What is the traditional role of a teacher?


Answer 1


A traditional view of the teacher's role is as a giver of knowledge. Teachers share knowledge with students on a particular subject, through lessons that build on their prior knowledge and moves them toward a deeper understanding of the subject.


Related Questions

What did PWA stand for?


PWA stands for Public Works Administration.

What is Public Works Administration?

Public Works Administration is referred to as PWA.

By recruiting unemployed people to construct new public structures such as roads, bridges, and subways, the Public Works Administration (PWA) helped to lower unemployment.

Thousands of young men were employed by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) to plant trees and regulate floods.

The PWA was abolished by the federal government in 1941.

There were many millions of unemployed Americans during the Great Depression.

Most historians come to the conclusion that the Public Works Administration fell short of its larger objective of giving jobs to all unemployed Americans.

The WPA, which was established two years after the PWA, was a work-relief program.

While PWA project participants were not required to be on relief, the program was designed to help cut down on the number of people in those roles.

Therefore, PWA stands for Public Works Administration.

Know more about Public Works Administration here:



What did economist Adam Smith believe?


Smith held that a free market economy that followed "natural laws" at all times was the optimum setting for promoting economic progress.

What did economist Adam Smith believe?

Smith advocated for frugality, toil, and enlightened self-interest. He believed that most individuals practiced enlightened self-interest naturally. In his well-known illustration, a butcher provides meat not out of altruistic motives but rather because he makes money off of the sale of meat. Smith's economic thought served as the foundation for classical economics since it was the most methodical and thorough study of economics available at the time.

For Adam Smith, liberty included not only the right to free speech and the right to practice one's religion, but also the right to an adequate standard of living, the freedom from onerous taxes and trade restrictions, the freedom from overbearing government regulations, and the right to own and use property in order to start a new business.

Learn more about Adam Smith, here:



A supervisor who doubts the competence of a new employee unwittingly criticizes everything the new employee does. If the new employee consequently performs poorly, which of the following will most likely have occurred?
answer choices
latent learning
self fulfilling prophesy
the halo effect
positive reinforcement



self-fulfilling prophecy

Influences on Constitutional Principles


It was not a Magna Carta idea that had an impact on the U.S. Constitution to create a feudalistic society.

According to the available sources, the Magna Carta is a document from 1215 AD that is said to be the first to assert that the king is subject to the law and cannot claim to be Constitution it. The paper had presented about four primary themes from which contemporary ideas would have drawn inspiration, including Everyone is subject to the law, including the society and the government, and no one can be detained or punished without a reason and proof of that reason. Constitution may request a jury trial for their case, the Anyone can request a jury trial for their case, but widowed women had all the rights, including the society to refuse Constitution and retain ownership of their property. Limiting the power of the king and putting the rule of law above everything else were the two main goals of the document. Several provisions that were recognized at the time of their ratification as deriving from Magna Carta's protection of rights were included in both the state declarations of rights and the United States Bill of Rights , the right to a jury trial in both criminal and civil cases, and the defense against taking someone's life, their freedom, or their property without following the rules of the law.

Learn more about Constitution here:



which of the following reduces the opportunity for overinsurance


Reduces the opportunity for over insurance to the coordination of benefits provision. When a person or a corporation has insurance coverage above the cost of the risk(s) covered or insured, this is known as over-insurance.

What do you mean by the over insurance?

Over-insurance is defined as having additional insurance coverage or policies that cover the same risk or having insurance coverage that is more (more than) the potential loss the insured could sustain.

Insurance is a crucial component of financial planning since it ensures that you are financially secure to deal with any problems that may arise in your life. A general insurance provider offers coverage for your home, car, health, and travel.

Therefore, the reduces the opportunity for over insurance to the coordination of benefits provision. When a person or a corporation has insurance coverage above the cost of the risk(s) covered or insured, this is known as over-insurance.

To know more about the over insurance, visit:



The Supreme Court upholds a law passed by Congress as constitutional. The chief justice states in the majority opinion that previous decisions supporting Congress' power to make laws based on the commerce clause of the Constitution were the basis for the decision. Which of the following legal concepts did the chief justice apply in writing the opinion?


Option B is the right answer. Stare decisis is the following legal concepts did the chief justice apply in writing the opinion.

The Latin word "stare decisis," which translates to "to stand on decided cases," requires judges to follow the precedents previously established by their own courts or higher courts that have jurisdiction over them. The doctrine of precedent known as stare decisis requires courts to follow earlier rulings when the same issues come up again.

Following precedent is the preferred option because it encourages the fair, predictable, and consistent development of legal principles and encourages reliance on court decisions. In common law systems, precedent bindingness, often known as stare decisis, is a common element. Common law regimes also include the ability for judges to periodically establish new legal standards through their decisions.

Know more about the Stare decisis at: https://brainly.com/question/21085371


The Supreme Court upholds a law passed by Congress as constitutional. The chief justice states in the majority opinion that previous decisions supporting Congress' power to make laws based on the commerce clause of the Constitution were the basis for the decision. Which of the following legal concepts did the chief justice apply in writing the opinion?

A) Compliance monitoring

B) Stare decisis

C) Overlapping jurisdiction

D) Judicial activism

which type of theorist would most likely attempt to treat sexual disorders by rewarding desired behaviors? psychoanalytic. behaviorist. cognitiveist. humanist.


The type of theorist that would most likely attempt to treat sexual disorders by rewarding desired behaviors would be a behaviorist.

Behaviorists are focused on the behavior of individuals and how it is affected by the environment. By rewarding desired behaviors, behaviorists believe that people can learn new behaviors and extinguish old ones.

Behaviorists often use a technique called operant conditioning, which is a form of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments. This technique involves reinforcing desired behaviors with rewards and punishing undesired behaviors with consequences.

This can be done through positive reinforcement, where a reward is given for a behavior, or negative reinforcement, where a consequence is given for a behavior. In the case of sexual disorders, a behaviorist would reward desired behaviors with positive reinforcement in order to encourage the desired behavior and discourage undesired behaviors with negative reinforcement.

Learn more about Behaviorists at : https://brainly.com/question/2968739


Using the expected format, or putting key information where the reader can find it, is an example of.


The correct answer to the following question will be option A. Professional Etiquette. It is an unwritten code of conduct surrounding members ' relationships in a business environment.

Using the right professional mark, everybody involved will feel more comfortable and things fluid. Many areas of an individual's working life, like e-mail, telephone calls and business meetings, have professional etiquette applicable.

The other three options are not suitable for the example of the above statement as they are not able to perform some expected tasks.

Hence, Professional etiquette is the right answer.

Learn more about to Professional Etiquette visit here;



Full Question ;

Using the expected format, of putting key information where the reader can’t find it, is an example of?

A)professional etiquette

B) standardized font

C)stylistic tools

D)address book

When conducting an evaluation, it is not good practice to provide on-site feedback as you uncover information that could benefit the agencies’ work during the study.
a. True
b. False





How do you get a Selective Service waiver?


Selective Service registration is required for nearly every male US citizen and male immigrant between the ages of 18 and 25. It is essential to comprehend that even if a man registers, he will not necessarily be drafted into the military.

However, the Selective Service Act was required because, by the time the United States of America declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917, a sufficient number of American men had either not enlisted or volunteered to build, train, and immediately deploy an army.

In order to accomplish this, Congress enacted the Selective Service Act, which Wilson signed into law on May 18, 1917. The law required every American man between the ages of 21 and 30 to sign up for military service. Within a short period of time, approximately 10 million men across the nation signed up for the military draft.

Learn more about the Selective Service Act here:



movies are actually many photographs shown rapidly, in order to create the perception of movement. this perception is called the


A film, also called a movie or a motion picture, is a series of still photographs on film projected onto a screen using light in rapid succession. The optical phenomenon known as persistence of vision gives the illusion of actual, smooth, and continuous movement.

What does it mean to have a persistent vision?

The imprint of an item viewed by the eye stays on the retina for 1/16th of a second even after the thing is withdrawn. If we previously saw another item, the perceptions of the two would have blended together to give us a sense of continuity. Persistence of vision is the name for this ocular characteristic.

Because the human eye and brain can only analyze 10 to 12 distinct pictures per second and can only remember an image for up to a fifteenth of a second, persistence of vision is possible. It will give the impression of continuity if another image replaces it throughout this time.

Learn  more about persistence of vision  to visit this link



How many times can you be denied SSDI?


There is no limit on the number of times the SSDI can be denied to someone.

SSDI stands for Social Security Disability Insurance. As the name suggest, this is a federal benefit scheme that seeks to give financial aid to Americans suffering from any disability.

However, disability is not the only factor that makes one eligible for benefit under this scheme.

As a consequence of you disability, if you are unable to get employed for at least more than a year, this scheme might be of help to you.

This scheme is labelled as an earned benefit. This means that for you to qualify for this scheme, you shall have previously contributed to it in form of credits.

The allowance of SSDI as per data of 2021 is $1,310 per month.

To know more about SSDI, click here:



Are Peace Corps soldiers?


Both are currently all-volunteer forces powered by service. Those who choose to join either the Peace Corps or the military often serve in challenging environments around the world.

what is Peace Corps?

The Peace Corps is an independent organization and US government program that recruits, trains, and places volunteers to aid in global development.President John F. Kennedy issued an executive order establishing it in March 1961, and the Peace Corps Act, passed by Congress the following September, gave it legal status.The Peace Corps was first publicly proposed by Kennedy during his 1960 presidential campaign as a way to improve America's standing and leadership in the Cold War. Kennedy cited the Soviet Union's sending of skilled citizens abroad in support of world communism and argued that the U.S. must do the same to advance values like democracy and liberty.

To learn more about Peace Corps refer to



hat happened to the treaties signed by the California government and the California tribes?
The 49’ers pressured the government not to follow through with the terms of the treaties, and they were never passed on to Congress.
They were lost in a fire in the Senate archives.
The terms were met, and 8.5 million acres were given to the Native Americans.
The Natives did not agree to the terms of the treaties, and they did not hold up their end of the deal.


The treaties were forwarded to the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered confidentially printed for the Senate's use. They were reported without alteration on June 28, 1852. The Senate rejected the accords on July 2, 1852.

What is a Senate committee?

A Senate committee is a sub-organization of the United States Senate that handles a certain responsibility or controls a specific aspect of the federal government in the United States. Because of the magnitude and complexity of its job, the Senate splits it into 20 standing committees. Each committee includes a chairperson from the majority party and a ranking member from the minority party who work together to coordinate the committee's legislative direction. Committees provide oversight, analyze bills, make reports, and hold hearings on matters of interest to the committee and within its authority. The committee may hold three sorts of hearings throughout the course of a Congress: legislative hearings, oversight hearings, and confirmation hearings.

To learn more about Senate Committee, click



Answer: A


Why is theocracy important?


Given that there are still theocratic nations in existence today, the concept of theocracy is crucial. One of these, Saudi Arabia, has large oil reserves that are required on a global scale. Additionally, theocratic nations like Iran are well-known for supporting terrorism.

What does theocracy mean?

Theocracy, a form of governance where decisions are made by people who are believed to be guided by the divine. Government officials frequently come from the clergy, and religious law serves as the foundation for the legal system in theocracies. Early civilizations were often theocracies.

What sort of government is theocratic?

Afghanistan. When the Taliban originally ruled Afghanistan between 1996 to 2001, it was an Islamic theocracy. Since the Taliban restored established Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan early 2021, Afghanistan has once again been an Islamic theocracy.

To know more about Theocracy visit:



General intelligence test scores obtained during adolescence best predict which of the following?

(A) The probability that a qualified jobholder will perform that job satisfactorily
(B) The efficiency of interpersonal skills
(C) Quality of personal adjustment
(D) Grades in school
(E) The job or profession at which a person would be happy


General intelligence test scores obtained during adolescence best predict (D) Grades in school. Intelligence tests are designed to measure cognitive abilities, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and the ability to learn and remember new information.

What is intelligence test ?An intelligence test is a standardized assessment of cognitive abilities, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and the ability to learn and remember new information. Intelligence tests are designed to measure a person's general cognitive ability and are typically administered by trained professionals, such as psychologists or school counselors.Intelligence tests are used for a variety of purposes, including to assess intellectual ability for academic or employment purposes, to identify cognitive strengths and weaknesses, and to diagnose learning disabilities or other cognitive disorders.There are a number of different intelligence tests that are used for different purposes. Some of the most well-known intelligence tests include the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) and the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale.

To learn more about intelligence test refer :



Write the name of organs of the UNO and describe any one of them in brief.​



the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Secretariat, and the International Court of Justice.

What is the main argument of the Manifesto of the Communist party?


The Communist Manifesto's major claim is that unifying society will solve the issue of ongoing class conflicts and cycles of revolution between the bourgeois and proletarian classes, which never result in genuine transformation.

The Communist Manifesto, penned in 1847 by Karl Marx and Frederich Engels, is a well-known document outlining the policies and platform of the Communist party. The four chapters of the Communist Manifesto—Bourgeois and Proletarians, Proletarians and Communists, Socialist and Communist Literature, and Position of the Communists in Relation to Different Opposition Parties—will be examined in this lesson in order to better understand how it influenced its adherents.

The manifesto

The Communist Manifesto is a concise document that outlines the Communist party's positions and agenda. The Communist League, an English-based political group, commissioned it to be published in 1847 by political thinkers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

Learn more about the Karl Marx:



How does the poet present ideas about death in An Irish Airman Foresees His Death?


In the poem, the poet relates to death as the unwanted loss made for useless victory which would bring no glory for the victor.

The poem is set on an Irish Airman who fought world war 1 from the side of British army despite knowing the fact that the war would bring them no good for the small community of Irish people. He describes war as futile waste of time. Though he is happy because he knows that his death would come with him following his passion and duty but is also sad and regretting the loss of lives which happen in the course of war. The poet also reveals that his thoughts in the final moments of his life were of his initial reasons for joining in the fight and risking his life.  

Learn more about Irish airman at:



Psychologist Abraham Maslow suggests that the most basic human needs
a. are invented by other psychologists.
b. must be satisfied before we concern ourselves with other ones.
c. are proof that animals ascended from lower animal forms.
d. prove the existence of a superior being.
e. are generated by others in interpersonal interaction.


Psychologist Abraham Maslow suggests that the most basic human needs

b. must be satisfied before we concern ourselves with other ones.

Who was Abraham Maslow?

Maslow, an American psychologist and philosopher, was born in New York, New York, on April 1, 1908, and passed away in Menlo Park, California, on June 8, 1970.

He is best known for his self-actualization theory of psychology, which contends that the integration of the self should be the main objective of psychotherapy.

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, a theory of motivation, a person's conduct is determined by five categories of basic human needs. These needs include those for physiology, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization.

Learn more on Maslow's hierarchy of needs



An ethical dilemma regarding sustaining life is being examined. What would be some appropriate resources for the nurse to use to help review and address ethical dilemmas?


Professional nursing organizations typically have access to nurse ethicists who can help address ethical dilemmas.

In philosophy, ethical dilemmas—also known as ethical paradoxes or moral dilemmas—arise when an agent must choose between two competing moral obligations, none of which takes precedence. Another concept that is related describes ethical difficulties as instances where there is no right decision to be made.

Learn more on ethical dilemmas



Compare and contrast the wife and husband's ways of grieving. How are they similar, and how are they different? cite evidence from the text.


Robert Frost's poem "Home Burial" offers a glimpse of the problems that can arise when a husband and wife are not in communication with one another after the death of their first and only child.

Their disagreement has its roots in the husband's self-centeredness, which is manifested in his insensitivity, narrow-mindedness, and pride. It should be highlighted that while the husband is grieving, he is emotionally strong, but the woman is mired in her sadness. The woman in the story "Home Burial" stands distantly by her staircase, lost in her own thoughts and the sorrow of losing her first child.

Both the husband and the wife experience grief over their son's passing, but their experiences are distinct. For instance, when the husband digs the grave in an effort to move on to brighter times, the wife is happy to be away from the house that makes her think of him. Her husband tried to console her, but she won't listen because she just lost her child. It was clear that the husband lacked the man's emotional fortitude.

Learn more about grieving Visit: brainly.com/question/29692405


How do embargoes work?


A related measure is an embargoes, which often carries a more serious penalty. An embargo is the partial or outright prohibition of commerce and trade with a specific country/state.

or a group of countries Embargoes are seen as severe diplomatic sanctions implemented by the imposing country in an effort to obtain a certain outcome for its own national interests from the country on whom it is placed. Blockades, which are sometimes viewed as acts of war, should not be confused with embargoes, which are typically regarded as lawful trade restrictions. Embargoes might include quantitative limitations, extra tolls and fees, limiting or prohibiting export or import, and other restrictions.

learn more about Embargoes here:



What the Cabinet gives the President?


The role of the Cabinet is to advise the President on all issues relating to the precise duties of each member's post.

The President receives advice from the Cabinet members on any pressing issues. The bureaus that are part of our government's executive branch are also under their control. The President's candidates require confirmation from Congress before they may start working.

The Cabinet is an advisory board composed of the 15 executive department heads. The President appoints the members of the Cabinet, who are often the President's closest loyalists, and the Senate confirms their nominations.

To know more about Cabinet visit :



What does Gilgamesh do after Enkidu dies?



Explanation:Gilgamesh desperately tries to keep Enkidu alive, and after Enkidu dies, he waits by his body for seven days and seven nights, not willing to accept that he's died, until finally a worm crawls out of Enkidu's nose.

a maximum security prison is an example of


Over 600,000 people enter prison gates every year. People go to jail 10.6 million times each year. The worst offenders or repeat offenders are housed in maximum security prisons.

The highest security prisons, known as supermax facilities, are built to house criminals who pose serious security risks. Prisoners spend extremely little time outside of their cells, participate in very few activities, and have very limited interaction with other people. Prisoners serving lengthy sentences are typically housed in maximum security prisons. These inmates are guilty of treason, murder, robbery, kidnapping, and other heinous crimes. Most maximum security jails are surrounded by high stone walls or sturdy chain fences. The highest levels of tight security, such as maximum security and supermax prisons, are utilized by prison systems around the world to keep inmates from escaping or harming other prisoners or security personnel. The only remaining supermax facility in the federal prison system of the United States is ADX Florence in Florence, Colorado.

Learn more about maximum security prisons here:



Who is the speaker here who is he addressing?


It makes it clear to whom the speaker is speaking. It mostly concentrates on the audience that the speaker is addressing.

The speaker is present, but to whom is he speaking?The speaker is the poem's unnamed narrator, who is addressing an unspecified audience. There is no indication of the poem's intended audience, hence there are many possible readings.The speaker is motivating the crowd and urging them to treasure life's precious moments. The poem is filled with pictures of the glories of nature and the speaker's use of language inspires awe and admiration.The speaker speaks of joy and tranquilly while urging the audience to enjoy life to the fullest and to cherish each and every moment.The speaker also touches on the fleeting nature of life and the speed of change. The audience is instructed to savour the beauty of life and seize each moment as it arises.The speaker urges the audience to show thankfulness for what they have while emphasising the importance of kindness and compassion. Through the poem's message of appreciation and hope, the speaker exhorts the audience to embrace life to the utmost.

To learn more about the speaker of the poem addressing in the poem refer to:



Select of all the following components that are considered applications of operant conditioning.


Select of all the followings are 1)treatment of autism 2)modifying behaviors 3)therapy for youth violence 4)self harms behaviors are treatment .

Anyone has the capacity to damage someone. It may be a complete stranger, a friend, neighbor, or an acquaintance. It can be a coworker or somebody who is supposed to be a support system for you. Self harms is another possibility. Anyone might be harmed, to put it simply. But for the vast majority of us, it is possible to secure and defend our interests, welfare, and property. This may be more difficult for certain "adults at risk" for whom support and/or protection may be necessary to help them reclaim control of their lives.

Learn more about Harms here:



To graphically represent the correlation between two variables, researchers often construct a
answer choices
standard deviation.
skewed distribution.
bar graph.


To graphically represent the correlation between two variables, researchers often construct a Scatterplot. The correct answer is B.

Scatter plots: What are they?

A scatter plot is a group of dots that have been plotted on the horizontal and vertical axes. Because they show the degree, if any, of correlation between the values of observed quantities or phenomena, scatter plots are helpful in statistics (called variables).


Given this, plotting a scatterplot using the data points can help in assessing whether they have a likely association, which helps to justify scatterplots.

Scatterplots therefore reveal the causal connections between two variables. The right answer is B.

Learn more about scatter plots here:



How can I increase my chances of getting disability?


Your possibilities encountering a three-month or longer inability before you arrive at age 65 are 50 percent, as per the Public Relationship of Protection Magistrates.

A mental or physical condition that limits a person's activities, senses, or movements is called a disability. These people's issues have been recognized by modern societies, and laws have been enacted to make their interactions easier. As a result, some people believe that living with a disability has become quite manageable.

An incapacity is a physical or mental issue that makes it troublesome or unthinkable for an individual to walk, see, hear, talk, learn, or do other significant things. Some disabilities last a lifetime or are irreversible. Some are fleeting or only last a short time.This is the term used to describe a person's circumstances that might prevent them from participating in particular activities.It is known that the disability gets worse with age. A 65-year-old is said to have about 50%.

Read more on disability here:



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