What is the difference between a rhyming poem and a free verse poem?


Answer 1


Free verse poetry is poetry that lacks a consistent rhyme scheme, metrical pattern, or musical form.


Free verse poetry has been popular from the nineteenth century onward and is not bound by rules regarding rhyme or meter. Blank verse poetry came of age in the sixteenth century and has been famously employed by the likes of William Shakespeare, John Milton, William Wordsworth, and countless others. Unlike free verse, it adheres to a strong metrical pattern.

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What is indirect characterization about crooks?


Crooks goes off on a rant about his upbringing and feelings of prejudice. He is lonely and has a grudge on his shoulder. Crook's bunk had never been occupied before Lennie.

He makes the men terrified. Being the only black man just on ranch, Crooks encounters a lot of bigotry and discrimination. He attempts torturing Lennie about George leaving him because he feels lonely and isolated, which makes them resentful , bitter toward the other characters. Because of the hue of his skin, he is prohibited from entering the town or staying in the same places as the other males. He even has room to himself, next to a heap of horse excrement. His room is a representation of Crook's bias. This clearly demonstrates how dispersed Crooks is.Being apart from other people. Due of his ethnicity, Crooks is kept apart from the other ranchers.Crooks is compelled to live in seclusion, just like a lot of the other characters. Crooks becomes obtuse and astringent as a result of being forcibly alienated from his other ranch employees.

To learn more about indirect characterization here:



What is homophones give 6 examples?


A homophone is a word that sounds similar to another word but has a different meaning. A homophone may also differ in spelling.

Homophones are frequently employed to make puns, trick the reader (as in crossword puzzles), or indicate several meanings. The last use is popular in poetry and creative writing. An example of this may be seen in Dylan Thomas' radio drama Under Milk Wood: "The stores in mourning," where mourning can be heard as mourning or morning. Another striking example is Thomas Hood's usage of the words birth and berth, as well as told and toll'd (tolled), in his poem "Faithless Sally Brown":

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To know more about a homophone:



What are 3 poems Shakespeare wrote?


3 types of plays Shakespeare wrote are Venus and Adonis, A Lover's Complaint, and The Phoenix and the Turtle.

William Shakespeare was a Renaissance playwright, poet, and actor who wrote 39 plays and 154 sonnets with numerous long narrative poems. One of his longest narrative poems is Venus and Adonis which was dedicated to Henry Wriothesley, the Earl of Southampton. It presents the innocent Adonis rejecting the sexual advances of Venus.

A Lover's Complaint was published as a part of sonnets but it is a short narrative poem. It mentions the story of a lover who drives the woman to misery by persuasion. Another poem Phoenix and Turtle is also a narrative poem that illustrates the love and commitment between a phoenix and a turtle in a world where death is only permanent.

Learn more about Shakespeare here https://brainly.com/question/16369162


Compare and contrast how the District Commissioner and his messengers use their power to achieve desired outcomes with how the egwugwu use their power.
Cite specific support from the text.



In "Things Fall Apart," the District Commissioner and his messengers use their power as representatives of the British colonial government to achieve their desired outcomes. They use their positions of authority and their access to resources such as guns and soldiers to intimidate and coerce the people of the Igbo village. For example, when the District Commissioner arrives in the village, he is accompanied by a group of armed soldiers, and he uses their presence to assert his power and authority. He also uses his position as a white man to further intimidate the villagers, stating that they are "children" who do not understand the ways of the world.

On the other hand, the egwugwu, who are a group of village leaders who take on the roles of ancestral spirits during ceremonies, use their power in a more symbolic and ritualistic manner. They use their status and the respect they command within the village to enforce social order and uphold traditional values. They do not rely on physical force or material resources to assert their power, but rather on the fear and reverence that the villagers have for the spirits they represent. For example, when Ikemefuna, a boy who has been taken in by Okonkwo, is sentenced to death by the egwugwu, they do not use weapons or threats to carry out the sentence. Instead, they rely on the fear and respect that the villagers have for the spirits to ensure that the sentence is carried out without resistance.

Overall, the District Commissioner and his messengers use their power in a more direct and aggressive manner, while the egwugwu use their power in a more symbolic and ritualistic manner.

Couldn't cite the text specifcally but I tried to summarize it the best I could.

Why is Squealer so persuasive?


Squealer's rhetorical skills and untamed confidence makes him persuasive.

Animal Farm is a novel written by George Orwell. The emergence of the Soviet Union and the uprising against it are the subjects of the book. Animal Farm is the name of the farm where the main cast of the book's animals reside. The animals are compelled to obey Napoleon, the leader, and endure a continual state of fear.

Squealer is a character in the novel who represents the propaganda machine of the Soviet Union. He is very persuasive and convince the other animals on the farm that the government is doing what is best for them, even when it is clearly not.

To know more about Squealer, click here.



What issues does the Sherman Act involve?


The Sherman Act outlaws "every contract, combination, or conspiracy in check of trade," and any "monopolization, tried monopolisation, or conspiracy or combination to monopolize." Long ago, the Supreme Court determined that the Sherman Act doesn't veto each restraint of trade, solely those who square measure unreasonable. as an example, in some sense, associate degree agreement between 2 people to make a partnership restrains trade, however might not do thus immoderately, and therefore could also be lawful beneath the just laws.

On the opposite hand, sure acts square measure thought of thus harmful to competition that they're nearly always contraband. These embody plain arrangements among competitory people or businesses to repair costs, divide markets, or rig bids. These acts square measure "per se" violations of the Sherman Act; in differentwords, no defense or justification is allowed.The penalties for violating the Sherman Act will be severe. though most social control actions square measure civil, the Sherman Act is additionally a legal code, and people and businesses that violate it should be prosecuted by the Department of Justice.

The Supreme Court has same that every one violations of the Sherman Act additionally violate the independent agency Act. Thus, though the independent agency doesn'ttechnically enforce the Sherman Act, it will bring cases beneath the independent agency Act against constant sorts of activities that violate the Sherman Act. The independent agency Act additionallyreaches different practices that damage competition, however that will not work showing neatnessinto classes of conduct formally prohibited by the Sherman Act. solely the independent agencybrings cases beneath the independent agency Act.

The Clayton Act addresses specific practices that the Sherman Act doesn't clearly veto, like mergers and interlocking directorates (that is, constant person creating business choices for competitorycompanies). Section seven of the Clayton Act prohibits mergers and acquisitions wherever the impact "may be considerably to reduce competition, or to tend to make a monopoly."

As amended by the Robinson-Patman Act of 1936, the Clayton Act additionally bans sure discriminatory costs, services, and allowances in dealings between merchants. The Clayton Act was amended once more in 1976 by the Hart-Scott-Rodino just enhancements Act to want firms coming up with massivemergers or acquisitions to apprise the govt. of their plans earlier. The Clayton Act additionally authorizes personal parties to sue for triple damages after they are injured by conduct that violates either the Sherman or Clayton Act and to get a judicial writ prohibiting the anticompetitive applywithin the future.

In addition to those federal statutes, most states have just laws that square measure enforced by state attorneys general or personal plaintiffs. several of those statutes square measure supported the federal just laws.

To learn more about Sherman Act -



What claim do the authors make in this passage Sugar Changed the World Part 4?


Between slavery and liberation, sugar acted as a connecting point or bridge.

Clarkson and other abolitionists who shared his ideas acknowledged that this relationship gave the English a stake in slavery despite the fact that they denied it.

What is the central claim of sugar changed the world?The text's main thesis is that sugar has both positive and harmful effects on society. The text's main thesis is that the influence of the sugar business has numerous "hidden consequences."The first edition of Sugar Changed the World: A Story of Magic, Spice, Slavery, Freedom, and Science, a non-fiction history book for young readers, appeared in 2010. The main focus is on the social, economic, and cultural effects of sugar production on communities around the world. Authors of the book include author Marina Budhos and historian Marc Aronson. It was a finalist for the YALSA Excellence in Nonfiction Award as well as the Los Angeles Times Book Award.

To learn more about Sugar Changed the World refer :



What are the 4 types of rotations?


There are generally four types of rotations: clockwise, counterclockwise, half-turn, and inverted.

Clockwise rotation is a type of rotation in which an object moves in a circular motion in the same direction as the hands of a clock. This is the most common type of rotation, and it is often used to describe the movement of objects in everyday life.

Counterclockwise rotation is a type of rotation in which an object moves in a circular motion in the opposite direction of the hands of a clock. This type of rotation is less common than clockwise rotation, but it can still be observed in various natural and man-made phenomena.

A half-turn rotation is a type of rotation in which an object is rotated 180° about a central point. This type of rotation is often referred to as a "flip" or a "half-turn," and it is commonly used to describe the movement of objects in various contexts.

Inverted rotation is a type of rotation in which an object moves in a circular motion that is opposite to both clockwise and counterclockwise rotation. This type of rotation is less common than the other three types, and it is typically observed in specialized contexts or under specific conditions.

In summary, there are four types of rotations: clockwise, counterclockwise, half-turn, and inverted. Each type of rotation describes the direction and extent of the circular motion of an object.

Learn more about rotation at



What are the 5 key themes used by Shakespeare in his plays?


The five key themes used by Shakespeare in his plays are Power, Nature, Love, Relationships and Conflicts.

William Shakespeare is regarded as one of the greatest poets and his plays, poems and sonnets are worldwide famous. He brings out every element in his plays so brilliantly that the person viewing or listening the play always gets delighted. His plays were usually based on the themes of Power which included political power as well. The next theme is the theme of Nature in which he brought out the beauty of nature very delicately. The other themes were based on Love and Relationships and the most famous on this theme was Romeo and Juliet. The last but not the least was the theme of conflict which included historical references.

Learn more about Shakespeare at:



What four characteristics are noted about Boxer the horse in Animal Farm?


The four characteristics notes about  Boxer the horse in Animal Farm are: gigantic beast; as powerful as any two common horses; The white stripe is not very intelligent; well admired for their moral stability and extraordinary labor skills

A sad hero is the horse Boxer. He is a strong, devoted, loyal, and diligent worker. He also puts up a valiant struggle against others. Unfortunately, the pigs take full advantage of his excessive loyalty and work them until he passes out. The greatest animal on the homestead is a boxer, which is described as "an immense beast, nearly seventeen palms high, and as powerful as any similar to two horses put around each other. John was not of 1st intellect, but he was widely admired for his solidity of personality and immense powers of work." Boxers are so dissimilar from other canines that they may nearly be considered a different species. They are square-headed, short-nosed dogs with a defiant, certain demeanor. They are large, powerful, and muscular creatures that require proper training.

To learn more about boxer here:



Why were time zones necessary once the railroad was completed?


Because each time zone is one hour apart, the railways were able to synchronize train timetables across the whole country.

Why were time zones required once the railroad was completed?

Train time zones were established in 1869 to provide continuity in railroad scheduling. The surface of the Earth was split into 24 time zones, one for each hour of the day. The United States was divided into four time zones: Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific. Everyone in a given time zone would adhere to the same schedule.

The necessity for continental time zones arose directly from the difficulties of transporting passengers and freight over the thousands of miles of rail line that blanketed North America by the 1880s. Since the beginning of timekeeping, humans have set their clocks to the local movement of the sun.

To learn more about Time Zone to refer:



The passages suggest that both authors would agree that some parents are
A. completely unaware of their children's activities
B. overly concerned with their children's independence
C. too wrapped up in their children's success
D. very uninterested in their children's schoolwork


The passages suggest that both authors would agree that some parents are overly concerned with their children's independence. Thus option B is correct.

What is passages?

A textual passage is a portion from a book or other written work. It can be a single sentence in length or as long as a chapter. A literary phrase typically consists of multiple lines. Any literary form, from poems to novels, can be represented by this passage.

Overbearing parents run the danger of offending their kids, but more crucially, they run the risk of rearing kids who won't be independent and self-sufficient as adults.

Most teenagers will not achieve much if given the freedom to choose an activity and determine how tough they will attempt. Therefore, option B is the correct option.

Learn more about passages, Here:



Write an essay of 15 sentences



Answer: Reserch about the company and avoid to be late

Explanation:  Here are some tips for interview preparation. Examine the business. Spend a couple of hours gathering as much information as you can on the business from as many sources as you can. You should have a prepared response to "Tell me about yourself" for every interview that is specific to the position and employer. And here are some things to avoid: An employer, hiring manager, or recruiter will not be pleased if you are late for a job interview. Questions like Why are you interested in working for our organisation, What are your talents, and How do others characterise you can be expected.

What are 3 compound sentences?


Some good examples of compound sentences are:

I like coffee. John likes tea. → I like coffee, and John likes tea.Andrew went to work. John went to the party. I went home. → Andrew went to work, but John went to the party, and I went home.Our truck broke down. We came last. → Our truck broke down; we came last.

What is a Compound Sentence?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the type of sentence that joins two independent clauses with a conjunction, most frequently and or but. They work best when integrating two or more independent, connected sentences into one.

Hence, it can be seen that when it comes to compound sentences, there need to be both dependent and independent clauses which are then used to form a compound sentence and this is done with a coordinating conjunction or with the use of a semicolon or other grammar conventions.

Read more about compound sentences here:



Which of these is the last step you should take when analyzing a poem?

A. Determine the tone.

B. Look at the poetic devices.

C. Determine the theme.

D. Paraphrase the poem.



C. Determine the theme


The theme is the lesson you learn at the end of the overall story.

If this helps would definetely appreciate a brainliest. Good luck! ;)

What are three things to include in a conclusion?


In order to be effective, a conclusion should:

Reply with your thesis.

Write a summary or synopsis of your main ideas.

Make sure to explain your argument's context.

What is a conclusion?

The last part of an essay is the conclusion. The essay's main themes are outlined, and the thesis statement is restated in new language.

In most cases, teachers instruct students to divide an essay into three parts: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion.

The conclusion of an essay is sometimes the most difficult to write, despite the fact that the beginning is frequently thought of as its most crucial component. The purpose of the conclusion is to restate all of the key ideas from the essay without reiterating them verbatim.

To tie all the arguments together and stress their significance, conclusions are a common feature of articles, opinion pieces, blog posts, research papers, and other sorts of writing.

To learn more about a conclusion from the given link



What are three things to include in a conclusion?

What is the strongest theme in Chapter 7 Animal Farm?


Animal Farm's theme is the ability of common people to maintain faith in a revolution that has been completely betrayed.

Napoleon and his fellow pigs, who are in charge, try to undermine the democratic promise of the revolution, according to Orwell. The author's portrayals of those common creatures who unquestioningly dedicate themselves in good faith to laboring for the very system by which they are cruelly abused give the book its emotional power. One of the two cart horses who are among the pigs' "most devoted students" is Boxer.

After accepting the pigs as their teachers, the horses "had considerable difficulty thinking anything out for themselves, but once they had accepted the pigs as their teachers, they assimilated everything that they were told, and they passed it on to the other animals.

" Boxer works harder than any other animal, whether he is gathering hay or carrying stones from the quarry, yet he still lives by the maxim "I will work harder." He gives so much of himself in his duty that he actually exhausts himself to the point of death. At this point, Napoleon sells him to the butcher while pretending to send him to the hospital. He then buys whiskey for the pigs with the proceeds from his corpse.

The plot of the book follows a recognizable dramatic pattern that highlights the sorrow of maintaining faith in a betrayed revolution.

To know more about theme click here,



How can you change the active voice into passive give me some examples?



I hope this helps!

Below is a video title and creater. I apologize, Brainly would not let met put the link in, so I hope you find it.

Title: English lesson - How to turn ACTIVE voice into PASSIVE voice

By: Your English Web: Weekly English video lessons

What are the advantages and disadvantages of online learning compared to in class learning?


The advantages of online learning compared to in-class learning include the ability to learn at one's own pace, the convenience of being able to access course materials from anywhere with an internet connection, and the cost savings associated with not having to travel to a physical classroom. The disadvantages of online learning include the lack of face-to-face interaction with instructors and classmates, the difficulty of staying motivated and engaged without the structure of a physical classroom, and the potential for technical difficulties.

What types of figurative language are these?
(Quotes from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)

1. “Life to him seemed hollow, and existence but a burden”

2. “Tom went on whitewashing—paid no attention to the steamboat [Ben].”

3. “They would make a world of fun of him for having to work—the very thought of it burnt him like fire”


Figurative language, which deviates from the usual order and meaning of words in to convey a complex meaning, colorful writing, clarity, or emotive comparison. By utilizing a conventional sentence, it refers to an event without explicitly declaring it.

Examples of five typical forms of figurative language:


Figurative language aims to evoke in the listener or reader something other than the literal meaning or intended use of the words, whether that be an image, an association, or something else.

Figurative language describes expressions that have meaning but are not literally accurate. When you remark, "That news impacted me like a tonne of bricks," you are utilizing metaphor; your audience understands both how deeply moving the news you received was and that you were not possibly hit by 2000 pounds of bricks (because if you were, you would have be dead).

1. Allusion

2. Hyperbole

3. Metaphor

Click the following link to learn more about figurative language:



What is restrictive modifier example?


The painting from 1894 is a fake, whereas the one from 1892 is real. It is impossible to separate the words "dated 1894" and "dated 1892" from the paragraph without obscuring its meaning are restrictive modifier example.

What would be a restrained example?

A restrictive component limits the meaning of the word it replaces, which makes it essential to the overall meaning of the sentence. There are no commas to divide it. The kids, for instance, required sturdy shoes.

What do restricted adverbs actually do?

When a confined adjective clause is included, the meaning of the statement is restricted or made more particular. Without the clause, the context of the phrase changes, making it crucial to its meaning.

To know more about restrictive modifier visit:



What happens when the government buys more Treasury bonds than it sells?


Bond prices rise when purchased on the open market, whereas bond prices fall when sold on the open market. When the Federal Reserve Treasury bonds, bond prices rise, lowering interest rates.

Open market purchases increase the money supply, making money less valuable and lowering the money market interest rate.

In other words, it encourages banks to lend more. When the Fed purchases bonds from banks, the banks' cash reserves at the Fed increase.

Banks have a larger incentive to lend as their liquidity buffer grows. Credit that is less expensive and more plentiful supports increased spending and investment.

Learn more about to Treasury bonds visit here;



Why is officer safety a major concern when handling a traffic stop?


Police officer safety is a major concern at a traffic stop because this is a high-risk situation where the officer is the weakest element.

What is a traffic stop?It's a police operation.It's the season arrest of a driver and his car.It is the investigation of possible crimes carried out on a road.

A traffic stop is a police operation where a police officer approaches a driver to search him, the car, and possible passengers for evidence of crimes or irregularities.

In this type of operation, police officers become very fragile elements, because they represent pedestrians on a busy road and have to deal with drivers who may be armed, d**nk, or who may counter-attack them in a very unstable environment such as a road.

For this reason, police safety is a delicate element that must be observed very carefully at traffic stops.

Learn more about traffic stops:



What are the 5 steps in preparation of equipment to be sanitized?


Sanitizing cannot be done without first cleaning the surface, as this is necessary for sanitizing to be successful. 

Important Cleaning Equipment Preparations are:

Read the disinfectant's instructions.Apply disinfectant and mix it as instructed.Wipe the entire surface of the device with a cleaning cloth dipped in disinfectant.Use a paper towel to dry the surface.Get rid of used towels and sanitizing solution.

However, some other considerations should be made, such as Use the right cleaner to clean the surface. After cleaning, give the surface a thorough rinsing with clean water. Clean the surface with a disinfectant. You can sanitize with a chlorine- or quat-based product.

Know more about the Cleaning Equipment Preparations  at: https://brainly.com/question/15066821


What does the farmhouse in Animal Farm represent in the Russian Revolution?


Animal Farm, often referred to as the Manor Farm in the novel's beginning and conclusion, is a metaphor for the Soviet Union and Russia under Communist Party rule.

The farmhouse represents luxury and the manner of life for humans. For instance, many of the original seven Animalism rules forbid practises like using beds and donning clothing. The animals believe that these practises encourage human vices or decadence.

The manor farm is a metaphor for Russia, and Mr. Jones, the farmer, symbolizes the Russian Tsar. Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin are both represented by the old major, and the intellectual revolutionary Leon Trotsky is symbolized by the pig Snowball. Stalin is depicted as Napoleon and his secret police as dogs.

Know more about metaphor here:



how to say hi by purtoguese



olá ;)


What is the example of split?


An infinitive is a verb that is followed by the words to (write, examine, take, cooperate).

An adverb placed between the verb and the infinitive is known as a split infinitive. Where is a split infinitive used? In formal writing, splitting an infinitive is seen as poor form; yet, it is now accepted in speech and more informal writing. There may be times when it's important to reword a sentence in order to maintain its proper syntax and meaning. Let's look at an illustration, "She made the quick decision to leave her work." The grammatical rule states that the words "to" and "quit" should be positioned next to one another. However, in this case, the adverb "instantly" breaks the infinitive. This can be resolved by arranging the sentence as follows: "She made the quick decision to leave her work."

Learn more about Split infinitive here:



Use this AP style prompt to discuss based on Macbeth. Be sure to address the question posed in the prompt. Use three well developed paragraphs to adequately address the prompt and show your overall understanding.

One of the strongest human drives seemed to be a desire for power. Write an essay in which you discuss how a character from Macbeth struggles to free himself or herself from the power of others or seeks to gain power over others. Be sure to demonstrate in your essay how the author uses this power struggle to enhance the meaning of the work.


Macbeth fights with whether to kill someone for selfish reasons, but ambition drives him to do the unimaginable. He murders Duncan and then indulges in guilt-tripping. The consequences are limitless as his conscience takes over and paranoia creeps in.

What character from Macbeth struggles?

The main character Macbeth engages in a relentless struggle for control during the entire “Tragedy of Macbeth.” He always aspires to have more control over others, and once he has, all he does is kill more people in order to maintain that control.

Therefore, Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth as a vicious, domineering lady who dominates her husband and his actions in the first scene of Macbeth, illustrating the fight for power and control that exists throughout the entire play.

Learn more about Macbeth here:



What are 4 examples of an infinitive phrase?


The perfection infinitive, continuously infinitive, curriculum is a set infinitive, and passively infinitive are the other four variations of the infinitive.

How are infinitives distinguished?

The preposition to is typically used before an infinitive, which is a fundamental form of a verb that can be used as an adjective, adjective, or adverb. Sentence fragments with an infinitive express actions. To + VERB creates an infinitive, which includes verbs like dine, jump, stroll, clothe, scream, and more.

What makes it an infinitive?

The word "to" comes before English infinitives. Because they are unconstrained by chronology, like the idea of infinity, these verbs are known as infinitives. The concatenated variations of the verb, sometimes referred to as the constrained forms of something like the verb, are derived from the infinitive.

To know more about infinity visit:



How might your life and future be impacted by your choices and decisions?


Your mental well-being and self-esteem will be affected. Your living situation, financial situation, and even your social circle will be impacted. These things will happen, both good and bad. Your self-esteem can improve while your money might suffer.

The significance of making choices is best summed up by John Maxwell, who says, "Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you." Life is determined by your decisions.

It is a direct remark that will horrify the unsure and give the strong more power. Every choice you make defines who you are.

Making decisions and implementing them, such as adopting or ignoring advice, have an impact on our life. Daily choices shape character and reputation and have an impact on how we see others.

Learn more about to impact visit here;



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