what did wealthy new york businessmen and new york city free blacks have in common in 1863?


Answer 1

In 1863, wealthy New York businessmen and New York City free blacks had a common interest in avoiding the draft.

The Union implemented the first conscription in American history in March of 1863 to help recruit soldiers to fight in the Civil War. The draft, however, was controversial, and it sparked a series of violent protests. Wealthy New York businessmen opposed the draft since it would result in a decline in business and could hurt the economy.

In comparison, New York City free blacks were worried that they would be subject to prejudice and brutality while serving in the Union Army. As a result, both groups opposed the draft and worked together to prevent its implementation. They held a rally in July 1863 that culminated in the New York City Draft Riots, a violent uprising against the draft and the Union.

For more about wealthy:



Related Questions

What do oral traditions tell us about African society and values?



it tells us that Africans are different people with there cultures music etc


how they stand out from the crowd differently from the rest.

hope this helped ;)

Why might a Congress member vote against his or her personal beliefs?



From Wikipedia:

In the US Congress, it is the function of the party whip of each party in each house has the function to ensure that members adhere to party policies and in particular that members vote for or against bills, amendments, and (in the case of the US Senate) for or against treaties and administration appointments as determined by the senior party leaders. The leverage available to the party whip may be in rewards (such as the negotiation of side deals for pork-barrel spending) or in punishments (such as withholding appointments to powerful committees). The ultimate threat is to support another candidate in the primary election with endorsements and party funds. The party whip will operate under the direction of the particular party's leader (called respectively the majority leader or the minority leader).


Hope that this helps! :)

Congress are representatives of the common people who have the right to vote on their personal belief but, for the benefit while supporting their party, can go against their personal beliefs.  

What are the voting rights of a Congress Member?

The Congress passes the bill to make a law. Presidential candidates make promises during the election period, but do not have power to pass any law without the bill being passed by the house of representative and the Senate.

The congress are the representative of common people and vote as their representative. They decide whether they will vote in favor of the motion  or against the motion. They usually vote agent  according to their  personal rational belief on the bill.

But sometimes member of congress supporter/partisans to the idea of their party, which sometimes can be opposite or against their personal belief.

Therefore, Congress while acting as supporter/partisans vote against their personal belief.

Learn more about congress here:


Similitudes y diferencias que tuvieron aregentina y estados unidos tras el quiebre de la bolsa de wall street


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Aunque no lo especificas, suponemos que te estás refiriendo al crack bursátil de 1929, en los Estados Unidos.

Tras la estrepitosa caída o quiebre de la bolsa de valores de wall street en New York, comenzó el periodo llamad de la Gran Depresión.

Debido a una serie de factores económicos, el 29 de octubre de 1929, la Bolsa de Valores de los Estados Unidos se desplomó, iniciando la Gran Depresión.

Millones de estadounidenses perdieron sus empleos, las empresas tuvieron que cerrar y los bancos quebraron. Fue un desastre económico que dejó hambre y pobreza.

La administración del presidente Taff no hizo mucho por apoyar a los ciudadanos estadounidenses. Tuvo que llegar en 1933 el nuevo presidente Franklin D. Roosevelt, quien de inmediato estableció como una de sus prioridades la creación del llamado "New Deal"(Un Nuevo Trato), que fueron una serie de programas gubernamentales y leyes creadas para apoyar a los ciudadanos y reactivar al economía.

El caso de Argentina fue diferente.

Las repercusiones económicas impactaron fuertemente a los argentinos, a pesar de la lejanía con los Estados Unidos.

Argentina vio severamente afectadas sus exportaciones. El ingreso de divisas se redujo hasta cifras alarmantes. Esa falta de dólares impactó en la economía del país y de los ciudadanos. El argentino promedio resintió la caída y sufrió el alza de los precios en productos de consumo básico.

Las primeras medidas fueron el centrarse en el consumo de productos internos y limitar el número de importaciones. El gobierno argentino establece un control más férreo del mercado de divisas, modificando los aranceles y regulando estrictamente la economía.

The Holocaust was considered what to the so called "Jewish question"?
final solution

Please select the best answer from the choices provided






c i. hitters word it was the final solution to his jew problems

hello so does any one know the answer to
what were some of the problems romes common people face





PLSSS HELP. in need of help immediately!!! (check whole picture)





Answer: Cattails

Explanation: good luck

What are some examples of strict and loose construction?



The right to bear arms, religious freedom, needing a search warrant to search someone's house


The March to the Sea took place across which state?


Sherman's March to the Sea (also known as the Savannah campaign or simply Sherman's March) was a military campaign of the American Civil War conducted through Georgia from November 15 until December 21, 1864, by Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman of the Union Army.

basically in Georgia

The American Civil War's March to the Sea, often known as the Savannah campaign or simply Sherman's March, was a military operation led by Union Army Major General William Tecumseh Sherman through Georgia from November 15 until December 21, 1864.

What do you know about Savanna?

A mixed woodland-grassland environment known as a savanna or savannah is characterized by trees that are sufficiently spread apart to prevent the canopy from closing. The open canopy allows enough light to penetrate the soil to maintain an unbroken covering of grasses-dominated herbaceous plants.

There are four different types of savannas, according to Britannica: savanna forest, where trees and shrubs form a light canopy; tree savanna, where trees and shrubs are dispersed; shrub savanna, where shrubs are distributed; and grass savanna, where trees and shrubs are largely absent. Despite having a dense canopy of trees, savannas remain open. Savannas are frequently thought to have sparse, widely spaced trees.

Learn more about Savanna, from :




Is the Illinois Conceal Carry Law consistent with the Social Contract Theory? Why or why not?


Answer:Is the Illinois Conceal Carry Law consistent with the Social Contract Theory? Why or why not?


What do Papa and Esperanza do together in "1924?" What does this section tell you about Esperanza's relationship with her father



Papa and Esperanza were walking hand in hand along the vines of the vineyard.

This shows the close bond between the father-daughter duo.


Pam Muñoz Ryan’s book "Esperanza Rising," tells the story of an immigrant Esperanza and her struggles with life in general. The story deals with themes of love, family, sacrifice, struggles, etc.

In the section titled "1924", Esperanza and her father are seen walking hand in hand along their vineyard. There, they laid down on the grass and 'listened' to the heartbeat of the soil, the earth.

This scene shows how close Esperanza and her father were. Even though she was just a small girl, she respected and loved her father. In their joint interest in listening to the "earth's heartbeat" shows the father-daughter duo's close relationship.

explain one way in which a specific european state applied a specific ideology to govern its colonies. ap world


One example of a European state applying a specific ideology to govern its colonies is the British application of the ideology of paternalism in governing its colonies. The British used the ideology of paternalism to justify their control and governance of their colonies, claiming to act as benevolent guardians and caretakers of the colonial subjects.

The British Empire, at the height of its colonial rule, applied the ideology of paternalism to govern its colonies. Paternalism is an ideology that positions the ruling power as a father figure, responsible for the welfare and guidance of its subjects. In the context of colonial governance, the British justified their control over their colonies by asserting that they were acting as benevolent protectors and caretakers of their colonial subjects. This ideology was particularly prevalent during the late 19th and early 20th centuries when the British Empire sought to maintain its dominance over a vast colonial empire.

Under the ideology of paternalism, the British believed it was their duty to civilize and uplift the colonial populations, often through education, infrastructure development, and healthcare initiatives. While these efforts were presented as acts of benevolence, they were ultimately aimed at consolidating British control and maintaining economic exploitation. The British authorities implemented policies that limited the political and economic autonomy of the colonies, claiming that they were acting in the best interests of the colonial subjects. This ideology of paternalism enabled the British to justify their colonial rule and maintain control over vast territories across Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean. However, it also fueled resentment and resistance among the colonized populations, who sought self-determination and independence from British rule.

Learn more about ideology  : brainly.com/question/29759131


In 1739 arrived among us from Ireland the Reverend Mr. [George] Whitefield, who had made himself remarkable there as an itinerant preacher. He was at first permitted to preach in some of our churches; but the clergy, taking a dislike to him, soon refused him their pulpits, and he was obliged to preach in the fields. The multitudes of all sects and denominations that attended his sermons were enormous. . . . It was wonderful to see the change soon made in the manners of our inhabitants. From being thoughtless or indifferent about religion, it seemed as if all the world were growing religious, so that one could not walk thro’ the town in an evening without hearing psalms sung in different families of every street." Benjamin Franklin, The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Whitefield’s impact suggests that religious culture among British North American colonists in the 1700s was most directly shaped by


Hello. You forget answer options. The options are:

(A) Roman Catholic influences

(B) interest in commerce and business

(C) trans-Atlantic exchanges

(D) reliance on agriculture


(C) trans-Atlantic exchanges


From the text above, we can see that the religious culture in British settlers in North America was strongly encouraged by transatlantic exchanges, since through them it was possible for the Irish Reverend to reach North America and influence many people with his religious sermons, influencing a large part of the population to turn to religion and its customs, which were spreading more and more throughout the continent.

pls help:

question 1.

Frontier settlers did very little to help each other.


Question 2

There were few schools in the western frontier.


(I will girl brainiest to people who explain the answer)



False True  

Explanation: They helped alot!!!! they lended everything

there wernet much because of funds

How did time deposits earn that name?



Time deposits differ from at call deposits, such as savings or checking accounts, which can be withdrawn at any time, without any notice or penalty. Deposits that require notice of withdrawal to be given are effectively time deposits, though they do not have a fixed maturity date.

Hope this helped


Write one paragraph (5-7 sentences) or more on
how you would have handled the situation if you were in Salva's Duts place?



now tell me if you like


Salva did encounter many difficult things while being just a littel boy and  many difficult challenges during his journy i may have done some things different. For example, while salva was with his group starving i may have acted greedy sometimes and try to eat more. Also since he had no family i would have also made a friend like him (Maria) but i would have done more so we can protect each other. Like he did i would have also tried to find shelter and help since chances of survival are low. Salva for me was a very insipirning person since he never gave up and faced such hard challenges at such a young age

what was the pros and cons of herbet hoover's presidency




What were the pros and cons of Herbet Hoover's presidency?


I read what's in this article. And I think that it will help you out. Here's the link: https://epikfails.com/2017/07/07/presidential-pros-cons-part-eight/


I hope that this helps you out! :)    

Have a great rest of your day/night!    

Please thank me on my profile if this answer has helped you out.

1. Which statement about mercantilism is FALSE? Mercantilists believed a country should attempt to maximize the gold and silver within its borders. Mercantilists believed that foreign trade was beneficial for both countries involved. A leading theorist of mercantilism was Jean-Baptiste Colbert. Mercantilists favored the importation of raw materials and the exportation of finished manufactured goods.


The correct answer is B) Mercantilists believed that foreign trade was beneficial for both countries involved.

The statement about mercantilism that is false is "Mercantilists believed that foreign trade was beneficial for both countries involved."

Quite the opposite, mercantilism only ambitioned more richness to European superpowers such as Great Britain.

During colonial times in North America, Great Britain adopted the mercantilism economic system from the 1500s to the 1700s. Britain and other European superpowers tried to accumulate richness because they thought that resources in the world were limited. So these nations tried to get more and more to maximize the exports and minimize the imports. European monarchies were only interested in exploiting the raw materials and natural resources of their colonies.

What ended China’s “Age of Exploration?”



The end of China's Age of Exploration came as a result of Emperor Yongle's death in 1424


Interpreting According to the map, which areas of Europe were most densely populated in 1900?


Answer: Paris is the answer!

Explanation: Hope this helps!

There are various reasons for that, for easiness I will list them in points:

#1 Technological development

#2 Employment opportunities

#3 Infrastructural development at high rate

#4 Various tourist areas

#6 City of famous football player(might be a cause)

#7 Natural beauty probably

Hope you like this answer

How did the Japanese imperial court system of appointing government officials lead to the rise of the Fujiwara family?

** Please answer with 3/4 lines + no goo_gle so me teach er don t know**


The imperial court system of a pointing government officials was based on sons of noble families and upon all these the Fujiwara family stood out

1) What motivated the plotters to conspire against kind James ll?

2) The Glorious Revolution is celebrated for establishing religious toleration, but which religious group was left out? What limitations were placed on them?

3) What is the significance of the Glorious Revolution?



The Glorious Revolution


King James II took the throne in England when connections between Protestants and Catholics were unfriendly. King James II religion and contact with the French along with appointing catholic officers, put him at disputes in face of the Protestants.

The Glorious Revolution is celebrated for establishing religious toleration, but Catholic religious group were left out.

The Glorious Revolution took place in England in 1688, which overthrow Catholic King James II and replaced William III and his wife Mary II. The revolution fought without any bloodshed. Protestant became careful after King James II became King and began supporting and establishing Catholic officials in his court.

After the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in 1914, how did Austria-Hungary respond? (What did they want to do to Serbia?) From which country did they find support?



Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie are shot to death by a Bosnian Serb nationalist during an official visit to the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo on June 28, 1914. The killings sparked a chain of events that led to the outbreak of World War I by early August. On June 28, 1919, five years to the day after Franz Ferdinand’s death, Germany and the Allied Powers signed the Treaty of Versailles, officially marking the end of World War I.Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie are shot to death by a Bosnian Serb nationalist during an official visit to the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo on June 28, 1914. The killings sparked a chain of events that led to the outbreak of World War I by early August. On June 28, 1919, five years to the day after Franz Ferdinand’s death, Germany and the Allied Powers signed the Treaty of Versailles, officially marking the end of World War I.The archduke traveled to Sarajevo in June 1914 to inspect the imperial armed forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina, annexed by Austria-Hungary in 1908. The annexation had angered Serbian nationalists, who believed the territories should be part of Serbia. A group of young nationalists hatched a plot to kill the archduke during his visit to Sarajevo, and after some missteps, 19-year-old Gavrilo Princip was able to shoot the royal couple at point-blank range, while they traveled in their official procession, killing both almost instantly.The assassination set off a rapid chain of events, as Austria-Hungary immediately blamed the Serbian government for the attack. As large and powerful Russia supported Serbia, Austria asked for assurances that Germany would step in on its side against Russia and its allies, including France and possibly Great Britain. On July 28, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, and the fragile peace between Europe’s great powers collapsed, beginning the devastating conflict now known as the First World War.

Anybody good with political cartoon in history and wanna help me? Free Brainliest and points!



thx for the free points






corn chips be bussin bussinnnnn hehe





(pls tell me yk what this is lol)


lol eww;efregre2wqisdkjfkeopwoqleksf,ew


What Union document convinced the Europeans to honor the Union blockade​



the Emancipation Proclamation


After the Emancipation Proclamation, the Europeans saw the war as a conflict over slavery and honored the Union blockade.

Hope this helped!!


which consequence resulted from nationalism throughout the 20th century
A. Rebels and protesters secured many countries' independence from colonial powers.
B. Internationals organizations began focusing on protecting civil rights rather than human rights.
C. countries were repeatedly drawn into new wars shortly after other conflicts have ended
D. Societies around the world became more socially, culturally, and economically linked.



The consequences of nationalism are:

B. International organizations began focusing on protecting civil

rights rather than human rights.

D. Societies around the world became more socially, culturally, and

economically linked.


Nationalism can describe a set of ideologies whose main aim is to promote certain cultures and interests of a particular society towards having total sovereignty on their territory. Nationalism during this period was most popular in Africa and Asian countries.

However, there are other consequences of nationalism in the 20th century which can either be negative or positive. Some of these are stated below:


Culture of a sovereign state is brought back to life through nationalism

Nationalism brought about globalization in the 20th century

National support the pride of the people

It springs up people's identity


Promote racial discrimination

Leads to conflicts among small new nations

Rights of people were infringed upon

Promote xenophobia

Hope this helps!!!!

why did western european economies grow faster than eastern european economies after world war 2






Part of the reason why the western economy was booming is because of America who had given money to the western countries and even allowed eastern countries to get some economic aid but were not allowed to due to the Soviet watching them like a hawk. I think it is known as the Marshall plan. Also, capitalism is another reason for the Western's economy as capitalism allows economic freedom, consumer choice, and economic growth.



Firstly, part of the reason why the eastern economy was not doing very well is due to them following the communist ideology where there are no social classes like upper and lower classes. This seemed like a very great idea on paper but in reality, it did not allow the Soviet economy to flourish as much as the communist. I also believe that it is also partly due to people escaping to the Western countries (like Allied-controlled Germany) as their country seemed well off compared to war-torn Soviet-controlled Germany.


!     HOPE I HELPED     !    

In what country did the Industrial Revolution begin?




B. Britain

Your welcome. Have a good day.

when the soviet union sealed off the city of berlin in 1948, president harry truman ________.


When the Soviet Union sealed off the city of Berlin in 1948, President Harry Truman responded by launching the Berlin Airlift to provide food and supplies to the city.

The Berlin Blockade occurred in 1948, and it lasted for almost a year. This blockade was a direct response to the Allied powers' unification of their respective territories and the decision to create a new currency for the city of Berlin.

In response to this blockade, Harry Truman, the US President, launched the Berlin Airlift, which was an attempt to supply the city of Berlin from the air.

This would result in an impressive show of Western strength, as an average of 5,000 tons of supplies, such as food, fuel, and medicine, would arrive in Berlin daily.

The Berlin Blockade and the ensuing Berlin Airlift had many political ramifications and is widely regarded as a critical moment in the early Cold War.

Learn more about Soviet Union: brainly.com/question/1310325


After Japan’s defeat in 1945, __________.



After Japan's defeat in 1945, with the help of Seri Thai, Thailand was treated as a defeated country by the British and French, although American support mitigated the Allied terms. Thailand was not occupied by the Allies, but it was forced to return the territory it had regained to the British and the French.


Should and hope this helps.

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