What is Daisy terrified of in the hotel?


Answer 1

Daisy is terrified about Gatsby's staff gossiping since she visits Gatsby's house frequently; it is fascinating that Gatsby is prepared to go to any length to placate Daisy.

Nick, Gatsby, Daisy, Jordan, and Tom wind themselves in a room at the Plaza Hotel, where everything unravels.

When Gatsby and Daisy admit to having an affair, Gatsby insists that Daisy tell Tom she has never loved him. Daisy is unable to do so, and Gatsby's aspirations are destroyed.

She would never abandon her noble spouse for "a ordinary bootlegger," no matter how much she loved the bootlegger in question. Daisy refuses to listen to Gatsby's appeals and refuses to admit that she has never loved Tom.

Learn more about to Daisy  visit here;



Related Questions

Why and how did the nation expand in territory and influence and what were the effects?


Answer: Military Conquest


The U.S. expanded its territory largely through military conquest. Even purchases from other European powers, such as the Louisiana Purchase and Alaska, were done at the expense of indigenous people who already had a claim to the land. Ideology fueled the conquest of much of the southern part of the North American continent.

Which Gremlin Terrorises the sleepy town of Kingston Falls?


The Gremlin that terrorizes the sleepy town of Kingston on Christmas Eve is Stripe.

What is a Gremlin?

A gremlin is a fictional, mischievous sprite who is thought to be to blame for an unforeseen issue or malfunction.

The film, Gremlin began when a man went to a store to get a present for his son named Billy. The store owner was reluctant about selling the pet to Randall Peltzer.

After Billy unintentionally spilled water on Gizmo, the first batch of Gremlins was rejected. On Christmas Eve, Stripe, one of the gremlins who also happened to be a terrible pet, attacked Kingston Falls.

Learn  more about Gremlin here:



In what way did the industrialization of agriculture hurt farmers in the late 1800s?



The industrialization of agriculture in the late 1800s had a number of negative impacts on farmers. One of the main ways it hurt farmers was by reducing the demand for their labor. As farmers began to use machines to perform tasks that had previously been done by hand, the need for farm laborers decreased, leading to higher levels of unemployment and poverty among farmers. This was particularly problematic for small farmers who could not afford to buy expensive machinery and were forced to compete with larger, more efficient operations.

What is the process of creating a federal budget?


Typically, Congress holds hearings to examine administration representatives about their demands, after which it may create its own budget proposal, known as a "budget resolution."

Drafting and enforcing the congressional budget resolution are the Budget Committees of the House and Senate. There are normally seven phases in the federal budget process, which are more fully described below:

budget request from the presidentthe budget resolutionFinance legislationLegislation authorizingMeasures of revenuereconciling the budgetlegislation to increase the U.S. debt ceiling and debt limit

The budget resolution serves as a guide for internal decision-making that considers expenditure, revenue, and the resulting deficit or surplus as a whole. The resolution is not sent to the president and lacks legal authority.

Learn more about the federal budget here:



Which festival is Natal?


Natal is the Portuguese term for Christmas, and this is how Gujaratis refer to the holiday. Borrowed from Portuguese Natal, which was derived from Old Portuguese natal,which was derived from Latin (Lord's birthday).

The Gujarati language's interpretation of Christmas is an excellent example of Portuguese influence. In addition, the term is also the name of a South African province. It is usually assumed that the location was called after the Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama found it on Christmas Day. It is no wonder that the event is known as Natali in Goa, where the Portuguese had a prominent influence. So, the next time a Gujarati bids you "Shubh Natal" (Merry Christmas), remember that it is a warm residue of his Portuguese past making its presence felt in his native tongue.

learn more about Natal here:



What events were important to the early development of hinduism? choose three correct answers.


Answer: 1) Brahmanism

               2) Hinduism

               3) Aryans



Now imagine you are living during the times of British Rule in India.
• How will you feel about being under colonial rule? What problems
will you be facing?


An Indian citizen who has to live under British rule would feel anxious because he would have to face problems of devaluation of his culture and lack of domination of his own country.

What were the problems of being a colony of a European country?Devaluation of culture.Political domination.Lack of socioeconomic freedom.Lack of political dominance.Establishment of an oppressive and exploitative policy.

If you were an Indian citizen living under British rule, you would not be happy about this situation.

This is because the British rule sought the interests of Great Britain not the interests of the Indians, on the contrary, the Indians were exploited, devalued, oppressed, and victims of xenophobia in their own country.

In addition, Indians would suffer a lack of freedom, a lack of political representation and would suffer from many socio-economic problems that would not be resolved if they did not harm Great Britain.

So if you were an Indian citizen you wouldn't be happy with all these problems in your country that didn't get resolved because it forced you and other Indians to establish a dependency on Great Britain.

Learn more about the British Empire:



Identify the reason MLK Jr. was where he was at on the date he was assassinated.



The civil rights leader was in Memphis to support a sanitation workers' strike and was on his way to dinner when a bullet struck him in the jaw and severed his spinal cord. King was pronounced dead after his arrival at a Memphis hospital.


How is Napoleon cruel to the other animals?


Napoleon was cruel to other animals as he controls them with fear and terror and uses false confessions and executions to get rid of his enemies.

Who is Napoleon?

Napoleon is a character in the novel authored by George Orwell titled "Animal farm" which represents Russia under the rule of Joseph Stalin, a dictator.

In the novel, Napoleon was a bully and scary pig who rules the other animals by putting fear and terror in them.

Napoleon of Animal Farm was cruel to the other animals as he punishes those he felt were his enemies by killing them.

Squealer was Napoleon's spokesperson whom he uses to maintain his dictatorship.

Learn more about Napoleon's cruelty to other animals at brainly.com/question/28246668.


Why is Buddhism considered one of the most practical among the world's religions?


It is one of the most practical of the major religions of the world since its teachings aim to satisfy fundamental human wants and address humanity's spiritual dilemma without the assistance of supernatural forces.

Buddhism is distinct from other global religions in that it does not hold a personal god to be real. The foundation of Buddhism is human experience and potential. Buddhism promotes a moderate manner of living. Between a life of self-indulgence and a life of self-denial, it provides "a Middle Way."

The distinction is that meditation is an integral part of Buddhism, not just a technique reserved for a select group of mystics.

Buddhism is not about authorities or institutions; it is about realization and experience. It is therefore particularly suitable to persons who identify as spiritual but are not religious.

To learn more about world religion's refer here



What were 2 important ideas of the Enlightenment?


Individual liberty and religious tolerance were two important ideas of the Enlightenment .

Thinkers of the Enlightenment were more interested in improving the lives of people now than they were in religion or the afterlife. These thinkers cherished what they referred to as "natural rights"—life, liberty, and property—as well as reason, science, and religious tolerance.

Certainly, our Founding Fathers were greatly influenced by the big ideas of the Enlightenment. Our Founding Documents, including the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, contain the concepts of the social contract, natural laws and rights, and the separation of powers.

To know more about ideas of the Enlightenment visit :



Which country suffered the greatest number of military casualties in world war ii?





How is the sea personified in the poem Sea Fever?


When the phrase "sea's face" is used to describe the water's surface in line four, the sea is personified. In addition to personification, Masefield makes use of a number of similes and metaphors to boost the impact of the already potent imagery.

What in Sea Fever represents a personification?

The way the tide seems to be calling out to the sailor personifies the tidal. This supports the belief that the sea is intelligent and has feelings of its own. It also implies that the sea has a mesmerizing effect on sailors. The sailor experiences some degree of pressure to set sail.

In Sea Fever, how does the speaker describe the ocean?

Answer. Due to his absence, the speaker says that the sea is lonely. His yearning

To know more about Sea visit:



If your transported to the France during this time and you were in the third estate why would you be unhappy in third estate


Answer:i would be unhappy because, the nobles and the clergy were largely excluded from taxation while the commoners paid disproportionately high direct taxes. since in this example i am a commoner i would've had to pay high direct taxes.


Avoiding Group Harms - U.S. Research Perspectives (ID 14080)


This principle was finally rejected because, while avoiding harm is still a key factor in our policy for writing about living things, doing no harm has been determined to be incompatible with our duty to maintain.

The possibility that the wider group or community could suffer real and permanent harm that group members would decline to participate in future worthwhile and beneficial studies. This module gives instances of how research may have unexpected outcomes that negatively affect groups of people and outlines various precautions researchers can take to lessen the likelihood of such harm.

To learn more about harm please click on below link



Why did Americans want the conflict between Spain and the US to become a war?


Americans wanted the conflict between Spain and the US to become a war for a variety of reasons.

Reasons of conflicts:

These included American outrage over Spain's mistreatment of Cuban revolutionariesthe growing influence of the United States in the Caribbean and Latin Americathe desire of many Americans to expand the country's borders. Additionallythe sinking of the U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor in 1898 was seen as a direct act of aggression by Spain and further fueled the call for war.

The Causes of the Spanish-American War: American Expansionism and the Sinking of the U.S.S Maine

The Spanish-American War of 1898 was a conflict between the United States and Spain that ultimately ended in American victory. This victory was a result of a number of factors, including American expansionism, outrage over Spain’s mistreatment of Cuban revolutionaries, and the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor.

First and foremost, the Spanish-American War was a direct result of American expansionism. By the late 19th century, the United States had become a powerful force in the Caribbean and Latin America. With the acquisition of territories such as the Hawaiian Islands, the US had become a major power in the region and was eager to expand its influence even further. Consequently, when tensions between the US and Spain broke out over Cuba, many Americans saw it as an opportunity for the US to gain more territory and power.

Learn more about Americans conflicts:



What were the major two places immigrants came from?


Today, rather than from Europe, the bulk of immigrants to the United States are from Asia and Latin America.

What do we know about US immigration?

The early stages of immigration were seen in the 19th century, specifically between the 1880s and 1920.

Some immigrants, like the Pilgrims in the early 1600s, came to America in pursuit of religious freedom, while others came in search of greater economic opportunity.

Hundreds of thousands of enslaved Africans were forcibly brought to America between the 17th and 19th centuries. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was the first substantial federal immigration law.

Tens of thousands of years ago, immigrants from Asia and North America crossed the land bridge to build the United States.

The first Europeans arrived in North America in the 1500s, led by the Spanish and French. Virginia Colony was the site of the English's first permanent settlement in modern-day America in 1607.

To know more about US immigration, visit:-



What is the use of an overbridge?


Answer: An overbridge is used to cross rail lines passing through a city so that accidents don't take place.


What was one outcome of the Harlem Renaissance ?


Most importantly, the Harlem Renaissance instilled in African Americans across the country a new spirit of self-determination and pride, a new social consciousness, and a new approach to political activism.

The Harlem Renaissance is the development of New York City's Harlem neighborhood into a mecca for black culture in his early 20th century, resulting in a social and artistic explosion. This period, from the 1910s to his mid-1930s, is considered the golden age of African-American culture, manifested in literature, music, stage performances, and the arts. By the influence of the Harlem Renaissance on America was irreversible. The movement drew attention to the great works of African American art and inspired and influenced the next generation of African American artists and intellectuals. A self-portrait of the lives, identities and cultures of African-Americans born in Harlem has been photographed all over the world. All of this would go on to form the foundation of the civil rights movement of the 1950s and his 1960s. In doing so, founders and leaders such as Alan Locke and Langston Hughes confirmed the belief that art can be a means to improve the lives of African Americans.

To learn more about Harlem Renaissance , refer:



living mammals that might be considered mega-mammals today


Answer:Lions and Elephants


They are older animals and one of the most powerful in their ecosystem.

Which of the following most accurately describes the arguments of SocialDarwinism?
a. State welfare and private charity would lead to degeneration by perpetuatingthe survival of the weak.
b. Religion was a force of weakness that modern society will inevitably eradicate.
c. Scientific ideas are the only source of true knowledge, therefore theories are justas valuable as facts.
d. Inequalities in wealth would lead to social unrest and eventual revolution


a. State welfare and private charity would lead to degeneration by perpetuating the survival of the weak.

State welfare and private charity would lead to degeneration by perpetuating the survival of the weak. Social Darwinism argued that state welfare and private charity should not be used to help the poor, as this would lead to the survival of the weak and further degeneration of the species. It argued that in order for the species to evolve, only the fittest should survive and be allowed to reproduce.

Social Darwinism is the idea that competition between individuals in a society will lead to the survival of the fittest, and that any form of state welfare or private charity would lead to degeneration by perpetuating the survival of the weak.

To know more about social Darwinism


State welfare and private charity would lead to degeneration by perpetuating the survival of the weak of the following most accurately describes the arguments of Social Darwinism. Thus, option (a) is correct.

What is arguments?

The term “argument” refers to arguing and conflicting with someone to significantly convince another person or group that your opinion is correct. There are types of argument such as rebuttal argument, proposal argument, classical western argument, narrative argument, etc.

The primary notion of Social Darwinism arguments is that governmental assistance and individual charity should not be utilized to support the poor since this would result in the preservation of the weak and further degradation of the species. By promoting the survival of the weak, state assistance or charitable giving would lead to degeneration.

As a result, State welfare and private charity would lead to degeneration by perpetuating the survival of the weak. Therefore, option (a) is correct.

Learn more about on arguments, here:



Why was the Vietnam War a defeat for the US?


South Vietnam was "lost" to America since it was a constructed entity made after France lost Indochina.

Why did the US lose the Vietnam War?

Due to the growing costs and casualties of the war by 1973, all American combat units had left the nation. South Vietnam was completely overrun by the North in 1975, which caused it to fall. All sides in the protracted struggle have paid a heavy human price.

Why did Vietnam defeat the USA?

Basically because the Vietnamese were more determined to win than the Americans were. Several variables played a role in this. First of all, the Americans were an invading force, whereas the Vietnamese were fighting on their own soil. Americans came in second.

To know more about Vietnam War US visit:-



Essential question: What were the arguments for prohibition?
Who was involved in prohibition?
What did they do?
When did they do this?
Why did they do this?


When writing an essay, the structure of the essay must be regarded; hence, the structure of the essay must be considered.

The BeginningThe body'The conclusionWhat exactly is prohibition?

The year 1920 marked the start of the United States Prohibition Era. The 18th Amendment to the United States Constitution went into effect this year, prohibiting the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcoholic drinks, among other things. Despite newly enacted legislation, it was impossible to strictly enforce Prohibition.

Prohibition is the act or practice of legally prohibiting anything; more specifically, the phrase refers to the prohibition of the manufacturing, storage, transit, sale, possession, and consumption of alcoholic drinks.

To learn more about  prohibition, click




1. a meeting of delegates for the purpose of preparing for an election campaign convention
2. Person wishes to be a candidate for the party, he will make this announcement of intention declaration of candidacy
3. a party election; the members vote by secret ballot direct primary


1. A convention is a gathering of delegates for the purpose of planning an electoral campaign.

2. If a person wants to run for office in the party, he will file what is known as a declaration of candidacy.

3. A party election occurs when members conduct a direct primary using a secret ballot.

Define election.

A population selects a person or people to hold public office through an election, which is a formal process of collective decision-making. A candidate or political party seeks to persuade voters to support them during an election campaign. You must sign the Declaration of Candidacy in order to begin the election process. You must "declare" oneself as such if you are a party member and want to run for a specific office.

To know more about election, visit:



Which of the following statements best describes Southeast Asia?



Southeast Asia is Mountainous.


Geological uplifts in the region have also produced some impressive mountains, culminating in Puncak Jaya in Papua, Indonesia at 5,030 metres, on the island of New Guinea; it is the only place where ice glaciers can be found in Southeast Asia. The highest mountain in Southeast Asia is Hkakabo Razi at 5,967 meters and can be found in northern Burma sharing the same range of its parent peak, Mount Everest.

Which of the following factors contributed to william mckinley’s victory over william jennings bryan in the 1896 election?
a. McKinley had greater support in the population dense northeast
b. McKinley was able to spend five times more than Bryan on the campaign
c. Bryan’s campaign was unable to generate the high voter turnout in areas of their
d. All of the above


The factor that contributed to William McKinley’s victory over William Jennings Bryan in the 1896 election is b. McKinley was able to spend five times more than Bryan on the campaign.

How did William McKinley win the election?

William McKinley built a conservative alliance in which businessmen, professionals,  farmers, and skilled factory workers rejected by William Jennings Bryan's agrarian policies were represented largely during the 1896 election.

Former governor William McKinley was the candidate for the Republican party and ran against the Democrat Jennings Bryan.

McKinley supported the gold standard and not the silver in his campaign during his presidential election.

William McKinley won the election and become the 25th President of the United States of America.

Learn more about the 1896 election at brainly.com/question/5682151.


events of early nineteenth-century Russia in chronological order.



The correct chronological order is B, D, A, and C.


hope this helped:)

brainliest for the brains:)

Which naughty Gremlins terrorizes the sleepy town of Kingston Falls on Christmas Eve?


Stripe is the gremlin that stalks the quiet village of Kingston on Christmas Eve.

What is a Gremlin?

A gremlin is a fictional, mischievous sprite who is thought to be to blame for an unforeseen issue or malfunction.

Gremlin began with a guy visiting a store to get a gift for his son Billy. The pet was difficult for the shop owner to sell to Randall Peltzer. When he insisted, the owner agreed to sell the animal to him under the following conditions:

After midnight, you must stop feeding it. It shouldn't be subjected to strong light, and Water shouldn't be used on it.

After Billy unintentionally spilled water on Gizmo, the first batch of Gremlins was rejected. On Christmas Eve, Stripe, one of the gremlins who also happened to be a terrible pet, attacked Kingston Falls.

To know more about Gremlin, visit:



Is Natal a word on its own?


Yes, the word "natal" has five letters and is a legitimate Wordle word. Additional meanings (a) Accompanying or originating from one's birth; native; of or relating to one's birth.

A birth is the moment a child exits its mother's body and enters the world. The system has undergone substantial fine-tuning since 1837, and occasionally new laws and regulations have been enacted. Birth registration wasn't mandatory until 1874, despite the fact that civil registration had been started in 1837. The country of birth is the one in which the birth actually takes place, while the USA is the nationality for US citizens born abroad who are given US citizenship at birth. The name of the location where a person was born is their place of birth. The location is indicated by the geographic limits in force at the time.

Learn more about birth from



Yes, the word "natal" has five letters and is a legitimate Wordle word. Additional meanings (a) Accompanying or originating from one's birth; native; of or relating to one's birth.

A birth is the moment a child exits its mother's body and enters the world. The system has undergone substantial fine-tuning since 1837, and occasionally new laws and regulations have been enacted. Birth registration wasn't mandatory until 1874, despite the fact that civil registration had been started in 1837. The country of birth is the one in which the birth actually takes place, while the USA is the nationality for US citizens born abroad who are given US citizenship at birth. The name of the location where a person was born is their place of birth. The location is indicated by the geographic limits in force at the time.

Learn more about birth from



What was a major weakness of Latin American economies?


One of the main weaknesses of Latin American economies was the extreme inequality and lack of social protection.

Given that the increase in inflation has an uneven effect on the people, poverty and inequality continue to be major issues.

Establishing the legitimacy of their new administrations was one of the most urgent and persistent issues that leaders of Latin American countries confronted in the decades after independence. The end of the colonial regime was traumatic in this aspect. Latin America's poorest country is Bolivia. The poverty rate in the country is over 80%, with 15% of the people being classified as extremely poor. Because of the nation's reliance on small-scale agriculture, poverty rates are high.

To know more about Latin America after independence: https://brainly.com/question/25913173


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