What stats are recorded in volleyball?


Answer 1

The stats recorded in volleyball are number of digs, assists, kills and blocks.

Volleyball stats offer a( substantially) objective look at player and platoon performance, and can be vital to helping determine applicable areas of focus for unborn training, determining optimal reels, and furnishing a broad look at platoon performance overall.

A dig is anytime a player passes up a ball which has been attacked by the opponent. The ATTACK part is critical to effectively determining this stat, because a ball which is passed over the net by the opponent would not affect in a dig for your platoon player. A pass in serve admit would not count moreover.

To learn more about volleyball here



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What is Yorick purpose?


He is the last survivor of a long forgotten religious order, he is both blessed and cursed with power over the dead.

Being able to control the dead comes with both blessings and curses for them , the lone surviving member of a long-forgotten religious institution. His sole company while stranded on the Shadow Isles Crest icon are the howling spirits and decaying corpses that he attracts to him. His horrific deeds belie his admirable goal, which is to release his home from the  curse. It was raised in a small fishing community near the Blessed . His inability to fit in with his  led him to discover that he could see the spirits of the dead. Although he was initially terrified of these ghosts, he later understood that they were just lost and did not intend to harm him.

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What was the purpose of Elizabethan drama?


Answer:  Elizabethan theatre was important because it created groups of professional actors who performed regular and cheap plays for the public in purpose-built theatres.

What are the six main reasons for Swift's proposal?


In an effort to convince the Irish Parliament to improve the living conditions of the impoverished, he released "A Modest Proposal."

Swift uses satire to draw attention to the issue before providing potential solutions. Your best friend resumes chatting while you smirk. For the past two days, she has only griped about how unfair and challenging your English assignment is. You are aware of your options, right? You sternly remark, "Well, you know what you can do," as you turn to face her. Rip the teacher's terrible assignment into a million pieces and drop it on her desk to show your disgust. You're right; that would constitute a statement. Your pal is staring at you while gaping. She maintains her silence and ceases whining about the assignment.

Learn more about A Modest Proposal here:



Novels as a form of literature are only a few hundred years old true or false if you took the test and got it right please give me the answers I will give you brainliest


Although its origins in English are generally dated to the 18th century, its roots can be found in cultures thousands of years older than our own.

How old is the literary genre of the novel? A novel is a lengthy, intricate work of fiction written in prose that creatively explores human experience.Although its origins in English are generally dated to the 18th century, its roots go back thousands of years.One of the most widely read types of literature is the novel (Image credit: David Madison/Getty Images).A novel is a narrative work of prose fiction that chronicles a particular human experience over a sizable amount of time.The Italian word "novella," which was employed for stories during the Middle Ages, served as the inspiration for the novel's early 18th-century name.Its definition has changed, and today it is thought to refer to a prose fiction work that is over 50,000 words.

To learn more about genre of the novel refer



What two symbols does the Animal Farm flag have?


The flag of Animal Farm consists of a green field with a hoof and a horn. According to the book, the green represents the fields of England, while the hoof and horn represents the Republic of the Animals.

Explain the difference between a general setting and a specific setting.


The difference between a general setting and a specific setting is that the general setting is pertinent to the whole story, while the specific setting is more detailed depending on the scenes that will occur.

How important is the setting?

The setting can be understood as the place where the story will take place, that is, a real or fictional place that is aligned with the characteristics described in the story, whether written or staged.

Therefore, the composition of the elements and characteristics of the scenario must contain details where it is possible for the reader or spectator to imagine and perceive the scenes in a more meaningful way, in relation to the environment, location, time, cultural characteristics, etc.

Find out more about setting on:



How can you contribute in the development of your community and country?


Volunteer. One of the most gratifying ways to give back to your community is by volunteering. Get Your Community Clean. Assist Your Neighbors. Donate Items; make Financial Donations.

What can I do as a student to help my country?

Therefore, kids may do their share to advance our nation by working hard and learning their curriculum. The prosperity of our nation will undoubtedly rise as the literacy rate rises. participating in sports and showcasing their talent in them. preserving our environment and our natural environment.

Future citizens are those in school.

Therefore, kids may do their share to advance our nation by working hard and learning their curriculum.

The prosperity of our nation will undoubtedly rise as the literacy rate rises.

participating in sports and showcasing their talent in them.

preserving our environment and our natural environment.

Participation in all activities promotes the advancement of our nation.

To know more about contribution Filipino to his country's progress visit:



What are two allegory examples?


Two examples are Animal Farm is a superb example of an allegory, and it's frequently used to explain the idea in high school English students, Marianne, a popular Christian name, has become an allegory in France.

The literary device of allegory is used to convey significant, complicated ideas in a clear, understandable way. With powerful critiques of political or societal reality, allegory enables writers to put some space between themselves and the topics they are criticizing.

The Latin term "allegories," which means speaking to imply something else, is where the word "allegory" originates. An allegory is a short narrative that makes a wider point about society or human nature. The many characters may be real people. Sometimes, without ever directly articulating the connection, events in the novel may resemble events from history or contemporary life.

Allegories and metaphors both serve to explain a point by drawing parallels to something else.

Know more about allegory here:



Which of the following is a drawback of direct democracy?
A.) Direct democracy is relatively swift, meaning faulty policy can be enacted without thorough review.
B.) Direct democracy excludes some categories of the population.
C.) Under direct democracy, the populace can be swayed by temporary emotions and radical elements.
D.) Direct democracy involves the election of representatives to various levels of government, which is often time-consuming


It is B because it is

Is interest group informal group?


An interest group is a collection of people who come together in an informal setting to work toward a common goal that interests all of the members.

This could be a group of individuals who band together within an enterprise to request better working conditions or an improved employee assessment system. An organization that tries to indirectly influence the government is referred to as an interest group.

Every day, members of the sales team join the human resources team for lunch. Another illustration of such informal groups is when members of the sales team assist those working in technology development in determining the specifications for the product.

To learn more about interest group here:



What is iambic pentameter in sonnet?


The iambic pentameter in sonnet describes the rhythm.

Iambic pentameter is a kind of metric line employed in ancient English poetry and verse drama. The term describes the rhythm, or meter, established by the words therein line; rhythm is measured in tiny teams of syllables known as "foot".

In English writing, rhythm is measured by teams of syllables referred to as “foot.” Iambic pentameter uses a kind of foot referred to as an “iamb,” that may be a short, weak linguistic unit followed by a extended, stressed linguistic unit. A line written in iambic verse contains 5 iambic foot—hence, pentameter.

To learn more about iambic pentameter here



Which point would map onto itself?


The only line that will reflect ABCD onto itself if you graph all of the lines listed is (C) x + y = 4.

We require a line that traverses the centre of the figure in order to reflect ABCD onto itself. Segment DA is the only object that reflects about y = 1 onto itself. The points will all move in the reflection about either of the lines since lines 2x + y = 2 and x + y = 1 do not cross the figure at all. However, because A and C are both intersected by the line x + y = 4, these points won't move in the reflection. Point D will be reflected onto the location of point B, and point B will be reflected onto the location of point D.

The figure and the equation x + y = 4 are graphed.


Which of the following would be a line of reflection that would map ABCD onto itself? 
A) y = 1 

B) 2x + y = 2 

C) x + y = 4 

D) x + y = 1

To know more about Graphs, refer to this link:



What is the hardest Filipino word?


Pinakanakapagpapabagabag-damdamin” is the hardest Filipino word.

Pinakanakapagpapabagabag-damdamin is a word constructed from 32 letters and is the longest word in Tagalog, which means “the most emotionally disturbing (or upsetting) thing.

According to Guinness World Records, the longest Tagalog word is Pinakanakapagpapabagabag-damdamin, that is a verb meaning to induce significant discomfort or annoyance. The word has 28 letters and is one of several verb different kinds in the Filipino language. Pinakanakapagpapabagabag-damdamin is the longest Filipino word and is frequently used as a tongue twister.

However, the significance behind it is crucial because it demonstrates the potency of the Filipino people's native language.

For more information on Filipino words, visit :



How is a simple sentence used as a satire?


The way in which a simple sentence can be used as a satire can be:

He made a satire about how corrupt the government wasThe play was filled with satire as the playwright wrote about the issues of unrealistic societal expectations., etc

What is a Satire?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the figurative expression or literary expression that makes use of sarcasm, hyperbole, irony and many others to mock, ridicule or make fun of a political or societal issue to show how ridiculous it is.

Hence, it can be seen that a simple sentence can be used to talk about satire as some examples are given above, and also, a satire can be used to tackle any issue that relates to people or governance, such as: "Perhaps, we should start eating our babies since the government has raised unemployment levels"

Read more about satire here:



Do you think crew members are likely to banter as they board the space shuttle?



I don't think crew members are likely to banter as they board the space shuttle


What is the importance of analyzing the connotation and denotation of a word explain briefly?


The two primary approaches for clarifying word meanings are connotation and denotation. Unlike denotation, which is a word's, literal definition that can be found in a dictionary, connotation is the vast array of positive and negative associations most words naturally bring with them.

Denotation and connotation are important factors to take into account when creating poetry. Word choice, or the language we use to describe thoughts, ideas, and images, is a crucial element of poetry. We can use words that give our poems more depth and deeper significance by using denotation and connotation.

Tone, meaning, and description can all be improved by being aware of word connotations. If you don't consider a term's definitions, your word choice might not support your objectives.

To learn more about denotation here:



What is the purpose of ruins?


For historians, archaeologists, and anthropologists, ruins are very important, whether they were once a single fortification, a place of worship, an ancient university, home or a utility facility, or village, town.

What do the ruins mean?

Ruins serve as a reminder that life is brittle and transient, and that eventually the human body will deteriorate. With the Renaissance, ruins were first accurately depicted in art. The ruins of classical civilization became emblems of enlightenment and archives of lost knowledge throughout that period of burgeoning art and science.

The remnants of a civilization's architecture are called ruins (from the Latin ruina, "a collapse"). The word refers to once intact structures that have gradually deteriorated into a condition of partial or complete ruin as a result of a number of circumstances, including poor care, intentional destruction by humans, or unforeseen destruction by natural occurrences.

To know more about Ruins visit:



How does Poe use imagery and mood in The Masque of the Red Death?


Edgar Allan Poe uses symbolism to portray the mood of death and despair with imagery though his descriptions of time, fear, and obliteration to develop the theme of the story.

Edgar Allan Poe develops the concept of the story in "The Masque of the Red Death" by using symbolism to evoke a sense of death and despair through imagery in his descriptions of time, terror, and obliteration. This is not just a straightforward horror story. Edgar Allan Poe wants the readers of "The Masque of the Red Death" to feel frightened when they read the book. Poe makes several attempts to illustrate how terrifying the situation is throughout the narrative. For instance, "there were immediate disorientation and intense aches, followed by copious bleeding at the pores and disintegration." Hearing that this illness could lead you to bleed demonstrates Poe's intent to scare readers.

To know more about instance refer :



What are the 5 safety procedures to be followed?


The 5 safety procedures are as followed,

Stay alert

Wear the right clothes.

Use the right tools.

Learn how to lift.

Get first aid immediately.

Through many years of investigation accidents and analysis within the field of accident reconstruction, leaders within the field of activity accident interference have complete that there area unit specific reasons why accidents occur. They found that employee safety depends on employee behavior and human factors.

They developed 10 safety rules and, whereas several of you will have detected them before, they're value repeating:

STAY ALERT - and keep alive. The additional awake a employee is, the less possible he or she is to urge hurt. If you're unsure the way to operate instrumentation or perform a task, raise your supervisor. do not guess and muddle through. make certain you recognize ahead the proper, safe thanks to bang.

WEAR the proper garments - work garments ought to work properly. something which will catch in machinery or trip you up is dangerous . Wear protecting article of clothing and instrumentation as needed.

USE the proper TOOLS - if you wish a hammer, get a hammer. it's going to be handier to use a try of pliers, wrench or screw driver, however you're additional possible to urge disjointed.

LEARN HOW TO carry - Lifting takes quite muscle; it's AN art. do not attempt to show howeversturdy you are; you will find yourself in an exceedingly hospital. Get facilitate to handle somethingthat's too significant or cumbersome for you.

DON'T BE A bad hat - sensible jokes and romp is dangerous, particularly around significant-machinery. If you're feeling the urge to play, resist it till when work.

BE TIDY - sensible housework reduces hazards within the work or your home. invariably placeaway tools after they don't seem to be in use. Keep the floors clean, obtain scraps and absorb spills a mistake or trip is fatal.

REPORTING is very important - ne'er fail to report accidents, defective instrumentation and or unsafe conditions.GET attention forthwith - if you are hurt - albeit it appears minor. Neglect of AN injury might result in serious infection, weeks of lost time, and probably permanent injury.

BACK YOUR SAFETY PROGRAM - If you've got a thought you suspect can cut back accidents, tell your supervisor concerning it. Set AN example by obeying safety rules. join forces along with your safety committee.

NEVER TAKE an opportunity - Next to sheer carelessness, short cuts area unit in all probability the largest killer of all. to avoid wasting a second or 2, you will lose a period of time. no matter you're doing, if you're not doing it safely, you're not doing it right.

To learn more about safety procedures-



Is sclerosis and multiple sclerosis the same thing?


The sclerosis and multiple sclerosis are not the same thing but are distinct autoimmune diseases.

In MS, ensuing nerve injury disrupts communication between the brain and also the body. Multiple sclerosis causes many alternative symptoms, together with vision loss, pain, fatigue and impaired coordination. The symptoms, severity and length will vary from person to person. Some individuals could also be symptom free for many of their lives, whereas others will have severe, chronic symptoms that ne'er escape. Physiotherapy and drugs that suppress the system will facilitate with symptoms, and slow unwellness progression.

Autoimmune diseases are in which the body's system mistakes its own healthy tissues as foreign and attacks them. Most reaction diseases cause inflammation that may have an effect on several elements of the body.

To learn more about sclerosis here



Has Lupita realized her mother’s dream of her children that they feel at home in both places? why or why not
this is from the book "UNDER THE MESQUITE"


Lupita has realized her mother’s dream of her children that they feel at home in both places because McCall compares Lupita's journey to the growth of mesquite in her relatives' garden. The mesquite, which is obstinate yet strong and lovely, represents Lupita's quest to carve out new avenues for herself and her family.

What do you mean by Dream?

A dream is a series of thoughts, images, or feelings that take place while you sleep, and especially while you sleep.

The oldest of eight children and a loyal daughter to her parents, Lupita is a Mexican American teen. The family, who immigrated from Mexico, has strong ties to their native tongue, culture, religion, and sense of self.

Being the oldest of eight children, Lupita is accustomed to taking charge but still keeping herself occupied in the background to make everyone happy. Lupita is frightened of losing her mother, the center of their close-knit Mexican American family, when she learns that Mami has been diagnosed with cancer.

Therefore, Lupita has realized her mother’s dream of her children that they feel at home in both places.

Learn more about Dream, here;



Match each rhetorical appeal to its correct definition. Match Term Definition Ethos A) An appeal to emotion that may use vivid imagery, descriptions of emotional events, or emotionally charged words Logos B) An appeal to credibility, ethics, or moral principles that may use positive references to the audience's sense of right versus wrong Pathos C) An appeal to logic or reason that may use facts, statistics, and citations of valid evidence to bring an audience to a clear and logical conclusion



Term Definition

Ethos - An appeal to credibility, ethics, or moral principles that may use positive references to the audience's sense of right versus wrong

Logos - An appeal to logic or reason that may use facts, statistics, and citations of valid evidence to bring an audience to a clear and logical conclusion

Pathos - An appeal to emotion that may use vivid imagery, descriptions of emotional events, or emotionally charged words

imagine a world where uc berkeley did not have the free speech movement. why is there value in having free speech on campus?


Free speech on a college campus means that any opinion can be voiced and evaluated on its own merits. The most important function of free speech is to protect the voices of those with unpopular opinions, or those with opinions disliked by people with power.

Freedom of expression is one of the most important cornerstones of the democratic process, and it must be protected if we are to live in a society that is fair and equitable for everyone. Failure to do so erodes democracy.

Academic Right of Speech is meant to guarantee that academics have the freedom to speak new ideas, even if they contradict mainstream and generally held points of view, because it encourages discussion and study of notions that might advance human knowledge.

Learn more about  free speech to visit this link



What is the main story of Beowulf?


It tells the story of the Scandinavian hero Beowulf, who becomes famous as a young man by killing Grendel and Grendel's mother; later, as an ancient ruler, he kills a dragon; however, he passes away not long after, to both praise and grief.

Which quotations highlight Beowulf's courage?

Beowulf exhibits bravery in the poem. In the line of At this point, he wants to face Grendel alone and settle the dispute (Heaney 425-426). This statement demonstrates courage because he is telling them that he can fight Grendel and that he intends to do so whether he wins or loses.

Integrity and loyalty And either I succeed in that endeavour, establish my mettle with a heroic deed, or I perish here.

It tells the story of the Scandinavian hero Beowulf, who becomes famous as a young man by killing Grendel and Grendel's mother; later, as an ancient ruler, he kills a dragon; however, he passes away not long after, to both praise and grief.

To learn more about Beowulf refer to:



17. which of the following is the best advice for writing your first draft? a. start with the least important point and make your way to the most important point. b. write in list format instead of full sentences. c. carefully edit every sentence and paragraph as you go. d. get your ideas out first and worry about polishing them later.


The best advice for writing the first draft is Option D. Get your ideas out first and worry about polishing them later. To make the first draft, ideas are the key to creating your writing.

A draft is necessary in writing to organize ideas. There are two kinds of drafts. Those are the first draft and the second draft. 

A. First Draft

The first draft is called a "rough sketch" at the beginning of writing. A writer is usually stuck at the start, so getting the idea out first is critical in this step. The ideas flow and are then written down in some points (general idea and key points). Later, the writer will develop the ideas into a larger outline. So, ideas are the key to develop your writing.

B. Second Draft

The second draft is much better than a rough sketch. The writing is already in the development stage, and the review is the next step that must be taken by the writer. In the second draft, a writer will add a touch that makes the story more interesting. In this stage, the writer can rearrange the plot, pay attention to word choice, sentence structure, and punctuation.

To learn more about the purpose of writing a first draft here https://brainly.com/question/12677411


What is Japanese poetry style called?


The term "waka" refers to traditional Japanese poetry. Poetry has frequently been compiled into anthologies in Japan, and the earliest book that has been discovered is a 20-volume collection of waka known as Man'ysh (or Manyoshu), which was published in the seventh century.

There are 4,207 short poems (tanka) and 265 chka (large poems) in the collection. Types of Japanese poetry. Tanka (the current term for waka), haiku, and shi, or western-style poetry, have been the three main genres of Japanese poetry since the middle of the 19th century. Nowadays, experimental poetry and poetry that aims to rehabilitate old forms are among the most popular types of Japanese poetry.

The number of syllables and length of the poem are what distinguish a haiku from a tanka. A haiku is composed of three lines with a total of 17 syllables (5,7,5). While tankas contain five lines and a total of 31 syllables. These a bit lengthier poems adhere to this trend (5,7,5,7,7). The Japanese alphabet is actually a combination of three different writing systems. The names of these three alphabets are hiragana, katakana, and kanji.

To learn more about Japanese Poetry Visit : brainly.com/question/16623903


Can you work at 15 in Ontario?


To work in a factory other than a logging operation, such as a manufacturing or assembly facility, you must be at least 15 years old. repair businesses.

Students under the age of 18 who work no more than 28 hours per week while school is in session are eligible for the student minimum wage rate.

Before they may work, all young persons aged 13, 14, or 15 must complete the Young Worker Readiness Certificate Course and acquire a Certificate of Completion signed by their parent/guardian.

No, young persons aged 13, 14, or 15 are not permitted to work alone and must be directly supervised by an adult present at the job.

Learn more about to 15 years old visit here;



How does the speaker's conflicting attitude toward the wall develop over the course of the poem?


With his neighbor, the speaker starts to mend the wall, but later comes to the realization that perhaps the wall is not even essential.

What perspective does the speaker have on the wall in the poem Mending Wall?

Walls for the sake of walls are not something he believes in. An old proverb, "Nice fences make good neighbors," is the last recourse of the neighbor. Still not persuaded, the speaker prankishly urges the neighbor to see past the antiquated absurdity of this line of thinking. His neighbor won't be persuaded. Yes, the author is initially perplexed about the necessity of the wall, but by the poem's conclusion, he or she realizes how crucial it is.

The speaker and their neighbor's divergent worldviews are the main source of contention in "Mending Wall." The wall, in the speaker's opinion, keeps neighbors from mingling with one another. It is an artificial barrier that prevents the neighbors from getting to know one another better.

To know more about Mending Wall visit:



How the sea is used both as a physical presence and as a metaphor in the poem Dover Beach?


Here, the "Sea of Faith" refers to the collective human faith. Through this metaphor, Arnold opines that in the past this faith used to be full and thus, possibly, softened the human misery.

How is the sea used as both a physical presence and a metaphor in Dover Beach?The poem was written during Victorian times.As we all know it was in those years when one of  the so called  industrial revolutions took place.The developments of the era might have made humans less sentimental and more interested in the benefits brought by money and advances."the Sea of Faith" described by the author seems to be fading away.This is one of the major, go-for-broke metaphors in "Dover Beach." The speaker uses the idea of the sea that he's spent so much time building up, but this time he turns it into a metaphor for the human belief in a higher power. The real sea of the English Channel is reimagined as a "Sea of Faith."The coming of a time in which individualism is more important than everything has arrived into the lives of those who live in "Dover Beach".The author gives the impression of being disturbed by the wind which is now present on the coast instead of the calmness that used to reign on the place.He compares the ebb and flow of the sea to the ebb and flow of human misery. The ocean used to represent a “Sea of Faith,” as Arnold notes in the second-to-last stanza. However, this faith in humanity is withdrawing and retreating; humans cannot rely on the world for beauty and happiness.

To learn more about Dover beach refer to:



What is a editing and revising?


Editing means making adjustments at the sentence level like the spelling, grammar, and other elements. Making significant changes to a document's organization, or content is known as revision.

The four primary stages of writing are prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing. It is known as a recursive process. For documents to be effective, revision is essential. Here, you should give your readers' requirements and expectations additional consideration. The text starts to be focused on the reader. At this point, you should also polish your writing, making each sentence as succinct and precise as you can. Make clear and apparent the relationships between concepts. Spell checking your document is the final thing you should do before printing it. Wait till the other stages of the writing process are finished before editing your work.

Know more about writing at: https://brainly.com/question/623712


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