What do transverse/Volkmann Canals do? and don't waste my point plz BRAINLES ​


Answer 1
Transverse vessels, which run perpendicular to the long axis of the cortex, are called Volkmann canals; Volkmann canals connect adjacent osteons and also connect the blood vessels of the Haversian canals with the periosteum, the tissue covering the bone's outer surface.

Related Questions

How are physical properties of matter observed?

Using your five senses.
Through experiments.
Only using a microscope.
Only using a telescope.


C. Only using a microscope.


How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration connected as a cycle?



Photosynthesis is when energy, carbon dioxide and water react to produce glucose and oxygen. It is an endothermic reaction (takes in more energy than it gives off).

glucose  +  oxygen  + (energy)  →  carbon dioxide  +  water

C 6 H 12 O 6  +  6 O 2  →  6 CO 2  +  6 H 2 O

Respiration is the process of producing energy from glucose. It uses glucose and oxygen to give water, carbon dioxide and energy (thus making it exothermic).

carbon dioxide   +  water  +  energy  →  glucose  +  oxygen  

6 CO 2  +  6 H 2 O  →  C 6 H 12 O 6  +  6 O 2

As you can see from the equations, they are essentially the reverse of each other.

Another difference is how they are used. Respiration occurs in the mitochondria of all living cells, whereas only plants photosynthesize.

In plants, they make their own glucose using the sun's energy, then respire to allow them to use the glucose for the energy they can use. The glucose can also be stored and used in many other ways other than in respiration.

Identify the kind of response to the following argument: Argument: In nature, a species is more likely to survive when its weak members die out, so we should let the weak in our society die out. Response: In nature, a species is more likely to survive when it lives in its natural habitat, so we should live in our natural habitat. A. refutation by parallel reasoning B. refutation by reduction to absurdity C. refutation by counterexample D. not a refutation



A. refutation by parallel reasoning


A refutation by parallel reasoning is an analogical inference between two arguments. This type of refutation occurs when an argument is invalidated by showing that the argument's conclusion is not supported by its premises, thereby the structure of the argument is incorrect. The parallel argument should demonstrate that the premises of the target argument are founded in a fallacy or don't provide a strong enough rationale to support/accept its conclusion.

Can you determine the relationship between the risk of contracting Lyme disease and the concentration of ticks that act as vectors for the disease?


Answer: Since the vector transmitting the disease is the tick, the higher the density of ticks, the higher the rate of transmission of the disease.


Lyme disease is an infection caused by a spirochete-like bacterium of the Borrelia species and is transmitted by a vector, which is a living being (almost always an arthropod) capable of transmitting a disease to vertebrate hosts, including humans.

In this case, the disease is transmitted to humans through the bites of deer ticks that are infected with this bacterium. The ticks live in forests or grassland areas, woodlands and swamps near rivers, lakes or seas. Infections generally occur from late spring to early fall because infected deer ticks live in regions that have extreme temperatures (very low and very high) and high levels of humidity.  

The first and most obvious symptom of Lyme disease is a localized rash that begins as a pink or red circle that expands over time and may appear 3 to 30 days after the bite. Although the disease can also affect the skin, nervous system, joints, muscles and heart.

Therefore, since the vector transmitting the disease is the tick (without ticks there is no transmission), the higher the density of ticks, the higher the rate of transmission of the disease.

Fossil fuel dependence has an impact on which of the following?
the environment
international security
all of the above


A most definitely the environment
The answer is E , all the above

Below shows a process that occurs in cells. The type of building blocks represented by the letters A, B, and C in this process are:

A: Nucleotides
B: Codons
C: Amino Acids
D: Nitrogen bases


C. Amino Acids.
Proteins consist of strands of amino acids, which is produced in the ribosomes of the cell.

How does nectar increase the ability of plants to reproduce?



nectar is very sweet juice which attracts insects.

when those insects suck the nectar the pollen grains sticks to the body of those insects and then when they fly and sit on the other flowers and then those pollen grains are then transferred to the stigma of that flower which then forms a zygote and then forms a new flower.

and this is how nectar helps to reproduce

When tectonic plates are colliding, what is the geological event that will NOT occur at a convergent boundary?

Question 2 options:



Volcanic Island

Rift valley


Rift Valley

This happens when the plates pull apart. They don’t collide and are not any form of mountains.

The thin outer shell of  Earth is broken into large pieces which is called as tectonic plates. Rift valley is not the event of collision between tectonic plates.

What is rift valley?

Rift valley is the low land between highlands and mountain ranges created by geographical rift.

These can be formed on both land and deep oceans, where they are made by seafloor spreading process.

It is caused when two tectonic plates moves apart from each other.

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding tectonic plates, visit:


On what structures are genes located and what is their primary function?



Genes are located on chromosomes, which are large pieces of DNA contained in a eukaryotic cell's nucleus.

Two ramps of equal height are placed 1 m apart, and balls of equal mass are released from the top of each ramp. What happens to the motion of the balls when they meet in the middle?

The balls will move in a random direction.

The balls will stop.

The balls will continue moving forward.​



The ball will stop


I don't know much about it.


the balls will continue moving forward

fill in the blank

"blank are the structure and functional units common to all living organisms the cell is the basic unit of blank .organisms having only one cell are called blank organisms with more than one cell are called blank "​


cells, life, prokaryotes, eukaryotes

Flowers are the ______________ structures of plants.
A. meiosis

B. reproductive

C. motosis



B. reproductive


Answer: reproductive

Explanation: flowers contain the reproductive organs of a plant, the stamen (male) and/or pistil, (female)

endocrine glands are called ductless gland give scientific reason​



their secretions reach the blood directly without ducts

Many scientists are worried that the increased amount of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere will _____

A. make it harder for animals to breathe

B. use up all our fossil fuels

c. cause Earth to warm up unnaturally

D. make green plants grow too fast


The answer will be C. Cause Earth to warm up unnaturally

Explanation: the more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the hotter the earth will become. Changing the earths climate

Plsssss help meh ASAP






The answer Is D = Cost


Characteristics such as melting point, boiling point, density, solubility, color, odor, etc. are physical properties. So the only one left is D. Cost :)

a. If you were designing a pigment to maximize light capture in a new kind of solar array what light absorbing properties would have?
b. what molecule in the sumary equation for photosynthesis ends up in the sugars made by photosynthesis?
c. When Jasmine was a baby, her parents planted a jasmine plant weighing 1 kg in a container in their yard with 50 kg of soil. When Jasmine was 18, the plant was estimated to weigh 75 kg. Then it was time to transplant the plant into the family yard so it could continue growing. When the soil in the container was weighed, its mass was 50 kg. Over the years Jasmine's parents neither added nor removed soil from the container with the plant in it. How did the plant increase in mass by 74 kg while the soil did not change in mass and never needed adding to over the years?



Following are the solution to the given points:


In point a:

When a light absorption dye was to be introduced to optimize the plant's absorbing capacity, the paint could absorb wide different wavelengths besides the observable light spectrum. It must also absorb the UV only at IR light rate to maximize the fluorescence intensity.

In point b:

Its molecule in the production of pentose sugar is the nitrogen and hydrogen atoms of carbon dioxide and water ions of air. Its water oxygen atoms are emitted through oxygen atoms during this phase.

In point c:

Its plant increased with weight while decreasing the weight of the earth, so because manufactured goods needed for plant growth are carbon dioxide from water and air, provided to a plant every day and nitrogen extracted from of the atmosphere through means of microbial materials into nitrogen. So, even if the plant raised its weight, the soil does not change the weight.

A deer can run 22 m/s. How long would it take to run 44 meters?


968 because you multiply 44x22

Most non-vascular plants are small because they-

A. Can only transport water short distances
B. Have thick leaves
C. Usually grow in deserts
D. Are unable to perform photosynthesis




A. Can only transport water short distances


Nonvascular plants are very short because they cannot move nutrients and water up a stem

Hope this helps! =w=

Humans have 46 chromosomes in each of their body cells. Jason has a small cut on his right arm and his body cells are undergoing mitosis to repair the damage. How many chromosomes will be in each new body cell after cell division?





What do you think accounts for the higher risk of earthquakes in Los Angeles than in Chicago?



Los Angeles, California, rests on a major (and active) fault line known as the San Andreas Fault. It's the line between the Pacific and North American tectonic plates, and more seismic activity is measured daily than on the New Madrid Fault, which runs through New Madrid, Missouri, and around the mid-west. Chicago is still at risk, of course, but not nearly as much, given the small activity of the fault line.

The San Andreas Fault, a significant (and active) fault line, runs through Los Angeles, California.

Why is a higher risk of earthquakes in Los Angeles?

There is more seismic activity recorded there every day than on the New Madrid Fault, which passes through New Madrid, Missouri, and other midwestern cities.

It is the boundary between the Pacific and North American tectonic plates. Chicago is still in danger, of course, but not nearly as much as before due to the fault line's low level of activity.

Therefore, movement along the San Andreas Fault and its numerous accompanying faults, which define the tectonic border between the Pacific and North American tectonic plates, is what causes earthquakes in California.

Learn more about earthquakes, here:



Describe the temperature, moisture and air pressure associated with a Continental Polar air mass.

Use this and the picture to help

Continental Polar Air Masses
cold temperatures and little moisture
Those who live in northern portions of the United States expect cold weather during the winter months. These conditions usually result from the invasion of cold arctic air masses that originate from the snow covered regions of northern Canada. Because of the long winter nights and strong radiational cooling found in these regions, the overlying air becomes very cold and very stable. The longer this process continues, the colder the developing air mass becomes, until changing weather patterns transport the arctic air mass southward.



Continental polar has very low temperatures, little precipitation, and air pressure varies with the pressure system moving through

The variation in the US continental region is due to the change in the weather during the day and the night.

These are the reasons for the polar air mass:-

BreezeHigh humidityThe low temperature at the night

Continental Polar air usually forms during the cold period of the year over extensive land areas.

The upper part of the region has a cold breeze while the lower part has a warm breeze.

For more information, refer to the link:-


Which is used to make cell walls ​



Figure 3 : Plant plasma membrane and cell-wall structure

A plant cell wall is arranged in layers and contains cellulose microfibrils, hemicellulose, pectin, lignin, and soluble protein. These components are organized into three major layers: the primary cell wall, the middle lamella, and the secondary cell wall (not pictured). The cell wall surrounds the plasma membrane and provides the cell tensile strength and protection.

© 2008 Nature Publishing Group Sticklen, M. B. Plant genetic engineering for biofuel production: towards affordable cellulosic ethanol. Nature Reviews Genetics 9, 433-443 (2008). All rights reserved. 

Figure Detail

Besides the presence of chloroplasts, another major difference between plant and animal cells is the presence of a cell wall. The cell wall surrounds the plasma membrane of plant cells and provides tensile strength and protection against mechanical and osmotic stress. It also allows cells to develop turgor pressure, which is the pressure of the cell contents against the cell wall. Plant cells have high concentrations of molecules dissolved in their cytoplasm, which causes water to come into the cell under normal conditions and makes the cell's central vacuole swell and press against the cell wall. With a healthy supply of water, turgor pressure keeps a plant from wilting. In drought, a plant may wilt, but its cell walls help maintain the structural integrity of its stems, leaves, and other structures, despite a shrinking, less turgid vacuole.

Plant cell walls are primarily made of cellulose, which is the most abundant macromolecule on Earth. Cellulose fibers are long, linear polymers of hundreds of glucose molecules. These fibers aggregate into bundles of about 40, which are called microfibrils. Microfibrils are embedded in a hydrated network of other polysaccharides. The cell wall is assembled in place. Precursor components are synthesized inside the cell and then assembled by enzymes associated with the cell membrane (Figure 3).

What Are Vacuoles?

Plant cells additionally possess large, fluid-filled vesicles called vacuoles within their cytoplasm. Vacuoles typically compose about 30 percent of a cell's volume, but they can fill as much as 90 percent of the intracellular space. Plant cells use vacuoles to adjust their size and turgor pressure. Vacuoles usually account for changes in cell size when the cytoplasmic volume stays constant.

Some vacuoles have specialized functions, and plant cells can have more than one type of vacuole. Vacuoles are related to lysosomes and share some functions with these structures; for instance, both contain degradative enzymes for breaking down macromolecules. Vacuoles can also serve as storage compartments for nutrients and metabolites. For instance, proteins are stored in the vacuoles of seeds, and rubber and opium are metabolites that are stored in plant vacuoles.


Plant cells have certain distinguishing features, including chloroplasts, cell walls, and intracellular vacuoles. Photosynthesis takes place in chloroplasts; cell walls allow plants to have strong, upright structures; and vacuoles help reg

How do viruses reproduce during the lysogenic cycle?


These viruses break, or lyse, the cell and spread to other cells to continue the cycle. Like the lytic cycle, in the lysogenic cycle the virus attaches to the host cell and injects its DNA. From there, the viral DNA gets incorporated into the host's DNA and the host's cells.

Slow cycles release nutrients back into rapid eyeles through mechanisms, such






What are the yellow arrows showing . Please no links :) ill mark brainlest if you give correct answer


Answer:i am not 100 percent sure but i think the yellow arrows are showing the wasted carbon

I think the yellow are likes guide.




Impact metamorphism-3

Dynamic metamorphism-2

contact metamorphism-1

regional metamorphism-4

Describe the changes in the wolf population:
a) From 1965 to 1970
b) From 1970 to 1975​




1965-70 there population dropped majorly and from 1970-75 the wolf population sprung back up


AThere was a steady decrease and then a  sudden increase in population.

B It increased slowly for a few years and suddenly decreased.


What is a nucleotide?
O A matched pair of amino acids
O A building block of the nucleus
O A single "letter" of DNA
An entire strand of DNA



A single letter of DNA.


Suppose you are a politician representing the interest of a small community whose economic health depends on the fishing industry. How would you approach the problem of the overfishing of nearby species?



To create more jobs in other fields.


As a politician, more jobs has to be created in other fields such as industries, education sector etc in order to avoid overfishing in the areas because the people related to fish industry will move to join other jobs that gives good pay as compared to fishing. If there are more jobs in other fields then more people will leave the fish industry and join jobs in other fields. In this way, we can avoid overfishing problems in the region that causes decrease in the population of fish species in water.

Can raccoons eat Newts and salamanders?





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