What satirical point is Swift making in his reference to the landlords?


Answer 1

They are metaphorically cannibals since that the landlords have already consumed their parents. After bringing the issue to light through comedy, Swift offers workable remedies.

What is satirical point?While doing so, he also produces a work of fiction that is intriguing and entertaining and will cause controversy for years to come.There are few indications of Swift's virulent dislike of Irish bankers and landlords. According to Swift, Irish investors in real estate and bankers are being protected. Swift's ostensible animosity of banking systems built on a persistent national debt that benefit affluent private investors is brushed aside.Satire draws attention to social injustices, vices, and bad behaviors, but does so in a comic or sardonic way. The satire's major goal is to expose the government.

For more information on Swift's satire kindly visit to



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Which of the following statements captures the african american military experience in world war i?


Answer: All of them conducted their work assignments separate from white soldiers, received medical treatment from separate blood banks, hospitals, and medical staff, and socialized only in segregated settings. If they left their stateside bases, they often experienced hostility from local white civilian communities.



A African American soldiers served in segregated units


African American soldiers did see combat and they filled many roles.

How did growing nationalism in France help napoleon achieve his goals ?



Napoleon Bonaparte promoted French nationalism based upon the ideals of the French Revolution such as the idea of "liberty, equality, fraternity" and justified French expansionism and French military campaigns on the claim that France had the right to spread the enlightened ideals of the French Revolution across Europe


What was the purpose of the Triple Entente no separate peace?


The purpose of the Triple Entente was no separate peace.

Triple Entente (meaning three-way agreement) was, an alliance between three nations who had fought against each other in wars and had been competing with each other in trade for centuries, coming together against something they were even more afraid of than each other. The Triple Entente was signed in 1907 between Great Britain, France, and Russia to counter the threat posed by the Triple Alliance of Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary.

The agreement was later supplemented with alliances to Portugal and Japan. Each ally had very specific reasons for wanting the alliance. The British, French, and Russian Governments mutually engage not to conclude peace separately during the present war. The three governments agree that when terms of peace come to be discussed, no one of the Allies will demand terms of peace without the previous agreement of each of the other Allies.”

To know more about Triple Entente visit:



What happened to Latin America's economy after independence?


Following independence, many Latin American economies suffered. Much of Latin America entered the global economy as a commodity exporter in the late nineteenth century.

Industrial and economic development was assisted by foreign capital investment, the building of infrastructure, such as railroads, growth in the labor market due to immigration from outside, institutional strengthening, and increased educational opportunities.

However, "poverty and inequality have been strongly established in Latin American communities since the early colonial era," despite the fact that other regions have thriving economies. Silver and sugar were historically the main drivers of the colonial economy in Latin America, which has a history of export-based economies. The area continues to be an essential supplier of minerals and raw materials.

To learn more about Latin America, visit the link below:



what happened after coronado was investigated over his expeditions


The thing that happened after coronado was investigated over his expeditions is that Grand Canyon and other major physical landmarks of the regionwere discovered.

What  took place after Coronado's expedition?

It should ber noted that  the explorers found none of the storied treasure, however there was a discoveries of the Grand Canyon and other major physical landmarks of the region, and clashed violently with local Indians.

It should be noted that With his expedition labeled a failure by Spanish colonial authorities, the Coronado returned to Mexico, where he died in 1554, however Francisco Vázquez de Coronado  who was been considered as the Spanish conquistador as well as the explorer  led a large expedition from what is now Mexico to present-day Kansas .

Learn more about expeditions at: https://brainly.com/question/27826682


What is so special about Taj Mahal?


In the entirety of Indo-Islamic architecture, the Taj Mahal is regarded as the pinnacle of architectural achievement. It combines rhythmically solids, voids, and light shadow.

Architectural design is what?

The idea of architectural design centers on the parts or constituents of a structure. The individual in control of the design and architecture is typically an architect. To build a logical and practical structure, they manipulate both space and natural elements.

What function does architectural serve?

Using specific tools and, most importantly, creativity, the discipline of architectural design focuses on addressing and satisfying the requirements and demands for the creation of livable settings. Despite the widespread misconception that architecture is solely a technological endeavor, the goal is to integrate the mechanical and the aesthetic.

To know more about architectural visit:



What does the story of Turtle Island teach about creation?


The turtle is a symbol of life itself and is claimed to support the world in a number of Indigenous origin myths. Therefore, Turtle Island appeals to a variety of spiritual conceptions of creation. For some, the turtle is a symbol of identity, culture, independence, and a great regard for the natural world.

What is the story of Turtle Island teach about creation?

The first tale to be told is the Kanienkehaka Creation Story. It reveals the fundamental attitude on life and the world that the Mohawk and Iroquoian people have.

The Mohawk people are distinct from their neighbours in North America and around the world due to their worldview, as well as their racial makeup, language, and culture.Indigenous cultures have many versions of the legend of Turtle Island, but generally speaking, it serves as a creation tale that emphasises the turtle as a symbol of life and the earth. The brief retellings of Indigenous peoples' tales that are presented below. These examples just aim to illustrate the general traits and plots of many stories; they in no way purport to represent all variations of the story.

To know more about Turtle Island please click here ; https://brainly.com/question/24708483


Why did kenyatta want to distance himself from the mau mau? check all that apply.



There are several reasons why Jomo Kenyatta, the first President of independent Kenya, may have wanted to distance himself from the Mau Mau movement. Some possible reasons include:

The Mau Mau was a militant group that fought for independence from British colonial rule in Kenya during the 1950s. The group was known for its violent tactics and was considered a terrorist organization by the British government. Kenyatta, who was a leader in the independence movement, may have wanted to distance himself from the Mau Mau in order to present a more moderate and peaceful image to the international community.

The Mau Mau was primarily composed of members of the Kikuyu tribe, while Kenyatta came from the Kamba tribe. Kenyatta may have wanted to distance himself from the Mau Mau in order to appeal to a broader base of support and to avoid being perceived as representing only one ethnic group.

After Kenya gained independence in 1963, Kenyatta faced the challenge of building a cohesive and stable nation out of a diverse and divided society. Distancing himself from the Mau Mau, which was associated with tribalism and violence, may have helped Kenyatta to build bridges between different ethnic groups and to promote national unity.

Kenyatta may have wanted to distance himself from the Mau Mau in order to distance himself from the violence and repression that marked the Mau Mau insurgency. The British government responded to the Mau Mau uprising with a brutal counterinsurgency campaign that included torture, detention, and forced relocation. Kenyatta may have wanted to avoid being associated with these actions and to present a more positive and forward-looking vision for Kenya's future.

What is the main conflict in this excerpt Animal Farm?


Snowball wants to build a windmill, but Napoleon believes other things are more crucial, which becomes the primary conflict in Animal Farm. Snowball disagrees with Napoleon's assertion that the farm need not be protected in the event that others revolt.

The main conflict in Animal Farm occurs when the pigs' political power is consolidated, corrupting the animals' yearning for freedom and equality. Just as Stalin utilized the secret police to stifle his opponents, Napoleon utilises his hounds to defend himself and oppress his foes.

Clover is dissatisfied and debating whether to revolt against Animal Farm. Because her ideas contradict what Old Major taught her, Clover is upset. Clover is angry about what occurred at the farm and about not being able to stop.

To learn more about Animal Farm



What was the Patriot Act of 2001 ?



Considered one of the most important legislative acts of the Confederation Congress, the Northwest Ordinance also protected civil liberties and outlawed slavery in the new territories.


Summarize how water is shared among users.


Water is first distributed to those in most need, and how much they get depends on how large the irrigated lands are.

Define an Acequia System.

The Roman Empire was where the Acequia system first emerged. Spain and Portugal are located on the Iberian peninsula, which was developed by Roman engineers and has the acequia canals. The method was later disseminated around their colonies by Spaniards, Portuguese, and the local Arabs, with the Acequias in the United States dating back about 400 years. The neediest people are given water first, and how much water they receive depends on how big the irrigated areas are. Farmers downstream also have a right to the water, therefore users must remove weeds, keep animals out of the ditches, and watch out for blocking or damming the ditches.

To know more about Acequia System, visit:



What is the best way to reduce water and land pollution? landscape with native plantskeep wood stoves cleanride a bike to school or workperform regular vehicle maintenance.


The best way to reduce water and land pollution is to perform regular vehicle maintenance, ride a bike to school or work, keep wood stoves clean, and landscape with native plants. Regular vehicle maintenance helps reduce air pollution, which can lead to water and land pollution. Riding a bike to school or work reduces the amount of emissions from cars, which can also lead to water and land pollution. Keeping wood stoves clean helps reduce air pollution, which can also lead to water and land pollution. Finally, landscaping with native plants helps reduce the amount of runoff from fertilizers and pesticides, which can lead to water and land pollution.

Study the interactive in the leon to decribe the background and contribution of thee key hitorical figure. Then repond to the reflection quetion. Your anwer hould be written in complete entence. Lewi




Decribe each
individual’ background. Decribe the
contribution he/he made to the expedition. Reflection Quetion

Why wa it important to end explorer into the new territory of the United State?


The most important members of the Lewis and Clark Expedition were Sacajawea, York, and Lewis because they were "Heroes of the Wild."

Four outstanding American men make up the "heroes of the wild," including Lewis and Clark, who collaborated on this investigation. Sacajawea assisted them in communicating with the indigenous when necessary, and York was Clark's slave.

In 1804, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were sent by President Thomas Jefferson to lead the Lewis and Clark Expedition through the recently annexed Louisiana Territory.

The expedition, which took two years to complete, provided the groundwork for US westward expansion. The still-unknown regions in the center of the North American continent have been the subject of extensive research. In this way, they make the Pacific Ocean voyages visible.

To learn more about Lewis and Clark



How does Odysseus show the Greek value of loyalty?


Odysseus demonstrates loyalty by opposing the Cyclops Polyphemus. Odysseus demonstrates his allegiance to his troops by sending them outside while tying them to the stomachs of the two rams.

The concepts of loyalty and intelligence recur frequently throughout Homer's "The Odyssey." They both appear since you need both to succeed in life, especially on a journey like Odysseus'. Odysseus would not have survived the journey without loyalty and cunning. Up until Charybdis ate his crew, he kept himself and them safe. Both were required, and both were utilized and demonstrated.

Odysseus exhibited loyalty by being devoted to his crew. Both they and he were assisted by him. When Odysseus sees Elpinor at Hades and returns to the island to bury him, this is an example. When he goes to save them from Circe, he is also faithful. He did not have to save his men from Circe and he could not have buried Elpinor.

To know more about Odysseus:



In what order did the following actions take place: the meeting of the
National Convention, the establishment of the National Assembly, and the adoption of a


national assembly, then the constitution was made, then national convention


european history student

What do the contributions of the ancient civilizations of ghana, songhai, and mali demonstrate?


The contributions of the ancient civilizations of Songhai, Ghana, and Mali demonstrate that sophisticated cultures existed in Africa before Europeans invaded the continent. Before they came into contact with Europeans, the Axum, Kush, Mali, and Songhai peoples all had long and rich histories. 

Ancient Ghana was a region that is now part of Senegal, Mauritania, and Mali. The earliest of three great, historic empires, known as Ancient Ghana, is said to have been founded by the Mandé people, also called the Soninke. The empires of Mali and Songhai were the next two.

The state of Kangaba, which is believed to have been established prior to 1000 c.e., was the ancestor of the Mali empire. The Songhai empire, which is sometimes spelled Songhay, was a powerful trading power in West Africa that thrived between the 15th and 16th centuries.

Learn more about Songhai Empire here: brainly.com/question/13907998


How do you think the Native Americans felt about "Americanization" and why?



They were worried about assimilating immigrants.


Americanization Dating back to the late eighteenth century, native-born Americans worried about assimilating immigrants; the nation's entrance into the war heightened this already palpable concern. In 1917, one out of every three U.S. citizens was either a first- or second-generation American. Nearly one fifth of the army had been born abroad.


They wished to keep their traditions. And via the Americanization of their children, this would be causing their habits to no longer be used by their children who have grown up in this new time. Would adopt new traditions. They are also one of their children to be able to grow up the same way that they did and have the same rules that they did as a form of bonding in the family.

Project: Designing an E-commerce Site
Take some time to do some research about small businesses in your area. Select one and use HTML to design a simple site that educates people on what it has to offer. You will not be able to create a shopping cart or include detailed information. Make sure you keep in mind the hints about search engine optimization that were discussed in the lesson


You won't be able to add specific information or make a shopping cart. Make sure to remember the suggestions. Creating an Online Store Spend some time learning more about local small businesses.

What e-commerce means?

Electronic commerce, also known as e-commerce, is the trading of goods and services over the internet. You can think of it as the internet superhighway's version of your busy city center or physical store in zeroes and ones.

E-commerce offers a way to drive sales, increase visibility on the web, and meet growth goals in a way that achieves everything you need, making it a sure way for small businesses to stand out, especially in a market that is so crowded.

Learn more about e-commerce here:



What did President Wilson want to achieve with a treaty to end the war?


On January 8, 1918, address to Congress, President Woodrow Wilson proposed a 14-point program for world peace. These points were later taken as the basis for peace negotiations at the end of World War I.

The specifics of President Wilson's January 8, 1918, speech on War Aims and Peace Terms were based on reports compiled by "The Inquiry," a group of 150 political and social scientists led by Wilson's adviser and longtime friend Col. M. Edward House Their duty was to investigate American and Allied policy in nearly every region of the world and investigate economic, social, and political facts that might be discussed at the peace conference. In the end, the team produced and gathered nearly 2,000 distinct reports, documents, and at least 1,200 maps. The team's work began in secret.

In the speech, Wilson called for the abolition of secret treaties, a reduction in armaments, an adjustment in colonial claims in the interests of both native peoples and colonists, and freedom of the seas. He also called for the abolition of armaments. Additionally, Wilson proposed actions that would guarantee world peace in the future. He proposed, for instance, the elimination of economic barriers between nations, the assurance of “self-determination” for oppressed minorities, and the establishment of a global organization that would offer a system of collective security for all nations. Wilson's 14 Focuses were intended to sabotage the Focal Powers' will to proceed, and to move the  to triumph. Behind the enemy's lines, rockets and shells rained down on the 14 Points, which were broadcast worldwide.

To know more about President Woodrow Wilson  visit



What is yellow journalism and how did it influence Americans about events between Cuba and Spain?


Yellow journalism is a style of newspaper reporting that emphasized sensationalism over records. Influences Americans through the acquisition of remote places territory through the united states.

The Spanish-American struggle is frequently referred to as the primary "media war" at some stage in the 1890s, journalism that sensationalized and on occasion even manufactured—dramatic occasions become a effective pressure that helped propel the united states into struggle with Spain. Led by newspaper proprietors William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, journalism of the 1890s used melodrama, romance, and hyperbole to sell tens of millions of newspapers--a fashion that have become known as yellow journalism.

The time period yellow journalism came from a popular international comedian referred to as "Hogan's Alley," which featured a yellow-dressed character named the "the yellow kid" decided to compete with Pulitzer's international in every manner, rival the big apple journal proprietor William Randolph Hearst copied Pulitzer's sensationalist fashion or even employed "Hogan's Alley" artist R.F. Outcault far from the world. In reaction, Pulitzer commissioned some other cartoonist to create a 2d yellow youngster. soon, the sensationalist press of the Eighteen Nineties became a competition among the "yellow children," and the journalistic fashion turned into coined "yellow journalism."

To know more about Yellow Journalism click here:



What was the result of the Glorious Revolution of 1688 quizlet?


The Glorious Revolution of 1688 resulted in permanently establishing Parliament as the ruling power of England.

The Glorious Revolution of 1688 is one of the most important events in English history. It resulted in the overthrow of King James II, a Stuart monarch, and the replacement of him with William III, a Dutch prince, and his wife Mary II.

The Glorious Revolution was precipitated by James II's attempts to assert his authority over Parliament and to expand the role of the Catholic Church in England. It also led to the Bill of Rights, which guaranteed certain rights and liberties to the English people.

To know more about revolution, click here.



What is the core teaching of Christianity?



The central tenet of Christianity is the belief in Jesus as the Son of God and the Messiah (Christ). Christians believe that Jesus, as the Messiah, was anointed by God as savior of humanity and hold that Jesus' coming was the fulfillment of messianic prophecies of the Old Testament.


What does Chapter 6 of Animal Farm symbolize?


Chapter Six of Animal farm symbolizes corruption as Napoleon's greed continues to grow.

The novel "Animal Farm" by George Orwell is a classic piece of political satire that uses a variety of symbols to provide insight into human nature. One of the most important symbols in the novel is the windmill, which represents the industrialization of Russia.

The windmill is a symbol of the Soviet Union's Five Year Plan, which was an attempt to modernize the country through massive industrialization. The windmill is also a symbol of the power and domination that the Soviet Union had over the people in Russia.

To know more about Animal, click here.



What did Wilson propose at the end of ww1?


Woodrow Wilson also put out recommendations at the end of International War One that would guarantee future world peace. He advocated, for instance, the abolition of trade restrictions between states, the guarantee of "self-determination" for marginalized groups, and the creation of a global organization that would offer a system of universal security to all countries.

In his address to Congress on January 8, 1918, President Woodrow Wilson outlined a 14-point plan for achieving world peace. These ideas eventually served as the cornerstone of peace talks after World War I.

Wilson's plan advocated for the victorious Allies to negotiate benevolent terms of peace with the defeated Central Powers of World War I, including maritime freedom, the return of occupied territory, and the right to national self-determination in tense areas like the Balkans.

To learn more about Woodrow Wilson



What attitude of the poet is revealed in the poem Sea Fever?


He adores the ocean and won't be content until he can go swimming in it once more. His yearning is so intense that it nearly feels compelled.

The poem Sea Fever reveals the mentality of the poet?

He chose to write his own poems after being inspired by another poet. This poem demonstrates the poet's enthusiasm in sailing and his desire to go around like a gypsy and see whatever there is to see in the water. In order to realize his passion to explore the sea, he wants his own boat.

How does the speaker feel about the sea Sea Fever?

The speaker of the poem laments his inability to fulfill his intense longing to go back to the sea. longer disregard. Masefield conveys the beauty of the ocean and a life at sea through imagery and personification.

To know more about  poem Sea Fever visit:-



How did Beowulf finally succeed in killing Grendel's mother?



Beowulf discovers a giant magic sword in the cave and is able to kill the mother with it. The sword melts to its hilt after Beowulf uses it to decapitate the corpse of Grendel

One contribution of Muslim scholarship in Spain to the intellectual life of Europe was-

answer choices
the introduction of a movable-type printing press
the creation of a unified body of Islamic and Christian law
the preservation and translation of Greek and Roman texts
the development of the Cyrillic alphabet for Slavic languages


The introduction of a movable type printing press

Who were the first 5 presidents of the US?



The first 5 presidents of the United States were George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe.


These men served as president from 1789 to 1825, during the early years of the United States. Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe were instrumental in shaping the country and establishing many of the political, economic, and social institutions that continue to be important today.

George Washington.
John Addams
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
James Monroe

Why did Wilson develop his ideas for a peace plan?


Woodrow Wilson came up with his ideas for a peace strategy because he thought that the United States alone could forge a successful peace agreement since the opposing sides were morally and politically bankrupt.

Wilson felt that by becoming involved in 1917, the US would ensure its dominance and significant position in the next peace negotiations.

Wilson aimed to create a system that would promote a democratic and peaceful future for the United States while also preventing future wars from erupting. He believed that creating the League of Nations was the best way to accomplish this goal on a global basis.

He outlined his ideas for a just and peaceful future, one that would have open oceans, a global accord to prevent weapons races, a role for the United States as a peace broker, and most importantly, peace without victory.

To learn more about Woodrow Wilson



Nationalism and the Spread of Democracy (1790-1914)


It is to be noted that Nationalism fueled the spread of democracy from 1790-1914, but also contributed to imperialism. The growth of democratic governments during this time was a step towards more equal societies.

What is democracy?

Recall that Democracy is a form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation, or to choose governing officials to do so.

During the period from 1790 to 1914, nationalism played a significant role in the spread of democracy around the world. As people began to identify more with their nation and its values, they began to demand greater representation and a say in the decisions that affected their lives.

This led to the emergence of democratic movements and the establishment of democratic governments in many parts of the world. At the same time, nationalism also had a dark side, as it was often used to justify imperialism and the conquest of other nations.

Despite this, the spread of democracy during this period was an important step forward in the development of modern, more inclusive, and egalitarian societies.

Learn more about democracy:

Full Question:

Write a 100-word essay on Nationalism and the Spread of Democracy (1790-1914)

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