What is software and explain the five types of software


Answer 1

Question: What is software and explain the five types of software

Explanation: The system software which is controlled and managed by the use of set of instructions and programs is called software.

Ex: Windows 7/8/10/xp etc...

the  types of software are'

system software and application software





Mac OS.

MS Windows.



Answer 2


What is system software and explain its types?

System Software

A system software aids the user and the hardware to function and interact with each other. Basically, it is a software to manage computer hardware behavior so as to provide basic functionalities that are required by the user.

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Which of the following will display a string whose address is in the dx register: a.
mov ah, 9h
int 21h

mov ah, 9h
int 22h

mov ah, 0h
int 21h

None of these

mov ah, 2h
int 20h​





Function 9 of interrupt 21h is display string.

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Data software provides the best and most powerful software that allows you in the class







mips Write a program that asks the user for an integer between 0 and 100 that represents a number of cents. Convert that number of cents to the equivalent number of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. Then output the maximum number of quarters that will fit the amount, then the maximum number of dimes that will fit into what then remains, and so on. If the amount entered is negative, write an error message and quit. Amounts greater than 100 are OK (the user will get many quarters.) Use extended assembly instructions and exception handler services.




The following code is written in python and divides the amount of cents enterred in as an input into the correct amount of quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies. Finally, printing out all the values.

import math

#First we need to define the value of each coin

penny = 1

nickel = 5

dime = 10

quarter = 25

#Here we define the variables to hold the max number of each coin

quarters = 0

dimes = 0

nickels = 0

pennys = 0

cents = int(input("Please enter an amount of money you have in cents: "))

if cents > 0 and cents <= 100:

   if cents >= 25:

       quarters = cents / quarter

       cents = cents % quarter

   if cents >= 10:

       dimes = cents/dime

       cents = cents % dime

   if cents >= 5:

       nickels = cents /nickel

       cents = cents % nickel

   if cents > 0:

       pennys = cents / penny

       cents = 0

   print("The coins are: "

       "\nQuarters", math.floor(quarters),

       "\nDimes", math.floor(dimes), "\nNickels", math.floor(nickels), "\nPennies", math.floor(pennys))


   print("wrong value")

You are the IT administrator for a small corporate network. You have just changed the SATA hard disk in the workstation in the Executive Office. Now you need to edit the boot order to make it consistent with office standards. In this lab, your task is to configure the system to boot using devices in the following order: Internal HDD. CD/DVD/CD-RW drive. Onboard NIC. USB storage device. Disable booting from the diskette drive.



this exercise doesn't make sense since I'm in IT


Describe how data is shared by functions in a procedure- oriented program​


In procedure oriented program many important data items are placed as global so that they can access by all the functions. Each function may have its own local data. Global data are more vulnerable to an inadvertent change by a function.

Your organization, which sells manufacturing parts to companies in 17 different countries, is in the process of migrating your inventory database to the cloud. This database stores raw data on available inventory at all of your company's warehouses globally. The database will be accessible from multiple cloud-based servers that reside on your cloud provider's hardware located in three regions around the world. Each redundant database will contain a fully synchronized copy of all data to accelerate customer access to the information, regardless of the customer's geographical location.What database trend is your company implementing



Disributed database


A distributed database stores data on multiple servers sometimes placed in distinct geographical locations.

Which of the following is an example of firewall?
O a. Notepad
b. Bit Defender internet Security
O c. Open Office
O d. Adobe Reader


Answer is Bit defender Internet security

You will write two programs for this endeavor. The first will be a class definition module, and
the second will be the driver program. (Remember the naming rules for these modules!)
The class module should contain the following:
1. An initializer method that accepts two parameters (other than self):
a. A parameter corresponding to the name of the food
b. A parameter corresponding to the amount of the food (in pounds) to order
However, the initializer method should contain four hidden attributes:
a. The name of the food - to be updated using the food parameter
b. The amount in pounds - to be updated using the amount parameter
c. The standard price of the food item per pound - to be updated using a private
d. The calculated price of the ordered item (based on amount ordered) – to be
updated using a public method
2. A private method that will store the list of items and their price per pound (in other
words, the information provided in the table above). The method accepts no
parameters (other than self) and returns no value. Use an if-elif structure to set the
standard prices of the food. Reference the hidden attributes of food name and standard
price to set the prices.
Use the header of the method is (provided below) as well as the pseudocode to
complete this method:
#use this header (note the __ before the name)
def __PriceList(self):
if foodname is 'Dry Cured Iberian Ham' #write in actual python
then standardprice is 177.80
#complete the method…
Make sure to include a trailing else that sets the price to 0.00 if an item that is not on
the table is referenced (or if an item is misspelled J )
3. A public method to calculate the cost of the ordered food. The cost should be calculated
using the formula:
Amount of food (in pounds) x price per pound
The method accepts no parameters (other than self), but returns the calculated cost.
4. Accessors as needed (or an __str__ method if you prefer).
The driver program will import the class module you created. This module should contain the
following components:
1. A function that creates a list of objects. The function accepts no parameters but returns
the list of objects. The function should:
a. Create an empty list.
b. Prompt the user for the number of items. This value will be used to determine
the number of repetitions for a necessary loop. (Make sure to include input
validation to ensure that the number of items purchases is at least 1.)
c. Contain a loop that prompts the user for the name of the item and the amount
of the item in pounds. (Make sure to include input validation to ensure that the
number of pounds is greater than 0.) The loop should use this information to
create an object, and append the object to the list
d. Returns the list (once the loop is completed)
2. A function to display the contents of the list. This function accepts a list of objects as a
parameter but does not return a value. The function should:
a. display the contents of each object in the list (all 4 attributes). Make sure to
include appropriate formatting for prices.
3. A function that calculates the total cost of all items. Recall, your object will only have the
cost of each item (based on the amount of pounds ordered for that item). This function
accepts the list of objects as a parameter and returns a value. This function should:
a. access the individual cost of each ordered item
b. calculate the total cost of all the items in the list
c. return the total cost
4. A main function. Your main function should:
a. Call the three aforementioned functions
Dry Cured Iberian Ham $177.80
Wagyu Steaks $450.00
Matsutake Mushrooms $272.00
Kopi Luwak Coffee $317.50
Moose Cheese $487.20
White Truffles $3600.00
Blue Fin Tuna $3603.00
Le Bonnotte Potatoes $270.81




This is a project. This is not Brainly material. Just sink your teeth into it and do your best. I definitely would not rely on some stranger on the Internet to give me a good program to turn in for this project anyway. Just start coding and you'll be done before you know it.

Ineeedd help please 35 points question





The four gates on the left are XNOR gates, their output is 1 if both inputs are equal. This is the case (given), so all inputs to the quadruple AND gate are 1, hence the output is also one.

Me Completan Pliiiis



its in Spanish most people cant read Spanish


how to be safe through internet? and what is e safety definition and what are the the rules of e safety pls pls I will give u 74 points lessgooo ​


Here are the Top 10 Internet safety rules to follow to help you avoid getting into trouble online (and offline).

1. Keep Personal Information Professional and Limited

Potential employers or customers don't need to know your personal relationship status or your home address. They do need to know about your expertise and professional background, and how to get in touch with you. You wouldn't hand purely personal information out to strangers individually—don't hand it out to millions of people online.

2. Keep Your Privacy Settings On

Marketers love to know all about you, and so do hackers. Both catsometimes(detsometimes hard to find because companies want your personal information for its marketing value. Make sure you have enabled these privacy safeguards, and keep them enabled.

3. Practice Safe Browsing

You wouldn't choose to walk through a dangerous neighborhood—don't visit dangerous neighborhoods online. Cybercriminals use lurid content as bait. They know people are sometimes tempted by dubious content and may let their guard down when searching for it. The Internet's demimonde is filled with hard-to-see pitfalls, where one careless click could expose personal data or infect your device with malware. By resisting the urge, you don't even give the hackers a chance.

4. Make Sure Your Internet Connection is Secure. Use a Secure VPN Connection

When you go online in a public place, .Careful What You Download

A top goal of cybercriminals is to trick you into downloading malware—programs or apps that carry malware or try to steal information. This malware can be disguised as an app: anything from a popular game to something that checks traffic or the weather. As PCWorld advises, don't download apps that look suspicious or come from a site you don't trust

6. Choose Strong Passwords

Passwords are one of the biggest weak spots in the whole Internet security structure, but there's currently no way around them. And the problem with passwords is that people tend to choose easy ones to remember (such as "password" and "123456"), which are also easy for cyber thieves to guess. Select strong passwords that are harder for cybercriminals to demystify. Password manager software can help you to manage multiple passwords so that you don't forget etc... .....

follow me entrust



from my opinion don't tell anyone anything about you like be anonymous

and if anyone ask you where u live say earth he /she will think u became angry or for example you said to person 1 ( you stay in England )

but to person 2 ( say to stay in Japan )

but it's good to say nothing about you not even your name or age


what is a . com in a web address mean



dot commercial


.edu education

.gov goverment




Write a program that lets the user enter the loan amount and loan period in number of years and displays the monthly and total payments for each interest rate starting from 5% to 8%, with an increment of 1/8.



Following are the code to this question:

import java.util.*;//import package

public class Main //defining a class


public static void main(String[] axc)//main method  


double Loan_Amount,years,Annual_Interest_Rate=5.0,Monthly_Interest_Rate,Total_Amount,Monthly_Payment;//defining variables

Scanner ax = new Scanner(System.in);//creating Scanner class object

System.out.print("Enter loan amount:");//print message

Loan_Amount = ax.nextDouble();//input Loan_Amount value

System.out.print("Enter number of years: ");//print message

years= ax.nextInt();//input number of years value

System.out.printf("   %-20s%-20s%-20s\n", "Interest Rate", "Monthly Payment","Total Payment");//print message

while (Annual_Interest_Rate <= 8.0) //use while loop to calculate Interest rate table


Monthly_Interest_Rate = Annual_Interest_Rate / 1200;//calculating the interest Rate

Monthly_Payment = Loan_Amount * Monthly_Interest_Rate/(1 - 1 / Math.pow(1 + Monthly_Interest_Rate,years * 12));//calculating monthly payment

Total_Amount = Monthly_Payment * years * 12;//calculating yearly Amount

System.out.printf("\t %-19.3f%-19.2f%-19.2f\n", Annual_Interest_Rate,Monthly_Payment,Total_Amount);//use print meethod to print table

Annual_Interest_Rate = Annual_Interest_Rate + 1.0 / 8;//use Annual_Interest_Rate to increating the yearly Rate





Please find the attached file.


In this code inside the class, several double variables are declared in which the "Loan_Amount and years" is used for input value from the user-end, and another variable is used for calculating the value.

In this code a while loop is declared that checks the "Annual_Interest_Rate" value and creates the interest rate table which is defined in the image file please find it.

what is the economic and ideological causes of the American, the French,and the Chinese revolutions, and to see the larger historical contexts in which these events took place?​



Explanation:The French who had direct contact with the Americans were able to successfully implement Enlightenment ideas into a new political system. The National Assembly in France even used the American Declaration of Independence as a model when drafting the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen in 1789.

Which database item would show details such as a customer’s name, their last purchase, and other details about a customer?
A. file
B. field
C. record
D. table
E. index


The correct answer would be C. Record


The answer is C. Record


Write one line Linux command that performs the required action in each of the problems given below: (a) Find the difference in text between two text files File1.txt and File2.txt and save the result in a file named result.txt (b) Change the permissions of the file remote_driver.c such that the owner has the permissions to read, write and execute and anybody other than the owner can only read the file but cannot write or execute. (c) Search for the string ir_signal in the file /home/grad/remote_driver.c and print on the terminal the number of instances of the given string in the file /home/grad/remote_driver.c (d) Reboot the system after 5 minutes. (e) Display the list of processes currently being run by the user harvey. (f) Print 3 copies of a file named my_driver.c from a printer that has a name HPLaserJet4300. (g) Put the last 40 lines of the file driver_log.log into a new file final_fault.txt.


You have to add the integer

what is the correct sequence in which a computer operates​



Booting is a startup sequence that starts the operating system of a computer when it is turned on. A boot sequence is the initial set of operations that the computer performs when it is switched on. Every computer has a boot sequence.

Which are the 2 main elements that’s make up computer architecture?




Computer architecture is made up of two main components the Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) and the RTL model for the CPU.

is a general-purpose computing device?


Answer: I think so

Explanation: All mainframes, servers, laptop and desktop computers, as well as smartphones and tablets are general-purpose devices. In contrast, chips can be designed from scratch to perform only a fixed number of tasks, but which is only cost effective in large quantities (see ASIC).

Please give brainliest not this file virus exploiter






title and content

section header









* *

* * *

* * * *

* * * * *

i did it i guess?

Activity No.5
Project Implementation

Based on the Community Based Results, proposed programs/project to be implemented in your barangay/community
I. Title

II Project Proponents

III Implementing Proponents

IV Project Duration

V Objectives of the Project

VI Project Description

VII Methodology

VIIIDetailed Budgetary Requirements

IX Gantt Chart/ Detailed schedule of activities


In the activity related to Project Implementation, the following components are listed:

I. Title: This refers to the name or title given to the proposed program or project to be implemented in the barangay/community.

II. Project Proponents: These are the individuals or groups who are responsible for initiating and advocating for the project. They may include community leaders, organizations, or individuals involved in the project.

III. Implementing Proponents: These are the parties or organizations who will be responsible for executing and implementing the project on the ground. They may include government agencies, non-profit organizations, or community-based organizations.

IV. Project Duration: This refers to the estimated timeframe or duration within which the project is expected to be completed. It helps in setting deadlines and managing the project timeline.

V. Objectives of the Project: These are the specific goals or outcomes that the project aims to achieve. They define the purpose and desired results of the project.

VI. Project Description: This section provides a detailed explanation and overview of the project, including its background, context, and scope.

VII. Methodology: This outlines the approach, methods, and strategies that will be used to implement the project. It may include activities, processes, and resources required for successful project execution.

VIII. Detailed Budgetary Requirements: This section provides a comprehensive breakdown of the financial resources needed to implement the project. It includes estimates of costs for personnel, materials, equipment, services, and other relevant expenses.

IX. Gantt Chart/Detailed Schedule of Activities: This visual representation or detailed schedule outlines the specific activities, tasks, and milestones of the project, along with their respective timelines and dependencies.

These components collectively form a framework for planning and implementing a project, ensuring that all necessary aspects are addressed and accounted for during the execution phase.

For more questions on barangay, click on:



Why is dark supereffective against ghost? (AGAIN)

I don't get it. I get why it is supereffective against psychic, because even the greatest minds are scared of criminal activities, but why would it be good against ghost?


Answer: Think of it in this way: People often warn others not to speak badly of the Dead. Why? This is because, it is believed that their souls get "restless", and this causes them to haunt others. Thus, Dark type moves, that symbolise the "evil" aspect of the Pokemon, are super-effective against Ghosts. Type chart, effectiveness and weakness explained in Pokémon Go

Type Strong Against Weak Against

Bug Grass, Psychic, Dark Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ghost, Steel, Fire, Fairy

Ghost Ghost, Psychic Normal, Dark

Steel Rock, Ice, Fairy Steel, Fire, Water, Electric

Fire Bug, Steel, Grass, Ice Rock, Fire, Water, Dragon

Explanation: hopes this helps

Write a Java program that uses a value-returning method to identify the prime numbers between 2 bounds (input from the user). The method should identify if a number is prime or not. Call it in a loop for all numbers between the 2 bounds and display only prime numbers. Check for errors in input.Note:A number is prime if it is larger than 1 and it is divisible only by 1 and itself(Note: 1 is NOT a prime number)Example:15 is NOT prime because 15 is divisible by 1, 3, 5, and 15; 19 is prime because 19 is divisible only by 1 and 19.



Answered below.


public int[] primeNumbers(int lowBound, int highBound){

if(lowBound < 0 || highBound < 0 || lowBound >= highBound){

System.out.print("invalid inputs");

else if(highBound <= 1){

System.out.print("No prime numbers);



int[] nums;

for(int I = lowBound; I <= highBound; I++){

if(isPrime (I)){




return nums;


How many outcomes are possible in this control structure?
is A button pressed then
set background image to
set background image to



In the given control structure, there are two possible outcomes:

1) If the condition "Is A button pressed?" evaluates to true, then the background image will be set to a specific value.

2) If the condition "Is A button pressed?" evaluates to false, then the background image will be set to another value.

Therefore, there are two possible outcomes in this control structure.

Hope this helps!

Just press a to set up your background

User defined blocks of code can be created in
Snap using the
A. make a block
B. duplicate
C. create
D. define a function



I need help solving this problem on Picoctf. The question is What happens if you have a small exponent? There is a twist though, we padded the plaintext so that (M ** e) is just barely larger than N. Let's decrypt this: ciphertext. The ciphertext is this. I tried using stack flow and the rsatool on GitHub but nothing seems to work. Do you guys have any idea of what I can do. I need to solve this problem asap




RSA encryption is performed by calculating C=M^e(mod n).

However, if n is much larger than e (as is the case here), and if the message is not too long (i.e. small M), then M^e(mod n) == M^e and therefore M can be found by calculating the e-th root of C.

What are input masks most useful for in data validation? moving data from one field to another hiding parts of a value that are unnecessary identifying duplicate values in different records in a table ensuring consistent formatting of values in a specific field



Ensuring Consistent Formatting of Values in a Specific Field


Answer: ensuring consistent formatting of values in a specific field

Explanation: on edg

Mikolas is doing a research on U.S. visas for a school project. He has found conflicting information on two sites. The first site is travel.state.gov and the other is traveldocs.com. Which site should Mikolas trust more?







This is a government website explaining visas which should be very well trusted. However, traveldocs.com could be made by any person who does or doesn't know what they're talking about.

Write an instance method in Rational called add that takes a Rational number as an argument, adds it to this, and returns a new Rational object. There are several ways to add fractions. You can use any one you want, but you should make sure that the result of the operation is reduced so that the numerator and denominator have no common divisor (other than 1).




I do not have the Rational class but based on the information provided, the following class has been tested and does what is requested. It can simply be added to the Rational class and it will work fine. Due to technical difficulties I had to add the instance method as an attachment in a text file down below.

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