What is an example of a central idea?


Answer 1

To describe to my classmates how losing a pet might affect the elderly. The central idea is the loss of an elderly person's animal companion can have significant deleterious, interpersonal, and physical repercussions.

How do you write a central idea?Select a topic.Identify the overall goal.Statement of purpose should be explicit.Create a thesis statement or primary idea to tie everything together.

What is a central idea sentence?

The topic and the author's point of view are included in the primary concept, which is a whole sentence. A "subject sentence" is a sentence in a paragraph where the author expresses the primary concept.

What is an example of central idea in a story?

The main theme of the narrative is how a young girl endures much hardship and sacrifice in order to establish a good profession for herself.

To know more about Central Theme visit:



Related Questions

What is a metaphor?
A. A figure of speech in which one thing is exaggerated to prove a
B. A figure of speech in which one thing is compared to another
using the words like or as
C. A figure of speech in which one thing is said to be another
D. None of the above



c. A figure of speech in which one thing is meant to say another word

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Titania said thou art as wise as thou art beautiful




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do u still need this though?

Read these lines from "The Delight Song of Tsoai-Talee."
I am a cluster of bright beads
I am the farthest star
I am the cold of dawn
I am the roaring of the rain
What is the tone of the poem?
a purposeful intent to make change in the world
a spiritual connection to the natural world
pride in a lifetime of good works and deeds
sadness in the decline of a healthy planet



I think it is B: A spiritual connection to the natural world.


This is because A is not really the tone the lines are conveying. Also, the lines dont seem to show that the author is prideful of his good works, because it seems kind of sad rather than happy. And though it may convey sadness, it does not talk about the decline of a healthy planet. So, I think the best option is B.


B. A spiritual connection to the natural world.


Someone help plz im bad with crossword puzzles












I have been to fix the crossword puzzle.

The above are the correct answers. The terms used in this crossword puzzle are actually terms and terminologies used in ICT.

Device is a tool of communication which also connects to the internet. Bandwidth measures the data transfer speed which effects streaming, etc. Signal shows the strength and stability of cellular connection. Streaming refers to the act of watching and accessing contents on line.

In your own words, why is organizing your notes into a study guide an important step when studying for tests?



When you're organizing, you're taking into account the contents of the notes, so whilst you are doing something as simple as organizing you are unknowingly using passive recall in order to remember what each sheet covers and the best order to place everything in.



When you're organizing, you're taking into account the contents of the notes, so whilst you are doing something as simple as organizing you are unknowingly using passive recall in order to remember what each sheet covers and the best order to place everything in.


summary of poem The Circus elephant​



This poem describes the behavior that humans have adopted towards animals i.e elephants. The poet beautifully describes the majesticness of elephants and how they are caged up by us as pets. The poet also explains how everyone around the elephant especially children amuse themselves by seeing this giant


What is the correct meaning of the word negligence?



Negligence is a failure to exercise appropriate and/or ethical ruled care expected to be exercised amongst specified circumstances. The area of tort law known as negligence involves harm caused by failing to act as a form of carelessness possibly with extenuating circumstances


In this passage, Pip is "afraid of it all and beginning to cry" because __________.

he is lost on the marshes and unsure how to get home

he is, for the first time, aware of the world as a bleak and savage place

he has been threatened by a strange man in the cemetery

his parents and five brothers have just died


Answer: B. He is, for the first time, aware of the world as a bleak and savage place.


Pip heard a terrible voice only after he began to cry, so D is not a correct choice. His parents and brothers had died a long time before the event described in the excerpt (so B would be wrong). Pip was not lost on the marshes (so C would be wrong). The answer would be A.

Here is support in the text:

My first most vivid and broad impression of the identity of things, seems to me to have  been gained on a memorable raw afternoon towards evening. At such a time I found out for  certain, that this bleak place overgrown with nettles was the churchyard; and that Philip Pirrip,  late of this parish, and also Georgiana wife of the above, were dead and buried; and that  Alexander, Bartholomew, Abraham, Tobias, and Roger, infant children of the aforesaid, were  also dead and buried; and that the dark flat wilderness beyond the churchyard, intersected with and mounds and gates, with scattered cattle feeding on it, was the marshes; and that  the low leaden line beyond, was the river; and that the distant savage lair from which the wind  was rushing, was the sea; and that the small bundle of shivers growing afraid of it all and  beginning to cry, was Pip."  


Ibrahim doesn't take good care of himself. That is why he gets sick so often.

Rewrite the sentence as a conditional.




this is why Ibrahim is always sick, if does not look after himself.

If Ibrahim doesn’t take good care of himself, he will be sick often.

Which statement best describes the author's argument in this part of the article? Frozen foods are a necessary part of a balanced diet Frozen foods can be a good substitute for fresh foods Parents should do what they can to please picky eaters Children often request foods that are unhealthy for them​


The awnser would be "Children often request foods that

are unhealthy for them."


(D) Children often request foods that are unhealthy for them.


1 Without, the night was cold and wet, but in the small parlour of Laburnum villa the blinds were drawn and the fire burned brightly. Father and son were at chess; the former, who possessed ideas about the game involving radical chances, putting his king into such sharp and unnecessary perils that it even provoked comment from the white-haired old lady knitting placidly by the fire. 2 "Hark at the wind," said Mr. White, who, having seen a fatal mistake after it was too late, was amiably desirous of preventing his son from seeing it. In this passage, what can the phrase "Hark at" be seen to mean in context? A) "Go to" B) "Follow" Eliminate C) "Listen to" D) "Be careful"




Who is testifying when Scout, Jem, and Dill enter the courtroom? Be sure to identify this man’s position in the community


Mr. Ewell.

I'm reading the book rn for english

This is all of my points. I need someone to write an essay about why it's important to keep promises


Answer: A promise can go a long way in personal relationships. It is a commitment to follow through on your word. Studies suggest that keeping promises holds a lot of emotional value and when we break them, there is a decline of trust.

How did Harriet Beecher Stowe help increase opposition to slavery?

by donating money to abolitionist newspapers

by organizing religious revivals against slavery

by writing "Civil Disobedience," an essay that describes ways to undermine slavery

by writing a powerful book, Uncle Tom's Cabin, showing the evils of slavery





in 1852, author and social activist Harriet Beecher Stowe popularized the anti-slavery movement with her novel Uncle Tom's Cabin. ... Stowe's novel became a turning point for the abolitionist movement; she brought clarity to the harsh reality of slavery in an artistic way that inspired many to join anti-slavery movements.


by writing a powerful book, Uncle Tom's Cabin, showing the evils of slavery


1. How did Jackie feel about testifying against Paul Robeson?


The FBI looked into Paul Robeson, an African American musician, actor, and civil rights activist, during the McCarthy era due to his Marxist political beliefs.

How did Jackie Robinson differ from Paul Robeson?

Paul Robeson was significantly more radical than Jackie Robinson, which was the biggest distinction between the two as civil rights activists. In comparison to Robeson's behavior, particularly by modern standards, the former Brooklyn Dodgers star's acts can be seen as modest.

Some witnesses who were asked to testify against Robeson declined to do so for ethical or Robeson-loyal reasons. Others, however, made the decision to give testimony, either because they were driven to by the government or because they thought Robeson's political opinions were harmful or foolish.

Learn more about Paul Robeson here:



What is the difference between present and future?


Present value is the current value of future cash flow whereas future value is the value of future cash flow after specific future periods or years.  In present value, future value is given whereas in case of future value present value is already specified.

could i get brainiest


present is now and future is anytime after the present


like 20 minutes from now is the future

or 50 years from now is the future

“Memory refers to the processes that are used to acquire, store, retain, and later retrieve information” (Cherry).
How do I analyze the sentence above?



You can analyze it by looking at what it talks about, and writing down those key points.


Explain why some teens in the U.S. Are taking the federal government to court. Be sure to include important details about the case. Next, explain whether or not you agree with what the teens are doing, and why. Support your response with facts and details from the Article.


Hi. You forgot to say that this question is about the article "Teens challenge US government for not protecting them from climate change."

The article shows that a group of teenagers came to the oregon court to file a complaint against the federal government, claiming that the government has infringed their rights to life, protection and freedom. The teenagers claim that this violation has been caused by the government's neglect of environmental issues and climate change, which will harm their future.

In short, adolescents charge for responsibility and this charge is legitimate, since government actions are insufficient to ensure that adolescents will have access to environmental resources and a healthy life in the future, through practices that degrade nature and destroy atmosphere like the vast use of fossil fuels.

It is important that cases like this happen more frequently, especially with the participation of young people, promoting social pressure on the government, which will need to take urgent actions.

Difference between Kara’s mother and angel’s mother?


kara mother is a liar and angles i’s sweetheart

Helppppp my lil sis has a hard time with this lol



Multimedia means different forms of communications or media platforms. I do not see what I am supposed to be writing about, can I please see part one? :)





I think this is a math question, but I can try. I would say the last option.


answer within 5 mins and get brainly
In Just
by e.e. C

in Just-
spring when the world is mud-
luscious the little
lame balloonman

whistles far and wee

and eddieandbill come
running from marbles and
piracies and it's

when the world is puddle-wonderful

the queer
old balloonman whistles
far and wee
and bettyandisbel come dancing

from hop-scotch and jump-rope and




balloonMan whistles

What does spring represent in "in Just-"?

responsibility and duty

playfulness and fun

fear and regret

wisdom and experience



I would say playfulness and fun but i may be wrong sorry


The representation that spring makes in "In Just" would be:

B). playfulness and fun

What is Meant by Representation?

Representation is described as the idea that is communicated through a particular figure or image.

In the given poem, the representation that the season of spring conveys is 'fun and cheerfulness."

This is reflected through the details regarding "balloon man, whistles, marbles, etc." which reflects upon the sportive mood of the poem to the readers.

Thus, option B is the correct answer.

Learn more about "Representation" here:


The author tends to give a lot of information in regards to Negi’s family, and everyday dealings in her community. What do you think was the author’s purpose in doing this? Please I need this will mark you the brainest


i would say his purpose is to show how she and her community live everyday something near that

How might the story "He" reflect the influence of Regionalism in American literature?
a) It criticizes the ignorance of rural people.
b) It focuses on the daily lives of rural people.
c) It creates realism with harsh, disturbing details.
d) It has meaning only for people from the South.



The answer is B


I just took the quiz

The story 'He' reflects the influence of the events like regionalism in American literature, as it clearly focuses on the daily lives of rural people in the society. Therefore, the option B holds true regarding regionalism.

What is the significance of Regionalism in American literature?

Regionalism in literature refers to as such form of literature in which the factor of relatability of the situations mentioned under a story is limited to the people in a particular region.

Regionalism in American literature started after the 19th century, when the writers started to write compositions about the events in the lives of the people in America. ''He'' is an example of one such story that depicts the effect of Regionalism in American Literature.

Therefore, the option B holds true regarding the effect of Regionalism in American literature.

Learn more about Regionalism in American literature here:



help me guys please. I really need it guys. so please answer this question fast .ok?​



Today on the news there was a car crash. There was a boy who drove his car 100mph and crashed in to a woman's car. The damage was severe causing the woman and her child to pass away. The boy is now on trial for 24 years in prison. He is pleading guilty and asking the heart broken family for forgiveness.


If you would like to add more, the info is driver gets 24 years in prison from a Bayshore crash.

HELP PLZZZZ....u all r soo intelligent pliz answer



This is a personal opinion question.


We cannot answer this question for you because it is a personal question. For example, I might like visiting a Theme Park but you might not. Therefore, our perspectives are different. My diary entry would be about how I can't wait to go! While your diary entry would be about how you dread the day that they make you ride a rollercoaster... See what I mean. Since we don't live in your head, you need to answer this question with your own personal feelings and personality.

So ask yourself questions like...

What are my feelings toward theme parks?

Would it be fun?

Would I be nervous or scared?

What would I be allowed to do?

Would these restrictions hamper my fun?

What about my friends?

Will they be there?

Will they enjoy it?

Will this cost money?

Will this be a waste of time or an enjoyable experience?

Ask yourself these questions and then write a diary entry as if you are describing to your Grandpa or another loved one how you feel about what is going to happen the next day. Don't forget to write 150-200 words.

Hope this helps!

In sentence 17 (reproduced below), which of the following versions of the underlined text provides relevant, specific information that helps the audience understand the study?

The robots—while the children were able to do the task correctly when they were absent—unanimously gave an incorrect answer first.

A. (as it is now)

B. less influential when the experiment was repeated with adult subjects

C. programmed to glance at one another, as though considering the question together

D. which may be replaced with more impressive-looking robots in future experiments

E. a variation on an experiment conducted with only human participants



C. programmed to glance at one another, as though considering the question together


Answer C

Correct. This version provides relevant, specific information about the robots and how they behaved during the study to influence the children participants. Therefore, the underlined text serves as a modifier that specifies information about the robots, and it is appropriately placed close to the word that it is meant to modify.

Programmed to glance at one another, as though considering the question together. Therefore, the correct option is option A.

Who is audience?

An audience is a collection of individuals who attend a performance or who come into contact with a piece of music, video game content, or academic content in any format. Many forms of art involve the audience in various ways. While some events encourage overt audience participation, others just permit minor applause, criticism, and applause.

Media audience studies are now accepted as a necessary component of the curriculum. Scholarly understanding of audiences in general is provided through audience theory. These revelations influence our understanding of how audiences engage with and respond to various artistic mediums. The mass media is the largest art form.  Programmed to glance at one another, as though considering the question together. This  provides relevant, specific information that helps the audience understand the study.

Therefore, the correct option is option A.

To know more about audience, here:



Identify the part of speech for the italicized word in the sentence below.

We realize that making dreams like these come true will require hard work.


I think the answer is a
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