What did the Tennessee Valley Authority TVA and the public works?


Answer 1

The Tennessee Valley Authority was established by this act on May 18, 1933, to supervise the construction of dams for flood control, improved navigation, and the production of low-cost electricity in the Tennessee Valley basin.

Explain about the Tennessee Valley Authority?

The TVA was contentious from the beginning, like many other New Deal initiatives. Power firms bitterly opposed the TVA because they thought the agency threatened free enterprise and supplied cheaper energy.

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is a U.S. government organization that was set up in 1933 to create electricity along the Tennessee River and its tributaries, manage floods, enhance navigation, raise farmer living standards, and regulate floods.

The show was criticized for sounding too socialist by its detractors. Conservatives viewed the TVA as an example of the federal government having too much power and control because of the government-created jobs and government-guaranteed payments it provided. The TVA was also condemned by independent electric firms.

To learn more about Tennessee Valley Authority refer to:



Related Questions

How does an account payable arise with a vendor? Multiple Choice
O When we return purchases to our vendor, they promise to pay us for the amounts returned.
O When our business purchases on credit, it promises to pay that amount in the future.
O When our business makes a cash purchase, it promises to pay the same amount again for future purchase
O When our customers purchase amounts from us, they promise to pay us in the future,


When our company makes a transaction using credit, it makes a future payment commitment for that sum. As a result, choice (B) is the right response.

What is Accounts Payable (AP)?

The term "payables," often known as accounts payable (AP), describes a business's current short-term commitments to its suppliers or creditors. A company's current liability, or payables, is shown on its balance sheet.

The business unit or division in charge of making the payments the company owes to suppliers and other creditors is referred to as "AP" in a different, less prevalent context.

Hence, option (B) is accurate answer.

Learn more about Accounts Payable (AP), from:



What are the 4 types of production?


Economists divide the factors of production into four categories: land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship.

What is factors of production?Inputs, resources, or factors of production are what are used in the production process to produce output, which in economics refers to goods and services. According to the relationship known as the production function, the amounts of the various inputs used determine the amount of output. The resources that make up the foundation of the economy and are used by people to produce goods and services are called factors of production. The four categories of factors of production that economists distinguish between are land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurialism. The resources that people use to produce goods and services are known as factors of production in economics; they serve as the foundation of the economy.

To learn more about entrepreneurialism refer to:



A classified balance sheet ______.Shows only current assets and current liabilitiesShows changes in assets, liabilities, revenues and expensesContains confidential informationShows subtotals for current assets and current liabilities


A balance sheet with classification. provides current assets and liabilities subtotals.

The totals of the assets, liabilities, and equity on a classified balance sheet are identical to those on an unclassified balance sheet, but they are given in greater detail and broken down into distinct categories as opposed to being stated in the traditional balance sheet format.

It depends on the type of business you run as to which categories are used; there is no one correct technique to construct a classified balance sheet. While there are various formatting differences between classified and unclassified balance sheets, classified balance sheets are meant to display specifics.

An unclassified balance sheet and a classified balance sheet both contain asset, debt, and equity balances.

learn more about balance sheet here:



What is it called when government spends more than it receives in taxes during a given year?


The difference between a particular year's federal government outlays (also known as outlays) and tax receipts is used to determine the federal budget deficit (also known as revenue).

What is the annual government expenditure overrun in terms of tax revenue?

When the government spends more money than it receives, a budget deficit occurs. When the government spends less than it takes in, a budget surplus exists. Because of spending $6.27 trillion more than receipts, the government had a deficit in fiscal year (FY) 2022. (revenue).

What occurs when government spending exceeds tax revenue?

When the federal government spends more money than it receives in taxes in a given year, there is a budget deficit. On the other hand, when taxes are collected more than they are spent each year, the government has a budget surplus. If taxes and spending are equal, a balanced budget is said to exist.

Learn more about federal budget deficit: https://brainly.com/question/13852240


suppose that family a borrows money when its car breaks down and saves money when the wife receives a holiday bonus from her employer. suppose that family b borrows money to buy elaborate birthday presents for the children and spends the husband's holiday bonus on a vacation to florida. which of the following is correct? a. both family a's and family b's spending habits suggest that they base their purchasing decisions on permanent income. b. family a's spending habits suggest that it bases its purchasing decisions on permanent income rather than transitory income. family b's spending habits suggest that it bases its purchasing decisions on transitory income rather than permanent income. c. both family a's and family b's spending habits suggest that they base their purchasing decisions on transitory income. d. family a's spending habits suggest that it bases its purchasing decisions on transitory income rather than permanent income. family b's spending habits suggest that it bases its purchasing decisions on permanent income rather than transitory income.


Family a's spending habits suggest that it bases its purchasing decisions on transitory income rather than permanent income. Family b's spending habits suggest that it bases its purchasing decisions on permanent income rather than permanent income.

What is permanent income?

According to the permanent income hypothesis, people will spend money at a rate that is consistent with their anticipated long-term average income.

The amount of anticipated long-term income is then regarded as the maximum amount of "permanent" revenue that can be spent without risk.

In order to protect against future income decreases, a worker will only save if their present salary exceeds the level of expected permanent income.

Milton held that, contrary to what Keynesian economics said, people will consume based on an estimate of their future income; people will consume based on their current after-tax income.

A temporary rise in income will be preserved rather than spent.

Learn more about permanent income, here



if the marginal propensity to consume is 0.75, then a $100 increase in investment will result in a maximum increase in equilibrium real gross domestic product of


On the off chance that the minor affinity to consume is 0. 75, then a $100 expansion in speculation will bring about a most extreme expansion in balance genuine GDP of $400.00.

This is the size of the adjustment of absolute pay that outcomes from an expansion in government expenditure of one unit. Not entirely set in stone as follows: MPC is the negligible affinity to consume, and multiplier = 1/(1 - MPC).

A buy made determined to produce pay or capital development is known as speculation. A resource's worth expanding over the long run is alluded to as appreciation. At the point when an individual puts resources into a decent, they don't mean to involve it as a wellspring of quick utilization, but instead as a device for future abundance creation.

Learn more about equilibrium:



An example of push communication is _____.


An example of push communication is Voice mails.

Push communication, which is sent from sender to recipient, is used when you need to disseminate information but do not need a quick response or if the subject at hand is not urgent or sensitive. However, after the receiver reads the message, something must be done.

A few examples of push communication are memos, letters, emails, reports, and faxes. It is often conducted through some type of textual media rather than face-to-face. This method of communication has one drawback in that the sender can only confirm that the message was transmitted successfully. While certain email clients may alert you when an email has been opened, this function cannot ensure that the receiver has comprehended the content being sent.

The complete question is, "An example of push communication is _____.

a. meetings

b. video conferencing

c. voice mails

d. blogs"

Learn more about Communication here:



is it better for strategic decision-makers to lean more heavily toward taking direct action or toward exercising patience?


The heart of strategic management is strategic decision-making. Understanding the nature of strategic decision making is therefore desirable.

A strategic choice is a significant move involving the commitment of resources with the aim of achieving organisational goals. In conclusion, a company can only advance if the appropriate strategic decisions have been made. Furthermore, it takes a lot of time to establish if selections were correct or incorrect. The business can achieve enormous success if these choices were wise and well-informed about the future. Strategic choices are dynamic in nature since they are made to seize possibilities in the environment. They are created to protect the organisation from environmental risks. They are also dangerous, unclear, and complex. Long-term decisions are strategic ones. They demand a lot of resources and work.

To learn more about strategic decision-making please click on below link



What are three methods to prevent workplace hazards?


Three methods to prevent workplace hazards are elimination, Substitution and engineering.

A hazard control programme includes all measures required to safeguard employees from exposure to a substance or system, as well as the training and protocols necessary to track employee exposure to and health from hazards like chemicals, materials, or substances, as well as other kinds of hazards like noise and vibration. The strategies being utilised to reduce exposure should be specified in a documented workplace hazard reduction programme, together with how their efficacy will be checked.

The following are the primary controls for hazards:

Elimination: removing the risk from the work environment.

Substitution: swap out the risk for a less risky one.

Engineering controls: include designs or adjustments to facilities, machinery, ventilation setups, and procedures that lessen exposure sources.

Learn more about workplace hazards at



What to do if your delivery is late?


Being upfront and truthful about your abilities.Be Upfront With Any Delays.Be considerate with your time and money.Be prepared and work to lessen the impact of a delayed delivery.

What makes delivery delays more likely?

A mistake, such as a misspelled address, insufficient information, or improperly filled out forms, is one of the most common reasons for faulty or delayed delivery. Sometimes, especially when it's busy, the shop logs orders erroneously.

Do I have grounds to claim a late delivery?

If a courier provider overshoots a delivery window, you are always entitled to compensation. But usually, it won't be as much as the actual loss suffered. Additionally, there is no guarantee that you will receive any money back.

Learn more about delayed delivery: https://brainly.com/question/29555753


A student used material that was copyrighted but without penalty. Although age is not a guarantee, at what age is most material in the public domain? it must be years old.


A student used material that was copyrighted but without penalty. Although age is not a guarantee, at what age is most material in the public domain must be 50 years old.

Is the word "copyrighted" accurate?

Always use copyrighted content. Both as a verb and an adjective, it is this word's usual form. Copyright, the term that goes along with it, is essentially the ability to copy something. Consider the "w" in copywritten to be the letter "w" for incorrect.My work is copyrighted, is that correct?

A copyright notice is a voluntarily added statement to your work stating that it is owned by you and protected by copyright law. Giving notice to possible infringers is the purpose of a copyright notice. serve as proof of intentional infringement.

The full question was

Allison would like to find all records that are in stock. In her database, she has a field named "in stock." When the item is in stock, a "yes" appears. What should Allison do?

Conduct a query and set the criteria as =yes.

Conduct a query and set the criteria to >2.

Locate each record and check each one.

Sort the records in ascending order by item number.

Learn more about copyrighted here:



What is opportunity cost simple answer?


In economics, the opportunity cost is the value of what you have to give up in order to choose something else.

What are the importance of opportunity cost?The potential benefits that an individual, investor, or business foregoes when choosing one alternative over another are referred to as opportunity costs. Because opportunity costs are by definition invisible, they are easily overlooked.In economics, opportunity cost refers to the cost of something that must be sacrificed in order to enjoy something better. This can include the advantages of second best alternatives (when the first best is chosen) or alternative uses of something that has not been decided upon (the cost of not using land for farming and using it for building a house instead).The opportunity cost is the time spent learning as well as the money that could be spent elsewhere. There is an opportunity cost associated with not growing wheat or using the resources in another way when a farmer decides to grow wheat (land and farm equipment).

To learn more about opportunity cost refer to :



sharing the expenses of investment in production assets or inventory, or making long-term supply or purchase guarantees are examples of vertical integration. true false


Vertical integration is demonstrated by sharing the costs of investment in production equipment or inventories, as well as creating long-term supply or purchase commitments. This is false.

What is an illustration of vertical integration?

Vertical integration refers to the structure in which a firm's supply chain is integrated and owned by that company. Typically, each member of the supply chain provides a unique product or service, and the goods work together to meet a common demand. It is in contrast to horizontal integration, in which a corporation manufactures numerous related things. Vertical integration and expansion are desirable because they ensure the supply required by the business to manufacture its product as well as the market required to sell the product.

Vertical integration may be seen in Netflix's transition from licensing shows and movies from big studios to generating its own original content.

To learn more about Vertical integration, click



the cost of acquiring inventory includes the a.cost of not having a product when a customer wants one. b.setup costs for goods produced internally. c.cost of insurance on the warehouse for inventory. d.cost of obsolescence.


The cost of acquiring inventory includes the accost of not having a product when a customer wants one.

Which of the following costs are accounted for in the cost of inventories?

The cost of inventory is made up of the price of the goods acquired, any duties and shipping charges incurred by the buyer, the cost of the purchased goods less any discounts that were accepted.

What make up an inventory cost's three parts?

Charges associated with inventory fall into three primary categories: ordering, holding, and shortage costs.

Which 4 expenses do inventories have?

Among the major categories of costs associated with inventory are those for ordering, holding, carrying, shortages, and spoiling.

To Know more about shortage costs.



What are the 4 main types of derivatives?


Derivatives come in four different varieties: forwards, futures, options, and swaps.

What is a derivative?

A derivative is a financial contract whose value is derived from the performance of the underlying asset. In order to acquire access to markets or assets that would otherwise be difficult to trade, one can utilize derivatives for a variety of purposes, including hedging against price changes, increasing exposure to price swings for speculating, or all of the above. Some of the most well-known derivatives are forwards, futures, options, swaps, and derivatives of these such credit default swaps and synthetic collateralized debt obligations. Contrary to the bulk of insurance contracts, which have developed into their own industry, most derivatives are traded over-the-counter (off-exchange) or on exchanges like the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Derivatives, along with equity (i.e., stocks or shares) and debt, are two of the three main categories of financial instruments.

To learn more about derivative, visit:



which statement is true of a personnel information system (pis) in an organization? a. it helps make decisions related to allocating human and financial resources. b. it helps make decisions related to minimizing capital investment risks. c. it helps make decisions related to reducing the cost of transporting materials. d. it helps make decisions related to increasing product quality


the statement which is true of a personnel information system in an organization is that it helps make decisions related to allocating human and financial resources.

The Service Registers of people in an organization are maintained by the Personnel Information System, a computer-based system. This system stores information on employees, postings, qualifications, departmental tests completed, training attended, family details, etc. It is possible to get information based on any individual or on aggregate data organized by certain categories, such as designation, retirement, duration of service, and location of employment.

A successful resource management system aids in achieving resource allocation, which is a crucial stage in the resource planning process.

Learn more about personnel information systems here: https://brainly.com/question/14688347


What kind of loan do you need to get from a bank to pay for the new house?


According to Kaminski, an end loan is just the homeowner's mortgage once the building is complete.


When construction is underway, a construction loan is taken out and repaid afterward. The end loan, often known as the borrower's regular mortgage, will subsequently be due.

How can I apply for a bank loan for a house?

Depending on the sort of loan you are asking for, you may need to satisfy a number of requirements in order to be authorized for a mortgage. Generally speaking, you must have evidence of income for at least the next two years, a down payment of at least 3.5%, and a credit score of at least 620.

To Know more about requirements



Allison would like to find all records that are in stock. In her database, she has a field named "in stock. " when the item is in stock, a "yes" appears. What should allison do?.


Allison wants to locate every record that is currently in stock. She has a field in her database called "in stock," and when the item is in stock, a "yes" appears in it.

Run a query with the criteria set to "yes."

A database is a collection of information that has been set up to be easily updated and managed. Computer databases are frequently used to collect and store data records or files comprising information such as sales transactions, customer information, financial data, and product information. Which four different kinds of databases exist?

The relational database management system is one of the four widely used types of systems you can use to handle your business data.

Hierarchical database structures are one of the remaining three.

network, object-oriented database systems

Learn more about database  here:



What are the 2 types of new product pricing strategies?


The two pricing strategies are penetration pricing and skimming.

When a product is first released, penetration pricing is used to set a low price in an effort to win over customers and increase market share quickly. The objective is to take a firm hold of the market and make it challenging for rivals to enter. This tactic is frequently employed for commodities that lack any significant distinguishing characteristics and are comparable to those sold by competitors.

When a product is first introduced, a high price is set, and as it becomes more widely available and as competition rises, the price is progressively lowered. This practice is known as skimming pricing. This tactic is frequently employed for goods that have a substantial market demand and a distinctive marketing proposition, like a cutting-edge feature or new technology.

Read more about pricing strategies on:



What is enterprise performance dashboard?


A enterprise dashboard is commonly an element of a product arrangement that, for the reasons for an emergency clinic, totals information from various divisions or similar division from various emergency clinics and presents the information on a solitary screen.

EPM Dashboard is a control board of EPM (Enterprise Performance Management) programming to show basic data about the business execution of a venture halfway. It is a business knowledge instrument that permits chiefs to screen key execution markers to acquire a superior image of how the business is performing against its objectives and goals.

EPM dashboard assembles execution information internationally across an association to make a report that gives a solid evaluation of the association's wellbeing and helps drive activities to expand corporate execution. KPIs are generally remembered for such a report to measure targets, evaluate current situation with the business, and estimate future execution.

By and large, EPM dashboard should incorporate essentially the accompanying bits of execution related information:

An outline of strategic goals and their ongoing statusAn exhibition investigation synopsis about undertakings, processes, projects, exercisesKPIs and scorecardsFinancial reportsIssues and dangers basic to corporate execution

Know more about enterprise performance dashboard - https://brainly.com/question/29442058


What strategies can you implement to ensure effective stakeholder consultation and participation?


The process of monitoring stakeholder interactions and modifying tactics and plans for involving stakeholders as necessary.

The practise of monitoring stakeholder connections within a project and adapting engagement techniques and plans to engage stakeholders is known as "monitoring stakeholder engagement." The fundamental advantage of the Monitor Stakeholder Engagement method is that it improves or maintains stakeholder engagement activities' efficacy and efficiency as the project develops and the environment in which it operates changes. This process will continue till the project is completed.

To learn more about Monitor Stakeholder Engagement at



What do you mean by command economy?


A command economy may be a key side of a social group during which a central governmental authority dictates the amount of production that square measure permissible and also the costs that will be charged for merchandise and services.

Most industries square measure in public in hand. The command economy, additionally called a planned economy, needs that a nation's central government own and management the means that of production.

Command economies square measure controlled from the highest by government planners. In general, this includes:

-Public possession of major industries.

-Government management of production levels and distribution quotas.

-Government management of costs and salaries.

Monopolies square measure common in command economies as they're demanded to satisfy the goals of the financial system.

To learn more about Command Economy, visit: brainly.com/question/13719381


What major trends and developments are retailers facing? How do these developments impact their competitive strategies?


Online businesses and stores that can list an unlimited number of goods and stocks without the need for actual physical inventory to be present are a threat to retailers.

What do you mean by the impact of competitive strategies?

The retail industry is fiercely competitive, with a small number of significant businesses controlling the majority of the market share.

From a microeconomics perspective, there are five fundamental variables that might affect competition: the characteristics of the product, the number of sellers, entrance barriers, the accessibility of information, and location.

Here, You must look for new competitors in your market in addition to analyzing the actions of your current rivals. Your opponents are responding to your activities as you are changing your strategy.

Therefore, Online businesses and stores that can list an unlimited number of goods and stocks without the need for actual physical inventory to be present are a threat to retailers.

To know more about the impact of competitive strategies, visit:



Which process of enterprise platform interacts with vendors and manages the entire supply chain for retail client O front office o experience o data O processing?


Vendor communication occurs through the supply chain system of the ERP program. During each point of the supply chain, businesses interact with vendors or suppliers.

What is a supply chain?

A supply chain is a network of facilities that buys raw materials, turns them into intermediate goods, and then distributes those goods to customers to make final goods, all within the framework of commerce. A network of firms, people, events, activities, data, and resources is required in order to provide a good or service to a customer. A typical supply chain begins with the ecological, biological, and political management of natural resources. Next, raw materials are extracted by humans, followed by a number of production links, before moving on to a number of layers of storage facilities with progressively smaller capacities and farther-flung locations, before reaching the consumer. Materials and finished commodities only move to the chain's end as a result of client behavior.

To learn more about supply chain, visit:



the social cost of a monopoly is equal to its a. fixed cost. b. economic profit. c. variable cost. d. deadweight loss.


The social cost of a monopoly is equal to its d. deadweight loss.

In common parlance, cost refers to the monetary value of the goods and services purchased by producers and customers. Cost may be understood of in terms of fundamental economics as a measurement of the opportunities lost when one good was chosen over another. This basic cost, often known as opportunity cost, is unavoidable. For someone on a fixed income, the opportunity cost of purchasing a new household item may be, for example, the cost of a trip that was not taken. The relationship between the price of manufacturing inputs and the volume of output is more frequently recognised to be the basis for cost.

the social cost of a monopoly is equal to its a. fixed cost. b. economic profit. c. variable cost. d. deadweight loss.

Learn more about cost here:



How much would you receive if you convert the following? a. US$4,900 to Canadian dollars. (US$1 = C$1.3067) = C $0.00 Round to the nearest cent b. C$5,500 to US dollars (US$1 = C$1.3067) = US Round to the nearest cent


1 USD = 1.367045 CAD currency Dec 16, 2022 09:50 UTC The currency converter below is easy to use and the currency rates are updated frequently.

Canada uses the Canadian Dollar (CAD) as its official currency. Since 1 US Dollar equals 1.26 Canadian Dollars, we multiply the provided value of US Dollars ($, USD) by 1.26 to convert it to Canadian Dollars (CAD). 60 US dollars converted into Canadian dollars is 81.90 CAD at the current exchange rate of 1.3651. Canada is listed as the 24th most expensive place to live in the world. The typical American's yearly and monthly living costs are often quite a deal more than the typical Canadian's. Keep in mind, too, that these are all averages for the whole US and Canada.

To learn more about CAD currency click the link below:



d ( x ) is the price, in dollars per unit, that consumers are willing to pay for x units of an item, and s ( x ) is the price, in dollars per unit that producers are willing to accept for x units. demand function: d ( x )


The price that consumer willing to pay is given by the function

D(x) = [tex]e^{-x + 7.5}[/tex] nd the price producer is willing to accept is

S(x) = [tex]e^{x - 8.5}[/tex]

How do you find the equilibrium point?When the market is in equilibrium, a product's price point remains constant. When there is a scarcity, it increases, and when there is a surplus, it lowers. In other words, if you had a graph of supply and demand for a commodity, the point of equilibrium would be where the supply curve and the demand curve connect.A point in the state space where all of the state variables' rates of change are zero is called an equilibrium point (the state-space is the space for which each state variable is an axis).(Qa - bP = x + yP) is the equation for the equilibrium point.The point of equilibrium denotes a theoretical state of rest when all economic activities that "should" occur have actually happened, given the beginning conditions of all significant economic variables.

Learn more about equilibrium point refer to :



What is the main goal of monetary policy?



Read carefully below:


The main goal of monetary policy is to promote economic stability and growth by manipulating the supply and demand of money and credit in the economy. This is typically achieved through the use of various tools and instruments, such as setting interest rates, regulating the money supply, and influencing the exchange rate of the country's currency.

In general, central banks (such as the Federal Reserve in the United States) use monetary policy to try to achieve specific economic objectives, such as low and stable inflation, high employment, and sustainable economic growth. The specific goals and priorities of monetary policy can vary from country to country and may also depend on the specific economic conditions and challenges facing the economy at a given time.

Monetary policy can have a range of impacts on the economy, including influencing the level of economic activity, the rate of inflation, the availability of credit, and the exchange rate of the currency. It is an important tool that can be used to help stabilize the economy and promote long-term growth.

if long-range aggregate supply (lras) shifts right, we know for certain that there has been a. economic growth. b. an increase in ad. c. a decrease in aggregate demand (ad). d. an increase in the price level. e. a decrease in the price level.


If long-run aggregate supply (lras) shifts right, we know for certain that there has been an increase in ad. Option b

What is the  long-run aggregate supply?

This a curve that depicts the correlation between price level and real GDP that would exist if all prices, including nominal wages, were completely flexible; prices can vary along the LRAS, but production cannot because it represents the output at full employment.

As productivity rises or the cost of essential inputs decreases, the aggregate supply curve shifts to the right, allowing for a combination of lower inflation, more production, and lower unemployment.

Read more on LRAS here:https://brainly.com/question/15274197


What are the three function of taxation?


In America, you are compelled by law to pay taxes for the following three reasons:

Help pay the government's bills. Providing financial aid to the poor Helps to lessen negative externalities.

What do taxes mean in detail?

Taxes are required levies that the government imposes on people or organizations in virtually every country on earth. Taxes are generally used to raise money for government spending, though they can also be used for other purposes.

What do taxes serve to achieve?

Public spending is the main reason that taxes are collected. Taxes have been defended in a number of ways throughout history, with various justifications. The governing class, the military, and the fortifications were initially supported by taxes. On divine or supranational rights, the right to tax was sometimes based.

Learn more about taxation: https://brainly.com/question/1980107


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