What is the output of the following java code? int num = 14; while (num <= 32) num = num 10; system.out.println( num );


Answer 1

The result of the supplied Java code is number 34. num = 10; system.out.println; int num = 14; while (num = 32) num = num 10 ( num ).

In a do while loop, which runs first?

The loop's body (the code block) is indented and surrounded by braces for readability. If only one statement is used in the body of the loop, the braces are not necessary. A loop with an exit condition is the do-while loop. In other words, the loop's body is always run first.

When could employing a for loop be preferable to a while loop?

When you are certain that the loop should run n times, use a for loop.

To know more about Java code visit :-



Related Questions

write a program that simulates the rolling of two dice. the program should use a c random number generator to roll the first die (returning a value between 1 and 6) and again to roll the second die. the sum of the two values should then be calculated. your program should roll the two dice 3600 times. g


A single-subscripted array can be used to count the instances of each sum.

Write a program that simulates the rolling of two dice?

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <time.h>

int main()


int die1, die2, sum, roll;


for (roll = 1; roll <= 3600; roll++)


 die1 = (rand() % 6) + 1;

 die2 = (rand() % 6) + 1;

 sum = die1 + die2;

 printf("Roll #%d: Die 1: %d  Die 2: %d  Sum: %d\n", roll, die1, die2, sum);


return 0;


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <time.h>

int main(){

   int i, sum;

   // initialize random seed


   // roll the dice 3600 times

   for(i = 0; i < 3600; i++){

       int dice1 = rand() % 6 + 1; // roll the first die

       int dice2 = rand() % 6 + 1; // roll the second die

       sum = dice1 + dice2; // calculate the sum of the two dice

       printf("Dice 1: %d\tDice 2: %d\tSum: %d\n", dice1, dice2, sum);


   return 0;


To learn more about a program that simulates the rolling of two dice refer to:



1. Minimum Health Alex and Charlle are playing an online video game. Initially, there are m players in the first level, and there are next n levels. Each level introduces a new player (along with the players from the previous level). Each player has some strength which determines the difficulty of beating this player. To pass any level, select any available players and beat them. Alex has completed the game and beaten the rank th strongest player at every level. Now it's Charlie's turn to play. Whenever a player is beaten, Charlie's health decreases by the amount of strength of that player. So the initial health of Charlie must be greater than or equal to the sum of the strengths of players that are beaten throughout the game. Charlie does not want to lose to Alex, so Charlie decided to also beat the rank th strongest player at each level. What is the minimum initial health that Charlie needs to start with in order to do this? Example initlal, players =[1,2], new_players =[3,4], rank =2 Charlie needs to beat the 2nd strongest player at each level. For the first level, players have strengths 1 and 2 , so Charlie needs to beat the player with Charlie needs to beat the 2nd strongest player at each level. For the first level, players have strengths 1 and 2, so Charlie needs to beat the player with strength 1. For the second level, strengths are1, 2, and 3, so Charlie defeats strength 2. For the third level, strengths are 1, 2,3, and 4, so Charlie defeats strength 3 . Total health needed =1+2+3=6. Function Description Complete the function getMinimumHealth in the editor below. getMinimumHealth has the following parameter(s): int inital_players[ m] : the strength of initial m players of the game int new_players [n] : the strength of new n players that appear one by one after the first level int rank the rank that p2 needs to beat at every level Returns long: the initial health needed Constraints - 1≤n,m≤105


The minimum initial health that Charlie needs to start with in order to do that can be calculated using function MinimumHealth can be done using python programming language.

The code in python is,

from math import gcd

#Create / declare function MinimumHealth

def MinimumHealth(health, n) :

# Find the GCD of the array elements

__gcd = 0;

for i in range(n) :

__gcd = gcd(__gcd, health[i]);

return __gcd;

# Driver code

if __name__ == "__main__" :

health = [ 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4 ];

n = len(health);

print(MinimumHealth(health, n));

The code will use GCD or greatest common divisor in array, and also we use loop statement to iterate the function until we get the correct result.

Learn more about python here:



in the context of computer operations, comparing two numbers is a(n) operation. a. retrieval b. storage c. arithmetic d. logical


In the context of computer operations, comparing two numbers is a(n) logical operation.

What is logical operation?A specific symbol or term known as a logical operation joins two or more informational phrases. It is frequently employed to determine whether a certain link between the words is real or not.The purpose of logic gates in digital circuits is to perform logical operations. The AND, OR, NOT, and combinations of those operations are examples of logical operations. Boolean algebra has additional information.The logical operators are represented by the tilde, dot, wedge, horseshoe, and triple bar symbols. The sign representing negation is a tilde.The AND gate is the simplest logic operation. a binary variable that is produced by a function on binary variables. The purpose of logic gates in digital circuits is to perform logical operations.

Learn more about logical operation refer to ;



what are the values on the inputs and the outputs when using the circuit below to perform subtraction on the binary numbers a


What are the values on the outputs when using the circuit below to perform subtraction on the binary numbers A = 1011 minus B = 0101 (20pts) B A Bo A. D D c TA.

What is binary numbers?A binary number is a number expressed in the base-2 numeral system or binary numeral system, a method of mathematical expression which uses only two symbols: typically "0" and "1". The base-2 numeral system is a positional notation with a radix of 2. Each digit is referred to as a bit, or binary digit.The binary system is the primary language of computing systems. Inside these systems, a binary number consists of a series of eight bits.

To learn more about binary numbers refer to:



Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) provide a good solution for which of the following use cases?
a. A data warehouse for business intelligence
b. An internet accessible storage location for video files that an external website accesses
c. Hourly storage of frequently accessed temporary files
d. A cluster for traditional Apache Spark and Apache Hadoop installations to process big data



Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is a cloud storage service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is a general-purpose storage service that can be used for a variety of use cases, including:

a. An internet accessible storage location for video files that an external website accesses: Amazon S3 provides a simple way to store and retrieve files over the internet. It can be used to store video files that can be accessed by external websites, such as a video hosting platform or a website that embeds video content.

b. Hourly storage of frequently accessed temporary files: Amazon S3 can be used to store frequently accessed temporary files that need to be stored for a short period of time. It is a cost-effective solution for storing and retrieving these types of files.

c. A cluster for traditional Apache Spark and Apache Hadoop installations to process big data: Amazon S3 can be used as a data lake for storing and processing large amounts of data using tools like Apache Spark and Apache Hadoop.

d. A data warehouse for business intelligence: Amazon S3 can be used in combination with other AWS services, such as Amazon Redshift, to create a data warehouse for business intelligence and analytics.

Overall, Amazon S3 is a versatile storage service that can be used for a wide range of use cases.


In sql server, what do you typically use to enforce referential integrity?


Declarative referential integrity in SQL Server is frequently used to ensure referential integrity.

How is referential integrity enforced in SQL?

As shown in the statement in Listing 1, you may add a foreign key and references constraint to impose referential integrity restrictions. Additionally, when creating SecondaryTable, you have the option to build a reference between it and PrimaryTable.

What is the SQL syntax for referential integrity?

The CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements in SQL provide support for the referential integrity concept. To include a referential constraint, use the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statements. Use the ALTER TABLE statement to lift a referential restriction.

To know more about SQL Server visit :-



Create a new Microsoft Access database named DryCleaning.
Note that Microsoft Access does not support the use of SQL scripts to create databases. In a Microsoft Word document, type the SQL script that you would use to create the database.

Add a table named Customers. In Microsoft Word, type the SQL script that you would use to create the table. Include the following fields:

CustomerNumber (AutoNumber, Primary Key, required)

FirstName (Text(25), required)

LastName (Text(25), required)

Phone (Text(12), required)

Email (Text(100))

Add a table named Invoice. In Microsoft Word, type the SQL script that you would use to create the table. Include the following fields:

InvoiceNumber (Number-Long Integer, required, Primary Key)

CustomerNumber (Foreign Key, Number-Long Integer, Required)

DateIn (Date/time, required)

DateOut (Date/time)

TotalAmount (Currency)

Add a table named Invoice_Item. In Microsoft Word, type the SQL script that you would use to create the table. Include the following fields:

ItemNumber (AutoNumber, Primary Key, required)

InvoiceNumber (Foreign Key,Number-LongInteger, required)

Item (Text(50), required)

Quantity (Number-Long integer, required)

UnitPrice (Currency, required)

Write INSERT statements to add the data provided below to the tables

Create a new Microsoft Access database named DryCl
In one Word document

paste the SQL statement to meet the following criteria. Put a title above each as stated and save each query with the title name. You will add needed documentation from Part II to this document.

List the phone and last name of all the customers. Titled this01CustomerPhone-LastName

List the phone and last name of all the customers with the first name "Nikki." Titled this 02NikkiPhoneLastName

List the phone, first name, and last name of all the customers having phone numbers with "2" and "3" as the second and third numbers, respectively. Titled this 03PhoneWith?23.

Determine the maximum and minimum total amount. Save As04AverageTotalAmount.

Show the first and last names of all the customers who have had an order with total amount greater than $100.00. Use a subquery and present the results first sorted by last names in the ascending order and then by first names in the descending order. Titled this05CustomersTotalAmountGreaterThan100.

From the Customers table, concatenate each customer's last name and first name by using the comma-space-delimited technique; name the virtual column as "Full Name." Titled this06CustomerLastFirstNamesConcantenated.

Use a subquery to show the first and last name of all the customers who have had an order with an item named "Dress Shirt". Present the results first sorted by last name in the ascending order (Titled this07FirstLastNamesDressShirtSortedLastName) and then by first name in the descending order. Titled this08FirstLastNamesDressShirtSortedFirstNameDescending.

Use a join with a subquery to show the first name, last name, and total amount of all the customers who have had an order with an item named "Dress Shirt". Present the results first sorted by last name in the ascending order (Titled this09FirstLastNamesDressShirtSortedLastNameWithTotal) and then by first name in the descending order. Titled this10FirstLastNamesDressShirtSortedFirstNameDescending

Calculate the average total amount. Titled this 11AverageTotalAmount.


SU ITS3102 W5 A2 LastName FirstInitial.doc is the file name for your document. The Dry Cleaning database you create should be named U ITS3102 W5 A2 LastName _FirstInitial DryCleaning.accdb. Total:250.

How can you build your first Microsoft Access database?

Build a database. Wide Open. Choose File > New if Access is already open. Select a template or click on Blank database. Pick a location, give the database a name, and then click Create. When the database opens, choose Enable content if necessary from the yellow message box.

What features does Microsoft Access have?

Apps like Mom & Pop Inventory Tracker can be integrated with a normal Access database. A web-based database can be created and published using the new features of Microsoft Access. In addition to this, improvements for developers as well as an image gallery and browser control have been included.

To know more about database visit :-



What is the difference between a data warehouse and a data mart?


The primary distinction between the two databases is in their size and approach.

A data warehouse is a corporation's global database that saves data about any area of the organization, whereas a data mart stores a small amount of data relating to a specific business department or project. A data warehouse is a vast collection of data from numerous sources within a company, whereas a data mart is data derived from a data warehouse that belongs to a specific business component. Data marts make specialized data available to a designated group of users, allowing them to quickly obtain crucial insights without having to sift through a whole data warehouse.

Learn more about data here-



What is computer for short answer?


A computer is a device that processes information (in the form of digitalized data) in accordance with a programme, software, or set of instructions that specify how the information should be processed in order to achieve a particular result.

What is a computer? A computer is a device for processing and storing information. A binary system, which only accepts the two variables 0 and 1, is used by the majority of computers for tasks including data storage, algorithm computing, and information presentation.  A programme is also a type of data, and sophisticated computers are capable of storing data for the necessary amount of time. Logic circuitry, as it is known on microprocessors, is a constant programme that may be included in the computer's hardware or provided access to other programmes by the computer (loaded into its storage and then started by an administrator or user).  Computers of the modern day support both programming philosophies.

To Learn more About computer refer to:



You need to schedule a meeting during a weekday that the most people can attend. Key: = Preferred: can meet = Not preferred: can still meet X = Cannot meet Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Person A Х Х Person BX Person C x Person D X х Person E Person F x Person G Х Person H X Х When should you schedule the meeting? XXIII XXXIX IX Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


Since you need to schedule a meeting during a weekday that the most people can attend. The best day is option D: Thursday.

What is scheduling meeting?

Based on the availability of the people listed, it looks like the best day to schedule the meeting would be Thursday.

The reason that i say its that day is because this is the only day where the majority of people are available and do not have any conflicts.

Therefore, If Thursday does not work for you, it may also be possible to schedule the meeting on Tuesday or Friday, as there are still a number of people who are available on those days. However, it's important to consider that fewer people will be able to attend on those days compared to Thursday.

Hence, Thursday is the only day where the majority of people are available and do not have any conflicts.

Learn more about scheduling meeting from


2. Busy intersection There is a busy intersection between two one-way streets: Main Street and 1st Avenue. Cars passing through the intersection can only pass through one at a time. When multiple cars arrive at the intersection at the same time, two queues can build up - one for each street. Cars are added to the queue in the order at which they arrive. Unfortunately, there is no traffic light to help control traffic when multiple cars arrive at the same time. So, the local residents have devised their own system for determining which car has priority to pass through the intersection: - If in the previous second, no car passed through the intersection, then the first car in the queue for 1 st Avenue goes first. - If in the previous second, a car passed through the intersection on 1st Avenue, then the first car in the queue for
Avenue goes first. - If in the previous second, a car passed through the intersection on Main Street, then the first car in the queue for Main Street goest first. Passing through the intersection takes 1 second. For each car, find the time when they will pass through the intersection. Function Description Complete the function getResult in the editor below. getResult has the following parameters: int arrival [n]: an array of
integers where the value at index
is the time in seconds when the
i th car arrives at the intersection. If arrival[i]
arrival[j] and
i , then car
arrives before car
. int street[n]: an array of
integers where the value at index
is the street on which the
t th car is traveling: Street and 1 for 1 st Avenue. Returns:
an array of
integers where the value at index
is the time when the
i th car will pass through the intersection Constraints -
1≤n≤10 5
0≤arrival[i]≤10 9
- arrival[i]



The program that can be used to illustrate the information of busy intersection between two one-way streets is given below.

The program that features the cars will be:

def getResult(arrival, street):

# Write your code here

result = []

# The first car arrives on Main Street at time 0. The first car arrives on 1st Avenue at time 0. The second car arrives on Main Street at time

1. The third car arrives on 1st Avenue at time 5.

time = 0

main_street_queue = []

first_avenue_queue = []

while len(main_street_queue) > 0 or len(first_avenue_queue) > 0:

if len(main_street_queue) == 0:

car_to_add_to_result = first_avenue_queue.pop(0)

time = car_to_add_to_result[1]



if len(first_avenue_queue) == 0:

car_to_add_to_result = main_street_queue.pop(0)

time = car_to_add_to_result[1]



if (time - main_street_queue[0][1]) > 1:

car_to_add_to_result = first_avenue_queue.pop(0)

time = car_to_add_to_result[1]



if (time - first_avenue_queue[0][1]) > 1:

car_to_add_to_result = main_street_queue.pop(0)

time = car_to_add_to_result[1]



if main_street_queue[0][0] < first_avenue_queue[0][0]:

car_to_add_to_result = main_street_queue.pop(0)

time = car_to_add_to_result[1]




car_to_add_to_result = first_avenue_queue.pop(0)

time = car_to_add_to_result[1]



return result

Learn more about program on:



In which cloud service level are applications delivered via the internet?


SaaS stands for software as a service. The most popular choice for enterprises in the cloud market is software as a service, generally referred to as cloud application services.

What do cloud services offer to aid with security and privacy?

Data security is a feature of the top cloud computing security solutions. To stop unauthorized parties from obtaining private information, they have security methods and policies in place, such as strict access controls and data encryption.

Which of the following best represents the Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud computing service model?

Everything a developer needs to create an application for the cloud infrastructure is provided by O Paas.

To know more about SaaS visit :-



Explain how integrated circuits contributed to the development of microcomputers.


Answer:The invention of integrated circuits led to the development of the third generation computer. Integrated circuits help to compress more power into less space. Before the advent of the third generation computer, the first and second generation computers were extremely big. These computers were heavy and large in size.

Explanation: Hope this helps!

which of the following best describes how protocols on the internet (e.g. ip, tcp,http) make use of abstraction to accomplish their respective purposes?question 14 options:low level protocols can provide functionality to high level protocols without revealing the details of how this is accomplished.high level protocols can take on the role of a low level protocol in the event offailure in the system.low level protocols are written in binary while high level protocols are writtenhexadecimalhigh level protocols take into account specific implementation details of lower level protocols to ensure they are compatible.


The statement which describes how protocols on the Internet (e.g. IP, TCP, HTTP) make use of abstraction to accomplish their respective purposes is Low-level protocols can provide the functionality to high-level protocols without revealing the details of how this is accomplished.

TCP/IP is the low-level protocol that links computers on the Internet. TCP/IP is implemented differently on various machines. You'll utilize Open Transport, a part of Apple's System 7.5, which is a TCP/IP implementation for the Mac.

The TCP/IP protocols were created for networks that are permanently linked, shared, and high-speed. Subject to security and firewall constraints at their location, anyone who has access to a persistent network connection, such as through an Ethernet network tied to their workstation, may have perpetual access to the Internet. These users just require TCP/IP and Internet software.

learn more about Low-level protocols here: https://brainly.com/question/29098010


the speed of cpu is measured in terms of what?



Megahertz (MHz) or Gigahertz (GHz)

1 GHz = 1000 MHz

The signature of a method consists of ______. A. method name. B. method name and parameter list. C. return type, method name, and parameter list. D. parameter


The method signature, according to Oracle, consists of the name and parameter types.

As a result, the signature excludes all other aspects of the method's declaration, such as modifiers, return type, argument names, exception list, and body. The signature of a function includes the function's name as well as the number, order, and type of its formal parameters. The signatures of two overloaded functions cannot be the identical. A function's return value is not part of its signature. A method signature is made up of the method name and the data types of the method's parameters, in that order. The return type is not included in the signature.

Learn more about data here-



what is task in swf? a program which is responsible for only getting decision. a program which deletes the process represents invocation of logical steps in applications. a program which interact with amazon swf to get the tasks, process them and return their results.



A task is a logical unit of work that is carried out by a component of your workflow.


In which directory is the route command stored?


Permitting: When troubleshooting, this mode is helpful. SELinux does not protect your server if it is set to Permissive, but it does continue to log every change made to the log files.

Similar to SUID, you can quickly determine whether SGID is enabled or not by running the ls -l command on a file or directory. The four SELinux policy types that Gentoo supports are strict, targeted, mcs, and mls. The unconfined domain serves as the basis for the distinction between stringent and targeted. The four SELinux policy types that Gentoo supports are strict, targeted, mcs, and mls. The unconfined domain serves as the basis for the distinction between stringent and targeted.

Learn more about command here-



_______ is a legal safeguard for protecting someone’s intellectual property. Books, movies, newspaper articles, web pages, artwork, and music are all examples of things that can be protected with it.


Copyright is a legal safeguard for protecting someone’s intellectual property. Books, movies, newspaper articles, web pages, artwork, and music are all examples of things that can be protected with it.

What is Copyright important?

It is to be noted that copyright is important because it helps to protect the creative works of artists, writers, musicians, and other creators. When someone creates a work of art, literature, music, or software, they automatically own the copyright to that work. This means that they have the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, and sell their work.

Copyright allows creators to control how their work is used and benefit from it. It also promotes creativity and innovation by offering cash incentives to innovators who create new works.

Copyright is an important part of the legal framework that supports the creative industries, and it plays a critical role in promoting the creation and dissemination of new ideas, knowledge, and culture.

Without copyright protection, it would be much harder for creators to earn a living from their work, and the quality and diversity of creative works available to the public would likely be significantly reduced.

Learn more about Copyright:

A customer complains that his old tower PC doesn't always turn on and randomly shuts
off for hours. The HDD and RAM memory tests both come back with positive results. What hardware part
would you check next? SELECT ONLY ONE
O PS/2



️️️SSD its a positive results to acess be hardware parts

You are an IT technician for your company. Fred calls you complaining that every time he opens his internet browser, the default home page has been changed to a site he is not familiar with. You suspect this change is being caused by a malware infection on his system. However, after you run antimalware and antivirus software on Fred's system, it is still having the same issue. Which of the following would be the next BEST way to remove the malware?

a. Format Fred's disks and perform a clean installation of the operating system.
b. Fred's computer to a known good point.
c. Purchase a new disk and deploy a backup image of Windows.
d. Restore Fred's computer back to a previous restore point.
e. Perform an image deployment from a backup image to restore


Given that one is an IT technician for your company, and Fred calls you complaining that every time he opens his internet browser, the default home page has been changed to a site he is not familiar with. If one suspects this change is being caused by a malware infection on his system. However, after you run antimalware and antivirus software on Fred's system, it is still having the same issue, the next best thing to do is to "Restore Fred's computer back to a previous restore point." (Option D)

What is malware?

Malware is any program that is purposely meant to disrupt a computer, server, client, or computer network, leak private information, obtain unauthorized access to information or systems, deny access to information, or interfere with the user's computer security and privacy.

System Restore creates Restore Points by taking a "snapshot" of some system files and the Windows registry. When an install fails or data is corrupted, Machine Restore can restore a system to working order without requiring you to reinstall the operating system.

Learn more about Malware:

When an object is passed as an argument, ________ is passed into the parameter variable.


A class method is similar to an instance method, except its first argument is a class object.

Remember that when an instance method is called from an instance object, the instance object is automatically supplied as the method's first argument. A parameter variable is a variable that is only available to the function that gets the argument. That is, the value of the argument is copied into the parameter variable. A constructor is a method that is invoked at the start of an object's lifecycle to create and initialize the object, which is known as creation (or instantiation). The acquisition of resources may be part of the initialization process. In most languages, constructors may contain parameters but do not typically return values.

Learn more about variable here-



CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 407946.2092060.qx3zqy7 3.2.3: Detect specific values. Jump to level 1 If integer dominantCompanyCount is 2, output "Duopoly". Otherwise, output "Not a duopoly". End with a newline. Ex: If the input is 2, then the output is: Duopoly 3 4 int main() { 5 int dominant CompanyCount; cin >> dominant CompanyCount; 6789 9 if 10 { 11 12 13} 14 15 else. 16 17 18 19 20 Check Next level 2 3 ▶ D-DD"


Below is the code that has the specific instructions you have given above :

#include <iostream>

int main() {

   int dominantCompanyCount;

   std::cin >> dominantCompanyCount;

   if (dominantCompanyCount == 2) {

       std::cout << "Duopoly" << std::endl;

   } else {

       std::cout << "Not a duopoly" << std::endl;


   return 0;


What is the code about?

This code will read in an integer value from the user, and then check if it is equal to 2. If it is, it will output "Duopoly" and a newline.

Therefore, in regards to the case above,  If it is not equal to 2, it will output "Not a duopoly" and a newline.

Learn more about Coding from



Why would someone use a credit card to purchase goods?


Online transactions involving credit cards are often easier to track than those involving debit, money orders, or checks.These cards frequently offer some protection against fraudulent purchases.

Why do people buy stuff with credit cards? When compared to debit, money orders, or checks, credit card transactions are often easier to track online.These cards frequently include some coverage for unauthorized purchases, which can be quite beneficial to cardholders if their credit card information is ever compromised.When compared to cash, credit cards are safer to carry and provide better fraud protections.Without altering your spending patterns, you can earn substantial rewards.It's simpler to keep tabs on your spending.One of the simplest and quickest ways to improve credit is to use credit cards responsibly.Using a credit card can make you feel safer, you may be given certain safeguards on your purchase, and you may be able to receive cash or points back on your purchases thanks to credit card benefits.

To learn more about credit cards refer



an organization is conducting a cybersecurity training exercise. what team is jason assigned to if he has been asked to monitor and manage the defenders' and attackers' technical environment during the exercise?


Jason is assigned to the Exercise Control Team.

What is cybersecurity training exercise?Cybersecurity training exercises are activities that help organizations and individuals to develop skills in recognizing, responding to, and preventing cyber threats. These exercises may include simulations, quizzes, case studies, and other interactive activities that help participants gain knowledge, develop skills, and practice responding to cyber incidents. The goal of such training is to better equip individuals to protect themselves and their organizations against cyber threats. Additionally, the exercises help to raise awareness of the importance of cybersecurity and the need to continually practice and update security protocols.An example of a cybersecurity training exercise is a simulated phishing attack. In this exercise, participants are sent fake phishing emails and must identify what makes them suspicious. Participants are given feedback on how to recognize phishing attempts and how to respond appropriately. Other examples of cyber security training exercises include simulated malware attacks, social engineering simulations, password cracking challenges, and security policy reviews.

To learn more about cybersecurity refer to: https://brainly.com/question/28004913


face recognition tech gets girl scout mom booted from rockettes show____due to where she works


Face recognition tech gets Girl Scout mom booted from Rockettes show at Radio City Music Hall due to where she works.

Kelly Conlon, a lawyer, was denied entry to a performance of the Rockettes' "Christmas Spectacular" show at Radio City Music Hall in New York City after face recognition tech detected her in the lobby. Conlon was kicked out of the venue because of her law firm, which she described as "mortifying." Conlon said she and her daughter arrived in New York City the weekend after Thanksgiving, along with other members of a Girl Scout troop and their mothers, to watch the Rockettes perform in the "Christmas Spectacular" show. However, Conlon claims that she was approached by security and asked to leave the theater shortly after entering.

Learn more about face recognition technology https://brainly.com/question/27166721


What is the difference between planks and boards?



Planks are often used as a work surface on elevated scaffolding and need to be wide enough to provide strength without breaking when walked on. The wood is categorized as a board if its width is less than 21⁄2 in (64 mm), and its thickness is less than 11⁄2 in (38 mm).

a company would like to automate security on ec2 instances to assess security and vulnerabilities in these instances. which aws service should it use?


An automated security evaluation programme called Amazon Inspector aids in enhancing the safety and legal compliance of apps running on AWS. It let you to check your Ama's network accessibility.

AWS(Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud)

Users can rent virtual computers on which to execute their own computer programmes through Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), a component of Amazon.com's cloud computing infrastructure, Amazon Web Services (AWS). EC2 promotes the scalable deployment of applications by offering a web service that enables a user to boot an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) and configure a virtual machine, or what Amazon refers to as a "instance," containing whatever software they choose.

The phrase "elastic" refers to a system where a user can launch, terminate, and create new server instances as needed and pay per second for running servers. With the ability to choose the physical location of instances, EC2 gives users the ability to reduce latency and increase redundancy. Amazon transitioned from using its own retail website technology to EC2 and AWS in November 2010.

To know more about AWS(Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud), Check out:



Do you agree with mobile phones are harmful to students explain?


Yes, Students want to use their smartphones more than books, which causes them to be distracted from their studies and athletics. They frequently lose focus, which negatively affects their academic performance.

How are smartphones harmful to children?

Children are most at risk from smartphones and other technology. Since they are very young, they have been exposed to smartphones. As they get older, they use these devices to play games, listen to music, and check social media.

Not all content on smartphones is suitable for children. Furthermore, not all parents supervise their children as they use their smartphones. Elders also appreciate it because it gives them more time to complete chores while also entertaining children, which is convenient.

However, they are ignorant of the fact that prolonged screen time is bad for kids' eyes, brains, minds, and ways of thinking.

Learn more about smartphones



why is the uefi framework considered to be better than the bios framework? a. it has a better user interface and supports remote troubleshooting. b. it restricts the hardware support to less than 1tb, offering better security than bios. c. it can identify the virus and malware in a device before the system is launched. d. it comes with additional features of os hardening and anti-intrusion systems.


The UEFI framework, considered to be better than the bios framework, is it can identify the virus and malware in a device before the system is launched. The correct option is c.

What is the UEFI framework?

A computer's firmware and operating system are connected through a software package called UEFI, which is a specification (OS). A quicker boot time is offered by UEFI.

While BIOS contains drive support encoded in its ROM, UEFI has discrete driver support. As a result, changing BIOS firmware might be challenging. Secure Boot, a feature of UEFI security, stops the machine from starting up from untrusted or unsigned apps.

Therefore, the correct option is c. it can identify the virus and malware in a device before the system is launched.

To learn more about UEFI framework, refer to the link:



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