

Inductive reasoning is the process by which a conclusion is inferred from a number of observations. The conclusion might be true or false, accurate to a certain degree, or true in specific circumstances.

Napoleon challenged Snowball in a revolt in an effort to seize as much power as possible. In the passage from Chapter 6 of the text that is referenced in the question, Napoleon accuses Snowball of attacking the farm and destroying the windmill. He blamed Snowball for the windmill's destruction because he wanted to discredit Snowball and keep control of the farm.

To know more about Inferences, refer to this link:



What are the benefits of using third party?



High-quality services. Let's face it, when running a small business, your access to world-class and advanced facilities is limited.

Improved operational efficiency.

Access to exceptional talent pools.

Advanced materials and facilities.

Reduce costs.


What would happen to the concentrations of and intermembrane H+ if the ETC stopped working?


The inter-membrane space's H+ concentration will drop and pH will rise if the electron transport chain is broken because less H+ will be injected into it.

The inner mitochondrial membrane is the site of a sequence of redox processes known as the electron transport chain.

In aerobic respiration, it takes place. It is the sole stage of glucose metabolism that uses oxygen from the atmosphere. Without NADH, the ETC would not get electrons, and since ATP synthase still needs those electrons to transfer H+ along the chain, the concentration of H+ would decrease (until there was no concentration gradient left to make ATP).

To learn more about aerobic respiration link is here



What happens in Act 3 Scene 2 summary?


In Act 3 Scene 2 summary on the night of the play's performance, Hamlet assigns Horatio the responsibility of ascertaining Claudius' response to the murder scene.

Hamlet behaves recklessly once more, upsetting Ophelia with a variety of derogatory comments while the crowd gathers to witness. At the beginning of the play, Hamlet pays great attention to Claudius.Hamlet is given the order to assassinate.

The new king by the ghost of the deceased monarch in order to get revenge on him. While acting insane, Hamlet contemplates the distinction between life and death and pursues retribution. His uncle intends to kill Hamlet as well in order to spare his own life.

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What was Mendel's most significant conclusion from his research with pea plants there is much genetic variation in peas?


Gregor Mendel has been observed that pea plant traits did not blend in with their offspring. This would led him to figure that living items do not merge their offspring.

What do you mean by offspring?

The term offspring has been refers to the young innovation of the living beings. That particular organism has been assembled either by an individual organism or, in the topic of physiological property, reproduction between the two organisms.

The main reason for this is that the offspring of the living creature will have one parent trait or the other parent trait, but they do not blend or mix together, such as when two plants are tall and the other is short; the children will be tall or short, but not medium size.

Therefore, Gregor Mendel has been observed that pea plant traits did not blend in with their offspring. This would led him to figure that living items do not merge their offspring.

Learn more about the offspring, refer to:



What was the relationship between Hester and Roger Chillingworth?


Despite being wed, Roger Chillingworth and Hester Chillingworth do not get along. He presents the impression that he doesn't know her. (He wants to hide their relationship to avoid embarrassing himself and to help him maintain a low profile while preparing his retaliation.)

Roger Chillingworth's Character

"Roger Chillingworth" is actually Hester's husband. While he finished setting up his firm in Europe, she was sent to America. She is younger than him. He is detained by Native Americans until he reaches Boston, where he finds Hester and her unborn child being displayed on the scaffold. He stays in Boston because he wants to exact revenge despite his wife's betrayal and disgrace. He is a scholar who tracks down and pursues Hester's unidentified lover while posing as a doctor. Chillingworth is a terrible person who is only interested in himself. Due to his unrelenting thirst for vengeance, he turns out to be the most horrible character in the book.

Hester's Character

Hester is the main figure and the owner of the scarlet letter that gives the book its name. Hester is labelled as an "adulterer" by the letter, a fabric patch in the shape of an "A." When Hester was a young lady, she wed Chillingworth, an elderly scholar who had sent her to live in America but had never returned. While she waited for him, she had an affair with Puritan priest Dimmesdale, giving birth to Pearl. Hester endures years of humiliation and mockery because she is determined but also tough.

To learn more about Hester and Roger Chillingworth here:



What are the things that Munna liked to do and why?


Munna enjoyed playing games and kite flying. He also enjoyed drawing images of animals and birds. Munna enjoyed strolling over the lush fields.

A good boy is walking to school, bringing cash for the tuition. He gets excited as soon as he sees crisp, sugary jalebis in the market, and the money in his pocket start to jingle. He gives in to the sweet temptation and loads of jalebis for others as well as himself. The coins informed him that only people with money may consume the jalebis because they were intended to be consumed. He buys jalebis with the entire amount of his school tuition. He shares them with kids and eats them himself. Later, he regrets showing vulnerability. He asks God to send him four rupees in a prayer. The lesson of the tale is that we should use caution when making decisions. Additionally, it reminds us that we cannot rely just on prayer to meet all of our needs.

To learn more about Munna please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/29781565


How many sonnets did Shakespeare write give 2 examples?



Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets published in his 'quarto' in 1609, covering themes such as the passage of time, mortality, love, beauty, infidelity, and jealousy. The first 126 of Shakespeare's sonnets are addressed to a young man, and the last 28 addressed to a woman – a mysterious 'dark lady'.

Who made slavery abolished?


President Lincoln officially released the Emancipation Proclamation on that date, January 1, 1863, directing the Union troops to free every slave in states that were still in rebellion.

Who made the decision to end slavery?

President Abraham Lincoln signed the Joint Congress Resolution presenting the proposed change to the state legislatures on February 1, 1865. It had obtained the necessary number of national ratifications by December 6, 1865. (three-fourths).

Who abolished slavery for the first time?

Potus Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862, which went into effect on January 1, 1863, and said that "all persons held as slaves... should be then, thenceforward, & free forever. After the 13th Amendment was ratified in 1865, slavery was finally completely abolished.

To know more about slavery visit:



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Thor: Ragnarok is as glib and cheeky as the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, and embraces a deliberately ‘80s space opera aesthetic and synth score (composed by Devo’s Mark Mothersbaugh, providing...


What are parallel words?


Parallel means using the same pattern of words to show that two or more words or ideas are of equal importance. Words and phrases within a sentence should not only match in structure, but also in tense.

Writers use parallel to add clarity to their writing, make it easier to understand and show that their writing is structurally and grammatically correct. Explore parallel examples to better understand the concept.In medias res is the plot device.

That enables authors to "come late" to their own story. It is a Latin expression that essentially means "in the thick of things." Sometimes writers prefer to start their novels in the middle rather than bothering to give their characters a past. An illustration would be Neil Gaiman's "American Gods," as we don't learn about each god's history right away.

To know more about parallel visit:



Is brainstorming the first step of writing process?


Everyone has a set writing process that they follow. Finding a method that works for you is the key concept! To create your unique writing method and writing style, it is advised that you follow these five steps: brainstorm, write, revise, edit, and publish. Similar to free writing, brainstorming is a prewriting process used to bring unspoken thoughts to the surface. It's a useful strategy to employ when you have a general topic in mind for your writing but are unsure of the specific angle you want to take. A second step is also included in brainstorming.

After you've run out of ideas, you should go back and analyze your initial thoughts, crossing out any that seem less significant than others and connecting those that are linked. The ideas you've come up with can be grouped and regrouped, and you may decide to develop some of them further through additional brainstorming or other sorts of prewriting.

Know more about the writing process at: https://brainly.com/question/17000723


How empathy can be used to build positive relationships?


The first rule of creating a successful relationship is empathy. I define empathy as my capacity to comprehend, value, and even respect another person for what they are and how they are. I could use a variety of terms to define this idea, including respect, nonjudgment, caring, compassion, acceptance, and love.

Growing Empathy:

As you connect with your friends' and loved ones' thoughts and feelings and they do the same, you can improve your relationships. Empathy can also be extended to strangers. For instance, if you noticed someone sitting alone at a gathering, you could sympathize with them and strike up a conversation.

How can I make this word, "empathy," more meaningful? Intuition is:

letting go of the notion that for someone to make you happy, they must be unique.letting go of what you think someone "should" be in order to start accepting them for who they are.Respecting someone else means "to exhibit honor, admiration, and consideration toward," according to the dictionary.Being in the now with someone so that you can fully see, hear, and connect with them (rather than from stereotyped expectations).putting aside your own agenda in order to pay close attention to what others are saying. Putting an end to your internal monologue so that you may hear and grasp their experience more deeply.

For more such question empathy in a relationship:



what lesson can readers learn from events in "Sofia's Challenge"? Write a few sentences to explain. Use details from the story to support your answer


Students recognition on one tale detail for the duration of the centered read-aloud of The Snowy Day.

In this lesson, the focal point is at the character's response to occasions. The now acquainted recurring of figuring out this tale detail in The Snowy Day, the usage of position play to brainstorm character's response to predominant occasions in college students' climate stories, after which drawing the character's response of their My Weather Story booklet, scaffolds the writing system as college students learn how to write a tale. In the Closing, college students mirror on each exceptional paintings and perseverance. They first examine a partner's climate tale and note factors of exceptional paintings, which allows them apprehend factors of exceptional paintings of their very own tale. They then mirror on how they would love to reveal perseverance as they keep to paintings on their climate stories, which prepares them to interact withinside the assignment of writing their climate tale in Lessons 6-9.

To learn more about perseverance check the link below:



What are the four key compliance issues?


The four key compliance issues are Poor Implementation, Technology, Procrastination, Lack of a Multidisciplinary Team.

Many businesses suffer from subpar industry standard implementation due to their rush to comply and resume operations. A minimal strategy typically results in organisations that are in an immature condition, and it is challenging to keep up a high degree of compliance. You'll have issues now and in the future when you need to renew your certifications if your business lacks the technology to enable compliance. Because compliance doesn't appear to have a direct impact on your ability to offer goods and services, it's all too simple to ignore it. Procrastination, however, is a significant compliance issue that may cause genuine issues for firms across a wide range of sectors.Every department in your organisation must be compliant. Each of your departments operates somewhat independently of the others. Your financial staff follows specific protocols. The marketing division has its own system for handling duties

learn more about Procrastination Refer:brainly.com/question/533589


What are 4 examples of positive words?


Positive words are words that carry a positive connotation and evoke feelings of positivity, optimism, and joy. They are typically used to encourage, support, and motivate others.

Positive words can also be used to create a more positive atmosphere in any situation. Below are four examples of positive words and their associated meanings:

1. Gratitude: Gratitude is the feeling of being thankful and appreciative for something. It is a powerful positive word that can remind us how fortunate we are, and how much we have to be thankful for. Gratitude can also help us to focus on the good in our lives and be less anxious about the bad.

2. Kindness: Kindness is the act of being considerate and caring for others. It is a simple yet powerful word that can help us to show compassion and understanding towards others. Kindness is often contagious and can have a ripple effect, creating a more positive environment.

3. Motivation: Motivation is the desire to do something. It is a positive word that can help us to achieve our goals and focus on the things that really matter to us. Motivation can also help us to stay resilient and keep going even when times are tough.

4. Joy: Joy is a feeling of happiness and delight. It is a positive word that can remind us to find joy in the little things and be grateful for the blessings in our lives. Joy can also help to brighten up our days and bring us a sense of peace and contentment.

Learn more about connotation at :https://brainly.com/question/16701112


Which details develop the central idea that the leaders believe?


In George Orwell's "Animal Farm," the central idea that the leaders (the pigs) believe is that they are justified in using their intelligence and organizational skills to take on the roles of leaders and planners on the farm.

They believe that they are the most intelligent animals on the farm and that they are best suited to make decisions for the good of the animal community.There are several details in the novel that develop this central idea. For example:The pigs propose that they should be in charge of managing the farm's affairs at a meeting in Chapter 4. They argue that they are the most intelligent animals and that they are best qualified to lead the others.

The pigs rewrite the Seven Commandments of Animalism to suit their own needs and to give themselves more privileges. They change the commandment "All animals are equal" to "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others," which allows them to justify their own privileges and to claim that they are more deserving of certain rights and privileges than the other animals.

The pigs use propaganda and manipulation to control the other animals and maintain their own power. They use slogans, songs, and other forms of propaganda to promote their own ideas and to distract the other animals from the problems on the farm.

Overall, these details demonstrate the pigs' belief that they are justified in using their intelligence and organizational skills to take on the roles of leaders and planners on the farm, and that they are entitled to certain privileges as a result.

Find out more about leaders belief



Is the situation about media depicted in the picture true in the Philippines Why or why not social media?


The Philippines actually has the media situation that is . In terms of its technical features, the Philippines is developing.

Why is social media so crucial?

What advantages do social media platforms offer? Billions of people use social media to communicate and exchange information.. Social media gives you the personal freedom to interact with loved ones, learn new things, pursue your passions, and be entertained.

What makes media so crucial?

A crucial communication instrument is the mass media. It's a platform that allows the unrestricted exchange of information between all parts of the globe. It is an tool that has the ability to inform, entertain, and raise consciousness. However, if utilized improperly, it

To know more about social media visit:



What should be recorded when the Liberos serve results in a point?


Running score and individual player score on scoresheet should be recorded when the Liberos serve results in a point.

A libero in inner volleyball is a back- row protective specialist. Since they only play in the reverse row, those players are frequently shorter than the front- row blockers and blockbuster but have impeccable ball- control chops. The position was created to promote ball- control.

The libero may only serve in one position in the serving order. If the libero is in the set incontinently previous to moving to a serving position there doesn't have to be a rally between libero reserves if the libero serves the coming rally. In one gyration, a Libero may serve after replacing the player in position.

To learn more about libero  here



How do satire and irony help swift accomplish what a more conventional approach to persuasion would not?.


Satire and irony help swift accomplish jonathan swift uses irony and sarcasm in his writing in "A Modest Proposal."So, in order to illustrate the hardship of the populace, he uses sarcasm in his argument.

Swift employs dramatic irony when he says that the Irish should sell their children to the wealthy in order to boost the nation's economy. He wants to demonstrate how uninformed the wealthy are about the plight of the working-class Irish. This result would not have been produced by a persuasive strategy.

He thinks the country will honour him by erecting his statue in response to his proposal because the text is so ironic. By claiming that a newborn of a malnourished, impoverished mother will weigh twelve pounds, he generates irony. However, this baby is actually healthy and happy.

To know more about swift visit:



Why is nature important to human essay?



The most important contribution of nature to human life is, of course, food. It would be impossible to continue to survive on the planet if we did not get nutrition from the planet itself. Imagine if there was no nature around us. That would mean no crops would grow, no animals would roam, and no trees would be there to bear fruits and flowers.


Nature is important to humans for a variety of reasons. It provides us with the resources we need to survive, such as food, water, and shelter. It also plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem and the health of the planet.

One of the most important benefits of nature to humans is the sense of peace and relaxation it can provide. Spending time in natural environments has been shown to reduce stress and improve overall mental health. It can also serve as a source of inspiration and creativity for those who appreciate the beauty of the natural world.

In addition to the mental health benefits, nature also has important physical health benefits. Spending time outdoors has been linked to improved physical fitness, and exposure to natural light has been shown to have a positive effect on sleep patterns.

Nature is also important for cultural and spiritual reasons. Many people find a sense of connection and meaning in their relationship with the natural world, and it plays a central role in the traditions and rituals of many cultures around the world.

Overall, nature is an integral part of human life and has the power to enrich and enhance our daily experiences in countless ways. Protecting and preserving the natural world should be a top priority for all of us.

more about nature:


What is the meaning of canvas and canvass?


Canvass implies to look for votes, while canvas is a form of material. Although they have different meanings, the words canvas and canvass are homophones.

The noun canvas is used here. It alludes to a particular kind of coarse fabric that can be used to create sails, tents, or a surface for paintings. Examples include purchasing a canvas purse and his oil on canvas paintings. Canvass is a verb as well as a noun. It can be used as a noun to describe a request for votes or public opinion. Its verb form indicates to ask for votes, opinions, etc.

To learn more about canvas:



What does the narrator claim the rosebush will symbolize for the reader?


The rosebush is a symbol of forgiveness and charity. The beauty of a wild rose bush flourishing in such an unusual place symbolises God's grace because the jail is a place of darkness and sin.

What is The Scarlet Letter about?

The story of Hester Prynne, who fights to build a new life of repentance and dignity after having a daughter with a man she is not married to, is set in the Puritan Massachusetts Bay Colony during the years 1642 to 1649.

The rosebush represents kindness and forgiving. Because the jail is a place of darkness and sin, the beauty of a wild rose bush thriving in such an odd location symbolises God's grace.

Thus, this way, the narrator claim the rosebush will symbolize for the reader.

For more details regarding The Scarlet Letter, visit:



What are the 4 pillars of the good life?


Australian author Michael E. Thornley has chosen the Four Principles of a Healthy Lifestyle, which are heath, wealth, love, and satisfaction, in order to attain his life goals.

Who or what is the author?

 A writer is a person whose writing has just been made public. Individuals who compose are regarded writers whenever they create the concepts and material of their written work, in addition to creating previous articles. Because of this, the majority of authors write, whereas not all communicators are called authors.

Are writers people?

A writer is an individual who produces publications or articles, typically for payment. Additionally, it can be used to describe the person accountable want something, such as the creator of a plot to depose the student group. The adjective author, which means "predecessor, master, and leader," is derived from the Latin auctorem. I salute you, author!

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Which text evidence supports the authors claim and purpose that enslaved people were more than mercilessly treated workers?


"They were not just labor, not just bodies born to work and die," best supports the authors claim and purpose that enslaved people were more than mercilessly treated workers.

Which textual evidence best substantiates the writers' thesis and goal?

Indeed, the Age of Sugar also gave way to the Age of Freedom when the enslaved Africans started to speak, both in words and deeds, and when Europeans started to view them as fellow humans.

What is the paragraph's primary goal, according to the author?

A writer's purpose is the motivation behind the work they produce. Generally speaking, authors write for one of the following three purposes: to inform, convince, or to entertain. When a writer offers facts in a piece intended to inform, the reader's understanding is increased.

To know more about the authors evidence, visit:



What are the two opposing ideas of the two Neighbours in the poem Mending Wall?


In contrast to the other neighbor, who sees no need for it, one neighbor wants a clear boundary between their properties.

What is meant by Neighbor's?According to Jesus, being a neighbor entails supporting another person. We must keep in mind that, as Christians in America, our priorities come first and foremost from our faith. Never should our country's interests supersede our obligations to uphold our faith. In order to properly define our "neighbor," we must keep this in mind. An individual who lives close by is your neighbor. In the garden, I started a conversation with my neighbor. If someone is seated or standing next to you, they are your neighbor. The neighbor was poked by the woman, who also gave him a frantic whisper.Then I am deemed to be loving everyone to whom I then show this love, as God has ordered. Thus, "who" my neighbor is is defined by the Ten Commandments.

To learn more about Neighbor's refer to:



I need help
My mom just got shot and Im hiding in the closet, what do I do?!



L mans


*emotes on you*

What storing techniques to keep cold or cool?


Utilizing small shallow containers, ice baths, fast chilling, swirling liquid food, etc. are some of the storage techniques. To stay below the 45°F danger zone, store cold food items at a refrigerator temperature (40°F or lower).

Cold Stores in Bulk:

These warehouses are typically used to store a specific seasonal commodity, such as warehouses for potatoes, apples, chilies, etc. Seasonal cold storage is a highly effective and environmentally friendly method. In order to provide free cooling in the summer, it harnesses the winter's stored natural cold energy. The two unique methods of food preservation at low temperatures are chilling and freezing. Applying temperatures between 0°C and 8°C is known as chilling.

Cold Rooms with Multiple Uses:

These are made to preserve a variety of goods and items that are used all year long, including various kinds of meat like lamb and chicken. Specific criteria are used in the creation of a cold store operational program (products, chilled storage, and freezing). The majority of these units are situated close to consumption centers.

To learn more about Cold Storage Visit : brainly.com/question/28391947


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