what kinds of things could the loved ones of someone with HIV be worried about


Answer 1
Well one thing they may be worried about is that the person infected with HIV could eventually develop AIDs which is just a horrible disease that weakens your immune system drastically. They could also be worried that the infected person might pass the HIV virus to someone else. Hope this helps!

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Monday Morning in drama class


20pts - Can someone write me a fairly detailed short story? (as in not an explanation but a story itself) I will give brainliest to best answer. (Even a summary/prompt for a short story is fine tbh) I’m a good writer for books and novels but I’m bad at doing “short” stories ur help is greatly appreciated (don’t care for subjects like myth or realism anything is fine)


Answer:  I started walking towards the cars. My mind was numb. I heard him call out my name ‘Madi-’ ‘Dont’t ’ I said ‘It’s not worth it’ I continued walking towards the cars. He called out my name again. Suddenly I felt a strange sense of calmness engulf me and I knew I didnt do this myself. I looked around for the source and say my brother leaning against a telephone pole, all non-chalantly. I have him a ‘really’ face. He shrugged. I rolled my eyes and continued trying to walk towards the cars. I felt a hand on my arm. ‘. Madilyn’ I turned it was my “dad”. I glared at him and pulled my arm from his a hand stood solid to the ground. My brother sighed and walked over to us and scooped me into his arms and rub my back.


I hope you like this!❤️ BTW the girl is 7 yrs old

Match each word with its synonym. hilarious brawl abnormal substantial irregular arrow Both fight arrow Both comical arrow Both large arrow Both


abnormal and irregular are both same definitions! and

brawl and fight are same meaning too!.


abnormal and irregular

brawl and fight

comical and hilarious

large and substantial


ICU by Grace chua. How does the poet's use of the phrase "I can't see" in stanza 3 help
develop the theme of the poem?


Answer and Explanation:

"ICU" by Grace Chua is a poem that deals with the loss of a loved one and the understanding we have of death. The last stanza is the following:

But I can't see

for the life of me

the far-off


to which



When the speaker says that she "can't see" those places, she means she cannot understand death nor what happens after it. She can surely understand pain. As she watches her loved one lying in a hospital bed, she can sense death is only a matter of time. She knows that person will soon be gone, and that she will hurt because of it. But where will that person go? What happens then? That is something she cannot see.

What is the best thesis statement for this argument?

A. Our school needs to offer several selections for food at lunch.

B. many schools in nearby districts offer a variety of meal options to their students.

C. some of our students are not allowed to eat certain foods and must skip lunch.

D. School should not be allowed to sell high-fat desserts to students.





Option A is the only logical statement to summarize the paragraph correctly with representing it completely.

The best thesis statement for this argument is A. Our school needs to offer several selections for food at lunch.

What is a thesis?

It should be noted that the thesis statement simply sums up the central idea that's in a article.

In this case, the best thesis statement for this argument is that our school needs to offer several selections for food at lunch.

Learn more about thesis on:


Write an Extended response using evidence and information from you chart, explain how people and animals make sounds
plzzzzzz i need help 5th grade iready textbook reading




Do you think the persona has a great understanding of the universal experience of man performing a role in each stage? Explain. That's all, thanks. ♥♥♥


To determine whether the persona has a great understanding of the universal experience of man performing a role in each stage or not, we first need to identify the poem or literary work where this persona is found.

Once the poem is identified, we can analyze the persona's characterization and dialogue to determine their understanding of the universal experience of man performing a role in each stage.

However, since the name of the poem or literary work has not been mentioned in the question, it is impossible to provide a specific answer to this question. Please provide more information so that we can better assist you.To determine whether the persona has a great understanding of the universal experience of man performing a role in each stage or not, we first need to identify the poem or literary work where this persona is found.

To know more about poem visit :



Which statement best describes the form of comedy known as vaudeville?
A. It depends on audience participation.
B. It's filled with deeper meanings.
C. It's performed purely for laughs.
D. It relies on complex, elaborate plots.





Just took the quizzzzzz

The statement that describes the form of comedy known as vaudeville is  It's performed purely for laughs.

What is vaudeville?

The word “Vaudeville is used to define the assortment of entertainment show that was developed in France around the end of the nineteenth century.

A vaudeville was ab initio a comedic situation based on an impressive mixture and intermingled with songs or ballets. The term “vaudeville” indicates a type of comedy that is performed solely for the purpose of amusement.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about the vaudeville, refer to:



How do you feel about people who lie?



i feel that it doesn't make sense for you to lie especially if i've known you for a long time and you just decided to lie to me like c'mon now that's not cool.


Does anyone know the conflict and the climax in the short film called one small step ???




No I haven't heard of it, is it good? I love movies and shows:)

1) Read these sentences from "For special-needs kids, Buddy Baseball lives up to its name":
Giambalvo was inspired to become a buddy at the Wheaton program after watching her older brother participate. She recalls being unsure of how to gain the trust of Dungan when they were introduced.

2) Would it be a good idea to combine these two sentences using a semicolon? Explain why or why not using the following sentence stem:
Joining these two sentences with a semicolon would be a __________ (good or bad) idea because...




Explanation: Why not do it?

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
We noticed two, tall, women fishing from the pier.
We walked down the long, gravel road.
Jason has a cute, energetic and silky puppy.
Most students are on time, and productive.


I think the answer is option C.




its c

Im looking 4 a gf! let me kno


go on monkey





write a debate on patriotism enhances that growth of a nation​


Answer:   I believe that patriotism enhances the growth of a nation by strengthening the pride of its inhabitants which will help to grow said nation economically and will help the nation's people grow closer. Here's how.

If people feel patriotism for their country then they will feel comfortable spending their money in said nation which will grow the amount of money spent which will gradually grow the economy. Then if the country's inhabitants feel a connection to one another despite distance then said country will be a more peaceful and possibly more loving place to live and/or work.


To Autumn
by John Keats

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;
To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,
For summer has o'er-brimm'd their clammy cells.

Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?
Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find
Thee sitting careless on a granary floor,
Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind;
Or on a half-reap'd furrow sound asleep,
Drows'd with the fume of poppies, while thy hook
Spares the next swath and all its twined flowers:
And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep
Steady thy laden head across a brook;
Or by a cyder-press, with patient look,
Thou watchest the last oozings hours by hours.

Where are the songs of spring? Ay, Where are they?
Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,—
While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day,
And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue;
Then in a wailful choir the small gnats mourn
Among the river sallows, borne aloft
Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies;
And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn;
Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft
The red-breast whistles from a garden-croft;
And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.

Question 1
Part A

What inference can be drawn from "To Autumn"?

Autumn is a sad season, and the autumn of life is equally sad.

Autumn is simply a precursor to winter, and the autumn of life is a time of grief.

Autumn is a peaceful and abundant season, full of natural beauty.

Autumn is a beautiful season, but spring is much preferred.
Question 2
Part B

Which evidence from the text best supports the answer in Part A?

"Where are the songs of spring? Ay, where are they?
Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,—"

"And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep
Steady thy laden head across a brook; . . .
Thou watchest the last oozings hours by hours."

"Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness . . .
Conspiring . . . how to load and bless
With fruit the vines . . .
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core."

"Then in a wailful choir the small gnats mourn
Among the river sallows, borne aloft
Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies;"






I totally agree.


Read the excerpt from Julius Caesar, act 1, scene 2.
Which statement best summarizes the conflict in this
BRUTUS. Cassius,
Be not deceived. If I have veiled my look,
I turn the trouble of my countenance
Merely upon myself. Vexèd I am
Of late with passions of some difference,
Conceptions only proper to myself,
Which give some soil, perhaps, to my behaviours.
But let not therefore my good friends be grieved
Among which number, Cassius, be you one
Nor construe any further my neglect
Than that poor Brutus, with himself at war,
Forgets the shows of love to other men.
O Brutus betrayed Cassius, and now Cassius is angry
with him.
O Cassius offends Brutus by saying that he does not
like the way Brutus looks.
O While Cassius and others have noticed a difference in
Brutus, Brutus explains that his actions are not
because of anything they have done. It is only
because Brutus is struggling within himself and has let
it unfairly impact how he treats others.
O Brutus clarifies that Cassius is his closest friend.



the third option

hope this helps :)


C. While Cassius and others have noticed a difference in Brutus, Brutus explains that his actions are not because of anything they have done. It is only because Brutus is struggling within himself and has let it unfairly impact how he treats others.

Hello, so I have to write a essay and I need possible topics for my essay! So if you have any please let me know!



I think a good topic is like over future technologies.


i don't know the crowd that this will be for but here a few suggestions-

elementary- what it is that you'd want to be when you grow up or a story about a favorite teacher

junior high- how being disappointed can also be a good thing

high school- what is wrong with school dress codes and how schools and society should be teaching men and boys to keep it in their pants rather than telling women and girls to cover-up

college- the effects of pollution

good luck :)

i hope this helps

brainliest would be highly appreciated

have a nice day!

Why do you think Shaka has been able to stay out of prison?



I think because he or she never broke a law and followed all the rules

What skill do we learn John Silver has in chapters 10-12 of Treasure Island?

A. Speaking the language of the natives on the island
B. Sword fighting
C. Cooking
D. Hiding his evil side and evil intentions


Answer: B. sword fighting


(NOT TO HARD OF A QUESTION) What are some other ways other than quotes, to state your evidence in an essay? In a few days, I will be taking a state exam that will require me to write either an informative or argumentative essay. Please take note, that I am in the 8th Grade.





answer: you can say “the author states” or “paragraph _ states”
solution: lmk if that helps

Days Gone By

by James Whitcomb Riley

O the days gone by! O the days gone by!
The apples in the orchard, and the pathway through the rye;
The chirrup of the robin, and the whistle of the quail
As he piped across the meadows sweet as any nightingale;
5 When the bloom was on the clover, and the blue was in the sky,
And my happy heart brimmed over in the days gone by.

In the days gone by, when my naked feet were tripped
By the honey-suckle’s tangles where the water-lilies dipped,
And the ripples of the river lipped the moss along the brink
10 Where the placid-eyed and lazy-footed cattle came to drink,
And the tilting snipe stood fearless of the truant’s wayward cry
And the splashing of the swimmer, in the days gone by.

O the days gone by! O the days gone by!
The music of the laughing lip, the luster of the eye;
15 The childish faith in fairies, and Aladdin’s magic ring—
The simple, soul-reposing, glad belief in everything,—
When life was like a story, holding neither sob nor sigh,
In the golden olden glory of the days gone by.

In “Days Gone By,” how does the second stanza help develop the theme?

by describing a peaceful setting

by using imagery that shows a struggle

by having the cattle represent people

by making the speaker seem unhappy



A, by describing a peaceful setting.

Can anyone please do me this big favor!!???



ayuda plis.hacer tres oraciones en presente simple con cada adjetivo demostrativo.this, that, these, those.​



i got you


1. Those shoes are fascinating!

2. OMG, that purse in so cute!

3. One of these days I will buy myself a house.

Hope that helps.

Which of the following sentences is composed of two independent clauses?

Dad and I watch football regularly, but we cheer for different teams.

My team, which is currently in first place, will surely win.

Dad’s team has not scored since the second half began.

Whenever my team scores, Dad growls irritably.




My team, which is currently in first place, will surely win.

1. How does life today differ from the life of a pioneer child?
2. What can you infer about life as a pioneer child? Use evidence to support your inference.

3. Use context clues to infer the meaning of the word “minimal.”

4. Why do you think pioneer children were expected to be “miniature adults”? Use evidence from the paragraph to support your answer.



1 For the pioneer child life on the frontier was hard and lonely. Families were isolated and most children had no opportunity to make friends or play with people their own age. and today we play with whoever

2 Life on the trail was not easy. Many faced family deaths to sicknesses such as cholera, measles, and smallpox. Starvation, harsh weather conditions, and travel accidents were common and took their toll, no matter which trail pioneers chose to travel or how carefully they prepared

3 of a minimum amount, quantity, or degree; negligible.

What effect does the author's personification of sleep have on "To Sleep”?


Sleep is personified as an embalmer with fingers capable of shutting human eyes and as someone with a key which can lock troubling thoughts inside the soul. It is also endowed with life-saving properties, able to exclude the woes which lurk at the bottom of consciousness.

Read the passage and answer the question.
"... Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any
hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.... And so, my fellow
Americans, ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country."
John F. Kennedy
Select the correct answer.
What is Kennedy implying in this excerpt from his inaugural address?



americans have civil responsibility



2.) Dolly Parton is best known for O TRIO records O Blues music O Rock and Roll music O Mountain music​


Mountain music is the answer

-Part of speech-
What part of speech is the word 'scourge' used in sentence below:

Oedipus encounters the scourge of the people of Thebes.

Answer choices:


I’m pretty sure it’s an adjective-

scourge isn’t an action so not a verb, not an object so not a noun, not describing a verb so not an adverb, and preposition is “where can a mouse go?” Aka above, in, on, etc. so it’s not that either.

For each of the following words of English, tell what the root word is and the process through which the word was formed. (If you're not sure what the root word is, give what you think is the most basic form of the word.) a. bound: bind b. toenail c. carries d. were e. undomesticated f. discover g. mama h. mice i. ladybug j. rang


a. Bound: Root word: bind. Process through which the word was formed: Add the suffix "-ed" to the root word "bind.

"b. Toenail: Root word: nail. Process through which the word was formed: Add the prefix "toe-" to the root word "nail."c. Carries: Root word: carry. Process through which the word was formed: Add the suffix "-es" to the root word "carry."d. Were: Root word: be. Process through which the word was formed: Past tense form of the verb "be."e. Undomesticated: Root word: domesticate. Process through which the word was formed: Add the prefix "un-" to the root word "domesticate."f. Discover: Root word: cover.

Process through which the word was formed: Add the prefix "dis-" to the root word "cover."g. Mama: Root word: mother. Process through which the word was formed: Repeatedly saying the sound "ma" when addressing a mother-like figure.h. Mice: Root word: mouse. Process through which the word was formed: Add the plural suffix "-s" to the root word "mouse."i. Ladybug: Root word: ladybird. Process through which the word was formed: "Ladybird" is a term of endearment given to insects in the family Coccinellidae. "Ladybug" is a modification of "ladybird."j. Rang: Root word: ring. Process through which the word was formed: Past tense form of the verb "ring."

To know more about  suffix  visit:



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