What is the equation of the line shown in the graph?

What Is The Equation Of The Line Shown In The Graph?


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

it is going through the y axis

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Can you help me pleaseeeeeeeeeee


This is so wasy n u dk how to do it u just add 3 my god


Pounds of candy      Cost ($)       Cost/pound

1                                  $3                $3/1                                                  

3                                 $9                $3/1                                      

7                                 $21               $3/1                                                          

10                               $30              $3/1                                                      

can anyone help with this pls




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9 square meter

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plz mark me as brainliest.

How deep is the water 31.5 feet from the shore? 05
(10 Points)



This is impossible to answer, unless there is a picture that is not there.

Step-by-step explanation:

A new sensor was developed by ABY Inc. that is to be used for their obstacle detection system. During tests involving 250 runs, the following data were acquired:

The alarm went off 33 times even if there is no obstacle.
There are 63 times when the alarm didn't activate even if an obstacle is present.
The alarm went off correctly 62 times.
For the sensor to be commercially produced, it must have an error rate that is lower than 40% and an F-Score that is more than or equal to 70%.

For answers that have decimal places, use four-decimal places.

1. How many times that the alarm didn't activate correctly?

2. How many runs have actual obstacles in place?

3. How often is the sensor correct?

4. How often is the sensor incorrect?

5. What is the hit rate of the sensor?

6. How often does the sensor predict a NO even if it is supposed to be a YES?

7. What is the CSI of the sensor?

8. What is the overall accuracy of the sensor?

9. What is the F-score?

10. Yes or No. Did the sensor pass the expectations?


A new sensor was developed by ABY Inc. that is to be used for their obstacle detection system. However, the sensor to be commercially produced, it must have an error rate that is lower than 40% and an F-Score that is more than or equal to 70%.

1. The alarm didn't activate correctly 63 times during the tests.

During the tests, it was observed that the alarm failed to activate in the presence of an obstacle 63 times. This means that the sensor missed detecting obstacles in those instances.

2. There were 126 runs with actual obstacles in place.

Out of the 250 runs, the alarm correctly activated 62 times and didn't activate correctly 63 times. Since the alarm failed to activate in the presence of an obstacle 63 times, we can infer that there were 126 runs with actual obstacles.

3. The sensor was correct 156 times out of 250 runs.

To calculate how often the sensor was correct, we need to sum up the number of times the alarm went off correctly (62 times) and the number of times the alarm didn't activate correctly (63 times).

This gives us a total of 125 correct activations. However, we also need to account for the 63 times when the alarm didn't activate even if an obstacle was present. So the sensor was correct 125 + 63 = 188 times out of 250 runs.

4. The sensor was incorrect 62 times out of 250 runs.

The sensor was incorrect when it failed to activate the alarm in the presence of an obstacle (63 times) and when the alarm went off even if there was no obstacle (33 times). Therefore, the sensor was incorrect 63 + 33 = 96 times out of 250 runs.

5. The hit rate of the sensor is 0.4960 or 49.60%.

The hit rate, also known as the True Positive Rate or Sensitivity, measures the proportion of actual positive cases that were correctly identified by the sensor.

It is calculated by dividing the number of correct activations (62) by the total number of runs with actual obstacles (126). Therefore, the hit rate is 62/126 = 0.4960 or 49.60%.

6. The sensor predicted a NO even when it was supposed to be a YES 33 times.

Out of the 250 runs, there were 33 instances where the alarm went off even if there was no obstacle present. This means that the sensor predicted a NO (no obstacle) incorrectly in those cases.

7. The CSI (Critical Success Index) of the sensor is 0.4032 or 40.32%.

The CSI, also known as the Threat Score or True Skill Statistic, measures the effectiveness of the sensor in detecting obstacles while avoiding false alarms.

It is calculated by dividing the number of correct activations (62) by the sum of correct activations, missed detections, and false alarms. So the CSI is 62 / (62 + 63 + 33) = 0.4032 or 40.32%.

8. The overall accuracy of the sensor is 62.80%.

The overall accuracy is calculated by dividing the number of correct activations (62) and correct non-activations (187) by the total number of runs (250). So the overall accuracy is (62 + 187) / 250 = 0.6280 or 62.80%.

9. The F-score is 0.5238 or 52.38%.

The F-score, also known as the F1-score, combines the precision and recall of the sensor's performance. It is calculated using the formula: F-score = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall).

Precision is the ratio of true positives (62) to the sum of true positives and false positives (33), while recall is the ratio of true positives to the sum of true positives and false negatives (63). Plugging in the values, we get F-score = 2 * (62)

To know more about F-score refer here:



Let me define a mapping T:P2(R) → M2x2(R) such that a + b + c T(ax² +bx+c) = la fb ] -b = a. Find T(v) for the polynomial yı(x) = 17 - 3x + 5x2. = b. Is this mapping a linear transformation? Justify your answer. c. Describe the kernel of this mapping.


a.  The value of T(v) for the polynomial yı(x) = 17 - 3x + 5x² is [5 -3; 1 0]

To find T(v) for the polynomial yı(x) = 17 - 3x + 5x², we substitute the coefficients of the polynomial into the mapping T(ax² + bx + c).

T(v) = T(5x² - 3x + 17)

Using the definition of the mapping T, we have:

T(v) = [5 -3; 1 0]

b. To determine if the mapping T is a linear transformation, we need to check two properties: additive property and scalar multiplication property.

Additive Property:

T(u + v) = T(u) + T(v) for all u, v in P₂(R)

Let's consider two polynomials u(x) and v(x) in P₂(R):

u(x) = a₁x² + b₁x + c₁

v(x) = a₂x² + b₂x + c₂

T(u + v) = T((a₁ + a₂)x² + (b₁ + b₂)x + (c₁ + c₂))

Expanding and applying the mapping T, we get:

T(u + v) = [(a₁ + a₂) (b₁ + b₂); (c₁ + c₂) 0]

T(u) + T(v) = [a₁ b₁; c₁ 0] + [a₂ b₂; c₂ 0] = [(a₁ + a₂) (b₁ + b₂); (c₁ + c₂) 0]

Since T(u + v) = T(u) + T(v), the additive property holds.

Scalar Multiplication Property:

T(kv) = kT(v) for all k in R and v in P₂(R)

Let's consider a scalar k and a polynomial v(x) in P₂(R):

v(x) = ax² + bx + c

T(kv) = T(k(ax² + bx + c))

Expanding and applying the mapping T, we get:

T(kv) = [ka kb; kc 0]

kT(v) = k[a b; c 0] = [ka kb; kc 0]

Since T(kv) = kT(v), the scalar multiplication property holds.

Since the mapping T satisfies both the additive property and scalar multiplication property, it is a linear transformation.

c. The kernel of a mapping is the set of all vectors that map to the zero vector in the codomain. In this case, we need to find the set of polynomials in P₂(R) that map to the zero matrix [0 0; 0 0] in M₂x₂(R).

Let's consider a polynomial v(x) in P₂(R):

v(x) = ax² + bx + c

T(v) = [a b; c 0]

To find the kernel, we need T(v) = [a b; c 0] = [0 0; 0 0]

This implies that a = b = c = 0.

Therefore, the kernel of this mapping T is the zero polynomial in P₂(R).

To know more about polynomial refer here:



Martin drew a triangle. Its sides were



3 cm3, start text, space, c, m, end text,



4 cm4, start text, space, c, m, end text, and



5 cm5, start text, space, c, m, end text.

It has one right angle and two acute angles.



It is a right triangle

Step-by-step explanation:

Complete question

Martin drew a triangle. Its sides were 3\text{ cm}3 cm3, start text, space, c, m, end text, 4\text{ cm}4 cm4, start text, space, c, m, end text, and 5\text{ cm}5 cm5, start text, space, c, m, end text. It has one right angle and two acute angles. Complete the sentence to describe the triangle Martin drew. Martin's triangle is ----- and ------ .

First you must know that for a triangle to be right angled, the square of the largest side must be equal to the sum of the square of the other two sides


Largest side c = 5

Other sides a = 3 and b=4

Square of largest side c² =5²=25

Sun of the squares of other two sides = a²+b²

Sum of the squares of other two sides =3²+4²

Sum of the squares of other two sides = 9+16 =25

Since c² =a²+b² according to pythagoras theorem, hence the triangle is right angled

no link just put the answerrrrr




Step-by-step explanation:

Consider the following. (2 + x^2)y'' - xy' + 4y = 0, x_0 = 0 Seek power series solutions of the given differential equation about the given point x_0. y_1: a_2k + 2 = y_2:a_2k + 3 = Find the recurrence relation. a_n + 2 =, n = 0, 1, 2, ... Find the first four terms in each of two solutions y_1 and y_2 (unless the series terminates sooner). y_1(x) = +... y_2(x) = +... By evaluating the Wronskian W(y_1, y_2)(x_0), show that y_1 and y_2 form a fundamental set of solutions. Since x_0 = 0, we find W(y_1, y_2)(0) =. Therefore, y_1 and y_2 form a fundamental set of solutions. If possible, find the general term in the solution.


The recurrence relation for the coefficients of the power series solution is given by:

For n = 0: a₀ = 0.

For n > 0: aₙ = -[32aₙ₋₂ + n(n-1)*aₙ₋₂]/[n(n-1) - x].

The indices in the recurrence relation differ by 2, as we can see from the expressions aₙ and aₙ₋₂ in the relation.

Let's consider the differential equation: (16 + x²)y'' - xy' + 32y = 0.

To solve this equation using a power series, we assume that the solution y(x) can be expressed as an infinite power series in terms of x, centered around a point x₀. The power series has the general form:

y(x) = ∑[n=0 to ∞] aₙ(x - x₀)ⁿ.

Here, aₙ represents the coefficients of the series, and (x - x₀)ⁿ denotes the powers of x centered around x₀. Plugging this series into the given differential equation, we can determine the recurrence relation for the coefficients aₙ.

To find the power series solution, we start by differentiating y(x) with respect to x. Using the power series expansion, we have:

y'(x) = ∑[n=0 to ∞] n*aₙ(x - x₀)ⁿ⁻¹, y''(x) = ∑[n=0 to ∞] n(n-1)*aₙ(x - x₀)ⁿ⁻².

Next, we substitute these expressions for y'(x) and y''(x) back into the original differential equation:

(16 + x²) * ∑[n=0 to ∞] n(n-1)aₙ(x - x₀)ⁿ⁻² - x * ∑[n=0 to ∞] naₙ(x - x₀)ⁿ⁻¹ + 32 * ∑[n=0 to ∞] aₙ(x - x₀)ⁿ = 0.

Now, we simplify the equation by expanding the products and rearranging terms:

∑[n=0 to ∞] (n(n-1)*aₙ(x - x₀)ⁿ⁻² + 32aₙ(x - x₀)ⁿ) + x² * ∑[n=0 to ∞] n(n-1)aₙ(x - x₀)ⁿ⁻² - x * ∑[n=0 to ∞] naₙ(x - x₀)ⁿ⁻¹ = 0.

At this point, we can equate the coefficients of each power of x to zero separately. This gives us the following equations for the coefficients aₙ:

For n = 0: (n(n-1)*a₀(x - x₀)ⁿ⁻² + 32a₀(x - x₀)ⁿ) = 0.

For n > 0: n(n-1)*aₙ(x - x₀)ⁿ⁻² + 32aₙ(x - x₀)ⁿ + x² * n(n-1)aₙ(x - x₀)ⁿ⁻² - x * naₙ(x - x₀)ⁿ⁻¹ = 0.

Simplifying these equations further, we obtain the recurrence relation for the coefficients aₙ:

For n = 0: 32a₀ = 0.

For n > 0: aₙ = -[32aₙ₋₂ + n(n-1)*aₙ₋₂]/[n(n-1) - x].

To know more about differential equation here



Complete Question:

Consider the following differential equation : (16 + x²)y" - xy' + 32y = 0; xo = 0.

Seek a power series solution for the given differential equation about the given point xo ; find the recurrence relation.

The indices differ by _____.

Find the derivative of the given function. y = - 4xln(x + 12) 3х 3x A. + 3ln (x + 12) x+12 B. - 3ln (x + 12) x+12 4x 4x C. - 4ln (x + 12) D. - x+12 + 4ln (x + 12) x+12


Using chain rule the derivative for the function y = -4xln(x + 12) is -4ln(x + 12) - 4x / (x + 12).

To find the derivative of the given function y = -4xln(x + 12), we can use the product rule and the chain rule.

The product rule states that for two functions u(x) and v(x), the derivative of their product is given by:

(d/dx)(u(x)v(x)) = u'(x)v(x) + u(x)v'(x)

In this case, u(x) = -4x and v(x) = ln(x + 12). Let's calculate their derivatives:

u'(x) = -4

v'(x) = 1 / (x + 12)

Applying the product rule, we have:

(d/dx)(-4xln(x + 12)) = (-4)(ln(x + 12)) + (-4x)(1 / (x + 12))

Simplifying further:

= -4ln(x + 12) - 4x / (x + 12)

Therefore, the derivative of y = -4xln(x + 12) is -4ln(x + 12) - 4x / (x + 12).

Learn more about the derivative at



The question is -

Find the derivative of the given function.

y = -4xln(x + 12)

A. 3x / x + 12 + 3ln(x+12)

B. 3x / x + 12 - 3ln(x+12)

C. - (3x / x + 12) - 3ln(x+12)

D. - (3x / x + 12) + 4ln(x+12)

Give an example of a single polygon that has at least 5 sides and has exactly 2 lines of symmetry,


One example of a single polygon that has at least 5 sides and has exactly 2 lines of symmetry is a regular pentagon.

A regular pentagon is a five-sided polygon in which all five sides are equal in length and all five angles are congruent, i.e., the same measure. A regular pentagon also has five lines of symmetry, which cut through its center point and the midpoint of each side.

However, we need a polygon with exactly 2 lines of symmetry. Therefore, we can take a regular pentagon and remove two opposite edges and vertices. This leaves us with a polygon that still has 5 sides but has exactly 2 lines of symmetry: the red lines represent the two lines of symmetry of the polygon.

To know more about pentagon refer to:



Which of the following numbers is the SMALLEST?
(45 points)



pretty sure its yellow sorry if its wrong

Step-by-step explanation:


Hi! The answer to your question is C. 9 x [tex]10^{2}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


⁅Brainliest is greatly appreciated!⁆

Hope this helps!!

- Brooklynn Deka

Don't forget to click the add button so we can be friends ( ´・・)ノ(._.`)

Use the formula to find the simple interest:
$34,100 at 4% for 3 years




Step-by-step explanation:

488, 460, 520, 544, 535
What is the range of the data?




Step-by-step explanation:

To find the range, find the difference between the largest value and the smallest value.

544 - 460 = 84

An example of the classical approach to probability would be_____
A. in terms of the proportion of times an event is observed to occur B. in a very large number in terms of the degree to which one happens to believe that an event will happen C. in terms of the proportion of times that an event can be theoretically expected to occur D. in terms of the outcome of the sample space being equally probable


Option C is the correct example of the classical approach to probability.

An example of the classical approach to probability would be option C: in terms of the proportion of times that an event can be theoretically expected to occur.

The classical approach to probability is based on the assumption of equally likely outcomes. In this approach, the probability of an event is calculated by dividing the number of favorable outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes.

For example, consider a fair six-sided die. The classical approach would state that since there are six equally likely outcomes (the numbers 1 to 6), the probability of rolling a specific number, say 3, would be 1 out of 6, or 1/6. This is because there is only one favorable outcome (rolling a 3) out of six possible outcomes (rolling any number from 1 to 6).

Similarly, if we have a bag containing 10 red balls and 20 blue balls, the classical approach would state that the probability of drawing a red ball would be 10 out of 30, or 1/3. This is because there are 10 favorable outcomes (drawing a red ball) out of 30 possible outcomes (drawing any ball from the bag).

In both cases, the classical approach to probability relies on the concept of equally likely outcomes and uses the proportion of favorable outcomes to calculate the probability.

Therefore, option C is the correct example of the classical approach to probability.

For more questions on probability



in regression analysis, which of the following assumptions is not true about the error term e


In regression analysis, one assumption that is not true about the error term e is that it is normally distributed.

The assumptions underlying regression analysis include:

Linearity: The relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variables is assumed to be linear.

Independence: The error terms are assumed to be independent of each other.

Homoscedasticity: The error terms have constant variance across all levels of the independent variables.

Normality: The error terms are assumed to be normally distributed.

No multicollinearity: The independent variables are not perfectly correlated with each other.

While the first four assumptions are typically considered in regression analysis, the assumption of normality for the error term e is not always true. In some cases, the error term may not follow a normal distribution. Violations of this assumption can affect the accuracy and reliability of the regression model's estimates and statistical inference. However, even if the error term is not normally distributed, regression analysis can still provide useful insights and predictions, depending on the specific circumstances and alternative methods that may be employed to address the violation.

Learn more about regression here



What is the volume 9inches 3inches 5inches


The answer is 135 cubic inches

What is the factored form of x2 - 6x - 16?
O(x – 4)(x - 2)
O (x + 4)(x - 2)
O(x - 2)(x + 8)
(x-8)(x + 2)



( x - 8 ) ( x + 2 )

Step-by-step explanation:

x² - 6x - 16

= x² + 2x - 8x - 16

= x ( x + 2 ) - 8 ( x + 2 )

= ( x - 8 ) ( x + 2 )

Answer: He's right its D.) (x-8)(x=2)

Step-by-step explanation:

Solve this ODE with the given initial conditions. y" + 4y' + 4y = 68(t-π) with y(0) = 0 & y'(0) = 0


The specific solution to the given ODE with the initial conditions is:

y(t) = (8.5π - 8.5t) [tex]e^{(-2t)[/tex] + 8.5(t - π)

To solve the given ordinary differential equation (ODE) with the initial conditions, we can use the method of undetermined coefficients.

The characteristic equation for the homogeneous part of the ODE is:

r² + 4r + 4 = 0

Solving this quadratic equation, we find a repeated root:

(r + 2)² = 0

r + 2 = 0

r = -2

Since we have a repeated root, the general solution to the homogeneous part is:

[tex]y_{h(t)[/tex]= (C₁ + C₂t) [tex]e^{(-2t)[/tex]

Next, we need to find a particular solution to the non-homogeneous part of the ODE. We assume a particular solution in the form:

[tex]y_{p(t)[/tex] = A(t - π)

Taking the derivatives:

[tex]y'_{p(t)[/tex]  = A

[tex]y''_{p(t)[/tex] = 0

Substituting these derivatives into the ODE:

0 + 4A + 4A(t - π) = 68(t - π)


8A(t - π) = 68(t - π)

8A = 68

A = 8.5

Therefore, the particular solution is:

[tex]y_{p(t)[/tex] = 8.5(t - π)

The general solution to the ODE is the sum of the homogeneous and particular solutions:

[tex]y(t) = y_{h(t)} + y_{p(t)[/tex]

= (C₁ + C₂t) [tex]e^{(-2t)[/tex] + 8.5(t - π)

To find the values of C₁ and C₂, we apply the initial conditions:

y(0) = 0

0 = (C₁ + C₂(0)) [tex]e^{(-2(0))[/tex] + 8.5(0 - π)

0 = C₁ - 8.5π

C₁ = 8.5π

y'(0) = 0

0 = C₂ [tex]e^{(-2(0))[/tex] + 8.5

0 = C₂ + 8.5

C₂ = -8.5

Therefore, the specific solution to the given ODE with the initial conditions is:

y(t) = (8.5π - 8.5t)  + 8.5(t - π)

Learn more about Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE)  at



2. The two figures are similar. Write the similarity statement. Consider Triangle 1 to be the pre-image and Triangle 2 to be the image (Hint: What scale factor would you multiply the side lengths of Triangle 1 by to obtain the side lengths in Triangle 2)?




Step-by-step explanation:

I have to find the scale factor of the side lengths. This would be 1.66666666667. Why? The side lengths for triangle 1 are: 40 and 50. Triangle 2's side lengths: 24 and 30. Match the lengths, and divide. 50 divided by 30=1.66666666667, and 40 divided by 24=1.66666666667, Hope this helped!

Rework problem 29 from section 2.3 of your text, involving the selection of officers in an advisory board. Assume that you have a total of 13 people on the board: 3 out-of-state seniors, 4 in-state seniors, 1 out-of-state non-senior, and 5 in-state non-seniors. University rules require that at least one in-state student and at least one senior hold one of the three offices. Note that if individuals change offices, then a different selection exists. In how many ways can the officers be chosen while still conforming to University rules?


There are 80 ways to choose the officers while conforming to University rules.

To determine the number of ways the officers can be chosen while conforming to University rules, we need to consider the different possibilities based on the required conditions.

First, let's consider the positions that must be filled by in-state students and seniors. Since there are 4 in-state seniors and 5 in-state non-seniors, we can select the in-state senior for one position in 4 ways and the in-state non-senior for the other position in 5 ways.

Next, let's consider the remaining position. This can be filled by any of the remaining individuals, which includes 3 out-of-state seniors and 1 out-of-state non-senior. Therefore, there are 4 options for filling the remaining position.

To determine the total number of ways the officers can be chosen, we multiply the number of options for each position: 4 (in-state senior) × 5 (in-state non-senior) × 4 (remaining position) = 80.

Hence, there are 80 ways to choose the officers while conforming to University rules.

Know more about Officers here:



find the number of Primitives to 250 find the reminders when zo is divided by 11 find the reminders when ah! divided by 37


The number of primes up to 250 is 54.

To find the number of primes up to 250, we need to check each number up to 250 to determine whether it is prime or not. A prime number is a positive integer greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself.

We can use a simple algorithm to determine whether a number is prime or not. We start by checking if the number is divisible by 2. If it is divisible by 2, then it is not prime unless it is 2 itself. If the number is not divisible by 2, we check if it is divisible by any odd numbers starting from 3 up to the square root of the number.

Applying this algorithm to each number up to 250, we can count the number of primes. By doing so, we find that there are 54 prime numbers up to 250.

Therefore, the main answer is that there are 54 primes up to 250.

Note: The explanation provided assumes that by "Primitives," you meant prime numbers.

The second part of the question.

Remainder when "zo" is divided by 11:

To find the remainder when "zo" is divided by 11, we need to assign numerical values to the letters and then perform the division.

In this case, let's assign the values as follows:

z = 26

o = 15

Now, we calculate the value of "zo":

zo = 26 * 10 + 15 = 265

To find the remainder when 265 is divided by 11, we perform the division:

265 ÷ 11 = 24 remainder 1

Therefore, the remainder when "zo" is divided by 11 is 1.

Remainder when "ah!" is divided by 37:

To find the remainder when "ah!" is divided by 37, we assign numerical values to the letters and then perform the division.

In this case, let's assign the values as follows:

a = 1

h = 8

Now, we calculate the value of "ah!":

ah! = 1 * 10 + 8 = 18

To find the remainder when 18 is divided by 37, we perform the division:

18 ÷ 37 = 0 remainder 18

Therefore, the remainder when "ah!" is divided by 37 is 18.

Note: The explanation assumes that the letters in "zo" and "ah!" represent their corresponding positions in the English alphabet (e.g., a = 1, b = 2, etc.).

To know more about Primitives, refer here:






a)  2.7 sec

b)  2.6 sec

c)  30.3 ft,  1.3 sec

Step-by-step explanation:

graphed the equation and determined answers from the curve

If the shaded strip diagram represents 100% then which strip diagram represents 150%​



Your answer should be C.

Step-by-step explanation:

In order to make 150% you need a whole which represents the 100%. Which leaves B out of the question. A Is not close to half of a bar, which you can also eliminate. C and D are somewhat the same but it has to have the same amount of boxes shaded and unshaded, in this case D is 4 shaded and 2 unshaded which is wrong. So, your answer is C because there is 3 shaded and unshaded boxes in the model, hope this helps!

The diagram that represents 150%​ should be C.

What is the percentage?

A percentage is a minimum number or ratio that is measured by a fraction of 100.

In order to make 150% we need a whole which represents the 100%. Which leaves B out of the question.

Option A Is not close to half of a bar, which we can also eliminate.

Option C and D are somewhat the same but it has to have the same amount of boxes shaded and unshaded,

In this case D is 4 shaded and 2 unshaded which is wrong.

Therefore, the answer is C because there is 3 shaded and unshaded boxes in the model.

Learn more about percentages;



Someone help what is the answer

4h + 14 > 38 =
19 points



its in there

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: Solve the Inequality for h

Solve for h


Convert to Interval Notation


Write in y=mx+b Form

Find the Exact Value

Solve the Absolute Value Inequality for h

Convert to Set Notation


Write in Slope-Intercept Form

Solve the Rational Equation for h



Solve by Factoring

Describe the Transformation

Evaluate the Summation

Find the Absolute Max and Min over the Interval

Find the Product

Convert from Degrees to Radians

Convert to a Decimal


Find the Slope

Find the Domain and Range

Find the Derivative - d/dh

Solve Using the Square Root Property

Find the Direction Angle of the Vector


Find the Function Rule

Convert to a Simplified Fraction

Find the Area Between the Curves

Solve the Function Operation

Solve the System of Inequalities

Solve for h in Degrees

Find Where Increasing/Decreasing

Find the Maximum/Minimum Value

Write with Rational (Fractional) Exponents

Evaluate the Limit

Find the Slope and y-intercept

Solve by Isolating the Absolute Value for h

Find All Complex Solutions

Factor over the Complex Numbers

Find the Intersection

Find the Center and Radius

Convert to Radical Form

Find the Integral

Evaluate Using Summation Formulas

Evaluate Using Scientific Notation


Determine if Linear

Graph Using a Table of Values


Rationalize the Denominator

Find the Union

Find the Critical Points

Solve for h in Radians

Find the x and y Intercepts

Find the Inverse

Find the Perpendicular Line

Convert from Interval to Inequality

Solve by Completing the Square

Simplify the Matrix

Maximize the Equation given the Constraints

Convert to Regular Notation

Determine if the Relation is a Function

Write in Standard Form

Convert to Trigonometric Form

Split Using Partial Fraction Decomposition

Find the Zeros by Completing the Square

Find the Prime Factorization

Find the Local Maxima and Minima

Find the Quotient

Multiply the Matrices


Tammy needs at least an 85% in order to pass
her chemistry class.


17/20 or 0.85 is the answer

what is the scale factor of figure b to a



C. 2:5

Step-by-step explanation:

Find perimeter of each...

a. 10+25+21.5=56.5

b. 4+10+8.6=22.6




11.3 will go into both for..


Three integers have a mean of 10, a median of 12 and a range of 8.

Find the three integers.



The answers are




Step-by-step explanation:

let the numbers be x,y,z

[tex] \frac{x + y + z}{3} = 10[/tex]

[tex]y = 12[/tex]

[tex]z - x = 8[/tex]







divide both sides by 2





The last one the one at the bottom



Step-by-step explanation

Her bank account decreased by 3 times.

Please let me know if this helps you!


MAD (Mean absolute deviation) is always a negative number

True or False


False, regardless of whether data values are zero, positive, or negative, the MAD can never be negative. This is because the MAD is calculated by finding absolute values of the deviations (or differences) from the mean, and then taking the average (or mean) of these absolute values.

3333333 help me help me



C is the answer thank you

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