What does Napoleon say would happen to the animals if they waste a year trying to build the windmill?


Answer 1

Napoleon said that "If animal waste a year trying to build the windmill, then  they would all starve to death."

What is the theme of Animal farm?

The major theme of Animal Farm is ordinary people's capacity to sustain confidence in a revolution that has been thoroughly deceived. Orwell attempts to demonstrate how people in power—Napoleon and his fellow pig, the democratic ideal of the revolution.

Snowball claims that after the windmill is constructed, the animals will only need to labor three days a week, but Napoleon claims that "if they squandered time building the windmill, they would all starve to death." in Animal farm.

As a result, Napoleon stated, "If an animal wasted a year trying to build the windmill, they would all starve to death."

Learn more about Animal Farm here:



Related Questions

What is Orwell's point in Animal Farm?


How long the typical person can maintain confidence in a revolution that has been entirely abandoned is the central question explored in Animal Farm.

What message does Animal Farm end on? by George Orwell.

In the book's last illustration, the animals convey their knowledge that the pig farmers are now just as tyrannical and cruel as human ones. The point that political power always remains the same, regardless of who holds it and what ideology is utilized to support it, is also made in the conclusion.

The 1917 Russian Revolution is symbolized by the book Animal Farm. Old Major stands in for Karl Marx, Snowball for Leon Trotsky, Napoleon for Josef Stalin, Squealer for propaganda, and Boxer for all of the Russian labourers and workers.

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What is undefined term of line?


The undefined expressions that give up geometry's beginning point are point, line, and plane.

Typically, simpler words are used to define terms, and these simpler words are then defined using yet simpler words. This process must eventually fail; at some point, a word with an agreed, intuitively clear definition must be used in the definition. We refer to these words as undefined terms since their meaning is understood without definition. The definitions of other concepts will make use of these terms. Despite the fact that these terms are not technically defined, a quick intuitive conversation is necessary. A point is the most fundamental geometrical object. It has a capital letter name and a dot as its symbol. A point only represents position. A line (straight line) can be thought of as an infinitely vast connected group of points.

Learn more about Simpler words here:



What kind of normative theory does Philippines have?


According to what I understand, the "Social Responsibility Theory" serves as the normative theory in Philippine media. It is positioned halfway between authoritarian philosophy and libertarian theory.

The normative theory of social responsibility is what?

According to the ethical principle of social responsibility, every person has an obligation to uphold their social responsibilities, and their deeds must benefit society as a whole. This will ensure that economic progress, societal well-being, and environmental sustainability are all balanced. Television, radio, newspapers, magazines, motion pictures, and internet all fall under the category of mass media in the Philippines.

225 television stations, 369 AM radio broadcast stations, 583 FM radio broadcast stations, 10 internet radio stations, 5 shortwave stations, and 7 million newspapers were in print in the Philippines in 2004.

Government-run media Organizations include PTV/RPN/IBC (television) and the Philippine Broadcasting Service (radio), although the majority of organizations are privately owned.

To know more about normative theory of Philippines visit:



What is the central idea of this passage the animal Cannot believe?


The animals can't believe Snowball has vanished. Napoleon anticipates that the animals will work more and eat less. The animals are perplexed as to why they must construct a windmill.

Years pass, and Animal Farm goes through its last transformation. Muriel, Bluebell, Jessie, and Pincher have all died, and Jones is found dead in an inebriate's house. Clover is 14 years old (two years older than the retirement age), yet she has not retired. (No animal has ever done so.) The farm now has more animals, and its limits have expanded as a result of the purchase of two of Pilkington's fields. The second windmill is now operational and is used to grind maize. Except for the pigs, all of the animals continue to endure harsh lives with little food. Clover witnesses a startling sight one evening: Squealer walking on his hind legs.

To know more about Snowball:



What are 3/4 reasons for why the English language is dominant in the world today?


The reasons why English language is dominant in the world today:

the teaching of English as a second languagehistorically, the spread of Englishthe spread of English could indigenous languages (linguicide).

As a first language, Spanish is spoken by more people than English. In their households, nearly three times as many people speak Mandarin Chinese. But few would deny that English is the most widely spoken language in the world. This is due to the fact that English is the lingua franca the universal second language. The international language of business, trade, science, medicine, and many other important fields is English. Even in diplomacy, where French historically had the sway, English now predominates in the majority of the world's areas.

According to a thorough study conducted by David Graddol for the British Council, the proportion of English speakers who are neither native speakers or who speak it as a second language has surpassed that of those who do. A language "becomes a global language because of the strength of the individuals who speak it," according to eminent linguist David Crystal The British Empire's growth was one of the primary political and military causes that contributed to English "power." Later, English's influence was further expanded by its role as the language of the scientific, industrial, financial, and economic revolutions.

To learn more about English please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/24904069


What caused the English language to spread?


Answer: The Industrial Revolution and the Rise of the British Empire during the 18th, 19th and early 20th-century saw the expansion of the English language. Hoped that helped!

How do autonomous vehicles communicate with each other?


Different kinds of hardware components have a significant impact on whether autonomous cars actually exist. Due of this, the vehicle is able to move, communicate, and observe using sensors and V2X technology (via actuators).

The car can gather unprocessed data about its surroundings thanks to sensors.In autonomous cars, the camera, LiDAR, IMUs/GPS, and radar are important sensors. V2X technology enables communication between the vehicle and other available machine agents, such as information sent by a city light. Actuators are in charge of things like system movement and control.While the autonomous vehicle can see, communicate, and drive thanks to its hardware components, it can only make decisions about whether to go, stop, or slow down because to its software components. The autonomous vehicle software controls three important systems.

learn more about communication Refer:brainly.com/question/29287033


What fossil evidence supports continental drift?


The fossil record is one sort of evidence that has been used to support the Theory of Continental Drift. In rocks with a similar age, scientists have discovered fossils of related plant and animal species. The coastlines of many continents were home to these rocks.

The continents may have formerly been connected, according to this. The fit of the continents, the distribution of prehistoric fossils, rocks, and mountain ranges, as well as the placements of prehistoric climatic zones, were all used as evidence for continental drift. They used a variety of pieces of evidence to support their theory of continental drift, including the fit of the continents, paleoclimate indicators, truncated geologic structures, and fossils.

Wegener backed up his theory of continental drift with fossil data. These species' fossils can be found on places that are currently far distant from one another. On various continents very near the equator, grooves and rock deposits left by ancient glaciers can still be seen today. The first piece of evidence presented by Wegener was the similarity of some continents' coasts to jigsaw puzzle pieces. On the first world maps, people saw parallels between the coastlines of South America and Africa, and some speculated that the continents had been torn apart.

To learn more about fossil evidence Visit : brainly.com/question/29638332


Is an interest group a pressure group?


Action groups are a type of loosely organized pressure organization. A pressure group is defined as a special interest group that aims to influence government policy in a certain way.

These organizations do not demand government oversight or policymaking authority, and their political role is not formally acknowledged. An interest group or advocacy group is a group that use a range of advocacy strategies to influence public opinion and/or policy.

Group of people with a shared area of expertise or special interest. A pressure group is a group that works to persuade elected officials to act or modify their positions on a particular subject. Trade unions, ethnic groupings, and churches are a few of these organizations.

To learn more about pressure group here:



What does Clover see Mollie doing and what does she find under the straw?


The remark that best captures Mollie's external struggle is that she desires to enjoy some luxury that animalistic does not permit.

Physical appetites or animal wants are what define anything as being animalistic. A cheeseburger stack being hastily devoured by a human is an illustration of an animalistic individual. When you say that someone is being animalistic, you're saying that they don't try to hide or control their basic emotions and physiological requirements. The competition between the two squads was fierce, almost animalistic. As a result, the third choice is the right response. In the sample provided, Mollie's internal struggle with herself over whether or not to leave the farm, her external confrontation with the Clover, and the farm itself are the three conflicts that are shown. She disagrees with herself since she was unhappy at the farm and did not enjoy helping Mr. Jones with the carriage duty.

Learn more about Mollie here:



How does Rob Anybody feel about Wentworth compared to how he feels about Roland in the book Wee Free Men?


he fees jealous because of his hatred for them!

What are the 20 examples of homophones with sentences?


Though they share a similar sound, homophones have various spellings and meanings. The 20 examples of homophones with sentences are as follows-

Aural - The concert's audio experience was excellent. She maintains decent oral hygiene.Access - The elevator provided access to the top level Ascent - He began the arduous ascent of Mount Everest Assent - They seek the PM's assent on the billAvoid taking on too much stress in your life. The ape ate all the apples.Eight o'clock - We'll meet after work.He intends to become bald (hairless)She started to scream like a child and bawled.His mother works as a press baron (important person)This hall was formerly a barren  structure.He took a tissue in his hand and blew his nose.Blue is one of his favorite hues.He played the guitar in the live band yesterday. Banned - It ought to be illegal to bring pets to malls.Will he be able to defeat the all-time champion?He like eating beets since they are nutritious.She is more bolder  and resilient to handle the problem.He fell into the water while seated on a boulder.Use the brake to stop the truck, or the dog will perish.Children play and have fun during the break.He purchased her a half-carat diamond ring.Carrot - Regularly consuming carrot juice is healthy  Callous- His remarks are cruel, and they make me unhappy.Callus: The inflamed cells formed a callus as a kind of healing.

To know more about homophones click here,



What arguments did Fitzhugh present in his defense of slavery?


In the mid 19th century, slavery was a major issue in the United States and other parts of the world. George Fitzhugh, a wealthy Virginia-born attorney, was one of the most prominent defenders of the institution of slavery in the South.

In his book Sociology for the South, Fitzhugh argued that slavery was not only beneficial to the South, but also to the slaves themselves.Fitzhugh argued that slavery was beneficial to the South because it provided a steady economic system in which the South could prosper. He argued that if the South had to rely on free labor to produce the goods it needed, it would be unable to compete with the industrialized North. He argued that slavery provided the South with an economic system that allowed it to be successful.

Learn more about slavery at :https://brainly.com/question/9331183


What do the animals destroy after the humans were kicked off the farm in Chapter 2?


In Chapter 2 of George Orwell's "Animal Farm," the animals destroy the farmhouse, which was the home of their former owner, Mr. Jones. After

Mr. Jones is chased off the farm, the animals celebrate their victory and the new society they have created. They are excited to be free and equal, and they are determined to create a better life for themselves.As part of their celebrations, the animals destroy the farmhouse, which is a symbol of their oppression and their struggle against human control. They break the windows, rip out the pipes, and pull down the wallpaper. The destruction of the farmhouse is a cathartic and liberating experience for the animals, as it represents their freedom and their ability to create their own destiny.

Overall, the destruction of the farmhouse in Chapter 2 of "Animal Farm" is an important event in the story, as it represents the animals' victory over their human oppressor and their determination to create a better life for themselves.

Find out more about Animals



What are limitations in internal control systems?


Internal controls have drawbacks related to manual processes, effort overlap or duplication, and a lack of governance, among other things.

Although internal controls are very effective, they are not faultless. Internal controls have inherent shortcomings, but by recognizing them, we may overcome them and come up with mitigation tactics.

Internal controls are of the utmost importance in any business since they are the policies and practices established by the management or those in charge of governance to ensure the timely attainment of the firm’s goals and adherence to its mission and vision. If you rely on manual intervention to collect and report on data, internal controls' best practices may be jeopardized. Human error might be deliberate or unintentional.

To learn more about internal control, refer:-



What leaders do the pigs represent in Animal Farm?


It is demonstrated that pigs are smarter than other animals: "With their superior understanding it was obvious that they should seize the leadership".

The pigs escape hard labor by taking over management of the farm. This is not perceived as ominous at this point in the narrative.

Key figures in the Bolshevik leadership are represented by the pigs: Napoleon stands in for Joseph Stalin, Snowball for Leon Trotsky, and Squealer for Vyacheslav Molotov.

Boxer is a depiction of all Russian laborers and workers, while Old Major stands in for Karl Marx, Snowball for Leon Trotsky, Napoleon for Josef Stalin, Squealer for propaganda, and Snowball for Leon Trotsky.

Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto is a stand-in for Old Major's goal of equality.

Learn more about to  pigs visit here;



What characteristics define the Jazz Age?


The Jazz Age and American culture in general, and the American Dream in particular, are frequently described in terms of its themes of decadence, idealism, resistance to change, social upheaval, extravagance, and absurdity.

What is the Jazz Age?

Jazz music and dance styles rose to popularity worldwide throughout the 1920s and 1930s, known as the Jazz Age.

The first nicknamed decade was the 1920s, often known as the "Jazz Age" or "Roaring 20s." A decade of wealth and waste, jazz bands, bootleggers, raccoon coats, bathtub gin, flappers, flagpole sitters, bootleggers, and marathon dancers also characterized the decade.


To learn more about the Jazz Age from the given link



What is the narrative technique in things fall apart?


The narrative technique used is multiple points of view and the use of the Igbo dialect

Okonkwo is a prominent member of the Igbo community in Nigeria, and his narrative is told in Chinua Achebe's book Things Fall Apart. The narrator offers a perspective on the plot's events and characters in the novel because it is written in the third person. The employment of various points of view is a crucial narrative device, with the narrator frequently switching between them to provide the reader with more complete knowledge of the novel's events.

Along with the use of the Igbo dialect, the usage of proverbs, ballads, and folktales are only a few of the other classic oral storytelling techniques that are used in it. By utilising these strategies, the novel is able to be placed inside the Igbo people's cultural and historical framework while also adding authenticity and depth to the story.

Read more about narrative technique on:



What is satire short answer?


Answer: Satire is the art of making someone or something look ridiculous, raising laughter in order to embarrass, humble, or discredit its targets.


Answer: Satire is basically making fun of something for a mistake they made.


Which sentence uses the incorrect form of to/too?


The sentence that uses the incorrect form of to/too is B. Once I cooked dinner for my parents too surprise them.

When to us 'to' and 'too'?

To is considered a preposition but can also function as an adverb. It gives direction and could also mean 'until'. On the other hand, 'Too' is an adverb that tell us about quantity. for example, "the food is too much". Too also shows inclusivity or continuation.  

In the sentence provided, to should be used as a preposition. The correct sentence should be? "Once I cooked dinner for my parents to surprise them."

The above answer is in reference to the complete question below;

Which sentence uses the incorrect form of to/too?

The meals I cook usually get fed to my dog.

Once I cooked dinner for my parents too surprise them.

I may not be the best chef on the block, but I still love to try.

I love to cook, and I love to eat, too.

Learn more about prepositions here:



What was the North view on slavery?


The North’s view on slavery was one of moral repugnance and intense distaste. By the 1800s, the North had become increasingly industrialized and urbanized, while the South had remained largely agricultural and rural.

This difference in economic systems led to differing views on how labor should be used. In the North, labor was seen as a commodity to be bought and sold in the free market. While in the South labor was seen as an institution, and slavery was the primary means of labor. The North also saw slavery as an economic burden, as it prevented the South from competing in the free market with the rest of the country. The North argued that slavery was inefficient and expensive, as it required large amounts of capital to maintain and acquire enslaved people

Learn more about slavery at :https://brainly.com/question/9331183


How has the poet used personification in poem Sea Fever by John Masefield?


Masefield adds figures of speech such as personification, to bring detailed descriptions of the ship and sea to the reader.

What is the personification in Sea Fever?The tide is personified when it seems to call out to the sailor. This reinforces the idea that the sea has a mind and emotions of its own. It also suggests a kind of hypnotic power that the sea has over the sailor. To a certain degree, the sailor feels almost forced to go to sea.Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds in the same line such as the sound of /i / and /a/ in “wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking”. Anaphora: It refers to the repetition of a word or expression in the first part of some verses.Adventures, memories, and journey are the major themes of this poem. The speaker hears a continuous call from the sea, and he says that it is unavoidable. He wishes to break the current situation and return to the adventurous life to enjoy his youth at sea.You can personify the ocean as a god, like the Greek god of the seas Poseidon. For example, The sea was an angry god and gave my face a salty slap as his tides, his demanding presence, rose dramatically.

To learn more about Sea fever refer to:



Who affirmed the authenticity of Rizal's retraction?


Jose Alejandro, an Augustinian friar and a close associate of Rizal, affirmed the authenticity of Rizal's retraction. In his testimony, he said that Rizal had expressed his sincere regret for having written and spread his anti-Catholic writings and had asked for pardon and clemency.

The Spanish authorities also declared that Rizal had retracted his anti-Catholic writings and had expressed sincere regret for his actions. According to the official Spanish document, Rizal had "abjured those errors and opinions which he had professed and spread by his writings" and had "expressed repentance and sorrow for having committed the same, and asked pardon and clemency of the Church".

In addition, the Jesuit priest, Gaspar Polanco, who had been sent by the Spanish authorities to witness Rizal's retraction, provided a detailed account of it. According to him, Rizal had declared his retraction to be genuine and sincere and had vowed to observe all the teachings of the Catholic Church. Thus, Jose Alejandro, the Spanish authorities, and Gaspar Polanco all affirmed the authenticity of Rizal's retraction.

Learn more about Catholic at :https://brainly.com/question/583336


What are 30 examples of compound sentences?


The girls were painting animal pictures, and Katrina spilled the paint. A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. I kicked the ball, and it hit Mark. I used to be snow white, but I drifted.

What are compound sentences?

A sentence that comprises at least two independent clauses connected by a comma, semicolon, or conjunction is known as a compound sentence. A clause that has both a subject and a verb and expresses a complete notion is called an independent clause. "This house is too pricey, and that house is too little," is an illustration of a compound statement. A sentence that comprises at least two independent clauses connected by a comma, semicolon, or conjunction is known as a compound sentence. A compound sentence does not contain any dependent clauses. An independent clause and one or more dependent clauses make up a complicated sentence. eg. The cinema was sold out, so we watched a movie on TV. I'll have a week in Rome, or I'll go to Paris for three day.

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What is a 7 lines poem called?


Seven lines of stanzas in a poem are known as a septet. These stanzas do not have any similarities in them. it is written on the free version or on a specific pattern. Poets can take any topic of their interest.

It is written in iambic and pentameter style which means that each line of the poem would contain ten syllables. Each syllable is divided into five sets contained in two. A septet is a rhyme in the ABABBCC scheme. this means that the first beat and each pairing words are unstressed and from the second beat stress arises. It do not need to follow any rhyme scheme or metrical patter.  

Know more about 7 lines in a poem:



Write an essay entitled ‘What does Prospero’s language reveal about his character in Act 1 Scene 2,
lines 189–321?’.
You could include the following content:
• How Prospero’s language shows he can be merciful as well as ruthless and controlling.
• The techniques he uses to control those around him.
• His relationships with Ariel, Miranda and Caliban.
• What all this tells you about his character.
(max 1000 words)


Shakespeare's Prospero is one of his more intriguing heroes. He is a sympathetic character because his usurping brother harmed him, but it's hard to like him because of his full control over the other characters and his exaggerated monologues.

What is the main theme of Act 1 scene 2?

Miranda is informed by Prospero, the former duke of Milan who has spent the past twelve years trapped on a desolate island with his daughter, that he summoned the storm using magic while making sure that no one on the ship was hurt.

After seeing the shipwreck, Prospero and Miranda are standing on the island's coast. Miranda begs her father to ensure that nobody on board is harmed. Prospero reassures her that nobody was hurt and advises her to find out her identity and origins.

Learn more about Prospero, from:



Artwork in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries can be ________.




Artwork in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries can be very diverse and varied, reflecting the many changes and developments that have occurred in the art world during this period. Some of the key characteristics of artwork from this time period include:

A focus on innovation and experimentation: Many artists in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries have been interested in pushing the boundaries of traditional art forms and exploring new and unconventional techniques and media. This has led to the emergence of many different styles and genres of art, including abstract expressionism, conceptual art, and installation art.

An emphasis on social and political issues: Many artists in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries have used their work to comment on and engage with social and political issues. This has included art that addresses issues such as war, inequality, and environmentalism, as well as art that seeks to challenge and subvert dominant cultural narratives.

A focus on technology and new media: With the rapid development of technology, many artists in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries have explored the use of new media and technologies in their work. This has included the use of video, digital media, and other technological tools to create art that is interactive, immersive, and multi-dimensional.

Overall, artwork in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries can be characterized by a wide range of styles and approaches, reflecting the many changes and developments that have occurred in the art world during this period.

after you complete your exam, the points you earned on each question are summed and then compared with the cut score to determine whether the result is pass or fail. T/F


The mean of a dataset, also known as the arithmetic mean, differs from the geometric mean in that it is calculated by dividing the sum of all values by the total number of values. This statement is True.

Initial scores were 75, 85, 90, 90, 100, 75, 80, 100, and 90. The final grades were 85, 85, 100, 90, 100, 85, 80, 100, and 90. The total of the initial scores is therefore 785. As a result, the percentage may be determined using the formula 785/total marks = 785/900 x 100 = 87.2%. Additionally, the final grade tally is 8O5.

So, the percentage will be equal to 805/900 times 100, or 89.4%. The first set's mean is 87, and the second set's mean is 89. Therefore, the two are different by 2, or 2. In statistics, the term "mean" refers to the average used to determine a problem's central tendency. This is the true mean that is obtained by summing all the population's data points.

To know more about Mean visit:



What is Orwell's message at the end of Animal Farm?


The final illustration in the book depicts the animals' awareness that the pigs have evolved into being just as repressive and cruel as human farmers.

What is Orwell's Animal Farm?

George Orwell's novella in the guise of a satirical allegory, Animal Farm, was first released in England on August 17, 1945. It depicts the tale of a band of farm animals who rise up against their human farmer in an effort to establish an animal-friendly society. In the end, the rebellion is crushed, and the farm descends into chaos under Napoleon's rule, which is just as horrible as it was before. Orwell claimed that Animal Farm was a reflection of the circumstances leading up to the 1917 Russian Revolution and continuing into the Stalinist era of the Soviet Union. Democratic socialist Orwell opposed Moscow-led Stalinism and criticized Joseph Stalin.

To know more about Orwell's Animal Farm visit:



Please provide several paragraphs of detailed information about Shakespearian Drama.
Please including the background information, time period, culture of the time period, and the performances of Shakespeare. Any additional information is appreciated.


Shakespearean drama refers to the plays written by English playwright William Shakespeare (1564-1616). Shakespeare's plays are divided into three categories: comedies, tragedies, and histories. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest playwrights in the English language and is often called the "Bard of Avon."

What are Shakespeare's plays?

Shakespeare's plays were written and performed in the late 16th and early 17th centuries, a time of great cultural and social change in England.

Shakespeare's plays were performed in the open air at the Globe Theatre, a large, circular theater located in London.

In addition to being performed in England, Shakespeare's plays were also popular abroad and have been translated into numerous languages. They continue to be performed and studied all over the world to this day.

Learn more about Shakespeare from



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