What is one of the main reasons why it is important to paraphrase and summarize a reading passage?


Answer 1

Paraphrasing the language actually facilitates deeper processing of the information. condensing and rewriting a lengthy passage of text into a brief, concise summary is the process of summarization

What is Paraphrasing and summarization ?

By paraphrasing, you can show that you understand the original text well enough to write it in your own words. It is significant because it shows both you and your reader—your instructor—that you have understood the subject matter well enough to express it in your own words.

Paraphrase is your own translation of the concepts from the original text. It might be as easy as copying a paragraph or two from the source and pasting them into your own writing, but it can also be a more involved process that necessitates some effort to attain accuracy and clarity.

Paraphrasing in writing refers to the act of putting one's ideas about a subject into one's own words utilizing phrases that already exist or that can be developed based on their structure or meaning. This style of imitation is employed frequently in corporate documents, emails, and academic writing, among other places.

Summarization Automatically condensing and rewriting a lengthy passage of text into a brief, concise summary is the process of summarization. The majority of the information from the original document should be provided to the reader in a summary, while also ensuring that no material was lost during condensing.

Summarization systems have a wide range of applications, including helping readers quickly understand articles, saving analysts and researchers time during the information-gathering process, decreasing the amount of written text that students must read and comprehend (in educational contexts), and even boosting productivity and efficiency in business settings.

To know more about Paraphrasing and Summarization refer to :



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Jot down the good or bad aspects of committing crime


(please mark brainliest)

(bad aspects only)

Committing a crime violates social and legal rules, so the effects can follow you around for a lifetime.

Legal Consequences

Let's start by looking at the most obvious consequences of your crime, the legal ones. Under our justice system, the government has a right to punish you for violating the law. This punishment generally comes in one of two forms. The less severe is loss of liberties, or having personal rights revoked. Basically, by breaking the law, you have forfeited some of the rights of being an American citizen.

The most common way we see this is through probation orders, the requirement to behave and to follow court orders. People on probation can be ordered not to drink alcohol, not to cross state borders, not to gamble, to stay away from certain people, and may have privileges, like driving, revoked. People end up on probation in lieu of jail time or after serving part of a jail sentence and being released early. But, it is a serious legal charge. If you disobey the court's rules for your probation, then you're pretty much guaranteed a trip to jail.

And that brings us to the other major form of criminal punishment, loss of freedom, in which a person is removed from the general population. Under our constitution, and pretty much all modern constitutions, the government has the right to take away your freedom if you have committed a serious enough crime. Crimes that have a maximum sentence of less than one year are called misdemeanors, while crimes that have a maximum sentence of at least one year are called felonies, and those are taken very seriously.

When convicted of a felony, not only do you lose your freedom, but you also lose some basic rights of citizenship, such as the right to vote, which is called felony disenfranchisement. The more often you commit crimes, or if the crimes are very serious, then some of these rights, including your basic freedom, could be revoked for the rest of your life. And don't forget that while many states in the USA are moving away from the death penalty, it's still legally an option.

Economic Consequences

Apart from the legal consequences, committing a crime can also have serious economic implications. For one, there's just the obvious cost of paying for a lawyer, court fees, etc. However, the court can also require you to pay fines, or return the value of stolen resources to their original owner, which is called restitution. Victims of a crime can also sue for damages, essentially meaning financial compensation for economic loss or psychological harm. If you can't pay these, then the courts can repossess your house, your car, and pretty much anything else you own.

But, there are other economic consequences, as well. In most states, people who have been convicted of a felony can be denied government subsidies, ranging from food stamps to student loans to federal housing. Don't forget that ex-felons are also required to disclose their charges on job applications, and many states give business owners the right to refuse hiring an applicant based on that fact. I'm not saying these are necessarily fair, but this is the accepted practice in our society.

How do you write a prologue example?


Declare who the main character is (s) ,Prologues have been effectively used in some plays from the twentieth century.

What is Prologues?After the technical information, the dedication, and the epigraph (if you have one), but before the first chapter, there should be a prologue in your book. Although readers won't immediately understand why or how these details are essential to the plot, it introduces information that is crucial to the story, such as character backstories or a glimpse into the future. But how can the prologue contribute to your story, and what are some literary examples of prologues? These questions have answers right here, at our disposal! a literary work's prologue, preface, or introduction. The phrase refers to an opening speech given by one or more actors in a dramatic work to the audience, frequently in verse.

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What are the positive effects of being citizen of digital society?


There are many opportunities and advantages to becoming a digital citizen. The key advantages of becoming a digital citizen are safety, better quality of life, increased knowledge, more entertainment options, preparing for the digital economy, and a more productive existence.

Digital citizenship offers both advantages and disadvantages. The key advantages of becoming a digital citizen include its assistance in locating new employment and career prospects, utilize your time more effectively, increase the amount of learning you do, and safeguard your privacy. You can increase your productivity and the time you spend with your home, family, and friends by working from home without wasting travel time on public transit, something the pandemic helped many realize. The ability to better utilize the many opportunities is made possible by having a thorough understanding of the digital ecosystem.

To learn more about digital citizen:



How are Japanese haiku similar to and different from English romantic poems?


Haiku, a traditional form of Japanese poetry, is renowned for its succinctness and profound expression of emotion. On the other hand, English romantic poems are highly complex, often characterized by elaborate language and imagery.

Despite their differences, haiku and English romantic poems share a common purpose in that they both seek to capture the beauty of the natural world and evoke strong emotions in the reader. At first glance, haiku and English romantic poems appear to be worlds apart. Haiku are composed of 17 syllables that are divided into three lines of five, seven, and five syllables respectively. The language used is usually simple and unadorned.

Learn more about romantic poems at :https://brainly.com/question/29549291


What situations improve relationships?


One can improve their relationship with friends by being sincere with each other, spending time together.

Especially if you've got had troubles trusting others withinside the past. It is probably even tougher if you've got suffered trauma. Bullying, abusive friendships, emotionally manipulative relationships and overstepped obstacles are all examples of factors that make it difficult and frightening a good way to allow a person in and divulge heart's contents to them. 1) Create and capitalize on time together. 2) Be sincere with every other. 3) Show them which you care. 4) Embark on new studies together. 5) Provide guide and encouragement. 6) Treasure the little things.

To learn more about relationships check the link below:



What is an example of indirect character?


For instance, direct depiction might simply state, "John was short-tempered," but indirect characterisation may say, "John snapped at the guy without warning."

Direct characterisation, also known as explicit characterization, refers to the process of describing a character by their appearance, profession, or interests and activities. Characters are described indirectly via their thoughts, deeds, words, and dialogue. Let's take the case of a character who dislikes children. An example of direct characterisation would adopt a direct strategy. Old man Hubert never got along with kids, even when he was a kid himself, as the author could say very plainly.The method of characterizing a character indirectly uses that person's words, deeds, actions, and internal dialogue. This kind of character development is used by authors to let readers come to their own judgments about a character. Readers can learn about a character through their thoughts, deeds, and statements through indirect characterisation. This style of character development emphasizes how your protagonist connects with other characters and their environment.

To learn more about indirect character here:



What is the purpose of giving homework to students?


Answer: Its important

Explanation:Always ask, “What learning will result from this homework assignment?” The goal of your instruction should be to design homework that results in meaningful learning.

Assign homework to help students deepen their understanding of content, practice skills in order to become faster or more proficient, or learn new content on a surface level.

Check that students are able to perform required skills and tasks independently before asking them to complete homework assignments.

What is a claim in the passage?


A claim is an assertion that something is true in literature. A claim may be based on fact or on a conclusion.

Which textual evidence best substantiates the writers' thesis and goal?

Indeed, the Age of Sugar also gave way to the Age of Freedom when the enslaved Africans started to speak, both in words and deeds, and when Europeans started to view them as fellow humans.

What is the paragraph's primary goal, according to the author?

A writer's purpose is the motivation behind the work they produce. Generally speaking, authors write for one of the following three purposes: to inform, convince, or to entertain. When a writer offers facts in a piece intended to inform, the reader's understanding is increased.

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the factual statements and opinions originating not from the speaker but from another source are a part of what main factor in persuasive messages?


The main factor in persuasive messages that is comprised of factual statements and opinions originating not from the speaker but from another source is evidence. Evidence is an imperative aspect of persuasive messages, as it serves to provide credibility and authority to the speaker’s argument. It can be used to support claims, bolster points, and add weight to arguments.

Evidence can be provided in the form of facts, statistics, research, surveys, expert opinions, and other sources of information. This information is used to back up the speaker’s point of view and make it more persuasive. By providing evidence, the speaker is establishing a foundation of proof and reliability in the eyes of the audience.

For example, if a speaker were making a case for increasing the minimum wage, they could present evidence from reliable sources like economists, surveys, or research studies to support their argument. This evidence would add weight to the speaker’s case and make it more persuasive to the audience.

Learn more about imperative aspect at : https://brainly.com/question/7280939


What weapon is Beowulf forced to use in his fight against Grendel's mother?


In the venerable Old English epic poem Beowulf, Unferth gave Beowulf a sword called Hrunting. As a weapon against Grendel's mother, Beowulf used it.

Why does Beowulf use weapons against Grendel's mother?

He understands that killing a lady is not an act of honour. Due of her sexuality, Grendel's mother is not considered a threat.

What sword kills Grendel's mother?

In a cave, Beowulf encounters Grendel's mother. Unferth's Hrunting, his sword, is used to strike her, but it is unable to pierce her skin. He then discards the sword and begins to assault the mother with just his fists.

Why did Beowulf's sword melt?

The metal of the sword-blade melts like an icicle, melting away, until just the hilt is left in Beowulf's grasp because the blood of those two monsters is so hot and venomous.

To know more about Beowulf visit:



What are Hamlet's thoughts about life and death?


Hamlet has always held the view that dying is a natural part of existence. That was his opinion. Every living thing experiences death as a natural process in the same way.

All living things must pass away since they transition from nature to eternity, according to Hamlet.Each and every one of us goes to sleep to dream.We must pause to consider the fantasies that can arise in the deathly slumber after we have renounced this mortal coil: honour that makes the tragedy of such a lengthy life.As far as we can tell, Hamlet was optimistic and unafraid of dying.He has quite developed ideas.

To know more about Hamlet, please check the following link:



How can we learn about the past through reading the diary of Anne frank?



To never give up


Of the following, which medium is the richest? A) bulletin board. B) telephone. C) e-mail. D) letters. E) video conferencing. E) video conferencing.


Option E is correct. video conferencing is the richest medium.

About video conferencing

The two-way or multipoint receiving & transmission of audio & video signals by individuals in various places for real-time communication is known as videotelephony, also referred as videoconferencing & video teleconferencing. A videophone is the phone that combines a video camera, a video display, and the ability to communicate both visually and audibly. Instead of using this technology for individual meetings, videoconferencing means the utilization of this technology for group or organisational meetings. The term "telepresence" can refer to meetup technology, that can go beyond video and incorporate robots, or to a high-quality videotelephony system, where the objective is to give the impression that remote people are in the same room like moving around a room or physically manipulating objects.

To know more about video conferencing:



What is the best definition of a phrase?


A group of words without a subject and a verb; if removed, the sentence meaning is affected is the best definition of a phrase.

What is a phrase?A phrase is a combination of two or more words used to represent a single thought but does not constitute a whole sentence. When used as a meaningful unit inside a sentence or clause, a phrase in English grammar consists of two or more words. As a grammatical unit that sits between a word and a sentence, a phrase is typically described in this way.Adjective, adverb, adjective, and prepositional phrases are a few examples of common phrase kinds. A phrase's head which establishes the unit's grammatical nature and one or more optional modifiers make up the entire thing. A group of words that function as one unit in a sentence but do not include a subject or a verb is referred to as a phrase.Various phrases can be found inside of others. So, option 3 is correct.

The complete question is :

What is the best definition of a phrase?

1.A group of words with a subject and a verb; if removed, the sentence meaning is affected.

2.A group of words with a subject and a verb; if removed, the sentence meaning is not affected.

3.A group of words without a subject and a verb; if removed, the sentence meaning is affected.

4.A group of words without a subject and a verb; if removed, the sentence meaning is not affected.

To learn more about phrase, refer:



What are the key events in Animal Farm Chapter 4?


There are several key events in Chapter 4 of George Orwell's "Animal Farm."

First, the animals hold a meeting to discuss their work schedule. At this meeting, the pigs propose that they should be in charge of managing the farm's affairs, as they are the most intelligent animals. The other animals agree, and the pigs take on the roles of leaders and planners.

Second, the animals begin the task of rebuilding the windmill. This is a significant event, as the windmill represents the animals' hope for a better future and their desire to improve their lives. The process of building the windmill is difficult and slow, but the animals are determined to see it through.

Third, the animals adopt the Seven Commandments of Animalism, which are a set of rules that guide their behavior and relationships. These commandments become an important part of life on the farm and are used to guide the animals' actions and decisions.

Overall, Chapter 4 of "Animal Farm" is significant because it marks the beginning of the animals' efforts to create a better life for themselves and establish a new society on the farm.

Find out more about Key events



What is meant by enumerated rights?


Enumerated rights may be made enumerated if they need the systematisation of positively enumerated rights in situations where the law would otherwise become illogical or impossible to uphold.

In federal systems, for instance, it is necessary to evaluate constituent member constitutions in light of their participation in the federal body as a whole to determine whether authority is properly distributed or more appropriately federative. Any natural or intrinsic rights.

That lack expression or articulation might be generically referred to by this term.In tort law, the marital rights are immunity from the spouse. Marital rights that relate to torts give spouses protection from third parties for a number of behaviours that can interfere with their marital connection.

To know more about Enumerated rights visit:



What is the use of vivid words that appeal to the five senses in order to deepen the readers understanding of the text?


Novelists, poets, and storytellers employ descriptive language that prods the five human senses to invoke this instinctual nature and aid readers in understanding literary works. Imagination is the name for this language.

Is the use of vivid words that appeal to the five senses?

A word or set of words that invoke one or more of the senses—sight, taste, touch, hearing, or smell—in a literary work is called imagery. Figurative language. Simply said, sensory language is a term used to describe words or phrases that appeal to one or more of the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. It uses descriptive language that appeals to the reader's senses and is specifically designed to evoke mental images by appealing to the reader's mind on various levels.

It makes the poet's fantastical world easier for the reader to perceive through sight, sound, taste, and smell. In language, imagery refers to the use of sensory appeals. When a writer or speaker utilizes language to evoke the senses in order to assist the reader or listener visualize what they are reading or hearing, they are using vivid imagery.

To learn more about five senses refer to :



What are the 6 key guidelines to keep your workplace safe?


The 6 key guidelines to keep your workplace safe OSHA, which regulates occupational safety and health, is in charge of workplace security.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), a significant regulatory agency within the United States Department of Labor, once had the power to inspect and survey workplaces on behalf of the federal government.

On December 29, 1970, President Richard M. Nixon signed the Occupational Safety and Health Act, or OSH Act, into law, allowing Congress to establish the agency. OSHA's mission statement reads: "To ensure safe and healthy working conditions for working men and women by developing and enforcing standards and by providing.

To know more about workplace safe visit:



what is one benefit of including a vocabylary section at the beginning of a text?



One benefit of including a vocabulary section at the beginning of a text is that it helps readers understand and learn new words or terms that may be used throughout the text. This can be especially helpful for readers who are not familiar with the subject matter or who may have difficulty with some of the more specialized language used in the text.

Including a vocabulary section at the beginning of a text can also help to improve the overall readability and clarity of the text. By providing clear definitions of important terms, a vocabulary section can help to reduce confusion and ensure that readers are able to follow and understand the content of the text more easily.

Overall, a vocabulary section at the beginning of a text can be a valuable tool for improving reader comprehension and engagement, and can help to make the text more accessible and enjoyable for a wider audience

This will make your sentence look more complex.

This will also make it looks more neat and organized.

Which excerpt from O Connor's Good Country People best reveals the irony?


Mrs. Hopewell tho't of her as a toddler though she was xxxii years previous and extremely educated.

A) Mrs. Hopewell tho't of her as a toddler though she was xxxii years previous and extremely educated. Joy would rise up whereas her mother was feeding, and rapidly, Mrs. Freewoman would gain the rear door.

B) Another was: that's life! And still another, the foremost necessary, was: well, people have their opinions too. She would create these statements, typically at the table, in an exceedingly tone of light insistence as if nobody commanded them, however.

C) And once Joy had to be affected by these services, her remarks were typically this ugly and her face thus glum that Mrs. Hopewell would say, “If you can’t come back please, I don’t wish you in the slightest degree,” to which the lady, standing sq. and rigid-shouldered along with her neck thrust slightly forward, would reply.

D) She saw it because it was the name of her highest artistic act. One of her major triumphs was that her mother could not flip her dirt into Joy. However, the larger one was that she could flip it into Hulga.

To learn more about Mrs.Hopwell, visit here



when diya got the call, she ____ in her office​



 She was working in her office

Aka (c)


The best answer that fits would be answered it.

Son: Pleae, mum. Can I go out on condition that I (did, do, have done, had done) all my 26 homework before leaving





What do you call a sentence that reveals the main or central idea of the paragraph?


The Topic Sentence reveals the main or central idea of the paragraph.

The "topic sentence" states the paragraph's main or central idea and it is the most crucial sentence in the paragraph. The topic sentence typically consists of two components: the controlling idea and the topic itself.

The Topic:

The paragraph's subject is the topic. It is the main or central topic of the paragraph.

The Controlling Idea:

Even if all of the aforementioned requirements for a topic sentence are satisfied, a strong topic sentence still requires the "controlling idea" as a second component. The paragraph's main idea is its governing idea. In addition to limiting the paragraph's scope, it focuses on the ideas that support it.

You can learn more about sentence at



What are 5 examples of foreshadowing?


5 Great examples of foreshadowing include the overuse of children in the narrative, the frequency with which the town plays the lottery, and the significance of the papers that determine which family will be stoned to death.

Morris asserts that the owner of the monkey's paw will be given three desires. The White household in England serves as the scene for "The Monkey's Paw." The fact that the story starts on a dark, rainy night tells us we're in for a magnificent story.

Mr. and Mrs. White, along with their adult son Herbert, are inside The Monkey's Paw, having a relaxing evening by the fire. Soon later, Sergeant-Major Morris appears.He spent up to 21 years in the Indian military. He shares with the Whites tales of his exploits in that far nation and exhibits.

To know more about Foreshadowing visit:



What type of narration is An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge?


The story of "Owl Creek Bridge" is not recounted in the first person, or from the viewpoint of the protagonist, Farquhar. The material is instead written by a third-person narrator.

Does Owl Creek Bridge actually exist?

Bierce, who had aided in three military executions during his tenure in the military, probably shifted the locale to northern Alabama; the actual Owl Creek Bridge is in Tennessee.

What took place at the Owl Creek Bridge?

Farquhar arrives at his home's gate by dusk. He recognizes his wife, but just as he prepares to embrace her, he feels a strong blow to the back of his neck. White light fades to pitch blackness. Farquhar's body hangs beneath Owl Creek Bridge with a broken neck and he is dead.

To know more about owl creek bridge visit:



What are the 3 types of splits?


When an additional neutron enters a U-235 nucleus, it splits into two pieces very quickly. Fission is the name of this process.

Two or three neutrons are released each time a U-235 nucleus fragments. Consequently, the potential for starting a chain reaction arises. Each atom of uranium-235 (U-235) contains a nucleus with a total of 235 protons and 143 neutrons. The arrangement of the particles within uranium-235 is relatively unstable, and if the nucleus is energized by an external source, it may disintegrate. The major objective of the MIT Research Reactor is neutron production. While the core is active, it includes a huge number of neutrons that are traveling in all directions at incredibly fast speeds. The MIT reactor's uranium nuclei include six boron-stainless steel control blades that are positioned vertically next to the fuel components.

Learn more about Uranium-235 here:



How decision-making affect our future?



The decisions we make affect our futures in both a psychological way and with how our bonds are impacted. Our choices can lead to guilt, shame, or anger but can also lead to extreme happiness. It all depends on the choice you make. As for bonds, you can improve or break your bonds with other people. For example, if I wanted to go to a different college than my friend, this could probably impact our bond since we'd be farther away. BUT, I would get to go to the college I want to and start my own future.

What was there in the garden answer?


Grass, Bench,Road, Fountain,Trees, Bushes, Birds,Shops, Swing,See-Saw, Slides,People,Stone, Rocks,Flowers.

Where is Garden Answer?

The Ontario couple Aaron and Laura LeBoutillier have 660,000 subscribers to their Garden Answer channel. In Ontario, Laura LeBoutillier grew up working at Andrews Seed, a family-owned seed company and garden center. Benjamin LeBoutillier and his mother Laura.

A gardening video blog on called Garden Answer is hosted by the LeBoutilliers. They create instructional films for home gardeners from their Ontario home, with Laura in front of the camera and Aaron in the background.

Thus, Grass, Bench,Road, Fountain,Trees, Bushes,

For more information about Garden Answer, click here:



in volleyball, if the score ends up tied, how many points do you need to win by?



Matches are played best of five sets. The first four sets are played to 25 points, with the final set being played to 15 points. A team must win a set by two points. There is no ceiling, so a set continues until one of the teams gains a two-point advantage.


Matches are played best of five sets. The first four sets are played to 25 points, with the final set being played to 15 points. A team must win a set by two points. There is no ceiling, so a set continues until one of the teams gains a two-point advantage

What does Swift say poor mothers spend all of their time doing?


Unable to work for a living, these mothers are "forced to spend all their time" begging for food.

Swift suggests that most Irish children by the age of one are sold and eaten as food. Swift uses a factual tone to make her thoughts seem reasonable. On page 626, Swift uses hyperbole to exaggerate a satirical solution to poverty, suggesting using poor children as food. Swift used the idea of ​​eating children as a metaphor for what she considered exploitation of the poor, such as the high rents charged by landlords. In this essay, Swift comments on his society's view and value of personality. In this essay, he argues that poor Irish families should sell their children to wealthy Englishmen to feed them.

To learn more about Swift here



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