What does ^^ mean in texting?


Answer 1

Texting is a slang term that refers to the creation and transmission of short electronic text messages between two or more mobile device users over a network. This usually means sending messages with no more than 100 characters, although it has now been extended to include audio, images and video content, known as multimedia message service.

Answer 2
This is how it would work.
Did you see that.^^
Basically to look up two sentences above

Related Questions

Write an obituary for Medusa. Look at examples for obituaries online. In your obituary, include how she died, where she's from, a little bit on her life. Then tell about her funeral services. Include donations, cards, decorations and who to sent them to.


Explanation: just look up pices of it online

answer these questions please and thank you.


Animal 1: Giant Panda

Its lifespan is 20 year in the wild and there height is 2-3 feet.

The Giant Pandas attacking humans are rare. last one reported was June 2009.

Animal 2: Baiji

It might be extinct and it is a type of freshwater dolphin.

it means White Fin in Japanese which means white-finned dolphin.

Animal 3: Red Panda

There is less than 10,000 that are alive

Its population is decreasing and they are Herbivorous

Animal 4: Siberian Tiger

The tigers are Endangered but stabled

They can run up to 50 miles per hour

Animal 5: Sable

It is a small omnivore

They may look cute but they are not pet material. they have sharp teeth and can have a painful bite. It is also illegal to own one.

Hope this helps! :)

How does the language used by the speakers in "in Just-" and "July" reflect their differing perspectives?

The speaker in “July” uses sophisticated language that reflects a very mature perspective, while the speaker in “In Just-” uses playful language to reflect a youthful perspective

The speaker in “July” uses phrases that reflect a very emotional perspective, while the speaker in "in Just-” uses language that suggests a calmer, more distant perspective.

The speaker in “in Just-” employs language that is upbeat and positive to match his own perspective, while the speaker in "July” uses more negative language to show his disapproval.

The speaker in “in Just-” uses language that indicates hostility towards the poem's subject, while the speaker in “July” uses words that suggest a more positive view of the poem's subject.



The speaker in “July” uses sophisticated language that reflects a very mature perspective, while the speaker in “In Just-” uses playful language to reflect a youthful perspective


i took the test on k12

'In just' is a poem by E.E.C. The poet of July uses sophisticated language that portrays the mature view and the speaker of 'In just' uses playful language. Thus, option A is correct.

What are sophisticated and playful languages?

Sophisticated language is the refined and cultured way of speaking that depicts the mature look and viewpoint of the situation or the personality.

The playful language uses sounds and imitations that create lively and vivid moods. They are generally used to show the perspective of the youths.

Therefore, option A. July uses sophisticated while In just uses playful language.

Learn more about sophisticated language here:







I heard a rustling noise in the shrubs outside of my window... all of a sudden, the curtains flipped open, and I got a weird feeling down my spine, like someone was watching me... I hopped out of bed, and put my shoes on, trying to be as quiet as possible, as I didn't want to wake my parents, I tip-toed down the stairs, and creaked open the front door. Once I got outside I felt a weird presence like there was someone or something with me. That's when I felt gravitated over to the shrubs.... once I got over to the shrubs near my window, I saw something! I screamed as loud as I could, it looked like some sort of a ghost, but then again I don't believe in ghosts. I hurried away back to the porch to collect myself, and went inside, once I got back upstairs, and tucked in, I still felt odd and unsettled. Once I started falling asleep I heard someone whispering my name so I said "Dad, Mom?" and then I felt a hand over my mouth, so once again I screamed, I tried to open my eyes but they felt so heavy, I stopped resisting. Once I opened my eyes I was in an odd place, with lots of greenery... then I remembered, the shrub! maybe the odd person/spirit took me into the shrub with them! It had to be that. Then I heard a dull knocking noise, and an alarm clock so I pried my eyes open with all my strength, and I was back in my bed with my mom yelling at my to wake up... what a dream, or was it...?


I heard a rustling noise in the shrubs outside of my window, so I creaked open them window and slowly peaked out. When suddenly a bird came swarming at my face as fast as lightning!

Review the discussion prompt with a partner or small group. Before beginning your discussion, generate ideas for your response and revisit the vocabulary review list to select useful and relevant terms.

Discussion: In this unit, we have been reading, writing, and thinking about identity, and one aspect of a person’s identity is his or her personality. What is one word you would use to describe your personality? Why did you choose that word? What has contributed to the development of your personality?Use as many Big Idea and Academic Vocabulary words in your discussion as you can.

After your discussion, reflect on your experience. How many vocabulary words were you able to incorporate? How comfortable did you feel recalling and using these words? What strategies were beneficial in learning these words, and what will you adjust in the future? Record your response below.



How do we become who we are? Traditionally, people’s answers have placed them in one of two camps: nature or nurture. The one says genes determine an individual while the other claims the environment is the linchpin for development. Since the 16th century, when the terms “nature” and “nurture” first came into use, many people have spent ample time debating which is more important, but these discussions have more often led to ideological cul-de-sacs rather than pinnacles of insight.

New research into epigenetics the science of how the environment influences genetic expressions changing the conversation. As psychologist David S. Moore explains in his newest book, The Developing Genome, this burgeoning field reveals that what counts is not what genes you have so much as what your genes are doing. And what your genes are doing is influenced by the ever-changing environment they’re in. Factors like stress, nutrition, and exposure to toxins all play a role in how genes are expressed essentially which genes are turned on or off. Unlike the static conception of nature or nurture, epigenetic research demonstrates how genes and environments continuously interact to produce characteristics throughout a lifetime.

The structure of the paragraph is compare and contrast. It contrasts the influence of nature on development by describing details that support the other side of the debate. It shows that environment also has a strong influence on people.


Page 2 Answer(s):

1: A

2. C

3. A

When radio was first emerged, newspapers sought to limit its influence because it did not want the competition. Today, traditional news outlets are facing competition from a variety of online sources. Do you think that these new outlets will be able to limit online news like newspaper did to radio in the 1930s? Explain your answer.

Dont answer if you dont know the answer please i really need the answer thats right please please please this is 20 points i really need the answer I've been looking for it all day





Nowadays, humans have advanced so much technologically that as a population we are generally lazy compared to 100 years ago.

4.) Which is the most formal way to describe your pet in a letter to a distant relative you have never met?

1 point
You wouldn't like my cat or my smelly dog none.
All the animals in our house are wild and nutty.
My cat ain't beautiful, though she's not as crazy as my old dog.
There are prettier animals, but my cat is the smartest animal we own.


Answer: Its the fourth answer

Explanation: This is because your not bragging about the cat but your being really nice and explaining it in a way its ok on both sides instead of bragging and saying my cat is cute its the best cat ever. It soft and fury. You just explain it from your perspective and a way you won't upset anyone because remember your writing it to someone you don't know so you don't want to do anything that will ruin a good relationship. That could be really good relatives. That could be just little things that will cause big things, but anyways the last one is not bragging and its not talking about any other pets. Soory for the long drawn out explanation i hope i helped.



The most formal way to describe your pet in a letter to a distant relative you have never met might be: "I have a cat and a dog as pets. The cat is intelligent, while the dog is well-behaved." This description conveys the necessary information about your pets without using casual language or making negative comments about them. It is important to remember to be respectful and polite when writing to someone you have never met, especially if the relationship is formal.

Which sentence describes a key characteristic of a Lincoln-Douglas style debate?
A. The moderator is the only one who knows the topics and questions.
B. Each team must have at least three participating members.
C. The audience members get to ask the participants questions.
D. The participants agree on the time limits and topics ahead of time.



C. The audience members get to ask the participants questions.



The two answers are very similar.

The sentence that describes a key characteristic of a Lincoln-Douglas style debate is that the participants agree on the time limits and topics ahead of time, which is in option D.

What is Lincoln-Douglas style debate?

A Lincoln-Douglas style debate is a specific format of debate that is often used in high school and college debate competitions. This format is named after the famous debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas during their campaign for the United States Senate in 1858. In a Lincoln-Douglas debate, there are usually only two participants: the affirmative (also known as the pro) and the negative (also known as the con). These participants have agreed upon a resolution or topic to debate, and they are given equal time to present their arguments.

Hence, the sentence that describes a key characteristic of a Lincoln-Douglas style debate is that the participants agree on the time limits and topics ahead of time, which is in option D.

Learn more about the Lincoln-Douglas style of debate here.



I Need Help With This

Write an argumentative essay about whether or not it is important to connect to nature.

Write an argumentative essay about whether it is important or not to connect to nature.

Your argumentative essay must be based on this prompt and topic, and it must incorporate ideas and evidence found in the sources provided.

Use your best writing to complete an essay that

● is focused on your position;

● combines evidence from multiple sources with your own elaboration to develop your ideas;

● rebuts at least one counterclaim with reasoning;

● is organized and includes transitions within and among ideas;

● provides citations for quoted material and source ideas; and

● demonstrates correct use of grammar and language appropriate to the task.

Write your multiparagraph essay to an academic audience in the space provided

The application is HMH, Article is Never Retreat By Eyes Wide Open


Answer:Despite technical breakthroughs and scientific discoveries that lead us to assume we have little in common with the rest of the animal world, whether we recognize it or not, we are still a member of the planet's fauna. Needless to mention, when humanity's greatest achievements were the invention of a round wheel or specific agricultural implements, humans were dependent on nature and paid attention to changes in its course (George 24). With the technological revolutions and discoveries that have shaped our previous history, we appear to pay little attention to nature, becoming increasingly estranged from it on a daily basis. However, our ties to nature cannot be severed. There are several important reasons why individuals should aim to engage with nature more than they do now.



Despite the technological advances and scientific inventions that make us believe we have nothing in common with the rest of the animal kingdom, we are still part of the planet’s fauna, whether we realize it or not. Needless to say, back when humanity’s main achievements were the invention of a round wheel, or specific tools for farming agriculture, human beings were dependent on nature and paid attention to the changes of its course (George 24). Now, with technological revolutions and discoveries that made up our past history, we seem to pay little attention to nature, getting more and more disconnected from it every day. However, the links we have with nature cannot disappear. There are a number of key reasons in favor of the concept that people should try to connect with nature more than they do today.Nature has historically been the home for human beings, just like it remains a home for animals and plants (with the exception of those that are kept in zoos and greenhouses). Nature is able to show us true beauty without modifications, exaggerations, and falseness. After all, is it not ironic how people go to galleries and exhibitions to look at paintings of colorful flowers, mighty woods, green hills, and fast clear streams; those simple beauties can easily be observed in real life outside of the urban environment which looms around them. Or the fact people purchase recordings of calming sounds of nature, like what you would hear at night in the woods—a damped quavering of an owl, a ringing flare of crickets, and the sonorous rustle of bushes. What we are in fact doing is trying to deceive our minds and make ourselves believe we are in the woods, next to those owls, crickets, and bushes, while we are instead trapped inside our tiny, well-furnished, and packed-with-technology apartment.

5.) Which sentence uses objective tone and formal language? * 1 point The research revealed that cats, on average, sleep 50% more in a 24-hour period than dogs. Our research revealed that cats have the best life because they get to sleep most of the day. We believe that even though dogs do not sleep as much as cats, they still sleep a good portion of the day. While our research didn't prove this, we believe that dogs eat, on average, more than cats during a typical day.



The answer is " The research revealed that cats, on average, sleep 50% more in a 24-hour period than dogs."


Answer: hope this helps ♡

The research revealed that cats, on average, sleep 50% more in a 24-hour period than dogs.

2.) Which sentence would MOST logically conclude this paragraph?

Forget cats and dogs; goats are truly one of the best pets a person can get! A baby goat is called a kid, which is a fitting name since they act like children. They are known as playful and loving. Since they primarily eat grass, they are also useful in controlling a fast growing pasture.
1 point
Goats do not like to be near other animals.
Farms are a wonderful place to raise a family.
You probably would not like a goat if you are allergic to fur.
Both loving and useful, goats are a great choice for an animal friend.



D. Both loving and useful, goats are a great choice for an animal friend.


A and C add additional info.

B is off topic.

D summarizes the paragraphs theme.

Answer: Its the last one

Explanation: The whole point is that the paragraph is trying to say you should buy a goat and the first three are going against your arguement the last one helps prove your point so yeah hope this helped !!! :)






 Answer "A" is correct because it's the only one that explicitly tells you to do something ["Give it a try yourself"].

True or False: Separating your tasks into components-such as characters, setting, and plot-and then listing ideas for one category at a time is a great way to generate new ideas for a story if you have writer's block.

A. False
B. True


Its true i think so cuz i have done like this questions
True because it helps you gather your thoughts

Read the following passage from Freedom of Expression in the United States:

History has shown that curtailing free expression by banning speech does not advance democracy. The drafters of the U.S. Constitution recognized that when governments forbid citizens from talking about certain topics, it often forces those citizens to discuss such topics secretly. By allowing individuals to express their opinions — no matter how much the government and other citizens may disagree with them — the First Amendment promotes transparency and social stability. This uninhibited public debate also forces ideas into the intellectual marketplace, where they must compete with the ideas freely expressed by other individuals. This competition of ideas means that inferior or offensive ideas give way to better ones.

Which statement best summarizes the main idea of this passage?

Question 6 options:

a) The main idea of this passage says that the people who wrote the U.S. Constitution wanted to ban free speech.

b) The main idea of this passage is the First Amendment encourages citizens to discuss topics secretly.

c) The main idea of this passage says that democracy is limited when free expression is restricted, and speech is banned.

d) The main idea of this passage is that bad ideas are harmful to a democracy.



c) The main idea of this passage says that democracy is limited when free expression is restricted, and speech is banned.


The passage states that curtailing free expression by banning speech does not advance democracy and that the drafters of the U.S. Constitution recognized that when governments forbid citizens from talking about certain topics, it often forces those citizens to discuss such topics secretly. The passage also notes that the First Amendment promotes transparency and social stability by allowing individuals to express their opinions, regardless of whether the government or other citizens disagree with them. Additionally, the passage suggests that uninhibited public debate forces ideas into the intellectual marketplace where they must compete with the ideas of others, which helps ensure that inferior or offensive ideas are replaced by better ones. The other answer choices do not accurately reflect the information provided in the passage.

a) main idea is they where they were allowing citizens from talking about certain topics and by allowing individuals to express their opinions

3.) Which of these is the BEST transition to use between paragraphs 1 and 2?

Dear Ms. Pembroke:

The marching band is planning its annual trip to Florida for a parade and contests. This trip is something that the band members anticipate each year. To prepare for the journey, the members of the band have raised funds to cover their expenses.

The band director, Ms. Lantzy, will be coming on the trip; however, we still need more volunteers. Because you have worked with the band in the past, I believe you would make a wonderful chaperone.

Please consider joining the Smithfield Middle School marching band on our trip to Florida. I believe you would be a wonderful candidate for the position, and I look forward to speaking with you about the trip.


Madison Ray



Paragraph 1


It has the most detail

In para The United States House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol is a bipartisan select committee of the U.S. House of Representatives established to investigate the U.S. Capitol attack

Which sentence is written in first-person point of view?(1 point)



2. I had to use a flashlight because it was dark



B) I had to use a flashlight because it was dark.


First-person point of view refers to the reader or writer, using words like "I" and "me". Think of yourself as being the first person.

What advice should you give someone who wants to write a flash fiction story? What should the writer keep in mind?


Start in the middle. You don't have time in this very short form to set scenes and build character.
Don't use too many characters. ...
Make sure the ending isn't at the end. ...
Sweat your title. ...
Make your last line ring like a bell. ...
Write long, then go short.
Tbh I am writer myself, I would just write what I see or hear. Anything that comes to mind or that is relating to the title.

Read the following passage from Freedom of Expression in the United States regarding defamatory speech, which is a false statement of fact that damages a person's character, fame, or reputation:

Under U.S. defamation law, there are different standards for public officials and private individuals. Speakers are afforded greater protection when they comment about a public official, as opposed to a private citizen. In 1964, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that public officials could prove defamation only if they could demonstrate "actual malice," that is, that the speaker acted with knowledge that the defamatory statement was false or "with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not."

Choose the explicit textual evidence that best supports the claim that not all citizens are given the same protection under U.S. defamation law . . .

Question 12 options:

In 1964, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that public officials could prove defamation only if they could demonstrate "actual malice" . . .

Speakers are afforded greater protection when they comment about a public official . . .

Under U.S. defamation law, there are different standards for public officials and private individuals.

. . . the speaker acted with knowledge that the defamatory statement was false or "with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not."



"Under U.S. defamation law, there are different standards for public officials and private individuals."


This statement from the passage is explicit textual evidence that supports the claim that not all citizens are given the same protection under U.S. defamation law. The statement explicitly states that there are different standards for public officials and private individuals, which suggests that these two groups are not treated equally under defamation law. This supports the claim that not all citizens are given the same protection.

It’s this option because it’s says that different standards are appointed to either public officials or private individuals which answers the question because this is the only option that gives the specific and explicit information that suggests the claim that not all citizens are given protection the U.S defamation law.

(Thank you for the question I would kindly ask you to correct me if I am wrong.)
(Much Thanks.)

Reread this poem by Christopher Knapp.


You took my hand one time only:
at our parting, which surprised you.
After thousands of words and hundreds of meals
had passed, you put my hand in yours, one time.

Your hand was sandpaper, callused and rough,
fingers fixed to curl around a plow,
nails caked with dirt from morning prayers.
It felt like home against mine.

You took my hand one time only,
before I caught the bus to leave Kornaka.
You took my hand and said “my son,
remember the telephone
is sacred.”

Which part of the poem uses line breaks to surprise its readers?

A. the last two lines
B. first two lines
C. the middle stanza
D. the first stanza


The line break at the end is left at a cliffhanger which surprises the reader as telephones aren't normally sacred objects therefore the answer is A

I’m pretty sure the answer is the last two lines

True or False: The third-person omniscient perspective reveals the thoughts of multiple characters.

A. False
B. True



is the answer.................

Answer : True.
Explanation :

Third Person Omniscient , is written by a narrator , whom is all-seeing and all-knowing . While narration is outside of any one character , the narrator can access the consciousness or thoughts of a few or many different characters.

Synonyms for the word "happy" include "glad," "joyful," "upbeat," "convivial" and "blissful."

Which of the following sentences contains a synonym for the word "happy"?

I felt delighted when I opened my birthday present and saw that it was what I'd asked for.

Donald was a chatty two-year old, always shouting and making loud noises.

The kids in my new school are very friendly.

She was laid back and rarely complained about little things.





delighted is the synonym for happy

it is A.
the others have more of a negative connotation, therefore, a has the most positive connotation which is also the synonym of happy.

For this passage from Freedom of Expression in the United States:

History has shown that curtailing free expression by banning speech does not advance democracy. The drafters of the U.S. Constitution recognized that when governments forbid citizens from talking about certain topics, it often forces those citizens to discuss such topics secretly. By allowing individuals to express their opinions — no matter how much the government and other citizens may disagree with them — the First Amendment promotes transparency and social stability. This uninhibited public debate also forces ideas into the intellectual marketplace, where they must compete with the ideas freely expressed by other individuals. This competition of ideas means that inferior or offensive ideas give way to better ones.

Which sentence from the text best supports your answer in the previous question?

Question 7 options:

This competition of ideas means that inferior or offensive ideas give way to better ones.

History has shown that curtailing free expression by banning speech does not advance democracy.

— the First Amendment promotes transparency and social stability.

This uninhibited public debate also forces ideas into the intellectual marketplace. . .




The sentence that best supports the idea that allowing individuals to express their opinions promotes transparency and social stability is:

"The First Amendment promotes transparency and social stability."

The Best Answer:

the First Amendment promotes transparency and social stability.

(free point)

Do you think the STEPMOTHER was also the WITCH? Tell me why or why not? * in hansel and gretel





Muriel tells Hansel & Gretel about their mother. She states that Adrianna was a white witch, and one day a rumor got out that she was a witch and the villagers came to their house to kill her.

are u gonna have to go to summer school or not?


Nope. 3.8 average gpa. Wby?


No I don't think so.


I like to use my free time making crafts

Which sentence best explains the difference between flash fiction and short stories?

A. Flash fiction arranges all of the stages of plot in a different order.
B. Flash fiction leaves out many details that would be included in a short story.
C. Flash fiction breaks all the rules of fiction that short stories are careful to follow.
D. Flash fiction includes more characters and plot than short stories.


B is the correct answer
B should be correct.

In chapter 3-4, what was the "secret"? Use RACE to respond. Book is HATCHET.



In Hatchet, Brian often references a secret that he is carrying. The secret is that he witnessed his mother get into a car with another man


I hope this is what your looking for

The secret is that he saw his mother get into a car with another man, that he wasn't aware of.

Help please?

How are the passaged organized? Match the passage with the correct text structure.

1 .

Polar bears live in artic climates. Because of this, they must be adapted to some serious weather conditions. Thick white fur (which also lines the bottom of their feet) and a layer of blubber (fat) allows polar bears to withstand weather that would cause most animals to freeze! Polar bears are much less impacted by freezing cold temperatures as a result of their unique traits.


Jaguars and leopards are two commonly mistaken species. Both look like big cats with similar coloring and spotted patterns. However, jaguars have a shorter and more muscular body. Jaguars are also more likely to stand up to larger animals or predators. You will find jaguars and leopards in different parts of the world. Jaguars live in some parts of the United States, Central, and South America. Leopards live mostly in Africa and Asia.


King Cobras lay 20 to 40 eggs at a time. Once the eggs are laid, the mother cobra will create a nest from dead leaves and coil herself on top. The eggs must be kept warm for up to 80 days. During this time, a cobra will see any animal nearby as a threat and will attach. Once the eggs finally hatch, the 18 inch babies will have to survive on their own by finding protection in the surrounding environment.


What happens when a dog gets overheated? They pant. Panting allows cooler air to quickly circulate throughout their bodies until they return to a more comfortable temperature. Dogs also produce small amounts of sweat from their paws and noses. This sweat helps the cooling process. The thicker the fur on a dog, the longer it takes to cool down. You can also help your furry friend by making sure they have a cool place to stay, and plenty of water to drink.


Warthogs live in the grasslands of Africa. They have large heads with wide, flat faces and 4 large tusks that they can use to attack other animals. Their short bodies are covered with rough, bristly hairs. Warthogs are herbivores with a diet that consists of grass, fruits, berries, roots, small animals and birds. They are very quick for their size, running at maximum speeds of 30 miles per hour.


Horned toad lizards are unfortunately the prey of many species such as coyotes, hawks, and snakes. To protect themselves, it shoots blood from its eyes! When the horned toad lizard has no other way to defend itself, it shoots blood out of ducts in the corners of its eyes. This blood can travel up to three feet, and at the very least, is able to startle any nearby predators so the lizard is able to escape from harm.

Answers : Cause And Effect, Sequence (Chronological Order), Description, Compare And Contrast, Problem And Solution, Question And Answer.

Any help? Sorry for it being long,
You have to drag the answer into the Questions.



4 is question and answer

6 is problem and solution

2 is compare and contrast

3 is sequence

1  is cause and effect

5 is description


Charles Simmons said, “Live only for today, and you ruin tomorrow.” Do you agree? Why or why not? Explain your answer. Remember 3 Main Ideas with at least 2 Details/Explanation. Topic Sentence and a Concluding Sentence.

Topic Sentence-
Main Idea #1
Supporting Detail #1
Supporting Detail #2
Main Idea #2
Supporting Detail #1
Supporting Detail #2
Main Idea #3
Supporting Detail #1
Supporting Detail #2
Concluding Sentence

plss help





8.) What is the main idea of the passage?
1 point
where the brown bear lives
the size of the brown bear
the color of the brown bear
physical description of the brown bear


Physical description of the brown bear
Answer: physical description of the brown bear

First person narration _____.

A. shares a narrator's perspective using the pronoun.
B. provides the perspective of just one character.
C. allows the reader to understand every character perspective.
D. reveals the thoughts of multiple characters.


A is the correct answer
A is the only right answer
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