What does the idea of multifactorial causation in drug effects suggest?Taking several different drugs at the same time produces unpredictable effects.Each person will have the same physiological response to a drug, but there can be different psychological responses.Taking several different drugs at once increases their effectiveness. The effects of a drug depend on the dosage and the user’s personal makeup and experience.


Answer 1

The idea of multifactorial causation in drug effects suggests that: the effects of a drug depend on the dosage and the user's personal makeup and experience.

According to the theory of multifactorial causation in drug effects, a drug's effects are influenced by the dosage as well as the individual characteristics and prior experience of the user. When you require one or more medicines to function, you develop drug dependence. In the past, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) distinguished between abuse and dependence. Abuse was seen as the moderate or initial stage of unrestrained drug use that resulted in dependence. People believed that reliance to be a more serious issue than abuse.

Learn more on  multifactorial causation



Related Questions

fi the Moon orbited Earth twice as fast, how many high tides would occur in one day?


Four high tides would occur in a day if the Moon orbited Earth twice as quickly.

Describe the equator.

The Equator is a hypothetical line that runs across the center of the world. It is a horizontal line at latitude 0 that is equally distance from both the North and South Poles.

The most well-known consequence of the moon's gravitational pull on Earth's oceans is the daily occurrence of two high tides and two low tides. The interval between high tides is 12 hours and 25 minutes. In six hours and 12.5 minutes, the water level at the coast can go from high to low or from low to high. The correct answer is Option C because if the Moon orbited Earth twice as quickly, four high tides would occur in a single day.

To know more about moon's orbit, visit:



Discuss the differences between the Fertility Rate and Mortality Rate of developed and least developed countries​



I do not know.

During 2010-2015, the least developed countries had a higher level of under-five mortality, 86 per 1,000 live births. Among other countries of the less developed regions, the risk of dying before age five was 45 per 1,000 live births, slightly more than half the level of the least developed countries

What happened to Snowball in Chapter 5 Animal Farm?




On the Sunday that the plan for the windmill is to be put to a vote, Napoleon calls out nine ferocious dogs, who chase Snowball off the farm.

What are the 2 classification of data?


Data may be classified as either qualitative or quantitative.

In other words, qualitative data is focused on acquiring information from the physical features, the states, or the designations of the things or entities being investigated. Qualitative data is that which pertains to attributes of a study's topic. A qualitative variable can therefore be categorized or arranged meaningfully, but it cannot be tallied or quantified on a numerical scale or employed in mathematical processes.

The definition of quantitative data is equally straightforward as that of qualitative data; the name of this data type made it clear that it relates to amounts. Therefore, quantitative data is properly defined as variables of quantities that may be measured or operated on.

To know more about qualitative and quantitative click on the link below:



Why did Harlan dissent in Plessy v. Ferguson?


Harlan thought the "separate but equal" theory maintained by the majority ruling was inherently discriminatory and in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, Justice Harlan dissented in the Plessy v. Ferguson case.

In his dissenting opinion, he said that the rule in question which obliged railroad firms to offer "separate but equal" facilities for white and black passengers was intended to maintain the inferiority of black people.

Simply because it applied equally to white and black residents, it could not be justified. He considered the legislation to be a type of racial segregation designed to oppress black Americans and that it had no place in a society based on the values of justice and equality.

To learn more about Justice Harlan's



Place these events surrounding the creation of the U.S. system of government in chronological order
1- delegates gather at the constitutional convention
2-the federalist papers are published
3- the constitution is ratified by the states
4-the bill of rights is adopted


At the constitutional convention, delegates arrivePublished the federalist papersThe states ratify the constitution.The adoption of the bill of rights

The advancement of the American political system over time

The final draft, which was produced by a Committee of Style, was written by Gouverneur Morris. After carefully reviewing the manuscript, the Convention decided to approve the Constitution on September 17, 1787. After signing it and delivering it to Congress, the Convention broke for the day.

Northwest Ordinance- While the Constitutional Convention deliberated on the composition of a new government, Congress decided on a plan for managing all western regions north of the Ohio River. The Northwest Ordinance established a system of government, permitted the creation of new states, accorded each of them the same rights and privileges as the original states, safeguarded religious freedom, secured the right to a jury trial, boosted public support for education, and abolished slavery. Arthur St. Clair served as the territory's first administrator.

Congress receives the Constitution. Despite several politicians being dissatisfied with the Convention for accomplishing much more than simply amending the Articles of Confederation, Congress voted on September 28 to transmit the Constitution to the states so that each may examine it in separate ratifying conventions. Nine states had to ratify the new Constitution for it to take effect.

Intense journalistic debates between the Antifederalists and Federalists, who backed and opposed the Constitution, took place. Under the pen name "Publius," 77 essays explaining and defending the new Constitution were printed in New York newspapers.

The Constitution has been ratified by nine States. New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify the new Constitution on June 21, giving it legal status.

Congress takes a break to prepare for a new government. Congress announced the Constitution's approval on July 2. A committee designated New York City as the temporary capital, set the dates for elections, and called the first Congress under the new Constitution in September to set up for the change in government. The Congress completed its work on October 10. The organization's most recent action was to give Congress 10 square kilometers of property so that it may establish a federal town.

Learn more about constitutional convention: https://brainly.com/question/11662939


What happens if I get approved for both SSI and SSDI?


Drawing SSDI benefits may lower your SSI payment or exclude you from receiving one..

The federal insurance program known as Social Security Disability Insurance is supported by payroll taxes. It is administered by the Social Security Administration and created to give those with a medically determinable handicap who are limited in their ability to work monthly benefits.

Supplemental Security Income is referred to as SSI. This program is run by Social Security. People with little incomes and resources who are disabled, blind, or 65 years of age or older receive monthly payments from us.

To know more about SSDI visit :



Why are there only 10 amendments in the Bill of Rights?


Only the final 10 of the 12 amendments of the Bill of Rights had been adopted on December 15, 1791, when the votes of the 11 states were officially tallied.

Explain the Bill of Rights.

The US Bill of Rights is made up of the first ten amendments of the US Constitution. The complete Bill of Rights was approved in 1791. In relation to their government, it describes the legal rights of the American people. It includes no quartering of soldiers. freedom from unjustified searches and seizures right to self-incrimination, double jeopardy, and a fair trial.

Five freedoms are protected under the Bill of Rights: freedom of expression, freedom of the press, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom to petition the government. Because of these five protected rights, Americans are the most emancipated people in the world.

To learn more about Bill of Rights, visit:



Assess the likelihood that animal waste is contaminating the water. Discuss the scientific basis of your assessment


It is clear from the drop in dissolved oxygen levels that the water was contaminated by animal manure.

Define Water Pollution.

Water pollution is when bodies of water become contaminated, usually as a result of human activity, which negatively affects how they can be used. Bodies of water include aquifers, reservoirs, lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater. Water contamination happens when contaminants are introduced into these bodies of water.

The presence of animal manure also contributes to the rise in nitrate levels. The farm is in the way of the water's flow, demonstrating that water contamination is more likely to occur. Animal excrement (manure) from animal feeding activities may contaminate the surface water when these areas flood. It's possible that animal waste from cattle feeding operations contains pathogens like E. coli.

To know more about water contamination, visit:



Why was Baker v Carr dismissed?


In a lawsuit filed in federal district court, the plaintiff claimed that the law obliged Tennessee to redistrict its districts so that each district's representation was roughly proportional to its population.

The district court in India is the district court for each district or a group of districts, depending on the volume of cases and population distribution in each district. In India, the district level is where justice is administered.

The district and session judge renders judgment in the district court for civil cases. This court, which receives its original civil jurisdiction primarily from the Code of Civil Procedure, is the primary court with original civil jurisdiction in addition to the state's top court. When the district court handles criminal cases by the Code of Criminal Procedure, it also acts as a court of sessions.

Learn more about district court here:



How does social media impact relationships?


Although social media can unite us, there are also negative aspects. There might be a problem in your relationship if you and your mate are fighting on media platforms (or because of it).

What is social media and its importance?

Through social media platforms, users can have discussions, exchange information, and create material for the web. Numerous platforms, such as blogs, microblogs, communities, social media sites, websites for sharing photos and videos, instant messaging, radios, widgets, vr, and more, fall under the category of social media.

What are social media's positive advantages?

Social media can assist kids in learning, developing critical thinking abilities, and developing the skills they will need in the future when used responsibly and in accordance with their age. Social media gives kids the chance to practice important twenty - first - century skills they will need in the future while also facilitating communication, sharing, and learning.

To know more about Social media visit:



Do you think the boundary between the south american plate and the african plate is a divergent plate boundary or a convergent plate boundary? why? explain your answer.


The Southern American Plate and African Plate is an example of Divergent plate boundary Divergent plate boundary refers to the boundary of tectonic plates which are moving away from one another.

Activities that happens at this type of plate boundary includes:

There are volcanic activity.There are shallow earthquake activity.There are creation of new seafloor.There is a widening ocean basin.

Also, Various research have shown that the African plate and Southern America plate continues to move apart from another.

Therefore, in conclusion, the The Southern American Plate and African Plate is an example of Divergent plate boundary.

Read more about this Southern American here



APUSH Kansas-Nebraska Act/"Bleeding Kansas"


Because Nebraska & Kansas are above this boundary, the Kansas-Nebraska Act rendered the Compromise null and void.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 was a regional organic act that established the states of Kansas and Nebraska. It was authored by Democratic Sen. Stephen A. Douglas, approved by the 33rd US Congress, & was signed by President Benjamin Pierce. The Kansas-Nebraska Act is most notable for essentially abolishing the Missouri Compromise, increasing national tensions regarding slavery, & contributing to the "Bleeding Kansas" series of violent confrontations. The United States had gained huge tracts of land inside the 1803 Louisiana Acquisition, and Douglas had tried to establish a territorial administration in a piece of the Louisiana Purchase since the 1840s.

Learn more about administration here



How are countries interdependent on each other?


Because so many things are manufactured in one country, jobs become increasingly specialized, which inevitably leads to economic dependency.

What is economic dependence?

A circumstance in which one thing's success is reliant on another. Within a business, this may happen, with a project, for instance, not receiving money unless another initiative is successful. Similar things can happen within an economy; for instance, an agricultural economy may be overly dependent on the price of corn, to the point where a decrease in that price might have a significant impact on that sector. To reduce reliance on one industry or sector of the economy, many businesses and nations diversify. The inability to control the key components of an economic system is what we can refer to as economic dependence. An absence of interdependence between the economic functions of a system characterizes such a condition.

To learn more about project, visit:



A Ponzi scheme attempts to cheat people by:


A Ponzi scheme is a type of scam that entices investors and rewards previous investors with earnings from more current investors using their money.

Ponzi schemes are financial frauds that use money raised from new investors to pay out old investors. Operators of Ponzi schemes usually assert that they will invest your money and generate significant returns with little to no risk. instead, they pay individuals who made previous investments while possibly keeping some for themselves. The key distinction between the two frauds is that Ponzi schemes often only demand an initial payment from its victims, with promised returns paid out at a later time. In contrast to Ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes typically give victims the chance to "earn" money by enlisting other individuals as participants. A Ponzi scheme is a type of investment scam in which funds raised from fresh capital are used to reimburse previous investors. Operators of Ponzi schemes usually assert that they will invest your money and generate significant returns with little to no risk. However, con artists hardly ever use the funds to fund Ponzi schemes.

Learn more about Ponzi schemes here:



Give one advantage and one disadvantage of the way our impeachment process is designed.


One advantage of how the impeachment process was conducted in the country was the determination of the reasons that led to such a situation, whereas the disadvantage was the delay in obtaining the sentence.

What is an impeachment process?

Corresponds to the challenge of political or public power, due to possible constitutional crimes committed by the individual, this process being allowed to the powers of the federal legislature.

The impeachment culminates in the cancellation of the mandate of the public office holder, or in milder cases, there are only changes in the mandate.

Therefore, the reasons that can lead to the impeachment of a president and other civil servants of a nation like the United States, will be convictions related to serious contraventions provided for by the American Constitution, such as bribery and betrayal of the homeland.

Find out more about impeachment on:



How do you welcome a baby to the world?


The Welcome Baby Showers, Sip & See, Post Baby Bath, Thread Celebration, and Meet this same Baby Dance are a few of them.

What does the word "meet" imply in the Management . this helps?

According to the reference to Kings 2 kings in the LDS rendered bible, the Hebrew term "help appropriate for him" properly refers to "a partner suited of, worth of, or corresponding to him" (note 18b). The King George translators rendered the word "meet" as "assist meet."

What does it mean to "meet roots"?

Middle English mten derives from the Old English root metan, which meaning "to seek, look for; fall in there with, face, enter inside the same location with; attain." Old Nordic maeta, Old Frisian metaphysics, Old Beth motian "to meet," and German gamotijan have all been derived from Proto-Germanic *motjanan. comparable to Old English.

To know more about Meet visit :



the school board hired a team of social scientists to look at the impact of school policy on physical education and health classes on childhood obesity. which type of study were the social scientists hired to conduct?


Evaluation is the type of study were the social scientists hired to conduct.

Which of the following problems are unique to social scientists? It is improbable that social scientists will be able to regulate circumstances. Natural law cannot provide a guarantee for social existence.Surveys, experiments, field research, and textual or secondary data analysis are the four most popular social investigation techniques that sociologists often select from when deciding on a study's design.Conceptualization is the process through which a researcher makes clear what he or she means while utilizing a concept.Observation is the term for the ethnographic method employed by sociologists who interact with a group to further their knowledge of the group.

To learn more about Evaluation refer to:



What is data classification is based on?


The practice of dividing and arranging data into appropriate groupings ("classes") based on shared features is known as data classification.

Sensitive data must be identified, categorized according to its level of sensitivity, and appropriately labeled in order to be protected. Then, organizations must manage each data category in ways that guarantee only authorized persons to have access to the data, both internally and externally, and that the data is always handled in complete accordance with all relevant legislation. When done effectively, data classification makes it easier and more efficient to use and safeguard data. However, this process is frequently disregarded, particularly when businesses do not fully comprehend its purpose, scope, and potential.

To know more about authorization click on the link below:



What is the traditional approach to learning?



The traditional approach to education typically focuses on memorization. Teachers give a lecture, students take notes and are tested on the information. However, this approach doesn't work for every child. Not all children learn through verbal/auditory instruction.


What did the anti-slavery movement do?


The society's objective was the immediate and complete abolition of slavery. Anti-slavery movement  ended the system of slavery throughout.

Anti-slavery movement circulated a good amount of anti-slavery literature among Southerners and petitioned Congress, sought for office, and distributed it widely.  More people opposed slavery as it became a moral issue. The colonial system came under pressure due to slave resistances, which ultimately forced the choice to abolish slavery. Some people think that the Civil War was mostly caused by abolitionists and emancipation. Others believe that the socioeconomic and political issues overshadowed the abolitionist cause.

Learn more on -slavery



you were recently promoted to a management position at a large department store. one of your new responsibilities is recruiting and hiring people for various positions in the store. you decide to take a close look at some of the jobs that you will be hiring for in the next month to identify what types of people to recruit and hire. because the salesperson position requires someone who can interact appropriately with customers even when the customers are upset, what type of intelligence will you be looking for to fill this position? logical-mathematical intelligence general mental ability bodily-kinesthetic intelligence emotional intelligence


In the above situation, the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is the type of intelligence that one should be looking for to fill the position. Therefore, the option C holds true.

The level of intelligence of a person is completely dependent upon the situation or knowledge a person has experienced in the past. It is also to be noted that the degree of intelligence for a person is a subjective concept, and thus, changes from person to person. The above condition profoundly requires bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.

Learn more about intelligence here:



What influence does advertising have on consumers behavior?


Advertising has a big impact on how consumers behave when it comes to making purchases since it grabs people's attention, piques their curiosity, and encourages them to buy the products.

What do you mean by Advertising?

Advertising is a sort of paid promotion that highlights your core message and is an essential next step in achieving your goals for digital marketing.

In order to efficiently accomplish all of your business objectives, from expanding your clientele to raising your revenue, it broadens the target market for your brand.

Advertising's three main goals are to provide information, persuade consumers, and leave a lasting impression.

Informing advertising raises consumer awareness of brands, their goods and services, and ideas.

It can inform clients about the advantages and characteristics of both new and used items as well as promote new initiatives and products.

The purpose of advertising is to pique consumers' interest in the good being promoted.

Learn more about Advertising, here



Community policing has little influence on crime.


Residents are more likely to report crimes or suspicious activity because they trust the police. It is possible to perceive an increase in arrests as an increase in crime.

Community policing has frequently been regarded as a successful method to raise public satisfaction and strengthen the legitimacy of the police since it is concentrated on close community participation and addressing community concerns. Community policing does not increase confidence between the public and the police, it does not encourage the public to provide the police with the kinds of tips and information that would increase police effectiveness, and, perhaps not unexpectedly, it does not result in a decrease in crime.

Learn more on  crime.



on the advice of her therapist, thora decides to treat her fear of heights by exposing herself to heights using a hierarchy of stimuli related to her phobia. which form of therapy is she using? group of answer choices aversion therapy free association play therapy systematic desensitization


When Thora decides to treat her fear of heights by exposing herself to heights using a hierarchy of stimuli related to her phobia, the form of therapy she is using is known as systematic desensitization. The Option D is correct.

What is a systematic desensitization?

Systematic desensitization is also known as graduated exposure therapy, which is a behavior therapy developed by the psychiatrist Joseph Wolpe to be used when a phobia or anxiety disorder is maintained by classical conditioning. The therapy shares the same elements of both cognitive-behavioral therapy and applied behavior analysis.

It is seen as an alternative approach to exposure therapy, and involves a process of gradually exposing you to fear-provoking situations from least scary to most scary. Once the person is equipped to calm yourself when under stress, you and your therapist can build a hierarchy of experiences related to your phobia.

Read more about systematic desensitization



When a ghoulishly-dressed stranger shows up to his party, prince prospero is?


The kingdom's prince, who never complains even though everyone is dying. His taste tends to go toward the unusual.

As the plague decimates the nation, Prince Prospero invites a thousand individuals to his abbey castle to serve as the designated survivors. Those that are invited think they have avoided the plague and this terrible death.

At midnight, a brand-new visitor shows up, dressed more horrifyingly than his contemporaries. His mask resembles the face of a corpse, his attire is reminiscent of a funeral shroud, and the bloodstains on his face indicate that he is a Red Death victim.

Note Poe's description of this scene: "There is much brightness and glitter and piquancy and phantasm," "arabesque figures," and "madman styles." The guests have often worn strange clothes. Poe calls the celebration "delirious fantasies" and calls it "lovely... wanton."

Learn more about " Prince Prospero " to visit here;



according to anthias, what has often been overlooked when studying gendered and sexual violence? group of answer choices social class ethnicity race sexuality


When discussing gendered and sexual violence, the analysis of social class, ethnicity, race, and sexuality is essential. According to scholar Floya Anthias, these four categories of identity have often been overlooked when studying gendered and sexual violence.

Social class is a major factor in determining who is more likely to experience gendered and sexual violence. According to Anthias, individuals belonging to lower socio-economic classes are more likely to experience this type of violence. Furthermore, individuals who are economically disadvantaged may not have access to the same resources to seek help and support as those of higher economic status.

Similarly, ethnicity plays a role in determining who is more likely to experience gendered and sexual violence. Anthias explains that members of minority groups are more likely to be targets of violence. This is especially true for racial and ethnic minorities who are often seen as “others” and subjected to discrimination and violence.

In addition, race is another factor in determining who is more likely to experience gendered and sexual violence. According to Anthias, racial minorities are more likely to be the victims of violence, especially those of African descent. This is due to the long-standing history of discrimination and marginalization of non-white individuals in western societies.

Finally, sexuality is an important factor to consider when discussing gendered and sexual violence. Anthias explains that individuals belonging to the LGBTQIA+ community are more likely to be the victims of violence due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. This type of violence is often overlooked due to the stigma attached to being a member of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Learn more about LGBTQIA+ community at : https://brainly.com/question/13038083


Why did Quincy Adams fail?


Born to serve the public, John Quincy Adams rose to become one of the country's top secretaries of state, but he was the wrong choice for the presidency. He failed to garner the support he required in Washington, even inside his own party, due to his aloofness, stubbornness, and fierce independence.

American statesman, lawyer, diplomat, and diarist John Quincy Adams presided over the country as its sixth president from 1825 until 1829. Between 1817 through 1825, he held the position of eighth Secretary of State for the United States. As part of a lengthy diplomatic and political career, Adams also held the positions of ambassador and congressman for Massachusetts in both chambers of the United States Congress. He was the oldest child of Abigail Adams, the first lady of the United States, and John Adams, who presided as the country's second president from 1797 to 1801. Initially a Federalist like his father, he was elected president while a member of the Democratic-Republican Party in the mid-1830s. Prior to that, he was a member of the Federalist Party. Adams was raised primarily in Europe, where his father worked as a diplomat, despite being born in Braintree, Massachusetts. Adams established a prosperous legal business in Boston after leaving the country. Adams served in important diplomatic positions until 1801, when Thomas Jefferson became president, after President George Washington designated him as the United States' ambassador to the Netherlands. Adams was put forth for election to the Senate by Massachusetts Federalist leaders in 1802, but he later defected from the party over issues of foreign policy and lost his bid for reelection. Adams was chosen to represent the United States as ambassador to Russia in 1809 by Democratic-Republican Party President James Madison.

Learn more about John Quincy Adams here



________ theories describe what people ought to do, whereas ________ theories describe what people actually do.


Normative theories describe what people ought to do, whereas  descriptive theories describe what people actually do.

Normative theory is concerned with developing moral standards that govern what is right and wrong behavior. It is, in some ways, a search for an ideal litmus test of proper behavior. The Golden Rule is an example of a normative theory in which a single principle is established against which all actions are judged.Descriptive theories attempt to understand rationality by describing and quantifying the decisions that people make. And rational decision making is the recapitulation of people's decisions.

To know more about Psychology here



After reading Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech, which right(s) does he think are most important? You may use bullets to list.


Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech is the founder of the different rights.

The right to vote.The right to education.The right to be free from discrimination.The right to freedom of speech.The right to equal treatment and opportunity.The right to live with dignity and respect.

Who is Martin Luther King Jr.'s?

The date of Martin Luther King's birth is January 15, 1929. From 1955 until his murder in 1968, he was an activist who rose to prominence as the movement's spokesperson and leader.

According to the Martin Luther King Jr.'s was the gave the speech on they are the established the different in the rights are: Right to (vote, education, discrimination,  freedom of speech, equal treatment and opportunity, and the dignity and respect.)

As a result, the significance of the right are the aforementioned.

Learn more about on Martin Luther King, here:



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