What is a 3 judge bench called?


Answer 1

A bench with two or three judges is called a division bench. Each case must be heard by the Divisional bench.

What court has only three judges?

The Court of Appeal has only three judges and does not use a jury. The Court of Appeal hears appeals from decisions made by the district courts of the courts located in its districts, as well as decisions on appeals made by federal executive agencies.

What happens in 3rd judge case?

The Third Judge Case of 1998 is not a case, but an opinion of the Supreme Court of India on a legal question concerning the university system posed in July 1998 by the President of India, K.R. Narayanan, within the exercise of his constitutional powers.

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Related Questions

Who won the election of 1932 and what did he promise to do in response to the Depression?


Through his campaign, Roosevelt brought the party together by focusing on Hoover's shortcomings. He offered the people of America a "New Deal" for recovery.

What are the president's three main powers?

has the authority to call a special session of either or both chambers of Congress, and if they cannot agree on a break, he may call a session when he deems it appropriate. has a responsibility to welcome ambassadors and other governmental officials. has a responsibility to ensure that the law is obeyed.

What is the procedure for choosing the president?

There are 538 electors in the Electoral College in all. When the primary election is over, each elector casts one vote. In order to win, a contender must collect at least 270 votes.

To know more about the general election visit:



What is a foreign sanction?


These are coercive measures applied to States, non-State actors, or individuals posing a threat to international peace and security.

Define foreign sanction

International sanctions have become a key element in contemporary international affairs. These are coercive measures applied to States, non-State actors, or individuals posing a threat to international peace and security.

Sanctions imposed on a nation are what?

Economic sanctions are financial and commercial penalties that one or more nations impose on a certain independent state, group, or individual. In addition to economic goals, economic sanctions may be used to achieve a number of political, military, and social goals. As a result, they are not usually done to achieve financial objectives.

Learn more about sanctions: https://brainly.com/question/14620299


What is zoning regulations example?


Zoning regulations, for instance, might restrict the commercial or commercial use land to stop the construction of oil, chemical, or other companies in residential areas.

What does the word "residential" actually mean?

The term "residential" describes a situation involving residences, apartments, or any other setting where people live. A residential structure, a residential street, or indeed a residential block are all acceptable references.

What is a residential example?

Residential refers to something that has to do with a home or other place where people reside. A location that provides residential accommodations is a college with dorm rooms. A residential neighborhood is one where people live and is made up mainly single-family dwellings.

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What are the categories of government?


There are three branches of our federal government. The Executive, Legislative (Senate and House of Representatives), and Judicial branches of government (Supreme Court and lower Courts).

What is the executive's function?

The executive is the part of the government responsible for carrying out laws and regulations. Government ministers and members of the public service make up this group. Each and every government agency, as well as the Ministers in charge of each one, are members of the executive.

What is legislature?

A legislative definition in basic terms is a group of people with legislative authority. Specifically: a formalized body with the power to enact laws for a political entity (such as a country or state); in contrast with the executive and the judiciary.

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What are the central ideas of Chief Joseph's speech?


Chief Joseph is said to have responded to the general with an address that focused on respect for human equality.

What achievement did Chief Joseph excel at?

The Wallowa Band of the Nez Perce Tribe was led by Chief Joseph (1840–1904), who rose to fame in 1877 for organizing a daring flight across the Rocky Mountains. Chief Joseph was a part of the Nez Perce Tribe.

The Chief Joseph tribe: what happened to them?

Over 200 of Chief Joseph's followers had already perished by the time he gave himself up. The Nez Percé were brought to eastern Kansas and eventually to an Indian Territory reservation, despite the fact that he had arranged for his people to return safely home (now Oklahoma).

To know more about Chief Joseph visit:



Who was the father of policing?


Sir Robert Peel, in 1829, He made 9 Policing Principles, making him famous for his neutral and upbringing laws.

What was the purpose of the U.S. commission?


The independent, bipartisan U.S. Commission of Civil Rights is in charge of overseeing the application of federal civil rights laws.

What is the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights' mission?

Our goal is to better inform the formulation of national civil rights policy and the implementation of federal civil rights legislation. We were established as an independent, bipartisan federal body for fact-finding.

What do the American commissions do?

Congressional commissions are official organizations created by Congress with the purpose of offering impartial advice, suggesting changes to public policy, researching a specific issue or incident, or carrying out a specified task.

To Know more about civil rights laws.



Why is strategy important in a campaign?


A campaign plan model gives you a structure for your marketing initiatives and a logical flow to follow so that you can make sure you utilize the tools and digital marketing platforms.

Describe the digital marketing process?

The technique of advertising businesses using the internet and other digital communication channels in order to engage with potential clients is known as digital marketing, sometimes known as online marketing. This also incorporates text and multimedia messaging as a marketing channel in addition to email, social media, and web-based advertising.

Most industry experts agree that it is straightforward to learn the fundamentals of digital marketing. It may be challenging for you to acquire adept in those skills so that you can use them effectively in digital marketing endeavours.

The eight main categories of digital marketing are: SEO, PPC, social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, mobile marketing, marketing analytics, and affiliate marketing.

To learn more about  digital marketing refer to:



What are the 3 expansionary money policy?


The 3 expansionary money policy: 1. Lowering the Federal Funds Rate, 2. Increasing the Money Supply and 3. Increasing Government Spending.

What is money policy?

Money policy is a set of rules and regulations that govern a nation’s monetary system and the utilization of its currency. These policies are usually set and administered by a government's central bank and can significantly affect the nation's economic health. They cover a wide range of topics such as the interest rate of a currency, the amount of money a nation can legally print, the ease of borrowing money, and the type of exchange rate a country can set. Money policy is a tool used by governments to stabilize the economy, promote economic growth, and maintain the currency’s value. It is also used to influence the prices of goods and services and the amount of money available to investors and consumers.

1. Lowering the Federal Funds Rate: This is the rate at which banks borrow money from the Federal Reserve. Lowering the rate encourages borrowing and makes money more accessible to businesses, which can lead to economic expansion.
2. Increasing the Money Supply: This strategy involves the Federal Reserve buying government bonds or other securities, which increases the amount of money available in the economy.
3. Increasing Government Spending: This involves the government increasing its spending on public projects such as infrastructure, education and defense. This can lead to increased economic activity and job creation, both of which can lead to expansion.

To learn more about money policy

What is the first step in the public policy making process?


Finding a problem that affects the public is the first step in creating a policy. The identification of the problem should include information about its origin. This procedure is included in the phase of setting the agenda.

How are governmental decisions made?

Choosing strategies and making decisions are all a part of the public policy process. There are several stages involved in creating public policies, including setting the agenda, formulating the policies, adopting the policies, and implementing the policies. It must also be studied to discover whether the anticipated results were attained in order to improve ongoing and forthcoming public initiatives and projects.

What are the five steps of public policy?

The first step in the policy-making process is setting the agenda, which is then followed by formulation, adoption, implementation, administration, and evaluation. The media is slightly involved and influence at every step.

Learn more about public policy process: https://brainly.com/question/14345576


What does the preamble to the Bill of Rights tell readers?


There are four paragraphs in the Bill of Rights' Preamble. The most significant passage is the second.

What is the preamble's major point?

The Preamble's purpose is to set forth the objectives of a unified government as originally intended by the Framers. Additionally, it clarifies the aim of the Constitution. The Preamble also emphasizes that the people who live in the nation, not the persons in power, are the ones who have the authority to rule.

What are the Preamble's three objectives?

Establishing justice - In its explicit statement that the constitution will be meant to "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, and promote the general prosperity," the preamble makes obvious these issues.

To learn more about Preamble here:



Who is responsible for deductible amount?


The deductible is the sum that a policyholder must pay out of pocket before the insurance provider begins to make payments. In other words, the insurance provider is only required to pay a claim when the amount is greater than the deductible.

What impact does a deductible have on how much the insurance company is required to pay?

The deductible on a health insurance policy is the sum that the insured must pay before the insurance provider begins to provide benefits in the event of a claim. This indicates that the insurance provider is only obligated to cover the claim amount if it exceeds the deductible sum.

Before the insurer is required to pay anything on a covered claim, the insured must agree to pay a deductible. The monthly premium (payment) is inversely correlated with the deductible: the larger the deductible, the lower the monthly premium (payment).

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Why must men aged 18 through 25 register for the Selective Service?


By registering all young men, Selective Service ensures that a future draft will be fair and equitable.

Why is Selective Service only required to enrol men?

In light of the fact that the draft was intended to replace combat personnel at the time and that military women were categorically unqualified to serve in combat positions, the Supreme Court reasoned that Congress might decide to impose a registration requirement on only men.

What is the purpose of Selective Service?

Selective Service registration is mandated by law as the first step in an equitable system that, if approved by the President and Congress, would swiftly supply individuals to the Department of Defense while also offering an Alternative Service Program for conscientious objectors.

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What are the smaller political parties called?


Minor or periphery parties are smaller parties that receive a very small proportion of votes and no representation in the legislature.

Which 5 political parties are there?

America has a multiple-party system today. The two biggest parties are the Democratic and Republican. Other parties that can support candidates in a national election include the Reform, Libertarian, Socialists, Categorical Imperatives, Constitution, and Green Parties.

Political parties are a good illustration.

A coalition government is made up of people who band together to run the government, win elections, and shape public policy. Currently, the two major parties in Congress are the Democratic and Republican.

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What is expansionary fiscal policy that government uses to fix the problem of a recession?


An expansionary fiscal plan, which includes increasing spending or decreasing taxes, can prevent or terminate a recession or depression.

A contractionary stage of a business cycle need higher economic growth, which is what an expansionary fiscal policy seeks to achieve. Government goals include reducing unemployment, increasing consumer demand, and preventing a recession.

When an economy is in a recession and generates less than its potential GDP, expansionary fiscal policy is desirable. Fiscal policies that are in a contractionary mode lower the level of aggregate demand through cuts to public spending or tax hikes.

To know more about fiscal policy visit :



What are some ways that candidates campaign for election ?


Candidates carry out election campaigns using different ways and mediums such as open discussion, advertisements, theme music, political rallies, debates, etc.

What is an election campaign?

An election campaign is an organized effort carried out to influence the decision-making process of a particular group about who or what political party to vote for in an election.

The main goal of an election campaign is to persuade voters to vote for the best representative for a position or office.

Some of the ways that candidates campaign for election include:

political adverts,campaign speeches and messages,theme music, political rallies,political debates, andmedia coverage.

Election campaigns can be carried out using the media, banners, social media, and other technologies.

The main point is communicating to the people in order to mobilize support for a candidate or political party.

Learn more about election campaigns at brainly.com/question/29783494.


What is the purpose of the president pro tempore in the Senate and how are they chosen?


In the event that the vice president is absent, the Senate must elect a president pro tempore to take the oath of office. The president pro tempore has the authority to appoint new senators, sign legislation, and administer the oath of office.

How is the Senate's president pro tempore selected?

They are elected by the entire Senate, typically through a resolution that is passed unanimously without a vote. Many privileges and limited powers have been enjoyed by the president pro tempore. The president pro tempore is authorized to preside over sessions of the Senate when the vice president is absent.

Who is our Senate president pro tempore?

Democrat Patrick Leahy of Vermont, the current president pro tempore of the Senate, took office on January 20, 2021, during the 117th Congress.

To learn more about Senate here



What were the 2 main goals of the Progressive women's movement?


The Progressive movement was indeed a political movement that aimed to advance social and political reform while minimizing corruption in politics carried on by political machines.

In US history, what has been a progressive movement?

In the United States, the early twentieth century saw economic growth and progressive reform. The progressives, as many referred to themselves, worked to improve and secure American society.

Why did the Progressive movement have such great success?

They made people's lives better both individually and collectively. Today's government and business are still influenced by laws that liberal groups helped pass, such as those governing food safety, child labor rules, and the eight-hour workday as a norm.

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What is the role of the president pro tempore ?


The president pro tempore has the power to oversee the Senate, sign bills into law, and administer the oath of allegiance to incoming senators.

What is a president pro tempore, in simple words?

A senator who, when the vice president is not in attendance, is permitted by the constitution to serve as chair. The president pro tempore, also referred to as the "president for a while," is selected by the Senate and, traditionally, is the senator from the majority party with the longest record of continuous service.

What exactly does the Senate's pro tempore do?

Reports to the Senate for which the president pro tempore is legally obligated include those made according to the War Powers Act, which the speaker and the president may use to request that Congress be called back into session. The officeholder serves as a member ex officio of a number of boards and commissions.

To know more about president pro tempore visit:



What is gerrymandering and its purpose and results ?


Gerrymandering's main objectives are to increase the impact of supporters' votes and decrease the impact of opponents' votes.

What does vote gerrymandering entail?The basic goal of a party gerrymander is to sway not only the districting law but also the entire body of legislation that gets in its way.By drawing electoral district lines to benefit certain political interests inside legislative bodies, a technique known as gerrymandering, districts are frequently created that have twisting, tangled boundaries rather than compact ones.Politicians who establish the district lines—i.e., those who have more republicans or Democrats in one area—are the ones who stand to gain.By redrawing district lines to create partisan advantaged districts, the practice of gerrymandering seeks to give a specific party or group a political advantage. The advantage is that marginalized groups can speak out. The drawback is that political leaders make the decisions rather than objective statisticians.

To learn more about body of legislation refer https://brainly.com/question/21831704


Which of the following must be included in gross income for federal income tax reporting?


What must be included in gross income for federal income tax reporting are:

wagesdividendscapital gainsbusiness incomeretirement distributions etc.

What Is Gross Income?

The term "gross income" for an individual refers to an individual’s total earnings before taxes or other deductions. This includes all income from all sources and is not limited to income received in cash; it also includes property or services received.

For companies, the term gross income is interchangeable with gross margin or gross profit. Its gross income are found on the income statement which is the revenue from all sources minus the firm’s cost of goods sold (COGS).

Read more about Gross Income



Why did Chief Joseph choose to surrender?


With the understanding that he and his people would be permitted to return to the reservation in western Idaho, Chief Joseph gave in to the Army because he was unable to fight any longer.

What was Chief Joseph hoping for?

The rest of Chief Joseph's life was spent peacefully fighting for his people's rights. He met with President Rutherford B. Hayes and President Theodore Roosevelt to express his case. He hoped that Native Americans and his people would one day enjoy the same liberties as Americans.

Was peace Chief Joseph's goal?

Joseph had peace as well. However, he turned to war after the government of the United States betrayed him. The Nez Perce were given land to use as a reservation by the government. However at that point it altered its perspective and broke the commitments made to the Nez Perce.

To learn more about Chief Joseph here



What percentage of voters turn out?


A useful metric that reveals how involved people were in a specific election is voter turnout. Determined by dividing the total number of votes by the total number of voters, this is typically viewed as the percent of voters.

What is the use of voters?

For heating and cooling items with apparent viscosity in the 100,000 centipoise range, Rotate Extra Sturdy units are made. To offer the best processing conditions for every product, they can be customized with concentric, eccentric, or oval heat transfer tubes.

What are the voting rights?

The right to participate in government, the opportunity to vote and then be elected, the right to equitable access to public office, and the rights to self-determination are identified as the "four important and interwoven rights." (2008) Commission on Human Rights.

To know more about Voters visit:



What does this statement mean

He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
He has refused to pass laws that will benefit the colonies.


Answer: "He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good." This refers generally to any time colonial legislatures passed internal laws that the British Parliament refused to ratify.


Who is Chief Joseph summary?


Chief Joseph was a member of the Nez Perce Tribe who led the Wallowa band from 1840 to 1904. In 1877, he became famous for leading his people on an epic flight across the Rocky Mountains.

He was born in 1840, and Reverend Henry H. gave him the name Joseph.

What did Chief Joseph do and who was he?

Chief Joseph was a leader of the Nez Perce people. He led his tribe, the Wallowa band of Nez Perce, through a dangerous period in the history of the United States. These indigenous people came from Oregon's Wallowa Valley. Chief Joseph was an effective defender of his people's right to remain on their homeland.

What is Chief Joseph's statement's primary objective?

Chief Joseph addresses the American leaders in a formal manner and informs them of General Howard's surrender conditions by stating that he has kept them "in his heart." Despite the fact that he is the one who gives in, the way he begins his speech emphasizes the obligations of the winners to keep their promises.

To learn more about Chief Joseph here:



which of the following is not a government action that results in a barrier to entry in a product market? requiring that advertising not make false claims granting a patent on a product issuing compulsory licenses to produce the product imposing regulations that increase start-up costs for new companies


Firms can enter or exit the market without difficulty, and one company's product or service cannot be distinguished from that of its rivals.

Which of the following constitutes an obstacle to entry?

Special tax breaks for existing businesses, patent protection, a strong brand identity, customer loyalty, and high switching costs are all common barriers to entry. The requirement for new businesses to obtain licenses or regulatory clearance prior to operation is one additional obstacle.

What are the entry barriers imposed by the government?

By granting companies exclusive rights, copyrights, and patents, the government creates legal barriers to entry. The creator of a unique creative work receives limited exclusive rights to it through a copyright. The copyright to Mickie Mouse, for instance, entitles Disney to exclusive use.

To learn more about product or service here:



What are 3 limits on the president's power?


A president is not authorized to declare war or direct the use of federal funds. law interpretation choose Supreme Court Justices or members of the Cabinet without Senate consent.

What are the president's three main powers?

has the authority to call a special session of either or both chambers of Congress, and if they cannot agree on a break, he may call a session when he deems it appropriate. has a responsibility to welcome ambassadors and other governmental officials. has a responsibility to ensure that the law is obeyed.

What limits the power of the president?

The executive branch's authority is not unchanging and is subject to both political and constitutional restraints. The executive, judicial, and legislative branches of government are given equal authority under the Constitution's system of checks and balances.

To know more about President power visit:



How is voter turnout calculated quizlet?


Counties and states frequently use the number of registered voters on their lists to estimate turnout in elections. This legislation has an administrative purpose: Instead of planning for Election Day using all eligible people, many of whom are not on the registers and could not cast a ballot, officials will use the number of registered voters who could turn out (except in states having registration on same day).

We can consider the denominator for calculating the turnout rate now that the number of voters has been calculated. Frequently, governments and news organizations will publish turnout figures that use registration as the denominator. As a result of varied procedures, rules, and/or regulations regarding the maintenance of respective voter registration lists, states' measures differ. It is preferable to adopt a metric that represents the number of potential voters for a more consistent result.

The most straightforward comparison is with the voting age population (VAP), which is the number of persons aged 18 and up according to the United States Census Bureau. However, VAP includes those who are unable to vote, such as non-citizens and those barred from voting due to criminal convictions.

We can learn more about voter turnout here:



What was the New Deal known for?


President Franklin D. Roosevelt launched a number of initiatives known as the "New Deal" to help Americans regain their prosperity during the Great Depression.

Who didn't benefit from the New Deal?

President Franklin D. Roosevelt launched a number of initiatives known as the "New Deal" to help Americans regain their prosperity during the Great Depression. When Roosevelt took office in 1933, he moved quickly to stabilize the economy, create jobs, and help people in need.

The Social Security Act was the most significant initiative of 1935 and possibly the entire New Deal.

It established a long-term system of universal retirement benefits (Social Security), unemployment insurance, and welfare benefits for children who are disabled or in need in households without a father present.

Great Museums Television (A Britannica Publishing Partner) The National Labor Relations Board, the Works Progress Administration, and the Social Security system were all formed under later New Deal legislation.

To learn more about New Deal refer to:



The basic rule in observing hand signals given by german police officers is that traffic parallel to the outstretched arms of the officer may proceed.

a. True
b. False


It is true, The basic rule in observing hand signals given by german police officers is that traffic parallel to the outstretched arms of the officer may proceed.

German police officers' hand signals generally mean that traffic should go forward in a straight line parallel to their extended arms. According to German legislation, every car must include a first aid kit, a portable red reflector triangle, and at least two safety jackets (reflective vests). The triangle must be positioned 200 metres behind any stopped vehicle on the autobahn & 100 metres behind any other vehicle.

Driving and overtaking are done on the left in Germany. Vehicles on the right may pass those on the left when there are two or more lanes of traffic travelling in the same direction and there are queues of heavy traffic.

To know more about German legislation:



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